ENYGA 2016 Convention Program

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Post Office Box 901222, Far Rockaway, New York 11690-1222 Phone: (718) 327-9470

Website: www.enyga.com

Our MISSION We, the Eastern New York General Assembly of the Church of God, as a united body of congregations and ministries, under the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, exist to: • Effectively build, strengthen, and plant churches; • Carry out the Great Commission of Christ; • Train and develop Godly servant leaders; • Equip through Biblical instruction; and • Support each other in love, by the sharing of available resources

Our VISION Our Vision in the Eastern New York General Assembly of the Church of God is to realize the love of Christ, the power and authority of the Holy Spirit while carrying out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) We endeavor to: • Double our community to over 4,000 persons fitly joined together (Ephesians 2:21) performing the work and worship of God • Establish a large multi-purpose center with the capacity for more than 3,000 people in worship • Equip all churches to intentionally do effective disciple-making and mentoring • Build an effective prayer ministry network • Organize a visible, holistic urban ministry, focusing on meeting the needs of the family, church and community • Create effective worship, arts, and technology ministries for each congregation • Institute a concentric organization with the inner circle of State Leaders serving three manageable clusters of churches • Launch a global evangelistic ministry winning the world to Jesus Christ; equipped and mobilized laity for purposeful intercultural evangelism (Acts 1:8)

Ministries Leaders

Christian Education Director.........................................................................................Sister Raquel Effinger The State Board of Ushers President................................................. Minister Elizabeth Cheeseman-Martin The State Men’s Ministry President............................................................................. Reverend Jason Sylva The Christian Women Connection President..............................................................Minister Gwen Crooms The State Youth Ministry............................................................................................. Brother Matthew Olge

Credential Board

Reverend Virginia Robinson, Chairperson Reverend Jefferson Bannister Reverend Dr. Arthur W. Davenport Reverend Clfton McDowell Reverend Michael Peynado Reverend Clinton Pough

Welcome to our 73rd Eastern New York General Assembly (ENYGA) annual convention. As my second term as President of this assembly ends in August, I would like to reflect back on the amazing things the Lord has done, and what He is doing among us. During this past year, the Holy Spirit led the Assembly to embark on the following initiatives: • In July, 2015, at the Church of God of East New York, the Credentialing Board once again commissioned, licensed and ordained a total of seven candidates who successfully completed the credentialing process. • We invite you to once again join us at our next Credentialing Service to be held on Sunday, July 10, 2016 at the Church of God of East New York. I encourage all of you to come out and support and encourage your brothers and sisters as they follow the call of God in Christian ministry. • October 2015, I represented the assembly, by traveling to Nicaragua, Central America, with a diverse team of Pastors from several denominations and leaders from Forward Edge Ministries to minister to the needs in several communities especially in the areas of: poverty, child abuse and human trafficking; leadership training for Pastors, ministers, school principals and teachers; preaching and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ; building relationships with other local leaders which resulted in several of them coming to share their stories and testimonies at the Church of God, Freeport in April, 2016. I am grateful and happy to report that this was another example of the power and fruit that is possible when we network in ministry • We were blessed to see additional persons added to the already twenty-one certified New York State Chaplain Federation graduates of 2015. New graduates will include: Pastors, ministers and lay leaders who are currently being trained as Chaplains. These candidates will also be certified by the New York State Chaplain Federation upon completion. • In February 2016, the theme for the Annual Leadership Empowerment Seminar was “Developing and Deploying Devoted Disciples” the seminar was facilitated by Rev. Steve Tice, (of the Navigators), Rev. Dr. Jefferson Bannister, (Pastor, Grace Church Of God) and Rev. Clifton McDowell, (Pastor, Church Of God of East New York). There were one hundred and eighty persons in attendance and the seminar was a tremendous success. • In May, 2016, I participated in a Missions trip to Haiti with the New York Leadership Center and World Vision. The team of twenty inter-denominational leaders from across the country in collaboration with World Vision participated in strategizing how best the church can help with issues like: hunger, poverty, access to clean water, human trafficking, fatherlessness; etc. The opportunity to participate in the first Movement Day in Haiti was also a tremendous blessing and this event was a great success.

