Congregational Church of God 91st Anniversary Journal

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CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF GOD “A Kingdom Driven Ministry” “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.” - John 14:12 The Church Theme: “Lifting Up Christ in All We Do!” - John 12:32

m i s s ion s tate m ent “I Believe… Therefore I ACT” ‘I BELIEVE that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by BELIEVING in Him; I will ACT and have life by the POWER of His name.’ - John 20:31 (paraphrase) I WILL Acquire God’s Destiny for My Life I WILL Celebrate God’s Presence in My Life I WILL Testify to Others of God’s Grace & Mercy in My Life “I Believe… Therefore I ACT”

E x ecuti v e Staff Reverend J-Anthony Dargan, Senior Pastor Minister Leroy Scott, Jr., Diaconate Chair Brother Chester Gill, Trustee Chair Lady Madelin L. Dargan, Secretary/Administrative Assistant Sister Alberta Francis, Financial Secretary Minister Leroy Scott, Jr., Treasurer Mother Gladys Stephens, Diaconate Honorary Chairperson

M I N I S T R I A L Staff Minister Leroy Scott, Jr. Minister Augusta Johnson Pastor Angel Torres, Spanish Ministry Reverend Dr. James Dargan (Advisory)

T H E C H U R C H W E E K LY S C H E D U L E (As of June 2015) Sunday Morning Worship, 10:00 AM Sunday School Ministry, 12:30 PM

Tuesday Understanding Your Bible With Pastor J-Anthony, 7:00 PM (An Overview of the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation) Conference Telephone Number: (760) 569-6000 Access Code: 869360# Wednesday Bible Study With Pastor James Dargan, 7:00 PM (“God Meant It For Good” – A Fresh Look at the life of Joseph) Conference Telephone Number: (760) 569-6000 Access Code: 869360#

Saturday Telephone Prayer Conference, 7:00 AM Conference Telephone Number: (760) 569-6000 Access Code: 869360#

T H E S PA N I S H M I N I S T RY Service: Saturdays Tuesdays and Sundays at 7:30 pm Fasting 1st Saturday of the month 10:30 am Watch night service the 3rd Friday of the month at 10:30 pm In-home services Thursdays or Fridays 8 pm

From the Pastor’s Pen

Greetings in the Marvelous, Matchless, and Merciful Name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! To God be the GLORY for the great things He continues to perform for us. This afternoon, we gather to celebrate and thank God for gracing us with nearly a century of service for His Glory and Will. God has blessed Congregational to remain strong and active through all of the challenges of time. We, too concur with the members who have traveled before us, “Hitherto hath the LORD helped us,” I Samuel 7:12. Lady Madelin and myself are eternally grateful to God for our all of our members, particularly, our senior members, who continue to remain faithful and supportive over the years. We could have never made it this far without the Lord’s anointing, your prayers, your sacrificial love, labor and giving. Let all of us give the best of our service that we might inspire others and the generations to come that, “For this God is Our God forever and ever! He will be our guide even to death.” So let’s REJOICE people of the Most High God for Our God is worthy of all of the praise. God is in the midst of His people. As God instructed Moses to tell Aaron to bless the people, I, too pray the same blessing over your life today. I pray that, “the Lord would bless you and keep you, cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.” I pray that, “He will lift up the light of His countenance all around you and give you peace… in the Name of Him who is the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ our Lord.” Be Blessed and always be a Blessing! Yours in Christ,

