Sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba
NATION TECH & MEDIA Mirrorless: The Dawn of a New Empire?
OPINION Is Covid-19 going to change the Landscape
YOUR LETTERS Khuddam Opinions
THE HOLY QUR’AN أعوذ باهلل من الشيطان الرجيم بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم
ِ ْ إِنَّ اللّٰـهَ يَأْ ُم ُر بِالْ َعدْ لِ َو َال ْح َسانِ َوإِي َتا ِء ِذي الْ ُق ْر ٰب َويَ ْن ٰهى َع ِن الْ َف ْحشَ ا ِء َوالْ ُمنكَ ِر َوالْ َبغ ِْي يَ ِعظُك ُْم لَ َعلَّك ُْم تَ َذكَّ ُرون ج
Verily, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and wrongful transgression. He admonished you that you may take heed. (The Holy Qur’an, 16:91)
اللهم صل على محمد و على آل محمد كما صليت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد۔ اللهم بارك على محمد و على آل محمد كما باركت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد۔
ّٰ َ َ َ َ ْ َ ُ َ َ َ ال َق َ الل ُہ َع ْن ُہ َق ال �ضی ِ عن ا ِبی ھریرة ر َ ّٰ َّ َ ّٰ ُ ْ ُ َ َّ َّ َوال ِذ ْي:صلى الل ُه َعل ْي ِه َو َسلم رسول الل ِه َ ُُ َ َ َ َ َ ُْ الج َّنة َح ّٰتى تؤ ِم ُن ْوا َول ن ْف ِ�س ْي ِب َي ِد ِه ل ت ْدخلوا َ َ ٰ َ ْ ُ ُّ ُ َ َ َ َ ُّ َ َ ّٰ َ ُ ْ ُ �ش ٍيء ِإذا تؤ ِمنوا حتى تحابوا أول أدلكم على ْ َ ُ َ َّ ُ َْ َ .الم َب ْي َنك ْم أفشوا الس:ف َعل ُت ُم ْو ُه ت َح َاب ْب ُت ْم Hazrat Abu Hurairahra relates that the Holy Prophetsa said: “By Him in Whose Hand my soul is! You will not enter Jannah until you believe, and you shall not believe until you love one another. May I inform you of something, if you do, you will love each other. Promote greeting amongst you (by saying As-salamu ‘alaikum to one another)”.
“Thus, to show compassion and sympathy to mankind is a significant form of worship and an outstanding means to attain the pleasure of God Almighty. However, I have observed that people show negligence in this regard. They look upon others with contempt and mock them. To look after the poor and to help them in times of difficulty is a significant matter, yet such people cannot even sympathise with the poor and instead consider them to be inferior. I fear lest such affluent people are engulfed in these hardships themselves. For those whom God Almighty has blessed, one way of showing gratitude for those blessings is to show kindness and compassion to God’s creation. They ought not to demonstrate arrogance over the blessings they have been bestowed by God, nor should they trample over the poor like ferocious beasts.” (Malfuzat Vol. 8, pp. 102-103)
(Riyadh as-Salihin, Book 1, Hadith 381)
HONOURIFICS CODE sa as ra rh aba
َص َّلی اهلل عَ ِل ْي ِه َو َس َّل ْم الس َلم َّ عَ َل ْی ِه َر ِض َی اهلل عَ ْن ُه ِ َرحِ َم ُة ا هلل عَ َل ْی ِه اَ َّيدَ ُه هلل َت َعالی ِبن َْص ِر ِه ال َع ِز ْیز
Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam Alayhis-Salam Radiyallahu Anhu Rahmatullahi Alayhi Ayyadahullahu Ta’ala Bi-Nasrihil-Aziz
Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him Peace be on him Allah be pleased with him Allah shower His mercy upon him May Allah the Almighty help him with His powerful support
Our Obligations to Serving Humanity Friday Sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba
— Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba - Friday Sermon 10 April 2020
The Khuddam year saw a drastic change in operations due to the global outbreak of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. This pandemic reached our shores in early March and has shaken the foundations of society. Under the leadership and guidance of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba, the Majlis has been running a support campaign in result of this pandemic, figures of which are shown below.
Those with the task of aiding others – a lot of volunteers from Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya have come forward and others are also helping out – should take all the precautionary measures, discharge their duties with prayers and avoid any kind of negligence. They should not put themselves at risk unnecessarily. That would only be ignorance, not bravery. It is sheer ignorance. Hence, we must ensure to take great care.
19,774 NHS FRONTLINE STAFF SUPPORTED The NHS frontline staff are putting themselves at most risk by exposing themselves to patients with the virus in their line of work. To support these workers, MKA UK has provided: -2290 PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) -10,036 Food Packages for NHS
DEPUTY EDITOR Salman Qamar ASSISTANT EDITOR Muhammad Musawwar Ahmed HEALTH EDITOR Ata Chaudhry SOCIAL MEDIA Ehtesham Arif GRAPHICS Labeed Mirza
*All figures taken on 30 June 2020
The opinions presented in Tariq Magazine do not necessarily reflect those of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya and should not be taken to be a representation of the views of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community unless explicitly indicated.
Tariq Magazine is an official organ of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK (AMYA UK) which is an auxiliary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The Isha’at Office Unit 2, Bourne Mill Business Park, Centre Park, Farnham, Surrey, England, GU9 9PS.
HEALTH 5 Steps to Keeping Healthy
MOHTAMIM ISHA’AT Nauman Ahmad Hadi Daniyal Kahlon
Abdul Quddus Arif
21 17
Genetic Engineering
Were supported across the UK by providing support and relief in result of the Covid-19 pandemic that has shaken the country.
Working with organisations across the UK, MKA UK has been able to help out 24 charities & foodbanks, which includes providing food to already established foodbanks as well as establishing new foodbanks.
Households supported by providing medicines and other essential supplies.
07 26 31
17 29 18
Mirrorless: The Dawn of a New Empire?
Books that will help you better understand various Islamic principles.
Is Covid-19 going to change the landscape?
eace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
Social Media and the internet seem to be full of memes, GIF’s and TikTok videos around the theme of how 2020 is the year that destroyed plans. Students aren’t able to sit their exams, breadwinners aren’t able to earn an income and the NHS is on the front lines of a war against an invisible enemy. It seems as if though just yesterday world powers considered themselves to be invincible and safe from
any type of harm due to strong economies and a large military arsenal. However, in the span of a few months, society as we know it has been shaken down to its roots by this novel coronavirus, identified as Covid-19. In such dire and desperate times, our Majlis has stepped forward to serve and protect the nation in various capacities. A report of which is available on page 14, where Mohtamim Khidmate-Khalq (Director Service to Mankind)
presents the latest figures of the Majlis’ response team efforts. If you are more interested in the scientific breakdown of this entire situation then you may want to head to page 11 for AMRA’s take on things. If you’re tired of hearing and reading about Covid-19, then how about page 25 for a comparison between two camera types? Either way, whatever type of content you are after, I sincerely hope the contents of this edition themed around ‘Serving the Nation’ will benefit you in some way or the other. It is a vital theme, as the Holy Prophetsa stated that love for ones country is a part of faith. With a humble request for prayers, DANIYAL KAHLON EDITOR IN CHIEF July 2020
As the lockdown continues, and I
anxiously look for the next doohickey to keep me occupied, I sit here on my dining table, scrolling through the Tariq Magazine website on my mobile phone. To my joy, I came across a blog highlighting “MKA as the backbone of the Ahmadiyya Community”, after a short and delightful read I desired to write a few words.
Firstly, I would like to thank the
team for translating such an inspiring and historic manuscript of the community. The portion of the article which states: “When I arrived in the presence of Huzoor, he presented two published tracts of Sheikh Abdurrahman Misri Sahib before me and stated, ‘Write a response to this. Go to the Darul Mujahideen and employ the lifedevotees to assist you, and if you please, include some from Jamia as well.”
This reminded me of my
responsibility of not only being a life devotee of the community and a student of Jamia Ahmadiyya, but also a member of MKA UK. The free and ample time given to us during this lockdown could be better spent increasing our knowledge and sharpening our contrivances to respond to similar articles as Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IIra entrusted to Sheikh Mehboob Alam Sahib.
Learning about the origin of the
largest Muslim Youth organisation in the UK and its humble beginnings galvanises a spirit within to become a true active serving member.
Jazakamullah and thank you once
again, Ataun Noor Hadi Jamia
“ALL IS FAIR FOR COMEDY AND LAUGHTER” Dear Editor, “All is fair for comedy and laughter” is a prevalent mentality amongst our generations. The author most aptly highlights the fundamentally flawed response of those opposed to the bigotry spewed by Katie Hopkins. Indeed, I would say no decent human being would side with her extremist and frankly ignorant views. However, the way we respond and act against abuse, defines us rather than those whom we feel have wronged us. I thank the author for bringing this to our attention. Indeed, if we all followed the inspiring example of Holy Prophetsa to abuse and bigotry, people like Katie Hopkins, might even become a reasonable human being. However when you go out of your way to be undignifying and insulting to your enemy, you can only expect them to harden their stance. As the author writes, “hate cannot drive out hate” Wassalam, Muddassar Rashid
our spiritual life is immense and should not be underestimated. The Holy Prophetsa said – “A strong believer is better and is more dearer to Allah than a weak believer”. Therefore, we should use this pandemic to our physical and spiritual benefit.
Grow your own food
andbecome self-sufficient
Explore the books that will help you build your knowledge on various Islamic aspects.
Umar Bhatti Tooting Bec
Dear Editor,
Just recently our beloved Imam,
Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba sustained some
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas,
A lesson that can be learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic
The Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi
injuries due to a fall and wasn’t able to deliver his Friday sermon that week in result of it.
I was sitting at home, tuned in
on MTA waiting to see our beloved Imam aba
when instead, an announcement video of
Respected Munir Ahmad Javed sahib (Private Secretary to Hazrat Ameer-ul-Momineen) and Dr Shabir Ahmad Bhatti sahib. My heart immediately sank. At that moment in time, I wished nothing but to have received those injuries myself, as Hazrat Zaid bin Dathinara
North London
once said whilst he was being persecuted and
to be in his place, upon which he replied that
Dear Editor, Shut off from my gym. Never did I think that a pandemic would cut asunder my healthy body progress, but it did, and it has. Struggling and searching for home workouts I can do in a limited confined space, the article on “calisthenics” really provided an eye-opener and relevance in today’s difficult period. We may not all have the dumbbells, weights or bars at home but more than ever the only heavy lifting we need to do is our own body; to cut body fat, become fitter and hopefully leaner – which is a dream away for me, currently. The importance of fitness in
asked if he would prefer for the Holy Prophetsa he would not even want a thorn to prick the Holy Prophetsa. He did not even want such
From the beginning of time until now we see viruses have shaped our society, the way we live and the way we have access to our food supplies. Whether it was the Plague, the ‘Black death’ or the modern day Covid-19 they all have had a role to play in our demands and production of food. Just as we see today, Covid-19 has reshaped the demand of food, an increase in bulk buying and stocking up. Due to illness or self-isolation the lack of labour has affected the farming industry, retail industry, the transportation sector and many more. We live in a globalised world where produce is bought from one part of the world and sold in another. Consumers have become accustomed to having various foods at easy access, but due to this virus being a worldwide pandemic, it has an even larger affect.
a small injury upon the Holy Prophetsa, and
Continued on page 10
gladly bore the heavy brunt of persecution
why your opinion matters
upon himself.
Yet, our love for Khilafat doesn’t
even compare to the love that the Khalifa has for us, as Hazrat Musleh Ma’ud’sra beautifully states: “You have someone who has true sympathy for you; who truly loves you, who considers your pain and suffering to be his own, and who is always praying to Allah.” Daniyal Ahmad Baitul Ehsan
The world is more connected today than it has ever been before. With the tremendous amount of news and information you come across everyday you’re bound to have opinions on topics that matter. Let us hear them. @tariqmagazine
This book is one of the remarkable contributions of the Promised Messiahas in which, in the light of the Holy Qur’an, and by citing two hundred signs which had been fulfilled at his hand and were witnessed by a number of people, the Promised Messiahas gave a lucid illustration of dreams, visions and revelations.
Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmadra, Khalifatul-Masih II & Musleh Maud
This treatise explores the need of the Holy Qur’an, and how other scriptures have suffered interpolation and additions. It also sets out the prophecies made by past prophets about the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. An excellent and unparalleled life sketch of the Holy Prophetsa is also included in this book.
religious freedom that came with British rule in the 19th Century in India due to which the Promised Messiahas repeatedly reminded his followers to love the country that they live in, and respect the government and those in authority, whilst also serving the nation in our best capacity. Huzooras has repeatedly mentioned the great service rendered to the government by his father in the 1857 Sepoy Mutiny by supplying 50 troops on horseback to fight the rebellion.
By Daniyal Kahlon
This sense of duty and love for one’s nation was imprinted in the nature of all the Khulafa of the Promised Messiahas too. For example, during the caliphate of Hazrat Musleh Ma’udra, the founder of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, the partition of Pakistan and India occurred in August 1947. Shortly after the partition a war broke out between the two nations for the land of Kashmir. Harzrat Musleh Ma’udra had a desire for him and his community to serve their nation during this time of need, so he organised an entire battalion of Ahmadi volunteers in 1948 by the name of Furqan Battalion, to be deployed on the Kashmir Border under the command of the Commander-in-Chief. This battalion served the nation in various capacities until the cessation of hostilities. Even the son of Hazrat Musleh Ma’udra- Hazrat Hafiz Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh, who went on to become Khalifatul-Masih III, served in this battalion.
