Vol. 23
Holy Quran اعوذ باهلل من الشيطان الرجيم بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم
ً ۡ ۡ ۡ ۡ ل م ع و ہلل ا ل ا ا ع د ن م م ل و ق ن س ح ِ ِ ِ ِ َ َ َ َّ ّ َ َ َ َ ُ َ ََو َمن ا ۡ ۡ ۡ ۡ ِ حا و قال ِان ی م ل س م ال ن م ن ِ ِ ِ َّ َ َ َّ ً ِ صال ُ َ َ َ And who is better in speech than he who invites men to Allah and does good works and says, ‘I am surely of those who submit?’
(Ha Mim As-Sajdah 41:34)
HADITH اللهم صل على محمد و على آل محمد كما صليت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد اللهم بارك على محمد و على آل محمد كما باركت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد
َع ْن َس ْھلِ بْنِ َس ْع ٍد َر ِض َی اللّٰ ُه َع ْن ُه ا َ َّن ال َّنب َِّی َصلَّی اللّٰ ُه َعلَ ْی ِه ِک َو َسلَّ َم ق ََال لِ َعلِ ٍّی َر ِض َی اللّٰ ُه َع ْن ُه :فَ َو اللّٰ ِه َ َل ْن یَّ ْھ ِد َی اللّٰ ُه ب َ َر ُج ًل َو ِ َک ِم ْن ُح ْم ِر ال َّن ْع ِم اح ًدا َخ ْی ُر ل َ ُ
hazrat sahl bin sadra narrates that the holy prophetsa said to hazrat Alira: by god! if even a single person finds true guidance because of you, it is better than receiving high breed red camels.
Sahih Muslim, Kitabul-Fadha’il, Bab Fadha’il Alira ibn Abi Talib
Words of the messiahas the promised messiah & imam mahdias states: know for certain that in this age it is not the sword that is needed but the pen. our opponents have spread doubts about islam and have sought to attack the true religion sent by allah almighty through various sciences and strategies. i have thus been moved by god to enter this battlefield of science and academic advancement armed with a literary arsenal, and also to exhibit the spiritual valour of islam and demonstrate the marvel of its inner strength. how could i have been capable to enter this field of battle? it is only due to the grace of Allah Almighty and his boundless beneficence that he desires to manifest the honour of his religion at the hands of a humble man like myself. On one occasion, i began to count the allegations and attacks levelled against islam by our opponents and as i recall, their number equalled 3,000 or thereabout. And i am certain that now their number must have increased even further. no one ought to entertain the thought that it is due to islam’s inherent weakness that it is susceptible to 3,000 allegations. This is definitely not the case. these allegations are objections in the view of the unwise and those who are foolish. however, i truthfully say that where i have counted these allegations, i have also reflected and found that in reality, many distinct truths can be discovered at the point of these very allegations, but they cannot be seen by those who raise these objections due to their lack of insight. truly, it is the wisdom of god almighty that wherever a blinded critic has raised an objection, it is there that a hidden treasure of verities and divine insights lie to be discovered. Malfuzat, Vol. 1, p. 58
بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم
Team Chief Editor: Daniyal Kahlon Assistant Editor (English): Rashid Mubashir Assistant Editor (Urdu): Salman Qamar Layout Editor: Asif Bin Owais
Zeeshan Qureshi
Content Generating & Proofreading: Fateh Alam Zafrullah Ahmed Shahzeb Athar
Social Media: Mohammad Sohaib Khan Ehtesham Arif
Graphics: Labeed Mirza
Official Websites: www.tariqmagazine.org www.khuddam.org.uk Aiwan-e-Mahmood, Unit 2, Bourne Mill Business Park, Centre Park Farnham, GU9 9PS
Management Sadr Majlis: Abdul Quddus Arif Mohtamim Isha’at: Numaan Chaudhry
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the ever Merciful
EDITORIAL السالم عليكم ورحمة اهلل و بركاته Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you. Welcome to this issue of ‘Tariq Magazine’, the official organ of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK. The aim of this magazine is to present to our readers articles on varying issues, along with keeping the Majlis informed about MKA’s activities across the country. We would love to hear from our readers about ways we can improve our Magazine. The theme of this issue is ‘Islam in the Media’. In the current climate, Islam is often negatively portrayed by the media, and so it is imperative for Khuddam to be aware of the situation and what their role is in demystifying the negativity surrounding it. Hence, we have attempted to present this topic in light of the Holy Quran, the sayings of the Holy Prophetsa, the writings of the Promised Messiahas and his Khulafa and also through the accounts of our own Khuddam. The media is not a negative outlet in itself, rather it can be used as a positive tool in spreading the message of Islam to the corners of the world, if used with wisdom and in line with the guidance of Hazrat KhalifatulMasih Vaba. I would like to thank all the team members who have worked tirelessly to bring this magazine to life.
With a humble request for prayers, The Editor 17.09.19
Salutations and their Meanings: sa Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam َص َّلی اهلل َع ِل ْي ِه َو َس َّل ْم َ َ as Alayhis-Salam السلم َّ َعل ْی ِه ra َر ِض َی اهلل َع ْن ُه Radiyallahu Anhu rh Rahmatullahi Alayhi ِ َر ِح َم ُة ا هلل َع َل ْی ِه aba اَ َّيدَ ُه هلل َت َعالی ِب َن ْص ِر ِه ال َع ِز ْیزAyyadahullahu Ta’ala Bi-Nasrihil-Aziz
Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him Peace be on him Allah be pleased with him Allah shower His mercy upon him May Allah the Almighty help him with His powerful support
Tarbiyyat (moral & spiritual development)
476 Number of Tarbiyyat sessions held during these months.
Taleem Seht-e-Jismani (Education)
(health & fitness)
Number of Taleem sessions held in these past couple of months.
Number of sporting events held throughout the nation.
(dignity in labour)
Number of Waqar-e-Amal sessions held by the Majlis.
tabligh (conveying the message of Islam)
Number of ‘True Islam’ leaflets distributed during these months.
These regions consist of the following Qiadats:
Baitul futuh 1) Baitul Futuh 2) Baitul Futuh East 3) Baitul Futuh South 4) Lower Morden 5) Merton Park 6) Morden 7) Morden South
Baitus Subhan 1) Central Croydon 2) Purley 3) Selsdon 4) Shirley 5) West Croydon
Darul Amaan 1) Basheer 2) Darul Amaan Mosque 3) Manchester South 4) Manchester West 5) Noor 6) Stockport
Holy Quran
Extract of the Promised Messiahas
Islam in the Media
5 Questions with Abid Khan sahib
Umar Zeeshan Bhatti
Georgia Trip Report
Khuddam Diaries
Mercy4Mankind CC
Bilal Mahmood
Accounts from various Khuddam
Aqib Khan
Extract from Abid Khan Sahib’s Diary
Hike Report Zishan Ahmad Kahlon
Since 9/11, the world has witnessed a rise in terrorist attacks by so-called ‘Muslims’ in the Western world. This has led to a lot of discussion and debate on Islam’s role in the West, whether Muslims are loyal to their country and if Islam is violent and medieval. The question naturally arises as to what is fuelling this conversation? One of the key players is the media.
The current President of the US has slated the media by referring to it as, ‘fake news’ or ‘the enemy of the people’. This has casted doubts in the minds of ordinary people in regards to whether the media can be reliable. Therefore, could President Trump’s rhetoric be true? For instance, there is the question of media reporting. A research concluded by the University of Alabama states that ‘Terrorist attacks committed by Muslim extremists receive 357% more US press coverage than those committed by non-Muslims’.1 One of the biggest problems in the US is mass shootings and domestic terrorism.
“The average likelihood of an American being killed in a terrorist attack in which an immigrant participated in any given year is one in 3.6 million — even including the 9/11 deaths. The average American is more likely to die from their own clothing or a toddler with a gun than an immigrant terrorist”.2
Umar Zeeshan Bhatti, 21 Inner Park, Masroor Region
TV presenters, commentators and experts constantly bombard us with breaking news of any small print of a terrorist attack which may turn out to be an Asian or Arab man, shouting religious slogans in Arabic. Whereas other reporting is given time. They wait for the air to clear. When the perpetrator turns out to be a Caucasian person, he will be labelled as either mentally ill, having an awful past or acting as a lone wolf. Furthermore, whenever an unfortunate attack does take place, the media associates it with Islam. When a white man commits atrocities, we look past it. The threat of right-wing groups is becoming real. Some analysts have said that white nationalist groups have posed the same degree of threat as ISIS and the threat is greater in the US, where they are outpacing other groups. This threat is not being translated into the media at all. “Terrorist attacks committed by non-Muslims (or where the religion was unknown) received an average of 15 headlines, while those committed by Muslim extremists received 105 headlines”.3 Except, they could receive the same amount. “A non-Mus-
lim terrorist has to kill on average 7 people more to get the same amount of coverage.”4 For example, the front page of the Daily Mirror was of particular repute in regards to the Orlando shootings which took place in 2016, where a terrorist walked into a nightclub and shot 50 people dead. The title they gave him was, “ISIS maniac kills 50 in gay club”.5 Compare that to the recent terrorist attack in New Zealand in two Mosques which caused the deaths of 49 people. The title they gave him: “Angelic boy who grew into an evil far-right mass killer”. The New Zealand attack terrorist was sugar coated about his past with a picture of him as a baby for people to feel sympathy, whereas the Orlando terrorist was depicted by an image of him wearing all black, with a cap and showing his youthful carelessness. This type of hypocrisy causes a lot of backlash in the real world. The harassment that the everyday Muslim man or woman has to face is astonishing. There has been an increase in hate crime against the Muslim community by 70%6 and this will only get worse.
