QAIDEEN FORUM 2019 Address of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba
THE BATTLE OF UHUD What we can learn from it
GENETIC ENGINEERING Blurring the lines
YOUR LETTERS Khuddam Opinions
The Holy Quran أعوذ باهلل من الشيطان الرجيم بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم
َّ يب َد ْع َو َة ون َ الدا ِع إِذَا َد َعا ِن َفل َْي ْس َتجِيبُوا لِي َو ْل ُي ْؤ ِمنُوا بِي ل ََع َّل ُه ْم يَرْ ُش ُد ِ َ َوإِذَا َسأ َ َلكَ ع َِباد ِي َعنِّي َفإِنِّي ُ يب أ ُ ِج ٌ ق And when My servants ask thee about Me, say: ‘I am near. I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he prays to Me. So they should hearken to Me and believe in Me, that they may follow the right way.’ (The Holy Qur’an, 2:187)
writings of the promised messiahas
اللهم صل على محمد و على آل محمد كما صليت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد۔ اللهم بارك على محمد و على آل محمد كما باركت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد۔
ِهلل َعل َْيه ُ قَا َل َر ُسو ُل اهللِ َصلَّى ا: قَا َل،ََع ْن أَبِي ه َُريْ َرة َِو َس َّل َم َما َيزَا ُل ال َْب َل ُء بِال ُْم ْؤ ِم ِن َوال ُْم ْؤ ِم َن ِة فِي َن ْف ِسه هلل َو َما َعل َْيهِ َخ ِطي َئةٌ۔ َ َو َو َل ِده ِ َو َمالِهِ َحتَّى َي ْل َقى ا
the promised messiah & imam mahdias states:
Those who deny God do so because they can find no proof of His existence according to their own fancy. Yet they acknowledge that for everything that is created there must be a creator. There is no one in the world so stupid that if he falls ill he would insist that there is no cause for his illness. If the system of the universe had not been made up of cause and effect, it would not have been possible to predict the time of a tornado, or of the eclipse of the sun or the
Hazrat Abu Hurairah relates that the Holy Prophetsa said:
moon, or that a patient would die at a certain time, or that a disease would be reinforced by another
A believer, male or female, continues to be tried in respect of self, children and property till he or she faces Allah, the Exalted, in a state in which all his or her sins have been wiped out.
disease at a certain stage. Thus, a research scholar who does not acknowledge the existence of God, in effect does so indirectly, for he too, like us, searches for the causes of effects.
(Tirmidhi, Kitab Al-Zuhd, Books 36, Hadith 97)
(Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, 2017 edition, p91)
Honourifics code sa as ra rh aba
َص َّلی اهلل عَ ِل ْي ِه َو َس َّل ْم الس َلم َّ عَ َل ْی ِه َر ِض َی اهلل عَ ْن ُه ِ َرحِ َم ُة ا هلل عَ َل ْی ِه اَ َّيدَ ُه هلل َت َعالی ِبن َْص ِر ِه ال َع ِز ْیز
Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam Alayhis-Salam Radiyallahu Anhu Rahmatullahi Alayhi Ayyadahullahu Ta’ala Bi-Nasrihil-Aziz
Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him Peace be on him Allah be pleased with him Allah shower His mercy upon him May Allah the Almighty help him with His powerful support
THE PAST FEW MONTHS IN NUMBERS The Khuddam year began with a chain of amazing events from the Charity Challenge Dinner to the AMRA Conference and Qaideen Forum. This year’s local Ijtemas have taken place with tremendous success. A government study finds those who practice religion are happier and hundreds attend the Waqfe Nau retreat.
OVER £1,100,000 Raised by MKA UK in the previous Khuddam year through the Mercy4Mankind programme.
467 waqifeen-e-nau Attended the Waqfe Nau Retreat held at Islamabad. The aim of the retreat was to offer career guidance as well as tarbiyyat for Waqifeene-Nau who were aged 15 and over. The highlight of the retreat was the sitting with Hazrat KhalifatulMasih Vaba.
As a Qaid, or in whichever position you serve the Jama’at, you must prove yourself to be a person who others consider sincere and a positive role model from whom they can learn and benefit. They should have full confidence in you and recognise that there is nothing you ask from them that you are not doing yourself. As you will be aware, certain offices within our Jama’at are elected, whilst others are made by appointment. Regardless, of how a duty is bestowed, it is always given with the belief and expectation that the office bearer will seek to discharge their responsibilities with honesty, integrity and dedication. — Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba - Qaideen Forum 2019.
Local Ijtemas have taken place up till the end of February 2020
Participated in the first International Ahmadiyya Muslim Researchers Association Conference. Delegations were present from 9 countries. The concluding session was graced with the presence of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba who delivered the keynote address of the conference.
SADR MAJLIS Abdul Quddus Arif
Study conducted by Office for National Statistics, published 26 February 2020.
MOHTAMIM ISHA’AT Nauman Ahmad Hadi
A government study found that people aged 16 and over who had no religion were significantly less likely to be satisfied with their health.** Figure 5: Those identifying as Sikh, Hindu, Christian or Muslim had a
higher mean score on mental health than those with no religion.
Daniyal Kahlon
over 130’000 cases
Worldwide of CO-VID 19 Coronavirus * with the outbreak being classed as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation. Source: UK Household Longitudinal Study ** See The Telegraph 26 February 2020 *Figure taken on 13 March 2020 worldometers.info/coronavirus/
The opinions presented in Tariq Magazine do not necessarily reflect those of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya and should not be taken to be a representation of the views of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community unless explicitly indicated.
Tariq Magazine is an official organ of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK (AMYA UK) which is an auxiliary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The Isha’at Office
Unit 2, Bourne Mill Business Park, ADDRESS
Centre Park, Farnham, Surrey, England, GU9 9PS.
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, ever Merciful
Extract from the Address of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba
true jihad in the 21st century How can I Carry out Jihad in this Day and Age?
17 21
5 things we can learn from th e battle o f uhud
12 16
Blurring the lines on what it means to be human
Genetic Engineering
23 24 14
TECHNOLOGY opinion Darkness Can’t Drive out Darkness
this year's reading list Books that will help you better understand the theme
For full reading list visit ijtema.org.uk
eace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
Welcome to this issue of ‘Tariq Magazine’, the official organ of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK. The aim of this magazine is to present to our readers articles on varying issues, along with keeping the Majlis informed about MKA’s activities
across the country. We would love to hear from our readers about ways we can improve our Magazine. The theme of this issue is in accordance to this year’s Khuddamul Ahmadiyya theme: ‘The Hand of Talhara - Jihad of the Age’. In the current climate it is extremely important to clarify and elaborate
upon this topic, so that the real and true meaning of Jihad can become commonly understood. We also touch upon the ever important topic of the existence of God. We understand that this topic is not an easy theme to cover, and each individual may have their own understanding of it, but at the very least we have attempted to present the Islamic view so that our readers may benefit as much as possible. With a humble request for prayers, DANIYAL KAHLON EDITOR IN CHIEF March 2020
How can I carry out Jihad in today’s day and age?
t was during the time of the Holy Prophetsa that the definition of Jihad was coined, both through verses of the Holy Qur’an and the practice of the Holy Prophetsa himself. Muslims were taught that the lesser Jihad is fighting to establish peace whereas the greater 05 TARIQ MAGAZINE
Jihad was a continuous struggle to better oneself. After 14 centuries the nature of the lesser Jihad (Jihad with the sword) has ended - the greater Jihad has remained unchanged. Early Muslims too had to work on their spirituality - continuously seeking the guidance of the Holy
Prophetsa on how they can better themselves, just as we do today. Early Muslims too had to ensure they were always giving precedence to their faith over worldly matters, just as we pledge to do today. The nature of this personal Jihad - which is a lifelong endeavour - has never changed in that, it has always been a fight against the baser self to attain a higher
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level of nearness to Allah. The early Muslims, being companions of the Holy Prophetsa achieved such spiritual heights that they became shining stars for the rest of the world. When Hazrat Talhara stood defending the Holy Prophetsa at the battle of Uhud - taking all arrows onto himself, he demonstrated the best way in which one can defend his Imam. It is the Khuddam who are the first line of defence in the face of attacks on the Imam. But while serving the Jama’at is one form of Jihad, the other type of personal Jihad is equally important, for both strengthen each other. If an individual continuously strives to better himself and gains nearness to Allah, his religious service will increase too. In this day and age the Jihad of selfreformation can be in the form of: • Observing prayers on time • Reciting the Holy Qur’an • Contributing towards Chanda • Sacrificing time for the Jama’at • Safeguarding oneself from the evils of society. The theme for this year’s Ijtema explains that defending the Imam is the Jihad of the age - this means that a true Khadim always seeks to help his Khalifah by acting upon his directives, furthermore, he betters himself so that he can be of better service to his Imam.
The first time the Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya flag was hoisted was in 1939 at the Golden Jubilee of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The flag was hoisted by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IIra.
At the inauguration of the Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Ijtema in 1972 Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IIIrh highlighted the purpose of the Khuddam scarf. Huzoorrh stated that the ring used to tie the scarf at the neck should have Islamic phrases on them. Office bearers were to have the phrase Al-Izzatu Lillah [All respect belongs to Allah] whereas the rest of Khuddam and Atfal were to have Al-Qudratu Lillah [All Power belongs to Allah].
JAN-MAR 2020
THE BLESSED WORDS OF THE KHALIFAH At the end of 2019 Huzooraba addressed Khuddam on two occasions. One was the concluding session of the first International Ahmadiyya Muslim Research conference, and the second was the Qaideen forum of MKA UK. I was blessed to have had the opportunity to be present in the audience at both of these events, Alhamdulillah. In the first address, Huzooraba addressed researchers directly and set out his expectations of us, whilst at the same time giving invaluable advice. This was a unique experience and during our discussions, all participants –whether they were just students or professors at prestigious universities– felt an energy and an excitement following Huzoor’saba words. I would encourage everyone to watch Huzoor’s addresses again and again to understand his vision for our worldly success and accomplishments, as well as how we should behave as office bearers. Dr Anas Rana, Birmingham South West,
EUGENICS - THE CASE AGAINST IT Eugenics in Islamic thought is non-existent, it is the antithesis of what Islam promotes. In fact, most people would agree that eugenics
is a bad idea. Too many horrors of the 20th century are carried in the name of eugenics. Namely, the attempt in trying to create a pure race. Genetic variation is a good thing, as a species it helps us fight off environmental changes. But another reality is lurking in the shadows that we must equally now fight. Post-humans. Welcome to the dawn of a new age, where humans using technology change themselves, whether that is genetic manipulation or virtual extension of our minds through the internet and technology. There is an identity crisis at the heart here which is born out of ignorance of the limits of freedom and constraint. We wish to be free and unconstrained, yet that is another word for chaos! Mudasser Rashid, North London
THE DOOMSDAY CLOCK MOVES FORWARD The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist moved their famous ‘doomsday clock’ 100 seconds forward towards midnight, saying that “the world needs to wake up”. Where was our warning of the Doomsday? In recent weeks, we have not been inching closer but racing towards an all-out war. Whilst rockets were launched and caused a blaze in the Middle East, Australia faced a blaze of their own. A battle with climate change
– rising temperatures. Where has our warning been? His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba has been calling on everyone, at all levels of society, to rethink our morals and strive towards the right path. Doomsday is looming. It’ll either be the destruction by nuclear war or the dire consequence of the human error of exhausting our environment. We have been warned. Let’s wake up and turn to our Creator. Umar Bhatti, Croydon
A BLESSING TO LOOK FORWARD TO With so much going on in the world, sometimes we may think that there is not enough time in the day to offer our 5 daily prayers and recite the Holy Qur’an as much as we ought to. However, I find that whenever I find myself not giving due attention towards worshiping the Almighty, somehow Ramadan seems to be close at hand to bring me back on track and allow me to work towards a routine that revlolves around the 5 daily prayers. Ramadan is almost upon us again, and it is such a blessing that we get another attempt to better ourselves, Alhamdulillah. So let’s make the most of it, for the sake of Allah Almighty, Insha’Allah. Mahmood Ahmad Baitul Ehsan
on what it means to be human
READING LIST Explore the books that will help you build your knowledge on this year's theme
What happens when humans exceed the boundaries of nature
What is a human? A recent article in Newscientist “I, Human” highlights the case of how researchers are using genetic engineering to not only fight diseases but have started blurring the lines of humans and animals. By inserting human cells and genes into animals creating smarter mice or forming human-animal hybrid embryos to create donor organs. With these alterations questions of ethics arise. What if these hybrids becomes conscious and selfaware? Will it be ethical to experiment upon them? What rights do those “creation of man” have? Although the article simply highlights possibilities one cannot but imagine the motto “for the sake of research” cropping up in the mind of many a scientist. But such words are indeed uttered blindly, without wisdom
Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra
This the second volume of an incredibly moving account of the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa written by Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra . This volume contains a chapter on the Battle of Uhud in which Hazrat Talhara courageously defended the prophet of Islamsa.