We as Ahmadi Muslims have a rich heritage of serving our nation, which does not just go back to over a hundred years ago when this community was established under divine guidance by the Promised Messiahas, rather it predates that by over a thousand years.
These days, the nation that we live in is facing a pandemic on an unprecendented scale, which has brought the economy and many other sectors to its knees. It is during such troubling times that we as Ahmadi Muslims first and foremost, and as Khuddam specifically ought to do everything we can to serve our fellow countrymen.
In the pre-Islamic era, there were certain people with noble Hence, under the guidance of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba, characteristics who established a pact that they would assist the the majlis has made a concerted effort to oppressed in attainting their rights and prevent oppressors from injustice. This group ‘I solemnly pledge that I shall provide support and relief to thousands of named itself ‘Hilf ul-Fudool’. This ancient always be ready to sacrifice my people across the country. Alhamdulillah, pact was rekindled during the lifetime of the life, wealth, time and honour by the grace of Allah, the majlis has been Holy Prophetsa, before his claim to prophet- for the sake of my faith, country able to make a real impact during this pandemic, and this has enabled our Khuddam hood. The Holy Prophetsa also joined this and nation.’ brothers to fulfil the rights of Allah and the pact and is reported to have said: rights of mankind in a true sense. “In the house of ‘Abdullah ibn Ja’dan, I The next time we are asked to stand for the pledge at a Khuddam once partook in such an oath that even if I was called to it today, in the age of Islam, I would present myself saying, here I am to do event, we ought to remember that the words ‘I solemnly pledge that I shall always be ready to sacrific my life, wealth, time and thy undertaking.” honour for the sake of my faith, country and nation.’ are not (The Life & Character of the Seal of the Prophets, Vol 1, p.g empty words, rather we ensure to fulfil our oath just as the Holy 145) Prophetsa had done, and just as the elders of our community sa It was in the pious nature of the Holy Prophet to serve others in did in the time of Hazrat Musleh Ma’udra. If, God willing, our sacrfices and services are accepted by God Almighty, the future whatever capacity he could. After the advent of Islam, the Holy generations of Khuddam might also refer to the service rendered Prophetsa made this noble characteristic a prerequisite to his followers by stating that ‘Love of one’s country is part of your faith’. by Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK in response to the Covid-19 pandemic as part of their heritage. Insha’Allah. It was this love of one’s country amongst many blessings such as 09 TARIQ MAGAZINE
Humanity United against COVID-19 Usmaan Omer Member AMRA (Ahmadiyya Muslim Research Association)
one human to another, most likely due to cough droplets. In epidemics, if uncontrolled, the growth often follows an exponential curve where cases double over a fixed time period. For example, let’s say there are 10 cases on day one and the doubling time is two days, then there will be 20 cases on day two, 40 cases on day three, 80 cases on day four and 163,850 cases on day 15. Since its spread across the world, it is believed that 80% of sufferers will experience only mild to moderate symptoms such as a dry cough, a low-grade fever and occasional breathlessness. A further 17% of sufferers will suffer these symptoms
unless their job does not permit them to
rise of infections once again through the
lockdown rules as the weeks pass by,
do so and stipulated that people should
easing of social distancing, also known
and some countries are bringing more
only leave their homes to buy food, attend
as a “second wave” of infection. As a
and more normality back in to people’s
an urgent medical appointment or for
result, world leaders are in favour of
lives to a certain extent. Despite this,
an hour of daily exercise. Although the
easing the lockdown measures gradually
the pandemic has forced all countries
impact on the rate of infection has varied
and slowly in order to minimise the
in the world to accept that we will, for
country-to-country, these lockdown
risks of this “second wave” taking hold,
the foreseeable future, be living in a
measures have generally begun to show
leading to lockdown measures once again
new normal. Even after the lockdown
that infections, hospitalisations and
having to be imposed. The WHO has
is eventually eased, people will for the
mortality rates are decreasing, to the
also recommended people not to leave
most part be acting with caution when
extent that some countries have either
homes without wearing a face mask.
venturing out of the house, so the
begun to enact or at the very least, discuss
After previous scepticism, face masks are
wearing of face masks in public and a
the easing of the lockdown measures.
thought to minimise the chances of an
maintenance of social distancing to a
However, the leaders of countries
infected person from releasing infected
certain degree will become an acceptable
have continued to remain cautious and
droplets into the air and being inhaled by
norm. At least, until the world develops a
mindful of the risks of easing lockdowns
other members of the public.
vaccine to cure this illness.
prematurely, the main risk being the rapid
The UK is beginning to ease its
to a more severe degree and the rest of the 3% will be in a critical state of health with a chance of mortality. The risk of mortality is believed to be higher in people who already suffer from The Covid-19 pandemic has changed much of our lifetstyles, in almost every aspect of life.
e are living in unprecedented times. Early this year, a novel infectious disease emerged in Wuhan, China. In the majority of people, it caused a respiratory illness with a cough and fever. However, many patients required oxygen and breathing support (ventilators) and unfortunately, several succumbed to the disease. A few weeks ahead, Covid-19 has spread across the world and been declared by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to be a pandemic (an epidemic spread on a global scale). 11
underlying health conditions such as heart and lung diseases, diabetes or are
Coronavirus Covid-19 is caused by the SARSCov-2, which is a type of coronavirus. It is a single-stranded RNA virus, with a single linear RNA segment and has an RNA sequence of around 30,000 bases in length. Coronaviruses are naturally found in several animal species, but they can occasionally jump onto humans to cause infection. Such an infection from animal to human is called a zoonotic infection. In the case of Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2 not only got transferred into humans, but also gained the ability to transfer from
immunosuppressed (immune system is weakened through special drugs used to treat other conditions such as cancers and autoimmune disorders). As a result of the rise in cases worldwide and in an attempt to slow the spread of Covid-19, almost every country globally has imposed strict, nationwide restrictions, including the banning of large gatherings such as sporting events and festivals, promoted social distancing by recommending people to interact a minimum of six-feet apart, urged citizens to work from home as much as possible
Continued from page 08
As a retail manager I have witnessed retailers limiting how much stock customers can buy, effect of bulk buying or as some would say, ‘panic buying’. Many, out of fear of potential lack of food supplies and a rise in food prices have developed an interest in growing their own produce at home. In a recent post, The Guardian newspaper has claimed that in the past week alone we have seen an increase of 1.8% in prices of food in the UK alone. So, this brings me to the reason as to why it is important to become more self-sufficient. We are
so used to being able to buy food that many of us have next to no understanding of how to grow produce. However, these recent events show us that learning how to grow produce is as important as before. It isn’t just about learning how to grow food, but this prepares us to be able to face difficulties, enables us to develop an understanding in our environment, and how we can harvest different blessings given by Allah Almighty. Harvesting rainwater, harvesting sunlight etc… all fall under the category of becoming self-sustaining. MKA UK has for this reason commissioned the Horticulture society a few years back to help our Khuddam brothers
gain knowledge in this area, as a direct instruction from our beloved Imam, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba. This society has seen a steady growth in the sense that more and more Khuddam and Atfal have begun to grow produce at either their local mosques, allotments or some even in their homes in plant pots. After Brexit many people showed interest in this but there was to be a greater catastrophe that the world would have to face. Syed Adnan Chairman Horticulture Society
READING LIST Explore the books that will help you build
10 primary conditions of
your knowledge various Islamic aspects.
THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC We live in a society where peace treaties and charters such as the Charter of Human Rights by the United Nations are acclaimed to be the greatest of all time. Allegations are rife against Islam that it deprives humans of their basic rights. However, a brief look into history proves otherwise; upon the migration of the Holy Prophetsa to Madinah, he issued a peace treaty entitled ‘Meethaq-e-Madinah’ (Treaty of Madinah) which was binding between the various groups of people residing in Madinah at the time. This charter, which was established almost 1400 years before that of the United Nations, is a complete and fair treaty ensuring the right of all citizens without discrimination.
Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmadra, Khalifatul-Masih II & Musleh Maud
A lecture addressed to the Annual Gathering (Jalsa Salana) on December 28, 1942. It answers the question, ‘How does Ahmadiyyat, the True Islam, propose to deal with the grave problem of socio-economic inequality in the world?’. This address was given in the backdrop of the then prevailing ideologies of communism and capitalist democracy.
The following are the primary conditions of this treaty:
The Muslims and Jews would live together with sympathy and sincerity, and would not oppress or wrong each other.
All people would enjoy religious freedom.
The lives and wealth of all citizens would be honoured and safeguarded, except that an individual was guilty of oppression or criminality.
All disputes and conflicts would be presented before the Messenger of Allah for his judgement, and all verdicts would be in accordance with Divine Command (i.e., the Shari‘at of every specific people).
No party would set out for war without the permission of the Messenger of Allah.
If another nation waged war against the Jews or Muslims, one would stand up in defence of the other.
Similarly, if Madinah was attacked everyone would defend it collectively.
The Jews would not provide any aid or protection to the Quraish of Makkah or their allies.
Every community would bear their own expenses.
Hazrat Sir Chaudhry Muhammad Zafrulla Khanra
This concisely written text presents the teachings of Islam and their distinct superiority over various Articles that make up the Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations and universally acclaimed as the greatest charter of Freedom.
This treaty would protect no tyrant, criminal, or wrongdoer from punishment or retribution.
The Holy Prophetsa is reported to have said that love for one’s country is a part of faith. Hence, a form of showing this love is to assist the country during times of need. Dr. Anas Rana Mohtamim Khidmat-e-Khalq
On 31 December 2019, China reported a cluster of cases in pneumonia in Wuhan. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified, which has completely changed our lives. Dr Anas Rana sahib (Mohtamim Khidmat-e-Khalq) reports on the response proivded by MKA UK to this crisis in the UK.
It is a great honour and a tremendous opportunity to serve in this capacity of Khidmat-e-Khalq during this very difficult time. God willing, this is only a once in a lifetime opportunity at that (i.e. a global pandemic). Alhamdulillah by the Grace of Allah, and with direct guidance and prayers of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba our efforts have been blessed beyond our imagination. Hazrat Musleh Ma’udra mentioned the responsibility and the response of Ahmadis in reference to a similar crisis; the Influenza pandemic
at the end of World War I. Huzoorra highlighted the sacrifices of Ahmadis and how they helped safeguard people and aided in their treatment. Ahmadis played a vital role in helping the poor and needy during the pandemic in 1918, helping them financially as well as providing basic necessities such as food and drink. As Khuddam our raison d’etre is to serve mankind whether it be spiritually or physically, and this is what is needed during this current crisis. The inception of Khuddamul Ahmadiyya was focused on service and this was an opportunity to truly fulfil that purpose. It was great to see our Khuddam across the country stepping up to the challenge and actually fulfilling their pledge and sacrificing their time as well as their money. The speed with which the Majlis responded to the crisis and sustained the efforts now going into the third month does justice to the title of Khuddam (those who serve).
A Summary of Our Efforts As Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, our first effort in providing assistance during the outbreak of Covid-19 was at the first quarantine centre in Kents Hill. Khuddam volunteered to provide nonmedical support starting in the month of February. Nationally we started planning our response as soon as we saw what was happening in other countries and there were indications that the government would advise on self-isolation. The main reason for this measure was to ensure there is reduced pressure on the NHS and so that everyone has a chance to be treated if they catch the virus. We convened the MKA National Disaster Management Council (NDMC) initially under the chairmanship of Naib Sadr Yousaf Aftab sahib. We started with regular planning meetings to ensure we as a Majlis were ready for any eventuality Continued on the next page.