The perception of Muslims by their fellow countrymen and women, are moulded to hate them and think of them differently. More than half of Britons see Islam as a threat and 30% of young people believe that Muslims are trying to take over the country. This is supported by misleading and out of context headlines such as – ‘1 in 5 Brit Muslims’ sympathy with ‘jihadis’.
Whilst the media are a business industry too, their main aim is to deliver news. This can also come in the form of politicians. It inevitably seems like history is repeating itself, but we do not care. Prime Minister Johnson’s comments that Muslim women who cover themselves look like ‘bank robbers’ and ‘letter boxes’, President Donald Trump’s calls on a Muslim ban or Marine Le Pen’s strict stance on Islam in France. This helps the ideas of farright groups to be legitimised and verified. Certainly, there is an endemic within the media sector. It is not easy to fathom or empathise when your religion or people get abused, slurred and forgotten recklessly, literally every day. The current Muslim population in the UK is 5% but there are only 0.5% of journalists who are Muslim. 18 Tariq Magazine
We need to place ourselves in journalist’s shoes too. They are not aware of Islam as much as Christianity. Some are not educated enough with regards to Islam, so they are not aware of what it stands for: Peace, love and unity, like all major religions. This can result in an ‘us vs them’ scenario in the media. We Muslims should do our utmost to contact journalists of all sectors to attend open days at the Mosque or have a chat over coffee about Islam to get rid of misconceptions. The journalists need to be willing to accept offers from Muslim events if they intend to create dialogue, better understanding and to build a bridge of unity.
Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba takes great interest in the media. He has commented on numerous occasions about their role. At the 2016 Peace Symposium, Huzooraba said the following: “There is no doubt that the media plays a huge role in influencing public opinion and so the media should use this power responsibly – as a force for good and as a force for peace.
It should show the world what true Islam represents, rather than focusing on the merciless acts of the tiny minority.”7 He further added: “Publicity is the oxygen sustaining most terrorist or extremist groups”.8 It is important that the media acts in the best interest of society and produces unbiased reporting. They should use this as a force of good to bring change, as Huzooraba mentioned. Another unfortunate example of research is from Australia.9 The top 5 Australian newspapers have written almost 3000 articles in 2017 only, which contained the word ‘Islam’ or ‘Muslim’. ‘Islam’ or ‘Muslim’ was accompanied with words like violence, extremism, terrorism and radical. That is 8 articles a day. Islam means peace. But people are not aware of its beautiful teachings. The media plays an immense part in people’s life. To counter the problems, the media needs to report fairly and the Muslims needs to make a huge effort in community outreach.
This force of good is evident within the Jama’at since the time of the Promised Messiahas. He was keen for the Jama’at to have a printing press in Qadian and many of his books were printed there. He also founded The Review of Religions, which is now printed in English, Spanish, French and German, and Al-Hakam, which has been re-launched in English by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba. In fact, a very important point to mention here is that the Promised Messiahas did not limit his reading to merely Muslim newspapers, rather heas also read Hindu, Sikh and Christian newspapers. This teaches us that in order to defend Islam, we need to be up-to-date and equip ourselves with the opinions and attitudes of other groups and see things from their perspective if we are to understand each other and create dialogue. After the demise of the Promised Messiahas, his Khulafa continued to emphasise the importance of press and media as a tool for tabligh. They launched various schemes in this regard. The first ever Muslim Television channel, MTA, was established by the fourth Khalifa, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh and has expanded so immensly that it now has 3 other channels: MTA 2 MTA Al-Arabiyya and MTA Africa. However, this was not limited to satellite television, MTA has become a tool for the propogation of Islam on various fronts including social media and the internet in general as well. Hence, we have been granted the opportunity by Allah the Almighty to propogate the faith of Islam across the world through all of these new means and advances in technology. In the face of such staunch attacks against Islam and Muslims in general, we should not shy away nor consider our religion to be inferior in any way. Rather, we ought to pick up the pen (or keyboard) and wage this holy war in the way of Allah.
References: 1. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jul/20/muslim-terror-attacks-press-coverage-study 2. https://www.vox.com/world/2017/10/2/16396612/las-vegas-mass-shooting-terrorism-islam 3. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jul/20/muslim-terror-attacks-press-coverage-study 4. https://twitter.com/channeltherage/status/1107511979957080065 5. https://www.facebook.com/janfran/videos/vb.708489629250960/2282139638719726/?type=2&theater 6. https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/why-the-british-media-is-responsible-for-the-risein-islamophobia-in-britain-a6967546.html 7. http://www.pressahmadiyya.com/press-releases/2016/03/muslim-leader-calls-for-media-responsibility-in-fight-against-extremism/ 8. http://www.pressahmadiyya.com/press-releases/2016/03/muslim-leader-calls-for-media-responsibility-in-fight-against-extremism/ 9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuSubzujKCo
Islam in the Media 21
Questions with...
Tariq Magazine: Why is Islam such a selling point for the media? Abid Khan: From what I have seen, true ‘Islam’ is not a selling point. Rather, a distorted version of Islam is prevalent and popular in much of the media. Rather than focusing on the positive and peaceful activities of millions of Muslims across the world, the media tends to focus on the tiny minority of so-called Muslims who are perpetrating horrific acts falsely in the name of Islam. An early lesson I received was back in 2007, when I had just started working in the Press & Media office. I called a national broadcaster to tell them about the Jalsa Salana in the hope that they would attend and cover it. The producer on the phone was very blunt. She told me that 30,000 Muslims joining together for a peaceful event was not ‘news’, whereas if there were just five or ten Muslims joining to burn the Union Jack, she would send reporters to cover it as a matter of urgency. Tariq Magazine: What effect has the media had on the minds of people and their perception of Islam? Abid Khan: It is human nature that if you hear the same thing time and again, that you start believing it, especially when you consider your source to be respectable. Sadly, a lot of the media is failing to live up to the standards expected. In the past year or two, there has been a lot spoken about ‘fake news’, but in truth, fake news has existed for many years – as Islam has long been misrepresented. The consequences are severe, as people see the constant barrage of negative media coverage associated with Islam and it has caused widespread fear in society about Muslims. In Philadelphia, Huzooraba opened a Mosque last year and I remember meeting an African-American woman who said she thought that we had opened the Mosque so we could arrange another ‘9/11’ style terrorist attack! Yet, 22 Tariq Magazine
Abid Khan Sahib Press Secretary to Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba
when she heard Huzooraba explain the true teachings of Islam in the most beautiful way, she was left in tears and realised that all she had heard in the media had been completely wrong.
terrorist as a child and described him as an ‘angelic boy’. On the other side, the language and images used for Muslims reinforces a subliminal message that Muslims and Islam ought to be feared.
Tariq Magazine: Why does ‘good news’ about Islam not sell as good ‘bad news’?
Tariq Magazine: How can we (Ahmadi Muslims) respond to this negative image being portrayed in Islam?