• Prayerfully, our churches will join the collaborative effort for a major child sponsoring campaign within the next few months. • The Fourth Year Capital Campaign ended in 2014. We are thankful to those Pastors and congregations that continue to give support to the next church on our priority list (BWCC) which is in dire need to reconstruct that section of their building which was condemned by the city. We are encouraging our sister churches to reach out and help them to complete this project. • I am happy to report that Churches that were without pastors for several years are beginning to see some light appear. The Credential committee continues to work with them through the process to fill those pastoral positions and provide pulpit supply during the process as needed. • In June, 2016, Rev. Jimmy Terry will be installed as Senior Pastor of Prophetic Church of God, Manhattan, NY. • Please prayerfully consider participating in our plans for the next year:

The Assembly leadership will continue to focus on Discipleship and Missions and the need to build the Church through Discipleship, training and mentoring so as to be in a position to pass the baton to emerging leaders.

To work diligently to strengthen and empower the various ministries of the Assembly, (Discipleship, Children, Youth, Urban and Evangelism Ministries). So, we elicit your help to work with the Assembly to Advance the Work of the Kingdom.

The Assembly desires to invest deeply in Christian Education and assist churches in their efforts to build their children and youth ministries.

Disciple-making and Evangelism is and must continue to be a priority. Let us step up to continue focusing on helping churches mobilize & share the gospel by assisting local outreach efforts.

To build the leadership capacities of the Assembly, we are working with Church of God Ministries, Anderson, Indiana; to develop a Leadership Training Curriculum for all levels of the Credentialing process and for organizing and launching the new Christian Bible Institute (CBI).

I solicit your continued prayers, cooperation, and diligence in working along with us as we seek to Develop and Deploy Devoted Disciples, thus fulfilling the Great commission and Great commandment of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to advance work of the Kingdom of God here in New York and throughout the world. Your Servant Leader In Christ,

Rev. Harold E. Banarsee

President, Eastern New York General Assembly of the Church of God

Pastor of Church Life - Cathedral International, Perth Amboy, New Jersey

The Reverend Dr. Danielle L. Brown - Saved and filled with the Holy Ghost at an early age, The Reverend Dr. Danielle L. Brown finds great joy and satisfaction in learning, living, and preaching the Gospel. Rev. Dr. Brown was Licensed to preach on July 17, 2003 by Cathedral International and ordained by the American Baptist Churches and the Covenant Ecumenical Fellowship and Cathedral Assemblies on June 3, 2012. Over the years she has become an increasingly sought after preacher and workshop leader with the ability to communicate the Gospel across multiple generations. Educated in the Perth Amboy Public Schools, Rev. Dr. Brown went on to attend Virginia State University where she was a Provost Scholar and three-sport athlete. After teaching in the Richmond Public Schools, Rev. Brown responded to God’s call to return to the church of her rearing under the dynamic leadership and tutelage of Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. (Senior Pastor) and The Reverend Dr. Bernadette Glover (former Executive Pastor). Currently, she has the honor of serving as the Pastor of Church Life there at Cathedral International (The Historic Second Baptist Church) in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. For the last fifteen years, Rev. Dr. Brown has served in various leadership capacities working to develop and implement ministry programs and strategies. During this time she has developed a passion for mentoring and assisting in the development of church leaders. As such, she serves as a supervisor in the Princeton Theological Seminary Field Education Program, has taught on the adjunct faculty of New York Theological Seminary, and as a co-convener for the Edge Retreat for Young Pastors, Preachers and Lay Leaders. She also serves as the National Liaison of Episcopal Affairs for the Covenant Ecumenical Fellowship and Cathedral Assemblies and is active with the Raritan Association of the American Baptist Churches of New Jersey. Dr. Brown is currently serving a term on the Board of Trustees of New Brunswick Theological Seminary. Committed to education, Rev. Dr. Brown holds both Master of Education and Bachelor of Science Degrees from Virginia State University in Petersburg, Virginia and Master of Divinity and Master of Arts Degrees from New Brunswick Theological Seminary in New Brunswick, New Jersey. She also holds an earned Doctor of Ministry Degree from Palmer Theological Seminary in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Rev. Dr. Brown loves God, God’s Church, and God’s people and counts it and honor and a privilege to serve.