Continued on page 10
why your opinion matters The world is more connected today than it has ever been before. With the tremendous amount of news and information you come across everyday - you’re bound to have opinions on topics that matter. Let us hear them. @tariqmagazine
Hazrat Sir Chaudhry Zafrulla Khan Sahibra
This narrative of the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa is another incredibly moving account. The chapter on the battle of Uhud illustrates, in great detail, the sacrifice made by the Muslims.
are we alone in the
universe? muddasser rashid President AMRA UK
The well-known painting Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh is renowned for its representation of celestial bodies.
t’s midnight and sitting amongst the wilderness, with the occasional howling of the wind, there is nothing but nature enveloping the observer. The bonfire crackles spits of light, heating the surrounding. In this setting, with only the starry-night sky as the roof, one question leads to another, and then again to another. Until the campers are led to what seems like the inevitable question of “are we alone?” Who and what do you think resides in that vast starry sky? ... Are we alone? The love of the night sky naturally 09
leads any discussion to this thought provoking question of, “are we alone in the universe?”, and that flares the imagination. The great and mighty thinkers of Ancient Greece held the firm thought that if all things are made of atoms, and thus if millions of atoms can combine to make this Earth and all its living inhabitants, then surely similar scenarios can be imagined in vast distant worlds, across the void where other life might exist. For they found it logical that “… there are infinite worlds” writes Epicurus, “both like and unlike this world of ours. For
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the atoms being infinite in number… are borne far out into the space. For those atoms, which are of such nature that a world could be created out of them…we must believe that in all [those] worlds there are living creatures and plants and other things we see in this world…” Throughout the ages, the idea of many worlds has existed, namely that there is more than one world that has its stars and star systems, and within it must exist life. Religion, which through the ages has shaped our thoughts in many ways, has presented various angles on this. If one is to believe that religious ideology has some truth of divinity within it, then we must also hope that it may shed some light upon this topic; whether we are alone? The Christian theologians often found plurality of worlds a threatening notion. Considering that the Earth is not a special world in the cosmos was very difficult. There was only one Jesus and this one true religion. But we find a different picture painted by Islam. There is only one God who by His very nature carries the attribute of creation, and since He neither sleeps nor slumbers, then surely, He must be continuing to create somewhere, somehow, at all times. Coupling this, that God is “Rabbul Alameen” namely, “Allah is the Lord of all the worlds”. This implies His dominance is not confined to the Earth or to our observable universe. It is all the worlds that He has ordained. The question of plurality of worlds in Islam is definitively settled. However what of life? There is a beautiful
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verse in the Qur’an that shatters all speculation and affirms for all ages, “And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and of whatever living creatures He has spread forth in both. And He has the power to gather them together when He pleases.” The fact that creatures are mentioned in the heavens, an in-depth look at the Arabic tells us that actually this implies creatures that might exist on other celestial bodies, and not a reference to creatures living in the spiritual heavens. And the Qur’an goes on to expound that there will come a time when Allah pleases, that He will unite them. Advancement of the scientific method has broadened all spheres of philosophy in to a practical art form.
It is in the 20th century that we have developed advanced tools to take this question from a philosophical discourse and conjecture to a real scientific endeavour and active effort to not only find extra-terrestrial life but also see if we can make contact with them. Using advance telescopes and data analysis tools astronomers have discovered over 4000 confirmed extra-terrestrial planets (exoplanets) of which 300 are earth-like and exist in the Goldilocks Zone. This is the requirement that a planet needs to be not too close and not too far from its neighbouring star. The current methods mainly depend on indirect detection of these exoplanets. For example, a wobble in the star’s light
would suggest that it was being pulled by another neighbouring planet. A planet close enough to its star would be observed as a transit across its surface thus changing the light emission. Future satellites such as the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) will utilise this transiting method to the search for exoplanets and further gather information about them. The discussion of plurality of worlds comes to an end with the discoveries of these exoplanets. Whether there are other worlds beyond our solar system that harbour life is yet to be determined. What may have been a musing over a cup of coffee indeed is a serious challenge taken up by some of the brightest minds on Earth. Are we alone?
Continued from page 08
and they will effect a change in the creation of Allah.” [4:119-120] Here the conversation, is a warning to the future generations of the dangers that await if we pursued our vain desires. We will find nothing but loss. The message is in fact a positive one as well and one that encourages us to explore and seek new knowledge but not with vain desires, not blindly but with wisdom. Genetic modification procedures are permitted in Islam if they are used to correct damages to the genetic code caused by accident or disease in order to relieve human suffering. However, it is imperative that strong moral and ethical boundaries are set. Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba highlights
this, “[The results] where humans far exceed their limits and seek to ‘play God’, will surely be catastrophic and be the means of driving mankind towards its destruction… This is something every Ahmadi Muslim researcher and scientist must guard against. You must only pursue those avenues that are for the benefit of humanity and which are according to the limits prescribed by Allah the Almighty. ” Indeed the field requires champions of morality who seek with wisdom and Taqwa. May Allah safeguard mankind from such a horrific act. Amen.
of consequences, without care of ethics or of morality. Reading such articles one feels a sense of fear of the future. Of what we might inadvertently do or create. God-forbid if the monsters of our nightmares and films may come to be true. However, all is not doom and gloom. It cannot be. There is hope. The Qur’an declares that all of creation is a resource for man, to “press into service” for the betterment of human society, to fight disease and illness. With such power and resource of course comes responsibility. In the Qur’an, Satan is written to say, “… and assuredly I will incite them
5 things we can learn from
Explore the books that will help you build your knowledge on this year's theme
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad The Promised Messiahas
What is Jihad and why was Islam forced to resort to defending itself in its early history? Why have mistaken notions about Jihad taken root in the minds of some Muslim groups? Is it legitimate for a Muslim to revolt against a government that maintains law and order and permits religious freedom? These questions, which have become the focus of worldwide attention today, were answered over one hundred years ago with God-given guidance and understanding by the Promised Messiahas.
We have all grown up hearing stories of the Battle of Uhud - a battle in which 1000 Muslims faced an opposition of 3000. The very fact that the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa has been called the perfect model means that his every step was something we can learn from. Here are 5 things we can learn from the Battle of Uhud:
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad The Promised Messiahas
Zarurat-ul-Imam, or The Need for the Imam, spells out in depth the urgency and need for the Imam of the age, and his qualities and hallmarks as the Divinely appointed guide, the voice articulate of the age, and the constant recipient of Divine revelations, and how all these qualities are fully present in the person of the holy author. It furthermore, explains why it is imperative to accept the Imam of the age.
As Khuddam it is our duty to defend Islam: Just as Hazrat Talhara and various other companions surrounded the Holy Prophetsa at the fiercest moment in the battle and used their own bodies to protect their beloved Imam. We as Khuddam should never allow any harm to come to our Khalifah - rather we should ensure that we are the first in line to defend him. We should never leave the battlefield: Despite the fact that the battle grew fiercer and more and more companions began to be martyred when the opposing army launched an attack from the rear - the Muslims did not retreat or leave the side of their beloved prophetsa. In the same manner whatever duty we have been assigned, we should ensure its completion to the best of our abilities. Hazrat Talhara sustained many injuries, but he never left the battlefield. Permission to conduct Jihad is always sought by the Imam: At the battle of Uhud before engaging with the enemy it was always the Holy Prophetsa who issued instructions before Muslims acted upon them even when Hazrat Talhara was using his hand as a shield to defend the Holy Prophetsa he was always listening to and following the guidance of the Holy Prophetsa. This means that as Khuddam we should follow the Nizam-e-Jama'at and conduct our Jihad in line with the wishes of the Khalifah. Jihad is conducted despite lack of resources: During the early battles some companions hardly had shoes to wear but were always eager to join the Muslim army for Jihad. We should follow this example and carry out our Jihad with the resources we have to the best of our ability. Our duty does not stop if there are no resources. The Jihad of today is the same as the battle of Uhud: The only difference is that the Jihad of the sword has ended. Today the attacks on Islam are made through the pen, which means that we too should take up defending the honour of Islam through the written or spoken word.
JAN-MAR 2020
WHO WAS HAZRAT TALHARA THE LEGEND OF UHUD The Holy Prophetsa once said that, there was a time during the battle of Uhud when no one was around apart from Hazrat Gabrielas on his right and Talhara on his left.
The theme for this year is The Hand of Talhara - Jihad of the Age. To further understand what this means we need to ask ourselves, who was Hazrat Talhara? And how did he defend his beloved Imam?
Hazrat Talhara was among the first eight fortunate Muslims who embraced Islam at its inception. Hazrat Talhara was given the glad tiding of paradise in his own life by the Holy Prophetsa - thus he was among the Ashra Mubashra. He is described as a dark-skinned man with a lot of wavy hair, a handsome face with a narrow nose. He liked to wear saffron-dyed clothes and musk. He walked swiftly and when nervous, he would toy with his ring. Hazrat Talhara was a successful clothmerchant who eventually left an estate estimated at 30 million Dirhams.
The Holy Prophetsa said: “O Talha! Jibra’il has come and he conveys salam to you and gives you good news of paradise.”
During the Migration Hazrat Talhara was bringing a caravan back to Makkah from Syria, on the way he met the Holy Prophetsa and Hazrat Abu Bakrra and gifted them fine Syrian garments. Hazrat Talhara is famous for his bravery displayed during the Battle of Uhud. The Holy Prophetsa once said that, there was a time during the battle of Uhud when no one was around apart from Hazrat Gabrielas on his right and Talhara on his left. Hazrat Talhara was known as Sahib-e-Uhud meaning ‘The Legend of Uhud’. The companions used to say that “the Battle of Uhud was the day of Talha” (due to his courage and bravery). At the Battle of Uhud Muslims pulled back due to intense onslaughts of opponents. While the Holy Prophetsa and a handful of companions were still in the battlefield. The disbelievers tried to take full advantage of the situation and pivoted their entire force around the
Holy Prophetsa and the companions. One disbeliever marched forward and attacked the Holy Prophetsa with his sword, Hazrat Talhara immediately placed his hand forward and thus lost his fingers protecting the Holy Prophetsa. Then archers began to fire arrows towards the Holy Prophetsa, again Hazrat Talhara stood in front of him and shielded the Holy Prophetsa. Whilst doing so he saw an arrow emerging towards Holy Prophetsa and raised his hand in front of him and received injury which paralysed his hand forever. Then when the Holy Prophetsa was wounded during the Battle, Hazrat Talhara accompanied the Holy Prophetsa to the mountain nearby, in order to provide shelter. At this occasion the Holy Prophetsa said: “O Talha! Jibra’il has come and he conveys salam to you and gives you good news of paradise.”
