WRGO Magazine May 2015 Special Mother's Day Issue

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May 2015

Volume 2 - Issue 5

ABOUT Page 35 - 40 Page 8

SPECIAL Mother’s Day Issue

The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the love of a Mother.

Pages 111 - 136

~St. Therese of Lisieux~


Celebrating Mothers’ Around The World ~ In A World Filled With Hate - We Must Emulate L.O.V.E.~



Fan Videos

Humanitarian Projects


Valencia Dantzler Aka “Mother Diva”

Fan Art





Legacy Projects

“Shout It Out”

Children’s Projects





Dispelling Myths

Life’s Parallel



Unchartered Waters


Flowers for Michael

Forever In Our Hearts 2

WRGO Magazine Editorial Toya Graham: Mother of the Year Or A Child Abuser? ANGRY BALTIMORE MOM BEATS SON AFTER SEEING HIM THROW ROCKS AT POLICE As for me and my house we say “Toya Graham” is a hero.

She kept her son alive and showed the world, who was watching, that she teach her children to respect law and order.

BALTIMORE, MD A suspected rioter in Baltimore got the smackdown of his life Monday by his mom on television.

Brandon Hartzell, 27, a golfer, questioned on Twitter the hypocrisy of praising Graham for hitting her son while admonishing football player Adrian Peterson, who faced criminal abuse charges for disciplining his son with a switch. "We accused one person and praised another for the same action," he said. "It's so hypocritical."

The mother saw her son on television throwing rocks at police, reports ABC Baltimore affiliate WMAR. That's when she'd had enough, dishing up a dose of discipline. The pair was identified as Toya Graham, a single mother of six, and her 16-year-old son, according to the Associated Press. SOURCE

I agree with Mr. Hartzell to a certain point. The cases may be totally different. I’m not that familiar with the Peterson case. However, I must agree with the way Toya Graham handled her teenage son. There should have been other parents out there doing the same thing. She sent a very strong message to the world and to her son. Right on “Toya Graham”.

Some do NOT see Toya Graham as a hero or mother of the year but instead a “Child Abuser”, REALLY! The police posted a message on twitter asking parents to locate their children and bring them home as they were rioting and throwing rocks at police officers. What was she suppose to do other than look for her son and remove him for his OWN safety? If she would have allowed him to continue rioting he could have been killed. The police still have a job to do by maintaining law and order as peaceably as possible. Not all police are bad, just like all “black” people are not bad. Yes, I said that. We can’t have it both ways people.

Baltimore Mom of the Year: ‘I don’t want him to be a Freddie Gray’. AND THAT I DO UNDERSTAND. Toya Graham deserves that award.

She could have stayed home and watched her son diefrom a scene on her television set. She used the only means she knew how to protect her child. THAT is not called abuse. Thank goodness she used force to keep him alive. 3

REMOVING THE JUNK FROM THE COMMUNITY TRUNK ~In A World Filled With Hate - We must Emulate L.O.V.E.~ The purpose of this magazine is to provide the audience with specialized information from a unique community; dedicated to and built upon the Love and Light of Michael Jackson.

We wish to be an avenue to the beautiful things going forward; and share those things in this magazine once a month. We want to appeal to the rooted fans as well as the innovative.

We bring you this material by way of the countless groups and projects created because of Michael Jackson.

Don’t put JUNK in your new TRUNK. It devalues your new found treasure.


This magazine will be dedicated to those projects with undertakings that build up the community; and actually possess the healing and light properties needed to help change a world filled with darkness and a community that has become infested with it.

We wish to provide the Community Trunk, the new body of Michael Jackson, with information about new and delightful support projects. There has been too much “Junk” attached to his trunk and it is time we start anew by peeling away the old and rotted garbage from his amazing trunk, his community. We hope you will be a part of the solution and not the rubbish. All rights reserved

There should be no room for old junk in a new trunk. Michael is a new creature in Christ Jesus. The old MJ has passed away and behold, all things concerning him have become new.

© 2014 What’s REALLY Going ON Magazine

“What’s REALLY Going ON” a magazine to promote MJ and Non-MJ related Groups/Projects/Events.

Time for your Light to Shine 4


Visual Artist: Alena Galayko Page 9 - 10

Artist Highlight: The Whispers Page 17 - 20


PAGE 58 - 61

Page 51

Global/Humanitarian Event The Woman Who Created Mother’s Day

The Gloved One Ultimate Fan Competition & Tribute  MJ Week Kick-off Party

Page 52 5



Page 55 PAGE 62-63 Michael and Daniele on the stage

Miracle in Milan By: Mirella Giurco

How Do You Honor Your Mother? By: Speechless MagikalChild Page 74 Call For Love: Diana Foley Respect Your Father And Your Mother Page 76

In Retrospect: Michael Jackson 2005 Trial Mother, Katherine Jackson, Was There From Start To Finish

...and a child’s heart

Pages: 94 - 110

Page 143 - 144 6




WRGO MAGAZINE EDITORIAL: Toya Graham: Mother of the Year Or A Child Abuser?







73 75





14 15

BOOKS: The Fantastic Life of Michael Jackson


16 21 23








GLOBAL EVENTS 29 Richard Nilsson’s World Peace Night in Cannes 30 31-34 Michael Jackson Party: Budapest, Hungary We Are Trending: #HAPPYBIRTHDAYJANET 4LOVEprojects: THIRD INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY FESTIVAL, Other June Events









"Pop culture in the pantheon of Fine Arts / Dangerous, form Mark Ryden to Michael Jackson. "







44 45 46









SPECIAL ARTWORK BY Katarina Hodanova Created Especially For Mrs. Katherine Jackson









53 54 56

















ABOUT KATHERINE JACKSON Michael Jackson and his mother, Katherine, had an unbreakable bond When ABC wanted to make a miniseries about the Jackson family's life in 1992, Michael Jackson had one major requirement before he would give his blessing: Someone beautiful had to play his mother. The pop superstar adored Katherine Jackson, who ended up being portrayed by Angela Bassett in the miniseries A Jehovah's Witness, Katherine Jackson is universally described as a gentle, loving matriarch who has doted on her family and fought to keep them united through tough times.

Born Katherine Scruse, she was reared in Chicago and overcame polio as a child. She married Joe Jackson at age 19, and they had 10 children (Marlon Jackson had a twin who died shortly after birth) in nearby Gary, Indiana. Katherine and Joe Jackson are still married and have been for 66 years.

L. Londell McMillan, who is part of the legal team representing Katherine Jackson , said Jackson trusted his mother completely and wanted to make sure she was always well provided for. "Michael would often say to those of us in his life, 'Please make sure you help me to protect and take care of my children and my mother Katherine,'" McMillan said.

Though it was Joe Jackson who managed Michael Jackson and his brothers to early stardom, Michael credited his mother with giving him his vocal gifts. He described her as a pianist and singer in her own right who was the first to identify and encourage her children's musical talents.

Rob Goldstone, a former Jackson publicist who spent time on the road with him during his 1989 "Bad" tour, described him as "a momma's boy. He loved his mom." "The one thing that was very apparent that everywhere we went, he would want to go shopping and buy something, and his mom was the one he wanted to buy something special for," he recalled.

"Every child thinks their mother is the greatest mother in the world, but we Jacksons never lost that feeling," Jackson wrote in "Moonwalk," his 1988 autobiography. "Because of Katherine's gentleness, warmth and attention, I can't imagine what it's like to grow up without a mother's love."

As stated by Rev. Jesse Jackson Mrs. Jackson assumed the role as mother/grandmother to Michael’s three children immediately after his passing.

Katherine Jackson has stood by all of her children sides through some of their greatest triumphs and heartaches.

"She is the matriarch of this family. She is so deep in her religion. She has a real insulation, not an isolation, kind of a spiritual, so she sees her family in the broader sense and all of them kind of gravitating a certain way to mom as they were."

Michael Jackson loved his mother un conditionally and lived with parents, along with siblings Janet and LaToya, at the family's Encino, California, compound until he was almost 30. After he moved to his vast Neverland estate, his mother remained part of his inner circle.

By Cory Mandina The Oregonian/OregonLive



Alena Galayko Visual Artist /Professional/Traditional Art Professional portrait artist specializing in celebrity portraits and the portraits of people in general. Alena paint animals & pet portraits as well. Started to paint since childhood continuing to improve her skills. Biggest inspiration for painting began from her admiration of Michael Jackson and remains a big fan of his and other celebrities. Alena does commission paintings as well, If you would like to order a portrait, you can contact her by e-mail : o.galayko@mail.ru or find her on Facebook : www.facebook.com/ ArtistAlenaGalayko You can also find Alena on twitter : www.twitter.com/Aena_Jay





Portrait Artist Alena Galayko 10


Artist To The King Of Pop Renowned for his celebrated paintings, Nate Giorgio is one of todays most respected fine artist’s. Combining the many styles of his classic techniques with a modern flair, his paintings have developed a fan base that includes collectors around the globe.

Nate Giorgio 11




Dave Jeffryes.Dave J.


The Fantastic Life of Michael Jackson The Fantastic Life of Michael Jackson” is a biographical essay on the life of the singer/ songwriter and dancer. All facts about his person are historically accurate. The frame story is entertaining and easy to read; it surrounds conversations set in a fantasy Heaven, inter actions between Michael and his contemporaries, and imagined streams-ofconsciousness from Michael himself, all
 of which allow the reader to appreciate his life from many different perspectives. The dialogs—in which the angels and the char acters on Earth often have very different opinions about Michael Jackson—help everyone form their own opinions about the artist. Discussions take place about any imaginable argument without anyone being judged; the characters simply exchange their opinions. Michael's streams-of-consciousness reveal his troubles and sorrows, but also the occasional moments of happiness in his life. The main focal points of the book are Michael Jackson’s music and analyses of his lyrics, his artistic creativity, and an accurate historical chronology. 14

Isabelle Petitjean, classical trained musician, university professor of music education, is specialized in AfricanAmerican popular music and especially in the production of Michael Jackson. Holding an MA in musicology and a Master Research, she is preparing a PhD on Michael Jackson at the University of Paris IV – Paris Sorbonne. Known also for her involvement in writing articles for the fan magazine MJBackstage, Isabelle Petitjean released on May 18th by Harmattan Editions a book called "Pop culture in the pantheon of Fine Arts / Dangerous, form Mark Ryden to Michael Jackson. " For further details click on Amazon and Facebook symbols. https://www.facebook.com/rydenjacksonpantheon?__mref=message



THE WHISPERS Nicole & Scotty: Unchartered Waters Country Deep Rising Star Contest Audition

MOTHER’S DAY TRIBUTE SONGS Intruders - I’ll Always Love My Mama

Spinners - Sadie



The Whispers - Unsung (TV Documentary) Video Credit: SoulieGirl70 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TheWhispersMusic A letter sent to the Whispers from a fan in November of 2014

you see, your music is carrying on into the next generation. That is amazing.

Dear all members of the Whispers band and team: Sometimes in life we find greatness among us. We don’t get to share our feeling and words with those who we love. There aren’t many things that reach fifty years of success. Sometimes, life itself does not reach fifty years. However, The Whispers have. Your music has such a positive impact on so many people, myself included and I thank you for that.

This love I feel when I am at a Whisper’s concert is completely natural. The respect in the air is invigorating. I can see the love and respect among the band members and that is inspiring. It is something that makes my eyes water. From the band to the stage crew, to the runners, Aubrey, and Willette, The Whispers deserve the highest recognition. The legacy of The Whispers is very special.

My story is simple. At the age of eighteen I was broke and living in a single room with just a mattress. I didn’t have a television or a radio; all I had day in and day out was the music of The Whispers. Perhaps I was brain-washed into my love of The Whispers, but it was all I had in my early days. Today, I have it all! A gorgeous home in Stevenson Ranch, beautiful cars, money in the bank, and most importantly, a beautiful family.

I am sure I am not alone in saying, we the people, love everything about all of you! To everyone on The Whispers team and especially the band members, thank you thank you thank you for fifty years of great music. May you continue on in your great success! It does not matter how many times I come to a show, I will always be in the audience. You are all truly legends.

My three kids are made by The Whisper’s music. My son, Adam went to his first Whispers concert last week in Anaheim. He loved it! As a matter of fact, he asked when the next concert was so we could go again. So

The United States love you! I love you!


A song the Whispers made for their fans. Beautiful. Take a listen.

The Whispers Love You Too Order CD Here

New Gospel CD on Kingdom Records singers of their generation, racking up one gold album after another and charting numerous R&B hits throughout the seventies and eighties. The Whispers were the first artists featured on the newly formed Soul Train label (co- owned by the TV show's creator and host Don Cornelius and entrepreneur Dick Griffey). They gained national attention with their seventies albums, "One For The Money", "Open Up Your Love", and "Headlights" producing two singles that graced Billboard's Top 20 R&B Charts: "(Let's Go) All the Way" and "(Olivia) Lost and Turned Out".

Whispers Bio One of R&B music's most beloved and consistently popular vocal groups, The Whispers, began their legendary and timeless career in 1963. Twin brothers Walter and Wallace Scott joined with friends Nicholas Caldwell, Marcus Hutson, and Gordy Harmon to form a local singing group. They perfected their tight harmonies on the street corners in the Watts section of Los Angeles and in nightclubs in the in the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Area. They began singing together as "the Eden trio" created by Nicholas Caldwell and Marcus Hutson. Later, they were renamed "The Whispers" by Lou Bedell of Dore Records. The group recorded nine singles for the Dore label between 1964 and 1967. Their fame grew in the Bay Area while performing in a series of what was known as "The Battle of the Bands" where they competed against other local acts for their fans appreciation and affection. In 1969 they released "The Time Will Come" for a small L.A. based label Soul Clock Records, and subsequently recorded their first Top 10 R&B hit, "Seems Like I Gotta Do Wrong," in 1970 when the group switched to Janus Records. By 1971 Gordy Harmon decided to leave the group and was replaced by Leaveil Degree who had previously sung with "The Friends of Distinction".

Their first platinum album "The Whispers" (1980) highlighted "A Song For Donny," a song written by Carrie Lucas in memory of Donny Hathaway, and their biggest hit "And The Beat Goes On." It was their most successful selling album (double platinum). The neoclassic "Lady," written by group member Nicholas Caldwell, is still a favorite at concerts. 1987's "Just Gets Better with Time", went platinum. It featured the R&B number 1 and US Top 10 pop entry "Rock Steady", a collaboration with Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds. Their vocal style harkens back to a more genteel era of crooning, preferring soft pillow talk and songs that speak to heartfelt emotions. They are arguably the most celebrated R&B balladeers of their generation and still make women swoon with their silky yet

The Whispers produced a string of hits over the next two decades and emerged as the leading romantic 18

forceful tenors of twins Walter and Scotty. In the 1990s, The Whispers joined the Capitol Records family releasing more favorites. Expanding their creative horizons, brothers Walter and Scotty cut "My Brothers Keeper", a critically acclaimed duet album in 1993, scoring another R&B hit with a cover of the Intruders' "I Wanna Know Your Name." "Toast to the Ladies" released in 1995 featured a collection of love

venture of their newly formed company "Satin Tie Productions", is a masterpiece entitled "For Your Ears Only". According to Walter, "This title is a way of saying to our fans that we appreciate everybody's support that has been with us for many, many years." Nick's perspective deals with its essence. He states, "In my opinion, the CD represents the musical DNA and artistic expression of what the Whispers were and have become during their 42 years together. It was conceived to please the ears, hearts and minds of our super- supportive and loyal family of fans. It was a labor of love and I believe a body of work blessed by God.

songs dedicated to women all overthe world. In 1997 the group moved to Interscope Records where they featured the works of Babyface once again with their album, "Songbook, Vol. 1: The Songs of Babyface".