*References: -The life & Character of the Seal of Prophets Vol. II, page 27 -As-Sīratun-Nabawiyyah, By Abū Muhammad ‘Abdul-Mālik bin Hishām, pp. 353-355, Hijratur-Rasūli Kitābuhū Bainal-Muhājirīna Wal-Ansārī Wa Muwāda‘atu Yahūd, Dārul-Kutubil-‘Ilmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon, First Edition (2001)
to provide our support. In addition to that, we also partnered up with councils providing our expertise in the planning phase or providing volunteers to help deliver essential food. In many areas we also reached out to pharmacies to deliver medication directly to people in need who were not able to leave their homes and collect it themselves. During all of this we followed Huzoor’saba instructions
Working with council to deliver food parcels to families in need.
as there was a lot of uncertainty in what the Government was planning. During the initial planning process, we kept in touch with HF (Humanity First) as well as the Medical Ahmadiyya Muslim Association in Germany (MAMO) as they were 2 weeks ahead in the spread of the virus and this provided useful information. During the initial stage before the self-isolation guidance, we made plans for the response from the Majlis including processes for response, the safety of our volunteers, and establishing partnerships. We were also incredibly honoured to receive regular guidance from Huzoor-e-Anwaraba and one of the first instructions we received was to ensure we focus our help on members of the Jama’at as well as trying to assist non-Ahmadi member of society. What was obvious from the beginning is that this would be a prolonged crisis and we needed to put structures in place to allow us to respond to the crisis and serve humanity to our best ability, but at the same time ensuring the longevity of our efforts. The main challenge during this crisis was the vast number of people who are affected by the virus either 15 TARIQ MAGAZINE
directly or indirectly and the people who lost their jobs or livelihoods during this crisis. Our initial efforts focused on assisting people during self-isolation; the vulnerable or those who had been infected with the virus. We also tried to assist the most vulnerable members of society, especially the homeless. We setup foodbanks and also donated food to other, already established foodbanks. Our efforts on the ground started on day one of the self-isolation measure, Alhamdulillah. We set-up a help email address and WhatsApp number where people could get in touch if they needed help with groceries, getting hold of medication, or in any other way we could assist. In addition, several regions started donating food to local foodbanks and providing hot meals to the homeless. At the end of the first week our partnership with HF started in the form of a helpline where volunteers responded to people calling in for help. Any requests for shopping and medication was passed on to Khuddam who responded on the same day. We also created partnerships with other charities across the country
to ensure the safety of our Khuddam who have been volunteering their time. By the Grace of Allah, we managed to assist 18,790 households across the country. Khuddam managed to create a partnership with schools and a catering company creating the Watford School Meal Project. This is a weekly effort to provide hot meals to vulnerable children and their families. This is an ongoing project growing each week, and up until now we have managed to provide more than 500 meals. The effort by front line staff during this outbreak was tremendous, so we as
Hot food delivered to front line staff showing our appreciation of their efforts during this difficult time.
a Majlis wanted to show our appreciation for their efforts by providing hot meals and small gifts of chocolate to them. Furthermore, we also donated 2290 personal protective equipment (PPE) to NHS staff. In total we managed to reach out to 19,774 front line staff. Additionally, we worked together with government partners to provide volunteers to deliver PPE to frontline staff. Our Khuddam volunteers directly delivered 255,150 pieces of PPE over the course of 5 drops. Throughout these past few months we have provided regular updates on our efforts to beloved Huzooraba. These updates also included a daily summary of the government briefing and a summary of up to date scientific research on the virus provided by the Amoor-e-Tuluba department and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Research Association (AMRA). It was very humbling to receive direct feedback on our efforts from Huzooraba especially when Huzooraba thanked the Khuddam for their efforts. Not only that, but Huzooraba also mentioned the efforts of MKA during two consecutive Friday sermons. Huzooraba also provided very important guidelines for Khuddam to follow. Alhamdulillah for the blessing and guidance provided by Khilafat-eAhmadiyya. These efforts are ongoing as we move into the next phase of this pandemic, and we as Khuddam will be at the forefront providing support where we can and keep serving humanity. Insha’Allah. The success of this entire campaign proves the vitality of seeking and acting upon the guidance of the Khalifa of the time. May Allah grant us the opportunity to do so. Ameen.
In result of the hostilities between India and Pakistan on the Kashmir border, the Furqan Force/Battalion was assembled by Hazrat Musleh Ma’udra which consisted solely of Ahmadi volunteers. It was deployed on the Kashmir border in the Spring of 1948. Hazrat Musleh Ma’udra, whilst narrating the incident of a lady who offered her son to be martyred in this cause, supplicated that may God let one of his own sons be taken as a ransom for that lady’s son. Hence, although martyrdom was not destined for this great son, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul-Masih IIIrh was able to serve in this force. (Standing in the centre).
A ceasefire was agreed upon at the front line of Kashmir between India and Pakistan. Upon this, the group of Ahmadi volunteers, the Furqan Force, was disbanded. On 17 June, a special ceremony was arranged in Sarai Alamgir, and the message from the commander-in-chief was read out. Everyone concerned witnessed and lauded the efficiency and loyalty of the Ahmadi volunteers.
keeping healthy a 5-step guide Ata Chaudhry Tolworth
Step 2: ablution
ith the times we are currently living in, healthy living habits should be prioritised, not only for the body but also for the mind and soul. For some, it has already become part of their routine and for others, it is something they want to start but don’t know how to. With gyms closed and home workouts getting popular, here are 5 things that you can do at home to keep healthy without equipment and just a bit of discipline.
step 1: washing hands
This brings us nicely to the next point, which is ablution or Wudhu. Ablution is the practice of washing parts of the body before the act of prayer. These are hands, mouth, nose, face, arms up to the elbows, head, ears and lastly the feet. All of these parts are washed 3 times each. This was established over a millennium ago and is perfect for today’s situation as well. To offer the 5 daily prayers, you need ablution which will keep you clean throughout the day and hence healthy too.
Step 3: salat (prayer) The first being very obvious and goes without saying, with the whole covid-19 situation is washing your hands. The government is suggesting that we should wash our hands on a regular basis. This is something we should be doing as Muslims anyway. Our Holy Prophetsa used to wash his hands every time before eating or drinking. His actions showed that cleanliness was an integral part of his life and the current situation proves what an important and relevant habit it is.
With ablution comes the offering of the actual prayer. You might be thinking how observing your 5 daily prayers will keep you healthy. It keeps you healthy spiritually without a doubt, but science has shown that the actual actions of prayers have physical benefits. According to a Hadith, the Prophet of Islamsa said “inna fissalati shifa’a”, meaning “Verily there is cure in Salat.” This is proved by science. For example, in doing takbir, we move the hands and shoulders upwards increasing blood flow towards the torso. Most prayer actions are very similar to that of yoga because of which some people believe that yoga is an adaptation of prayer.
step 4: sleep pattern Another way to keep healthy during this time when most people are not going to work, is to improve your sleeping pattern which mostly gets neglected. Lack of sleep is detrimental to your health. Experts suggest that 7-9 hours of sleep is required for the human body to function at optimum levels. Less sleep may affect quality of life and can create issues such as mental health, immune deficiency and emotional imbalance. There are a few tips to ensure quality sleeping for the required amount of time.. 30-60 minutes before going to sleep, put your phone and all such devices away that emit blue light. This will ensure a strict sleep schedule which will help with your cardiac rhythm.
step 5: diet Last of all, eating enough and a balanced diet is also important. Most personal trainers and gym goers will tell you that exercise is 30% and diet is 70% of your built. This is also true for those who don’t exercise but want to stay healthy. Diet is a massive factor when it comes to how your body functions. We should cut consumption of processed foods and replace it with fresh and organic substitutes. Also, it is important to eat all types of foods, be it meat, vegetables, dairy etc in a balanced manner.
IS COVID-19 GOING TO CHANGE THE WORLD LANDSCAPE? Muhammad Musawwar Ahmed Newcastle upon Tyne
The world is currently going through a difficult phase. Financial markets are under immense depression, oil prices are plummeting to a dramatic level and industries are desperately seeking solutions to survive and achieve the normal working schedules. The COVID-19 crisis is going to have a long-lasting impact on the world’s future. It will restructure the political and socioeconomic canvas of this planet. Before the pandemic, significant progression was visible to adopt the digital transformation mankind was going through. But it seems like nature was not pleased with the way humans were treating the planet to achieve their development milestones. A lot of awareness was generated through different international platforms in this regard. Due to these efforts, the consumption rate of the resources to produce a dollar of world GDP has decreased by 30% as compared to 30 years ago. The human race has shared this planet with other species. Therefore, it is our responsibility to maintain its ecological system to which we have been ignorant for decades. Due to this negligence, irreversible damages have occurred such as air pollution, abnormal depletion of natural resources and injustice throughout the societies and communities. The world has not been generous enough towards the conservation of wild life. The biggest proof are the five mass extinctions the world witnessed, and it is presently passing through the sixth. Mankind ignored the fact that nature has planned the extinction of human beings due to their injustice.
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed human vulnerability and forced the world leaders of today to prioritise resource allocation. Whether it is public health, defence or natural resource exploitation, a significant lifestyle change is required in world communities. Some may be of the opinion that the global lockdown has highlighted that the world would be a far better place without humans as the other creatures of this world claimed their conquered landscapes. More wildlife was observed to occupy the busy streets as nature pressed the reset button. According to a report, wild goats were seen on the roads of north Wales. On the other hand, peacocks found sitting peacefully on urban rock in a quiet locality of Hyderabad, India. Additionally, a 25% reduction in carbon emissions due to restricted travel was observed by the centre for research on energy and air pollution. Moreover, the water quality in world waters improved due to less sea traffic flow. Cities like Venice reported improved fish visibility in waters due to sediment settlement. However, this impact is not significant as the overall CO2 levels are still high, but at least it has addressed the sensitivity of the problem. Researchers argue that the current pandemic would have spread much faster than the current rate due to the smog particles in the air due to pollution. It is critical to note that the world leaders are unanimously agreeing to postpone current environmental initiatives due to the pandemic. Most of the European and far eastern countries are planning to seek relaxation in their emission cutting enforcements for the foreseeable future. This indicates that upon reaching normality, the planet might face the environmental impact more severely than ever before. The current pandemic has also affected the human social structure and economic condition. The most affected ones are those who are in the most vulnerable condition. For example,
homeless people, refugees, war displaced people and the economically adverse are more susceptible to the virus due to lower standards of living conditions and unavailability of financial resources. The elderly people are another segment of society which has been one of the prime preys of this air-borne virus. With already deteriorating health conditions, these people are the ones with the highest COVID-19 mortality rates. The society discrimination against this retired class is also another factor which cannot be ignored. Disabled people with limited mobility have also been regarded as another vulnerable segment of the society. These people struggle, more so than others, to maintain their personal hygiene in normal situation due to physical restrictions; so with limited care professionals due to the lock down measures; it is getting worse than ever before. The youth of the society are also considered as vulnerable as the world witnesses the ruthless and indiscriminate attitude of this disease.
Continued on page 20
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Our beloved Imam, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba has expressed his desire for Ahmadi youth to pursue a career in journalism on many occassions. Hence, we spoke to a khadim who is a journalist by profession to provide some insight into this line of work.
By Ibn Rasheed
TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOURSELF? This is the hardest interview question because one never knows where or how to begin. Growing up in the UK meant I frequently had direct guidance from Khilafat about my career and life path, especially as a Waqfe Nau. Add to that the advice from Jamaat elders and influence of Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, I can consider myself a very fortunate person. All this shaped not only my character but my career path. I work in London as a journalist now and enjoy playing football, watching documentaries, traveling and reading.
HOW DO YOU BECOME A JOURNALIST? There are a number of paths to take including getting a journalism degree but I would recommend studying something
else you’re interested in like history, economics, theology or the like. That’ll give you knowledge which can be useful in the newsroom. Then you can apply for graduate schemes or jobs. You might have to freelance for a while or work as an intern. Get to know people and send lots and lots of emails and pitches. Get as much work experience as possible, even if for a day or a week. Try to get published anywhere and join the Khuddam Ishaat teams. You can also apply for an apprenticeship if you haven’t been to university. Or pay to get the official NCTJ (National Council for the Training of Journalists) diploma. That will show editors and employers you can handle yourself in stories in terms of media law and editorial judgement. At the end of the day, you have to take your own initiative and write, film, record as much as you can on any platform you have access to so you have something to show. Make a portfolio.
WHAT DOES YOUR WORK CONSIST OF? My work is fairly varied and consists of running a national broadcaster’s social media accounts, sometimes writing stories which I’ve found, filming and editing a story or reporting on the radio.
Usually you have daily responsibilities but sometimes you can find and report on your own stories. I also have to pitch and convince editors if I want my story to be broadcast or published.
HOW DO YOU BALANCE IT WITH JAMA’AT COMMITMENTS? It’s tough because the news is 24/7 and the media never sleeps. Plus I’m traveling a long way to work as I live quite far away. But there is the option of working from home sometimes and the weekends are almost always free. Also I try to take on Jamaat projects which I can do in my own time and are not necessarily time dependent. So I deliver training and presentations to relevant Jamaat departments and advise whenever I can, or write copy for various publications. At events I help out with filming and editing. I consider my work as a Jamaat commitment anyway as it means whatever I learn I can pass on to others and use my expertise in this way.
HOW DOES JAMA’AT WORK ASSIST YOU IN YOUR PROFESSIONAL FIELD? It gives me an opportunity to practice my skills and learn from others. It also gives me such skills and experience which would take years to gain elsewhere. That means I have better examples to give in job interviews. It also helps me to discover what I’m good at and what area I should focus and improve on. It opens up a range of skills and opportunities others could only dream of. Khuddam activities are like a training ground for me to produce better work professionally. And delivering excellent Jamaat work by using all that experience is the ultimate goal for me.
Continued from page 18
Since the youth forms the most part of the working population, they are prone to contract the virus as being most exposed to the environment. Even during this limited interaction phase which the world is going through, these people are out on the front line as health workers, care workers, police officers, delivery service providers and logistics support. Moreover, limited employment opportunities due to closed businesses also have affected this class adversely. One of the prime sources of entertainment and mental therapy has always been sports for youth. Social distancing has made it impossible for the popular sports industry to thrive during current times. This has impacted sports fans in the form of mental and psychological stress. This has created a surge in the social inequality and has increased the crime rates as less deprived segments try to claim their right to basic needs. The world should work together for the sustainable solution to the current pandemic. The social and environmental impacts on the planet might pose a bigger threat to the world than emerging economic problems. Where there are environmental targets in place by the world regulatory institutions, more is required to address the wellbeing of the world population. However, it is critical to understand that the current human empowerment over the nature has been one of the major reasons which brought the world to this phase. As responsible citizens, humans should learn to live in harmony with the natural resources, inhabitants and deviate their energies from uncontrolled extraction of resources to a sustainable world which will ensure greener world future.
