Gloria V. Lawrence Program

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Sunrise: November 29, 1929 Sunset: August 25, 2024

“The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” Job 1:21 NIV


FirstS.D.A.ChurchofTeaneck 405EastEnglewoodAvenue,Teaneck,NJ07666 OfficiatingMinisters:

PastorDr.KendallGuy CityTabernacleofSDA,NewYorkCity,NY

PastorJovanWhyte CommunitySDAChurch,Englewood,NJ



PastorCarlHinds FamilyFriend

PastorDr.CourtneyGoulding CornerstoneSDAChurch,Brooklyn,NY





Opening Remarks

Opening Hymn

Opening Prayer


Special Music

Pastor Jovan Whyte

Pastor Dr. Kendall Guy


#462 “Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine”

Pastor Bertie Runcie

Pastor Carl Hinds

Old Testament Reading: Psalm 18:1-6

New Testament Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Lovener Walcott-Whitman

City Tabernacle of S D A “Goodness of God”


Pastor Dr. Abraham Jules

Atlantic Union Conference of S D A

Elder Evelyn Smith

Community S.D.A. Church

Life Sketch

Tributes & Reflections: Family

Friends & Neighbors


Dr. Marcia Harris (Family Friend)

Dr. Emorcia Hill (Niece)

Mr. Devon Wilson (Nephew)

Mrs. Maureen Thomas (Niece)

Mr Robert Simms (Family Friend)

Mrs. Tenneth Hinds


Tributes & Reflections cont’d: Church


Prayer of Comfort

Special Music



Closing Hymn



Elder Karlajean Taylor (City Tabernacle of S.D.A.)

Remnant Singers (Community S D A Church)

Pastor Dr. Courtney Goulding

Pastor Jovan Whyte

Lovener Walcott-Whitman

“10,000 Reasons Why”

Dr. Emorcia Hill

Funeral Director

Congregation #633 “ When We All Get to Heaven”

Pastor Dr. Kendall Guy

“For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.”

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 NKJV



Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!

O what a foretaste of glory divine!

Heir of salvation, purchase of God, born of his Spirit, washed in his blood.


This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long; this is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long.


Perfect submission, perfect delight, visions of rapture now burst on my sight; angels descending bring from above echoes of mercy, whispers of love.


Perfect submission, all is at rest; I in my Savior am happy and blest, watching and waiting, looking above, filled with his goodness, lost in his love.



Sing the wondrous love of Jesus; Sing his mercy and his grace In the mansions bright and blessed

He’ll prepare for us a place.


When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be!

When we all see Jesus, We’ll sing and shout the victory!


While we walk the pilgrim pathway, Clouds will overspread the sky; But when traveling days are over, Not a shadow, not a sigh.


Let us then be true and faithful, Trusting, serving every day; Just one glimpse of him in glory Will the toils of life repay.


Onward to the prize before us!

Soon his beauty we’ll behold; Soon the pearly gates will open; We shall tread the streets of gold.


GloriaVesetaWalkerLawrencewasborninthecommunityofSpringBank,Portland,Jamaica,on November29,1929.ShewasthefirstoftwochildrenborntoMaeBrowne,neeWalker.Heryoungersister, VedaLeonaDavy,predeceasedher GloriacompletedherearlyeducationinPortland,thenrelocated,firsttoKingstontofurtherherstudies,then totheUnitedStates,whereshejoinedhermotherintheBronx,NewYork.Aftervisitingmultiplechurches, shesettledonachurchhome,andaffiliatedwiththeCityTabernacleofSeventhDayAdventistsinNewYork City.CityTabremainedherhomechurchfortheduration.Atthechurch,sheservedinnumerouscapacities: fromtheAdventistYouthDepartment,Women'sMinistry,SabbathSchool,andonthechurchchoir,where herbeautifulsopranovoicerangoutconsistently.Shealsoco-foundedtheSOY(SaveOurYouth)Club,an organizationthatencouragedacademicexcellenceandprovidedmonetarycontributionstoyoungpeople towardstheireducation.Shewastheconsummatefund-raiserandherleadershipinthosecircumstances couldbecountedon

Herinvolvementinthechoirwasalsoinstrumentalinherultimatelifecourse.OnatriptoJamaicawhile touringwiththechurchchoirin1966,Gloriametandcaughttheattentionoftheeligible,distinguishedand dapperMiltonLawrence.OnreturningtotheUnitedStates,hesoughtheroutandthesparkwhichhadbeen kindledinJamaica“caughtfire” Sixmonthslater,they“tiedtheknot”and,asacouple,becameapowerful forcetobereckonedwith.Theirunionwasoneofcommitment,compassion,andChrist-centeredness.They sharedtheloveofserviceandministeredtomany Heremaineddevotedtoherandshetohimuntilhis passinginAugustof2017afteraprolongedillness.

