2 share with many others, what we believe to be a quality, well-balanced publication for our sisters. Check the website for a growing list of stores where The DIVA Zone Magazine will be distributed for free. Power Couples Magazine will be distributed in the same stores. We are counting on you to help us spread the good news! Inside this Teaser Issue, you will be richly blessed by articles which will restore your hope in godly courtship, healthy communication, valuing your mate, and preparing your finances for the inevitable mishaps in life. You will be introduced to a New Jersey native Power Couple, Pastor Samuel and First Lady Donna Hayes leaders of Friendship A.M.E. Church INSIDE THIS ISSUE in Browns Mills, N.J. Their marriage is truly a Overview: Power Couples Magazine is a newly God sent example for a Christ centered union. launched quarterly publication offered in print (with scaling national distribution) as From all of us here at Brooks Media Group, well as an electronic format which will allow “Cheers!” to a Healthy, Happy, and Whole us to expand even further and make your 2018! We do hope you join us for the formal reading experience more interactive; and launch of Power Couples in July 2018! more readily accessible. It is also our hope that Najiyyah Brooks, Publisher our readers are encouraged to electronically FOUNDING PUBLISHER AND EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Najiy yah Brooks MANAGING EDITOR -IN-CHIEF Najiy yah Brooks SENIOR CREATIVE DIRECTOR Madelin Dargan, MLD Communications CONTRIBUTING WRITERS / EDITORS Najiy yah Brooks Javis M. Brunson, CC Jackson, Micah Jackson, Dr. Teresa R. Mar tin and Sherman P. Pegues Advertising Sales and Editorial Offices: Brooks Media Group LLC 120 Eagle Rock Avenue, Suite 319 East Hanover, New Jersey 07936 866-350-1150—toll free / 973-585-6759 - of f ice w w w.powercouplesagazine.com / sales@divazonemagazine.com w w w.brooksmediallc.com Power Couples Magazine™ is published four times a year by Brooks Media Group LLC and - with The DIVA Zone Magazine as its base - has earned the readership of both national and international online audiences of couples seeking to lead well-balanced, happy, healthy, wealthy, and spiritually sound marriages. Contribution of ar ticles, photographs and industr y information are welcome, but cannot be returned. Brooks Media Group’s mission is to inspire, educate, uplif t and encourage all people into well balanced and prosperous lives. Adver tisers who of fer products, ser vices and events in suppor t of our mission are encouraged to contact our Sales Depar tment at 866-350-1150 or sales@divazonemagazine.com © Copyright 2018. All rights reser ved. No par t of this publication may be reproduced in any form, including photocopying, electronic retrieval / publication without written permission of the Publisher.
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Inspiration Through Communication FEATURE:
When God Speaks, the Wise Listen:
An Intimate Chat with Pastor Sam and Lady Donna Hayes
What Size Is Your Emergency Fund?
Why Getting Married is Financially Smart
11 RELATIONSHIP Do You Value Your Mate?
“H H
ow sweet it is, to be loved by you,” is the title cut of the fif th album of the sultr y soul singer Mar vin Gaye. In 1965 Mar vin “topped The Char ts” with his classic single that still delivers the timeless message of Love. To be loved Is the most awesome feeling in the world! To have someone in your
life who desires you and you alone, is truly a gif t. Marriage has long been a traditional and sacred institution. However, we may not see many of today ’s millennials embarking on this joyous journey of lifelong companionship. In this technolog y and information age, there is always a chance to be distracted, mislead, and even misunderstood. Who we are, and how we appear is of ten ver y dif ferent from the perceptions that people have of us. Social media has become an interactive résumé so to speak. A quick peek at someone’s Facebook or Instagram page can give you an unfiltered look into what appears to be a person’s lifestyle. The question today is... How true and authentic is a person in comparison to the way he/ she appears to be? Our perceptions can be ver y inaccurate when evaluating the qualities and traits of those with whom we have not met. Having an actual conversation has almost become all but obsolete. Perhaps with all of the “lights, and cameras,” not to mention the games
and the endless amounts of apps, we have come to overlook the value of using our mobile devices to verbally communicate. It is true; nothing can take the place of interacting with another human being. However, that does not stop the constant quest of creating a society, that prefers to interact with a device instead of another person. I met my wife two years ago at a gathering. We spoke brief ly and were ver y cordial. Although we did not exchange numbers at the time, we were able to connect at another gathering and have brief conversation. Af ter our second meeting. I begin to develop more of an interest in her. Again, we did not exchange numbers; however, with the help of social media, I was able to find her FB page and request her friendship. I was elated to be able to see her pictures and the many events she posted. I was clearly looking to see if there was a man in her life and any signs of her being married. I know, I know, there is limited information you can gather from social media; yet, it was a way for me to learn as much as possible before expressing my interest in becoming better acquainted with her. We soon began to communicate through instant messenger and had brief interactions on occasion. Shor tly thereaf ter, we scheduled time to talk over the phone, which soon became a nightly delight. Although she lives in New Jersey and I lived in New York, the distance between us was shor t and of no challenge for us to connect daily by phone. Our conversations grew and blossomed like never before, I was taken back to the days where communicating by phone was the absolute and only way to communicate without being physically with someone. We