Continued on page 16
N AT I O N A L 20
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JAN-MAR 2020
Baitul Futuh East
We are probably well aware now of who Katie Hopkins is. Her carefully selected expletives, fantastically twisted perceptions on todays current affairs, and just her general views on society and life as a whole, have most likely, in one way or another found a way to tickle a nerve. Even if you happen to be the same race, same age, same background as her, the fact that you’re a full-time mother has been proven enough for her to wiggle in an offense. I’m fairly active on social media, and have never trolled her, or anyone actually. But, if there was anyone, that would appear as if they received some schadenfreude and it would be widely commended, it would most likely be the infamous Katie Hopkins! Her discrimination and hate have always been uncalled for, unprovoked, unjustified and definitely undignified. For a long time, it had become apparent to me that the outlook this woman had on life - her responses to tragedies, her comments on people’s health etc - was seriously twisted. This woman could’ve mocked my whole life, verbalised the foulest of things, thrown all her hate at me for all she wanted, and still, I would not wish the mockery that the recently published prank upon her presents. A YouTube prankster recently published a video, where Katie Hopkins was invited to a staged award ceremony. She was introduced in a manner that boosted her ego, made her
feel welcomed and accepted, which led her to discharge some unremarkable comments during her “Award speech” towards a number of different groups. Not only was she made to mistakenly believe that she is an astounding and positive role model and member of society, a large rude word was presented on the screen behind her back whilst she presented her speech. I have had issues with this whole scenario, and I’d like to present why. Did it not just give her an opportunity to spew more hate? Have east Londoners, epileptics, autistics not all just been gravely offended? And for what? To show the world how full of hate she can be? Does more of the world need to know how ignorant and arrogant some people can be? What is the true outcome of this prank? Are her fans not going to be more riled up at her vilification? Does this not risk fuelling more hate for her and people that may unfortunately generalise her actions to the wider community? Is this creating unity or encouraging division? If this was an attempt to get her to change her actions, how successful do you think it’s been? Would she now turn around and say she’s a changed person after her horrific humiliation? Will she encourage her supporters to deviate from racism and rancour? When I saw snippets of the video, I thought it might’ve been amusing, but after some evaluation I’m disappointed
and lost more faith in humanity. In an era where tolerance, humility and empathy are required to progress, how much has been shown in this video? I don’t believe this video has helped in any way. Only mocked someone to the extent that could push them to serious self-pity, hate and mental health issues. A lot of people are arguing, “she deserved it”, “it wasn’t to rehabilitate her, it was just a funny video”. Will people who she has so outlandishly verbally abused cry from fits of laughter? Will people with challenging and sometimes debilitating illnesses and diseases be falling of their chairs from laughter? Darkness can’t drive out darkness, Only light can do that. Hate can’t drive out hate, Only love can do that.
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JAN-MAR 2020 Continued from page 12
Hazrat Talhara demonstrated great courage and determination at the Battle of Uhud. He loved Islam, he loved the company of the Holy Prophetsa and thus, was ever ready to sacrifice himself for him. That was his Jihad. Times have changed, we are not required to fight battles with swords and arrows, we need not protect Islam and the noble character of the Holy Prophetsa with sword and shields rather our Jihad is of a different nature.
Abid Khan Sahib - Press Secretary to Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba
What is our Jihad? Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba stated: “You should all be like the hand of Talha – defending the honour and reputation of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) at every level. And in the same way you must defend the character of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) against all false allegations that are raised. And the best way to fulfil these objectives is to first of all reform yourself, as only then will you be able to reform the rest of the world”. It does not end here! Our Jihad is to observe 5 daily prayers, our Jihad is to undertake financial sacrifices, our Jihad is to be ever ready, like Hazrat Talhara, to sacrifice our life, wealth, time and honour for the sake of our faith. Our Jihad is to be obedient servants of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masihaba.
*Huzoor’s Tour of Europe 2019 | Part 2 | Abid Khan
On Thursday 3 October, at 1.20pm, I was extremely fortunate to spend some more time in the company of Huzoor. As he took a short break from his work, Huzoor entered the corridor outside my room and spent the next few minutes looking at various old photos that the France Jama’at had framed and hung on the wall. Most of them were from the 1950s. There was also an even older group photo in which Hazrat Musleh Maudra was sitting with some other members of the Jama’at, including some children. Underneath were the names of those present and the list included the name of Huzoor’s father, Hazrat Mirza Mansoor Ahmad. Huzoor looked closely at the photo but could not identify his father and so he returned to his room and came back a moment later with his glasses now on. Thereafter, Huzoor was able to recognise his father, who was a young child in the photo. As he looked at some further photos, Huzoor said: “You will see that in these photos Hazrat Musleh Maudra is not wearing an achkan coat but is wearing an overcoat. The Promised Messiahas also used to wear an overcoat, rather than an achkan. It was during the era of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh that the tradition of the Khulafa wearing achkans began.”
In the photos I had seen of Huzoor before 2003 and whenever I had met Huzoor prior to his Khilafat, I could never remember him wearing an achkan. Thus, I asked: “Huzoor, prior to your Khilafat did you ever wear an achkan?” Huzoor smiled and said: “Haan, shadi par!” Meaning: “Yes, at my wedding!” Huzoor added that he had also worn an achkan coat given to him by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh a few times, most likely on the occasion of Eid. As he continued to look at the photos, Huzoor said: “If you look at these photos, many of the people sitting with Hazrat Musleh Maudra are not wearing topis (hats). Even in the time of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IIIrh I recall that often Ahmadi men would come before Khalifatul-Masih without covering their heads. It was in the era of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IVrh that he was stricter in this regard and encouraged people to wear topis in front of him.” *
In 1912, during the Khilafat of Hazrat Hakeem Maulvi Nooruddin Sahib - Khalifatul-Masih Ira, Hazrat Sahibzada Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad Sahibra (Hazrat Musleh Maud) travelled to various Islamic educational institutes in India to progress Madrassah Ahmadiyya. The purpose of this tour was to observe the manner of teaching and administration at the renowned Islamic centres of learning. Huzoorra travelled with a group of companions and prior to leaving, sought the permission of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Ira who appointed Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad Sahib as the Amir-e-Qafila [leader of the group] and said: “By falling upon the threshold of the Divine many blessings can descend. I counsel you to fully obey your Amir and to not take any action without his permission. Let not anyone have pride in his knowledge... I have taught alot and continue to teach and have seen that [the knowledge of ] mere sciences is nothing.” The photograph to the left is of the group who travelled with Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad Sahibra. He can be seen seated in the middle.
JAN-MAR 2020
Extract from the address delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba at the National Qaideen Forum on 22 December 2019.
With the Grace of Allah, you have gathered here today for the Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Qaideen Refresher Course and the first thing I wish to remind you is that ‘Qaid’ means ‘leader’ and a proper leader is someone who leads by example and takes his people on a path which he walks upon himself. Certainly, the responsibility of a Qaid, or for that matter of any Jama’at or auxiliary office bearer, is not at all insignificant or ordinary. Rather, their duty, regardless of the level at which they are serving, demands that they strive their utmost to be an excellent role model for the other members of the Jama’at. In this regard, it is of paramount importance that all Jama’at or auxiliary office bearers have a firm conviction in their hearts that Allah 19
As a Qaid, or in whichever position you serve the Jama'at, you must prove yourself to be a person who others consider sincere and a positive role model from whom they can learn and benefit.
the Almighty is looking at them at all times and will hold them accountable for their actions. They should never forget that though they may be able to hide things from other people, they can never conceal anything from Allah the Almighty. He knows all that we do and whatever is in our hearts and so keeping this in mind,
every office bearer must strive to fulfil their responsibilities to the best of their abilities and save themselves from any form of weakness in their faith, or from neglect in their duties. You must constantly pay heed and reflect upon the pledge made by every Ahmadi to forever ‘give precedence to their faith over all worldly matters.’ As an office bearer, you must uphold this pledge at all times and utilise the skills and capabilities given to you by Allah the Almighty for the fulfilment of your Jama’at duties. If all our Jama’at office bearers serve with this spirit of keeping the fear of Allah in their hearts, we can bring about a great spiritual transformation, not just within our Jama’at, but also amongst the wider society and humanity at large. As a Qaid, or in whichever position you serve the Jama’at, you must prove yourself to be a person who others consider sincere and a positive role model from whom they can learn and benefit. They should have full confidence in you and recognise that there is nothing you ask from them that you are not doing yourself. As you will be aware, certain offices within our Jama’at are elected, whilst others are made by appointment. Regardless, of how a duty is bestowed, it is always given with the belief and expectation that the office bearer will seek to discharge their responsibilities with honesty, integrity and dedication. So, as Qaids, you must seek to fulfil the faith placed in you by your Majlis, by the Sadr Khuddamul
JAN-MAR 2020
Ahmadiyya and ultimately by Khalifa-e-Waqt. You must spare no effort and utilise all of your faculties and talents to fulfil your responsibilities. You must be an excellent role model and endeavour to do full justice to the trust that has been placed in you. If all the Qaideen serve in this way, it will lead to the success and prosperity of the Majlis and you will play your role in helping the Jama’at fulfil the great objectives and mission of the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdias. For we have accepted that person whose advent was foretold by the Holy Prophetsa and who was sent by Allah to revive the true teachings of Islam and to bring mankind back towards its Creator. Thus, at all times, the Qaideen and other office bearers, must ensure they are living their lives according to the teachings of the Promised Messiahas. Only then will you be in a position to guide others towards spiritual and religious prosperity.* More to be serialised in future issues
THE LAST MESSAGE Based on the Farewell Sermon of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa BY ASIF AHMAD O people hark; O people hear, Perchance, I may not be here, This blessed day next lunar year, Only Allah knows the unseen years, So lend me now your hearts and ears. Shed not your brethren’s blood unjust, Nor snatch his goods in greed and lust, This is forbidden - you should remember You’ll be called to attend, Allah’s court for recompense. As you have right over your womenfolk, They too have rights over you. And Allah, on his own responsibility, Made them lawful for you. So be kind and gentle with them, Earn for them and spend on them, By his leave, And whilst fulfilling their rights Fear Allah, Merciful Lord of all reprieve. And in the matter of slaves Do you care? Do you share? Do they eat as you eat? Do they wear what you wear? Should they err and you can’t forgive, Then part them to separately live. For they, too, are to Allah dea,r What reason then to be severe?
I leave for you Allah’s book, the guide, If you follow, act, abide, On the guidance it provides, You will never be led astray. You’ll always tread the honoured way. Devotion to virtuous deeds, And for brethren, wishes best, Unity in Muslim creed, Keeps rancour out of a Muslim’s breast. O people of this audience, it is your duty, to narrate message to those not here. Ensure you pay heed to the message, Rather than just he who bears it, For otherwise it is for your sould I fear. In the end, the Prophet said, O people you’ll be raised from the dead, On Judgement Day you will be asked, “What have you done - Did I do my task?’ Thousands of voices all around replied, “O Prophet of God, we bear witness, You’ve delivered us God’s command. Made clear to us right and wrong in full fitness”. The Apostle said raising his index finger on his right hand,“Allah bear witness” .
