Friday, March 15, 2024 at 10 a.m.
Rising Mt. Zion Baptist Church
27 Monroe Place, Montclair, NJ 07042
Rev. Elizabeth Jackson Campbell, Pastor
— Order of Celebration —
Minister Juanita Livingston, O ciant
Organ Prelude ..................................................................................................................Rev. Cedric McKoy

Processional ........................................................................................................................ Clergy and Family
Opening Remarks Pastor Elizabeth Campbell
“It Is Well with My Soul” ......................................................................................................... Congregation
Invocation ............................................................................................................................Deacon Ida Henry
Scripture Readings .............................................................................................................................
Old Testament: Ecclesiastes 2:1-8 ............................................... Deacon Robin Jackson
New Testament: 1 Corinthians 15:50-57 .............................. Sister Renee Washington
Prayer of Comfort Rev. Dr. Bobby Williams
Song of Inspiration.............................................................................................................. Denise Hamilton
Poem .............................................................................................................................................. Natalie Avery
Rising Mt. Zion: Sister Arlene McDu e, Deacon Ruthie Greene, Trustee William Sco

Family: Chanell Bussey
Friends: Anita Mack

Life Re ections ...................................................................................................... Trustee Lynn McFarlane
“His Eye is on the Sparrow”...................................................................................................... Sheri Aquart
Message of Comfort ........................................................................................... Pastor Elizabeth Campbell
“Going Up Yonder” ................................................................................................................... Congregation
Interment: Rosedale Cemetery
Family and Friends are invited for fellowship and repast in the downstairs Fellowship Hall following interment

Pall Bearers:
Vandell Johnson, Tyree Williams Lewis, Lamar Rhea, John C. Washington, Marcus Washington, Earl Wiggins

MARSHA F NCES RHEA made her rst appearance on July 26, 1950 at Mountainside Hospital in Glenridge, New Jersey – born the second daughter of Marion Frances Rhea and Lawrence W. Rhea of Montclair. She was a fragrant ower who blessed all those around her. With her endearing smile, she was a ray of sunshine who continued to shine brightly through all the ups and downs of life until she rested in the arms of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As soon as she could scoot around on all fours, Marsha began following her big sister Nancy, whom she adored. Just three years apart, they remained close throughout their lives. Marsha grew up in Montclair, a ended the public schools and was a proud member of Montclair High School’s Class of 1969.

Marsha pursued higher education at Virginia State University before going to work for the County of Essex, New Jersey. She retired in 2012 a er 41 years in several di erent roles and departments, rising through the ranks to become a supervising clerk overseeing 31 clerks in the O ce of Child Support Enforcement. She received the ABBA Award and Essex County Teamwork Award, and the Essex County Board of Freeholders passed a resolution in her honor when she retired.
Marsha had one son, Darnell, from her rst marriage. She raised up Darnell with the help of her village — her family and friends. en she met Raleigh McQueary, the love of her life. From the day they married, Marsha and Riley were inseparable! ey nurtured and raised Darnell together, had their own o ce cleaning business, entertained together, and traveled together.
Underscoring the importance they placed on family, Marsha and Raleigh jointly purchased a two-family East Orange home with Marsha’s parents where they all lived out their lives.

Marsha was part of Rising Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Montclair since she was born. In fact, as a child she and her family lived upstairs in the two-family Wheeler Street house where the church was located until it moved to its current edi ce. She was baptized at an early age and remained a faithful, active member ever since. Upon their

marriage, Raleigh joined and they sang together as church choir members where he served for a time as president. ey loved and were dearly loved by their church family.
In her early years, Marsha made friends with whom she remained close for the rest of her life and she continually brought more friends into her circle. ey gathered at each other’s homes, took trips together, prayed together, and shared life’s joys and sorrows. One time, on a two-day “cruise to nowhere,” Marsha and Raleigh stayed up all night so they would not miss the 8 a.m. time to get o the ship and go home. ey didn’t want to get le behind on the ship!

A er 33 years of marriage, Raleigh passed away in 2017 and Marsha lost her partner for a time. Her son Darnell suddenly passed the following year. Marsha was devastated. But she never lost her faith. Grieving their loss and su ering many health challenges, she continued to praise God, continued to care for, aid, and pray for her family, especially her grandson, niece and nephew, and the rising generations. Now she is at peace and we believe she is reunited with her loved ones.
Marsha and her dad were known for working together to plant owers, elaborately decorate their home for Christmas and other holidays, and host dinners and cookouts. A er her parents and husband passed away, Marsha kept up these traditions until she fell ill. Her cooking was renowned, especially her macaroni and cheese and her lemon cake. When Marsha showed up to a party, she rarely arrived without bringing that lemon cake.
Marsha’s heart was for her family and friends and she was always there when someone was in need. She was a prayer warrior who never gave up. She was a warm and generous person who loved to demonstrate love. She was a mighty woman of God.

Marsha is predeceased by her husband, Raleigh; son, Darnell Lewis; parents Deaconess Marion Rhea and Deacon Lawrence Rhea; sister, Nancy Giles; and nephew, Larry Jones. She is survived and will be greatly missed by her grandson, Tyree William Lewis; dutiful niece, Wendy Rhea; the devoted aunt who she called her angel, Rev. Elizabeth Jackson Campbell; step-nephew, Earl Wiggins; great-niece, Chanell Bussey; great-nephew Lamar Rhea; 4 great grandnieces; 5 great grandnephews;1 great-great grandniece; special cousins: Robin Jackson; Lynn McFarlane, and Renee Washington (John); sister-in-law, Viole a Rhea; Tyree’s guardian Vandell Johnson; cherished friends: Wendy Fleming, Bonnie Taylor, and Diane Connors; the Rising Mt. Zion Baptist Church family; and other dear relatives, close friends, classmates, and former co-workers.