(2) Planning and determination He should plan carefully before “Caller unto Allah” undertaking any work. For example if he is going to knock on doors, he should From the above meaning it can be deduced plan where to visit and acquire some that in order to become a successful Dai e knowledge of the population of the area Ilallah a person needs to do the following: he visits accordingly. He should have with him literature in the language of 1.Pray for the success of their mission, those people. He should also have with 2.Plan their efforts and be determined in him the Holy Qur’an or some notes their execution. which may serve him for ready reference. 3.Be prepared to make a lot of effort with This venture should begin with prayers, patience and perseverance planning and renewed commitment. 4.Give Sadqa 5.Write letters to Huzoor for prayer; (3) Effort and Hard Work. giving details of progress. He should identify people suitable for 6.At the end of each day he should preaching. He should carry on tabligh take an account of his effort and reassess regularly to them for a certain period of his capabilities. Is he working to his full time and he should not desist impatiently potential? without results. The Qur’an tells us: 7.Purify himself. “Call unto the way of thy Lord with Each of the above can now be taken in wisdom and goodly exhortation and detail: argue with them in a way that is best.” (Chapter 16 Verse 126 Holy Qur’an) (1) Prayers: With regards to prayer he should offer his Thus in tabligh one must be patient and five obligatory prayers regularly and get up tactful in order to be effective. for tahajjud. Also he must do zikeraylihee (remembrance of Allah) and astaghfar One should also follow the injunction of (forgiveness from Allah). He should the Holy Qur’an where Allah says: continue to pray regularly for himself and others in this field that Allah may grant “And as for those who strive to meet Us wisdom. He should pray the following: we will, surely, guide them in our ways. And verily Allah is with those who do And say O my Lord make my entry a good good.” (Chapter 29 Verse 70) entry and make my going forth a good going forth. And grant me from thyself a helping power. (Chapter 17 Verse 81 of the Holy Qur’an) To be continued in the next issue
*Huzoor’s Tour of Europe 2019 | Part 2 | Abid Khan
In 1924, during the Khilafat of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad - Khalifatul-Masih IIra, Huzoorra, along with 12
Reporters followed Mirza Basheer-ud-Din’s every move. After a long journey from India, he arrived in London with twelve
companions, travelled to London as a guest speaker for ‘The Conference of world religions within the empire’.
companions on August 21, 1924 and was greeted by Sr. Francis Younghusband among others. As the Evening News
A glimpse of the keen interest, excitement and evident grandeur & majesty of His Holinessra can be read from the following
figure stepped straight from the Continental express and opened prayer on the platform. The long-drawn tenor cry of ‘Allah-
reported: “Travelers at Victoria Station got a surprise when a party of green-turbaned foreigners headed by an imposing
o-Akbur!’ (Great is Allah) followed and they moved off” (Evening News 1924b). The company visited London’s Ludgate
“As the “holy men of the Empire” [sic] arrived in London, news coverage intensified. No figure aroused more curiosity than
remarkably similar to the London Gate of Lud.”
Circus, where they offered a prayer in fulfillment of a prophecy that they should pray at “Bab-ul-lud”—an Arabic name
the aforementioned Mirza Basheer-ud-Din, Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community... in the person of Mirza Basheerud-Din one had the opportunity to witness in the flesh someone claiming quasi-divine status.
(“A Remarkable Gathering”: The Conference on Living Religions within the British Empire (1924) and Its Historical Significance, Thomas Albert Howard, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Volume 86, Issue 1, March 2018, Pages 126–157,)
OUR OBLIGATIONS TO SERVING HUMANITY Extracts from Friday sermon delivered by Hazrat KhalifatulMasih Vaba on 22 May 2020.
(Original Urdu published in Al Fazl International on 12 June 2020, pp. 5-9. Translated by The Review of Religions, and published by Al Hakam on 19 June 2020)
“Nowadays, people are deliberating as to whether this coronavirus is a natural disaster or a divine punishment. However, during such calamities and pandemics, it is the duty of a believer to submit before Allah the Almighty more than ever before. One should not remain in the mere search of what exactly is the cause and significance of the calamity. In this era, i.e. the era of the Promised Messiahas, there are countless promises which Allah the Almighty has vouchsafed to the Promised Messiahas, which have been fulfilled, are being today and will continue to be fulfilled in the future as well. If there are some aspects in the form of warnings, then the first and foremost duty of a believer to become anxious and instil fear in their hearts and strengthen their faith and conviction and pray for their good end. What truly matters is to have a good and prosperous end. I have said this many a time that the natural calamities, such as storms and pandemics that are occurring in this era, have a particular relation to the era of the Promised Messiahas. Therefore, we should pray extensively for our faith and to develop conviction in our
faith and for a prosperous end. Moreover, we should pray extensively for the entire world to be saved. Even when Allah the Almighty had clearly informed the Promised Messiahas that the plague had manifested as a sign for him, he still prayed for the world with great anguish. Even from behind closed doors, those who heard the state of his prayers to save humanity relate that sounds of such profuse weeping could be heard similar to the sound of water boiling over fire. (Khuda Tala Dunya Ki Hidayat
Nowadays, people are deliberating as to whether this coronavirus is a natural disaster or a divine punishment. However, during such calamities and pandemics, it is the duty of a believer to submit before Allah the Almighty more than ever before. One should not remain in the mere search of what exactly is the cause and significance of the calamity.
Ke liyea Humesha Nabi Ma’booth Furmata Hai, Anwar-ul-Aloom, Vol. 18, p.514) (Register Riwayat [unpublished], Vol. 7, p. 107, Riwayat Hazrat Master Muhammad Allah Daad Sahibra) Thus, despite God revealing to him that it was a sign, his mercy and kindness for humanity prevailed and
he would pray for them to be saved from the plague and its destruction. Such was the fervency of the Promised Messiah’sas prayers; thus we must also look to his example. Some people are trying to link an essay written by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh titled “Natural Disasters or Divine Wrath?” to this current pandemic and they present interpretations of their own as well in this regard. However, let it be clear, that as I have said before, after the advent of the Promised Messiahas, the frequency of disasters and calamities have increased. Regarding this, the Promised Messiahas has clearly stated that these calamities will descend and there will be destruction – there is no doubt in this. However, as I have stated in previous sermons, the Promised Messiahas has also said that some believers, owing to the Divine law of nature, also come into its fold, however they are given the status of being a martyr and they have a prosperous end. (Malfuzat, Vol. 9, p. 252) And according to the Holy Prophetsa, their prosperous end takes them into heaven, as he stated that when those at a funeral praise the deceased and speak highly of his services and testify to his fulfilling the rights to God and rights to humanity, then entrance to paradise becomes incumbent upon such
a person. (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Janaiz, Hadith no. 949) We see that there are many such pious Ahmadis – regarding whom everyone expressed similar sentiments. But the real thing to be seen regarding these pandemics is their impact upon worldly people. Worldly people have become perplexed at the situation and indeed this is what happens in such cases. We witness their state in the world today. Not only of ordinary people, but of powerful governments as well; those who think of themselves to be established like great mountains. The economy and the order of great and firmly established governments have been completely overturned. However, as a result of this, their efforts in order to try to divert the attention of the masses is even more dangerous. This could lead them into war and further destruction of their livelihoods. So, as long as these people do not bring about such change within themselves, which removes this state of disorder and discord, they Continued on the next page
Abid Khan Sahib - Press Secretary to Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba writes:
As the days passed by, I wondered about the UK Jalsa Salana. It seemed almost impossible for it to take place in August as planned, however it had not yet been officially cancelled or postponed. Late April, I plucked up the courage to ask Huzoor. I said: “Huzoor, is there any possibility for the UK Jalsa to take place?” In response, Huzoor said: “Forget it – it cannot take place this year! For one, the Government will not permit mass gatherings so soon and, even if that were not the case, it is simply not possible to manage it safely during this pandemic.” Though I am certain Huzoor will have felt sadness that the Jalsa could not take
place, he remained positive. Huzoor said: “The money saved from the Jalsa budget can be reallocated to fulfil other important Jamaat projects. Furthermore, it will enable us to increase our service to humanity, which is needed more than ever during this time.” I asked Huzoor if there was any possibility of holding the Jalsa towards the end of the year. Upon this, Huzoor said: “It is too early to say, we will see later.” A few days later, Amir Sahib UK sent out a circular informing members of the Jamaat that, according to Huzoor’s instructions, the Jalsa would not take place in August.
will continue to be engulfed in one destruction after the other.
righteousness (taqwa) is also attached with this.
The Promised Messiahas has also mentioned this that whether or not one is a Muslim or being held accountable for one’s faults in religious matters will indeed be on the Day of Judgement. Allah the Almighty will see to this in the Hereafter. However, mischief and disorder, the usurping of rights, mockery of God’s servants; these are such factors that draw destruction which cause great anguish. (Kishti-eNuh, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 19, p. 5)
The aspect of glad tiding is that this will provide an opportunity for the Ahmadis to very swiftly rectify those weaknesses which will have come about in their practical conditions. Thus, in short, those who have simply adopted the label of having done the Bai‘at, they will only be saved when they return to the Promised Messiah’sas true teachings. This will only prove to be a glad tiding if they return to God – otherwise there would be no glad tiding. (Natural Disasters or Divine Wrath?, p. 121)
In any case, our duty is to pray, to help the world understand and to bring about a pure transformation within ourselves. The essay of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh which I have mentioned is quite a lengthy essay, but the aspect which every Ahmadi should focus on after having read that essay is to not just merely ponder over the nature of the calamity and how it affected the previous nations and its current impact. No doubt these aspects should instil fear in people and draw them to assess their conditions. However, in reality, the words which one ought to pay particular attention towards – which he [i.e. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh] has also written – is that there is both a warning and glad tiding in this for the Community. The warning is that simply bearing the title of an Ahmadi alone will not be enough to save a person, rather the condition of 27
As I stated earlier that the special attention that has come about in these days should remain established. Draw your attention and the attention of your children towards fulfilling the rights of God and the rights of humanity because after the destruction, when the world will turn to God and will turn to fulfilling the rights of humanity, they will look towards the example of this Community. Indeed, then it will be Ahmadis who will guide the world. But before this, we must pray in a heartfelt manner that let it not come to the point where the world is so far gone that the paths leading to light and peace become closed. Let people pay attention before this. Thus, along with our prayers, we must also show our examples.
We must tell the world that only in fulfilling the rights of one another can they attain God’s mercy. And without attaining the mercy of God Almighty, Who is the one and only God, our attempts to establish peace in the world will not be successful, nor will we have a prosperous end. By the grace of Allah the Almighty, where members of the community are focusing on worship, they are also serving humanity; youngsters, healthy elders and women alike. Very good reports are coming in from everywhere in regard to this. This service to humanity is also becoming the means of guiding some of those worldly people who have deviated from the right path. A few days ago, there was a report from Canada, that at two in the morning, after being disappointed from everywhere else, a woman called the Khuddam neighbourhood help line; saying that she was in desperate need. She stated her son was ill and there was no means to get medicine for him and every place had turned her down. She said that everyone told her that she could not get the medicine until the next morning, and her son was in very bad condition. She relates, “I said that people say there is a God. Though I do not believe in God, but let’s see today if He actually exists.” She says, “It was in a state of great anguish and helplessness, that I
By the grace of Allah the Almighty, where members of the community are focusing on worship, they are also serving humanity; youngsters, healthy elders and women alike. Very good reports are coming in from everywhere in regard to this. This service to humanity is also becoming the means of guiding some of those worldly people who have deviated from the right path.
prayed, ‘O God, if You exist, my son is in a dire condition, thus arrange for his medicine.’ At that moment I thought of the Khuddam help line. When I called, a man answered and when I informed him of my need, he said that he would try to help. A little while later, he called back saying that it was two in the morning and it would be difficult to arrange [for the medicine]. He then enquired the condition of my son. I told him the situation and expressed my worry, to which he said, ‘Alright, I will see if can do anything; I will go to a certain place where there is a pharmacy that is usually open. If it is open, I will bring the medicine.’ And so, he got up at night and went. When I called, he was sleeping and I had woken him up, yet he still travelled 50 kilometres and brought me the medicine.” She says that this incident proved to her that God indeed exists, and she gained this certainty because of that Ahmadi Khadim (youth) for which
fulfil its rights to God and its rights to humanity. We have accepted the Promised Messiahas in this age.
she said she was very thankful. Thus, by serving humanity in these days, we can become a means of bringing people closer to God, for which each and every one of us should strive – not that we should wait to see whether a calamity comes or not. And we must also continue the lesson of sympathising with the pain of others, which we have received during Ramadan because one of the purposes of Ramadan is to bring awareness to the fact that one should show compassion for the pain of others. Thus, the general atmosphere that has come about in the world as a result of this pandemic and now with the atmosphere of Ramadan should always serve as a reminder towards our responsibilities.
Hence, we should constantly remind ourselves of his advice so that we attain true faith and certainty, rather than focusing on the weaknesses of others, we should assess our own conditions.”