Listen carefully and understand well, Everyone is a brother once Kalima is said. And with fraternity into mercy led, Unless a brother happily gives away, Nothing is lawful. Be warned this day. Go not near unjustice for it is awful.
*Published in The Review of Religions, 29 December 2019
JAN-MAR 2020
Calisthenics a 5-step guide atta chaudhry
EXERCISE 2: squats
This exercise is for two people. A towel or plastic bag can be used. With one holding it by the ends the other able to bicep curl it up against the resistance and then same again with the partner holding it higher and you pushing it down.
es, I know the word seems complicated but its really quite simple. The simple definition being “exercises to develop strength and flexibility that can be done without the use of any equipment e.g. no dumbbells or machines.
EXERCISE 1: push ups
The way to perform this exercise: start by laying out on the floor with hands about shoulder width apart against the floor. Legs and back all in a straight line and we begin the movement by pushing away from the ground. This is a great exercise that targets mainly the upper body, such as the chest, triceps and even the front part of your shoulders. This is perfect for all people beginners to advanced. Those just starting out you can do the easier version of being on your knees and performing the exercise for about 10 repetitions and doing that for 3 rounds. Once that becomes easier you can just do 3 rounds for 30 repetitions. 21 TARIQ MAGAZINE
This is executed by having your feet roughly about shoulder width apart with your toes pointing all around 45 degrees. We begin by allowing the hips to move back and then start to sit down into about 90 degrees.
These are great to target the triceps and biceps. Same as with all the other exercises - 3 rounds of 10 at the start but as you are being helped by a partner the resistance can be manipulated.
EXERCISE 5: cardio
Another great exercise, however this one targets the lower body such as the quadriceps (the front part of your upper leg) and hamstrings (the back part of your upper legs). Great for building strength and power. Again, it’s a movement that requires flexibility so don’t get too disheartened at the start. Same as push ups 3 rounds of 10 at the start going up to 30.
EXERCISE 3: chair dips Start by placing a chair against the wall and placing your hands on the chair with your feet out straight ahead of you. Allow your arms to bend behind you and push up with your triceps. This exercise is included as everyone wants a nice pair of strong defined arms. This hits the triceps in a more prominent way than the push ups. Secondary muscles involved are the shoulders. Same rounds and reps as previous exercises.
HIIT - High intensity interval training. This can be done in many ways. You can do 30 second sprints with 1 minute of light jog and 2 minutes off. Repeat again. When typing in calisthenics on google you may be intimidated by the images and exercises shown. Don’t be. As with all forms of excercise you have to work hard to attain a certain level of fitness. Calisthenics is predominantly based on exercises that only require your body weight so you can do them at home
JAN-MAR 2020
5 questions to an
With the recent Waqf-e-Nau Retreat having taken place, there’s a lot of discussion around careers, especially for those who are Waqfe-Nau. In this edition we present a glimpse into what it’s like to be an archaeologist.
Tell us a bit about yourself My name is Rizwan Safir, I’m 29 years old and was born in Saudi Arabia. Growing up, I had the opportunity to visit both Makkah and Madinah multiple times, as well as performing the Hajj once. Each visit left a stronger impression on me. I was walking the same footsteps as Prophets of the past; from Prophet Adam, Prophet Ibrahim and of course, the Prophet Muhammadsa. I became fascinated with learning more about civilisations of the past; how great cities and empires rose and fell, how rulers and emperors emerged and disappeared, and how the Qur’an was able to accurately reveal many hidden truths about the past. This led me towards becoming an archaeologist.
History and geography are probably the most important subjects to study at GCSE and A-Level. Science subjects are also favoured given the analysis of ancient remains which takes place in labs or in the field. Field experience is also a big plus. Many universities and companies have space for volunteers to come to a live excavation and develop skills, which is a big plus to have on your CV.
What does your work consist of? Discovery and travel. The job of an archaeologist is to uncover evidence for humans throughout history. I specialised in Middle Eastern archaeology so have spent much of my career working in the region. From uncovering tombs along the River Nile, finding lost towns in the deserts of Jordan, or discovering temples in the south of Oman, archaeology has taken me to some of the most remote places on earth. I now work to create museums in the Middle East, putting on display rare artefacts for the public to see and discover.
How do you balance it with Jama’at commitments? As a Waqf-e-Nau, my work is also Jama’at work. Huzoor’s guidance to Ahmadi archaeologists is to uncover evidence that proves the truth of the Qur’an. Projects I’m currently working on include the search for Prophet Noah’s Ark and the origins of the Ka’abah in Makkah. I also serve as the Editor of the Archaeology section for the Review of Religions magazine, working with other Ahmadi archaeologists around the world to undertake research and write articles. Alongside this, I am part of the AMRA (Ahmadiyya Muslim Research Association) committee, encouraging young Ahmadis to go into research careers such as archaeology.
How does Jama’at work assist you in your professional field? First and foremost, the blessings and guidance of Khilafat has been invaluable throughout my career. The network of the Jama’at has also been incredible to see. I meet with local Jama’at members in every country I work in who provide assistance whenever needed. Finally, the training and experience we receive as part of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya has been invaluable. The leadership, project management, organisation and team-work skills we receive as part of MKA translates into everyday work and allows Ahmadi’s to stand out in their professional fields.
JAN-MAR 2020
a birds eye view without getting into a flap!
Safeer Uddin Qamar
Baitul Ehsan Buy sensibly: Buying a toy drone could be a great way to learn how to fly without spending a fortune. Price Range: Drones will tend to come in two price ranges, under £100 or over £500. More expensive drones will have better features some with autonomous flying modes. Flying time: All drones have the limitation of flying time ranging from 10-25 mins, make sure to bring your drone down safely before the battery dies to avoid crashes and having spare batteries is a good investment. Safety: Drones will operate on either WiFi or GPS signals so make sure you stay within their recommended range. Drones that weigh over 250g will need to be registered with the FAA.
Types of drones: Drones these days come in different sizes and types. They are complex devices that are computerised to map out flight paths while also processing gyroscopic movements. Drones these days can even take off and land themselves using sensors and GPRS location. Drones are priced these days from £25 - £3000 that can capture 4K video and can fly for ranges up to 4 miles.
DJI Mavic Air
DJI Mavic 2 Pro
Parrot Mambo FPV
Smaller, more compact and less expensive than its predecessor, the DJI Mavic Air still has the same great camera and some new features that make this drone even better.
With superb video and photo capture, great features, and long battery life, DJI has not one, but two excellent drones in the Mavic 2 Pro and the Mavic 2 Zoom.
This package — which gives you a drone, a controller, a camera and FPV goggles for less than £140 — is a near-steal.
All drones including the above have unique features but most recently people are getting them for their video recording capabilities. Priced between £350 and £1200 DJI and Parrot drones are more sophisticated and provide the technology to give the consumer smooth and stable video footage along side high resolution images, once you have deciced what type of drone is the one for you. Flying involves knowing your limits and getting to know the controls. For most advance drones these days you could be controlling more than you can chew and that will take time with practice. In a nutshell keeping an eye out for your battery, where you are flying and even what you are capturing will have to be taken into consideration. Recent laws have now been put into place that every drone over 250g will need to be registered with the FFA and the flyer will have to undergo an online test.
I would now like to say a few things about the pandemic of the coronavirus that has spread, and draw the attention of the Jama’at towards it. We should all abide by and follow the instructions that are being issued by governments and departments with regard to precautions [against the virus]
At the very onset, I advised some precautionary homeopathic medicines after consulting homeopaths; some are for precaution while others are to treat the virus. These medicines should be used. We cannot say they are a hundred percent cure for it or that homeopaths know about this virus, these medicines are a possible treatment. There is no knowledge of this virus, but the medicines have been recommended as the closest possible treatment that could be devised for such a virus. May Allah the Almighty make them effective and so we should use them.
However, along with this, precautionary measures need to be taken, like it is being announced. It is important that crowds are avoided. Also those coming to the mosque should keep in mind that if they even have a light fever, their body begins to ache, or they have a cold and are sneezing etc. then they should not come to the mosque. The mosque also has rights and it is the right of the mosque that those people do not enter it who can pass on illnesses to others; anyone with a contagious illness should be very cautious of attending the mosque.
Doctors have advised to keep the face and hands clean as a precautionary step. If hands are dirty then the face should not be touched. Also to use sanitizer on your hands or wash them regularly. But for Muslims, for us, if someone offers all of his five daily prayers and also does the ablution five times i.e they are thoroughly rinsing their nose and cleaning it as a result and other elements of the ablution are being properly done, then this is a very high standard of hygiene which compensates the absence of a sanitizer... if the ablution is carried out properly then it serves as physical hygiene and then when one offers namaz, it is also cleans spiritually. In these days prayers are especially needed, so we should focus on these elements as well.
It is being advised not to shake hands these days, this is also very important. No one knows the condition of each other’s hands. Though handshakes are a means of enhancing brotherhood but these days it is better to avoid them due to this illness.