Pastor J-Anthony Dargan

Congregational Church of God History During the cold winter of 1923-1924, a small group of believers, who were committed to studying the Word of God and faithfully living it out, accepted “The Call of God” to proclaim The Gospel of Jesus Christ and to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20) out of a tiny apartment of one the founding member. Like Daniel S. Warner, Mary Cole and the other early pioneers of the Church of God Movement, the early pioneers of Congregational Church of God did not have a written mission statement or formal creed, they trusted solely in The Holy Spirit as their overseer, and in the Bible as their statement of belief. With the Church of God movement just entering it’s 42nd year, Congregational Church of God was one of the first Church to answer “The Call” to minister in the tri-state area. It has been said and certainly proven that when God desires to bless a Church, He assigns a great leader and for 91 years and counting, Congregational Church of God has been richly blessed with exceptional leadership. In the early years while life was quite challenging for people of color even north of the “Mason Dixon” line and less than a generation removed from the ratification of The 13th Amendment , this new fledging congregation was faithfully lead for 16 years by Elder Otiss L. Cook, until her retirement in April of 1940. Elder Cook led the congregation from a tiny apartment to a place of worship located at 135 West 124th Street. The history of those early years is very scarce, however, those who did remember cited that Elder Cook was a very passionate servant and preacher of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Often times, when the Holy Spirit would lift the service, Elder Cooke’s neatly tucked long hair would become unraveled and flow freely as she passionately preach The Word of God. The congregation at that time had approximately 30 members. We thank God for Pastor Cook and the early pioneers for allowing God to set the course for our destination in “The Lord’s Will.”

On May 12, 1940, Reverend Dr. William Aaron accompanied with his wife, Sister Ruth Sanders Aaron accepted The Will of God” by accepting the mantle of pastoring the young and growing church, then located at 260 West 126th Street, after coming to New York and worshipping in the congregation for almost six years.

Sis. Goldie Young, Rev. Dr. Levorn Aaron, Rev. Dr. William Aaron, Rev. Henry Claxton & Rev. Margaret McCardy

and Brother Aaron Copeland got together and had the Congregational Church of God incorporated. Prior to this the Church was simply known as “The Church of God” (Acts 20:28). On October 5, 1947, after being without a stable place of worship, the congregation moved to 227 Lenox Avenue, where the membership grew 140 strong. With all that was going, Pastor Aaron found time to establish and supervise a Sunday School ministry at 159 Buckner Boulevard in Bronx and 49 Attorney Street in Manhattan.

Typical of the struggles of those times and the civil rights movement still in its infancy, Pastor William Aaron and the congregation endured many trials and tribulations, including being forced to move three times without proper notice within the first seven years of his pastoralship. In one case, they received a vacate/ eviction orders of 18 West 114th Street from NYC Housing six months after burning a ten-year mortgage in six years… just to name a few. However, despite all of the challenges and opposition, the congregation flourished and thrived; many souls were added to the Church with the Lord’s daily blessings.

In 1941, Reverend Dr. William Aaron, along with Sister Margaret McCardy, Brother James Rainey, Reverend Henry Claxton, Brother Sam Watson, Brother Leroy Williams

Roberta Robinson, Thelma Boyd, Joe Murphy, Lucille Lester, Millie Whaley, Gladys Stephens (Chairperson), Rev. Dr. William Aaron (pulpit), Rev. Dr. Levorn Aaron (at the table), Mattie English, James Dargan (Vice Chair), Esther Oliver, Fred Watson, Eva Simmons, and Hosea King

In 1964, the Lord blessed the congregation to purchase the present location at 1889 Amsterdam Avenue. The building was occupied in April 15, 1967 and the ten-year mortgage was liquidated in seven years. Shortly after the relocation to 1889 Amsterdam Avenue, The Spirit of The Lord led Reverend Dr. William Aaron to seriously begin grooming his nephew, Reverend Dr. Levorn Aaron to take the mantle of leadership. In 1969, Reverend Dr. Levorn Aaron was appointed Assistant Pastor. Under the leadership of Reverend Dr. William Aaron, the membership grew to approximately 275. Reverend Dr. William Aaron during his 39 years prepared for ordination, twelve ministers, seven of which served in the metropolitan area in various capacities including Senior Pastor.

Upon the retirement of Reverend Dr. William Aaron, (due to poor health) Reverend Dr. Levorn Aaron was unanimously elected as pastor in 1979. Reverend Dr. Levorn Aaron as his predecessors, Elder Otiss L. Cooke and Reverend Dr. William Aaron moved the congregation through the transition smoothly and the congregation continued to grow. The membership increased to more than 300 with more than 100 active Sunday School members The church was debt free and completely furnished. On Tuesday, December 30, 1980, Reverend Dr. William Aaron, one of the lead pastor in the Church of GOD movement nationally and one of the founding member of the New York Ministers and Workers Alliance, (now the Eastern New York General Assembly) was summoned home by the Lord.