Marcus stopped performing with the group in 1989 due to ill health, and in 2000, when he passed on, the Whispers vowed never to replace him. In the new millennium the group still performs around the world to thousands of loyal fans. The group has not made any personnel changes and still consists of Walter Scott, Wallace Scott, Nicholas Caldwell, and Leaveil Degree. They have taken Las Vegas by storm, selling out in various casinos and hotels, and they have a tremendous following on the West and East coasts, particularly in the San Francisco Bay Area, Southern California, New Jersey, New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC, St. Louis, Indiana, and Chicago. On September 23, 2003,

CAREER HIGHLIGHTS: Four Decades of Pop and R & B Favorites, Seven Gold Albums, Two Platinum Albums, 12 Top Twenty Singles, 40 Charted Hits Since 1970, American Music Award Nominees, Soul Train Award Nominees, Grammy Award Nominees 2003 Vocal Group Hall of Fame Inductees, 2005 Regional Grammy Governors Award, 2002 NAACP Image Award

The Whispers' four decades of accomplishments were acknowledged when Charlie Thomas of the Drifters inducted them into the Vocal Group Hall of Fame. On June 12, 2005, The San Francisco Chapter of the Grammy Awards presented the Whispers with the prestigious Governors Award, the highest honor bestowed by an Academy Chapter. They continue to perform to sell-out crowds all over the world, and their popularity continues to grow among youth whose parents "raised" them on the Whispers' music.

They are also known for their charitable work with youth that participate in the PAL (Police Athletic League) Reading Program, and their ongoing support to domestic violence organizations and cancer agencies. They are one of only a few "old School" groups that can boast of having over 40 years in the industry with a worldwide fan base, maintaining their vocal dominance and original members.

Marcus Hutson deceased member

The Whispers waited almost a decade to produce a new CD in 2006. This independent product, the first 19

Special Salute to Founders of the R&B Group “The Whispers” Twin brothers Wallace & Walter Scott reflect on their modern soul group’s 50 years in the music-making business. In this new millennium, twins Walter and Wallace Scott, Nicholas Caldwell and Leaveil Degree are still selling out music venues, as well as making time for work with various charities. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/tavissmiley/interviews/rb-singing-group-the-whispers/

The Whispers - (Olivia) Lost And Turned Out Official Video Video Credit: UnidiscMusic https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=ljLWLwlyF_I




Happy Saturday Fellow Travelers! Wishing you all to have the loveliest day, cheers to the weekend! Scotty and I have some very exciting news! We've entered into a songwriting contest!! http://risingstar.att.com/ We'll be competing in the Country Deep Rising Star contest for a chance to perform at the 2015 CMA fest in Nashville! It would be absolutely amazing to have the chance to win something like this. We're entering into the contest with our original song "Barefoot Traveler". . If you guys could, would you all be able to share our audition video with the hashtag, #NicoleandScottyCMAFest2015 ? We so appreciate your amazing support and love, and we love you all dearly. Here's to good luck in this competition! I think if we could get by just enough, we'd have a fair chance. Let's win this thing!!! ~Nicole & Scotty (Talk to you all after prom!)

Country Deep Rising Star Contest Audition Nicole & Scotty - Barefoot Traveler TheMusicInMe777 YouTube Channel



The Intruders "I'll Always Love My Mama" (1973) Video Credit: E.F.T.V.

THE SPINNERS - SADIE Video Credit: Corey Daniels 23


Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles Celebrated Nurses Week this month!! The hospital gave thanks to all the nurses that offer their undivided attention and care to our little ones. Let’s give thanks to nurses all over the world who give their undivided attention to patients all over the world. It is the nurses who care for the patients and the doctors can not function without the nurses. Nurses are the heart of the hospitals. Whats REALLY Going ON magazine celebrate every nurse all over the world. #NursesWeek 25









t J







Happy Birthday Dear Katherine Love You Most

O n

Video Birthday Tribute by: Phyllis Bell - Detroit Joe & Katherine FB Community Page TeamKatherine Jackson Group

Michael Jackson/ the Jacksons..Can you feel it... with Lyrics Video Credit: Jane Byfield


Tyrese Gibson : Wow That moment I gave my mother a new house on Oprah Winfrey Video Credit: Tyrese Matrix

No Charge - Shirley Caesar Video Credit: tecministries

Shirley Caesar "Don't Drive Your Momma Away!"

Video Credit: TheBLSsingers


World Peace Night 2015: Richard Nilsson May 19th In Cannes, France Richard Nilsson Michael Jackson Party: Budapest, Hungary: May 9th Michael Jackson Fan Club Hungary

We Are Trending - #HappyBirthdayJanet Saturday, May 16th Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+ Janet Journey


World Peace Night was initiated and organized in 2014 by Richard Nilsson / Jackson Family in favor of Mr. Mandela, Mr. Lennon & Mr. Jackson. Named “World Peace Night” because the mission is simply “Peace”. On May 19th Richard Nilsson invited and welcomed all Michael Jackson Fans to this year´s World Peace Night, held in Cannes. WoRLD PEACE NIGHT Richard Nilsson has been a Michael Jackson fan since he was a very young boy. Through the years he has organized various MJ Events and is very close to all Michael Jackson Fans, as a Fan himself. He warmly welcomed all fans to join him in the “Adventure of Humanity” Night! Hope to share event highlights in June magazine issue…...I know they will have a great time...Stay Tuned 30

Michael Jackson Fan Club Hungary Michael Jackson Fan Club Hungary Michael Jackson Party Michael Jackson Party Super Gym Super Gym ADDRESS,CÍM ADDRESS , ADDRESS 1065 BUDAPEST, HAJÓS U. 25. 1065 Budapest, U BOAT . 25 2015.05.09.-én Szombaton 2015.05.09. on Saturday Michael Jackson Party Prince Majesty Party Majesty Prince Michael Jackson Jackson rendezésében a Super Jackson directed the Super Gymben Gymben We welcome you from 15 hours up to Várunk titeket 15 órától egészen 20 20 hours where not only hear it , but óráig ahol nem csak you can see it already Michaela . hallhatjátok,hanem már láthatjátok is Video: Michael Jackson's 30th MICHAELT. anniversary at Madison Square Videó: Michael Jackson 30th Garden !!! anniversary Madison Square Raffle, quiz and raffle Dance Garden!!! Teaching !!! The price of 100ft . Tombola, Kvíz és Tánctanítás!!!A Admission : £ 1,000 tombola ára 100ft. Belépő: 1000 FT

Event Page

Welcome to We Are Trending #HappyBirthdayJanet Online Event. Join us as we try to get #HappyBirthdayJanet trending on Twitter and all other social media networks on May 16, 2015. This is a World Wide, International event. There will be three top giveaways during this day. A Janet. Tour program book, A Pleasure Principle T-Shirt and A St. Jude Children Hospital Donation... Facebook Event Page Hosted by Janet Journey

THIRD INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY FESTIVAL ESP/ENG Los Fans de Michael Jackson Apoyan la TIERRA más allá de los 60 min. Participa en este 3er Festival Internacional de Fotografía. Puedes enviar 1 foto para cada categoría (4loveprojects@gmail.com o por mensaje privado aquí por FB) y conmemorar: la Hora del Planeta 2015 - Día de la Tierra 22 de Abril - Día del Medio Ambiente 5 de junio. Michael Jackson Fans Support Earth Hour 60+. Join us in this International Photography Festival. You can send us 1 picture for each category,(4loveprojects@gmail.com or private message here at FB) to commemorate: Earth Hour 2015 - Earth Day April 22nd Environmental Day June 5th.




Event Links: MJ World Cry Spain 2015: https://www.facebook.com/events/874796475912939/ One Rose For Michael J. Jackson: http://onerose4mjj.blogspot.com/2015/03/annual-one-rose-formichael-j-jackson.html KINGVENTION - The European Michael Jackson Convention OUR HEARTS FOR NEPAL : https://www.facebook.com/events/852573178142714/

Global Mj Disney Day - Annual Event : https://www.facebook.com/groups/globalmjdisneyday/ Michael Jackson Fan Convention: https://www.facebook.com/MichaelJacksonFanConvention?fref=ts 2015 AdLLaw/Cadeflaw OneWhiteRoseForMichael Campaign

Worldwide wearing Michael Jackson's T shirt June 25th 2015 to Remember Him Tony Succar: The Unity Latin Michael Jackson Tribute Journey To Neverland; A Michael Jackson Tour V.A.O. - Michael Jackson Innocent 10th Anniversary Thunderclap⚡ 10 year anniversary of MJ being found Not Guilty Special Show Michael Jackson Anniversary Week - 25th June 2015, LA, USA Michael Jackson Tribute Week June 2015 Michael Jackson Memorial & Sunflower event MJSUNIFC OFFICIAL 6TH ANNUAL REMEMBERING MICHAEL MEMORIES TOUR SIXTH ANNIVERSARY AND TRIBUTE FOR MICHAEL´S LOVE <3 LEAVE YOUR MESSAGE ON

FOREST LAWN AND NEVERLAND /TU MENSAJE EN FOREST LAWN Y NEVERLAND Global Healing With Love, Remembering Michael Group Photo in front of Holly Terrace June 25, 2015


~ Happy Birthday~

Katherine Jackson Jackie Jackson Janet Jackson Stacee Brown 35

TeamKJ Birthday Wishes

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA KATHRINE & JACKIE JACKSON MAY YOU GUYS HAVE MANY MANY MORE TO COME LOVE U GUYS ALWAYS & FOREVER SMILE! ~ Margaret Thaxton Samples~ Sending love... Happy birthday to Mrs. Katherine Jackson and her lovely son, Jackie ~ Karen Edinger~

Joyeux Anniversaire Katherine. L.O.V.E. Sandra from France Happy Birthday Katherine. ~Sandra Scamaroni~

Happy Birthday Jackie Jackson! ~ Tiffany Bianca Carter-Tabb ~

Debbie Jock Happy Birthday, MS.Birthday !! Ann Melvin Happy Birthday Kathrine and Jackie hope you both have a wonderful day sending much love your way Alisha Michalak Happy birthday have a good day Linda Divon Happy Cake day Jackie Jackson Stefania Cucurnia

Love You Katherine

Conceição Miguel Happy Birthday Katherine Jackson. I love you. I love Michael Sigrid Ellies Marquardt

Happy Birthday to Katherine Jackson ~Dawnnetta Richard~ 36

With Love to Mrs. Jackson from all of us at Voice as One Anti Defamation Group

HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Mrs. Katherine sending warm Love with Sunflowers from last years 'Global MJ Sunflower Garden' here in Sweden' ~Christine Walldén ~

Sigrid Ellies Marquardt beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady. happy birthday momma k.

Wishing the divine Jackie Jackson a Very Happy 64th Birthday from us all at Voice as One MJ Anti Defamation Group. ~Christina Drake ~

Michelle Mikki Speller Happy Birthday to Jackie Anita Gudger Happy birthday mom Ms.Katherine Jackson Bonita Southward Happy birthday Shirley Bowman Happy birthday to the both of you!! Paula MJ SuperFan Happy Birthday Mrs. Karherine & Jackie Jackson ! Julie Dodge Happy Birthday Mrs. Jackson!!!! And Happy Birthday Jackie! Karmen Veena omg that's today? xD Happy B'daaaaaay! Sigrid Ellies Marquardt happy, happy birthday dear momma k.....happy, happy birthday dear Jackie...... may the both of you always be blessed with health and L.O.V.E Mary Bosque Happy Birthday

Vanessa Little: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! TO THEM BOTH! HOPE THEY HAVE A WONDERFUL JOYFUL DAY!! Bonita Southward Happy birthday to you two.

Happy Birthday Mama Kate! ~Tiffany Bianca Carter-Tabb~

Lillie Jackson Taylor Happy BIRTHDAY Shirley Bowman Awwww, Happy birthday, Ms. Jackson. And happy birthday to Jackie as we Cathy Jackson

Julie Ito Height

Vera Bature

Gina Pruncu

Dulce Diana Espinosa Saviñón

Carley Swan Happy birthday Kath Jackson and Jackie Jackson Oana Michael Todor Happy birthday! Queenie Tan Rose Jackson Happy Birthday !! Phyllis Giles Happy Birthday to Katherine and Jackie Jackson.xx Nadine Soriano Cathy Marinela Pirvan Happy birthday to mother Katherine and to Jackie Jackson! Leonie Knepper Happy birthday to you both

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Jackson and Jackie. Much love to both of you. God Bless. ~Michelle Mikki Speller ~

Judy Colmer Just Love The Jacksons.


Linda Ward Happy birthday Mrs. Katherine Jackson. I hope you have an amazing day. much love for today and many more blessed birthdays xxxxx Happy birthday Mr. Jackie Jackson. May you also have an amazing blessed day. With the rest of the family much love and may you have many more xxxx Mj Melodie Christian Wimmermann all the best Ernandes Santos Jackson Jackson Feliz aneversario Kathrine Jackson tenha um otimo dia abençoado cheio de alegria amor com a familia feliz aniversario beijihos e um forte abraço Happy Birthday Kathrine Jackson have a wonderful blessed day full of joy love with the family happy birthday beijihos and a big hug Marine Leconte Happy birthday Michaela Mich Jackson Thanks Tina Happy Birthday to them Deni Todorova Happy Birthday Katherine Jackson!


Ana Passos Feliz aniversario Katherine cheio de alegria e amor junto dos seus familiares beijinhos Happy Birthday Katherine Full of joy and love from your family xoxo Mario Love Jackson thank so much my Sweet Sister Tina Kiss For you Happy Birthday Katherine Shane Kerr Happy birthday to you both Julia Corsolini Happy birthday to you both Kathy Martin K Happy Birthday to Mrs. J and to Jackie..... Enjoy your day and wish you both many more! Stella Konstantinou

Anne Lejeune

Belen Fariñas feliz cumpleaños katherine pasala muy bien en tu dia especial con tu hijos y tu nietos que son de oro puro difruta cada momento con ello i love you Happy Birthday Katherine Hope the pass very well on your special day with your children and your grandchildren that are made of Pure Gold Difruta Every moment with it I love you Veronique Maillet Happy birthday!!!