کورونا وائرس پر ہدایات از حرضت خلیفة المسیح الخامس ایدہ اہلل تعا ٰلی بنرصہ العزیز خطبہ جمعہ بیان رفمودہ 6مارچ 2020
ت ن ئ �پھ وکرو� وا�رس یک اےکس �بارہ ی اب ی م یھب اابحب وک وتہج ا م دنچ �ب یا� ،آج لک وج و�اب �یلی وہیئ ےہ دالین اچاتہ وہں۔ ہک ج ی �ا ےک وکحوتمں اور ومکحمں یک رطف ےس(وکحوتمں ےک) االعن وہ رےہ ہ ی� ان ت ن دتا�ر رپ ہ ی � ب احایط ب ی س وک لمع رک�ا اچےئہ۔ ی
ہومیوپیتھک دوائیاں
ت ت ئ ہ م ی دوا�اں � بہ� تی� رشوع ی ی وہم�پ� ی�ھ ےس وشمرہ رک ےک اتبیئ � وج ظفح ام دقتم ےک وطر رپ یھب ی� اور ضعب االعج م ےن ی و ضعب ہومیو پیتھیک ی ن ف ئ ت ن رک�ا اچےئہ۔ یا� ہنکمم االعج ےہ۔ �ی ی � االعج ےہ ی�ا ہومیوپیتھک وک ہتپ ےہ اس وا�رس � مہ ہہک کس ہک وس ی د ےک وطر رپ یھب۔ اوکن اامعتسل ن ق ئ ت ئ �۔ ی ن ن اک �ی یا� وا�رس ےہ اکسج وکیئ ملع ی دوا�اں ی ل اےکس ر� ی ب وجت��ز � � یر� وج ہنکمم االعج وہ اتکس اھت اس مسق یک ب ی�اری اک اےکس اطم قب �ی ی ن یک یئگ ہ ی�۔ اہلل اعتیلٰ ان ی م افشء یھب رےھک اس ےئل اامعتسل رک�ا اچےئہ۔
مجمع سے پرہیز ت ب� ن رےہ�۔ اس �بارہ ی دتا�ر یھب رضوری ہ ی�۔ ج ی احایط ب ی ہی �ا ہک االعن وہ م �ی یھب رضوری ےہ ہک عمجم ےس �چ�یں۔ یل اس ےک اسھت یہ ی ن ن غ � ت ن چ م ی و�رہ ےہ وت دجسم ی دجسم ی احاط رکین اچےئہ۔ ارگ اکلہ اس یھب اخبر ےہ ،مسج وٹٹ راہ ےہ ی�ا ھ�ی�ک�یں ��زہل ی � م آےن واولں وک یھب ی تث ت ن آ�ا اچےئہ رھپ۔ دجسم ےک یھب وقحق ہ ی� ھچک اور �ی دجسم اک قح ےہ ہک واہں وکیئ یا�ا صخش ہن آےئ سج ےس دورسے م � رأ� وہ کس وہں۔ ض ت رم� وج ےہ اوکس دجسم ی یسک یھب ےنگل وایل ب ی�اری اک ی احاط رکین اچےئہ۔ م آےن ےس تہب ی
ظاہر ی صفائی
ئ ت ن ٹئ احاط اتبےت ہ ی� وہ �ی ےہ ہک اہھت اور رہچہ اصف ی رھک۔ اہھت ارگ دنگے ہ ی� وت رہچہ رپ اہھت ہن ی اگل� اور اہوھتں رپ س�ی� ی���ا��زر اگل آج لک وج ڈارٹک ی ق ت ق ت ر�۔ ی ن رک ی رھک ی�ا دوھےت ہ ی ل املسمونں ےک ےئل ،ہ�ارے ےئل ،ارگ �پاچن و� اک امنزی ےہ وکیئ اور �پاچن و� �بااقدئہ ووضع یھب رک راہ ےہ۔ ن ی ن�اک ی ا� ایلعٰ یمار ےہ وج کا اج راہ ےہ وت �ی افصیئ اک یا� ی ا م �پاین یھب �چ�ڑاھ رےہ ہ ی� ،اس ےس �اک اصف وہ راہ ےہ۔ اور حص رطح ووضع ی ن ٹئ ن ت ی کا اجےئ وت ہ اظ�ری افصیئ یھب ےہ اور ووضع ج ب � رکے اگ ا�ان رھپ امنز یھب س�ی� ی���ا��زر یک یمک یھب وپری رک ید�ا ےہ۔۔۔حص رطح ارگ ووضع ی ت ڑپےھ اگ وت �ی یا� رواحین افصیئ اک یھب ی اج� ےہ۔ ذر� نب ا
مصافحوں سے پرہیز
ن �ڑ ہ �ز ہ ی اصموحفں ےس آج لک اہک اج راہ ےہ ی رپ� رکو �ی یھب ب�ا رضوری ےہ وکیئ ہتپ � سک ےک اہھت سک مسق ےک ی�۔ وت ہ �ز ن اس احلظ ےس وگ اصموحفں ےس قلعت ب��ڑاتھ ےہ تبحم ب��ڑیتھ ےہ ی ن ل آج لک اس ب ی�اری یک وہج ےس ی رک� یہ رتہب ےہ۔ رپ� ا
ت ونجری �ا امرچ 2020
ظ ن خ ا� �اس �و�ر�ا �اول�ر�ا یتسہ اک ��ام ��د�ا ےہ، �ا�و�ر �ہ�ر ہگج �اےنپ وکینں رپ ��ا�ہ�ر رکیت �ریہ۔� ب ت �ن �اہلل ےہ� ،ر�ام ےہ ،وگھب�ا ےہ �ی�ا Godہی دعب یک ثحب ےہ۔ �ا� یک �ا�و�ر �ب�ا� وج ت ن �ن �ن � یسک �ایسی اق�بل وغ�ر ےہ �وہ ہی ےہ ہک �د�ہ�ر�ی� اک �اعال رکےن �و�اےل �ا�س�ا � ج ب ن ت ا� �دے اجںیئ وت �اس �وق� لکشم ںیم ڑپےت ںیہ اہجں امتم �ا�س�این اک�وںیش وج� ب ت ن �ن یسک �ایسی یتسہ وک اکپ�رےت رض�و�ر ںیہ سج یک ط�اق� �ا�س�ا ےس تہب �ب�االرت وہ۔ ت �اےسی یہ �ا� یک �و�اہعق اک ��ذرک رضح� حیسم وموع�د ؑ ف�رامےت ںیہ: ث ت ‘‘م� ًال �وہ ��ززلہل وج � 4ارپلی1905وک �� آ�ی�ا اھت �اُس ےک �� آےن ےک �وق� الوھکں خ ن �دولں ںیم �ااسی وشخع �ا�و�ر وس��ز �و دگ�ا��ز وہ�ا اھت ہک زجب ��د�ا ےک ��ام ےنیل �ا�و�ر �ر�وےن ت ےک �ا�و�ر وکیئ اکم ہن اھت اہیں �ک ہک �د�ہ�رویں وک یھب �اانپ �د�ہ�رہی نپ وھبل ایگ ل ت ن ت ت � وشخع ��اوب�د وہیئگ اھت۔ �ا�و�ر رھپ � ج ب � �وہ �وق� اج��ا �راہ �ا�و�ر ��زنیم رہھٹ یئگ وت اح ِ ت خ ت اہیں �ک ہک ںیم ےن انس ےہ ہک ضعب �د�ہ�رویں ےن وج �اس �وق� ��د�ا ےک � اقلئ وہےئگ ےھت �ب�ڑی ےب ایحیئ �ا�و�ر �دریلی ےس اہک ہک ںیمہ یطلغ گل یئگ یھت خ � ںیم �� آےئگ �و�رہن ��د�ا ںیہن ےہ ۔’’ (�ر�واحین زخ�انئ ،دلج ہک مہ ��ززلہل ےک �رع ب � ، 12ب�ر�انیہ �ادمحہی ،ہحفص )102
خ ینعی ��د�ا اعتیلٰ �اینپ ولخمق وک ہی ومہعق رض�و�ر �داتی ےہ ہک �وہ �اےس ےھجمس �ا�و�ر اچہپےن
� ھچک ھجمس یتھٹیب ےہ۔ ٓ� وک یہ س ب رگم ولخمق �اانپ اکم وہ اجےن ےک دعب رھپ �اےنپ �ا پ
ہ ت د�ر ی� وموجدہ زامہن اور
ت � ےن �اےس وپ�ر�ا ڑپاھ۔ ریح�این �اس �ب�ا� رپ وہیئ ہک دمیع ، ہصح اھت۔ میکح اصح ب خ ت وج �ب�ر�انیہ �ادمحہی اک ومٔفل اھت� ،اس �ب�ا� اک �دوعی ٰ رک �راہ اھت ہک ��د�ا �اس ےس مہ ت ث ت ت کالم وہ��ا ےہ۔ �ا�و�ر ہی ہک �وہ �اسالم یک اچسیئ وک امتم اہبش� ےس �ب�اال رت ��ا�ب� �ش � ےن یف �اوفل�ر �ب�ر�انیہ �ادمحہی ےک امتم �اعئ دشہ رکےن وک ایت�ر ےہ۔ میکح اصح ب
�ن � وک رحتری �ا�و�ر ومٔفل �د�وونں صصح وگنم�اےئ۔ �ا بتک وک ڑپےتھ یہ میکح اصح ب ت � ٓ� م�الیش ےھت۔ میکح اصح ب ٓ� ےن �وہ ون�ر �پ�ا ایل سج ےک �ا پ ےس تبحم وہ یئگ۔�ا پ
ےن �اس �د�ہ�رہی وک �بال�ی�ا �ا�و�ر ےنہک ےگل ‘‘ �دوھکی �اس ملع �ا�و�ر س�اسنئ ےک �د�و�ر ںیم خ �ا� یک �ااسی صخش ےہ وج ��د�ا ےس مہ کالم وہےن اک دمیع ےہ۔ �ا�و�ر �وہ �اس �ارم رپ
��ز�و�ر �داتی ےہ ہک �ہ�ر �وہ وج �اس �دوعہ یک اچسیئ وک اجانن اچاتہ ےہ � ،ا� یک س�ال �اس ےک ن�ش ن ت �ن س�اھت اتبےئ� ،اس �د�و�ر�ا �اےس �ایہٰل � �ا��ا� �داھکےئ اجںیئ ےگ۔ �ا�و�ر �ارگ �ااسی ہن ت وہ وت �اس اتبےئ وہےئ �وق� اک اعم�وہض �اےس �د�ی�ا اجےئ اگ۔’’
ت �ش �ن � ےن اہک ہک �ارگ �وہ �د�ر تقیقح اچسیئ یک �ال ںیم ےہ وت ا� ےک میکح اصح ب �ش ت � �د�ہ�رہی ےن ہی س�اھت ےلچ۔ �ا�و�ر میکح اصح ب � امتم رخہچ �ب�ر�د�ا � رکںی ےگ۔ � ج ب ض ن ن ت �ب�ا� ینس وت �وہ اھبگ �کال۔ �ارغل� �وہ �جس�ے �ااصنف یک اگنہ ےس �اےنپ امکل یقیقح ت �ش ت �ش خ یک �ال یک �اس ےن رض�و�ر ون�ر یک �ر�اہ وک �پ�ا�ی�ا ےہ �ا�و�ر �وہ وج ��د�ا یک �ال رک یہ ںیہن �راہ �وہ �پ�ا ےسیک اتکسےہ؟
ت خ لم یس� �آرخ ںیم �ا� یک �و�اہعق رضح� �ل�یفۃ �ا ح �اال�وّل ؓ اک رحتری ےہ۔ اہجں �ا� یک ومٔنم خ ت �ن ےن ومہعق �پ�ا رک ��د�ا یک ��ذ�ا� وک اچہپ ایل �ا�و�ر �وںیہ �ا� یک �د�ہ�رہی ومہعق وہےن ےک
�ب�ا�ووج�د �آںیھکن دنب ےئیک اتلچ �راہ۔