The Bible reports that King David had his mighty men of valor but the most valuable were perhaps the men of Issachar, who had “understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do” (1 Chronicles 12:32). Over the years for each generation, the Lord has richly blessed Congregational with the same king discerning, faithful

and loyal members, who transcend their time, always went the extra mile and stood supportively with their pastor. Though many of them have been summoned home by the Lord over the 91 years, their names and legacy are still felt even today not just in this congregation, but also throughout our National Association of the Church of God.

• The National Women’s Ministry is currently building a national retreat center on the National ground in Westmiddlesex, Pennsylvania honoring the life and the legacy of the late, Christine Benn, who has faithfully served the congregation in served capacities, including, Church secretary, State & local Women President, Gospel Chorus & Youth Choir Director and Youth Fellowship Advisor. Sister Benn was known on the local and national level to chair major celebration and raise large fund for various branches of ministry.

• The late, Brother Norridge Smalls Mayhams, in addition to being a gifted musician and choir director, was renowned throughout and across various Christian denominations. No one could bring people together like Brother Mayhams. Saints would not only come once a year, but throughout the year from as far north as Boston as far south as Washington, DC and as far west as Pennsylvania for fellowship and worship. Brother Mayhams, single-handedly over 55 years ago authored and laid the blue-print for what is now known across the Christian faith as “Friends and Family Day”. Brother Mayhams personally interacted with many of the Gospel music greats including the late, Reverend James Cleveland and was a participate of the Gospel Music Workshop of America from the very beginning when Reverend Cleveland was building and developing it.

• Mother Gladys Stephens (who will be turning 107 years old on Tuesday, September 15, 2015 if the Lord say so) along with the late Mother Shirley Mayhams, the late Mother Mattie English and the late Sister Cora Hudson, together known as the “Four Sisters” demonstrated all of the possibilities of laymembers coming together to do ministry. The art-work depicting “The Ascension of Christ” in our sanctuary is one of the many fruits of these four dedicated and supportive sisters.

Mother English, Mother Stephens, Mother Mayhams, Sister Cora Hudson

Min. Augusta Johnson, Roberta Robinson, Lucille Lester, Marvin White, Rev. Dr. Levorn Aaron, Min. Rodgers Jackson, Gladys Stephens (Chairperson), Min. Leroy Scott, Jr., Rev. George Bivens (Vice Chair), Rutha Bivens and Daisy White The aforementioned lay-members were just a small sampling of the many faithful and loyal members and families

who have served the Lord well over the 91 years; their names are numerous and they are not mentioned or

listed here. We could literally list two full pages of their names and still miss so many wondeful and committed

saints. They are certainly not forgotten or taken for granted by us, or the Lord. The Lord knows their names and He will reward each according to His Good pleasure.

On January 15, 2000, after an extended period of health related issues, Reverend Dr. Levorn Aaron, a highly

respected pastor within the Church of God movement nationally and former President of the New York Ministers and Workers Alliance (for 12 years), retired after serving for 21 years. On December of 2000, eleven months

after his retirement and twenty years after his Uncle’s passing, Reverend Dr. Levorn Aaron was summoned home by the Lord.

Pastor Levorn Aaron’s homegoing, coupled with the declining health of the Deacons and Deaconess leadership,

Gladys Stephens (Chair), and Reverend George Bivens (Vice), was deeply felt and impacted in the Church body

and the community. There were many struggles and challenges, however, with the Lord’s guidance, during the years Pastor Aaron’s waning health and the five year period without pastoral leadership, the congregation with

each of the ministry leaders, along with the trustee chairman, Brother Elex Daniels; the ministers, Reverend Rodgers Jackson, Minister Augusta Johnson, Minister Leroy Scott, Jr., and Minister Sanmmie Sanders; and the deacons and deaconesses pulled together and ccontinued the work of the Lord.