Maria Catel

Madea Fran Jackson Happy Birthday Katherine and Jackie

Dear Katherine. Happy Birthday to Jackie Jackson ~Dawnnetta Richard~ Sylvie Lagarde Boitard J'ai mis la même photo sur mon Facebook lolI put the same photo on my facebook lol Mirko Zavatelli

Alexandra Dorjo

Sonia Rossi Happy Birthday Sweet Katherine è Jakie Clotilde Riandé Happy birthday to Katherine and Jackie thank you so much Tina for this nice pic hugs and kisses Cida Jackson Mattos Parabéns ...Linda. Happy birthday... Beautiful. Lord Jesus

I hope you had a happy birthday. . The Lord is looking after your way forever and do not forget to go ahead to meet all your goals. ~Gema Sanchez~ MaryElizabeth Carter This is beautiful. I had tears. Thank you Mrs. Jackson for sharing your family with the world. Carla Smith happy birthday to a wonderful woman and man

Lucia Caldas PARABENS SRA JACKSON! LHE AMO Happy birthday Ms. Jackson! I love you

Michelle Smith happy birthday to both of you! Linda Divon Feliz cumpleano Senoria Jackson.. El madre del El Rey POP

Agnetha Lagström Happy Birthday you two


Phyllis Bell of TeamKatherineJackson

Happy Birthday Stacee Brown ~Dawnnetta Richard~ Team Katherine Jackson

Happy Birthday Janet ~Tiffany Bianca Carter-Tabb ~

Happy Birthday Janet ~Dawnnetta Richard~ Team Katherine Jackson 39




Submitted by: Valencia Dantzler Aka “Mother Diva”


Monique Booker

Anazet Germain Yremrahc Beda

Mo Lignon

John Glen Anderson

Toni Ann Joiner-Reidy

Ruby Beverly Brookins

LaSade Oneofakind Washington

Rosemary Henningsen

Daryl Dalton

Fernanda Camino

Melina CarmenJackson Dee

Kenneth Joseph

Coline Delaborde de Monpezat

Roger Wauters

Sajawal Babar

Luciana Camino

Kimberly Tyson Grayson

Nikki Golden Jackson

Shawn Mcwilliams

Wylanda Stokes Taylor

Cecil G Holmes

Christopher Gray

Karen O'Halloran

Mike Garcia

Keith Jackson

Alaric JFudd Holloway Sr

Shannon Hye

Spyros Andrianos 41

Yvonne Winwood

Richard Nilsson

Mandie Mj

Mhmoud Zahra

Yolande Vandoorn Simonetta Delfi David Harder

Greta Gentili Michaelforever Sherry Gordy

Damien Shields Denise Greer

Sandra Mazur

Beatriz Ferrer

Oceanne Anne Sc

Emjay Lasdoce

Sharon Barker

Jamaal Howard

Sofia Offtherecord Luka Neskovic Molasses Jones

Paula Rodrigues Loinequa Clemons Vickie Renee Jacobs

Kenneth Flowers

Cecilia Techer

Shalanda Luvnmylife Austin

Manish Sharma

Wanda Hammond-Peoples

Jeanne Kennedy

Mimi O'Garren 42

Dorothy Culver Lillie Stokes ***Eugene Taylor*** Lory Della R Fred Nichols

Ashley Brookins James Legendre Teodora Koycheva Larry Nimmer Louis Farrakhan 43


AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY MUSEUM TAKES SHAPE On the last build-able lot on the National Mall, in the shadow of a memorial to a president who owned slaves, a monument is taking shape to a people who rose up and demanded America live up to its stated ideals. "A story of slavery, a story of tragedy. But also a story of America as a work in progress," said Lonnie Bunch, the museum's director.

The 150 pound bronze colored aluminum panels evoke the ironwork of the African American slave craftsmen in New Orleans, Savannah and Charleston. "The goals to sort of bring home this sort of corona to suggest there has always been a dark presence in America that we forgot," said Bunch. The panels hang by a slender thread from the fifth floor. "Like a lampshade," said Derek Ross, who is heading up construction for the Smithsonian. Inside the facade, the building is almost transparent. "I wanted you to be able to look out at an exhibit on the March on Washington and then look out and see the Lincoln Memorial. I wanted you to learn the story of enslavement and then look down Pennsylvania Avenue where the slave pens once were," said Bunch. Curators have now collected more than 40,000 artifacts, including a slave cabin, a child's shackles and a segregated rail car. But the museum will also hold the joy of Michael Jackson's fedora and Louis Armstrong's trumpet. Museum Director Bunch said he wants it to be about much more than just yesterday. He says it also has to be about today and tomorrow, so curators are collecting artifacts from Ferguson, from New York and from Baltimore. They will keep telling the story of America's efforts to make itself a more perfect union.

Article Story by: Bruce Leshan, WUSA


A MESSAGE FROM MAJESTIK TO THE FANS PLEASE SHARE! "Hello fans. This is Majestik Magnificent, otherwise known as “The Magnificent One”. First of all, allow me to thank you all for your cards, your letters, your flowers, and your prayers for me when I was in the hospital and thank you all that came to see me and could not get in.

I want to thank you for your positive energy. I felt it. I was diagnosed, in case you don’t know - but I’m sure you do know, with brain cancer in the worst form. I am out of the hospital. I am at home and I am doing well. I have what is called the GBM tumor. I want to see you guys. I am throwing a big event in Beverly Hills, California in the near future. You will all be notified. Of course there will be a lot of Jackson music. My tumor is stable at this particular time and I am doing well. Let’s just pray that it stays that way. You all are the best fans in the world. I don’t care where you go on the planet no one is better than the Michael Jackson fans. NO one. And once again I want to thank you for thinking about me and sending me your cards and letters it means a lot to me.

LOTS AND LOTS OF LOVE, Majestik Magnificent" Video posted by: Wendy Duran 46


History of Mother’s Day (3 min) TV-14

SOURCE Find out about the ancient roots and modern history of Mother's Day, which is celebrated on the second Sunday in May in the United States. 47

Katarina Hodanova


Valencia Dantzler Aka “Mother Diva”






FLIER CONCEPT BY MOTHER DIVA AND DAVE J - https://www.facebook.com/groups/davejeffryesdave.j/







http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/25900000/July-year-1996-South-Africa-michael-jackson-25939344-600-404.jpg 53

GARY YOUTH SERVICES BUREAU We are excited about the amazing opportunities for the youth of Gary that are evolving as a result of the new look Gary Youth Services Bureau.

2013 Accomplishments:   

Began the Gary Youth Leadership Council Trained over 300 youth in job readiness Hosted over 1100 youth at the 1st annual Gary Youth Job Opportunities Fair Developed key community partnerships with youth serving organizations

It all started this summer with the Mayor officially launching our new and improved summer food service and recreation program. To date we have served over 7800 meals and are well on our way to serving over 20,000 meals to children this summer. Our summer program provides recreation, nutritious meals and snacks to children, 18 years and under, in lowincome areas during the summer school vacation. This program is absolutely free.


July 11, 2013 - 6:00 p.m. Auditions for the Grand Finale Youth Talent Showcase and Fashion Show (All Talent and Models) 839 Broadway, S202 July 27, 2013 - 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. THE GAME CHANGERS Youth Rally for Change At the IUN Savannah Center, IU Northwest 3400 Broadway

This is just the beginning of much more to come. Our newly defined mission is to equip youth with the tools to maximize their life's potential, empower them to lead and give them a platform to make an impact in their city and the world. Our vision is to be a national leader in creating and sustaining youth programming that results in positive outcomes for youth.

July 29 - August 1, 2013, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Daily Free Youth Empowerment Week Camp at the IUN Savannah Center IU Northwest 3400 Broadway August 2, 2013 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. ELEVATE - 1st Annual Day of Mentoring and Grand Finale Youth Talent and Fashion Showcase IUN Savannah Center, IU Northwest 3400 Broadway August 7, 2013 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Serving Our Community 1st Annual Citywide Community Service Project

Our programmatic priorities are:   

Youth Development Delinquency Prevention Employment, Education and Career Development  Safety, Nutrition, Fitness  Emotional and Mental Health  Juvenile Diversion and Restorative Justice Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Prevention

For more information on the new and improved Youth Services Bureau, download the brochure here. Ken Patrick Barry, MBA. MMHEA Director City of Gary Youth Services Bureau 839 Broadway, S202 Gary, IN 46402 WEBSITE 54

The Michael Jackson scholarship provides financial assistance to communication arts and social science students attending a UNCF college/university during the 2015-16 academic year. High School seniors must be planning to matriculate at a UNCF member school in the fall. Proof of acceptance will be required.


Candidates must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. The scholarship will provide an award up to $5,000 depending on the financial need of the student as verified by the attending University or College.

Up to $5000

OPEN DATE: 5/1/2015 12:00 AM EST CLOSE DATE: 6/13/2015 11:59 PM EST INDIVIDUAL AWARD:


This is a one time award to be disbursed in September 2015.

RESIDENCY STATUS U.S. Citizen, U.S. national or permanent resident

In order to have a completed application package, candidates must include:


* Completed Application profile

UNCF affiliated

* Essay (prompt and instructions located within the appropriate section of the application)


* Transcript (unofficial accepted)

High School Senior, College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior, College 5th Year Senior, Master's Student

All application materials must be submitted by the deadline for full consideration. All previous recipients of this award must apply for reconsideration.

MAJORS Art, Communications, Early Childhood Education, Education, English, Fashion Design, Fine Arts, Graphic Arts, History, Humanities, Journalism, Mass Communications, Mass Media Arts, Music, Performing Arts, Photography/Video, Physical Education/Health, Political Science, Psychology, Public Relations, Religion, Social Work, Sociology, Special Education, Theater Arts/Drama, TV Production, Visual Arts, Vocal Performance

This application is only open to students at UNCF member schools. For a list of eligible colleges and universities, please click HERE. If you have any questions, please email Kenya Gray.



MJL Team received a very happy, uplifting phone call, all the way from Liberia. Joshua, the Director of Christian Youth Empowerment (CYE) with whom MJL partnered in August last year to help with the Ebola crisis, called to report that Liberia is now FREE from the deadly virus. He would like to pass on his sincere thanks to those of you that donated towards the 129 faucet buckets. These buckets and materials funded by MJL, together with the education and distribution CYE performed on the ground, helped the children of Monrovia stay safe and well throughout the crisis. During three weeks in August 2014, due to the ever worsening threat of Ebola in West Africa, Michael's fans began to raise money via MJL through a 'birthday bucket' scheme. We'd hoped to raise funding for 29 buckets - one for each day leading up to and including Michael's birthday. But you did better than that. Much better. A grand total of 129 buckets were funded. Here's some photos of them being distributed by Christian Youth Empowerment Watch, with whom we partnered for this endeavor.


Humanitarian Projects


The Gloved One A Salute To A Humanitarian Soldier Get your calendars ready because on the 20 th June 2015, Bronze And Gold Productions presents THE GLOVED ONE, “A Salute To A Humanitarian Soldier,” an ultimate fan competition and tribute to Michael Jackson. The event founded by Brenda Gocha will be hosted by Songwriter, Actor and Entertainer Rory Darvel. This year is what will be the 4th Annual Ultimate MJ Impersonator Contest where fans from all over the country come to compete, honour and celebrate the Life and the Music of the Phenomenal Humanitarian Michael Jackson. Every performance will be in Michael’s memory.

Along with all the dancing, be prepared to be impressed by some special guests who will be singing Michael’s songs. Previous years have had the support of Artists like Jon Jon Harreld of the legendary R&B group TROOP a huge MJ fan, and Siedah Garrett who needs no introduction

to the MJ

world. All proceeds go to charities close to Michael’s heart with this year’s event benefitting FTC and SJCRH Foundations. The show will take place at the Celebrity Centre Internationals Garden Pavilion at 5930 Franklin Avenue, Hollywood, California. Doors open at 5.30 pm, with a Red Carpet event from 6.00 pm to 6.45 pm. The actual show starts at 7.00 pm. Tickets and more information are available here. Source: Bronze And Gold Productions and Paula Katsikas/MJWN, with special thanks to Rory Darvel


MORE ABOUT EVENT "A SALUTE TO A HUMANITARIAN SOLDIER" On June 20, 2015, we will Honor and Celebrate the Life, the Music, and Phenomenal Humanitarian Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson is the one that has inspired so many people to want to walk in his foot steps either to impersonate him or to continue his legacy for humanity and spreading L.O.V.E to all. MJ, we recognize and know without a doubt, that you are the ONE and ONLY “UNDISPUTED GLOVED ONE", and we dedicated this event in memory of you and your hard work. We celebrate your life... We celebrate your music.. We celebrate your phenomenal talent... WE CELEBRATE THE LOVE THAT YOU'VE SHARED WITH US ALL... WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU... MICHAEL JACKSON WE SALUTE YOU FOR A JOB WELL DONE!! Proceed from this event will be donated to FTC and SJCRH. Have questions about THE 4th ANNUAL GLOVED ONE ULTIMATE FAN COMPETITION/ MJ TRIBUTE EVENT? Contact BRONZE AND GOLD PRODUCTIONS PHAZE ll


Past events bottom of page 49 and 50 Facebook stream









Miracle in Milan Daniele Parisi, was a boy from Latina, Italy, who was diagnosed with AIDS at age 8. The virus was transmitted from his biological mother, HIV-positive.

kisses. Then he picked him up and walked to center stage posing for several photos.

Daniele was a big fan of Michael Jackson, and in 1997, when he was 14 and the disease had already left an indelible mark, he had the opportunity to attend a Concert of the HIStory World Tour in Milan on June 18.

Michael and Daniele on the stage

After this experience Daniele’s health had noticeably improved so fast that the doctors called it “a miracle”. It was as if Michael had given him a few years of life. Daniele started to walk again – sometimes even running – eating better (gaining weight), but most importantly of all, he gained self-confidence to keep fighting and keep going. Unfortunately, Daniele died two years later from a brain infection due to influenza. The wonderful memories of Michael, along with the loving care of his mother, gave him the strength to keep fighting until the end.

Daniele standing near the many pictures of his Idol

On the same day, he and his mother entered Michael’s dressing room, where the Star gave him kisses and hugs and thanked for the gifts they brought him. Daniele and his adoptive mother attended the Concert from one side of the stage, along with Debbie Rowe and Luciano Pavarotti. During the Concert, a team member gave Daniele a gift bag including the tour program. Towards the end of the Concert, during the song “Heal the World”, Michael went to Daniele who was sitting in a chair unable to walk due to weakness caused by his illness, knelt before him and filled his hands with

Here is what Antonietta Parisi, the adoptive mother of Daniele, wrote after the ruling of the trial 2003/2005: Dearest Michael,

Daniele walking with Michael on stage (Daniele is the boy on the right)

I’ll never forget what you did for my son, Daniele. After meeting you, the doctors called it a miracle, because for some months it was like he never had AIDS. Now that justice has been served, I just wanted to express my gratitude and my happiness to you. Please, don’t ever let people get at you like that again. I know you are a kindhearted and want to help everyone, but not all people deserve so much attention. My child is not here with us anymore, but I know that from up there he’s always looking over you. He’s never forgotten what you did for him. God bless you, Antonietta (Italy) 62

…and this is Michael’s reply:

Dear Antonietta, Thank you for your testimony. May God always bless you and Daniele. Michael Jackson

Daniele Parisi loved Michael Jackson so much. Here is what Antonietta Parisi, the adoptive mother of Daniele, wrote after Michael died in 2009. "The news that Michael Jackson is dead has brought me back with my heart and mind to a pain that you do not yet dozed off, my son Daniele. Our meeting with Michael Jackson at the Concert in Milan 18 June 1997, was magical and marvelous, Michael received us in his dressing room, with a large mirror with lights all around. There he appeared thin and frail but with a sweetness and an infinite humility and humanity. He wore a white blouse with black pants and his hair loose and wavy that fell on the shoulders. For Daniele it was quite a vision! He was totally awestruck!! Michael was very helpful and with folded hands bent towards Daniele. Then he signed many autographs for Daniele and for his friends in Latin America. At that moment, and even then, knowing Michael better, all the negative thoughts I had for him before, just disappeared, so that I apologized for having made myself let influenced by rumors. His bodyguards took Daniele up on stage where he could watch his fantastic Concert. I still remember him, he was so happy, to be there, and see Michael live in a Concert, it was his dream come true. As they danced the performers got near to Daniele to give him a hand and make him feel at ease. The best moment was when Michael took Daniele to the stage with him, on stage in his arms, in front of 60 thousand people. Then he did publish their pictures (the same ones that he sent me when he learned that Daniele had died) and those pictures were also on the cover of the French fanzine “Black & White” doing well around the world. In one of my e-mails to Michael, I literally wrote: "It is admirable that you're doing everything for an angel like Daniele." Michael Jackson was a very special person and I regret not having been able to see him again, (I was planning to surprise him in one of his Concerts). He helped the sick children because he had a difficult childhood. With one of his Concerts, the entire proceeds were intended for children in Ethiopia, there were so many children he had helped, adopting them. But that did not make news. With Michael I understand that you should "never” judge without knowing the people and that we must not forget the good things that he has done to those who are less fortunate. Knowing that my son is no longer suffering and that now he is happy in heaven, now this definitely relieves my pain. Today I am grieving for the loss of this Great Artist, and above all for the great human being that Michael was. I am sure that by now they’ve met again, in heaven, Michael and Daniele.