Abid Khan: Many journalists do tell us that good news does not sell and that is why media coverage relating to Islam is disproportionately negative. However, I wish the media would prioritise the need to educate people on the facts, rather than only focusing on the bottom line in terms of money. There are some good journalists who want to report more ‘good-news’ stories about Islam but they are prevented to do so by their editors or superiors. Thankfully, some journalists are very determined to show a more positive side to Islam. For example, recently a Daily Telegraph journalist, Gabriella Swerling wrote a really interesting and positive article following an interview with Huzooraba. It included some very emotional and faith-inspiring comments, which could only have a positive effect on the reader. I would urge the Khuddam and older Atfal who have not read it to do so. Tariq Magazine: In comparison to other groups, does Islam receive more negative coverage? If so, then why? Abid Khan: Certainly. If you look at the way Muslims and Islam are portrayed objectively, you can spot a trend within the media which can only be described as unjust. For example, if a Muslim commits an attack, his religion is mentioned repeatedly and he is more often than not, branded a ‘terrorist’. Yet if a similar attack is carried out by a non-Muslim, rarely if ever, is their faith mentioned and often the perpetrator is not described as a terrorist but as a ‘gunman’ or ‘attacker’. Frequently, the attack is blamed on their ‘mental health issues’. A prime example is the New Zealand Mosque attack in March, where a national British newspaper showed an image of the
Abid Khan: First and foremost, by following Islam’s true teachings. Be a good Muslim. The best way to break down barriers is by showing your own personal positive example to others. Huzooraba has told us on many occasions that the way to integrate into society is not to abandon our religious principles and beliefs but to show others the beauty of Islam’s teachings through our conduct. When other people face difficulties, we should be sympathetic and seek to help to them. In terms of the media, where false allegations are made against Islam, Khuddam should write, respond and highlight the true teachings of Islam. If a Khadim is unsure of the ‘right answer’ or how to write, he should contact the national Khuddam Press team and ask for advice. Further, the use of social media as a tool for showing the positive work done by Muslims is important. Though, before posting videos or comments, it is always best to ask an elder or your Qaid if what you wish to publish or broadcast is appropriate.
WAQFE ARDHI IN GEORGIA Bilal Mahmood Mohtamim Tabligh At the occassion of the 52nd Jalsa Salana UK, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba announced that this year the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat had spread to new frontiers. The Jama’at had been established in Georgia for the very first time. In result of this, Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK organised a trip to Georgia. By the Grace of Allah, 22 Khuddam took part in the Georgia Tabligh Waqfe Ardhi from 4 to 11 April 2019.
London, Kutaisi & Okatse Canyon Alhamdulillah, we started our journey by meeting up at Baitul Futuh where we sent letters to Beloved Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba. Our flight departed from Luton Airport in the afternoon and we landed in Kutaisi Airport at midnight. We were welcomed to Georgia by members of the Georgian Jama’at who also prepared for us a light Georgian meal. The following day, we started with Fajr prayer in congregation, breakfast and a thorough debrief on the history and current affairs of Georgia by Mohsin Tahir Sahib. He also described what the Jama’at had
been involved in recently and the itinerary for our trip. Then as a group, we left to visit the Okatse Canyon, (a landscape spanning 7 kilometres) which we were able to explore through the hills and also a suspension bridge – a scenic route with mountains, lakes and caves. We offered Jummah & Asr prayers in congregation in an open field and later listened to the Live Friday Sermon by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masihaba. In the evening, we left for Batumi and arrived at our hotel at 22:30 (booked in advance on booking.com) which turned out to be non-existent.
Batumi City & The Georgian Muslims Union Alhamdulillah, Booking. com provided us with an excellent replacement hotel as compensation and it was significantly better than our original booking. The following day, we started with Fajr prayers in congregation, breakfast and then set out to Batumi town centre where we explored the city. Zuhr & Asr prayer were offered in congregation at the Batumi Mosque, the only Mosque located in Batumi which was built in 1866. Khuddam were split into small groups and instructed to engage in conversations with the public and exchange contact details if required. They were also provided with Georgian Jama’at leaflets, which they could give only to those locals who showed a greater interest in our message. We had a meeting with the Georgian Muslims Union and some of its members in the afternoon. The Khuddam learned more about
the challenges that Muslims face in Georgia and also shared our experiences of doing Tabligh in the UK. The Khuddam also advised the Union to continue working with the Jama’at. Maghrib and Isha prayers were offered in congregation at the Batumi Mosque.
Soft-hearted Muslims of Vanadzeebi Sunday 7 April was a very blessed day. Through Zaza Mikeladze, a friend of Georgia Jama’at, we were able to visit Vanadzeebi, a remote village in the region of Adjara, with a population of approximately 800, 100% of whom were Muslims. This was a very beautiful mountainous area with villagers living with very minimal resources. Upon arrival, we were greeted with hugs by the Imam and the locals and touched cheeks – a form of greeting, used by the villagers. The Khuddam presented a large collection of books which we brought to donate and laid them out inside their Mosque. With the aid of a 15 year old translator, we were able to conduct an open discussion inside the Mosque with the Imam and locals.
After exchanging introductions, we presented the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat and spoke about the advent of the Promised Messiah and Mahdias whom we have accepted, and the institution of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. The Imam was full 26 Tariq Magazine
of emotions and was extremely grateful that we visited them and mentioned that Allah had sent us to them. He touched our hearts with his sincere prayer when he said: “May Allah also keep us together in Paradise”.
The locals hosted us for lunch and to our surprise, despite their very limited means, they collectively contributed to prepare and serve an entire feast for us. We were astounded by their generosity and hospitality as they kept serving us, refilling dishes, taking care of all kinds of needs and ensured no plate remained empty. A Khadim remarked: “I think this is how our guests feel when we serve them food at our Jama’at events!”.
The Khuddam felt indebted to the locals and donated sums to aid the village in building a local library. Our friend Zaza then took us to a local historic Mosque at which he also joined us for Zuhr and Asr prayers. In the evening, we left for Tbilisi and during this journey, Khuddam as well as our friend Zaza listened to beloved Huzoor’saba live address at the National Waqfe Nau Ijtema UK.
Tbilisi City & Ahmadiyya Mission House The following morning, we explored the capital city, Tbilisi. The Khuddam conducted themselves in an excellent manner and remained obedient as we continued our silent Tabligh whilst exploring this beautiful city. Hidden within the depths of the city, we found a Mosque which was shared between Sunni and Shia Muslims. The Mosque had 2 separate Mehrab inside. It was nice to see this compromise but also sad to see this division. We were welcomed to offer Adhan and our Zuhr and Asr prayers at the Mosque. The Khuddam liked seeing the unity of Muslims in Georgia and the lack of excessive sectarianism.
In the evening, we visited our Jama’at Mission House in Tbilisi and met Jawad Ahmed Butt Sahib, our Murabbi Silsila and Sadr Sahib of Georgia. The Mission House was very beautiful and included a nice living space, kitchen and an area for table tennis. A lot of Khuddam desired to stay in the mission house, rather than the hostel due to its peaceful atmosphere. After a short break, we had dinner during which Murabbi Sahib spoke about Georgia and the Jama’at. We offered Maghrib and Isha prayers in congregation and left at night, for our hostel.
Waqfe Arzi in Georgia 27
what is waqfe Ardhi? The term ‘Waqfe Arzi’ means to dedicate one’s time for a temporary period of time, in service of Islam Ahmadiyyat. This was first started by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IIIrh and has carried on until now, taking various forms. Khuddam also have the option of doing Waqfe Ardhi during the Jalsa and Ijtema, in order to help to set up the site.
28 Tariq Magazine
Bishop Malkhaz Songulashvili, Interfaith Event & 2 Georgians visit Mission House On the morning of Tuesday 9 April, one of our brothers became very ill and was unable to participate in the rest of our activities during the trip. Alhamdulillah, a message was received from Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba for this Khadim and medicine was prescribed . We met Bishop Malkhaz Songulashvili at the botanical gardens of Tbilisi where we walked together, discussing all sorts of topics. The Khuddam were impressed by his good health and open-minded views. The Bishop described Beloved Huzooraba as, “someone who shines with kindness” and said to us, “you are blessed to have such a leader, to lead the community in this time of global uncertainty”. In the afternoon, we had a successful interfaith event at the Bishop’s Church on Extremism & Radicalisation, discussing its causes and solutions. The panel consisted of the Bishop, a member of the Georgian Parliament and former Mayor of Tbilisi (Zurab Chiabarasvhili), the Co-Founder of the Tolerance and Diversity Institute (Mariam Gavtadsze), a professional from the UK (Usama Riaz Sahib) and our Murabbi Silsila and Sadr Sahib (Jawad Ahmed Butt Sahib). Mohsin Tahir Sahib acted as the moderator, remaining impartial at all times.
two incomplete structures. The Bishop revealed that he was building a Mosque and Synagogue right next to his Church so that the area could become an interfaith place of worship, where the Muslims are to fund the Synagogue and the Jews are to fund the Mosque – a way of fostering unity by the Bishop. He also discussed his plans to build a library which would contain books of various religions. In the evening, we went to our Mission House and were accompanied by two close friends of Georgia’s Jama’at. We hosted them for dinner and the evening was full of emotions, as the friends praised the Khuddam and our Jama’at. They remarked, “You all look the same with the light and kindness shining through your faces”. After a brief session of poetry, we exchanged contact details and hugs were shared as our two friends departed.