In the summer of 2005, Reverend J-Anthony Dargan, a son of the congregation and nephew of Reverend Dr. William Aaron was appointed and anointed by the Lord Jesus Christ to return back to his “Home Church”,

the Congregational Church of God after serving for many years with impeccable distinction as the Youth and Young Adult Pastor under the pastoral-ship of his father, Reverend Dr. James Dargan, at the Community Church of God, Newark, New Jersey. On Sunday, September 11, 2005, the Congregational Church of God affirmed their commitment to the PLAN of God and elected Pastor J-Anthony Dargan as Senior Pastor.

There’s much work to be done, however, in spite of all of the challenges, Pastor Dargan and the congregation is determined to continue to move forward and upward by the Grace of God.

Along the way of life are many foes that daily war against my soul; But constant victory My Savior gives to me as I press on to the goal. On the winning side, I’m on the winning side, I’m on the winning side with Jesus; Though hot may be the fray, my soul can boldly say, I’m on the winning side with Jesus.

Luncheon Menu Hors D’oeuvres Entrees

Served Buffet Style Sliced Steak with Onions and Peppers Southern Fried Chicken Southern Barbeque Ribs Curry Goat Broiled Salmon (with Lemon & Seasoning) Baked Macaroni and Cheese Collard Greens String Beans Rice & Peas Sausage & Peppers Italian Garden Salad Topical Fruit Display Soft Drinks, Coffee, Decaf, Tea Anniversary Cake

Passionate, purposeful, innovative, willing to learn and be stretched are just a few of the many wonderful attributes that describe Pastor J-Anthony Dargan. If you spent a few moments with Pastor J-Anthony, you will quickly find out that the eldest son of Reverend Dr. James & Sister Mary Dargan and the nephew of the late Reverend Dr. William Aaron “did not fall far from the tree”. Pastor J-Anthony, a former Youth Pastor; Music Director of the Youth & Young Adult Choir, Senior Choir and Men’s Choir; and Chairman & Director of The New Jersey State Fellowship Choir of the Church of God, still enjoys leading the congregation in praise and worship before delivering the Word of God. Many lives have been touched and souls uplifted by the GIFTS that Our God has graciously blessed him with.

Pastor J-Anthony, a staunch advocate for taking the church and the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ beyond the four walls and into the community, has within seven years of receiving and believing God’s vision of a Spanish ministry, established a spiritual partnership with Pastor Angel Torres for a fully functional Spanish ministry operating three-days a week at the Church as of November 2011 along with other community and fellowship initiatives such as “Back to School Jam”, Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas caroling and so on.

For more than 35 years, Pastor J-Anthony has served the Kingdom of God in the local, state and national level. In addition to the music ministry, he has served as the New Jersey State Corresponding Secretary and the treasurer and 7 years as President of the National Men’s Ministry of the National Association of the Church of God. Currently, Pastor J-Anthony is in his 14th year as the Administrator and Lead Instructor at the Evangelistic Christian Bible Institute. For more than four years, Pastor J-Anthony has been comforting and counseling grieving families through his close association with Martin’s Home For Service, Inc.

Along with his beautiful and equally anointed wife of soon to be 28 years, Lady Madelin Lorraine Dargan, with her winning attitude, determined spirit, and bright smile, brings her unique perspective and skill to whatever she approaches, Women Ministry President, Praise & Worship Leader, Church Secretary, Sunday School Teacher, Youth Advisor and ECBI Instructor. Lady Madelin’s calling is the gift of Helps (1 Corinthians 12: 28). Pastor J-Anthony and Lady Madelin are the proud parents of James Anthony Dargan, who from time to time, handles the video ministry for the Church and Christine Jannie-Lorraine Dargan, third year Montclair State University English major, who ministers along with her parents in the praise & worship ministry, the Young Adult Ministry and is currently, the Young Adult Sunday School teacher. Pastor J-Anthony (St. John’s University & Christian Bible Institute & Seminary, Bloomfield, New Jersey under Bishop Shammah Womack-El) believes that there is no limit to the possibilities of God and continues to reach for the destiny and purpose God has prepared for him. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” John 14:12 (KJV)