Mirella Giurco Trieste, Italy 63


Humanitarian Efforts The Air Force doesn't just use its resources to serve the military mission, it also uses them to serve mankind. In any type of humanitarian crisis, we perform a variety of missions to aid those in need. Explore some of the many ways we use our resources to serve others.

HUMANITARIAN MISSIONS AIR DELIVERIES On humanitarian missions, the quickest - and sometimes the only - way to get supplies to those in need is to drop them from planes. The Air Force is an expert in such precision air deliveries, able to release heavy cargo from 30,000 feet in the air and have it land at a precise spot. That's why you'll typically see a U.S. Air Force plane dropping the first load of life-saving goods in an international crisis.

CCAT A Critical Care Air Transport Team, or CCATT, is a specialized medical team consisting of an intensive care physician, a critical care nurse and a respiratory technician. Together with a C-130 aircraft and crew, they create an intensive care unit in the sky, used to transport critically ill or wounded patients to a hospital to get the care they need.

ECMO Extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation, or ECMO, is a machine that provides cardiac and respiratory support primarily to infants and children whose hearts and lungs are so severely diseased or damaged that they can no longer function. The Air Force operates the only long-distance ECMO transport option in the world. It runs out of Wilford Hall Medical Center at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas.


COMMUNICATIONS Especially in large natural disasters, the most important factor in the relief effort is communication. How can responders begin recovery if they can't talk to each other? It's critical to have tech-savvy, efficient responders establishing a communications system within 24 hours - and that's where the Air Force comes in.


The Air Force believes in using its resources to make positive changes in the world, not just in response to natural disasters. All over the globe, Airmen are doing their part to improve the communities around their bases and helping out in other nations just because.

FIRE RESPONSE The Air National Guard and Air Force Reserves lead the Air Force's firefighting capabilities. They are trained to fight all kinds of fires but are primarily called on to fight wild land fires that civilian organizations are not equipped to handle.

RESCUE The Air Force has incredibly skilled search and rescue teams who are trained to conduct conventional and unconventional rescues in both combat and humanitarian situations. The teams are made up of pilots, pararescuemen, communications professionals and other specialists as needed. They'll travel by air, land or sea into any environment to extract, treat, stabilize and evacuate the injured at a moment's notice


U.S. Airforce Humanitarian Efforts Website 65


Tito Jackson joins the supporters wall of fame






original delivery in May 2010.

Flower Arrangements from 2011 and 2012


More Flower

Arrangements from 2011 and 2012 72


WRGO Magazine Devotion



HOW DO YOU HONOR YOUR MOTHER? Exodus 20:12 12 "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.

The command to “honor . . . your mother” isn't a suggestion, and nobody is exempt. Her character or effectiveness as a parent is not the issue. God established this guideline for Israel because a respectful home was crucial to the nation’s future success. The same is true for us today. God blesses our homes when we respect our mothers with words, attitudes, and actions. LOVE HER UNCONDITIONALLY. We’re called to love our moms as God does. He didn't qualify His love with expectations or conditions to be met first. He lavished affection on us “while we were yet sinners” (Romans 5:8). FORGIVE HER COMPASSIONATELY. Since there are no perfect mothers, at times we’ll have to forgive them. If your mom seems harsh or unloving, show compassion. As a child, she may have experienced hardships that wounded her spirit. REMEMBER HER GRATEFULLY. This Mother’s Day, thank Mom for all she did for you when you were young. But don’t let it end there. Nothing is more hurtful than feeling forgotten. Make room for her in your busy schedule. After all, she made countless sacrifices for you. TREAT HER KINDLY. Let your mother know she’s valued. Take time to listen attentively to her words, and help her out when she is in need. Does your mother feel loved and honored? What can you do to bring a big smile to her face? In our adult years, it’s easy to distance ourselves from our moms because life gets hectic and multiple demands steal our time. Make it a habit to pray for her daily and contact her regularly. https://www.facebook.com/speechless.magikalchild


THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A MOTHER AND A MAMA 27 Then the king gave his ruling: “Give the living baby to the first woman. Do not kill him; she is his mother.” 28 When all Israel heard the verdict the king had given, they held the king in awe, because they saw that he had wisdom from God to administer justice.

I am of the opinion that there is a big difference between a “Mother” and a “Mama”. One definition defines “Mother” to be a woman who brings up a child with care and affection and “Mama” is defined as a person’s mother. Some animals eat their young but I do not care to think on that at all. I mentioned that here to make my point that there is a difference. A “Mother” cares for her child while a “Mama” just gives birth to the child. Now, this is my opinion and I have always believed that. To help you understand where I’m going with this I’d like to share this story with you.

The one woman who was wiling to give up the child in order that he may live is the one who displayed the care and affection for the baby. The one who would rather see the baby divided in half by with a sword did not display motherly love. She did not care whether the baby lived or died and of course King Solomon must have thought the same since he was able to make a wise ruling on the matter.

1 Kings 3:16-28New International Version (NIV)

The woman who was willing to give up the child was truly the mother and the woman who gave birth to the child. A woman who is truly a “Mother” will make the ultimate sacrifice for her child. That is why I believe there to be a difference between a “Mother” and a “Mama”.

”A Wise Ruling” 16 Now two prostitutes came to the king and stood before him. 17 One of them said, “Pardon me, my lord. This woman and I live in the same house, and I had a baby while she was there with me. 18 The third day after my child was born, this woman also had a baby. We were alone; there was no one in the house but the two of us. 19 “During the night this woman’s son died because she lay on him. 20 So she got up in the middle of the night and took my son from my side while I your servant was asleep. She put him by her breast and put her dead son by my breast. 21 The next morning, I got up to nurse my son—and he was dead! But when I looked at him closely in the morning light, I saw that it wasn’t the son I had borne.” 22 The other woman said, “No! The living one is my son; the dead one is yours.” But the first one insisted, “No! The dead one is yours; the living one is mine.” And so they argued before the king. 23 The king said, “This one says, ‘My son is alive and your son is dead,’ while that one says, ‘No! Your son is dead and mine is alive.’” 24 Then the king said, “Bring me a sword.” So they brought a sword for the king. 25 He then gave an order: “Cut the living child in two and give half to one and half to the other.” 26 The woman whose son was alive was deeply moved out of love for her son and said to the king, “Please, my lord, give her the living baby! Don’t kill him!” But the other said, “Neither I nor you shall have him. Cut him in two!”

https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Kings% 203:16-28

New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® All rights reserved worldwide.

I’d like to share another opinion with you that is much different than mine. Acharlie2005 has an opinion here: https://us.toluna.com/opinions/605206/Is-there-adifference-between-a-Mother-a-Mom-A

There was a time when Mother & Mom meant the same person. In our ‘modern’ society, this is not always true. Today, Mom is not always the same person as Mother. What distinguishes the difference between these two titles? Mother is the person who gives life to a child. Mom is the person who gives her life to the raising of a child. A person who willingly accepts the burdens, responsibilities, heart breaks, and joys of raising a child. Different people have different meanings for the two words but I’m on King Solomon’s side.

Read Here 75

RESPECT YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER (Ex. 20:12 TEV) Call for Love for May 10, 2015 - Mothers I didn’t have a particularly good relationship with my mother. In her eyes, I could never do anything right, and would never amount to anything. When I decided to go back to school, I didn’t even tell her because I didn’t want to hear all of the discouraging comments. I have an aunt, though, who loved me unconditionally and who provided so much “mothering,” I was jealous of her own daughters as they came along. Today she is in her 80’s and I still call her when I need her recipe for something or just to hear her laugh. My mother-in-law, too, was another story. She loved me from the very first moment we met, and took me in as her own. She treated me the same as she treated her own three daughters. I have many fond memories of wonderful times we had together shopping or just hanging out. I could talk with her about anything. When she died, I told the minister who was preparing her funeral that I never understood Ruth’s love of Naomi until I met my mother-in –law. But now I do. I don’t have children of my own, through a combination of factors. But I have never lacked for people (and animals) to “mother.” Caring for life involves many skills and strategies, and those who do the “mothering” are usually very busy people. Today is celebrated as “Mother’s Day” here in the US. We honor all those who gave us life, whether literally or figuratively. We know how Michael loved his Mother and valued her as the one person he could always trust. So today, and every day, we consider and honor those who “mothered” us, and hope we can do them justice by passing along that mothering to those who need us.

~ Diana Foley~ 76



Tried to reach for you you were nearly here disappeared in a twinkle of a eye behind the laughter that became tears

of the distant light Tear stained letters that time forgot of memories locked in a ballerina music box

Surfaced through my mind today words seem to find their way even when we cant find the words to say

Drift off to dream the visions are clear just beyond the horizon I know you are near....TammyJ..

Like a starry starry night thousand stars immerse before sight in the deepest 78

That first bright step into the sunshine of life

friends, she takes flight down an unknown road towards her future,

begins with the opening of the family cocoon.

like the rising of the sun in the east.

The caterpillar becomes a butterfly

Each day filled with new beginnings.

spreading her wings into the world.

Finding excitement and challenge at each new turn.

What she is today is but a tiny mirror.

Her flight through life filled with many happy adventures

of the transformation that is yet to come.

and memories to put in her book of life,

For with time, love, humor and warmth

as the sun moves along that steady path across the sky.

She is an ever changing masterpiece.

When the sun at last begins to set in the west

Whether as wife, mother, career woman or all,

and her flight nears its end, she can look back along her path

she will find her center of peace. A place that is hers and hers alone,

and know that she has been everything she can be

the essence of what she is and will be.

and has done her very best.

Using the instincts that each of us have

~Dilma Lowrance~

to find the good in each other. to be a caring friend, lover, helper and playmate, to listen and share, to laugh and to cry. With loving support of family and 79

Rock N' Roll Comics #36 Michael Jackson released by Revolutionary on October 1, 1991 Jay Allen Sanford is a author, cartoonist, editor and publisher that worked to Revolutionary Comics, Carnal Comics and Pacific Comics.









Happy Birthday Mrs. Jackson:

A woman too kind even when she does not feel like it . 86

This month it was Mother's Day, and also her birthday. I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to a strong, stoic and dignified woman: Katherine Jackson. The dignity she kept toward the outrageous attitude of those who have thrown rocks at her during the AEG trial is just incredible. She perfectly embodies the famous quote of Ian McLaren: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” Katherine Jackson wanted to know the truth about what really happened to her son. That's how the system works; you cannot get information from these kind of people unless you sue them and force them, under oath, to answer your questions. Katherine Jackson did what any mother that loved her son would have done; she went after the ones she felt were responsible and involved in MJ's demise. MJ is her son; she brought him into this world. So, I really don't understand and I feel very uncomfortable to read how fans dare judging her attitude and more.... calling her “names”, which is a bit too much for my taste and educational background I have to add! I have seen plenty of forum discussions titled: “Why Katherine Jackson dropped restitution?” I saw a legion of “desperate housewives”, sitting on their laptops spamming social media and forums, to “educate” people on things they do not even know, slamming in public those who disagree with them telling everyone how bad they are! But that’s not doing anything for MJ. It's all about casting oneself as the hero of some delusional crusade. All these rants change nothing but only prove how disrespectful these people are to Michael, his Mother, his children and his genuine fans.

Here is the problem with assumptions! Especially when we take a look into their "sources". As far as the discussions going on message boards and some blogs, most of the sources are coming from media outlets, the same media who threw MJ under the bus countless times; the same that will be ready to turn around the very next day and say that MJ was a pedophile.. I've seen people agree with negative reports on the family written by Roger Friedman, which is something unbelievable. How can you engage a forum thread, or worst, a blog with such a source???


Psychologists explain the reasons why people gossip:   To feel superior: People who don’t feel good about themselves

temporarily feel better when they judge others negatively.   Out of boredom: When people can’t generate interesting discussions based on knowledge or ideas, gossip can rouse people’s interest.   Out of envy: People gossip in order to hurt those whose popularity, talents, or lifestyle they envy.   To feel like part of the group: people gossip to feel as though they belong to the group. Yet, when acceptance is based on being “in on a secret,” it is not based on a person’s identity, but on exclusion or maliciousness.   For attention: a person gets to be the center of attention temporarily while divulging a piece of gossip. Yet, spreading gossip or rumors is like buying attention; it’s temporary and has little foundation.   Out of anger or unhappiness: a person can derive a sense of retribution with disparaging remarks

I may add: where these people have been educated? Which kind of dysfunctional family they have been living in? Because to have this kind of dirty mind and mouth, it surely comes from detrimental family conditions! This needs to stop. No genuine people would talk about MJ's mother that way. And who are these people, so called fans, popped up in MJ's fan community as soon as MJ died? Katherine Jackson said exactly under oath in the AEG trial why she dropped her case against Conrad Murray. Exactly as she explained her reasons for suing AEG. She's a Christian that felt it against her conscience to sue a man with 7 children without a job and medical license; furthermore, she already heard what his story was about during his trial. Fact is that restitution would have made Murray talk more because there is no gag order. Murray would have been able to give even more interviews slandering all the family revealing “fake secrets” without even being subjected to restitution. How dumb people are… Restitution was not the legal way to stop him from talking. 88

I really didn't know many MJ fans hated Mrs. Jackson so much or at least I did not remember it getting this deep. In the ’80’s’ there was a miserable rumor wondering if it was true that Mrs. Jackson beat up a Motown secretary because she was having an affair with her husband. Here’s what People magazine (a tabloid) claim: “In 1980, with children Randy and Janet, Katherine marched into Joe's office, grabbed his assistant, Gina Sprague—whom they believed was also his lover—and according to a police report filed by Sprague, Kate announced, "B*tch, you better leave my husband alone!" She then beat Sprague, who was later treated at a local hospital”. Yet this story has not been verified by any legitimate source anyplace else, except for an unauthorized Janet Jackson biography, so that alone should make one question the validity of that story. We should know that some authors will put anything sensationalistic in a book to make it sell. The incident was re-enacted in the movie “The Jacksons: An American dream”, but no physical confrontation was shown between the two women. Instead, they depicted Mrs. Jackson turning her anger on her husband but even this one was fiction. If there is any truth it would have been something that should have stayed in the closet door of the family’s privacy in my opinion. Miss Katherine Scruse married Joe Jackson in 1949. His infidelities prompted Katherine to file for divorce in 1973—but she didn't leave him even when Joe produced an illegitimate daughter with another woman in 1974, and Mrs. Jackson, a devout Jehovah's Witness, struggled to maintain her dignity. This story doesn't make sense. She may have confronted the secretary and maybe had some "words" with her, but Mrs. Jackson strikes me as a woman of dignity who wouldn't stoop so low as to indulge a hair-pulling, biting, knock down and drag out catfight. Furthermore, in 1991 there was a public war started between the Jackson Family and LaToya’s manager and husband, Jack Gordon. Many may not remember or even know what Jack Gordon - a convicted felon, a former owner of massage parlors, convicted of trying to bribe Nevada State gaming commissioner - did to Katherine Jackson. He claimed the Jacksons tried to kidnap LaToya and have her beaten, and that Mrs. Jackson tried to kill her. During an interview, Katherine claimed that Gordon had total control of her daughter, had turned her against her family, and had ``brainwashed`` her. After many years the truth prevailed and Mrs. Jackson words were genuine and she was right. 89

I don't think that Mrs. Jackson is above criticism because she's Michael's mother. The fact that she loved her son doesn't mean that she didn't have to engage in legal actions. Katherine Jackson is not stupid and her case against AEG proved this. She knew what she was doing. She testified in the AEG trial, and seemed very hands on about her decision to sue AEG; she made that clear on the stand. If it was not for this trial we would have never known what was going on behind the scenes of “This is it” that, as blogger Syl Mortilla said in his book was a “video diary of a dying man”. If all the mystery and the lies swirling around MJ, would have ever happened to one of your children, would you care what the world thought about your law suit? When a family's screaming foul play and the world think something is really off, then, there’s a chance they are right! It’s not a common feeling that something’s really off in the entire situation and that all this focusing on the Jackson’s is just a smoke screen? I do think it is seriously off and it always has been. But NO...people talk, insults and rants. All senseless posts taken from media articles and gossip news and taken as gospel, supported with court documents that people do not understand and, most of all, do not show anything of the behaviors behind closed doors and do not consider at all peoples emotions, feelings, including Katherine Jackson's. Keep insulting her while claiming to be all MJ’s fans forgetting that Michael’s children see these “threads”….Michael's children are wonderful people because their Father raised them well. Katherine is a beautiful person and Michael too was a beautiful person because, “NEWSFLASH”, she educated him...you know..? All that love, grace and strength…all comes from Mrs. Jackson and she does not deserve that. Michael loved and respected his Mother very much and we, the fans, should be doing the same, even if we can have different opinions on what some episodes may appear to be. Actually not one single fan have anything factual to express other than an opinion based on speculations. No truth, no facts. I respect KJ's choice for not getting restitution. She was right to do so and she was right to go after AEG to make them accountable. We have now emails and documents that expose exhaustive both corporations. Thank GOD MJ’s not here listening to the people who are calling his mother stupid for going every day to court at the age she has. It’s a real SHAME!