The panellists described their views on radicalisation and the future of Georgia. The Bishop laid emphasis on unity and gave an insight into Surah Fatihah whilst defending Muslims and Islam. Members of the audience shared their experiences and views on radicalisation. The Khuddam used this opportunity to discuss what Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya is doing to tackle radicalisation, practically by engaging the youth in positive activities such as donating blood. The guests were captivated throughout the discussions and continued to network with Khuddam over some refreshments. The Bishop gave us a tour of his Church. There was a brick wall which was left unfinished to demonstrate that God’s work is never finished. To our surprise, the Church was in the middle of Waqfe Arzi in Georgia 29
Discussion at the Bishop’s Church & Orphanage Visit For our final day of activities, we visited the Bishop’s centre (Beteli) for the Peace Cathedral, a place used for functions and as a hostel for people in need. The Khuddam were able to meet the Bishop’s family, a leader of the local Shia community and a member of the Georgian Muslims Students Union. We all had an informal gathering where we discussed life in Georgia for minorities and the importance of interfaith dialogue. A meal was served by the locals, involving interesting discussions between all members present. The Bishop kindly joined us in congregational prayers and then the Khuddam wrapped presents which they bought for children living in an orphanage. The Khuddam also contributed together to make a group donation to the charity of the Bishop for which he was very grateful. The Bishop conveyed his regards to Beloved Huzooraba and said to Bilal Mahmood sahib, Mohtamim Tabligh, that whenever he visit next time, he should call the Adhan at the Church so that the Bishop could start his Sunday service with the Adhan.
We then went towards the orphanage and upon arrival, we were all introduced to one another including the head of the orphanage. The Khuddam asked some questions, to gain a better understanding of how the orphanage works. Our presents were handed to some of the children, which was greatly appreciated by the head of the orphanage and the children themselves. At nightfall, we performed Maghrib and Isha prayers in congregation. After silent prayers, we then held a short meeting with members of the Georgian Jama’at, Murabbi Sahib, Mohsin Sahib and Waseem Sahib. We thanked them for their exceptional hospitality and efforts, and gifts were exchanged. The Khuddam were very emotional as this was our final day of activities for our Georgia Tabligh Waqfe Ardhi. Throughout the whole trip, the Khuddam read Noah’s Ark, a book of the Promised Messiahas to further their understanding of our faith.
Returning to London On Thursday 11 April, after performing Fajr prayers in congregation, we left our hostel to arrive early at Kutaisi airport. Alhamdulillah, we had a very smooth journey and landed at Luton Airport in the afternoon. The Khuddam were very satisfied and happy about this Waqfe Ardhi trip and then bid farewell to each other.
May Allah enable us to follow the wishes of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masihaba and carry out our duties to the best of our abilities and may Georgia be blessed with the message of Ahmadiyyat, the True Islam, Amin.
by hazrat musleh maud ra
SIgns of the living god ‘s as
The following are some personal accounts of Khuddam & Atfal regarding their experiences with working in various departments that deal with the press & media.
What do the words jihadi, Islamist and fundamentalist mean? Any Muslim who follows the principles of Islam can be described as being an ‘Islamist’ or a ‘fundamentalist’. After all, that is what these words mean; someone who follows the fundamentals of Islam. Jihad, as we know, means a struggle for inner perfection. Yet these words which are associated with Islam are used to describe terrorists, criminals and radical hate preachers and are being conflated with the worst acts of violence, thus subtly linking Islam to extremism. The phrase ‘moderate Muslim’ is also problematic. It suggests that Islam’s default position is an extremist one, while a few are the ‘moderates’. Such qualifiers do not exist when reporting on violence by followers of other faiths. The hidden meaning therefore, in headlines using such phrases is that Islam condones and even teaches violence and intolerance and that extremists are merely following the ‘fundamentals’ of Islam. You do not hear ‘Judaist’ or ‘Christianist’ when acts of terror are committed in the name of the Jewish, Buddhist or Christian religion, while violent acts have been perpetrated for centuries and still are by so-called followers of these faiths. Part of the problem are extremist Muslims themselves, who so loudly proclaim to be Muslim and also commit the most heinous crimes in its name. But the words we use have profound effects in the way Islam is perceived by the masses. Sensational snappy headlines work better with memorable phrases like ‘Islamist’ or ‘Jihadi’. Ignorance of editors unfamiliar with the true meaning of Jihad also plays a role, as does the historical unfairness against Islam.
Right-wing tabloids aside, the media does not necessarily look to demonise Muslims or Islam. However, it plays right into the hands of editors, when Muslims commit evil and a hard-hitting sensational headline and an opportunity to malign a much-misunderstood religion and provoke a response is irresistibly whirling around in their minds.
Abdullah A Khadim working in the Media
36 Tariq Magazine
As Khuddam we are fortunate and blessed to be able to serve Islam in various ways and capacities. Every day as servants we can explore different avenues on how to propagate the peaceful teachings of Islam. With the guidance of our beloved Khalifa, may Allah be his Helper, and the number of inspiring Khuddam around us, I thought to myself why not try something new? Tabligh stalls were a thrill, homeless feeding was humbling and charity runs, leafletting, translating and sharing books etc... were all amazing opportunities to not only better myself but fulfil the purpose of being a Khadim. Coming across the famous quote one afternoon, ‘Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.’ I began to question all the negative stereotypes Islam was facing and as a Khadim wished to serve and try to help change the narrative. My experience working in the Press & Media department however, was one to truly remember. At first, I thought it would be like any other role as a Khadim. I soon realised I was wrong. You are required to have some sort of knowledge of the media, for example PR’s, B rolls, Pitches, Agendas were all things which made me think I had not actually understood the English Language. With the help of other amazing Khuddam I soon had a grasp of some of the roles.
What made everything worthwhile was listening to our Beloved Huzooraba speak of the success of the Press team at Jalsa in a sermon in which he stated: “According to a very conservative estimate, the message (of Islam) was conveyed to over 128 million people…. For our part in this I am very grateful to our Press & Media section”.
Ataul Noor Hadi Jamia, Muqami
Khuddam Diaries 37
The current climate in which we live in demands the Muslims to step up and lead by example. It requires us to open the doors of our mosques, events and sometimes even our personal lives to show the world that Muslims are law abiding, peace loving and true patriots. The fear circulating around the peaceful religion of Islam is in truth, misunderstandings and a lack of one to one contact with Muslims themselves.
My personal experiences when engaging with the media has been positive and builds hope as we strive to achieve our aim to rid any false notions that people may latch onto our faith. The journalists I have encountered have been extremely respectful, co-operative and understanding to the values and beliefs which I adhere to. They have acknowledged the misrepresentation of Islam in the media and have recognised that who the media chose to represent Islam on our TV screens has a detrimental effect on society at large. It is imperative upon us to follow the instructions of our Beloved Imam, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba and to reach out to the media and inform them about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community which has a motto of ‘Love for all, hatred for none’, and offer our services whenever and wherever they need us to represent the Muslim Ummah.
Sabahuddin Ahmedi Manchester West, North West
Muslim extremists paint their own narrative of what they believe Islam to be. Their own personalities, egos and vested interests provide them with the desire to twist their religion in any way they please. And with extensive media coverage of the atrocities that such extremists commit, it leads much of the world to develop a negative view of Islam. It was during my university years that I started to study Islam in depth, and the more I learnt about its beauty, its radiance and its wisdom, the more I became motivated to counter the allegations made against it. I believe that Islam is the solution to so many of the world’s problems, and thus I made it obligatory upon myself to work with the Press & Media team to share this message. The experience of being in this team is a privilege. We learn from each other and share new perspectives.
The best way to tackle the negative narrative is to remain unflustered, stay composed, and convey Islam’s true message with wisdom, and also with reference to contemporary issues. As such, people start to understand that their previous impressions of Islam were incorrect, and that the faith can in fact provide a pathway to peace.
Damir Rafi Wallington, Baitul Ehsan
38 Tariq Magazine
Indeed, it is the task of Ahmadi men, women and our youth, as members of the community of the Promised Messiahas to use modern day technologies to counter the influence of irreligious and immoral forces and to show that upholding religious values in the contemporary world is not just possible, but is absolutely vital.
Address delivered by Hazrat Khaliftaul-Masih Vaba at Ijtema Lajna Ima’illa UK 2019
Khuddam Diaries 29
Mercy4mankind Aqib Khan Secretary Mercy4Mankind Charity Challenge
charity challenge
The North 10K Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK held its flagship Mercy4Mankind Charity Challenge on Sunday 28 April 2019 in Rother Valley Park, Sheffield. The event consisted of various activities which made it competitive and also fun for everyone who attended the event. With 300+ attendees there was a great mixture of young and older participants. As per previous years the venue had a tuck shop, a fun fair and various charity stalls accessible for everyone.
Registration – 9:30am The day started off at 9:30am where attendees could come in and register themselves and the activity they wanted to compete or take part in. Those who wished for their time to be recorded had the availability by picking up a timing chip after registering and then collect their result after the race by stating their race number.