Psalm 23

The Lord is my Shepherd...that’s relationship! I shall not want…that’s supply! He maketh me to lie down in green pastures…that’s rest! He leadeth me beside the still waters…that’s refreshment! He restoreth my soul…that’s healing! He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness…that’s guidance! For His name sake…that’s purpose! Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…that’s testing! I will fear no evil…that’s protection! For Thou art with me…that’s faithfulness! Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me…that’s discipline! Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies…that’s hope! Thou annointest my head with oil…that’s consecration! My cup runneth over...that’s abundance! Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life...that’s blessing! And I will dwell in the house of the Lord…that’s security!

Forever…that’s eternity!

SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 2015 – 12:00 NOON

The Ninety-first Church Anniversary Luncheon Eastwood Manor Caterers, Bronx, New York Toastmaster - Brother Abel Alderman

Order of Celebration

Music Prelude.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Introduction of Toastmaster...............................................................................................................................................Brother Elex Daniels Introduction of Dais Guests.......................................................................................................................................... Brother Abel Alderman Introduction of Pastor J-Anthony & Lady Madelin Dargan Psalm 23, “The Lord is Our Shepherd”............................................................................................................................ Sister Patricia A. Hill Prayer of Invocation & Table Blessing....................................................................................................................... Minister Leroy Scott, Jr. Praise & Worship................................................................................................................................................................Praise & Worship Team

Hors D’oeuvres

Words of Welcome...........................................................................................................................................................Sister Josephine Jackson Words of Greeting..........................................................................................................................................................Pastor J-Anthony Dargan Words of Greeting.................................................................................................................................................................... Pastor Angel Torres Celebrating 91 Years of Ministry and Counting........................................... Sister Kamaria Buchanan and Brother Abel Alderman Musical Selection..............................................................................Brother Luther Hudson, Jr. , accompanied by Brother Ray Gordon Special Presentation.......................................................................................................................................................Pastor J-Anthony Dargan

Lunch is Served - Bon Appétit

Introduction of the 91st Anniversary Keynote Preacher.................................................................................First Lady Mary L. Dargan Musical Selection....................................................................................................................................................................Brother Elex Daniels The 91st Anniversary Keynote Preacher........................................................................................................... Reverend Dr. James Dargan Musical Selection...............................................................................................................................................................Praise & Worship Team

Anniversary Cake

Remarks..........................................................................Minister Augusta Johnson, Minister Leroy Scott, Jr. and Brother Chester Gill Closing Remarks and Benediction...................................................................................................................... Reverend Dr. James Dargan

