Creating Personal Learning Groups

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Stop searching: Start Connecting LEARNING 2.0: A COLORADO CONVERSATION

Why we felt compelled to start this conversation?  Both experienced power of Personal Learning

Communities / Environments  Both educators who want to get others to engage and expand learning and innovation  Both want to connect learning and innovation to our organizations  We want to see more people innovating through connected learning

Objectives:  Discuss the key attributes that determine rate of

adoption of Personal Learning Communities / Environments (PLC/E)  Discuss strategies for increasing the rate of adoption / participation of PLC/Es  Discuss ways to connect dispersed PLC/E-learning into the traditional workplace

PLC/E Defined: ď‚— "A Personal Learning Environment (PLE) is a

collection of free, distributed, web-based tools, usually centered around a blog, linked together and aggregating content using RSS feeds and simple HTML scripts."

Sean Fitzgerald

PLC/E Defined: ď‚— "PLE are very personal both in the sense of being

independent of the university or employer and in the sense of being hand-crafted. Even with a more ideal integrative application, PLE will still be highly customized to the needs and preferences of the learner."

Ray Sims-

PLC/E Defined:  “A definition for the term Personal Learning

Environment (PLE), remains elusive. Conception about what should constitute a PLE depends on the perspective of the creator”  "a Personal Learning Environment is a facility for an individual to access, aggregate, configure and manipulate digital artifacts of their ongoing learning experiences."

Ron Lubensky_

Questions: ď‚— How many have developed a Personal Learning

Community? ď‚— Would someone like to describe their PLE / C?

Perceived Attributes of Innovation: ď‚— Attributes of innovation that determine the rate of

adoption of an innovation.

Everett Rogers: Diffusion of Innovation

Relative Advantage: ď‚— is the degree to which an innovation is perceived as

being better than the idea it supersedes. The relative advantage of an innovation, as perceived by members of a social system, is positively related to its rate of adoption.

Everett Rogers: Diffusion of Innovation

Compatibility: ď‚— is the degree to which an innovation is perceived as

consistent with the existing values, past experiences, and needs of potential adopters. The compatibility of an innovation, as perceived by members of a social system, is positively related to its rate of adoption.

Everett Rogers: Diffusion of Innovation

Complexity: ď‚— is the degree to which an innovation is perceived as

relatively difficult to understand and use. The complexity of an innovation, as perceived by members of a social system, is negatively related to its rate of adoption.

Everett Rogers: Diffusion of Innovation

Trialability: ď‚— is the degree to which an innovation may be

experimented with on a limited basis. New ideas that can be tried on the installment plan are generally adopted more rapidly than innovations that are not divisible. The trialability of an innovation, as perceived by members of a social system, is positively related to its rate of adoption.

Everett Rogers: Diffusion of Innovation

Observability: ď‚— is the degree to which the results of an innovation

are visible to others. The observability of an innovation, as perceived by members of a social system, is positively related to its rate of adoption.

Everett Rogers: Diffusion of Innovation

Key attributes model: as perceived by members of a social system– not expert

Compatibility (high)

Observability (high)

Trialability (high) Complexity (low) Relative Advantage (high)

Rate of adoption of innovations

Everett Rogers: Diffusion of Innovation

ď‚— Which attribute is holding adoption of PLEs back?

ď‚— Which attribute is most problematic (perception of

individual adopting)?


 What are you doing to accelerate adoption?  What can we do to accelerate adoption?  What can we do to connect PLE activity to traditional organization


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