Opening Session - 10:30am The Opening session started at 10:30am – Where Murabbi Qamar Ahmad Zafar sahib had interactive talks and engagement on and off the stage, keeping the crowd up to
date, hyped and ready for the challenges to start. An overall overview of the schedule of the day and some health & safety information was relayed to everyone and then the start of the first competitive race began.
The Bikers had a 10k route to complete, the competitive runners had a 10k route to run, under 15 runners had a 5k route and the fun runners/walkers could either complete a 5k or 10k run. The Challenges – 11am The challenges started one after the other. First it was the bikers, then the competitive runners. Then Atfal runners and then the fun runners/ walkers each with a 5-10 minute gap. Just beforeall the
challenges started we had our respected Chairman Charity Challenge Usman Ahmad sahib lead everyone in silent prayer and our special guest Lord David Dinamore to start off each race with the sound of the Airhorn.
Throughout the run there were marshalls present to make sure the competitors were safe and well throughout the challenge. Route signs were also on display to keep everyone on track. The media team also took their turn to follow competitors in their route which was also displayed on the big screen of the stage for a live feed.
As participants were completing their activity and had gone through the finish line, they were awarded with medals for their efforts. After the run, there was a lunch break consisting of sandwiches and pasta, complimentary for everyone in attendance which was followed by Salaat. During the break people enjoyed access to the tuck shop, the funfair and getting to know the charities.
Canoe Relay Race A total of 7 teams were ready to race and to get soaked. The teams consisted of the northern regions and a special entry of the National Amila of MKA UK which also included Sadr Majlis MKA who bravely stepped to go first for the Amila. As the race started off all competitors tackled the cold water and engaged in manoeuvring their canoes. It was a toe to toe race but at the end Yorkshire region won.
44 Tariq Magazine
Once all activities were completed a final session was held, which commenced with tilawat followed by inspiring words by Sadr Majlis MKA and the charity representatives. This was then followed by a prize distribution of the winners, and silent prayer which led to the end of the event.
Mercy4Mankind Charity Challenge 45
The south 10K Planning Planning for the event began in November 2018 with the formation of a planning committee headed by Usman Ahmad Sahib, Naib Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK. The first task of the committee was to find a suitable location and after careful consideration and with the permission of our beloved Huzoor-e-Aqdasaba Royal Windsor racecourse was chosen due to the easily accessible location. Site & Logistics The team at Royal Windsor Racecourse (RWRC) suggested a suitable route for serious participants and fun runners. With some slight adjustment the site was arranged to include a funfair, a stage and this year’s focal point the obstacle course.
The Route was a length of 5km, which meant that the fun runners would do 1 lap, and the more serious runners would do 2 laps. In order to add a challenge into the run, there wasan optional Obstacle Course set in place. That obstacle course consisted of 10 various challenges including jumping Tyres, climbing a wall, crawling under a net & balancing on a see saw.
46 Tariq Magazine
For spectators and anyone not taking part in the run, there were enough activities to indulge in. A funfair consisting of bumper cars, bouncy castle and surf simulator which young attendees enjoyed thoroughly. Informative Charity Stalls and Tabligh Exhibition were also arranged for where attendees could come and take material home or speak to one of the representatives. A food marquee was also organised and RWRC happily provided one of their own catering units which would provide chicken wraps, pizzas, tea coffee and slushies. Start of the event - Bikeathon The South10K event started off at 8:00am with the Bikeathon, which included a 52.1 Mile route from Windsor to Islamabad and back to Windsor. More options were also possible for a 25.5 mile route from Islamabad to Windsor and also Swinley Forest to Windsor which was 10 miles.
Opening session & Start of run At the start of the race Sadr Majlis MKA was present to lead us all in silent prayer and announced the start of the run using an airhorn to signal participants to run. The run was done in groups of serious runners shortly followed by fun runners and young participants. There was a good mixture of participants ranging from various backgrounds, including some externals and even some mothers tackling the 5km route whilst strolling with their buggies.
Mercy4Mankind Charity Challenge 47
Obstacle Run An obstacle course relay event was also organised as a focal event. The rules were for participants to run the obstacle course 1 by 1 and the individual with the shortest completion time would be declared the winner. The obstacles consisted of many tricky obstacles to tackle which many brave ones tackled and competed in. Final Session At 3:30pm we were honoured by the presence of Ameer Sahib UK who chaired our final session. The concluding session started with Tilawat and a report of The South10K event and Mercy4Mankind campaign by Usman Ahmad Sahib, Naib Sadr MKA. Shortly after a prize distribution ceremony commenced, with Ameer Sahib UK handing out the trophies. The winners were the following: - Atfal Run - Khan Fareed Ahmad - Saleh Ahmad - 10K Race with obstacle - Mohammad Sheraz - Jordan Parker - Obstacle Run - Ahsan Zafar - Uzher Mogil
- Atfal Highest Fundraiser until now - Ayaaz Ahmad Mirza and his brothers - £1630 raised - Zakarriya Ahmad - £1409 raised
The external charity representatives from British legion, Unicef, NSPCC, Marie Curie and Humanity First spoke encouraging words for all the attendees and highlighted some of the various projects that MKA was raising funds for. Ameer Sahib UK also delivered a few words regarding how important charitable work and sporting activities are for us as Ahmadi Muslims and human beings. By the grace of Allah, the event was a success and MKA has to date managed to raise around £450,000 under the Mercy4Mankind event.
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During Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V’saba tour in the USA, he addressed the members of the community regarding the media in the following words:
Huzooraba said: “I wish to immediately reassure you that the negative media portrayal of Islam is completely at odds with the reality of the religion… Wherever and whenever, a Muslim has conducted a terrorist attack or exhibited any type of radicalism or fanatical behaviour, it is only because he or she has deviated entirely from Islam’s teachings. Such people, and such acts, serve only to defame and besmirch the pure name of Islam.” At another instance, Huzooraba said: “When dealing with the media, you will often face issues that are ‘general’ or only focused on the USA but certain issues are ‘international’ or can affect other Jama’ats, such as Pakistan, and so it is necessary to be cautious when dealing with those matters. For such international matters or policy matters you should take my permission and directions before launching any media campaign or giving any statement.” Huzooraba continued: “One thing to note is that it is not imperative to answer or respond to every query or issue that arises in the media. There are some issues where it is of no benefit to us to comment on or which are not directly related to our Jama’at.”
At the start of his address, Huzooraba spoke of how large segments of the media had given an entirely false portrayal of Islam.
Extranct from Abid Khan Sahib’s Diary 51
Zishan Ahmad Kahlon Chairman Hiking Club MKA UK
A brief report of this year’s first hike organised by MKA UK is as follows: By the grace of Allah the Almighty, Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK Hiking Club held its first regional hike of 2019. The dates for the hike were 14-15 April 2019. It was held in Brecon Beacons National Park (Wales), and this hike was open to the following regions: 1) East Midlands 2) West Midlands 3) South West 4) London A total of 10 Khuddam took part in this hike.
Saturday 14 April 2019 The Khuddam travelling from London met at Baitul Futuh at 6:30am on Saturday 14 April 2019. From here, two cars set out to Brecon Beacons National Park, where they met the rest of the Khuddam. The Khuddam from London arrived at ‘Gwaun Hepste’ at around 11am, where they were joined by 3 Khuddam from Birmingham. The hike began
at 11:30am, after silent prayer. The chosen trail for this day was the ‘Four Falls Trail’ which covered a distance of 5.5 Miles. This trail has four very beautiful waterfalls, and the Khuddam stopped at each one to take pictures and enjoy the scenery. The total distance covered on Saturday was 6.27 miles. The first day of hiking ended at the camp site,
‘Eco Camp Site’ where the Khuddam set up camp and settled down for the night. They ignited a bonfire and used it as a source of light and to heat themselves from the cold. Dinner was provided by South West Region, who brought the food to the campsite and enjoyed the meal with the Khuddam.
Sunday 15 April 2019 The day began with Fajr, after which the Khuddam rested until 8:30am. One more Khadim from Birmingham joined the group on Sunday morning at the campsite. After having breakfast and getting ready, the Khuddam took down the tents and got ready to start the day.
The main trail that the Khuddam took on Sunday was the ‘Elidir Trail’ which also had a series of beautiful waterfalls at intervals. This trail was a total of 1.3 miles. In total, the walking distance on Sunday, including this trail was 15.6 miles.
Key Life Skills The Khuddam thoroughly enjoyed both days and learned some key life skills in the process. They learned how to: 1) 2) 3)
Set up a tent Ignite a bonfire Find clean drinking water from fresh streams
Apart from the waterfalls, the Khuddam also had the opportunity to visit a cave
Brecon Beacons 47
The Khuddam offered each prayer in congregation as soon as they could, even if it was during the walk on the trail.