A POEM DEDICATED TO EQUALITY AMONGST RACES May we each live in a society Where children see only equality In which they can walk free
The month of Ramadan will come to an end tomorrow or the day after; but we must always continue to establish the good deeds. We should always continue those positive changes which we have brought about. And when the lockdown restrictions ease, then we must not forget our responsibilities to ourselves and to humanity. It should always be remembered that where you remind yourselves of fulfilling the rights of God and the rights of humanity, you should also draw the attention of others towards this and through your pure examples strive to make the world
There was never a gathering in which he did not try to draw our attention towards the standard and status we should acquire in light of the teachings of Allah Almighty and His Messengersa.
from the shackles of supremacy Where being unique is not heresy; Nor human rights a luxury, Afforded only to those Of select ethnicity. The Prophet of Islam left a legacy, That no man has superiority; where colour nor race define authority So share this poem and let injustice shatter For in voice and action we proclaim: #InnocentLivesMatter #SupremacyofJustice By Qamar Ahmad Zafar
Be that as it may, the DSLR requires more components in order to bring through the benefits it gives, the AF system and the lens reflex system alone results in a bulkier and heavier build,
The mirrorless on the other hand, offers a very different photographic experience to the DSLR. The lack of a mirror allows for a smaller, lighter and more compact system. But let there not be any misunderstanding, for the mirrorless system is still very robust in its own right. The viewfinder, which is an electronic feed from the sensor, allows more accuracy in previewing the final picture. The display allows for the photographer’s settings and effects to be applied in the preview too, whereas in a DSLR this is not possible. With the lack of a mirror, along with being a smaller system, it also allows for a fully silent system. This is really powerful, especially if you are shooting a sensitive moment such as a wedding or even in wildlife, it is essential not to disturb animals with the piercing sound of your shutter. Albeit modern day DSLRs are supporting videos too, the mirrorless system has always found its place in the hands of film makers for its 4k capabilities and quicker live view focusing. Overall the mirrorless has proved itself a worthy competitor to the DSLR. However, to illumine the mirrorless system with a critical light, the first and foremost drawback is that the mirrorless taking advantage of more technology than the DSLR (as seen in the AF system and the viewfinder etc.) means that more battery is consumed resulting in shorter battery life for the mirrorless. Whilst the mirrorless takes advantage of a live feed for its viewfinder, this may also cause some delay. Another major drawback in mirrorless systems is that the autofocus system is nowhere near as fast as DSLRs. However, it is worth mentioning that
35mm film 24 exp.
Before all else, let’s define what the two technologies actually are. DSLR stands for Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) and what this means is that the camera uses the aid of a mirror to accurately display what is being seen through the lens. On the other hand, the mirrorless camera does not use a mirror, rather the viewfinder utilises a live feed from
TECH & MEDIA 35mm film 24 exp.
Resultantly, the lack of a mirror means that the mirrorless cameras can be made with a smaller build whereas the DSLR is burdened with having to accommodate extra components such as a mirror and a prism which makes up the reflex mechanism. Another key difference in the two technologies is their focusing methods: the DSLR takes on what is known as “phase-detection autofocus (AF)” whereas the mirrorless camera utilises the imaging sensor to focus by examining where there is contrast between pixels.
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the main sensor to provide an accurate display into the viewfinder.
As aforesaid, the DSLR employs the use of phase-detection (AF). This methodology works quicker than the mirrorless system. Rapid autofocus systems are essential in photography; slow systems can be the reason why you might miss that money-shot! Another key advantage of the DSLR system is that the mechanism presents in the viewfinder exactly what is being seen through the lens, with absolutely no chance of delays in the viewfinder of any sorts. Furthermore, the substantial time that DSLR has had in marking its territory in the photography world has meant that more lenses and accessories are readily available for fitting to a DSLR than a mirrorless camera.
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Now, in an attempt to draw a concatenation to the debate of which technology is better, I will examine the two separately and assess the pros and cons of each. The DSLR has marked its territory over the photography world for the past two decades. The DSLR after all is a robust machine which caters for speed and precision.
Labeed Mirza Jamia, Islamabad
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meaning that carrying a DSLR around is 3200 not always an appealing choice. Moreover, the processes that DSLRs have to endure make for a louder shutter which also tends to slow down frame rates. In an area of photography like the wildlife or sports photography, it is vital to have fast frame rates seeing as moments come and go in matters of seconds and milliseconds. 35mm film 24 exp.
Both technologies allow for interchangeable lenses, and both usually have a larger sensor than that of a compact camera or a standard point and shoot camera. The large sensor allows for more light to be penetrated allowing for finer detail and precision.
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35mm film 24 exp.
t seems that the age-old battle of the brands “Canon vs Nikon” has been extinguished and out of the ashes arose the debate “DSLR vs Mirrorless”. Now we beg the question, “what is the future of photography?”. Though mirrorless technology dates back to 2008 when Panasonic released the Lumix DMG-G1, it was not until a complete decade later when, in 2018, both Nikon and Canon came out with their own line of mirrorless cameras that really brought the world’s attention to mirrorless technology. The rise of the mirrorless cameras in recent years has been the cause for the decline of the long reign of the DSLR in the world of photography.
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newer hybrid systems cater forLOREM this, it DELTA 3200 is still not as fast as the DSLR but it is a kind of compromise nonetheless.
THE FINAL VERDICT When I related the debate of ‘whether DSLRs are better or mirrorless’ being akin to the debate between Nikon and Canon, that was to emphasise the futility of the debate! The fact is that it is totally dependent on the photographer’s need that dictates which technology is better suited to them. Mirrorless may prove to be the appropriate for indie film makers who want to access high quality film whilst not wanting to break the bank and yet the DSLR’s speed in autofocus makes it apt for a sports photographer. The silent shutter in a mirrorless may give the wedding photographer the advantage of getting beautiful shots without disturbing the proceedings of the event and yet for a photojournalist, having access to a larger array of lenses and accessories is more vital. The point to which I am getting at is that there is no clear answer as to which is better, different photographers need different attributes in a camera and thus the onus lies on them to make a decision as to what fits better. Furthermore, the contention that I must relay across is that these are just tools. Owning one or the other will not make a better photographer, rather it is the creative mind behind the camera that produces the million-dollar photo.
The response to OUR RESPONSE SADQAH JAARIYAH Samar Ajmal Mohtamim Tajneed
ajlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK has had the opportunity to serve Ahmadis in general as well as the general public in various aspects during the COVID-19 lockdown. Although our purpose for offering these services to mankind is not to receive appreciation from fellow humans, here are some remarks that express peoples genuine gratitude to being looked after during this difficult time. It shows how the pristine teachings of Islam are of benefit to all mankind, Alhamdulillah. This feedback was collected in result of Khuddam making calls to households to inquire if they were in need of any sort of assistance. Some of the feedback received from members of the Majlis during the calls: A SINGLE MOTHER’S APPRECIATION “One mother in West Midlands started crying on the phone. She was a single mother living with her young son (Tifl). She was extremely grateful and surprised that the National Team remembered her household and took the effort to reach out to ask for their well-being. Our team member gave re-assurance and explained that the National team is there to support.”
“I am Khadim’s dad, what you guys are doing was not possible if it was not an Ilahi (divine) Jama’at. You guys are doing Sadqah e Jaariyah. May Allah give all of you a long and healthy life... amazing work in progress by all of you. Jazak’Allah.” AN ESTRANGED KHADIM “I spoke to a Khadim who left his family due to various issues. He was so much moved that the Jama’at called him to check on his health and he spoke to me about the issues. He wanted to be connected and be able to talk to someone. Jama’at-wise he did not know the Qaid or local Sadr so I passed the information to the local Qaid and will remain in touch with him.” These calls were also inadvertently having a positive effect on the members who were making them. Some members shared their thoughts: THE LOVE OF KHILAFAT “My experience was very emotional and full of blessings. Just conducting this task enabled me to obtain so many prayers from beloved members of the Jama’at. There was not even a single conversation which did not impact me in good way, especially when the members inform you about their well-being and the Jama’at as a blessing. Even those members who have directly or indirectly
suffered from the effects of COVID-19 had an amazing patience and a great level of taqwa. One of the conversations I had very recently with one mother whose son caught the virus and who is a resident of the Wandsworth Jama’at was so thankful of the efforts that we were making. She mentioned that within a couple of minutes of her son being diagnosed, the local Sadr, Sadr Lajna, and Qaid responded and offered her a helping hand. Also, in my eyes this task is one of the best works I have done being a member of MKA UK. The love of Khilafat I have seen within the members of the Jama’at cannot be described in words.” Aqeel Mushtaq
A platform that discusses the struggles, aspirations and life lessons of the youth
what do we have A weekly chat show that tackles issues facing the youth
LOVE FOR THE JAMA’AT “Alhamdulillah, personally the experience was faith inspiring. Listening to the tone of voice of the Khuddam and parents change when mentioned that I was calling on behalf of Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK shows how much love and respect members of this community have for the Jama’at. Many were very thankful and appreciative of the fact that we called them during these hard times.” Musawar Ahmad MEDIA COVERAGE TO OUR EFFORTS
Educational content Daily inspirational posts & stories that make you think
Alhamdulillah, although we are in no need of any recognition whatsoever except for in the eyes of Allah the Almighty, some news outlets reported on our efforts. For example, ITV news published an article explaining how AMYA Huddersfield cooked and prepared meals for care homes.
Continued on page 33
A LETTER TO THE PRIME MINISTER Continued from page 31
Manchester City Council also recognised our efforts in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the council’s figures our Khuddam covered and delivered over 50% of all their food packages prepared by the council for residents in Manchester. This has also been recognised by Council CEO.
A letter on behalf of the prime minister
Apart from media outlets and councils showing their appreciation, ordinary citizens also showed their gratitude on platforms such as twitter, where they responded positively to some of our tweets.
Cllr Nigel Murphy, the deputy head of his council tweeted: ‘You and all the volunteers have been amazing, thank you. #covidresponse #Manchester’
In light of the services rendered by Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK, a letter was written on behalf of the Majlis by Sadr sahib MKA UK to various government departments, including the office of the Prime Minister and to her Majesty the Queen. Below is the official reply given by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government.
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) South West Quadrant, 2nd Floor Fry Building 2 Marsham Street London SW1P 4DF
In response to a tweet by the AMYA Manchester account, Joanne Roney OBE tweeted: ‘Fantastic support thank you really makes a difference.’
Abdul Quddus Arif Admadiyya Muslim Youth Association UK Unit 2, Bourne Mill Business Park Farnham GU9 9PS sadr@khuddam.co.uk
Tel: 0303 444 1324 Fax: 020 7035 0018 Email:errol.barnett@communities.gsi.gov.uk www.gov.uk/mhclg Our Ref:7039072 Your Ref: 6 May 2020
Shefali Kapoor, the head of her neighbourhood wrote:
Dear Abdul Quddus Arif,
‘We can’t thank you enough. You’ve been doing an amazing job helping those people who need it the most. It’s been a pleasure working with you’
Thank you for your letter of 13 April to the Prime Minister regarding the work of Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA) and your efforts to assist communities throughout the country during the Coronavirus pandemic. I have been asked to reply as this matter falls within my official duties as a crown servant to Her Majesty Government.
By the Grace of Allah there was much more media coverage and external responses. The fact is that Allah the Almighty gave us a blessed opportunity to serve His creation, which as Muslims we believe is a major responsibility of ours.
I am pleased to hear that you have mobilised the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA) and your army of volunteers to support the national relief efforts to alleviate the suffering caused by Covid-19. It is organisations like yours which are answering the calls of the nation that are appreciated and respected.
May Allah the Almighty continue to bless us with the opportunity to serve mankind. Ameen 33
Our Government wholeheartedly supports the invaluable work being done by people around the country who are inspired by their faith and as you say your own inspiration Islam. Yours Sincerely Errol Barnett.
An overview of our service
Kashif Khan National Tabligh Team
“And let there always be among you a body of men who should invite to goodness, and enjoin virtue and forbid evil. And it is they who shall prosper.” (Holy Qur’an 3:105)
ver the past few months, the world as we know it has dramatically changed. A terrible virus has changed all of our lives, a disaster that would be remembered for years to come. Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK has achieved great accomplishments during the past few months. This article is specifically about the Tabligh [Outreach] efforts and services carried out by MKA UK. These services were not only an invitation to Islam but they were a ray of hope for all people. These services proved to be of great spiritual benefit for people of all faiths and backgrounds. As it is clear in the Qur’anic verse that this is a command of God Almighty and it is us, Ahmadi Muslims, who are duty bound to perform this service. 1.#Prayforheroes Recognising the tireless efforts and constant dedication of the NHS staff, we all saw the ‘clap for heroes’ campaign take place over the UK every week. With direct guidance from Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba, MKA UK initiated the
#PrayForHeroes campaign as we thought this was the best way to not only recognise their efforts but also support their services. The #PrayForHeroes campaign was supported by all Jama’at members and many foreign auxiliaries including MKA Canada, MKA USA and Majalis across Europe, demonstrating a sense of unity across the Jama’at. Content was shared by hundreds of Ahmadis in the form of videos and pictures where children are promoting the campaign hashtag and thanking all key workers. By the Grace of Allah, this campaign was covered by the national press as well as being aired on TV (BBC News). On Twitter, the #PrayForHeroes hashtag was trend-
ing at position 25 across the UK and eventually moved to position 6 across the UK trending page with tens of thousands of tweets. Many people also tagged their local councils and local MPs in their tweets and also started to reply to the #ClapForKeyworkers
also held at the end of each webinar giving the public the chance to ask any topic related questions and seek clarification. Each event concluded with the opening of the fast followed by the “Adhan” (call to prayer).