conversed by phone for 2 1/2 months prior to seeing each other again. By the time we met up for our first date, we were not only well acquainted with one another but, we had already begun to develop feelings for each other through our friendship and several conversations. We spoke daily, and we texted each other in between time. We developed a mutual respect and began to fall in Love. We were soon in a committed relationship. And now af ter dating exclusively for well over a year, we are now happily married! In this present era of technolog y and information, be sure not to allow your messages to be unclear or misinterpreted. Your future happiness could ver y well depend on your willingness to converse. Do not allow inaccurate perceptions to speak on your behalf. Relationships are a linguistic phenomenon. Find your inspiration through verbal communication... Written by Sherman Pegués
Awaken a 65 Day Journey to Discovering a Truer You, can be purchased through Xulon Press http://w w w.xulonpress.com/ bookstore/bookdetail.php?PB_ ISBN=9781622302802 And my audiobook Awaken a 65 Day Journey to Discovering a Truer You is available on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/ album/awaken/id1175276293 My blog, Adventures in Wife & Motherhood will launch March 1, 2018.
When God Speaks,
THE WISE LISTEN: A Heart to Heart Chat with Pastor Samuel and First Lady Donna Hayes
by Najiyyah Brooks
“I Met My Husband!” I remember my sister
of 25 years, Donna, excitedly proclaiming, in a phone call to me over ten years ago. When she told me how they met and how long they ’d known each other before she was sure of this truth, - although quick by the world’s standard - I was immediately convinced. Donna has always been spirit led so I knew that this was serious. Their cour tship was one of stor y books and their now ten-year marriage has been a beautiful page turner and one full of the glor y of God.
in the hallway that God had revealed to him his wife. The funny par t is when they asked him who I was his only response “ We have not formally met, I don’t know her name, but God has spoken.” And I absolutely heard God say to me during that same encounter “ There is your husband.” PC: How long did you date before marriage?
Hayes: We would love to weigh in on the necessit y of relational dating. We believe people date for a variet y of reasons to ascer tain suitabilit y; feasibilit y of a good time or to grow When God gave me the vision four years ago stronger in love. However, two people of faith to publish a magazine that promoted love, believing God has spoken must surrender communication, healthy relationships, and to the command here is your husband/wife. balanced Christ-centered marriage, The Hayes The problem with dating seems to be people were my f irst and only choice to grace the f irst look for hints to uncommit or highlight cover! inadequacies that illuminate imper fections It is my distinct honor to introduce to many justif ying relational f light. The longer the and present to some, my friends, Donna and dating period the greater focus on negative Sam Hayes. God’s way is the best way. Singles, attributes creating doubt /anxiet y. There is a dif ference between secular falling in love and this is note taking material. Enjoy! Divine rising in love. We all fall in the process Disclaimer from The Hayes: We are going of love the power of God in the midst of the to answer from the foundation of Divinely falling raises you together as one. So, the Imputed Wisdom; not a worldly practical raising of a couple in love must have a purpose voice. Some people will believe what we no one wants to keep falling and rising to date are saying is unreasonable and we will however falling and rising for a married couple agree what we say may be impractical for is foundational. We guess what we are tr ying those who are not completely trusting to say is why waste all of this ef for t on dating in God’s power. Notwithstanding, we ask when you could be writing a marital narrative. each reader to join us in an upper room understanding believing in the power of PC: What was it that attracted you initially? (Donna and Sam provide answers) the Holy Ghost for success. Sam: When my f irst wife passed away I came to understand things had changed. I had Hayes: We have been married 10 years been in a relationship with her from 13 years September 2017. of age married the day af ter I turned 19 and honoring the covenant till death do us par t for PC: How did you meet? 23 years. So, I was not prepared for the fast Hayes: We met at a Church Conference. pace or the many side roads I can recall pulling PC: Did you know immediately that you had my car over to the end of the base airpor t met your wife/husband? runway with tears in my eyes declaring to God Hayes: Yes, we knew instantly it was a “I can’t do this, I need restoration dating is not ver y spiritual moment. God was speaking for me.” I was not attracted to that lifest yle profoundly in the corridors of the Sheraton at all whatsoever. So, I had to wait for my gif t Hotel and we were able to conf irm this when from on high and the best way I can explain it we reconciled our narratives. He subsequently is using the example in the book of Acts when shared with his church members and friends God told His disciples to go, wait and pray and af ter speaking to me as we passed one another you will receive power af ter the Holy Ghost has PC: How long have you two been married?