­— Friday, June 3, 2016 - Evening Service - @ 7:30 PM — Church of God East New York 905 Sutter Avenue, Brooklyn, New York Reverend Clifton McDowell, Host Pastor Intercessory Prayer................................................................................................................................... Praise & Worship......................................................................................................... Youth Praise Team Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 28:19-20.......................................................................Maleek Simons Special Selection......................................................................................................... Youth Praise Team President’s Address............................................................................ Reverend Dr. Harold Banarsee Senior Pastor - Church of God of Freeport, Freeport, NY & ENYGA President General Director’s Greeting..............................................................................Reverend Dr. Jim Lyon General Director - Church of God Ministries, Anderson, IN Offering...................................................Minister Carlos Bannister, Grace Church of God, Brooklyn, NY Announcements........................................................................................................................................ Video Introduction of the Speaker Special Sermonic Selection...................................................................... State Convention Praise Team Keynote Speaker........................................................................................................Dr. Danielle Brown

Pastor of Church Life at Cathedral International (The Historic Second Baptist Church)

Altar Call.................................................................................................................................................... Benediction........................................................................................................... Reverend Jimmy Terry Pastor Elect - Prophetic Church of God, New York, NY

General Director - Church Of God Ministries, Anderson, Indiana

Jim Lyon grew up in Seattle, where he served as an Associate and then Senior Pastor of the Fairview Church (1977-1991). In 1991, he moved to Anderson, Indiana (near Indianapolis) to become Senior Pastor of the Madison Park Church of God. After 22 years at Madison Park, he accepted the invitation to become General Director of Church of God Ministries, providing leadership for the Church of God in the United States and Canada (and networking with the church in 84 other countries). Lyon studied at Seattle Pacific University and the University of Washington Law School, before taking a post in Seattle with Northwest Airlines. Always fascinated by politics and the public interest, he has worked in many civic and church-related fields, including representing northwest Seattle as a member of the Washington State House of Representatives. But, it is the Christian ministry that ultimately owned his heart. It is the conviction that Jesus is at work in the world, redeeming and transforming us, that has molded his life and vocation more than any other. Articulate pastor, teacher, and motivational speaker, he became the host of CBH ViewPoint, the English language broadcast of Christians Broadcasting Hope, in 1996; the program is heard worldwide on air and online each week. In 2011, Lyon released his first book, Go Ahead. Ask Anything, published by Stylos and distributed by Word. Based on a sermon series delivered at the Madison Park Church, the book addresses the top ten questions posed in a community survey asking, “If you could ask anything at church, what would it be?” A second book, Jesus B was released by Warner Press in 2015. Lyon and his wife, Maureen, married in 1978 and have four sons and five grandchildren. He enjoys spending time with his family, jogging, traveling, and Haagen Dazs. He loves politics, current events, and biographies. When asked about his Achilles’ heel, he is certain to reply, “chocolate ice cream.”

­— Saturday, June 4, 2015— Westbury Divine Church of God 911 Brush Hollow Road, Westbury, New York Reverend Michael Peynado, Host Pastor

S.H.I.N.E. (Share His Incredible News Everythwhere!) KINGDOM KIDS CONVENTION UNDER THE TENT

9:30 AM – 2:30 PM

9:15 AM - Registration - Children 3-12 Years Old Children’s Workshops Facilitated by Sister Racquel Effinger, Christian Education Director LUNCH

12:30 PM – 1:15 PM

Children’s Workshops Resumes @ 1:15 PM (ends at 2:30 PM)

YOUTH & ADULTS 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

9:30 AM – 3:00 PM

Registration - Youth & Adults

Praise & Worship.......................................................................................State Convention Praise Team Introduction of Speakers........................................................................................................................... Convention Address......................................................................................... Reverend Dr. Jim Lyon General Director - Church of God Ministries, Anderson, IN Workshops............................................................................................ Youth & Adults Praise & Worship State Convention Praise Team LUNCH 12:30 PM – 1:15 PM Praise & Worship........................................................................................ State Convention Praise Team


Dr. Richard Berry

Dr. Steve Tice

Cedric Brown

Rev. Maurice Winley, Sr.

Rev. Dr. Jefferson Bannister

Rev. Clifton McDowell

Rev. Dr. Don Bethany

Min. Gwen Crooms

Rev. John Grable

Steve Tice graduated from Messiah College, Pennsylvania, in 1981 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Music Education. He continued his education at Ohio University where, in 1983, he received a Masters of Music degree in Composition. While at Ohio University Steve and his wife, Audrey met Andy Puleo and became involved with the Navigator OU campus ministry. In 1985 they moved to the NY Metro area to help the Puleos open a ministry at New York University. They joined Navigator staff in 1988 and served at NYU until 1994 when they transferred to Navigator Church Ministries (NCM). In 2013 Steve completed his doctoral studies, receiving a Doctorate of Worship Studies degree from the Robert E. Weber Institute for Worship Studies in Florida. In addition to their work with The Navigators, they have served a number of churches in music ministry, and they own The Malverne School of Music on the south shore of Long Island. Steve has a passion to help churches understand the relationship between Worship and Discipleship, applying this passion through his teaching at Alliance Theological Seminary and the New York School of the Bible, as well as through his work with the Navigators. They have two married sons, Jeremy and Jonathan, and currently one granddaughter and a grandson on the way.