Shewasanamazingcookwithapassionforpreparinghealthyanddelectablemeals Shewasaregularand awesomecontributortotheHospitalityDepartmentofthechurch,eventuallybecomingthe“go-to”personfor allfood-relatedchurchfunctions:banquets,parties,repasts,anddinners Inaddition,herdelicious,usually “madefromscratch”vegetariandishesandotherculinarydelightsformedthebaseofanythingthatinvolved eatingatthechurchandwerelegendary

Alongwithhercookingskillscameher“greenthumb” Gloriaalwaysmaintainedaflourishingflowergarden andavegetablegardenthateverysummerwouldproducelovepackagesofcallaloo,tomatoes,cucumbers, squash,andotherhomegrownstaplesforherfamilyandfriends

GloriawasgainfullyemployedatthePortAuthorityofNewYork/NewJerseyasaphlebotomistand laboratorytechnicianfor25years Inthemid1980’s,shebecameretirement-eligibleandfullyembracedthe opportunity.Whileretired,hermotherdeclinedinhealthandGloriadedicatedmuchofhertimetoher mother’scare,untilAuntMaypassedawayin1991

Gloriapersonifiedkindness Hergenerositywasunparalleled Shewasdignified,quiet,wellspoken,yet authoritativeandassertive.Shewasacaring,considerate,vibrant,andreadysourceofcomfortandstrength foranyoneinneed Shewasagoodlistenerandgavewisecounsel Despitehavingnobiologicalchildren,she mothered,mentored,andsupportedsomanypeople Shebelievedineducationanddelightedintheir achievementsandcontinuouslyencouragedalltopursueexcellence.

AfterMiltonspassingherhealthbegantodecline,necessitatingfull-timeassistance.Overthenextseveral years,first,Sonia,andthen,Tenneth,werebothdedicatedtoherwell-being SisterLawrencefellasleep peacefullyonSunday,August25,2024. Mourningherloss,butcelebratingherlifeareherniece,Emorcia (June),andnephews,Fitzroy,Derrick,andDevon;Milton'ssister,Claire(Sissy),andherdaughters,Cecileand Maureen;Milton'ssister-in-law,Audrey,andherchildren,DonnamaeandJanette,cousins,andotherfamily members,including“nieces”,SharonandAnnette,anddevotedfriend,Marcia Sleepon,Gloria,sleepon!Weknowandbelievethatthereisagreatdaycomingwhenthetrumpshallsound andthedeadinChristshallrisefirst Itwon'tbelongwhenwewillseeyou"inthemorning”


May the life I’ve lived speak for me. May the life I’ve lived speak for me. When I come to the end of this road, And I lay down my heavy load, May the life that I’ve lived speak for me.

Let the friends I’ve made speak for me.

Let the friends I’ve made speak for me. When I come to the end of this road, And I lay down my heavy load, Let the friends I’ve made speak for me.

Let the love I’ve shared speak for me.

Let the love I’ve shared speak for me. When I come to the end of this road, And I lay down my heavy load, Let the love I’ve shared speak for me

May the work I've done speak for me. May the work I've done speak for me. When I come to the end of this road, And I lay down my heavy load,

May the works that I've done speak for me.

The work that I've done, it seemed so small, Sometimes it seemed like I've done nothing at all.

When I stand before my God, I want to hear Him say well done.

May the life that I’ve lived speak for me.


“Aunt Gloria was a good neighbor that always had a kind word She was caring and loving We’ll miss her ” Deborah Alford, Neighbor

“Our Aunt G's legacy of love guided and blessed us. Praises!”

Annette Clayton Baker, Family Friend, Kingston, Jamaica

“I remember you in a loving way, light and spirit.”

Joelle Baker, Family Friend, Kingston, Jamaica

“When I meditate on Aunt Gloria, immediately the Fruit of the Spirit comes to mind: gentleness, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and love, but the greatest is love Aunt Gloria was LOVE So long; we’ll see you in the morning ” Lilliam Banner and Pastor Bruce Banner, Family Friends, Middlesex, New Jersey

“Auntie Glo-Glo: Legendary! Luminous lady of laughter, life, liberality, and love.”

Cecile (Howe) Boyd (Niece) & Frederick Boyd, St Andrew, Jamaica

“You've lived a long, good life, Cuz. I will always remember you. R.I.P. Gloria!”

Ruel Gibson (Cousin) & Family, St. Andrew, Jamaica

“Mrs. Lawrence, Aunt Gloria, beautiful from inside out, wonderful, selfless, greatest personality.” Ortigo Hinds, Caregiver

“Gloria was a very generous and strong-willed person, She will be missed ”

Claire V (Lawrence) Howe, Sister-in-law, Lawrenceville, Georgia

“Mrs. Lawrence was a kind and caring neighbor and friend. Always willing to lend a helping hand Mrs Lawrence will be missed May she rest in peace ” Frank & Frances James, Neighbor

“Gloria was all about annual holiday celebrations - Thanksgiving & Christmas;. We traveled to New Jersey and enjoyed family time, baking, cooking, serving, eating and cleaning up. ” Audrey Lawrence, Sister-in-law, Grand Island, Florida

“Aunt Gloria was a sweet, no-nonsense person with a strong personality. Always giving advice, cooking and helping all in a loving and caring way. She was of Christ and full of love, dignity and integrity.”

