When tomorrow starts without me and I’m not here to see If the sun should rise and find your eyes all filled with tears for me

I wish you wouldn’t cry the Way you did today
While thinking of the many things we did not get to say
I know how much you love me as much as I love you
Each time that you think of me I know you will miss me too

When tomorrow starts without me
Please try to understand that an angel came
And called my name and took me by the hand
The angel said my place was ready in heaven far above

And That I would have to leave behind all those I Dearly Love
But When I walked through Heaven’s Gates I felt so much at home
When GOD looked down and smiled at me from his golden throne

He said This Is Eternity and All I promised you

Today for life on earth is done but Here it starts a new

I promise no tomorrow for today will always last
And since each day’s the exact same way

There is no longing for the past

So when tomorrow starts without me do not think we’re apart For every time you think of me

Remember I’m right here in your heart

Tuesday, June 6, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Nesbitt Funeral Home
175 West Englewood Avenue, Englewood, New Jersey 07631
Prayer of Invocation

Musical Selection
Scripture Readings
Old Testament, Psalm 23 & New Testament, John 14:1-6
Prayer of Comfort
Musical Selection
Reflections – Family & Friends
Remembering Our Patiarch

Message of Hope
Closing Hymn

Recessional – Clergy O cial & Family

Interment: Mount Rest Cemetery
15 Kakeout Road, Butler, New Jersey 07405
Our Patriarch, Arthur Prioleau was born on Monday April 4th, 1938 in Georgetown, South Carolina. His parents were Ethel Mae and Julius Prioleau and Arthur was 9th among 12 children; he had 6 sisters and 5 brothers and is survived by his sister Elizabeth “Lolo” Stephens. Arthur was known to many family and friends as grandpa.

In 1956 he moved to New York City where he met his beloved wife Queenie Mae. They met in Manhattan on Lennox Avenue. Arthur and Queenie tied the knot in 1957 and have been married for the past 65 years. From this union they had four children. Qasim Ali aka Arthur Prioleau Jr., Quintin Prioleau, Tyrone Prioleau, and Charisse McRae. They lived in Taft, then the Polo Grounds in New York before they settled into their family home in 1978 in Englewood, New Jersey.
From his marriage he gained sisters-in- law Jessie ”Dean”, Judy, Marilyn and the late Lois, as well as a host of friends, nieces and nephews.

Arthur worked at the Port Authority for 27 years until he retired in 2003.
As part of his daily ritual, Arthur faithfully joined his friends every morning for early morning co ee at either McDonalds or Dunkin’ Donuts on Palisade Avenue.
At home, he mostly if not everyday tended to his yard and being the kind gentleman that he was, he would also consistently and voluntarily tend to his neighbors’ yards as well. Arthur also spent time in his room sitting upon his favorite recliner with his legs propped up on his bed watching westerns. He’d indulge in his stash of treats; pork rinds, peanuts, tootsie rolls, chocolate chip cookies, and pecan ice cream and always gave to his nieces, nephews, and grandchildren whenever they came by. Queenie and Arthur together maintained their beautiful Knickerbocker home. They hosted plenty of gatherings for the holidays, opened their doors to those who needed a roof over their head, and gave their hospitality to all who came to visit.
From his children came 12 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren and 1 great-great grandchild. And from his nurturing heart and family loving spirit he acquired 3 bonus grandchildren whom he loved and cared for them all the same.

Arthur was known for his no nonsense attitude, but he undeniably loved his family. He was a true humanitarian; no matter the day or time he was there for you. When he did make his appearance to join us, he would captivate our attention and gaze with the jokes he would make and the smile that would follow; the words of wisdom he would o er; and a good ol’ fashion cuss out.
As a husband Arthur was a great provider, caring, dependable and supportive to Queenie. Their journey as life partners was beautifully one of a kind.
Arthur was never absent in his children’s lives, even into their adulthood. He dedicated his life to family and in every role he played, he did so with dedication and grace until his last breath.
Sunday May 28th, 2023 was his last day among us, but he will never leave our hearts and minds.