� ےس تہب دبزیمتی �ا�و�ر �ا�ویچن �ا� یک �ر�و��ز ومجں ںیم �ا� یک �د�ہ�رہی ےن میکح اصح ب ت �آ�و�ا��ز ںیم �ب�ا� رکےت وہےئ اہک‘‘ :زگہتش ��زامہن ںیم وع�ام مک ملع �ا�و�ر ڑپیھ یھکل ت ن خ ت ںیہن یھت۔ �ایس �ب�ا� اک �ا��ب�ی�اء ےن افدئہ �ااھٹ�ی�ا �ا�و�ر �اس �ب�ا� اک نیقی �دال�ی�ا ہک ��د�ا ن ت �اےسن مہ کالم وہ��ا ےہ۔ �ا جٓ� �ااسی �دوعی ٰ رک��ا نکمم ںیہن۔ ویکہکن ولگ �ب�ا ملع ںیہ
�ن �ا�و�ر �اس امتہش وک اج ےکچ ںیہ۔ �ا جٓ� لک ہی نکمم ںیہن ہک وکیئ ہی �دوعی ٰ رکے خ ت ہک ںیم �وہ صخش وہں سج ےس ��د�ا مہ کالم وہ��ا ےہ۔’’
ت �ن �اینپ �ب�ا� لمکم رکےن رپ �وہ �د�ہ�رہی �اس امگ ںیم سلجم ےس لچ �د�ی�ا ہک میکح �ن � ےن ا� وہ ےکچ ںیہ۔ �اس �د�و�ر�ا �وہ �د�و�ا الیئ یئگ وج میکح اصح ب اصح ب � ال وج� ب �غ ظ وگنم�ایئ یھت۔ �د�و�ا سج اک � ںیم دنب یھت �وہ نسح �اافتق ےس �ب�ر�انیہ �ادمحہی اک �ا� یک
ٓ اپکےخطوط
مکرموم تح�رما� یڈ� ٹی�رصاحب
السالمعل ی�کم ش ما�اءاہللاسرسالےکو�پڑ � ھ ن ےسے ب�ہت ف� ئا�دہ ت ہو�اہےالحمدہلل۔ ئ ت پ ن ئ آجلک کرو�اوا�رسکیو�با ج�و�ھ ی�لیہو�یہےاسسلسلہم ی�ں خ�اکسارس جم�ھ�اہےکہاسکول ئ غ ن و� ی�رہ ب�ھی ب� ن�دہو�ے چ�اہ� ی�ں۔ ض ن ش ف ت ن �ن خ ت ت ار�اد�رما�یا�ھاکہہا�ھمال�ےسے ج اسکےعالوہ ج�وح� � ا�� ن�اب ے�ط ب�ہ ج�معہم ی�ں ورےا � پ ئ ت ت ت ن ت خ خ ی کر�ں� تواسسلسلہم ی�ں ی�ہعرض کر�اہے�و کر�ا چ�اہ�اہوںکہ�دا اک�ل� فی�ہ�ج بکو�ی�بات ن خ ن�ظ ئ ن ئ خ اسکی�عم ی�لم ی�ں ب�ہت�برکتہے۔�واہوہا�سانکو �رآ�ے�یا�ہآ�ے۔�داکرےکہہم ن رسول ی کر�مﷺکےصحا�بہکیطرحاطاعتکر�ےوالےہوں۔ ج�زاکماہللاحسنا جل�زاء رم ی�زاحمد
طارق میگزین
ت ونجری �ا امرچ 2020
ہ ت د�ر ی� وموجدہ زامہن اور
ہّٰلل ل َۡن َاس َتمِ ُع ۡوا َل ٗہؕا ِ َّن َّال ِذیۡ َن َت ۡد ُع ۡو َن ِم ۡن ُد ۡو ِن ا ِ اس ُ ِ ی ٰ َا ُّی َہا ال َّن ُ ض َب َم َث ٌل ف ۡ اب َشیۡئًا َّل ی َۡست َ ۡنق ُِذ ۡوہُ ِم ۡن ُہ یَّ ۡخلُ ُق ۡوا ذُبَابًا َّو لَو ِا ۡج َت َم ُع ۡوا َل ٗہؕ َو ا ِ ۡن َّی ۡسل ُۡب ُہ ُم الذُّ بَ ُ ت ف َّ الطال ُِب َو ال َۡم ۡطل ُۡو ُب (�اجحل �آ�ی� )۴۷ َض ُع َ ن ث �ن ینعی‘‘ �اے �ا�س�اون! �ا� یک �امہ م��ال ایب یک اج �ریہ ےہ سپ �اےس وغ�ر ےس ونس۔
ًانیقی �وہ ولگ ںیہنج مت �اہلل ےک وس�ا اکپ�رےت وہ �ہ�رزگ �ا� یک یھکم یھب ہن انب ںیکس �ن ےگ وخ�اہ �وہ �اِس ےک ےئل �اےھٹک وہاجںیئ �ا�و�ر �ارگ یھکم �ا ےس ھچک نیھچ ےل وت ت � �ا�و�ر �وہ �وہ �اُس وک �اس ےس ڑھچ�ا ںیہن سک�ے۔ ایک یہ ےب سب ےہ (ضیف اک) ط�ال ب ت سج ےس (ضیف) بلط ایک اج��ا ےہ۔’’
دمری (�ا�ر�د�و) ط�ا�رق م�یگ��زنی
� ن زگہتش �ا� یک دصی ںیم �ا� یک �ااسی ��ز�ہ�ر ولوگں ےک �دولں ںیم �ڈ�اال ایگ وج ��ارصف
�ا� یک صخش وک ہکلب �اس ےک �اق�ر�ب�اء �ا�و�ر �آدنئہ ولسنں وک ابتہ رکےن اک اضنم وہ
اتکس ےہ۔
انچہچ �اس امیب�ری اک �آاغ��ز �ب�ا اقدعہ وط�ر ےس وسولںی دصی ںیم وہ�ا۔ وگ �اس ےس ت ےلہپ �اس ےک �ارث�ا� �پ�اوچنںی دصی ںیم یھب �پ�اےئ اجےت ےھت۔ �اےسی ولگ وج �ش ٓ� ںیم �آ��ز�ا�د�اہن �ر�اےئ �رےتھک ںیہ �ا�و�ر ہی ھجمس ےھٹیب ںیہ ہک �ادئ �وہ وخ�د یہ �اےنپ �ا پ ت �ن �اےنپ امتم �اامعل �و �ااعفل رپ دق�ر� �رےتھکںیہ �ا�و�ر �ا ےس �ا�ورپ وکیئ �ایسی اق�د�ر ت یتسہ ںیہن ےہ وج زج�اء �ا�و�ر زس�ا �دےنی رپ اق�د�ر وہ۔ رھپ �ایس ایخل وک ولوگں �ک �ش اچنہپ�ی�ا ایگ۔ وقبل �ارع: ت رطف� ںیم �آ�دیم یک اھتمہبم س�ا �ا� یک وخف خ ن �اس وخف اک یسک ےن ��د�ا ��ام �رھک �د�ی�ا
ن ینعی امتم �ا�س�اتین وک ہی اغیپم �د�ی�ا ایگ ہک وج مت وخف وسحمس رکےت وہ �ا�و�ر �اس خ �ن وخف وک ��د�ا اعتیلٰ ےس تبسن �دےتیوہ ہی رصف اہمت�ر�ا امگ ےہ �ا�و�ر ھچک ںیہن۔
خ ت نکیل ��د�ا اعتیلٰ �اس ےک �ب�ر سکع ف�رام��ا ےہ:
طارق میگزین
خ خ ن �ن ک وگ�ی�ا ��د�ا اعتیلٰ اک �ا�س�ا وک �ا� یک ھال جنلیچ ےہ ہک �دوھکی مت وج ��د�ایئ اک �دوعہ خ رکےت وہ �ی�ا ہی ھجمس ےھٹیب وہ ہک امہ�ر�ا وصقم�د یسک بیغ ںیم �رےنہ �و�اےل ��د�ا � ن �ن ےس ںیہن ہکلب �ذ��ایت وکشش ےس �ی�ا رھپ یسک �ا�و�ر �ا�س�ا ےک �آےگ اہھت پھ�یال ت رک احلص وہ اتکس ےہ۔ مت � ہ �ز��ا�ر وکشش ےک �ب�ا�ووج�د �ا� یک یھکم �ک ںیہن انب ت ت ن سک�ے۔ ہکلب یھکم انب��ا وت تہب �د�و�ر یک �ب�ا� ےہ �ارگ �ا� یک یھکم مت ےس نیھچ رک ت ھچک ےل اجےئ وت مت �اےس �و�اسپ ںیہن �پ�ا سک�ے۔ ہی تیثیح ےہ اہمت�ری۔ ن �ن وت رھپ �ا�س�ا ےن ہی ےسیک وصت�ر رک ایل ہک وکیئ �ب�اال یتسہ ںیہن ےہ۔ وکیئ وت ےہ وج اظنم یتسہ �چال �راہ ےہ۔
ن خ �ا��ب�ی�اء ؑ یک امتم اعمل ںیم �ا� یک ��د�ا یک میلعت
ت ا� وج یسک یھب �الہ لقع �و رکف وک اھجمسےن ےک ےئیل اکیف وہین چ�ا � یہ� ئ �ا� یک �ب� ے۔ �وہ ن �ن � اک �د�ی�ا ایگ ہی ےہ ہک 124,000ےس ��ز�ادئ �ا��ب�ی�اء �اس �داین ںیم �آےئ۔ �ا�و�ر �ا س ب خ ت اغیپم رصف ہی اھت ہک ��د�ا �ا� یک ےہ �ا�و�ر �ایس یک مت ابع�د� رک�و۔ �ا جٓ� �ارگ �اف�رہقی ےک �د�و�ر �د�ر�ا��ز عالوقں ںیم اج�ی�ا اجےئ �ی�ا رھپ س�ا�ؤھت �ارمہکی ےک �وہ ت �ن یلگنج عالہق اج� اہجں دصویں ےس رصف �ا� یک یہ اخدن�ا �آ�ب�ا�د ےہ۔ �وہ ولگ ت �ن ن �ن وہنجں ےن یسک ےئن �د�و�ر ےک �ا�س�ا یک لکش �ک ںیہن �دیھکی �ا ںیم یھب �ا� یک خ ت ��د�اےئ �و�ادح اک وصت�ر �پ�ا�ی�ا اج��ا ےہ۔ ہی وصت�ر اہکں ےس �آ�ی�ا؟
ن �ن �ن وک اھت وج �داین ےک امتم عالوقں ںیم اج رک ہی اغیپم �دے �راہ اھت؟ ہی �ا�س ا� اک امکل
ٓ� وک �ہ�ر ��زامےن ںیم وت وہ ںیہن اتکس۔ وت امانن ڑپے اگ �ا� یک یتسہ �ایسی ےہ وج �اےنپ �ا پ
ت ونجری �ا امرچ 2020
ت 7اخ�ودن ےک زگ�ر اجےن رپ وع�ر� یسک یک تیکلم ںیہن ہکلب �اینپ رمیض ےس ��زدنیگ زگ�ا�ر یتکس
ےہ۔ ت خ لم یس� رضح� �ل�یفۃ �ا ح �ااثلین ؓ ےن م��ز�ی�د �ا جٓ� ےک اعمرشہ �ا�و�ر اخص وط�ر ث ت ث رپ رغمیب اعمرشہ �ا�و�ر وق�انین یک م��ال �دے رک ��ا�ب� ایک ےہ ہک �ن �اسالم �ا امتم وقحق وک 1400س�ال ےلہپ یہ اعتم�رف رک�و�ا اکچ ےہ۔
ہماریمیراث �ت ش �آدنئہ ےس �رس�اہل ط�ا�رق ںیم �ا� یک ہصح �ہ� ی �ذ� �اال��ذاہ ےک اضمنیم رپ ت ت رغم� لمتشم وۂ�ا رکے اگ ��ا �اس ��ا�ریخی �ا�و�ر �ب�ا �ب�رتک �رس�اہل یک ریہشت ب ت ت ��شہ� ی �ن ںیم یھب اج�ری وہ۔ امش�رہ ھ��ذ�ا ںیم �رس�اہل �ذ� �اال��ذاہ اک رصتخم ��ا�ریخی �ن
اعت�رف اق�رنیئ یک رظن ایک اج �راہ ےہ۔
ٓانجن� ﷺ ےن �آرخی ��زامہن یک وگشیپویئں ںیم ےس �ا� یک ہی �ا ب خ ک� ث ت یھب اتبیئ یھت ہک �ر� ےس �رس�الئ یک رتلیس وہیگ۔ انچہچ ��د�ا ت � ےفیحص رشن ےئیک اجںیئ ش ۡت �ا�و�ر � ج ب الص ُح ُ ف نُ ِ َ اعتیلٰ ف�رام��ا ےہَ :و اِذَا ُّ �ۃ ت ےگ(وس�ر وکتری �آ�ی� )11۔