Dr. Berry is a staff member of the Navigators Christian ministry and has served as a minister for 44 years. He founded and developed evangelistic /leadership ministries with military personnel, college students, couples, business professionals, church leaders and pastors, and developed training manuals for these contexts. He is the founding pastor of Southwest Christian Fellowship, Atlanta, Georgia (11 years) and the director emeritus of the Navigators African-American Network (16 years) where he and his dedicated staff helped grow the staff from single digits in 2001 to 97 present faithful servants. Dr. Berry served as the director for Urban Church Expansion with the Evangelical Covenant Church (5 years) and associate superintendent of the Evangelical Covenant Church Southeast Conference (5 years). He has had extensive service on numerous boards including Covenant Retirement Communities (Chicago), Safehouse Outreach Ministries (Atlanta), the Evangelical Covenant Church (Chicago), the Navigators, Quest Atlanta and is a charter board member of Voice of Calvary Ministries (Jackson MS).

Dr. Berry is a graduate of Georgia State University, Dallas Theological Seminary, Luther Rice Seminary, the School of Visual Arts and is publisher of The Urban Disciple. Personal: Dr. Berry was born in Brooklyn, New York and lives in Atlanta with his wife Jane of 47 years. The Berry’s have two adult children and three grandchildren. The Navigators is an independent Christian organization with 3,000 staff persons around the world whose vision is to help Christians grow deep in their personal relationship with God and reach those who are lost. For more information, call 404.787.1714 or write atlantanavigators@gmail.com

Born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, I heard a portion of the gospel while attending a Presbyterian Church. As a student at the University of Alabama, I heard a clear presentation of the gospel. Subsequently, I gave my life to the Lord and received discipleship training through Campus Life and The Navigators. God used that training to not only give me a foundation for a growing, intimate walk with Christ, but also a desire to disciple others, especially those in the African-American community. In 1980 I left my Health Care Management career to receive further discipleship training and to pursue full–time ministry with The Navigators. For sixteen years I labored making disciples for Christ in the collegiate setting. Around 1996, the Lord began influencing my heart to consider ministering in context of making disciples in the local church. Thus in 1998, my ministry began helping churches strengthen their skills in disciplemaking. It is my desire to see church leadership, globally and nationally, help their local congregations to spiritually reproduce their lives in Christ into successive generations of Christ followers. With my spiritual gift of pastor/teacher and a passion for making disciples, it is with this calling on my life that I pursue fulfilling the Great Commission. Since 1998, I have been severing with Navigator Church Ministries, an entity of The Navigators. June 1st, 2016 starts my thirty third year with The Navigators. My wife of 28 years, Alicia, also received discipleship training through The Navigators at the University of Maryland. Along with teaching English at our home church Christian high school, Woodstream Christian Academy, she assists me in working with the ladies in the local church grow to their potential in Christ, with an emphasis on spiritual multiplication. As a team, my wife and I have found that our gifts and talents complement each other as we carry out God’ calling on our lives. Over the years, God has blessed our union with five kids—Christopher 25, Candice 23, Allegra 21, Janine 17, and Emmanuel 17. We currently reside in Camp Springs, MD, a suburb of Washington, DC.