But haters will always be haters and California Supreme Court gave them something to cheer on, denying on May 15th to the Jackson Family, the appeal on AEG Michael Jackson’s wrongful death case. The case’s closed. There is still the Federal Supreme Court but I do not think she will go that route. It seems the Federal Court will not go against the state supreme court's decision to hear the case. I don't think Mrs. Jackson would have a chance with these people. Justice manufactured by human beings often is not as expected and again the law was clearly not on their side. Never mind, we can perceive the truth and sooner or later it will be revealed and will prevail…it’s just a matter of keeping the faith. Even if tabloids titled many times how MJ trashed his family, I would suggest you to listen to the 2005 Geraldo interview starting from minutes 3 to refresh your memory on how MJ felt about his family, which is the feeling that all decent people have…if not, there is a problem because it mean YOU need help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUdJ8AIBVZY



The United Negro College Fund has announced two new scholarship programs that are now accepting applications – the Michael Jackson Scholarship and the Ray Charles Endowed Scholarship. Michael Jackson The Michael Jackson scholarship provides financial assistance to communication arts and social science students attending a UNCF college/university during the upcoming academic year. High School seniors must be planning to matriculate at a UNCF member school in the fall. Proof of acceptance will be required. Candidates must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. The scholarship will provide an award up to $5,000 depending on the financial need of the student as verified by the attending University or College. For more details and/or to apply, visit www.scholarshipsonline.org/2015/05/michael-jackson-uncfscholarship.html Ray Charles The Ray Charles Endowed Scholarship.helps African-American students with high academic promise that have significant financial need. Scholarships will be awarded to students who meet the following recommended eligibility criteria, and will be renewable up to one year. Students must be an African-American junior enrolled full-time at a UNCF member HBCU, must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, and must have a demonstrated unmet financial need as verified by their college or university For more details, visit www.scholarshipsonline.org/2015/05/ray-charlesfoundation-uncf-endowed-scholarship.html Article by: Princess Hayes 93



The trial is hurtling towards the finish line. Much sooner than predicted, the defence wrapped up its case. The media has hardly been salivating over the prospect of a long hot summer and a parade of defence witnesses - no matter how

famous. Hoards of reporters, camera crews and network "fixers" descended on Santa Maria. It was like they were crashing to a party. 2,000 journalists were in town to cover the big finish. The frenzied media activity that marked the

beginning of the trial were once again building up a head of steam. But it is far, far bigger than anything we have seen before. TV producers had been working for the last of the trial staking out the best camera angles for shots of the

courthouse - and local jails. The networks were preparing to go into battle to secure interviews with anyone and everyone after the trial - especially the jurors. Everyone wanted to be first. This is the media circus at its worst. 95

who had a habit of putting Michael on a speaker phone when he called in. They were all working on a charity record together. According to Rudy, the singer's voice was instantly recognizable. "Michael Jackson's voice is the most distinctive in the world," he said. "Unless he's upset and uses the other voice." Jackson usually sticks to his familiar high pitched tone - but apparently he can easily switch to a deep, manly voice. If the day ever comes, I wonder which one he will use on the witness stand. Today’s witnesses: Sheriff's Sergeant Steve Robel, forensic accountant John O'Bryan, music producer Rudy Provencio and Mr Jackson's associate Marc Schaffel. Key quotes: Prosecutors asked Sgt Robel how Mr Jackson's ex-wife Debbie Rowe had described the singer in a police interview he conducted with her last year."She referred to Michael as a sociopath and his children as being possessions," Sgt Robel said. He said Ms Rowe had told him she and Mr Jackson had made "a plan" following their divorce in 1999. It involved an agreement that she would "talk positive about Mr Jackson" in all public statements, he said. Forensic accountant John O'Bryan said that in 2003 Mr Jackson's annual expenditure was up to $30m (£15.8m) more than his income. "There was an ongoing cash crisis, not enough cash to pay bills," Mr O'Bryan said. Prosecutors suggested that Mr Jackson took part in Martin Bashir's 2003 documentary in order to boost his finances. But defence lawyer Thomas Mesereau asked Mr O'Bryan: "Let's say he has the opportunity to make a documentary that will generate $7m. That $7m is not going to make much of a difference (in Jackson's financial liabilities)." "No, it's not," Mr O'Bryan agreed. Rudy Provencio began describing working with Mr Jackson and Marc Schaffel talked about Mr Jackson's June 2001 plans for a charity recording called What More Can I Give.

May 2 -

The prosecution circus go on with Detective Sergeant Craig Bonner and bank manager Beverly Wagner. Key evidence: The jury was shown telephone records of calls made during the weeks following Martin Bashir's documentary Living With Michael Jackson, which was broadcast in the US in February 2003. Prosecutor Mag Nicola showed jurors records of calls between the phones of three men named as unindicted coconspirators; Janet Arvizo, the mother of the alleged victim; and a number of Mr Jackson's employees and lawyers. The first series of calls occurred during a trip to Miami by Mr Jackson, his entourage, the accuser and the boy's family. During cross-examination Detective Craig Bonner admitted there was no way of determining if Mr Jackson took part in the calls. Bank manager Beverly Wagner said one of Mr Jackson's top associates Marc Schaffel cashed two cheques worth £790,000 in the space of a week. The account was controlled only by Mr Schaffel and Mr Jackson. Ms Wagner said she authorised the transactions in the first week of April 2003 but had no idea how the money was used.

May 3 - Michael Jackson has two voices LOL!


story has been around for years, but now the jury has been told. This little nugget of trivia was revealed by the man we believe is the prosecution's final witness - music producer Rudy Provencio. He is quite a character. Clearly nervous on the witness stand, he is bubbly and fasttalking. As a former close associate of the singer he appears to know a lot about the private world of Michael Jackson. He used to work in an office with a colleague 96

rather than a bang. The last witness failed to deliver although he was hampered by the judge who imposed restrictions on the line of questioning.

May 4 - Mr. Provencio - the final witness as the prosecution wrapped up its case - said the singer's camp feared his career would be ruined after a documentary making child abuse allegations was aired in 2003. But he was unable to prove that Mr. Jackson played a direct role in a plot to hold accuser Gavin Arvizo's family at his ranch. Mr. Provencio told the court that he had overheard the singer's associate Marc Schaffel say that "killers" were pursuing the Arvizos. But another Jackson aide, Vincent Amen, told him there were no killers. After the prosecution finished its case, Mr Jackson's lawyers filed for an acquittal on the grounds the charges had not been proved. The motion will be heard by Judge Rodney Melville on Thursday, and if successful, the defence case will begin. The prosecution case ended with a whimper

We managed to glean from Rudy Provencio, a record producer, that Michael Jackson goes by the nick name of Arnold and the pop star calls money, French Fries. Provencio, who said he thought something "fishy" had been going on, came across as likeable and honest but he had little of substance to say. His trivial revelations hardly added up to a conspiracy worthy of a decade in jail for the defendant. There was no bombshell testimony about Michael Jackson ordering his side-kicks to send the Arvizo family on a one-way ticket to Brazil. It is therefore little wonder that the defence is now asking the judge to kick the conspiracy charge out of court.


May 5 - Key witnesses: Dancer Wade Robson, 22, and Brett Barnes, 23, both regular visitors to the Neverland ranch in the early 1990s. Key quotes: Defence lawyers asked to have all charges against Mr Jackson thrown out, calling testimony from alleged victim Gavin Arvizo and his brother Star Arvizo was "inherently improbable".He added that their mother Janet Arvizo had been a "bizarre" witness who told a "whopper". The defence motion stated that prosecutors "failed to present sufficient evidence of a conspiracy" by Mr Jackson to hold the Arvizo family captive. Judge Rodney Melville denied the request to dismiss the charges. The defence called witnesses Wade Robson and Brett Barnes, regular visitors to Mr Jackson's Neverland ranch in the early 1990s who admitted sharing a bed with him. When asked whether Mr Jackson had molested him "at any time", Mr Robson replied: "Absolutely not." "Did Mr Jackson ever touch you in a sexual way?" defence lawyer Thomas Mesereau asked. "No, never," Mr Robson said. Prosecutor Ron Zonen asked him: "What you're really telling us is that nothing ever happened while you were awake." "I'm telling you nothing ever happened," Mr Robson replied. When asked whether he had been touched inappropriately by Mr Jackson, Mr Barnes replied: "Never, I wouldn't stand for it." He said he was "very mad" that previous witnesses testified that they had seen Mr Jackson touch him inappropriately. "It's not true and they put my name through the dirt. I'm really not happy about it," Mr Barnes said. May 6 - The roller coaster continues. Michael Jackson's lawyers are now in the driving seat, but it is the prosecution team that seems to have the upper hand. Bizarrely, the defence witnesses are not sounding helpful to the singer's cause. It's not that they want to harm the pop star - quite the opposite - but simply by telling the truth about their strange friend, they are helping the prosecutors score points. Two alleged victims and their mothers have both testified that Michael Jackson has slept with young boys on hundreds of occasions since the early 1990s. The court was left with the impression that wherever the singer goes, he has a pre-pubescent boy in tow. Their parents appear to have no qualms about allowing their kids share the bed of a middleaged man, with whom they have no family connection. They were all given gifts and trips around the world. The boys and their mums all insist nothing bad ever happened - but their stories have left many courtroom observers feeling deeply disturbed by the "creepy" lifestyle of Michael Jackson. "He's a very special person," Mrs. Robson said of the singer. "I feel like he's a member of my family." Mrs Robson rejected the prosecution's suggestions that she thought Mr Jackson would help her son, now a dancer and film director, break into show business. However, she admitted her family had received financial help from the star and that he had helped organise a recording deal for her son. Marie Barnes followed Mrs Robson into the witness box and told jurors she trusted Mr Jackson "implicitly" with her son. "He's a very nice person," she said of Mr Jackson. "You just know when you can trust someone." Wade Robson's sister Chantal and Brett Barnes' sister Karlee also testified on Friday in the singer's defence. Chantal Robson said she slept in Mr Jackson's room with her brother four times as a child and had never seen anything of a sexual nature. Karlee Barnes, meanwhile, said she and her family had been flown from Australia to testify at the trial and were staying at Neverland. "I love him with all my heart," she said of Mr Jackson. 98

May 9 -

ordinator there, said she had never seen Mr Jackson behaving inappropriately towards children. She also said that Mr Jackson's accuser, Gavin Arvizo, and his older brother Star were never prevented from leaving the ranch.Her testimony was supported by ranch manager Joseph Marcus, who said he had never been given the impression that the Arvizo family were being held against their will. He said the boys "were excited to be there" and anxious to get back when he took them out shopping. Also on Monday, a former head of housekeeping at the ranch, Gayle Goforth, told jurors that Gavin Arvizo's mother Janet had once asked her for a job because she was desperate for money. "I told her that the rents were very expensive in the area," Ms Goforth said. "But she said: 'I'll come and I'll sleep in the car if I need to."'

There was a

collective sinking of hearts a few minutes ago when Michael J a c k s o n ' s spokeswoman told reporters the defence could take more than two months to present its case. There had been a feeling that the trial was picking up pace, with the singer's lawyers expected to take less time than the prosecution to put its side of the story. But according to Raymone Bain, speaking outside the court, Jackson's lead attorney Thomas Mesereau is in it for the long haul. "When I asked him last week based on some of your enquiries he said it could go eight weeks. Maybe 10," she said. The assembled press corps groaned with disbelief. "Damn you," said one of my colleagues. Another just let out a despairing sigh. Ms Bain also revealed that Michael Jackson is "very physically tired". She said the singer's back was causing him problems and that he had been uncomfortable in the courtroom. "During the break he was not up to snuff as he has been. The back is not doing too well today." She said the trial was "taking its toll" but the singer's spirits were "good". Witnesses: Former and current employees at Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch. Key points: The defence team began the first full week of its case by calling staff at Michael Jackson's California ranch to undermine the testimony of earlier prosecution witnesses. One of the latter, former maid Adrian McManus, had claimed she saw the singer indecently touch child actor Macaulay Culkin. But Francin Contreras, who worked at Neverland as a maid in the early 1990s, testified she had never heard Ms McManus say anything bad about the singer while they were working together. Ms Contreras described Ms McManus as a liar and a thief who had stolen items from Mr Jackson. Violet Silva, a former security chief at Neverland and a current safety co-

May 10 -

Witness: Joe Marcus, ranch manager at Mr

Jackson's Neverland estate. Key points: Mr Marcus testified that he never instructed anyone to hold Mr Jackson's teenage accuser and his family against their will, despite claims of enforced captivity by the Arvizo family.He said an order in the ranch log instructing guards not to let Gavin Arvizo or his brother off the property was there for safety reasons, as the boys often drove vehicles in the grounds. He said he did not want them taking vehicles on the open road. However, under cross examination Mr Marcus admitted that he had lied to police in 2003 about never seeing children sleep in Mr Jackson's bedroom. Mr Marcus also conceded that Mr Jackson had formed a "special bond" with eight young boys over the years, including actor Macaulay Culkin and Gavin Arvizo. However, he insisted that it was not only boys with whom Mr Jackson's formed a bond, citing the actresses Liza Minnelli and Elizabeth Taylor as among the singer's close female friends. Outside court: A spokeswoman for Mr Jackson confirmed Home Alone star Macaulay Culkin will testify for the defence. "Yes, I do expect he will be here at some point," said Raymone Bain on Tuesday. 99

May 11 - Not a spare seat in the house. A few minutes before today's session got under way, the bailiff reminded the audience - as the judge often describes the public and press gallery - that the courtroom is not a theatre. She is right, but it is hard to accept on days like this. There was more than the usual whiff of excitement in the air. Then, from Jackson's lawyer, Thomas Mesereau, the words we had been waiting for: "We call Macaulay Culkin." And with that, the Home Alone star, still looking like he is 12, finally made his much anticipated appearance on the witness stand. Initially, he seemed nervous. His voice cracked slightly as he said and spelled out his name for the court reporter. But he did a good job for his pal, Michael. No, he was never molested - in fact, to suggest anything inappropriate ever went on between him and the singer was "absolutely ridiculous". No surprise really. He has said as much before on TV. But unlike last week, when Hollywood choreographer Wade Robson was given a courtroom mauling by the prosecution, Macaulay stood his ground. He came over as honest and forthcoming about his long, innocent friendship with the pop star. The jury was attentive but did not appear to be star-struck by the boy from Hollywood. Most of them remained stony-faced throughout his hour-and-a- half on the witness stand. It was, I think, a good day for Michael Jackson

Witness: Macaulay Culkin, actor Key quotes: Mr Culkin admitted that he had shared a bed with Mr Jackson as a child, but denied that the singer had ever touched him inappropriately. He rejected suggestions that he could have been molested while he was asleep: "I find that unlikely. I think I'd realise that something like that was happening to me." "Nobody even approached me to find out if these allegations were true," said Mr Culkin, refuting claims by a prosecution witness that he saw Mr Jackson molest the young actor. "I've never seen him do anything improper with anybody. "We had a really close relationship. We kind of understood each other," he told the jury, referring to their joint experience of growing up in the spotlight. Jurors also saw video-taped out-takes from the Martin Bashir interview with Michael Jackson. "I haven't been betrayed or deceived by children," said Mr Jackson, explaining his love of children to Mr Bashir. "Adults have let me down."