ت �ش ت وس مہ ےن �داھکی ہک یئک �رس�اال� �ا�و�ر رج�ادئ لیمکت �ا �اع� �اسالم یک ت ض �ش ��شہ� ی �ن رغ� ےس �اعئ ےئیک ےئگ۔ �ایہن ںیم ےس �ا� یک �رس�اہل �ذ� �اال��ذاہ ےہ۔
ت �ؓ 1900ںیم رضح� اصح� ب �ز��ا�دہ رم��ز�ا ریشب �ادلنی ومحم�د �ادمح اصح ب ت ��شہ� ی �ن ف ٓ� یہ �اس ےک ےلہپ ےن �ا� یک سلجم ��ذ �اال��ذاہ اج�ری �رامیئ �ا�و�ر �ا پ
دص�ر یھب ےھت۔ �اس اک دصقم ہی اھت ہک �داین رھب ےک وچبں �ا�و�ر ون وج�اونں
یک یملع �ا�و�ر یلمع تحص رتہب یک اجےئ۔ �رس�اہل اک �ب�ااقدعہ �آاغ��ز 1906
ہ�اری یمراث
ت ت ںیم وہ�ا �ا�و�ر �اس یک اخص �ب�ا� ہی ےہ ہک وخ�د رضح� حیسم وموع�دؑ
�اس ہلسلس ںیم اضمنیم رحتری ف�رام�ی�ا رکےت ےھت وج �رس�اہل یک ��زتنی �ش ت ےتنب۔ ےلہپ �ارمہ ںیم رضح� اصح� ب �ز��ا�دہ رم��ز�ا ریشب �ادلنی ومحم�د �ادمح ت ٹ � ؓ ےن 14احفص� رپ لمتشم �ا� یک اعت�ریف ون� رحتری ف�رام�ی�ا۔ اصح ب �ش ت �آاغ��ز ںیم �رس�اہل ہس امیہ اھت نکیل �ا� یک یہ س�ال دعب امانہہم �ا �اع�
وہےن یگل۔ ھچک رعہص دعب �اس وک �رس�اہل Review of Religions ت ن ںیم دممغ رک �د�ی�ا ایگ۔ رھپ 1957ء ںیم رضح� ومال��ا �اوب �العط�اء
� اجدنلرھی یک اک�ووشں ےک ہجیتن ںیم �ا� یک �ب�ا�ر رھپ �رس�اہل اصح ب �ت ش خ �ن �ش ت ہ ع � � � ی��ذ �اال��ذاہ یک �ا �ا � رش�وع وہیئ �ا�و�ر �اےس سلجم �د�ام �االدمحہی ت ےک رپس�د ایک ایگ۔ �اس ہلسلس ںیم �ا�د�ا�ر� ےک ف�ر�اضئ رس �ااجنم �دےنی ت اابح� ںیم رضح� اصح�ب��ز�ا�دہ رم��ز�ا ریشب �ادلنی ومحم�د �ادمح �و�اےل � ب ت ن � � �ا�و�ر رضح� ومال��ا �اوب �العط�اء اصح ب � ؓ ،اقیض وہظ�ر �ادمح اصح ب اصح ب � �ش اجدنلرھی �الم ںیہ۔ امہ�رے �ب��ز�روگں ےن �ب�ڑی تنحم �ا�و�ر تہب یہ دحم�و�د �واصلئ ےک �ب�ا�ووج�د �ا� یک �ااسی ہلسلس �چال�ی�ا سج ےس �آدنئہ
امتم ںیلسن ضیفتسم وہ �ریہ ںیہ �ا�و�ر وہیت یلچ اجںیئ یگ۔ �ادیم ےہ اق�رنیئ �رس�اہل ط�ا�رق �اس ادین ٰ وکشش ےس افدئہ �ااھٹ �پ�اںیئ ےگ۔
ٓ اپکےخطوط
� � رکمم �ا� ی�ڈرٹی اصح ب
�السالم مکیلع
اخاسک�ر وک ہی �رس�اہل تہب دنسپ ےہ اخص وط�ر ہپ وجیملع اضمنیم �اس � ںیم چ ��ھ� ت ے ںیہ۔ اخاسک�ر �� آدنئہ �ا� ی�ڈنشی ےئلیک �ا� یک وجت�ی �ز� �دانی اچاتہ ےہ پ ت ت �ن ہک �ارگ رضح� ہحلطؓ یک ایح� رپ �ا� یک ومضم اھکل اجےئ وت اق�رنیئ
ےئلیک تہب دیفم وہاگ۔
�و�السالم ٹ واہ� �ب� � ب طارق میگزین
ت ونجری �ا امرچ 2020
اعترف اتکب
تعارف کتاب
�غ ت وع�روتں وک الیم ےس اجن� �دالےن �و�اال یبن ت ح خ لم یس� � �ل�یفۃ �ا ح �ااثلین ؓ �ا��ز رضح� رم��ز�ا ریشب �ادلنی ومحم�د �ادمح اص ب
سپِ رظنم:
ت �ش �ن �ن �اابخ�ر �الضفل وچہکن 12وج 1928وک �آرضحن� ﷺ یک �ا ںیم �ش �ش ت �ا� یک اخص امش�رہ �اعئ رک �راہ اھت وت رضح� حلصم وموع�دؓ ےس زگ�ا�ر ٓ� �اس ہلسلس ںیم ھچک رحتری ف�رامںیئ۔ انچہچن وضح�رؓ یک یئگ ہک �ا پ ث �ن ا� اجےتن وہےئ ہی ومضم رحتری ف�رام�ی�ا۔ ےن �اس �ارم وک �ب�اع� وث� ب
ت �ن ہی لک 11احفص� رپ لمتشم ومضم �اون�ا�ر �اولعلم یک دلج 10ےک ت ت احفص� �� 132ا 142ںیم ڑپاھ اج اتکس ےہ۔
�ن دنچ ایب رک�دہ �اوم�ر ��ذلی ںیم �د� جر� ںیہ۔
ت ت وع�روتں یک احل� لبق �ا��ز وہظ�ر رضح� دمحم یفطصمٰ ﷺ: �غ 1 .الیم �ا�و�ر ولممتیک یک ��زدنیگ۔
طارق میگزین
ت 2اجدئ�ا�د یک امکل ہن یھت ہکلب اخ�ودن وع�ر� یک اجدئ�ا�د اک ت امکل وہ��ا۔
�ش ت �3ا� یک �ب�ا�ر �ا�دی رکےن رپ وع�ر� وک دحیلعیگ اک قح ہن
� ت �4ارگ اخ�ودن وھچ�ڑ �دے وت وع�ر� ےک وقحق یک وکیئ
اھت ہکلب رصف اخ�و�ادن وک ہی قح احلص اھت۔
افحتظ ںیہن یھت۔
5اخ�ودن ام�ر ٹیپ یھب رک اتکس اھت �ا�و�ر یئک ہگج وت وع�روتں ت ےک اعمہض ےک دبہل ںیم چیب �د�ی�ا اج��ا اھت �ی�ا وجےئ ںیم ت اہ�ر رک وع�ر��دے �دی اجیت یھت۔
6اخ�ودن ےک امتم �رہتش �د�ا�ر �اس یک اجدئ�ا�د ںیم ہصح �د�ا�ر ت ےھت نکیل وع�ر� ںیہن یھت۔
ت احال� دعب �ا��ز وہظ�ر وضح�رِ �ارکم ﷺ: . .
ٓ� ﷺ ےن ف�رام�ی�ا ہک وع�روتں ےک وقحق یک ��ذہم �1ا پ �د�ا�ری اخص وط�ر ےس ےھجم �دی یئگ ےہ۔ ظ ت ن �ن 2ف�رام�ی�ا ہک رم�د وع�ر� �ا�س�ا وہےن ےک احل� ےس �ب�ر�ا�ب�ر ںیہ۔
3سج رطح رم�د�وں وک وع�روتں رپ وقحق احلص ںیہ
4ویبی وک اخ�ودن ےک �ا�و�ر امں وک ےٹیب ےک رتہک ںیم ےس
ت 5وع�ر� وک یھب رم�د یک رطح دحیلعیگ اک قح احلص
ت �6ارگ رم�د وع�ر� وک دحیلعہ رکے وت�اےس �انسح رطقی
�ایس رطح وع�روتں وک رم�د�وں رپ وقحق احلص ںیہ۔ ہصح ےلم اگ۔ ےہ۔
رپ رہم یھب �دے۔
ت م یس� وبقل داع از رضحت ح وموع دؑ ی ِ
حضرت مرزا غالم احمد
مسیح موعود و مهدی معہود علیه السالم
ِ قبولیت دعا
ت رضح� �ادقس حیسم وموع�د ؑ ف�رامےت ںیہ:
ت خ ت “وج صخش لکشم �ا�و�ر تبیصم ےک �وق� ��د�ا ےس �دُاع رک��ا �ا�و�ر �اس ت �ش ت ےس لحِ م کال� اچاتہ ےہ �وہ رشبہکیط �دُاع وک امکل �ک اچنہپ�وے ض خ ت �ن ��د�ا اعتیلٰ ےس �اانیمط �ا�و�ر یقیقح وخاحشیل �پ�ا��ا ےہ �ا ت�و�ر �ارگ �ب�ارفل� ت نت � � یھب یسک �اَ�و�ر مسق یک سلّی �ا�و�ر سک ی��� �وہ بلطم �اس وک ہن ےلم � ب خ ت ��د�ا اعتیلٰ یک رطف ےس �اس وک انع�ی� وہیت ےہ �ا�و�ر �وہ �ہ�رزگ �ہ�رزگ ت ن ��ارم�ا�د ںیہن �راتہ �ا�و�ر عال�وہ اکایمیب ےک �اامی ین وق� �اس یک رتیق خ � ڑکپیت ےہ �ا�و�ر نیقی �ب�ڑاتھ ےہ نکیل وج صخش �دُاع ےک س�اھت ��د�ا ن ت ت اعتیلٰ یک رطف مُ�ہ ںیہن رک��ا �وہ ہشیمہ �ادناھ �راتہ �ا�و�ر �ا دناھ رم��ا �ن ن ا� ٹاکیف وط �ررپ ےہ �ا�و�ر امہ�ری �اس رقتری ںیم �اُ ��ا�د�اونں اک وج� ب ض �� ی� ت خ ےہ وج �اینپ رظنِ �ط�ااک�ر یک �وہج ےس ہی �ارتع�ا� رک ب ھ�ے ںیہ ہک ریتہبے �اےسی �� آ�دیم رظن �� آےت ںیہ ہک �ب�ا�ووج�د �اس ےک ہک �وہ �اےنپ
احل �ا�و�ر اقل ےس �دُاع ںیم انف وہےت ںیہ رھپ یھب �اےنپ اقمدص
ت ونجری �ا امرچ 2020