LIVE FREE…LIVE FULL…LEAVE A LEGACY! Rev. Maurice D. Winley, Sr. is third-generation minister who carries on the legacy of his family. He has been active as a youth development specialist with 20 years of experience working with youth and families. He has worked with the full spectrum of youth in various systems, and settings. As a sought-after consultant on youth initiatives with various community based organizations in the Greater New York City area, Rev. Winley founded R.E.A.L Solutions for Youth, an activist consultancy, providing real, effective, authentic, and livable solutions that are youth centered, family focused, and community driven. Mr. Winley has worked with several national and international faith based organizations such as Worldvision, Youth for Christ, Navigators, has served a term as Vice President of the National Chaplains Association for Youth at Risk, and most recently was the Chaplain and Director of Positive Youth Development for St. Christopher’s Inc., an adolescent residential treatment facility serving NYC youth, located in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Rev. Winley currently serves as an Associate Minister, at the Soul Saving Station, a community church, which has been serving the children, youth and families of Harlem, N.Y., since 1942 and is a Board member of the 125th St. Business Improvement District. In April, the New York City Department of Probation, along with 20 nonprofit organizations, launched Arches, a transformative mentoring intervention for young adults on probation in New York City. Arches transformative mentoring is a curriculum-based group mentoring intervention that employs credible messengers as mentors to help justice-involved young adults transform the attitudes and behaviors that have led to criminal activity. Arches is part of Mayor Bloomberg’s Young Men’s Initiative (YMI), a comprehensive effort to tackle the broad disparities slowing the advancement of Black and Latino young men. Arches has engaged 700 young in targeted neighborhoods throughout the city, including Harlem, the Bronx, East New York, Brownsville, Bedford Stuyvesant, and Staten Island. NEXT STEPS (Striving Toward Engagement and Peaceful Solutions) was launched as part of Mayor De Blasio’s Action Plan for Community Safety (MAP for Community Safety), which involves the coordinated efforts of 10 city agencies (NYCHA, NYPD, DYCD, HRA, Parks, OCDV, DFTA, CEO, OCJ, and DOP), community groups, nonprofits, and residents of public housing. These City initiative aims to reduce violent crime and fear, build strong neighborhoods, and promote community accountability. Curriculum-based group mentoring program targeting young adults between the ages of 16 and 24 with the aim of transforming attitudes and behaviors that have led to violence and/or criminal activities. Prospective clients must reside in or near targeted 15 NYCHA housing developments throughout New York City. Rev. Winley has the privilege of serving both as a Project Director for ARCHES and NEXT STEPS in Harlem in conjunction with Harlem Commonwealth Council, Inc. and member of the DOP City-Wide ARCHES Learning Community Steering Committee. Rev. Winley’s program was recognized by the NYC CEO as the High Performing Provider for his implementation of ARCHES for 2013. A dynamic speaker, trainer and experienced counselor, Rev. Winley believes that the core of his passion and insights for youth and families, especially young men, come from his own personal experiences as a teenager, which he shares powerfully at every opportunity. Rev. Winley is happily married to his childhood sweetheart Samantha Winley, and is the proud father of his son, Maurice Duane Winley, Jr.

­— Sunday, June 5, 2015 - Evening Service - @ 5:00 PM — Church of God East New York 905 Sutter Avenue, Brooklyn, New York Reverend Clifton McDowell, Host Pastor Intercessory Prayer................................................................................................................................... Processional of Officers & Clergy............................................................................................................. Praise & Worship.................................................. Minister Joyce Terry & State Convention Praise Team Chairperson - Invocation & Welcome.................................................................... Reverend Jimmy Terry Pastor Elect - Prophetic Church of God, New York, NY Scripture Reading, Matthew 28:19-20............................................................. Minister Pearl Richardson Lafayette Church of God, Brooklyn, NY Congregational Song................................................................................................................................. Offering (Offertory Song by Choir).......................................................Reverend Dr. Arthur W. Davenport Senior Pastor - First Church of God, Far Rockaway, NY Special Presentation by State’s Kingdom Kids......................................................................................... Sis Racquel Effinger (Director - Christian Education) Video Introduction of the Speaker Special Sermonic Selection.................................................................................State Convention Choir Keynote Speaker...............................................................................................Reverend Dr. Jim Lyon General Director, Church of God Ministries, IN Altar Call.................................................................................................................................................... Closing Remarks/Acknowledgements........................................................... Reverend Harold Banarsee Senior Pastor - Church of God of Freeport , Freeport, NY & ENYGA President Benediction....................................................................................................Reverend Clifton McDowell Host Pastor – Church of God East New York, Brooklyn, NY

SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 2016 CONVENTION CLOSING SERVICE 5:00pm (Promptly) Speaker: Reverend Dr. Jim Lyon, General Director, Church of God Ministries ENYGA GENERAL MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2016 @ 8:00 PM End of Year Meeting; All ministry leaders and committees are expected to attend this meeting and come prepared to report on this year’s activities. Venue: 110-10 167th Street, Jamaica, NY Rev. Virginia V. Robinson, Host Pastor