By the grace of Allah, the Khuddam By thoroughly the grace ofenjoyed Allah, the the hike Khuddam thoroughly and learned enjoyed andaslearned new things as many the newhike things well. It many is imperative well. for each Khadim to look after his health. The Holy Prophetsa is reported to have May Allah thea Almighty enable MKA than UK to hold stated that strong believer is better further hikes such as one, and for the Khuda weak believer, so this every Khadim should dam to benefit from these as much as possible. aim to keep himself physically fit. The Khuddam hikes are one way to mainAmeen. tain one’s health, as well as appreciating the beautiful landscapes that Allah the Almighty has created.
With a request for prayers, Zishan Ahmad Kahlon Serving as Chairman Hiking Club MKA UK
An interesting lesson with regards to keeping physically fit, as narrated by Hazrat Musleh Maudra is the story of the conversion of Hazrat Hamzara to Islam. Hazrat Hamzara had just returned from hunting, only to find his servant weeping. When he asked her what was the matter, she responded that Abu Jahl had hit Hazrat Hamza’sra brother (referring to his nephew, the Holy Prophetsa). Hazrat Hamzara asked her how the Holy Prophetsa had responded to this, and she told him that he did not retaliate in any way. This fact had a deep impact on Hazrat Hamzara, due to the fact that he had grown up with the Holy Prophetsa and witnessed how strong and healthy Huzoorsa was. Despite this, Huzoorsa did not retaliate to Abu Jahl in any way, even though he could have done so. This eventually led Hazrat Hamzara to accept Islam. Hazrat Musleh Maudra states that the fact that the Holy Prophetsa was physically superior to Abu Jahl, and yet still did not retaliate served as a tool for Tabligh. Hazrat Hamzara realised that there must be some kind of divine teaching or superior spiritual training that the Holy Prophetsa had received from Allah the Almighty which enabled him to keep calm in such a situation. Hazrat Musleh Maudra emphasied the importance of keeping fit and healthy as a tool of tabligh, not so that we can gain the strength to wrestle others down to the floor, rather to show the beautiful teachings of Islam by keeping calm despite having the upper hand in such situations. Hence all Khuddam are encoured to participate in any sporting activity that may interest them in this endeavour.
In today’s world, in all directions, there are countless temptations and attractions that can easily take a person away from their faith and towards transgression. For example, indecent television programmes and films are constantly being broadcast or streamed and serve to weaken the moral fabric of society. Similarly, the influence of social media is ever-increasing and many videos and posts are those which encourage or facilitate immorality. The same is true with many computer games that people play online, especially young children of the age of twelve to fifteen or other teenagers. Unquestionably, the harmful aspects of modern technology can easily take people away from God, away from the worship of Him and, over time, weaken a person’s faith in the existence of God Almighty. Accordingly, if any of the Khuddam or Atfal are falling prey to such vices, they should realise that they are letting themselves come under the utterly destructive influence of Satan, who proclaimed from the outset his intention to take people away from God. And Allah the Almighty has made it clear that those who end up in the clutches of Satan will be held accountable and punished by Him.
Address delivered by Hazrat Khaliftaul-Masih Vaba at Ijtema Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK 2019
ت خت ت ک پ� ش ھ� � � � � م ے ی لی۔ اس احمد�ت لف ممالک یم�ں ی�س یم�ں ہ�م ی��ہ جع�ب یم�ں ھا کہ ی ت خ خ ف س�ر کے دوران ی�ہ ج�� بر�ہ ب�ذات �ود یک�ا ج�وکہ �ب ہت ہ�ی � ب ے و�صورت احساس � ہ فخ ے۔ � ر � اور ب�اعث � ہ ن س یع�د ا�ور-ض ق ن ن اس و�ف عار�ی کے دوران ا ہ�ل ج� ج ار� ی�ا سے ی�ہ س�یکھ�ا کہ ا�سا� ی�ت سے ن ف ت ق ض ے کہ م ی�ری روحا�ی ے۔ جم�ھ ے لگ�ا � ہ حم ب�ت اور �راخ دلی کس �در �روری � ہ ئ ق ن ت�ر�ی ہ�و�ی �ے اور خ�دا ت عالی کی ش�کر گزاری ب� ے۔ یم�ں �ے آج � ڑھی � ھی ب ہ ہ � ٰ ف ن ے ا�یسا ز ب�ردست س�ر � یہ�ں یک�ا۔ سے پ�ہل ن م�ارک- �عمان بن ش ن ص �غ ی ے۔ اور ی�ہ کو�ش م ی�رے ا�در اسالم کا ح�ح پ� ی� ام پ� ی مز�د ب�ڑھا � ہ ذ�ہ ی ھ�ال�ے کا ج� ب ت ت� � ے کہ یا�ک اطاعت گزار مسلمان کے طور پ�ر خ�اموش ب یل�غ ب�ھی کروں �ا ند� ی�ا � ہ ن ئ د ی�کھ ے۔ ے کہ یا�ک مسلمان کا عمل ک�یسا ہ�و�ا چ�ا �ہ ی�� ز�ن م ی�ر-ی
ت� � ن ش ن ض ئ جم�ھ ے اس ب�ات کا احساس ہ�ؤا کہ ب یل�غ کر�ا م�کل � یہ�ں۔ ک�ی ب�ار ما�ی یم�ں یم�ں ن ت� � ن ا ے � و�ہ سے ب یل�غ سے روکا کہ لوگ یک�ا ک یہ�ں گے۔ اس صرف کو آپ ے � � ج پ ت �ن ن خ �غ م ے �وف ہ�و کر اس پ� ی� ام کو ند� ی�ا کے نک�اروں �ک پ ہ�چ�ا�ے کی گر اب یم�ں � ب ش ش کو�ش کروں گا ۔ا�ن�اءہللا۔ اسامہ ن� ی�ازی-ئ ن ے اس ب�ات پ�ر ح ی�رت ہ�و�ی کہ ج�ب ب�ھی ہ�م �ے عوام سے ج�ماعت اور جم�ھ ت ئ ت ت یک خ ح�ض ور قا�دس کے م�ع ل � ہ � و�ہ ہ�و�ے۔ � طرف ماری ت � وہ و � کی ات � ق ل ب م ج ق ام�ن عرا�ی- -دمحم ی