ن ن �ن ںیم ��امُ�ر�ا�د �رےتہ �ا�و�ر ��امُ�ر�ا�د رمےت ںیہ �ا�و�ر اقمب�بل �ا ےک �ا� یک خ ت �ن �اَ�و�ر صخش وہ��ا ےہ ہک ہن �دُاع اک اقلئ ہن ��د�ا اک اقلئ �وہ �اُ رپ حتف � � ت �پ�ا��ا ےہ �ا�و�ر �ب�ڑی �ب�ڑی اکایمایبں �اُس وک احلص وہیت ںیہ۔ وس اسیج �ش �ن ہک � تایھب مَ�یں ےن �ا �ا�رہ ایک ےہ �الص بلطم �دُاع ےس �اانیمط ن � �ا�و�ر سلّی �ا�و�ر یقیقح وخاحشیل اک �پ�ا��ا ےہ۔ �ا�و�ر ہی �ہ�رزگ حیحص ںیہن ہک امہ�ری یقیقح وخاحشیل رصف �اُیس �ارم ںیم م� ی ّس�ر�� آ یتکس ےہ سج وک خ مہ � ب�ذ��رہعی �دُاع اچےتہ ںیہ ہکلب �وہ ��د�ا وج اجاتن ےہ ہک امہ�ری یقیقح ت وخاحشیل سک �ارمںیم ےہ �وہ اکلم �دُاع ےک دعب ںیمہ انع�ی� رک ت �داتی ےہ وج صخش �رُ�وح یک اچسیئ ےس �دُاع رک��ا ےہ �وہ نکمم ںیہن ت ن ہک یقیقح وط�ر رپ ��ارم�ا�د �رہ ےکس ہکلب �وہ وخاحشیل وج ہن رصف �د�ول� خ ت ےس لم یتکس ےہ �ا�و�ر ہن حک�وم� ےس �ا�و�ر ہن تحص ےس ہکلب ��د�ا ت ےک اہھت ںیم ےہ سج ریپ�اہی ںیم اچےہ �وہ انع�ی� رک اتکس ےہ � خ ت اہں �وہ اکلم �داع�ؤں ےس انع�ی� یک اجیت ےہ۔ �ارگ ��د�ا اعتیلٰ اچاتہ ت ےہ وت �ا� یک صلخم اص�دق وک نیع تبیصم ےک �وق� ںیم �دُاع ےک �ش ت دعب �وہ ذل� احلص وہ اجیت ےہ وج �ا� یک اشنہشہ وک تختِ �ایہ رپ ن احلص ںیہن وہ یتکس۔ وس �ایس اک ��ام یقیقح رم�ا�د �ی�ایب ےہ وج �� آرخ �دُاع رکےن �و�اولں وک یتلم ےہ۔ � ت ت �ن �اُ یک �� آاف� اک اخہمت �ب�ڑی وخاحشیل ےک س�اھت وہ��ا ےہ۔ نکیل �ارگ �ن �اانیمط �ا�و�ر یچس وخاحشیل احلص ںیہن وہیئ وت امہ�ری اکایمیب یھب �ن امہ�رے ےئل �ا� یک �دُھک ےہ۔ وس ہی �اانیمط �ا�و�ر �رُ�وح یک یچس وخاحشیل دت�اریب ےس �ہ�ر زگ ںیہن یتلم ہکلب ضحم �دُاع ےس یتلم ےہ۔ رگم وج ظ ن ولگ اخہمت رپ رظن ںیہن �رےتھک �وہ �ا� یک ��ا�ہ�ری مُ�ر�ا�د �ی�ایب �ی�ا ��ا رم�ا�دی ت وک �دھکی رک دم�ا�رِ ہلصیف �ایس وک رہھٹ�ا�دےتی ںیہ �ا�و�ر �الص �ب�ا� ہی ےہ خ � ت �ن ہک اخہمت �ب�اریخل �اُ یہ اک وہ��ا ےہ وج ��د�ا ےس ڈ��رےت �ا�و�ر �دُاع ںیم وغشمل وہےت ںیہ �ا�و�ر �ویہ �ب��ذ�رہعی یقیقح �ا�و�ر ابم�رک وخاحشیل ےک ل ت � یمظعٰ �پ�اےت ںیہ۔ یچس رم�ا�د �ی�ایب یک �د�و ِ
لصل )�ا�ی�ام �ا ح �،ر�واحین زخ�انئ دلج ، 14ہحفص (237-238
طارق میگزین
ٓ قرا ِنکریم
أعوذ باهلل من الشيطان الرجيم بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم
َک ع َِباد ِۡی َعنِّیۡ َفانِ ِّیۡ َقِیۡ ٌبؕ اُ ِجیۡ ُب َد ۡع َو َۃ َّ َلۡی ۡس َتجِیۡبُ ۡوا لِیۡ َو ل ُۡی ۡؤ ِمنُ ۡوا بِیۡ ل ََع َّل ُہ ۡم َی ۡر ُش ُد ۡو َن َو اِذَا َس َا ل َ الدا ِع اِذَا َد َعا ِنۙ ف َ
� �وہ ےھجم ا� �داتی وہں � ج ب �ا�و�ر � ج ب � ریمے دنبے ھجت ےس ریمے قلعتم وس�ال رکںی وت ًانیقی ںیم ق�ربی وہں۔ ںیم �داع رکےن �و�اےل یک �داع اک وج� ب ت ت ت ت �ن اکپ�ر��ا ےہ۔ سپ اچےئہ ہک �وہ یھب ریمی �ب�ا� رپ ل�ّب� یک ںیہک �ا�و�ر ھجم رپ �اامی الںیئ ��ا ہک �وہ دہ�ا�ی� �پ�اںیئ۔ �ة
وس�ر �ارقبلہ �آ�ی� 187
حدیث النبی ﷺ اللهم صل على محمد و على آل محمد كما صليت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد۔ اللهم بارك على محمد و على آل محمد كما باركت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد۔
َع ْن أَبِي ه َُريْ َرةَ ،قَا َل :قَا َل َر ُسو ُل اهللِ َصلَّى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم َما يَزَا ُل ال َْب َلء بِال ُْم ْؤ ِم ِن َوال ُْم ْؤ ِم َن ِة فِي َن ْف ِسهِ
هلل َو َما َعل َْيهِ َخ ِط ْي َئةٌ۔ َو َو َل ِده ِ َو َمالِهِ َحتَّى يَ ْل َقى ا َ رضحت ہ اوب� یر�رہ ریض اهلل ہنع ب ی�ان رکےت ہ ی� ہک ف رمد اور روسل اہلل یلص اہلل عل� یہ وملس ےن �رام ی�ا :ومنم ئش ومنم وعرت یک اجن ،اوالد ،اور امل ی ی آزام� م ت آیت ریتہ ہ ی� ی�اں � ہک ج ب � وہ رمےن ےک دعب اہلل ن ن ت ےس الماقت رکےت ہ ی� وت ان رپ وکیئ گاہ ی � وہ�ا۔ ت ی ث دح� 2399 ننس �رذمی
کالم االمام ؑ ف م یس� رضحت ادقس ح وم وعدؑ �رامےت ہ ی�:
ن رصف م�ک�ر�وں وک �اےنپ ایخل ںیم �دلیل ہن ےنلم یک �وہج ےس �ااکن�ر ےہ ت ث رگم �ب�ا�ووج�د �اس �ااکن�ر ےک �وہ �اس �ب�ا� وک امےتن ںیہ ہک �ہ�ر �ا� یک اح�د� ث ن �ن ےک �و�اےطس رض�و�ر �ا� یک دحم� ےہ۔ �داین ںیم �ااسی وکیئ ��ا�د�ا ںیہن ہک ظ ت ث �ن �ارگ م� ًال دب ںیم وکیئ امیب�ری ��ا�ہ�ر وہ وت �وہ �اس �ب�ا� رپ �ارص�ا�ر رکے ت ہک �د�ررپ�دہ �اس امیب�ری ےک وہظ�ر یک وکیئ علّ� ںیہن۔ �ارگ ہی ہلسلس �داین اک ت ت للع �ا�و�ر ولعمل ےس رموبط ہن وہ��ا وت لبق �ا��ز �وق� ہی اتب �دانی ہک فالں ت �ن ��ا�رخی وطاف �� آےئ اگ�ی�ا �� آدنیھ �� آےئ یگ �ی�ا وسخف وہاگ �ی�ا کس�وف وہاگ �ی�ا ت ت ت فالں �وق� امیب�ر رم اجےئ اگ �ی�ا فالں �وق� �ک �ا� یک امیب�ری ےک س�اھت
فالں امیب�ری القح وہ خ اجےئ یگ۔ ہی امتم �ب�اںیت ریغ نکمم وہ اجںیت۔ سپ �ااسی ققحم �ارگہچ ��د�ا ت ےک �ووج�د اک �اق�ر�ا�ر ںیہن رک��ا رگم �ا� یک وط�ر ےس وت �اس ےن �اق�ر�ا�ر رک یہ ت �ش ت �د�ی�ا ہک �وہ یھب امہ�ری رطح ولعمال� ےک ےئل للع یک �ال ںیم ےہ۔ االسیم اوصل یک الفیفس ،رواحین �خ�زانئ دلج 10ہحفص 371
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قوموں کی اصالح نوجوانوں کی اصالح کے بغیرنہیں ہوسکتی رضحت حلصم وموعدریض اہلل ہنع
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تعارف کتاب
عورتوں کو غالمی سے نجات دالےن واال نبی
از حضرت مسیح مو عود ؑ
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ٓاپ کے خطوط
ئ خ ی اھب� زع��ز �دام ی و
مجلس خدام االحمدیہ یو کے
عل ک االسلم � یم ورحم��ۃ اہلل
ن دور احرض ی م یا� املسمن ونوجان اک اےنپ ی د� ق ن د�ا ےک وطر ن ی رط� دوونں وک اسھت ےل اقعدئ اور ی ا� تہب ب��ڑا چ ی ج � ےہ سج ی رک انلچ ی م مہ یئک �بار اک ی ماب وہےت ہ ی� اور ضعب اواقت کم�ی�اں یھب ئ رہ اجیت ہ ی�۔ اس یل رضوری ےہ ہک مہ یا� دورسے یک یملع اور یلمع ادماد ی رک�۔ یا� یہ یا� ن اامتجیع اکوش اک �ام راسہل اطرق ےہ۔ خ ت ی پ ش سج اک یا� اور امشرہ آپ یک �دم م ی � ئ ی ام ےہ آپ اس ےس افدئہ ااھٹ� ےگ۔ ےہ۔ ی د ن ن ی ن ہ�اری وکشش ےہ ہک ی د�اوی اضمم رپ د� اور ی ت کا اجےئ وج امتم ااتسلگنن لمتشم یا� ی ا ا� ج� یر�دہ ی�ار ی
ت ث ت ت ی ح رھکا وہ۔ م ونوجاونں ےک �رامجن یک ی ی غ رگم �ی لکشم ارم آپ ےک اسھت ےک ب ی �ر نکمم ن ن ی � ت� ہ ی � آپ یک ب � وہ اتکس۔ ج ب اج� ےس ی ن ی ن اضمم اور چ �� پھ� ن اضمم رپ آپ ےک ے واےل ن ت� � ثأ�رات وموصل ی � وہےگن �ی وخاشہ ادوھری رےہ یگ۔ ت داعؤں یک اع�ج�زاہن دروخاس ےک اسھت واالسلم
املسن رمق ی دم�ر اردو
صدر جملس خدام االمحدیہ یو ےک
دبع ادقلوس اعرف مہتمم اشاعت
امعنن ادمحاہدی ع نمدیر ا یل ٰ
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جنوری تا مارچ 2020
ل� ی ت وبق ِ � داع
شمارہ نمبر 1
خصو صی
طارق میگزین
قائدین فارم 2019
خطاب سیدنا حرضت خلیفة المسیح الخامس ایدہ اہلل تعا ٰلی
وعروتں وک الغیم ےس اجنت دالےن واال یبن
رضحت ہحلطؓ اک اہھت اس زماےن کا جہاد
ج �ہاد
کے اصل معنی
آپ ےک وطخط
ہ ت د�ر ی� وموجدہ زامہن اور
ن ئ وکرو� وا�رس رپ دہا ی�ات ا
ہ�اری یمراث