First Church of God

INSTALLATION SERVICE OF REVEREND JIMMY TERRY as Pastor of Prophetic Church Of God, New York, NY JUNE 25, 2016 @ 5:00 PM SPEAKER: BISHOP TIMOTHY J. CLARKE Senior Pastor, First Church of God, Columbus, OH Venue: 911 Brush Hollow Road, Westbury, New York Reverend Michael Peynado, Host Pastor

Westbury Divine Church of God

ENYGA MINISTERIAL CREDENTIALLING SERVICE SUNDAY, JULY 10, 2016 Come celebrate with those being elevated in the Lord’s service as Commissioned, Licensed or Ordained Ministers. Venue: 905 Sutter Avenue, Brooklyn, New York Reverend Clifton McDowell, Host Pastor

Church of God of East New York

YOUTH CAMP MIDDLESEX “Summer Camp like no other!” SUNDAY, JULY 10 - 16, 2016 Plan early and contact Sherrill Durham-Sanders - sherrilldurham@aol.com MINI-YEPAW (Youth Excellence Performing Arts Workshop) SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 2016 – SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 2016 YEPAW on an intensive scale; the mission is to encourage youth, through the arts, to pursue lifestyles of excellence. REGISTRATION AVAILABLE AT: www.yepaw.org CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION NACOG Campground West Middlesex, PA SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 2016 – SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 2016 Theme: Convention forms are available on website: www.nacog.com

“Serving God’s Purpose Through Generations”

REGULAR SCHEDULED GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETINGS Every 2nd Monday @ 7:30p, Starting September 12, 2016 Venue: 1425 Beach Channel Drive, Far Rockaway, NY Rev. Dr. Arthur W. Davenport, Host Pastor

First Church of God

2016 REGIONAL CONVENTION (Church of God, Anderson, IN) TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 – THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2016 Theme: Venue: For more information & registration, contact: 800-848-2464 www.jesusisthesubject.org

“Reclaim Your Neighbor(hood)!” Philadelphia, PA

NIYC (National Inspiration Youth Convention) TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2016 – SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2016 Theme: Venue: Convention forms available on website: www.niyc.org

“It’s A Journey” #NYIC2016 Northern Kentucky

Agape Church of God Springfield Garden, NY Reverend Garvin Graham, Pastor

First Church of God, Jamaica Jamaica, NY Reverend Virginia Robinson, Pastor

Bronx Westchester Community Church of God Bronx, NY Pastor: Vacant

Gospel Trumpet Church of God Bronx, NY Pastor: Vacant

Cathedral of Joy Christian Center Brooklyn, NY Reverend Norma Canty, Pastor

Grace Church of God Brooklyn, NY Reverend Dr. Jefferson W. Bannister, Pastor

Church of God of East NY Brooklyn, NY Reverend Clifton McDowell, Pastor

Lafayette Avenue Church of God Brooklyn, NY Reverend Charles K. Darsan, Pastor

Community Church of God Corona, NY Pastor: Vacant

Mission Church of God Liberty, NY Reverend Ruth Sellers-Ward, Pastor

Church of God of Freeport Freeport, NY Reverend Harold E. Banarsee, Pastor

New Testament Church of God Brooklyn, NY Reverend Dr. Don Bethany, Pastor

Congregational Church of God Manhattan, NY Reverend J-Anthony Dargan, Pastor

Prophetic Church of God Manhattan, NY Reverend Jimmy O. Terry, Pastor-Elect

Discipleship Faith Church of God Brooklyn, NY Reverend Clinton Pough, Pastor

Refuge Church of God, Inc, Brooklyn, NY Reverend Kevin R. Osbourne, Pastor

Evangelical Church of God Bronx, NY Pastor: Vacant

Rock Church of God Bronx, NY Reverend Lennox Martin, Pastor

First Church of God of Amityville Amityville, NY Reverend Cleveland Cummings, Pastor

United Community Church of God Laurelton, NY Reverend Dr. Charles Collymore, Pastor

First Church of God of Rochester Rochester, NY Reverend Dr. Dwight Fowler, Pastor

Westbury Divine Church of God Westbury, NY Reverend Michael Peynado, Pastor

First Church of God, Far Rockaway Far Rockaway, NY Reverend Dr. Arthur W. Davenport, Pastor Program Journal Printing Entrusted To: MLD Communications, 973-783-6198, mldcomm@aol.com

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