سفر جارجیا کے تأثرات
خ ة رضحت �ل�یف� احیسمل ااخلسم ادی ہ اہلل اعتٰیل دخام االدمحہی ےس اخمبط وہ رک رفامےت ںیہ ہک :
’’اس میظع ااشلن دصقم یک لیمکت ےک ےیل اہلل اعتٰیل ےن ںیمہ ےب
اسزواسامن ںیہن وھچڑا ہکلب دو ِر احرض ںیم االسم یک ااشتع یک اخرط فلتخم ذراعئ دیپا رفامےئ ںیہ۔ آج یک داین ںیم ویلیٹژین ،رڈیوی،
ارٹنٹن ،اابخرات و راسلئ اور وسلش ڈیمای یک دبوتل وماالصیت اظنم اس دح کت رتیق رک ےکچ ںیہ ہک ان ےک ذرہعی اسری داین ںیم یف
وک االسیم امیلعتت یک رتوجی و غیلبت ےک ےیل زریِ اامعتسل الےت ںیہ۔‘‘
( اطخب اامتجع سلجم دخام االدمحہی ویےک )2019
ذہلا ڈیمای اک اامعتسل اچےہ یسک رگن ںیم وہ تہب ذہم
حیسم وموع ؑدوک امےنن اک ومہعق دایاورہفیلخ وتق یک رامنہیئ
ہی وسانچ تہب رضوری ےہ ہک اس ےک اتنجئ ایک وہےگن۔
یک دجدی اسیسنئ انکیٹولزیج وک اامعتسل رکےت وہےئ
داری اک اکم ےہ۔ اور یسک یھب ربخ وک الیھپےن ےس لبق مہ ادمحی دخام وک دخا اک ےب دح رکش زگار وہان اچےئہ
ہک اہلل اعتٰیل ےن ںیمہ اور امہرے ااب ء و ادجاد وک رضحت
ںیم االسم یک یقیقح میلعت رپ لمع رکےن اور اس وک آج
الیھپےن اک ومہعق لم راہ ےہ۔ سپ ہی امہری ذہم داری ےہ ہک مہ اب ان ذراعئ االبغ اک ےسیک اامعتسل رکےت ںیہ ۔
اطرق زگیمنی 21
آج امہرے ےسلج ،اامتجتع اس ابت یک وگایہ دےتی
ںیم اہک ہک’’اےنپکلم یک رتیق االسم یک اطتق وک زمکور انب
یک یقیقح امیلعتت وک داینکت اچنہپای اجاتکس ےہ۔ ملسم
ڈیمای رپ اور اابخری اکزمل ںیم ابر ابر اس اک ذرک ایک ۔ اور
ںیہ ہک ان وہسایلت اک حیحص اامعتسل رک ےک ےسیک االسم ولیٹژین ادمحہی (امی یٹ اے) رپ رشن وہےن واےل
رپورگام داین ےک رہ وکےن ںیم االسم یک ویہ حیحص
میلعت دے رےہ ںیہ وج آرضحنت ﷺ ےن دی۔ ھچک دن ےلہپ یہ GEERT WILDERSوجاہڈنیل
اپریٹ آف رفڈیم ےک رسرباہ ںیہ ےن اینپ اکی وٹٹی
20ڈیمای اور االسوفمایب
رک ےہ۔‘‘ اب اس وٹٹی وک فلتخم احصویفں ےن وسلش اس لمع ےک ہجیتن ںیم تہب ےس املسمونں ےن یھب طلغ روہّی اایتخر ایک وج االسم یک امیلعتت ےک الخف اھت۔
اہیں احصیف اور ڈیمای ےک ہشیپ ےس کلسنم اابحب اک ہی اکم اتنب اھت ہک ایسی ااعتشل ازیگن ابوتں رپ اینت روینش ہن
ڈاںیل وج داین ےک انم وک رخاب رکےن اک ابثع ےنب۔
اطرق زگیمنی 19
خ ت رضحت �ل� یف�ہ احیسمل ااخلسم ادی ہ اہلل اعتٰیل دخام االدمحہی ےس اخمبط وہ رک رفامےت ںیہ ہک :
’’رہ ادمحی املسمن وک وخاہ اہجں ںیہک وہ وہ االسم اک یقیقح اغیپم
الیھپان اچےئیہ۔ رضحت حیسم وموعد ہیلع اٰولصلۃ و االسلم ےک زامہن ںیم ولگ االسم ےس رمدت وہ رےہ ےھت اور ّدشت دنسپ انم اہند املعء ےک ےجنکش ںیم سنھپ رےہ ےھت۔ رضحت حیسم وموعد
ہیلع اٰولصلۃ و االسلم ےن اس ابت یک ہہیبنت یک یھت ہک ارگ اےسی
احالت رےہ وت وہ االسم یک ابتیہ اک ابثع ںینب ےگ اور آج یھب االسم ا ِ یہن اصمبئ اک اکشر ےہ ۔ رضحت حیسم وموعد ہیلع اٰولصلۃ ث ت و االسلم ےک امےنن واولں یک ی ح ےس ہی امہرا رفض ےہ ہک ان
ولوگں ےس االسم اک دافع رکںی وج اےس ابتہ رکان اچےتہ ںیہ۔
دانمشن االسم ااشنءاہلل یھبک اکایمب ںیہن وہےگن ویکہکن اہلل ِ
اعتٰیل ےن االسم یک افحتظ ذبات وخد رکےن اک ودعہ ایک ےہ ۔‘‘
( اطخب اامتجع سلجم دخام االدمحہی ویےک )2015
18ڈیمای اور االسوفمایب
میلعت داتی ےہ وک اکی اہنتی دشتّد دنسپ ذمبہ انب رک اور اس
یک میلعت وک اگیبڑ رک شیپ رک ےک املسمونں رپ اناجزئ اپدنبایں
اگل رےہ ںیہ وچہکن وہ اجےتن ںیہ ہک آرضحنت ﷺ یک تثعب ےک دعب االسم یہ وہ وادح ذمبہ رہ ایگ ےہ وج الیھپ اور سج
یک حتف دّقمر ےہ۔ اہیں اس ابت اک ذرک رکان یھب رضوری
ےہ ہک الہ رغمب ےک اس ر ّد ِ لمع یک وہج ت نانم اہند املسمن ��ط� رفوقں( سج ںیم اطابلن اور ااقلدعہ یسیج یم�یں اشلم
ںیہ )یک ومعمیل یس دعتادیک طلغ ایبین اور ریغ ذمیبہ رحماکت ںیہ وجاالسم یک میلعت ےک ابلکل رب سکع ںیہ۔ اور ایہن
ابوتں یک وہج ےس ریغ ملسم اطںیتق افدئہ ااھٹ رںیہ ںیہ۔ اابخری امندنئاگن ،یلیٹ وژین زلنیچ ،اور احصویفں اک اس
ںیم تہب ڑبا رکدار ےہ۔ وہ سک رطح ےس ومعمیل یس ربخ وک
ڑباھ ڑچاھ رک وسلش ڈیمای اور ارٹنٹین ےک ذرہعی ےس امتم
داین کت یچس اور وھجیٹ ربخںی اعم رکےت ںیہ۔ رھپ وسلش ڈیمای رپ VIRALوہیئ ابںیت اہجں یئک رطح ہک وساالت ااھٹںیت ںیہ اورتہب وسں وکرفنتم رکیت ںیہ وںیہ ریثک دعتاد ںیم ولوگں یک راامنہیئ یھب وہ یت ےہ۔سپ ان ےئن ذراعئ وک
اامعتسل رکےن ےک تہب ےس وفادئ اور اصقنانت اشلم ںیہ ،
نج ان اک ااصحنر اامعتسل رکےن واولں یک تّین ںیم اشلم ےہ۔ نکیل ہی بس داین وی اطںیتق اہلل اعت ٰیل ےک اس ااعنم ےس
رحموم ںیہ وج اہلل اعتٰیل ےن آج امجتع ادمحہی وک الختف یک وصرتںیماطعایک ےہ وجرہوتقامہریراامنہیئرک ریہےہ۔
اطرق زگیمنی 17
16ڈیمای اور االسوفمایب
اسسنئ اور انکیٹولیج یک رتیق ےن ااسنین زدنیگ وک تہب آاسن انب دای ےہ ،ینیشم
دور ںیم یئن یئن وہسایلت ےن ااسنن ےک فلتخم اکومں وک دلج اور ربوتق رس ااجنم
ےئلںیہ ۔ ایس رطح وج اغیپامت یھبک دونں دےنی ےک تہب ےس رطقی ااجید رک ئ ن � � اور اسولں ںیم اچنہپ رکےت ےھت وہ ان اس ی�سی ااجیدات یک دبوتل وٹنمں اور
ڈنکیسوں یک راتفر ںیم داین رھب ںیم لیھپ اجےت ںیہ ۔یلیٹ وژین ،رڈیوی ،ارٹنٹین
اور وسلش ڈیمای یک وہج ےس ااسنن رہ وتق داین ےک احالت ےس اب ربخ راتہ ےہ۔
ارغلض داین اکی GLOBAL VILLAGEنب یکچ ےہ۔ اسسنئ یک اس
رتیّق ےس ہن رصف ااسنن یک دوینی رضورایت وپری وہیئ ںیہ ہکلب
ذمیبہ غیلبت ےک ےئل یھب تہب ےس ےئن رےتس ےلھک ںیہ۔ یلیٹ وژین ،رڈیوی ،ارٹنٹین اور وسلش ڈیمای ےن اہجں ینب ونع ااسنن
یک دختم ںیم ذراعئ االبغ ےک ےئن ےس ےئن رطقی ایہم ےئک ںیہ وںیہ
ان بس زیچوں وک دادنمشنی ےس اامعتسل رکےن ےک ےئل اکی اھبری ق ذہم داری اعدئ یک ےہ۔ ان ّ ی رت�ات ےک ان تنگ وفادئ ےک اسھت اسھت تہب ےس اصقنانت یھب ںیہ ارگ ان اک حیحص وطر رپ اامعتسل ہن ایک اجےئ۔ آج بج اس دو ِر دجدی ںیم اہجںااسنن رہ یئن ربخ وک دلج ےس دلج ریہشترکےن