May 12 - When the judge took to the bench today he referred to some "special treats" that the jurors had been enjoying this week. "Pretty good," he said. There were smiles all 'round. The rest of us were left in the dark as to what he was talking about. I later discovered that the over-worked and undernourished jury had been given some culinary treats as part of California's "jury appreciation week". This jury deserves it more than most. Their daily schedule includes two 10-minute breaks and only 15 minutes for "lunch". At the beginning of the trial Judge Melville joked that the regime, which he dubbed the Melville Diet, would help everyone lose weight. These were the treats: Monday - doughnuts and orange juice. Tuesday - fruit bowl. Wednesday - chips and salsa. Thursday carrot cake. Friday submarine sandwich. Witness: Corporate lawyer David LeGrand. Key quotes: Mr LeGrand said he had been hired by Mr Jackson for three months in early 2003 to sort out confusion over his business interests. "I became suspicious of everybody. It seemed everybody wanted to benefit from Michael Jackson in one way or another," Mr LeGrand said. He said that within weeks of meeting Mr Jackson's aide Ronald Konitzer: "I began to disagree with Mr Konitzer's decisions on matters." The lawyer said he suspected that Mr Konitzer and another aide, Dieter Wiessner, had stolen from Mr Jackson. Mr LeGrand said his suspicions were based on accounts passed on by another lawyer that "indicated that $965,000 (ÂŁ516,000) had been disbursed to Ronald Konitzer or Dieter Wiessner".He said he hired a private detective to investigate Mr Konitzer, Mr Wiessner and another aide, Marc Schaffel. But Mr LeGrand said he was fired shortly after asking Mr Konitzer about the suspicious withdrawal. Judge Rodney Melville said another former lawyer for Mr Jackson, Mark Geragos, must take the witness stand on Friday. "That'll give me time to get the warrant out when he doesn't appear," the judge said. May 13 - Key witness: Mark Geragos, Michael Jackson's former lawyer. Key quotes: Mark Geragos told the court he hired a private detective to investigate the family of Michael Jackson's accuser, Gavin Arvizo, fearing they were trying to gain financially from him. Mr Geragos said: "I had a concern at that point that, given what was going on, someone might manipulate my client. 101

May 16 - The idea that Michael Jackson's fate could depend on whether his teenage accuser's mum had a leg wax, is faintly ridiculous.But Janet Arvizo's trip to a beauty salon has become a pivotal issue in the trial. When the unpredictable Ms Arvizo appeared on the witness stand she stuck rigidly to her story that her waxing session, paid for by Mr Jackson, consisted of a legs-only treatment. Now, the court has seen the receipt and heard from the beautician who testified that Janet had the full works - a head-to-toe waxing that cost $140 and covered brow, lips, bikini and legs. But what does it matter? Maybe it is a point of detail that anyone could get muddled, although I'm told women never forget their first bikini waxing experience. Janet Arvizo does seem to have been caught telling a big whopper. And if she can lie about something so trivial, what else? Not only that - at the time, she was supposedly being held captive by Mr Jackson and his cronies. It doesn't add up. Witnesses: Spa worker Carole McCoy, orthodontist Dr Jean Lorraine Seamount, Neverland housekeeper Maria Gomez and Neverland assistant Kathryn Bernard. Key quotes: Beautician Carole McCoy testified about a visit the accuser's mother Janet Arvizo made to a spa for waxing treatments.Mrs Arvizo had previously testified she had planned to escape from Neverland during the waxing trip, claiming she was being held against her will. Asked by the prosecution whether Mrs Arvizo had said "anything that suggested she was being restrained in her liberty", Ms McCoy answered "no".Orthodontist Dr Jean Lorraine Seamount also testified that there was no mention of being held against her will when Mrs Arvizo brought her children to her surgery. She

criticised Gavin Arvizo's behaviour, saying he went through drawers in her office. N e v e r l a n d assistant Kathryn Bernard said she drove Mrs Arvizo on a shopping trip. "She was just praising Michael and telling me how bad she had it with her ex," said Ms Bernard. "I kept thinking, 'I don't know this lady and why is she telling me this?'" Neverland housekeeper Maria Gomez said Mrs Avizo had once told her "that Mr Jackson was like a father to her children and she wanted them to call him 'Dad'". But a week later, Ms Gomez testified that Mrs Arvizo said she was being held against her will and "that we should help her leave". Outside court: Mr Jackson's spokeswoman Raymone Bain told reporters the defence intended to call talk show host Larry King to testify on Thursday.


May 17 - Key witnesses: Social worker Irene Peters and Simone Jackson, the 16-year-old cousin of Michael Jackson's accuser Gavin Arvizo. Key quotes: Social worker Irene Peters interviewed Gavin Arvizo shortly after the controversial Living With Michael Jackson documentary was aired, in which Mr Jackson admitted sharing a bed with the boy. Ms Peters said: "I asked him (Gavin) if he had ever been sexually abused by Michael Jackson and he became upset." "He said, 'Everybody thinks Michael Jackson sexually abused me. He never touched me.'" She said the boy's mother, Janet Arvizo, told her Mr


Jackson was like "a father to her children". But she testified Ms Arvizo told her "Michael wanted to send her to Brazil, but she didn't want to go". Ms Peters said the mother never mentioned being held against her will. Simone Jackson told the court she saw her cousins Gavin and Star steal wine from Mr Jackson's kitchen at his Neverland ranch. "They each had a bottle," she said. "I told them they were not supposed to do that and they told me to be quiet, not to say anything."

May 18 -

The end is in sight. Everyone seems to agree that this case will be over sooner rather than later. Despite recent dire warnings

that the defence could take up 10 weeks to present its case, we could now be looking at getting a verdict next month. At one stage today, there

were reports that Michael Jackson's lawyers could wrap up by mid-way through next week. There was much excitement and trepidation at the prospect. It now appears that was overly optimistic although the trial is definitely on a fast track. The judge has made a number of rulings that

mean the defence will call far fewer witnesses. They probably have about 40 people left and it is unlikely that any of them will be major Hollywood stars. Both sides have been told no "character witnesses" can be called - which effectively rules out all Mr Jackson's celebrity pals. Alas, no Liz

Taylor, Stevie Wonder or Diana Ross - although I am assured that US talk show host Larry King will be the first witness on the stand on Thursday. Key witness: Rijo Jackson, the 12-year-old cousin of Mr Jackson, and videographer Christian Robinson. Key quotes: Rijo Jackson testified that he had seen Gavin Arvizo and his brother Star steal money from employees at Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch. He also said he saw the two brothers watching porn together and masturbating under bedclothes. "I saw them go to the TV, turn to a channel that had naked girls, and they did nasty stuff," Rijo told the jury. He said he then left the room because he was frightened. Videographer Christian Robinson told the jury he was called in to make a rebuttal video for Mr Jackson, following the damaging Living With Michael Jackson documentary. Asked whether it appeared Janet Arvizo had been coerced into making the video supporting Mr Jackson, he said: "She was adamant about wanting to do the interview." He said her answers were not scripted. "She was saying a lot," he said. "She talked about Michael being a great father-figure for her family. She wanted to make the situation right for Michael."


May 19 - Key witness: Casting assistant Azja Pryor, girlfriend of actor Chris Tucker. The couple met the Arvizo family at a Los Angeles comedy club when Gavin had cancer in 2001. Key points: Ms Pryor said Janet Arvizo had never complained about Mr Jackson's behaviour, and had described him as an "angel". "She was very anxious to tell the world that this beautiful friendship was nothing more than they saw - a beautiful friendship," Ms Pryor said. Asked how Mrs Arvizo spoke of Mr Jackson, she said: "It was something to the effect of what a great man he is. He is an angel. His love is great." When quizzed on whether Mrs Arvizo had complained about being held at Neverland against her will, Ms Pryor replied: "It's Neverland, who would try to escape?" Ms Pryor also said two German associates of Mr Jackson had tried to keep the family away from the singer in early March 2003. Prosecutors allege abuse took place between 20 February and 12 March 2003. "I asked, 'Does Michael know anything about this?' "She said, 'They won't let us around him because they know the children tug at his heartstrings.'" May 20 - Key witness: Mark Geragos, Michael Jackson's former lawyer. Key quotes: Mr Geragos said he suspected the family of Mr Jackson's accuser might "go to the tabloids" in an attempt to extort the singer, he said, resuming testimony he began on 13 May. "My concern then was there were going to be some accusations made, some story concocted," he said.He said he decided to hire a private investigator to put the Arvizo family under surveillance. His latest testimony was marked by heated exchanges between him and prosecutor Ron Zonen. The prosecution argued that the surveillance tapes were part of a plot by Mr Jackson and his associates to hold the Arvizo family captive. Outside court: Mr Zonen said he thought Mr Jackson's lawyers would rest their case next week. "We believe the defence has indicated that they will rest next Tuesday," he said.


May 23 - Key witnesses: Marion Arvizo, aunt of Mr Jackson's accuser Gavin Arvizo; Connie Keenan, editor of the Mid Valley News. Key quotes: "She told me that she didn't need my blood, that she needed money," Marion Arvizo said of Janet Arvizo, bursting into tears. Marion Arvizo was telling the court how Gavin Arvizo's mother rejected her offer to help her nephew by holding campaigns for blood donations. Connie Keenan said she was "duped" into running a story about Gavin Arvizo's cancer. "The mother wanted an additional story because she didn't make enough money from the original story," she said, adding: "Those are her words, not mine." May 24 - Key witnesses: Tonight Show host Jay Leno and actor Chris Tucker. Key quotes: "It sounded suspicious when a young person got overly effusive," said Leno, referring to phone calls he received from Mr Jackson's accuser, teenager Gavin Arvizo. "It seemed a little unusual. I'm a comedian in my mid-50s. I'm not Batman."But Leno was emphatic that the Arvizo family had not ever asked him for money: "No one ever asked me for anything and I'm sure of that because if they had I would have said something. "In the business I'm in you hear from a lot of crazy people and I'm reluctant to follow up. But when it's a child I do follow up." Chris Tucker testified that he took part in a benefit event at the request of Gavin Arvizo's father, but was later told it hadn't made any money. Tucker said he sent the family "probably $1,500 or more". Defence lawyer Thomas Mesereau asked Tucker if he believed the money was for medical expenses. "I was hoping it was for that," said Tucker.


May 25 - The courtroom was packed. Not a spare seat to be had. Jay Leno plonked himself down at the back of the room - next to the sheriffs officers and Michael's body guard. We all strained our necks to have a look. Yes, it really was Jay. America's most popular late night comedian was in the house and - not for the first time at this trial - the air was buzzing with excitement. Would he crack a joke? The courtroom sketch artists immediately started scribbling on their pads. Curiously, as Leno made his way up to the witness stand - walking directly in front of the jurors - their faces remained dead pan. Assuming the panel is following the judge's instructions not to watch the news or read the papers, they had no idea that the Tonight Show host was appearing as the day's first witness. But this jury is used to the hoopla. They know better than to appear impressed by yet another celebrity. After all, they have been living with Michael Jackson for the past three months. Leno was mostly serious. At one point he rolled his eyes as Mr Jackson's lawyer, Thomas Mesereau, persisted with a line of questing. But the chat show host raised a few laughs and couldn't resist slipping in a promo. "We have Renee Zellweger on the show tonight," he said, as a parting shot to the courtroom. In public life these days, there always seems to be a very fine between what is real and what is make-believe. In our reality TV world hardly anything happens without it being tinged or tainted by Hollywood. But then Judge Rodney Melville came along - the no-nonsense guy who banned TV cameras and imposed strict rules on the media at the trial of Michael Jackson. Presumably, he did not want it to become another OJ circus. At least, not inside the courtroom. He has done everything in his power to maintain the integrity of the Santa Barbara Superior Court. Or has he? Within hours of Jay Leno testifying, the comedian was back on TV poking fun at the trial. On his late night show he joked that he had stolen the judge's hammer - or gavel - as a "souvenir." Hours later, back in the real world, Judge Melville took to the bench for the next day in court. With a smile on his face, he asked: "Has anyone seen my gavel?" Even some of the jurors laughed. It was a great line from Melville - but was it appropriate? Meanwhile: Michael Jackson's child molestation trial has moved into its final stages. The defence has rested and we have moved on to the rebuttal phase. Late today, we learned that the prosecution wants to show the jury a DVD of Michael Jackson's accuser, Gavin Arvizo, being interviewed by the police about his allegations. If that happens, there is a possibility the defence may be allowed to bring the teenager back to the witness stand. It would be the ultimate big finish - Michael Jackson once again face-to-face with his accuser. Key witness: Actor Chris Tucker. Key quotes: The last witness, comedian and Rush Hour star Chris Tucker, said he found Gavin Arvizo to be unusually sophisticated and cunning for his age. He said the boy had approached him, saying a fundraiser he had supported had not been successful. "He was just real sad-looking. He said they didn't raise any money and they really needed some money," said Mr Tucker, adding that he then sent him $1,500. "He was really smart and he was cunning, but at the time I always overlooked it. "He was always saying stuff like, 'Chris, let me have this, let me have that. Come on, I'm not feeling good'." He said he warned Michael Jackson about Gavin Arvizo's mother "because I felt suspicious about her". When he had finished, defence lawyer Thomas Mesereau announced: "Your honour, the defence rests." Chris Tucker said he warned Jackson about the Arvizo family 107

May 26 - Key point: The case has reached the rebuttal stage, which allows both sides to call more witnesses to clarify certain issues. Key quote: "It seems like playing a half hour of it would be enough," said judge Rodney Melville. In a blow to the defence, the judge agreed that a video of police interviewing Michael Jackson's accuser in July 2003 could be shown to the jury. In response, the singer's legal team have warned they may call back Gavin and Janet Arvizo to the stand.The defence asked the judge to ensure that a lawyer and psychologist Ms Arvizo hired would also be able to testify. Quote of the day: "I'm going to deny the request to bring in evidence of the blemished penis."It was Judge Melville's ruling on a bid by the prosecution to bring in lastminute evidence that Jordy Chandler, the singer's accuser in 1993, identified a spot or blotch on Jackson's genitalia which was subsequently photographed by the police. In the dying days of this trial, it was another moment designed to make Jackson squirm. The judge sounded matter-of-fact in the way in which he dismissed the prosecution's request - but it must have been deeply humiliating for the pop star. With his parents sitting nearby, the defendant had to endure several minutes of heated legal argument about his private parts. True to form, he hardly appeared to flinch. We can only imagine his inner pain. May 27 - Key point: Prosecution and defence lawyers rested their cases. Key quotes: Jurors saw a video of police interviewing Mr Jackson's teenage accuser, Gavin Arvizo, in which the boy described his alleged abuse. In the video, Gavin Arvizo, then 13, said Mr Jackson had given him alcohol and touched him inappropriately. The account was similar to the one he gave on the witness stand in March. Prosecutors were allowed to show the video after Judge Rodney Melville instructed jurors "only to observe the demeanour, manner and attitude of the witness". He said the boy's "statements are not to be considered for the truth of the matter stated".