hashtag which started trending after 8pm. By the Grace of Allah, our #PrayForHeroes campaign stayed at position 6 for over 50 minutes with almost 43k tweets. This campaign was recognized by the BBC and a report was published. All of this would not have been possible without the constant guidance and prayers of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masihaba. May we continue to strive with the blessings of Khilafat. 2. The BIG Virtual Iftar During the lockdown, the blessed month of Ramadan came upon us. In usual circumstances, Ramadan events would be held in the mosque in which people would be invited to get introduced to the concept of Ramadan in Islam. Unfortunately, due to social distancing, this was not possible this year. So MKA came up with a new idea; the BVI, or ‘The Big Virtual Iftar’. The MKA National Tabligh team started working on the “Big Virtual Iftar” initiative in early April which included designing a dedicated landing page, branding
activities to finalising the topics and speakers and other important tasks. Each webinar had a distinct theme and purpose. The format of the stream was consistent throughout, which included a short introductory video on the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community along with a virtual tour of the Baitul Futuh Mosque followed by talks touching on various aspects of fasting and Ramadan. The events also had online interactive polls to engage the audience and provide them with the best experience. A Q&A session was
social and mass media. Additionally, a senior BBC Broadcaster got in touch with us enquiring about the event and showed interest to cover the event on BBC News. 3. Khilafat Day By the Grace of Allah Almighty, the MKA Tabligh team had the blessed opportunity to take part in the Khilafat Day webinar held on the 27/05/2020. The event lasted for 2 hours and covered the concept of
Caliphate with the first half targeting English speaking audience and the second half aiming at the Urdu audience. The programme included a variety of segments including talks & documentaries and touched upon various aspects related to Khilafat. The breakdown of the programme was as follows: i. Introduction to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – Documentary ii. The Early Caliphate iii. The Divine Promise of
The webinar series was promoted on a number of online platforms to drive traffic to the event from various channels. Regional and local Qaideen were tasked to promote the event locally and invite external guests. The first event saw over 10,000 Tweets and a trending spot at 28th position across the UK on Twitter. By the Grace of Allah, all 6 BVI events were streamed on YouTube which invited 16,500 viewers as well as interest from influential personalities in politics,
Caliphate iv. Caliph’s Story: Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba – Documentary v. Caliphate in the 21st Century vi. English Q&A Session vii. Current State of the Muslim World and the Need for Khilafat (Urdu) viii. Urdu Q&A session By the grace of Allah, the event was a big success and over 5000 people viewed the webinar. It rejuvenated the understanding and faith in Khilafat for thousands. Additionally, MKA initiated #CaliphofMessiah as a twitter trend on Khilafat day. The idea was to get as many Khuddam to post a tweet about the concept of Caliphate and include the hashtag #CALIPHOFMESSIAH or the words “Khilafat Day”, “Khilafat” or “Khalifa of Islam” in order to create a nationwide trend. By the Grace of Allah, a massive success was seen as Khuddam eagerly took on the challenge in the middle of the day and started to post tens of thousands of messages. A staggering 65,000 tweets were sent for this campaign which included people responding originally from the UK and other countries as well. As a result, this trend reached 5th position in UK 39
maintaining its position for over an hour whilst being in 2nd position in Canada. This was an excellent display of worldwide unity of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and was a testimony to God’s promise to the Promised Messiahas to spread his message to the corners of the earth. 4. Tabligh Talks – Christianity “Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and argue with them in a way that is best. Surely, thy Lord knows best who has strayed from His way; and He knows those who are rightly guided.” (The Holy Qur’an, 16:126) The Tabligh department organised a number of internal facing online tabligh talks in collaboration with the MASQ department on the topic of Christianity. The talks were delivered by an expert in Christianity who covered the teaching and belief system of Christianity in depth. The sessions proved to be intellectually informative and engaging. These lessons covered the following topics: • Christology: Who was
Jesusas? • Why were there early disputes in the infinite Church? • The disputed nature of Jesusas in the early Church • Early Church • Nature of Jesusas 5. How to preach about Ahmadiyyat Hazrat Sahl bin Sa‘dra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said to Hazrat ‘Alira: “By Allah, if Allah guides a single person through you, it is better for you than (the most precious) red camels.” In the time of the Holy Prophetsa a “red camel” was priceless and whoever owned one was considered honourable and wealthy. So from this hadith we can see the importance of Tabligh and its reward. To train the members, we initiated short interactive sessions on how to preach. After Ramadan, we started a 10-part study on how to preach the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat (delivered by Naseem Ahmad Bajwa Sahib). The topics discussed included: • Prerequisites for Tabligh • Blessings of Tabligh
well-being. Hazrat Musleh Maudra very beautifully said, ‘Affluence or indigence, meagreness or profusion; whatever may be the condition, but calling towards Islam must not stop.’”
• Methods of Tabligh • 6 articles of faith • 5 pillars of Islam • 10 conditions of Bai’at • Declaration of initiation to Islam Ahmadiyyat • Differences between Ahmadi Muslims and non-Ahmadi Muslims The nature of Tabligh sessions somewhat had to change due to social distancing. Of course, MKA UK holds various events throughout the year which enable many people to be introduced to the peaceful teachings of Islam. During the lockdown, the spirit has been the same but the approach was different. Many young Murrabiyaan in the UK have not only found new ways to carry out tabligh, but have also ramped up their use of online social platforms. Sabahuddin Ahmedi, who is a Murrabi serving in the central Press & Media department of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community usually meets journalists to introduce them to Jama’at teachings. Since the lockdown, this had to be adapted according to the circumstances. He mentions: “Due to Covid-19, I was
Zartashat Lateef – Imam of the Baitul Ikram Mosque in Leicester told us:
not able to meet journalists in person, I’m now having zoom meetings to catch up and discuss new story ideas. I feel like it’s just as effective but there is one downside though, I’m not able to try the coffee from any new cafés we would go to!” Rawahuddin Arif, who is the Imam of Baitul-Ahad Mosque in Waltham Forest would lead congregational prayers at the Mosque and also carry out in-person Tabligh before the lockdown. Speaking to us about
how this has changed, he said: “Spreading the message of Islam is an essential duty of every missionary, whatever circumstances he may be in. Social distancing during Covid-19 encouraged me to find new ways to carry on this great task of the Prophets. Be it through Radio Voice of Islam or online by answering questions, refuting allegations and writing articles or even by simply being a good Ahmadi Muslim and asking my neighbours about their
“Under normal circumstances, we would go outside to busy areas and do tabligh there through activities such as going door to door or going into the town centre and setting up a stall. We would also hold events where people of different faiths could come to discover and learn about Islam. In these unprecedented times, these traditional methods of spreading the message of Islam are currently not viable. So we have changed our methodology by replacing it with taking extra care of our neighbours and doing good deeds such as helping the elderly with shopping or with anything else they need. Our community has also donated food for people in need in these difficult times. Instead of using our words to spread Islam we are practically showing the example of good Muslims. This has allowed us to create a lasting impact on people. Apart from this, we