یک گت و دو ںیم رصموف ےہ اور داین ںیم وہےن وایل رہ ابت ےس ابربخ رانہ اچاتہ
ےہ واہں ذمیبہ احلظ ےس اکی وخف اور دیشکیگ رظن آات ےہ۔ رغمیب اممکل ان ذراعئ االبغ ےک ذرہعی ےس االسم وج ہک اکی انم دنسپ ذمبہ ےہ اور السیتم یک
دور احرض ںیم االسم یک ااشتع
دور احرض ںیم االسم یک ااشتع
ومٰیس اتسر
رفس اجرایج ےک أترثات فلتخم دخام
فہرست مندرجات 4
رقٓان رکمی
دحثی یبن ﷺ
الکم االامم علیه السالم
اہلل ےک انم ےک اسھت وج ےب ااہتن رمح رکےن واال ،نب امےگن دےنی واال اور ابر ابر رمح رکےن واال ےہ
�پ� ی ش � ظفل
السالم عليكم ورحمة اهلل و بركاته راسہل اطرق ےک اس امشرہ ںیم آپ وک وخش آدمدی ےتہک ںیہ۔ اس راسہل اک دصقم ہی ےہ ےک اقرنیئ یک دختم ںیم فلتخم وموضاعت رپ لمتشم اضمنیم شیپ ےئک اجںیئ اور سلجم دخام االدمحہی یک کلم رھب ںیم اسمیع ےس اب ربخ راھک اجےئ۔ اس ہلسلس ںیم مہ اقرنیئ یک راےئ یھب اجانن اچںیہ ےگ ہک سک رطح راسہل ںیم رتہبی الیئ اج یتکس ےہ۔ اس امشرہ اک وموضع ’’االسم اور ڈیمای‘‘ ےہ۔ آج لک ڈیمای ںیم االسم یک تہب ربی وصتری شیپ دخام ہن رصف وموجدہ احالت ےس وافق یک اج ریہ ےہ۔ اس ےئیل تہب رضوری ےہ ہک امتم � ل وہں ہکلب ان امتم ازلاامت اک رد یھب اجےتن وہں۔ ھ�ذا وکشش یک یئگ ےہ ہک اس وموضع رپ رقآن ،ااحدثیِ وبنی ،رحتریات رضحت حیسم وموعد ؑ و افلخء اور دخام ےک ذایت رجتابت وک اسےنم رےتھک وہےئ اس وموضع رپ روینش ڈایل اجےئ۔ ڈیمای ذبات وخد وکیئ ربی زیچ ںیہن ےہ ہکلب ہی وت اکی رتہبنی رطقی ےہ االسم اور ادمحتی یک اچسیئ وک داین ےک انکروں کت اچنہپےن اک رشبہکیط اس اک اامعتسل رپ تمکح رطقی رپ رضحت ۃفیلخ احیسمل ااخلسم ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل رصنبہ ازعلزی یک راامنہیئ ےک تحت ایک اجےئ۔ اخاسکر امتم میٹ ربممان اک رکشہی ادا رکان اچاتہ ےہ وہنجں ےن اس راسہل یک ااشتع ںیم اکھتن تنحم یک۔ داعؤں یک اعزجاہن دروخاتس ےک اسھت
والسالم دمری اٰیلع
بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم
میٹ دمری اٰیلع :دااینل اکولہں
انبئ دمری (رباےئ اردو) :املسن رمق
انبئ دمری (رباےئ ارگنزیی) :رادش رشبم رظن اثین :احظف ااسہم ٹب
ڈزیانئٓ:افص نب اوسی میلع ادمح
وسلش ڈیمای:دمحم بیہص ادمح اخن ااشتحم اعرف
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ن م ی���ی�جم� ن ٹ � دصر سلجم :دبع ادقلوس اعرف
ممتہم ااشتع :امعنن وچدہری
کالم االمام
مس�ی ہ رضحت ادقس ح وموعد عل� یہ اولصلة واالسلم رفامےت ��یں :
ن ��� یہ ن لف� ی ن اس وتق وج رضورت ےہ وہ � ی یق���ا ھجمس ول۔ س�یف یک ں ہکلب ملق یک ےہ۔ امہرے اخم � ہ ےن االسم رپ وج اہبشت وارد ےئک ��یں اور فلتخم اسوسنئں اور اکمدئ یک رو ےس اہلل اعتٰیل ےک
ےچس ذمبہ رپ ہلمح رکان اچاہ ےہ۔ اس ےن ےھجم وتمہج ک�ی�ا ےہ ہک م�یں یملق اہحلس نہپ رک اس اسسنئ اور یملع رتیق ےک م�ی�دان اکر زار م�یں ارتوں اور االسم یک رواحین اجشتع اور
ابینط وقت اک رکہمش یھب داھکؤں۔ م�یں بک اس م�ی�دان ےک اقلب وہاتکس اھت؟ �یہ وت رصف ت اہلل اعتٰیل اک لضف ےہ اور اس یک ےب دح انع�ی� ےہ ہک وہ اچاتہ ےہ ہک م�ی�رے ےسیج اعزج ن ااسنن ےک اہھت ےس اس ےک د�ی� یک زعت اظرہ وہ۔ م�یں ےن ا�یک وتق ان ارتعااضت ہ ل ن اور المحت وک امشر ک�ی�ا اھت وج االسم رپ امہرے اخم ف�ی� ےن ےئک ��یں۔ ان یک دعتاد اس ت خ ن � م� � م� ی ی ی � وتق م�ی�رے �ی�ال اور ادنازہ ں � زہار وہیئ یھت اور ں اتھجمس وہں ہک اب وت اور �ی یھب دعتاد ڑبھ یئگ وہ یگ۔ وکیئ �یہ ہن ھجمس ےل ہک االسم یک انب ا سی زمکور ابوتں رپ ےہ ہک ن ن ت � ��� یہ ہ ن � � � � اس رپ ی� زہار ارتعاض وارد وہاتکس ےہ۔ یں ا�یس�ا رہ زگ ں۔ �یہ ارتعااضت وت وکاتہ �ی ش �ہ م� م� � م� ی ی ی ی ادن ��وں اور انداونں یک رظن ں ارتعاض ں رگم ں مت ےس چس چس اتہک وہں ہک ں
ےن اہجں ان ارتعااضت وک امشر ک�ی�ا واہں �یہ یھب وغر ک�ی�ا ےہ ہک ان ارتعااضت یک ہت م�یں ن قت ��� یہ ہ � � � � � ب درالص تہب یہ اندر دصا یں وموجد یں وج دعم ص�ی�رت یک وہج ےس ان وک داھکیئ ں ن ت د�یں اور حق�یق� م�یں �یہ دخاےئ اعتٰیل یک تمکح ےہ ہک اہجں ان� یب���ا رتعمض آرک ااکٹ ےہ ہ و��یں اقحقئ و اعمرف اک یفخم زخاہن راھک ےہ۔ وفلماظت ،دلج ،1ہحفص 50-51
حدیث نبوی اللهم صل على محمد و على آل محمد كما صليت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد اللهم بارك على محمد و على آل محمد كما باركت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد
َع ْن َس ْھلِ بْنِ َس ْع ٍد َر ِض َی اللّٰ ُه َع ْن ُه ا َ َّن ال َّنب َِّی َصلَّی اللّٰ ُه َعلَ ْی ِه َو َسلَّ َم ق ََال لِ َعلِ ٍّی َر ِض َی اللّٰ ُه َع ْن ُه :فَ َو اللّٰ ِه َ َل ْن یَّ ْھ ِد َی ِک َر ُج ًل َو ِ َک ِم ْن ُح ْم ِر ال َّن ْع ِم اح ًدا َخ ْی ُر ل َ اللّٰ ُه ب َ ُ
ہ رضحت لہس نب دعسؓ �ب�ی�ان رکےت ��یں ہک ٓارضحنت یلص اہلل عل�یہ ت � � � ی ی وملس ےن رضحت یلعؓ ےس رفام�ی�ا دخا یک مسق! �رے ذر عہ ا�یک ت ٓادیم اک دہا�ی� اپاجان اٰیلع درہج ےک رُسخ اووٹنں ےک لم اجےن ےس ز�ی�ادہ رتہب ےہ۔
حیحص ملسم ،اتکب ااضفللئ ابب اضفلئ یلعؓ نب ایب اطبل
قرآن کرمی اعوذ باهلل من الشيطان الرجيم بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم
ۤ ٰ ۡ ۡ حسن ق ۡو ًل مم ۡ ً الل ل ا ا ع د ن ل صالِحا َّو م ع و ِ ِ َو َمن اَ َ ُ َ ِّ ّ َ َ َ َ ّ َ َ ِ َ َ ۡ ۡ ۡ قال ِان ِ ۡ ی م ل س م ال ن م ن ِ ِ ِ َ َ َّ َ ُ َ اور ابت ےنہک م�یں اس ےس رتہب وکن وہ اتکس ےہ وج اہلل یک ن م� ی �یق� ن رطف البےئ اور �� یک اامعل اجب الےئ اور ےہک ہک ں ی��اً اکلم رفامربنداروں م�یں ےس وہں۔ وسرة مح ادجسلة41:31 ،
طارق TARIQ
مجلس خدام االحمدیہ یوکے
وقومں یک االصح ونوجاونں یک االصح ےک ریغب ںیہن وہ یتکس رضحت حلصم وموعد ریض اہلل ہنع
طارق TARIQ
� � � ����� ��� �� ام م ررر مجلس خدام االحمدیہ یوکے
No. 3
Vol. 23