….While in the MEDIA….


Links to Photos

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~ KJ Tributes~

http://www.deviantart.com/art/Katherine-Jackson-167054266 111

By: Vivien Rose, Austria for Mrs. Jackson


Katherine: I was thrilled to give you a copy of my book about Michael, via Paris, last August in Gary, IN. "Defending A King ~ His Life & Legacy" was written as a tribute to your son and always with you, Prince, Paris, and Blanket in mind. I greatly admire you for being such a special mother to your children and a role model for others. It’s all for L.O.V.E., Dr. Karen Moriarty Author Defending A King ~ His Life & Legacy www.defendingaking.com

Thank you for being such a wonderful, kind and loving mother; to your children and to those you don’t even know. The world will never forget who you are and what you’ve done. You will always be in our hearts. You gave us a precious gift, in your son, Michael. God bless YOU. (MJ Brookins)


Gema Sanchez - Madrid, Spain 114

A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH Who would of ever guessed that this bundle of joy born to Martha (Nee Upshaw) and Prince Albert Screws on May 4th, 1930, in Barbara County Alabama would be the most celebrated woman in the world? Looking back in time, you have come so far and been through so much as our paths do take a part that shape us into who we are today. Polio ran pretty rampant back in those days which you experienced at the age of 2 leaving you with it’s reminder. For whatever reasons your parents were influenced by, they decided to move to the east side of Chicago when you were 4. What little do any of us know why God put anything in our paths or hearts til we can sometimes look back and find the answers like wanting to become a country singer only to find that not many blacks were country stars back then...but this was just a small detour in your life of God's greater plan that laid ahead of you.

another twist and turn took place behind closed doors of the private situation when your parents decided to divorce but still the bigger picture was not revealed yet. Nevertheless you were devastated by this.... With music still on your mind, you joined the local band at school and then one day in your young life, you met the man that not only changed your life but turned the world on it’s ear. You married Joe Jackson in 1949 who had a band called the Falcons which you sang with and only slightly touching on your dream with music. In 1950 Joe bought a home in Gary, Indiana. Back in the day, we tried to help make ends meet the best way we knew how and you did your fair share for sure, but soon with your growing family you quit all that to be a full time mom. No one knows about the grief of losing a child until they have been thru it and you experienced that loss with

the loss of Brandon. Still your family grew and then came Michael...Never in your wildest dreams did you know what you gave birth to but here he is and a force to be reckoned with... Your family moved to L.A. to pursue what Joe started with your boys and that was the road to stardom...Living in a huge house and in a city as big as L.A. had to be a huge culture shock coming from a small town such as Gary, Indiana...but there you were and the events you endured especially with Michael showed just how strong of a woman you are but more so the true meaning of being a mother. People speculated, the media lies and destroys or tries to and you have come thru it all even hiding the many scars this journey has left you with...and another son lost and that emptiness will stay with you til you are reunited with Michael again. I'm convinced that there is nothing that can destroy your family's principals which held yours together. The Jacksons ARE MORE, The Jacksons ARE FAMILY... You, Mrs. Jackson, are the true definition of what a family is... The journey God put you on crowned you the MATRIACH OF IT ALL.. God Bless you and thank you Mrs. Jackson for the impact you have made on this world and being the true role model of what a mother is... Your private journey God has you on is still His work in progress but know you have people from all walks of life that are there for you even if you don't know us personally... May God always keep you and may His strength always be with you.. I write this tribute to you with a heart filled with love...

Ellie Mae Hollingsworth, Pea Ridge, Arkansas...


You Still Have Hope If you can look at the sunset and smile, then you still have hope. If you can find beauty

If the suffering of others still fills you with pain and frustration, then you still have hope. If you refuse to let a friendship die, or accept that it must end, then you still have hope.

in the colors of a small

If you look forward to a time or place of quiet and reflection, then you still

flower, then you still

have hope.

have hope. If you can find pleasure in the movement of a butterfly, then you still have hope. If the smile of a child can still warm your heart, then you still have hope. If you can see the good in other people, then you still have hope.

If you still buy the ornaments, put up the Christmas tree or cook the supper, then you still have hope. If you can look to the past and smile, then you still have hope. If, when faced with the bad, when told everything is futile, you can still look up and end the conversation with the phrase..."yeah...BUT.," then you still have hope. Hope is such a marvelous thing. It bends, it twists, it sometimes hides,

If the rain breaking on a roof top can still lull you to sleep, then you still

but rarely does it break. It sustains us when nothing else can. It gives us

have hope.

reason to continue and courage to move ahead, when we tell ourselves

If the sight of a rainbow still makes you stop and stare in wonder, then

we'd rather give in.

you still have hope.

Hope puts a smile on our face when the heart cannot manage.

If the soft fur of a favored pet still feels pleasant under your fingertips,

Hope puts our feet on the path when our eyes cannot see it.

then you still have hope. If you meet new people with a trace of excitement and optimism, then you still have hope. If you give people the benefit of a doubt, then you still have hope. If you still offer your hand in friendship to others that have touched your

Hope moves us to act when our souls are confused of the direction. Hope is a wonderful thing, something to be cherished and nurtured, and something that will refresh us in return. And it can be found in each of us, and it can bring light into the darkest of places.

life, then you still have hope.

Never lose hope ! By Me: Phyllis Bell To: My Wonderful loving mother whom I adore very much, Katherine Jackson

If receiving an unexpected card or letter still brings a pleasant surprise, then you still have hope.


This album is dedicated to my Mother, Katherine Jackson. I have never known a more beautiful, caring, loving, understanding and I intelligent woman. Thank You, Mother for your hard work and sacrifices for all of us. Someday I hope to be exactly like you. I Love You with all my heart. Janet. (Rhythm Nation LP) 117

Dearest Katherine..... Mike said it BEST. "To me, my Mother is perfection." To many of us Jackson fans out here, you are exactly THAT. I can't say that I know of a much STRONGER woman of Faith. A woman whose Faith has been put to the test on MANY occasions. The VERY same woman who has stitched and kept this GREAT Iconic First Family of music together. Your LOVE never goes un-noticed. Michael would be PROUD of you and SO are we. Things haven't been easy since 2009. His Children are very Lucky to call you 'Grandma' along with all your other Grandchildren. I wish you a very blessed and Happy Birthday along with a VERY HAPPY Mother's Day!! Peace, Love, Light, and God's Greatest Blessings ALWAYS be upon our MATRIARCH! ~ ~ Sincerely, Jackie Coble , Lancaster, PA 118


Michelle Mikki Speller This is my favorite & treasured photo of Mrs. Jackson and I at the MJ One Premiere in Vegas in 2013.

Gabriella Kereszturi Toth ‘s favorite photo of Mrs. Jackson


I love these two photos of Mrs. Jackson Maria Artemiadou

Carine Carine Boreham Favorite photos


Dee Pfeiffer ‘s favorite photos of Mrs. Jackson Photo on the left is one of Dee’s very favorites (on this day he asked to see Dee backstage so she is partial to this one). Both of them were so happy here.

Shirley Bowman’s favorite photos of Mrs. Jackson 122

Another favorite of Michelle Mikki Speller’s. She took this photo of Mrs. Jackson in August of 2014, in front of the Jackson family home in Gary, IN.



Yvonne /Justine Wolfs favorite photos of Mrs. Jackson


Martine Leonard’s favorite photo of Mrs. Jackson . Martine sends LOVE from France

One of Tina Jackson’s favorite photos Of Mrs. Jackson and Michael

Drawing by BrookShane http://brookeshane.deviantart.com/ art/Katherine-Jackson-522734804


Precious Ones by secrets-of-the-pen Contests / 2010 / Michael Jackson Tribute / Visual Entries Š2010-2015 secrets-of-the-pen

http://www.deviantart.com/art/ Precious-Ones-176918545



Gertrud Broers - MJ Embroidery Germany 128





For Mrs. Katherine Jackson With LOVE


Dearest Mrs. Katherine Jackson, I can’t even imagine my parents dying, in fact so often I wished I’d go first. But I was told often too, that a mothers pain of losing her child is more than unbearable, so I try not to wish it anymore. I know there are no words in this world that could ever console you for losing your beloved son. Similarly, there are no words great enough to express my gratitude for his existence. I had never even seen Michael in person but I could never accept that he is gone, Never can say goodbye. He’s been with me since more than 30 years, he was and always will be my first l.o.v.e. My mom told me I would insist on watching Thriller on tv, although I was scared, I was about 6, 7 then. He was always there for me through his magical creations and inspiring personality every time I needed an Angel and I don’t know what I’d do so he could be with us again, our darling Applehead. Michael is perfect just the way he is. Not only for the Magic he was creating with his Art and Passion, but for so much more. He inspired me in so many ways, indeed, many times he was the only reason I was still alive. And I have heard countless testimonies of his selfless acts, his generosity, all of his amazing qualities. He made this world so much a happier, better place. I so often wished I could hug him or at least look at his kind eyes and shake his hand in gratitude, and now I’m forever grateful to Ms Brookins and the Universe for making this possible, to write a few words to you and THANK YOU, his beloved Mother, for bringing him to this world and for raising him so wonderfully. As a tiny token of Gratitude I also send along my drawing of Peter and Michael in glitter (sadly couldn’t get a better copy), I did years ago, a fantasy of little Michael frolicking and flying around with his beloved Peter Pan, like the character in the book named Michael did. Even a headache would go away by listening to Michael’s Music, what you love can and does heal you. Michael has done so much to Heal this World and I do my best to do that too, by not bringing any pain and/or death to any animal or human in any way, doing all I can not to harm and to help this beautiful Planet, our only Home and by loving Children. (I've started with the Woman in the Mirror long ago.) I would rather die before I would betray Michael, and the least I can do is defend his Name, so I always do that too. I remain helpless, wishing on a star, like little Katie in Moonwalker, for my Lucky Star to come back. May he be Happy Forever and may we meet one day in a beautiful place, where no living being, no child ever suffers. May You, dearest Ms Jackson, and Michael’s beautiful, amazing Children and all of your Family’s lives be filled with L.O.V.E., always. From Zagreb, Croatia, Forever Yours and with all my love, support and gratitude,

Karmen 134

In November of 2010, as a member of “Michael Jackson Fan Club”, I received an invitation to send Mrs. Jackson a personal letter of support. This is an excerpt of what was in the announcement from MJFC: We have watched Katherine give her all to her family for forty years and she’s still going strong. Raising 9 extremely gifted children whom share all that they have with the world. And now her legacy continues with Prince, Paris and Blanket. Katherine has always been eloquent beyond explanation but she needs the support of the fan community now more than ever and she deserves it more than anyone. Who instilled in Michael and the rest of the Jackson family the importance of their fans? Our responsibility is very clear here: Katherine was there for Michael when we could not be and she has enough love in her heart to represent millions of us and now it is our turn; to step up, offer her our gratitude, our support and assure her that we are on her side.

I was very happy to receive such an invitation and wrote a letter to Mrs. Jackson and sent it back to the MJFC . I do not know if she received the letter but since it meant so much to me I will publish it here. My feelings and support have not changed. Dear Mrs. Katherine Jackson: I have been given the opportunity to write you a personal letter that I hope you will receive. I have wanted to write to you many times but realize that you can’t read every letter; for there are probably way too many. My name is on the WRAPPED IN LOVE blanket you received from the fans a few months ago. So perhaps you may have had a chance to know how much I and others were thinking about you. I hope this letter will bring a smile to your face and brightens your day. I can’t say what all you have been through. I’ve never lost a grown child to death but I have lost a baby. To me, there is a difference. You gave birth to this child and watched him grow into a man; a very big difference, indeed. I simply want you to know how much you are appreciated and loved. Not one day goes by that I don’t think of you and wish there was something I could do to ease your pain. The MJFC has said it best: “Our responsibility is very clear here: Katherine was there for Michael when we could not be and she has enough love in her heart to represent millions of us and now it is our turn; to step up, offer her our gratitude, our support and assure her that we are on her side.”

And Mrs. Katherine, I offer those things without restraint: my gratitude, my support; and certainly that you will always have my steadfast love. I told my pastor that the one thing I wish I could do before I left this earth would be to give you the biggest and grandest “HUG” possible. He said if I asked God that He may grant me that wish. That would be a great honor. You are the closest to Michael, I believe. There are so many of us until I don’t see how I could be so fortunate, but I have asked of the Lord anyway. You just never know. He is kind and do grant requests. Nevertheless, I do not have to meet you personally to love you. I have many friends all over the world that I have never melt. Yet, my love is not diminished because I have not met them personally. I believe my love for God will be the same for you and His people. Michael gave us so much until I consider it a pleasure to support his mother. In fact, I support the entire family. I know that God has blessed you and your husband to live to the ripe ages you are; and you both look so very well and healthy. I know that the new year will bring many complicated and heartbreaking things with it; but we will be with you, both in person and in spirit for the ones who live a long way such as myself. I live in Texas and am not financially able to be there for the court hearing. However, I will be there in spirit. I hope to meet you one day but if not please know that you will remain in my heart and prayers. As I close this letter please be comforted by these scriptures: Lamentations 3:31-33: For men are not cast off by the Lord for ever. Though He brings grief, He will show compassion, so great is His unfailing love. For He does not willingly bring affliction or grief to the children of men. With Much Love, MJ. Brookins November 26, 2010 135

Mrs. Katherine Jackson has always been an awesome mother to her children. I have so much love and respect to Mrs. Katherine Jackson. She is very well loved and cherished by her fans. I always wondered how it would feel to have fun, laugh, tell stories, go out to eat and just enjoy spending the day together. I hope I will get a chance to meet her one day. She's my idol and I am one of her biggest fan.

Love you Mrs. Katherine Jackson. You rock!


Our Mothers & Grandmother’s

Will Remain


Bessie M. Flannel

Lois Nicholson

Ruth Stubberfield

Yvonne Rose

Frances L. Knox-Batts

Gwendolyn Edwards

Lucy J. Connor

Rose Walker

Artemise Anderson

Gertrude Johnson

Ora Dell Gray

Christine Bell

Leola Gray

Ada Mae Chew

Dorothy Anderson

Gwendolyn M. Speller

Mary Ellen Anderson

Gerda Kessler

Ellen Taylor

Mary Robinson

Etta M. Taite

Margerita Sidoti

Annie V. Lewis

Ida Young

Tammy McVey 138

Margarethe Ruth Ellies Sabina Sanchez

Jean Pfeiffer Joan Leone Ardella Bruner Concetta (Militello) Leone Twyla Jones-Good Barbara Jean Gragg Yvonne Estelle Soares

Whitney Houston –Brown 139

Thank you "#TeamKatherineJackson for supporting Mrs. Jackson and her family and also for supporting the effort to keep this page a beautiful and loving place. 140


Happy Mother’s Day: An Article on Katherine Jackson There’s a system of belief in which the idea is promoted that human beings, in-between our earthly existences, gather together with all the souls we are bound to encounter in our next corporeal adventure. The night of August 28th, 1958 must have been quite the event. The subsequent day, Katherine Jackson gave birth to her eighth child. Another boy. Her mother suggested she named him ‘Ronald’. Katherine – thankfully – ignored that, and opted for ‘Michael’ – after the patron saint of soldiers. A name that means “Who is like God”.