have also used social media as a platform to carry out tabligh online.” On 27 May 2008, at the centenary celebrations of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyyat, we all took an oath on the hand of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba. The first few words of that oath show the importance of Tabligh: “Today, on the completion of hundred years of Ahmadiyya Khilafat, we make a solemn pledge, in the name of Allah, the Exalted, that we shall continue to strive until the last moments of our lives for the propagation of Islam and Ahmadiyyat and shall convey the name of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him).” It is under this oath that even through these perilous times, MKA UK continued its efforts for the propagation of Islam Ahmadiyyat. It is according to this oath, that the duty of every Ahmadi man, woman and child is to endeavour to spread the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat. May Allah enable us to do so. Ameen.
وموجدہ احالت یم امجتع ادمح�ی اک رد لمع
پش رکوان وارئس ی س 2020ء
وریغہ۔ ہکلب وخد رضحت حلصم وموع ؒد وک اولفنزنئا اک ہلمح وہا۔ ہکلب تہب دشدی وہا اھت۔»
1918ءیک ولف یک واب یھب ایس رطح یک اکی آتف یھت سج ےن داین ےک رتیق ایہتف اوقام وک ونٹھگں رپ ال رگاای۔ انچہچن امجتع ادمحہی ےک وموجدہ ہفیلخ رضحت رمزا رسمور ادمح ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل رصنبہ ازعلزی ےن یھب ابراہ اےنپ اطخابت ںیم داین وک انااصنیف اک ہعلق ہمق رکےن اور داین وک ابتیہ ےس اچبےنیک رطف وتہج دالیئ ےہ۔ رکوان وارئس ےک وحاےل ےس وضحر ادیاہلل اعتٰیل ےناینپ امجتع وک فلتخم ایقس آراایئں رکےن ےس عنم رفامای۔ وضحر اس ابرے ںیم اراشد رفامےت ںیہ:
ئ ن ن ��ی�واکلس انپ اٹ��ی�
ااسنین اترخی ااتر ڑچاھؤ یک دااتسونں ےس رتشیب رھبی ڑپی ےہ۔ اچےہ گنج میظع دوم وہ ای اعیمل وقوتں اک وموجدہ ااصتقدی رکٹاؤ ،رہ ہگج اکی
رصنع امنایں وطر رپ رظن آات ےہ۔ آج اک ااسنن سج رطح ےس وموجدہ
اعیمل وقوتں اک ایھبکن ااصتقدی وجگنج رہچہ دھکی راہ ےہ ،اس یک اثمل یھب ااسنین اترخی ںیم ںیہن یتلم۔ ایہن انااصنویفں ےک ہجیتن ںیم ضعب دہعف اس داین ںیم لسن ااسنین وک ےنتگھب ڑپےت ںیہ۔ دقرت بج یھب اینپ ریس وک یتچنیھک ےہ وت ااسنن اٹپٹس اجات ےہ۔رضحت ونح ہیلع االسلم اک زامہن دھکی ول ای رضحت ولط ہیلع االسلم یک وقم اک احل ،دقریت آافت ےک اسےنم بس
اپش اپش وہ ےئگ۔ ایس رطح یک آافت رضحت حلصم وموع ؓد ےک زامہن ںیم یھب وہظر زپری وہںیئ۔ایپرے آاق رضحت رمزا رسمور ادمح ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل
رصنبہ ازعلزیےن اس ابرے ںیم امجتع وک ان اافلظ ںیم تحیصن رفامیئ۔
«اب دوھکی ہی 1918ء ای 1919ء ںیم وج اولفنزنئا الیھپ اھت ،وہ اقداین کت یھب اچنہپ۔ ےب امشر ولگ اجں قحب وہےئ ۔ اایتحیط دتاریب وج رضحت حلصم وموع ؓد ےن رفامیئ وہ یھب یتلم ںیہ ،سج رطح دارینیچ واےل اپین اک اامعتسل
طارق میگزین
«ہی وابںیئ وت آین ںیہ۔ اب رہ واب وک اشنن رقار دے دانی اور ہی ایقس آراایئں رشوع رک دانی ہک ادمحویں وک ھچک ںیہن وہ اگ ،ابلکل طلغ ابت ےہ۔ ان وابؤں وک یسک ےکاامین اک امیپہن ںیہن انبای اج اتکس۔ اور وجوتیص رضحت حلصم وموع ؓد ےن رحتری رفامیئ اس اک آاغز ویں رفامای ہک ‹ںیم ،رمزا ریشبادلنی ومحمر ادمح ودلرضحت حیسم وموع ؑد ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔› وت رضحت حیسم وموع ؑد وتیص رحتری رکرےہ ںیہ اور ودلتی یھب رحتری رک رےہ ںیہ ینعی حیسم وموع ؑد ےک ےٹیب یھب ںیہ۔ اس ےک ابووجد امیبری اک ہلمح وہا اور ڑبا دشدی وہا۔ وت امیبری اک ہلمح وہ اجان یسک یھب رطح یسک ےک اامین اک امیپہن ںیہن۔»
سپ اظرہ وہا ہک اکی رطف ایپرے آاق ےن اس طلغ یمہف وک دور ایک اور
پش رکوان وارئس ی س 2020ء
ںیم دخام ےن رکوان وارئس ےک رموضیں یک دمد یک رغض ےس ہیطع وخن
ےک ےفحت یک رحتکی الچیئ ۔ وضحر یک داعؤں اور دخام االدمحہی ویےک یک
ایہن وکوششں یک انبء رپ اہلل اعتٰیل ےک لضف ورکم ےس 18زہار ےس زایدہ
اخدناونں وک اینبدی رضورایت اور ادوایت رفامہ یک ںیئگ۔ 21ےس زایدہ ن � وللک وک�ز 24 ،ےس زایدہ وفڈ کنیب اور الفیح ادارے اور 18,790
امجتع یک رہ میظنت ےن ڑبھ ڑچھ رک ادمادی اکومں ںیم ہصح ایل۔ دخام
ایپرے آاق یک آواز رپ کیبل اہک اور االدمحہی ےن یھب اس ومعق رپ اےنپ ئ � ادمادی اکومں ےک ےئلراض اکروں ےک رکا سس لیس اقمئ ےئک۔ زہاروں
دخام ےن اےنپ العوقں ںیم ان ولوگں کت رضورایت زدنیگ ےک امتم اسامن ایہم ےئک وج رکوان وارئس یک وہج ےس اےنپ رھگوں ےس ںیہن لکن
ےتکس ےھت۔اس ےک العوہ اس امجتع ےک ریش دل دخام ےن وخردو ونش م��ن� ٹ اور امیل ادماد یھب ایہم یک۔ دورسی اجبن ویہ ی ی رفٹس ےک اکل رٹنیسز ںیم یھب دخام ےن اینپ دخامت شیپ ںیک۔ اس ےک العوہ وپرے کلم
رکمم و رتحمم اڈیرٹی اصبح اماشءاہلل مہ اس راسہل ےس تہب افدئہ ااھٹےت ںیہ۔ زجامک اہلل انسح ازجلاء
ےس زایدہ رفٹن النئ انی۔ اچی ۔ اسی ےک المزنیم وک دمد رفامہ یک یئگ۔
اید رےہ ہک وضحر ےن راضمن ےک آرخی ہعمج ںیم رفامای اھت ہک وج ولخمق یک دختم یک رطف وتہج ںیمہ اس واب یک وہج ےس وہیئ ےہ ںیمہ اےس اجری رانھک اچےیہ۔
دخام االدمحہی ےن ہن رصف وخد ادمادی اکومں ںیم ہصح ایل ہکلب فلتخم یکلم
زین وضحر ےن ڈینیکا اک اکی واہعق ایبن رفامای اور ہی تحیصن رفامیئ ہک مہ اےنپ االخق ےس ولوگں وک دخا یک رطف الےن واےل وہں
اس ےک العوہ کلم رھب ےک 55ےس زایدہ رہشوں ںیم ادمادی اکم ایھب یھب اجری ںیہ۔ اتپسہولں ںیم یھب ئادمحی ڈارٹکز ےن رھب وپر دخامت رس � ااجنمدےرککلموکاکیاعیملرکا سسےساچبےنںیماانپرکداراداایک۔ اداروں یک وکوششں وک یھب رسااہ وج اکی ےلھک طخ یک وصرت ںیم سلجم
دخام االدمحہی یک وبی اسٹئ رپ اشعئ وہا۔ اس طخ ںیم ان امتم اداروں نج ںیم رپامئ رٹسنم ،اتپسہولں ںیم اکم رکےن واےل ،وپسیل ،ااسذتہ، اسدسنئان اور افرئ افرٹیئز اشلم ںیہ ،یک اکووشں اک رکشہی ادا ایک۔ رہب احل
دقرت یک رمیض ےک آےگ ااسنن وک رس میلست رکان ڑپات ےہ۔ ںیمہوضحر یک اتبیئ وہیئ امیلعتت رپ لمع رکان اچےئہ اور اس داین وک ابتیہ ےس اچبےن ےک ےئل رہ وتق داعؤں اور دختم قلخ ےس دمد رکین اچےئہ۔ اہلل اعتٰیل
ںیمہ اس یک وتقیف اطع رفامےئ۔ ٓانیم
دورسی رطف امجتع وک ذمبہ و تلم ےک رفق ےک ریغب رہ حطس رپ
ااسنتین یک دختم یک دہاتی رفامیئ۔ وضحر ےک اراشدات ےک اطمقب
ٓاپ ےک وطخط
ٓ اپکےخطوط
انجب اڈیرٹی اصبح
رکوان وارئس وارئس ےک اقمہلب ںیم وج وکحتم ےن ادقاامت ےئیک ںیہ وہ یلست شخب ںیہن ںیہ۔ ریما وت ایخل ےہ ہک ارگ الک ڈاٴون متخ یھب وہ اجےئ وت اابحب وک تہب زایدہ ایخل رکان وہاگ۔ اہلل بس رپ رمح رکے۔ آنیم
اہلل رکے ہک مہ ںیم ےس رہ اکی اس ابت وک ےنھجمس واال وہ۔ آنیم زجامک اہلل انسح ازجلاء رزیم ادمح انجب اڈیرٹی اصبح سج رطح دخام االدمحہی ےن ان لکشم احالت ںیم تہب ےس رپورگام انبےئ ںیہ۔ ںیم اور ریمے رھگ واےل اس ےس تہب وخش ںیہ۔ ادمحل ہلل امجتع ادمحہی رہ لکشم ںیم وکیئ راہتس رضور اکنل یتیل ےہ۔ زجا مک اہلل انسح ازجلاء دبع اہلل
اوب وفصان طارق میگزین
پش رکوان وارئس ی س 2020ء
اعترف اتکب
آپ اہلل اعتٰیل ےک یبن ںیہ اور وضحر ےن واحض اور ےلھک اافلظ ںیم ایبن رفامای ہک ؑ
اس ارم ےک ایک داللئ ںیہ۔ ات آدنئہ وکیئ رفد امجتع ایسی طلغ یمہف اک اکشر ہن
تعارف کتاب
وہ ےکس۔
اکی یطلغ اک ازاہل
فینصت رضحت ادقس حیسم وموعد ہیلع اٰولصلة واالسلم (از املسن رمق ،دمری اردو اطرق زگیمنی)
پش رکوان وارئس ی س 2020ء
نکیل اس وبنت اک ہی بلطم رہ زگ ںیہن اھت ہک اکی یئن رشتعی دخا اعتٰیل یک
رطف ےس آےئ یگ۔ انچہچن وضحر ؑ رفامےتںیہ:
'' ںیم اینپ تبسن یبن ای روسل ےک انم ےس ویکرکن ااکنر رک اتکس وہں او ہکبج وخد دخا
ااکنر ایکےہ رصف ان ونعمں ےس ایک ےہ ہک ںیم لقتسم وطر رپ وکیئ رشتعی الےن واال ںیہن وہں اور ہن ںیم لقتسم وطر رپ یبن '' وہں۔ (ہحفص )210
بج ےس ہک داین دیپا وہیئ ےہ۔ ای ویں وہک ہک سج زامہن کت اترخی امہری
ڑکنیسوں روےپ رخچ وہاجےت ںیہ۔ اور وہ اوالد وکسج دھکی رک مہ اجومں �ڑ ںیم وھپےل ںیہن امسےت اور ایخل رکےت ںیہ ہک ُ ب�اھےپ ںیم ہی امہرے
درالص املسمونں ںیم ہی وسچ اقمئ یھت ہک یبن رصف وہ وہات ےہ وج یئن
یلچ آیت ےہ ۔ ہک بج داین ںیم اسفد اور وشر ورش رباپ وہ اجات ےہ۔ ولگ
اجیتن ہک وہ زربدتس دخا وت اوکن یسک اور یہ اکم ےک ےیل ایطر رک راہ ےہ۔
اینپ فیلکت وک یھب ھچک ںیہن ےتھجمس اور وہ نج یک میلعت و رتتیب رپ امہرے
اس ہتکنٴ رظن ےس ہی راسہل تہب اتیمہ اک احلم ےہ ویکہکن اس ںیم 05
طارق میگزین
رشتعی ےل رک آےئ۔ نکیل رضحت حیسم وموعد ؑ وک دخا اعتٰیل ےن ہی اھجمسای ہک
میلعت رپ لمع رکےن واال وہ۔
آےگ لکن اجےت ںیہ وقومں ںیم رشک اور دبتع یک رتیق وہاجیت ےہ۔
ایس وحاہل ےس آپ رفامےت ںیہ:
و دہمی وہعمد ؑ ویں ایبن رفامےت ںیہ:
ذمیبہ اتکںیب وکمہ اجیلیتکس ںیہ اُس وتق ےس دخا اعتٰیل یک تنس یہی ابت دخا اعتٰیل ےک ااکحم یک اپدنبی وک ابلکل رتک رکدےتی ںیہ اور تلفغ اور
یبن وہ یھب وہ اتکس ےہ وج یسک ےلہپ یبن یک الغیم ںیم آےئ اور ایس زگہتش یبن یک
ایک ایگ۔ سج یک رحتری یک وہج رضحت رمزا الغم ادمح اصبح حیسم وموعد
ہحفص )206
ںیہن یتھجمس ہک اابست اک ااجنم امہرے قح ںیم مس اقلت وہاگ۔ یہی ولگ
وک تہب رھبوہس ےہ ڑباھےپ ںیم وکمہ داغ دُجایئ درکی ایہن ولوگں ےک ن اسھت اج ےلم یگ وہ ےچب �ج�ک�و ہک مہ ان یک دیپاشئ ےک وتق ےس اہنتی یہ ن �اےن ےک ےیلمہ انز ومعن ےس اپل رےہ وہےت ںیہ اور وہ نج وک ٓارام ُ پ ہ چ
ہی 13احفصت رپ لمتشم اکی وھچاٹ راسہل ےہ وج 1901ںیم اتفیل
ےہ۔ اور ااکس وجاب ضحم ااکنر ےک اافلظ ےس دے دای ایگ۔ احالہکن ااسی وجاب حیحص ںیہن '' ےہ۔ (اکی یطلغ اک ازاہل ،رواحین زخانئ دلج 18
رطح رطح ےک ُدھک دےی اجےت ںیہ۔ اور ان ولوگں وک ُدھک دانی اور رضر ن �اان وہ اندان وقم اکی تہب دمعہ اور اقلب نیسحت اکم یتھجمس ےہ۔ اور وہ ُپ ہ چ
واال ےہ ہک ان یک اچسیئ داین رپ اظرہ وہاجےئ یگ اور امہری اوالد سج رپ مہ
یسک دورسے ےس ڈروں۔ …… اور سج سج ہگج ںیم ےن وبنت ای راستل ےس
دوعی رکات ہک سج ےس مت ےن تعیب یک ےہ وہ یبن اور روسل وہےن اک ٰ