The 91st Church Anniversary Keynote Preacher You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. John 15:16 (NIV) Reverend Dr. James Dargan, a vessel chosen by GOD, still remember to this day falling asleep many nights to the hushed, “effectual and fervent prayer” of his dear mother asking for GOD’s protection and guidance for her children. As a result of those prayers ( James 5:16) every step Dr. Dargan took has been “ordered by GOD”. Dr. Dargan’s love for the WORK of GOD led him into many vineyards around the world. Dr. Dargan has serviced with exceptional distinction under the pastoral-ship of the late, Reverend Dr. William Aaron at the Congregational Church of God in the following capacities: secretary, treasurer, vice president and president of the Usher’s Board; secretary and president of the Men’s Ministry; as an ordained deacon in 1964, he served as secretary and vice chairman of the Diaconate Ministry; the Church financial secretary; a member of the Board of Trustee; Sunday school teacher; counselor of the Youth and Young Adult Ministry; president of the “Ever Ready Club” better known as the Pastor’s Aide; a member of the Prayer Band Ministry, a weekly evangelistic outreach/visitation group; and a minister of the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ. He has performed two tours of missionary work in Haiti, one tour along with his wife First Lady Mary Dargan in Farmington, New Mexico, and Bay Ridge Christian College, Kendleton, Texas. In preparation of his calling to the “preaching” ministry, Dr. Dargan attended: the Manhattan Bible Institute; Christian Bible Institute; Queens College and New York Theological Seminary. Periodically, Dr. Dargan also participated in several home study courses with Anderson University. Dr. Dargan, staunch supporter of the national work of the National Association of the Church of God, Westmiddlesex, Pennsylvania, has served the association as National Men’s president from 1988-1997, the New Jersey State Ministers & Workers of the Church of God as first vice president (1980-1982), parliamentarian (1982-1998), and chairman (1998-2003 and 2009-2011). Under his leadership with the assistance of the late Reverend Dr. Floyd E. Lewis, Sr., in the fall of 2001, Dr. Dargan established a life-long pursuit of a state Bible Institute, the Evangelistic Christian Bible Institute. This four-year Bible Institute is now in it’s fourteenth year of operation and has graduated numerous students within and outside the Church of God ranks. From Sunday, October 29, 1978, Dr. Dargan along with his loving and supportive wife, First Lady Mary L. Dargan pastored the Community Church of God, Newark, New Jersey for 36 years with excellence until his retirement as Senior Pastor on Sunday, November 2, 2014. On June 28, 2003, Dr. Dargan was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity in Pastoral Care on the recommendation of the New Wine School of the Bible for his many years of exceptional Christian service. Dr. & Frist Lady Dargan, are the parents of Pastor J-Anthony Dargan, Reginald Dargan (deceased), Darin Dargan of Charlotte, NC; grandfather of thirteen. During the 2011 National Association of the Church of God Annual Campmeeting in West Middlesex, Pennsylvania, Reverend Dr. James Dargan was awarded the prestigious NACOG Lifetime Achievement Award. “Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again.” John 3:7 (KJV)

The 10th Pastoral Anniversary Preacher Sunday, June 7, 2015 - 5:00 PM

Bishop Timothy J. Clarke, Senior Pastor of First Church of God in Columbus, Ohio, was called to the ministry in 1974 and first served in his hometown as Associate Minister at First Church of God, Far Rockaway, and New York. He began his first pastorate in November of 1977, at the York Avenue Church of God, Warren, Ohio, where he served the congregation for four years. In February of 1982, he was called to be Senior Pastor of First Church of God, Columbus, Ohio. In 2001, the Lord led him to create the Berean Fellowship of Churches, which at the present time includes 50 + churches of various denominations. He also serves the church-at-large as an Evangelist and Teacher. Bishop Clarke received a Master in Ministry from the Southern California School of Ministry, Los Angeles, CA and was consecrated to the office of Bishop in 2001. His honors include: Doctor of Divinity from Mid-America Bible College, Oklahoma City, OK; Doctor of Law, Southern California School of Ministry, Los Angeles, CA; Doctor of Humanities, Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio and was inducted to the Morehouse College Board of Preachers. In the years after being ordained by the Church of God, Anderson, IN, in 1977, Bishop Clarke began a long career of association with the National Association of the Church of God, West Middlesex, PA. His service includes: President of the National Inspirational Youth Convention; Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the General Assembly; President, Vice-President, and Presiding Elder of the National Association of the Church of God. Bishop Clarke is the author of nine books, “Signs of His Coming” (1998), “Help for Those Who Hurt” (2001), “Bring Back the Glory” (2001), “Daughter Don’t Miss Your Season” (2002), “Living in the Blessed Place” (2003), “Making the Most of Your Time” (2004), “Celebrating the Family”(2005), Reclaiming your Spiritual Health (2006), Paying the Price to Win: Putting your faith into action (2008). Bishop Clarke and his wife the former Clytemnestra Lawson of Teaneck, NJ, are the parents of adult children Dionesha (Ocie) Clarke - Logan and Joscelyn Renee Clarke. They are the proud grandparents of Ryan Joseph Clarke and London Yvonne Logan.