Sharon Lawson, Niece, Port Antonio, Portland, Jamaica

“A genuine person, a rare gem I will miss Sis Lawrence ” Sonia Marr, Former Caregiver

"We treasure fond memories and hope to be reunited soon " Donnamae (Lawrence) McDonald (Niece) & Paul McDonald, Eustis, Florida

“Aunt Gloria, no more pain! All reunited on resurrection day!”

Janette (Lawrence) Neufville (Niece) & Densil Neufville, Rutledge, Tennessee

“Gloria Lawrence was the kindest, most thoughtful mother who did not biologically birth a child, but had so many of us! Her selfless, cheerful, ever-giving lifestyle seemed driven by the maxim, To live is to give ” Raymond & Eileen Pilliner, Family Friends, Eustis, Florida


“Sister Lawrence was a spiritual mother to our family. Our children shared a very special bond with the Lawrences, so much so that they would chase any emergency vehicle down the road to ensure that it wasn’t heading to the Lawrences’ house. We will all miss her.”

Simms Family, Neighbors & Family Friends

“Forever cherished, deeply missed, eternally with the Lord.”

Rhona & Sasha Thompson, Cousins, Mount Vernon, New York

“Eternally grateful for Aunt Gloria’s unwavering love and for securing my Law School internship at the Port Authority.”

Vivienne Uruakpa, Cousin, Manor, New York

“A christian, sophisticated lady of fashion, who loved religious music ”

Ralph & Marie (Brown) Vanderpool, Family Friends

“Mrs. Gloria Lawrence was a pillar in the Teaneck Community and held in high esteem She was a true friend, neighbor, mentor, and leader. She will be sorely missed.”

Patrcia White, on behalf of the Lower Stuyvesant Road Members

“Gloria Lawrence was a victorious woman and friend, I will miss her.”

Sharon Crewes Whitney, Neighbor

“We have lost one of our nucleus members, Gloria Walker Lawrence. She was a member for over 74 years. An elegant stylish lady that would grace our halls all decked out in pretty hats and beautiful outfits. A cook indeed, SOY club member, former choir member. City Tabernacle mourns this loss; she will always be in our memory. ” Leadership & Church Congregation

“It was a pleasure to have known Sis. Lawrence. She took part in preparing lunch with Sylvia Brice and Launey Myke whenever we had large functions. I remember the times when she stayed at church until everything was finished. I loved her pretty hats. Rest in peace until we all meet in glory.”

Sis. Sarah White & Daughters

“In loving memory of our beloved Sis. Gloria Lawrence, also known to us as ‘Aunt Gloria’. We wish to remember her fondly as a kind and giving person who was always supportive and dedicated to her church family She loved to cook, and made many delicious vegetarian dishes for church We ate together on Sabbaths and we will cherish the many fond memories of her as they will be embedded in our hearts forever To the family we express our deepest condolences and sympathy on the loss of your beloved aunt We look forward to that great day, if we are faithful, when we will all meet again, at the welcome table” Maritza, Hazel, Isla, Betty & Zeta

“A tribute to one of the kindest persons we know Aunt Gloria was a loving person who supported the youth, the children and the church She liked to cook Shes a planner and she made sure that the plan was carried out exactly the way she wanted it done She loved people, but wasnt afraid to speak her mind I'm certainly going to miss her We will see you in the morning” Peaches Peterkin (her ‘adopted daughter’), Karla & Family

City Tabernacle of SDA, New York City, New York


Collectively and individually the family’s words spoken and unspoken—cannot sufficiently express our deep appreciation for all those who have stood with Gloria Lawrence for and in all times We stand in awe of and forever blessed by her amazing and simply awesome network We are so humbled by and thankful for your presence in her life and by extension in our collective and individual lives. The family of Gloria Lawrence stands together, in deepest gratitude.


Pastor Bruce Banner

Dudley Christopher Ortigo Hinds

Brandon Simms

Patrick Walcott

Devon Wilson


First S.D.A. Church of Teaneck Gymnasium 405 East Englewood Avenue, Teaneck, NJ 07666

Monday,September23,2024|10:00a.m. GeorgeWashingtonMemorialPark 234ParamusRoad,Paramus,NJ07653

Nesbitt Funeral Home

D. Emanuel Scott Manager and Funeral Director 175 West Englewood Avenue, Englewood, NJ 07631

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