داتی ےہ ارگ وکیئ دیعس ارطفلة ااسنن اس یک ریپوی رکات ےہوت اُوکس یھب
ہک ےسنج مہ رخسمی رکےت ںیہ اور دھک دےتی ںیہ وکیئ دن ااسی یھب آےن
اعتٰیل ےن ہی انم ریمے رےھک ںیہ وت ںیم ویکرکن رد رکدوں ای ویکرکن اس ےک وسا
'' ہک اکی اصبح رپ اکی اخمفل یک رطف ےس ہی ارتعاض شیپ وہٴا
امہری یمراث
ارگ دخا اعتٰیل ےس بیغ یک ربخںی اپےن واال یبن اک انم ںیہن راتھک وت رھپ التبٴو سک انم ےس اس وک اکپرا اجےئ۔… ..وبنت ےک ینعم ااہظ ِر ارمِ بیغ ' ےہ('.ہحفص
ارغلض ہی تہب مک احفصت رپ لمتشم اہنتی امہ ومضمن ایبن رکےن واال راسہل مہ بس وک رضور ڑپانھ اچےئیہ۔ اور اید رےہ ہک ہی اکی یبن اک الکم ےہ سج اک
ظفل ظفل ڑپانھ ربتک اک احلم ےہ۔
اہجتل ان ںیم لیھپ اجیت ےہ۔ ہکبج دخا اعتٰیل یک رقمرہ دحود ےس ولگ گنج ودجال اچروں رطف لیھپ اجات ےہ اُس وتق دخا اعتٰیل یک رطف
ےس اکی حلصم دیپا وہاجاتےہ۔وج ہک ولوگں وک اکی تملظ اور اتریکی ُک ےک رہگے ڑگےھ ےس اکنل رک ھلی وہا اور رونش اقمم ںیم ڑھکا رکات
ےیل اکی اصعء اک اکم دیگی۔ نکیل وہ دخا رپ ہن رھبوہس رکےن وایل وقم ںیہن
ایک یہ اشن ےہ اُس دخاودن ّزع و ّلج یک وج اےنپ امومر ےک ےیل ایہن ولوگں ےک اہوھتں ےس وج اس یک اخمتفل رکےت ںیہ اکی ایسی وقم ایطر رکاات
رب ذوالجلل ےک انم ےہ وج اس ےک روسل ےس تّبحم رکےن وایل اوراس ّ
رپ رقابن وہوینایل وہیت ےہ۔ رہ اکی یبن ےک زامہن ںیم وہ وقم سج ںیم
ہک وہ وعبمث وہات ےہ اینپ رثکت رپ رغور رکیت ےہ اور اُس روسل ےک
ریپووں رپ وج ہک ان یک تبسن تہب یہ لیلق وہےت ںیہ اور داین وی امل و
ےہ۔ اور وج وج ایطلغں ان ںیم اپیئ اجیت ںیہ اُوکن دور رکات اور ملع رعمتف
اجہ ےس تہب یہ مک ہصح رےتھک ںیہ اقحرت اور رفنت ےس رھبی وہیئ اگنہ
اکی کلُم یک رطف ٓاات ےہ وت ہی تّنُس اہلل یھب دقمی ےس یلچ ٓایئ ےہ ہک ت اس یک وقم اس یک اخمتفل رکیت ےہ۔ رطح رطح یک ّ ی ی اذ� اور ںیفیلکت ن �ایئ اجیت ںیہ۔ وہ اکرف مُلح�د اور ّ ج د�ال رھٹاای اجات ےہ۔ وھچاٹ اور ڑبا اوکس ُ پ ہ چ
اےکس اٹےنل اک وکیئ ذی روح ای ریغ ذی روح دقمور ںیہن راتھک اور وہ ابت
ایہٰل اور اامین وک ان ےک دولں ںیم رھبات ےہ۔ ہکبج وکیئ یبن اکی وقم ای
اُس یک ابوتں وک الٹھجات ےہ۔ رہ اکی صخش اوکس المتم رکات ےہ۔ سج
یسک ےس وہ رنیم ےس یھب شیپ ٓاات ےہ وہ یتخس اور دریتش ےس اوکس وجاب
ڈایتل ےہ۔ نکیل سج ابت ےک رکےن ےک ےیل دخااعتٰیل ارادہ رکاتیل ےہ
وہرک ریتہ ےہ وخاہ امتم داین ےک ولگ اور امتم اابسب اس ےک ربالخف یہ ویکں ہن وہں۔ (اےلگ امشرہ ںیم اجری ےہ)۔
(رضحت حلصم وموع ؓد ،ذیحشت االذاھن ،ربمن ،1دلج ،1ہحفص )2-1
طارق میگزین
پش رکوان وارئس ی س 2020ء
ٓ قرا ِنکریم
ا� یا�ان ارفوز واہعق ی
یتہک یھت بس ےن یہی اہک ےہ ہک حبص ےس ےلہپ ںیہن لم یتکس اور اس
یک تہب ربی احتل ےہ۔ وہ یتہک ےہ ہک ںیم ےن اہک ہک ولگ ےتہک ںیہ
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
دخا ےہ۔ وگ ںیم دخا وک ںیہن امیتن ولچ آج آزامےت ںیہ۔ یتہک ےہ ںیم ت ےن ااہتنیئ رکب اور ارطضار یک احتل ںیم اہک ہک اے دخا ! ارگ ُ و� ےہ
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
إِنَّ اللّٰـهَ يَأْ ُم ُر بِالْ َعدْ لِ َو ْ ِ ال ْح َسانِ َوإِي َتا ِء ِذي الْ ُق ْر ٰب َويَ ْن ٰهى َع ِن الْ َف ْحشَ ا ِء َوالْ ُمنكَ ِر َوالْ َبغ ِْي يَ ِعظُك ُْم لَ َعلَّك ُْم تَ َذكَّ ُرونَ ج
وت ریما اٹیب اس ربی احتل ںیم ےہ اس یک دوایئ اک ااظتنم رک دے اور
ًانیقی اہلل دعل اک اور ااسحن اک اور ارقابءرپ یک اجےن وایل اطع یک رطح اطع اک ُح داتی ےہ اور ےب ایحیئ اور اندنسپدیہ ابوتں اور اغبوت ےس عنم رکات ےہ۔ وہ ںیہمت
اک یھب) (helplineاسھت یہ یتہک ےہ ہک ےھجم دخام یک پلیہ النئ
تحیصن رکات ےہ اتہک مت ربعت احلص رکو۔
ایخل آای۔ وفن ایک وت یسک آدیم ےن وفن ااھٹای۔ اےس اینپ رضورت اتبیئ
وسرة الحنل ٓاتی لحن 91
حدیث النبی ﷺ اللهم صل على محمد و على آل محمد كما صليت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد۔ اللهم بارك على محمد و على آل محمد كما باركت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد۔
َ َ ُ َ ْ َ َ َ َ ّٰ ال َق َ الل ُہ َع ْن ُہ َق َ ال �ضی عن ا ِبی ھریرة ر ِ َ ُ ْ ُ ّٰ َ َّ ّٰ َ َّ َّ صلى الل ُه َعل ْي ِه َو َسلم َ :وال ِذ ْي رسول الل ِه َ َ َ ُُ َ َ َ ُْ الج َّنة َح ّٰتى تؤ ِم ُن ْوا َول ن ْف ِ�س ْي ِب َي ِد ِه ل ت ْدخلوا ُ ْ ُ َ ّٰ َ َ ُّ َ َ َ َ ُ ُّ ُ ْ َ ٰ َ َ �ش ْي ٍء ِإذا تؤ ِمنوا حتى تحابوا أول أدلكم على َ ْ َّ َ ُ َْ ُ َ الم َب ْي َنك ْم. ف َعل ُت ُم ْو ُه ت َح َاب ْب ُت ْم :أفشوا الس رضحت اوبرہ�ی رہ ریض اهلل ہنع ب ی�ان رکےت ہ ی� ہک
روسل اہلل یلص اہلل عل� یہ وملس ےن رفام ی�ا :ےھجم اس ذات یک مسق سج ےک ہضبق ی م یمری اجن ےہ ۔ مت اس وتق ئ ئ کت تنج ی م ہن اج�و ےگ بج کت یا�ان ہن ال�و ےگ۔ ن اور مت ومٴنم ہ ی ا� دورسے ےس � وہ ےتکس تبج کت ی ن ی �م ہ�� ی ی ہ ی چ ی تبحم � رکےت۔ ی ا � ہن التبٴوں ہک ک م ں ا� �ز خت بج مت اوکس ی ا�ار رکو ےگ وت ابمہ تبحم رکےن گل اجٴو ےگ۔ وہ �ی ےہ ہک مت آسپ ی م االسلم عل�یکم وک پ ی �اٴو۔ ی ث ل ن دح� 381 ر ی�اض ااصل ح�ی� ،اتکب 1
وت اس ےن اہک وکشش رکات وہں۔ وھتڑی دری ےک دعب رھپ ایس صخش
اک وفن آای ہک اس وتق رات ےک دو ےجب ںیہ ااظتنم لکشم ےہ۔ اس
کالم االمام ؑ
صخش ےن اہک ہک اہمترے ڑلےک یک احتل ایک ےہ؟ ںیم ےن رھپ اسری وصرت احل اتبیئ اور ڑبی ےب ینیچ اک ااہظر ایک وت اس ےن اہک ااھچ َ ی ِ م وخد اجےک داتھکی وہں ،یسک ہگج اج ےک داتھکی وہں۔ اکی افریسیم الفں
رضحت ادقس حیسم وم وع ؑد رفامےت ںیہ:
ہگج ہپ یلھک وہیت ےہ۔ ارگ یلھک وہیئ وت دوایئ ےل آات وہں۔ وہ رات وک
‘‘ ونع ااسنن رپ تقفش اور اس ےس ہ�دردی رکان تہب ڑبی ابعدت ےہ رغض ِ
اھٹ ےک ایگ۔ یتہک ےہ اس وک بج ںیم ےن اگجای اھت وت وہ دنین یک احتل
اور اہلل اعتٰیل یک راض احلص رکےن ےک ےیل ہی اکی زربدتس ذرہعی ےہ رگم
ںیم اھت نکیل رھپ یھب وہ اچپس ولکرٹیم اک رفس رک ےک ایگ اور ےھجم دوایئ
ںیم داتھکی وہں ہک اس ولہپ ںیم ڑبی زمکوری اظرہ یک اجیت ےہ۔ دورسوں وک
ال رک دی۔ اس ابت ےس ےھجم دخا ےک وہےن اک نیقی آ ایگ اور ہی نیقی
ریقح اھجمس اجات ےہ۔ ان رپ ےھٹھٹ ےیک اجےت ںیہ۔ ان یک ربخ ریگی رکان اور
یسک تبیصم اور لکشم ںیم دمد دانی وت ڑبی ابت ےہ۔ وج ولگ رغاب ےک اسھت
اےھچ ولسک ےس شیپ ںیہن آےت ہکلب ان وک ریقح ےتھجمس ںیہ ،ےھجم ڈر ےہ ہک وہ وخد اس تبیصم ںیم التبم ہن وہ اجوںی۔ اہلل اعتٰیل ےن نج رپ لضف ایک ےہ اس
یک رکش زگاری یہی ےہ ہک اس یک ولخمق ےک اسھت ااسحن اور ولسک رکںی
اور اس دخا داد لضف رپ ربکت ہن رکںی اور وویشحں یک رطح رغابء وک لچک ہن ڈاںیل۔ ’’
)وفلماظت دلج 8ہحفص 102-103ا�ی � ی ش ن ڈ�1984ء(
رضحت رمزا رسمور ادمح
امامجماعتاحمدیہعالمگیر حضرتخلیفةالمسیحالخامس
ٰ تعالیبنصرہالعزیز ایدہہللا
خ ة رضحت �ل�یف� احیسمل ااخلسم ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل رصنبہ ازعلزیرفامےت ںیہ:
“ ذگہتش دونں ڈینیکا یک روپرٹ یھت ہک اکی وعرت ےن رات دو ےجب دخام یک وج اسمہویں یک پلیہ النئ ےہ اس وک رہ ہگج ےس امویس وہ رک وفن ایک ہک ہی ریمی وبجمری ےہ ،ریما ڑلاک امیبر ےہ اور دوایئ احلص
رکےن ےک امتم راےتس دنب وہ ےکچ ںیہ ،رہ ہگج ےس ااکنر وہ ایگ ےہ۔ وہ
ادمحی اخدم یک وہج ےس ےھجم الم اور ںیم اس ےک ےیل رکشزگار وہں۔
سپ ان دونں ںیم مہ دخِتم ااسنتین رک ےک دنبوں وک دخا ےک رقبی
الےن اک یھب ذرہعی نب ےتکس ںیہ اس ےک ےیل مہ ںیم ےس رہ اکی وک وکشش رکین اچےیہ۔ ہن ہی ہک ہی دےتھکی رںیہ ہک ابتیہ آیت ےہ ای ںیہن
آیت۔ اور رھپ راضمن ںیم وج قبس ںیمہ دورسوں یک فیلکت اک ااسحس رکےن اک الم ےہ اےس یھب اجری رانھک اچےیہ ہک ہشیمہ دورسوں یک فیلکت اک ااسحس رکےت رںیہ ویکہکن راضمن ےک اقمدص ںیم ےس اکی
ہی یھب“ےہ ہک ہی ااسحس دالای اجےئ ہک دورسوں یک فیلکت اک ااسحس رکو۔
( ایبن رفومدہ ہبطخ ہعمج ؤمرہخ 22یئم 2020ء)
طارق میگزین
س پ�� ی ش رکوان وارئس �ل 2020ء
سلجم دخام االدمحہی ویےک یک اجبن ےس
رہفتس دنمراجت
@tariqmagazine tariqmagazine tariqmagazine@khuddam.co.uk www.khuddam.org.uk www.tariqmagazine.org
وقومں یک االصح ونوجاونں یک االصح ےک ریغبںیہن وہیتکس رضحت حلصم وموعدریض اہلل ہنع
اعترف اتکب
اکی یطلغ اک ازاہل
خ ة از رضحت �ل�یف� احیسمل ااخلسم ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل رصنبہ ازعلزی
رباہِراتس ٓاپ یک ان ابسک کت اچنہپیئ اجںیئ یگ
وموجدہ احالت م�یں امجتع ادمح�یہ اک رد لمع ٓاپ ےک وطخط
امہری م�ی�راث
مسب اہلل ارلنٰمح ارلمیح
زعزی دخام اھبویئ ة االسلم مکیلع ورحم� اہلل ورب اک ہت
ارٹنیودنشک ۔ ذیحشت االذاھن
اور امہرا وت ہی نیقی ےہ ہک امہرا دخا اتنس یھب ےہ اور وباتل
یھب ےہ۔ دری ےہ وت رصف امہرے دقم یک وج ےنمہ اس یک
وموجدہ احالت ںیم ںیمہ رہ مسق یک لکشم اک اسانم ےہ۔داین
رطف ڑباھان ےہ۔
ےہ۔ ان اومر اک ارث امہری امسجین ،ذینہ اور رواحین تحص
ذینہ امیبری اکی یقیقح امیبری ےہ سج اک العج ایس رطح
ااصتقدی ،امیل ،اعمرشیت اور اعمیش الکشمت یک اکشر وہ یکچ رپ الزیم وہات ےہ۔
س� ب س ک ٓاج یہ �رابئ رکںی
امتم اتزہ ربخںی آپ ےک ےئل
ا�یک ا�یم�ان ارفوز واہعق
نکیل داع ےک اسھت اسھت ہی ارم یھب اید رانھک اچےئیہ ہک وہان اچےئیہ سج رطح اخبر ،رس درد ای اور یسک فیلکت اک
نکیل اکی تہب وخوصبرت ابت وج ھچک دن لبق ریمی رظن
وہات ےہ۔
ارگ ان اک یسک ذمبہ ےس قلعت وہ وت ان اک العج آاسن وہ
ادیم ےہ ہی امشرہ آپ دنسپ رکںی ےگ ۔ ںیمہ آپ یک
ےس زگری وہ ہی یھت ہک وہ ولگ وج ذینہ انتٴو اک اکشر ںیہ اجات ےہ۔
وگای ااسنن اک یسک دخا رپ اامین اس ںیم اکی ادیم اگجےئ ن ن راتھک ےہ وج اس ذینہ انتٴو ےس �لک�ے ےک ےئیل تہب رضوری
اہلل اعتٰیل مہ بس وک ریخب و اعتیف رےھک۔ راےئ اک ااظتنر رےہ اگ۔ اخاسکر املسن ادمح رمق دمری اردو وجالیئ ٢٠٢٠ء
صدر جملس خدام االمحدیہ یو ےک
دبع ادقلوس اعرف مہتمم اشاعت
امعنن ادمحاہدی ع مدیر ا یل ٰ
ن دا�ال اکولہں ی مدیراردو
املسن رمق
نائب مدیر
دمحم وصمر ادمح
سلجم دخام االدمحہی وی ےک
رکوان وارئس لشیپس 2020ء | دلج 24امشرہ ربمن WWW.TARIQMAGAZINE.ORG | 2
ا� یا�ان ارفوز واہعق ی
ا�یک یطلغ اک ازاہل
ن ت دختم ااسن��ی� اور امہری ذہم دار�ی�اں
م � ی وموجدہ احالت ں امجتع ادمح�یہ اک رد لمع
خ ة ہبطخ ہعمج دیسان رضحت �ل�یف� احیسمل ااخلسم ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل
کلم یک ٓاپ ےک وطخط
امہری یمراث