Men of the Church

Reverend Dr. James Dargan (Advisory), JB Miller, Brother Oscar Fagan, Brother Abel Alderman, Pasror J-Anthony Dargan, Minister Leroy Scott, Jr., Brother Chester Gill & Brother Elex Daniels

Women’s Ministry

(Standing, left to right) Lady Madelin Dargan, Sister Beatrice Hunt, Sister Sylvia Miller, Asia Buchanan, Sister Kamaria Buchanan, Sister Michelle Keys & Sister Christine Dargan; (Seated, left to right) Minister Augusta Johnson, Sister Alberta Francis, Sister Josephine Jackson, Sister Lillie White, Sister Wilisteen Daniels & Dr. Desby Rushing (deceased) (Not pictured) Sister Myrna Osbourne, Sister Zoila Tuck, Sister Patricia Hill, Sister Willette Daniels First Lady Mary Dargan (supportive role), Mother Rutha Bivens (Nursing Home), Mother Nellie Horne (Nursing Home), Mother Freeman (homebound), Mother Gladys Stephens (Nursing Home) & Sister Rose Whitney (homebound)

The Trustees Ministry

Brother Chester Gill, Chairman Minister Leroy Scott, Jr. & Sister Alberta Francis

The Ministerial Staff

Reverend Dr. James Dargan (Advisor), Minister Leroy Scott, Jr., Augusta Johnson, & Pastor J-Anthony Dargan (Pastor Angel Torres, not pictured)

The Ushers Ministry

Sister Lillie White (Vice), JB Miller, Sister Alberta Francis (President) & Sister Josephine Jackson (Secretary & Treasurer)

Helping Hand’s Ministry

Brother Chester Gill, Sister Josephine Jackson (Chairperson), Sister Patricia Hill, Sister Alberta Francis, Sister Myrna Osbourne & Sister Beatrice Hunt (Sister Zoila Tuck, not pictured)

Honoring the Life and the Legacy of Pastor Otiss Cooke (Pastored, 1924-1940)

Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.” Revelations 14:13 (NIV) Respectively Submitted by Pastor J-Anthony

In Loving Memory of Reverend Dr. William & First Lady Ruth Aaron (Pastored, 1940-1979)

Loving submitted by Sister Viola Lighty (niece)

In Loving Memory of Reverend Henry & Sister Hattie Claxton

Loving submitted by Sister Viola Lighty (God-Daughter) Reverend Claxton served the congregation in many capacities including Sunday School Superintendant and the Church Treasurer

In Loving Memory of Inez Marie Gill

Just think of her as resting, From the sorrow and the tears, In a place of warmth and comfort, Where there are not days or years, And think of her living, In the hearts of those she touched, For no one ever loved is lost, As she is loved so much. Loving submitted by The Gill Family

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Pastor J-Anthony Dargan & The Congregational Church of God On your anniversary.

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Pastor J-Anthony & Lady Madelin Dargan

On your 10th Anniversary


The Congregational Church of God On your 91st Anniversary

With God All Things Are Possible. Lafayette Avenue Church of God 404 Lafayette Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11238 Reverend Charles K. Darsan, Pastor Reverend Michael E. Hughes, Assistant Pastor (718) 789-8497

Honoring the Life and the Legacy of Pastor Levorn Aaron (Pastored 1979-2000)

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!� Isaiah 52:7 (NIV) Respectively Submitted by Pastor J-Anthony

In Loving Memory of My Dear Mother Sister Fannie Mae Aaron Wingate

Served in the Ever Ready Club with her aunt, First Lady Ruth Aaron and in the kitchen Lovingly Submitted by Sister Mae Legette (daughter) On Behalf the Family

In Loving Memory of My Dear Sister Sister Alberta Robinson

Lovingly Submitted by Sister Josephine Jackson

Congratulations to Congregational Church of God on 91 years of Still Standing

Remembering Our Two Dear Sisters & Loving Son

Sister Laura L. Keys & Sister Jannie L. Harrell

Both served us well as Ushers President until the very last days.

Reginald M. Dargan, I: The 1st drummer for the Congregational Church of God & the New York State Youth Choir They are gone but we miss them daily. God’s Will has been done.

Love ou ut God ove ou est.