With typical tenacity, Katherine Jackson is refusing to bow to the injustice of the original verdict of the AEG Live Trial. The trajectory fans followed in the preparation for the This Is It concerts was a familiar one: journeying as we did from the press conference, to the excitement of hearing reports from fans listening to rehearsals, to watching him starve with stress in front of our eyes, fans telling Michael it wasn’t worth it – to stop putting himself under all that pressure. As had become the pattern, we accompanied the man on his rise to an angelic apex, before descending alongside him in his fall from grace. And this time he died. The trial was an attempt by Katherine and Michael’s children to uncover the truth as to why and how this happened. It saw Michael’s elderly mother having to once again defend her family from an onslaught of unwarranted abuse. She is a stoic woman. Not only is this a woman who has given birth ten times, she is also someone who has managed to cope with the grief of losing two of these children. But the AEG trial was the first time the octogenarian had been in court every day as a plaintiff. The previous occasion in which Katherine had attended court every day was in 2005, as a supporter of her son the defendant: throughout which, she remained composed and gracious in her stolid knowledge of the truth. Yet the salacious details Katherine had to endure through the AEG trial put even the 2005 accusations in the shade. The pornographic details describing her son’s physical and mental demise towards death evoked painfully evident tears, both for justice and remorse. Her recounting the moment she learned Michael had died was nothing short of harrowing, “everything went dark, and I just heard screaming.”

Katherine regaled many intimate details to the AEG court – of which, she was the veritable queen – including such anecdotes as the sleeping arrangements of the poverty-stricken Jackson 5: a triple bunk bed – Jackie on his own in one, with the other four brothers sharing the other two. (Perhaps Jackie smelled a bit.) In the opening of the AEG case, the defence threatened “we’re going to show some ugly stuff.” Katherine’s lawyer, Mr. Panish asked her, “And how does it make you feel to hear that they’re going to tell everyone that your son is a bad person?” To which she replied, “Makes me feel real bad, because I know my son was a very good person. He loved everybody. He gave to charity. He’s in the Guinness book of records for giving the most to charity of all the pop stars. I’m so nervous. I’m sorry.” Panish also asked, “And why is it that you’re here to testify today?” Katherine replied, “Because I want to know what really happened to my son, and that’s why I’m here.”


Thirty years ago, on Katherine’s 54th birthday, Michael performed his mother’s favourite song for her:

Such immense love between a mother and son. The poetry Michael wrote for her; the album dedications; even the iconic song, ‘The Way You Make Me Feel’ – written for Katherine after she’d requested a song with a shuffling rhythm. As Michael himself said, “All my success has been based on the fact that I wanted to make my mother proud, to win her smile and approval.” Michael’s adoration of his own mother is well documented, but in the foreword he contributed to a recipe book, he reveals an appreciation for the magical nature of motherhood in general: “Remember when you were little and your mother made a pie for you? When she cut a slice and put it on your plate, she was giving you a bit of herself, in the form of her love. She made you feel safe and wanted. She made your hunger go away, and when you were full and satisfied, everything seemed all right… You may think that your apple pie has only sugar and spice in it. A child is wiser… with the first bite, he knows that this special dish is the essence of your love.” Maybe at that pre
terrestrial meeting the night before Michael’s birth, Michael signed up for a corporeal life of sacrifice: that he courageously adopted the responsibility of being a messenger to attempt to guide humanity along a more peaceful path. Mothers that have faith in their children ultimately see their faith qualified. Katherine had every faith in Michael, and the qualification is there for all to see. Happy Mother’s Day, Katherine Jackson. The world is forever indebted to your strength. This article includes edited extracts from the First Book of Michael by Syl Mortilla, available in paperback and on Kindle at http://amzn.to/1GycUw1 and for all other eBook devices at https://www.smashwords.com/books/ view/511371 On March 11, I appeared on the King Jordan radio talk show to discuss the book. Here is the YouTube video edit of the interview:

Original article posted HERE: Written by Syl Mortilla


WITH A MOTHER’S HAND…and, a child’s heart ~a Katherine Jackson Tribute~

~I remember a good story about my mother that illustrates her nature. One day, back in Gary, when I was real little, this man knocked on everybody’s door early in the morning. He was bleeding so badly you could see where he’d been around the neighborhood. No one would let him in. Finally, he got to our door and he started banging and knocking. Mother let him in at once. Now, most people would have been too afraid to do that, but that’s my mother. I can remember waking up and finding blood on the floor. I wish we could all be more like Mom.” Michael

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Lao Tzu

MOONWALK In 2010, with the beautiful and selfless heart of a mother, Katherine Jackson reached out her hand and gave the world NEVER CAN SAY GOODBYE. She dedicated the book to the loving memory of her son, Michael Jackson. Offering a private collection of pictures and personal reflections, she bravely moved to erase media myth, having two main themes: To bring the truth to false accusations, and celebrate the artistry of her astoundingly gifted son. “Beyond our hardships, our family loved Michael dearly, and each of us shares a special bond with him. Through our memories we will always cherish Michael.

Today, all around the world, Fans of every color, every race, every religion, every culture join together to PAY MICHAEL FORWARD….with hearts old and young, millions of hands reaching out to show gratitude for a mother’s gift to the world: A child born to be King. Reflecting a mother’s wisdom, Michael was a seed sown to the world which today results in global love and activism. His inner strength and character, nurtured from birth, his massive God-given gifts and talents encouraged from birth, an unconditional love role model shared from birth… Michael grew into an unparalleled artist and humanitarian. It is a Mother’s Story told by her son. “I don’t think I could ask for anything more in life than a son like Michael.” Katherine Jackson “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” Khalil Gibran

~My mother was a great provider. If she found out that one of us had an interest in something, she would encourage it if there was any possible way. There isn’t one of us who’s ever forgotten what a hard worker and great provider she was. It’s an old story. Every child thinks their mother is the greatest mother in the 144

world, but we Jacksons never lost that feeling. Because of Katherine’s gentleness, warmth, and attention, I can’t imagine what it must be like to grow up without a mother’s love. The lessons she taught us were invaluable. . Kindness, love, and consideration for other people headed her list. Don’t hurt people. Never beg. Never freeload. Those were sins at our house. She always wanted us to give, but she never wanted us to ask or beg. That’s the way she is.” ~Michael~

Michael’s story reflects the loving hands and heart of a mother who nurtured a child prodigy and later encouraged an adult genius. His legacy defines the values taught and nourished by a mother whose strength was passed to her children. Being deeply loved, Michael was able to give a mother’s and father’s love to all children of the world. Watching his mother help a wounded stranger informed Michael’s humanitarian rescue efforts and fueled his belief in equality. “Fifty is too young to die. Despite the tribulations he faced, I believe he still managed to live as joyously as he truly deserved. I believe my son, Michael, fulfilled his purpose in life.”


~Katherine Jackson~

“A person who set every foundation with good intentions and with the hope to inspire others through unprecedented displays of love and humility.”

Michael often included in acceptance speeches a moment to thank his mother for the gift of life. We Fans lovingly do the same, for we have been given new life, and beliefs which affirm our souls. The lessons of giving and loving and charity and equality sing around this planet in wondrous harmony. Michael Jackson inspires all those who come to know him with an inspiration that changes lives. This morning, In the hush of dawn, I knew the miracle of birthI looked on the small child In my armsAnd felt full ownership of earth!



~Jude~ 145


Adllaw/Cadeflaw Initiative Petitioning the U.S. Senate to author a bill that would make it unlawful to defame a person who is deceased.

Dispelling Myths & Rumors LunaJo67 What did happen after June 25? Pt 3 "Funeral at Neverland?"

Advocacy/Vindication Size Matters: Episode 1 of Syl Mortilla's Michael Jackson Vlog


We are petitioning the U.S. Congress to author a bill that would make it unlawful to defame a person who is deceased. Slander and libel are not protected under the First Amendment while a person is living. The same protection should be extended to a person after they are deceased. The loved ones of someone who has passed on should not have to live with the continued defamatory stories and false accusations that can so easily be paraded as fact.


By means of the Mummy, mankind, it is said, Attests to the gods its respect for the dead. We plunder his tomb, be he sinner or saint, Distil him for physic and grind him for paint, Exhibit for money his poor, shrunken frame, And with levity flock to the scene of the shame. O, tell me, ye gods, for the use of my rhyme: For respecting the dead what's the limit of time? ~Scopas Brune~ 147

Dispelling Myths & Rumors What DID happen to Michael Jackson?

Michael Jackson: What did happen after June 25? Pt 3 "Funeral at Neverland?"


WATCHMAN ON THE WALL Purpose Of The Watchman This segment of the magazine was given the title of “Watchmen on the Wall” because the “Watchmen” are persons, in the Michael Jackson Community, who carefully observe activities of the followers in the Michael Jackson community. The “Watchmen” give extra care to the conversations that tend to stir or arouse strong debates or arguments and generally keep their views to themselves and only observe. The opinions which have no foundation of truth or cannot be verified are those that have, among many, caused unnecessary divisions. Although the Watchmen’s opinions are just that, perhaps some sense can be made out of the interpretations they have to offer. We hope so. All Watchmen will remain anonymous to avoid confusion or more strong debates. These thoughts are merely the opinions of real people/fans. Just think of it as you would the “Dear Abby” column. Dear Abby gives her opinion but at the end of the day it is still just an opinion and a personal opinion a that.

~The Watchman~


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MJ Brookins—https://www.facebook.com/MJsDC Simonetta Delfi —https://www.facebook.com/simonetta.delfi

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If you have a story, photos you’ve created, an advocacy or vindication project, a human interest story, children’s project, legacy project, special video, a book, artwork or you may be a support group; we will be delighted to promote you or your group in this new fan based magazine. Our goal is to support the Michael Jackson fan community by sharing your journey with Michael before and after June 25, 2009. We are very interested in your creations and reading about your journey with Michael. Your story may be that prescription that encourages beginners to move forward with the gift that they have been holding onto out of trepidation to share. What you have to offer is important to us. We consider no person or project to be mediocre. You are important to us. If you wish for anonymity, we will honor that request. Many of the fans have been bullied and aren’t comfortable sharing for fear of being ridiculed. We’re happy to report that the community has more Love than Hate. Let us promote you or your project in “What’s REALLY Going ON” magazine.

Time for your Light to Shine It’s all for L.O.V.E. Send Submissions to: whatsreallygoingonmagazine@yahoo.com


WRGO MAGAZINE DISCLAIMERS Disclaimers: This is a Not for profit magazine and was created to share, with the world, the beautiful people and projects inspired by Michael Jackson. This magazine can be read online or a hard copy issue may be purchased via the online hosting website owners. The cost of printing, perfect binding and shipping cost will be determined by the price list of the host magazine owner(s). Many of the photos and graphic images are not the property of “What’s REALLY Going ON” magazine and were obtained from different sites on the web. We claim only ownership of the name, logo and wherever content is not credited to another source. The Jackson family or the Michael Jackson Estate Managers are engaged in or have anything to do with this magazine. This is solely a fan magazine. The content in the magazine is the opinion of the blogger or person(s) submitting and is not intended to “malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual.” Our “intention” is to do no harm. To not injure others, defame, or libel. What is written in this magazine is not to be taken as fact nor absolute. Where information is taken from another site a “link” will be provided redirecting the reader to that site. It is not our “intent” to violate any copyright that belong to someone else. If we have knowledge of the origin of information or if it is copyright protected that information will be provided. Again, This magazine was created to support the Michael Jackson Community endeavors and to share with the community and the world the gift he had and still have for connecting people, globally. Disclaimer of Endorsement The inclusion in this Magazine of advertising, logos or Web site links, or reference to any products, process, service, trade name, trademark, or manufacturer, is not an endorsement by "What's Really Going On?" Magazine of any such advertisers, links, entities, products, services, names or marks. External links are made available to assist the Internet user in his or her search. WRGO has not screened individual links or organizations that appear in this magazine or that may be electronically linked to the magazine. WGRO strongly urges all users of this site to conduct their own investigation of any individual, organization, product or service appearing in the magazine or that is electronically linked to the magazine. WGRO neither endorses links nor approves of links external to this magazine. WGRO has no control over and takes no responsibility for any such link's operation or content.



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Michael Jackson: Innocent 28 February 2005 By: D. Francis

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#1 in Books Biographies & Memoirs ( J ) Jackson, Michael Amazon USA 28, 29 May, 23 June + 2, 7 July 2013 (also an International Bestseller on Amazon) Hailed as the criminal trial of the century. Two years of speculation in the media. Wall to wall media coverage from 2003 to 2005, 2000+ accredited journalists, yet the defense case was invisible. The public were bombarded with salacious prosecution focused media commentary.

CONTACT INFORMATION Email: liss.silverwing@gmail.com http://lisssilverwing.tictail.com/products https://www.facebook.com/pendantparadise

On 13 June 2005 Michael Jackson was acquitted of 10 felony charges and 4 misdemeanors. Those disgruntled in the media, labelled the acquittal celebrity justice. If you want to find out the truth, start reading this book. This is a unique book looking at the trial testimony. It provides an indepth look at the trial from the first day. It offers the reader an insight into the case that was not provided by the media coverage in 2005. This mini series shines a light on the defence case, and the trial testimony.

28 February 2005 was the first trial day.

Michael Jackson Innocent WordPress











Facebook Community Page Facebook Group Fans Restoring Gary, IN in Honor of Michael Jackson

The Dancer (U Got the music in U) [feat. L-Marie]


U.S.A. 154

iTunes U.S.

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ATTRIBUTIONS http://www.webweaver.nu/clipart/flower-borders4.shtml Vibrant electric blue roses on a black background. http://secrets-of-the-pen.deviantart.com/ LainyArt / A.Ferguson Artistry http://secrets-of-the-pen.deviantart.com/art/Katherine-Jackson-167054266 http://secrets-of-the-pen.deviantart.com/art/Precious-Ones-176918545

http://www.rgbstock.com/bigphoto/2dyVQ5h/Floral+Border+40 Prayer on Back Cover - http://www.2heartsnetwork.org/parents.htm Intruders Photo: http://popdose.com/wp-content/uploads/The-Intruders1-600x350.jpg Music Note Background: http://www.freestockmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/MusicalFreedom.jpg Marcus Huston (Whispers) photo: http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTQ1ODA0MD Video Background: http://www.corrierecinema-tv.it/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/ movie1.jpg Birthday Background: http://cliparts.co/cliparts/Big/Egz/BigEgzRjT.jpg Photo of Michael Jackson with children: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/25900000/Julyyear-1996-South-Africa-michael-jackson-25939344-600-404.jpg Mother’s Day Background: http://wallpaperswide.com/happy_mothers_day-wallpapers.html

Photo of Michael at Mrs. Jackson’s birthday party in 1984:


A MOTHER’S PRAYER Most loving Father, the example of parenthood, teach us what to give and what to withhold. Show us when to reprove and when to praise. Make us gentle and considerate yet firm and watchful. Keep us from weak indulgence, or from great severity. Give us the courage to be disliked sometimes by our children, when we must do necessary things which are displeasing to their eyes. Give us the imagination to enter into their world in order to understand and guide them. Give us all the virtues we need to lead them by word and example in the path of righteousness. Amen. All rights reserved © 2014 What’s REALLY Going ON Magazine

Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life. ~Sophocles~ 156

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