2 minute read
Client & Stakeholders
Growing suitability
Regional dynamic

Kaffa Biosphere Reserve
Regional Dynamic
The field condition tool in the first stage, screen & separation, is indicate to identify the land use of wild coffee extraction adjacent to the remnant coffee forest that effected by deforestation and settlement expansion.
The conflict between stakeholders can be distinguished into two types which are spatial-temporal conflict and the conflict of policy trajectory towards 2050 in which the shrinkage of the coffee growing area caused by global warming and the BR zone speculation will draw the critical the regime of coffee landscape in Kafa Biosphere Reserve.
thus, the existing and speculation of conflict allows the conversation of how coffee production can be operated and shifted their territories in emergence scenario.

Core area:: It comprises a strictly protected zone that contributes to the conservation of landscapes, ecosystems, species and genetic variation.
Buffer zone(s): It surrounds or adjoins the core area(s), and is used for activities compatible with ecological practices that can reinforce scientific research, monitoring, training and education.
Transition area: The transition area is where communities foster socio-culturally and ecologically sustainable economic and human activities. (Unesco, n.d.)

Ethiopia Coffee supply chain
National Dynamic

Crop calendar
National Dynamic
Crop calendar depicts how climate, particularly rainfall, significantly effects the availability of land for growing crops. After main rainy season(Meher), coffee and grains are in the harvest season and leave another half of the year as the ‘dry months’ in which farmers and community members suffer from economy and food insecurity. The research indicates the level of income from NTFP averaging at least a third of the annual cash income of the rural households (Yihenew, cited in Chernet, T 2008). the average income is $2653.29 and and expenditure $2383.30.
As Enset is the only food source available throughout the year, that makes it the first choice to satisfy hunger. The main staple food is called ‘Kocho’ fermented starch made from the Enset trunk by the traditional fermentation process. Sorghum and maize become available in a short period during the harvesting season in Belg or Autumn. However, these staples do not provide proper nutrition especially for children that nourish food significantly contribute to their growth.