Reverend Dr. James & Sister Mary Dargan & Family

A Faithful Member with over 60 years of service

Dr. Desby Edmonia Hood-Rushing Church pianist, Adult Sunday School Teacher, Senior Choir President Women’s Ministry The Helping Hands Lovingly Submitted by Pastor J-Anthony

In Loving Memory of Our Mother Lydia Brown

Alberta Francis, Henry Brown, Jessie Brown, Helen Brown, Juanita Brown & Larry Brown

Gone Too Soon But Remain in Our Hearts

In Loving Memory of Sister Bessie Gainey Yarborough Samuel

A Faithful Member with over 60 years of service

Lovingly Submitted by Sister Mary Harris (daughter) On Behalf of the Family

Honoring the Life & Ministry of Reverend George Bivens

“He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.� Psalm 1:3 (NKJV) Lovingly Submitted by Pastor J-Anthony On behalf of Deaconess/Mother Rutha Bivens

The Young Adult Ministry Sister Patricia Hill (Advisor), Sister Kamaria Buchanan, Sister Christine Dargan, JB Miller & James Dargan

The Evangelistic Christian Bible Institute

Congratulates Pastor J-Anthony & Lady Madelin Dargan On your 10th Anniversary and the Congregational Church of God On your 91st Anniversary “Wherefore take unto you the WHOLE ARMOR of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand.” Ephesians 6:13 Reverend Dr. James Dargan, President Reverend Warren McDowell, Dean Reverend J-Anthony Dargan, Administrator Reverend Dr. James Barnes, Treasurer

Congratulations To

Congregational Church of God for 91 years of Ministry and Pastor J-Anthony & Lady Madelin Dargan on your 10th Pastoral Anniversry Pastor Angel & First Lady Virginia Torres

In Jesus Christ There’s Salvation For All!

Congratulations and Best Wishes on the

91st Anniversary of The Congregational Church of God and the 10th Pastoral Anniversary of Pastor J. Anthony Dargan

We deeply appreciate your continuous support of The New Jersey Academic, Cultural, Technological and ScientiďŹ c Olympics (ACT-SO) Program The NJ ACT-SO State Committee And The Friends of ACT-SO NJ

Congratulations to the

Congregational Church of God and

The Dargan Family

Deborah Gregory and Darnell Davis

Newark ACT-SO Co-Chairpersons

Celebrating 24 years of serving high school students in the greater Newark community.

Congratulations & GOD’S BOUNTIFUL BLESSINGS As you celebrate 91 years of Devoted Service at Congregational Church of God and 10 Years Of Pastoral Service to


“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly[a] with your God.” Micah 6:8

THE ELIZABETH CHURCH OF GOD Elizabeth, New Jersey 07206 Elder John H. Hall, Pastor


Pastor J-Anthony & Lady Madelin Dargan

On your 10th Anniversary and The Congregational Church of God On your 91st Anniversary

Rapheal & Jevor Peart Accokeek, Maryland

Congratulations & God ’s Blessing Reverend J-Anthony Dargan on your

10th Pastoral Anniversary and to the

Congregational Church of God

as you celebrate 91 Years In Ministry.

First Church of God

1261 20th Street, Newport News, VA 23607 Reverend Leon Aaron, Pastor and Lady Sharleen Aaron


Reverend J-Anthony & Lady Madelin Dargan On your 10th Pastoral Anniversary

God Bless You! Grand Master Hinton Kinsler

10th Degree Black Belt

Congratulations To

Reverend J-Anthony & Lady Madelin Dargan on your Anniversary

Reverend Dr. James Dargan and Reverend J-Anthony Dargan (1963) Picture taken outside the 227 Lenox Avenue location.

“My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee. Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart. Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman: That they may keep thee from the strange woman, from the stranger, which flattereth with her words.” Proverbs 7:1-5 (KJV)

Layout, Design & Printing Entrusted To: MLD Communications, “The Very Best In Desktop Publishing” Reverend J-Anthony & Madelin Dargan, 62 Maple Avenue, Montclair, New Jersey 07042 Telephone: 973-783-6198 Fax: 973-509-6027 Email:

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