5 Hayes: The biggest challenge has been making sure ever yone feels loved and fulf illed; knowing that it is dif f icult to impossible to please ever yone however at the end of the day if the house is still standing, if people are still shouting To God Donna: When I f irst met Sam, I Be the Glor y; if people’s feelings thought he was ver y handsome, but have not been marginalized, all the initial attraction had nothing hear ts cleared, egos massaged, to do with his appearance it came smiles exchanged we have won because God told me he was my another day this has been the husband I know God’s voice, I was greatest struggle. And really sure, and I believed God. It really this has also been the greatest was spiritual to the point of nothing reward knowing that only God else mattered because my prayers could have made those things of “God if I am to be married you happen and kept us all together. have to send him” He did and that was good enough for me. Both of PC: Do you believe in Marriage us are in agreement that we were Counseling? How impor tant is preattracted to God the vessels just marital counseling? happened to be magnif icent. Hayes: We absolutely believe PC: Do you subscribe to the belief in Marriage Counseling underof “traditional gender specif ic standing that God is the f irst roles” in your marriage? Example: Counselor. Considering that if the Husband provides f inances, Wife need for facilitation or arbitration takes care of home/children. Why should arise there should be an or why not? Explain what works for introspective moment investigating the breakdown in spiritual comyour family. munication. What can man tell you Hayes: We believe whatever the that God has not already said in so moment calls for God will empower many ways before you can listen to His vessel to stand up and do His each other with ef fectiveness you will. We believe God’s Will cannot be have to be able to listen to God’s gender specif ied when societ y has counsel. If you are doing these so convoluted and subordinated dif ferences will arise emotions will roles forcing inequalit y using swirl but as an individual, you must gender as a basis of justif ication. be aware of the impor tance of Husband love your wife, wife love surrendering. Counseling is simply your husband, husband submit teaching how to surrender and who to your wife, wife submit to your better to practice on than God? husband as God so leads. To In marriage counseling what we believe other wise places the power have found are people are not so of the husband in a position not much disagreeing with each other divinely inspired; places the wife as they are disagreeing with God in a position not divinely inspired. and the unfor tunate damage from It is only when God is the head of disagreement with God t ypically your relationship that you truly falls on those closest to us. A s far prosper. To add to this there are as pre-marital counseling goes this cer tain aspects of a marriage that is an area you should have been a woman may desire greater and working on since pre-school. Take cer tain aspects of a marriage that all those things you have dreamed a man may desire greater with a about put them all together and great spiritual compromise gender tell God I have spent a lifetime should not be as signif icant as interpreting Your promise hopefully societ y has labeled it. Let the it shall be exceeding abundantly bread winner be the bread winner, above all I ask for. let the bread maker make bread whoever does which the best that ’s PC: Lady Donna, what is your biggest challenge and your biggest how God blesses. blessing being married to a Senior PC: What has been the biggest Pastor? challenge you’ve faced as a married Donna: My biggest challenge being couple? married to a Senior Pastor is tr ying come upon your situation. So, what initially attracted me was a sound from Heaven a rushing might y wind created by Donna passing me by and my soul heard God speak “Here she is” and I was immediately attracted.
to make sure that my husband who takes such great care of all in his charge takes great care of himself without coming of f as motherly but as a loving wife. I am married to a godly man who takes his calling ver y seriously he labors to exhaustion and I want to make sure I am doing my wholly best to care for him by being the best helpmate I can be in order that he may continue to do his work being his best self and doing this for him is also my biggest blessing. PC: Pastor Sam, how impor tant is it that you have Lady Donna’s input when making decisions in life (home, ministr y, professional, f inancial)? Sam: For me active dut y militar y combat veteran 25 years retired USAF my mind is trained with mission imperatives. I will not place any aspect of my relationship to Donna in jeopardy by excluding her from the battle plan. No matter which f ield of endeavor or tempo she will be a co-chair on the board of Hayes Incorporated. In all my life I have not came under the necessit y of an on the spot decision you always have time to call on God and call on God’s helper who is your spouse. I do not make decisions without my wife concerning our home, concerning our ministr y, concerning our f inances, concerning my job. Let me expound on this people believe the only way to cheat or be unfaithful is physical intercourse but you can have extramarital af fairs and lose the trust of your spouse in a host of areas. Folk lust af ter more than sexualit y at the expense of spousal dignit y. The last thing I want in my life is a look of disappointment
6 from the one I love. Therefore, she is empowered to exercise her command authorit y as she sees f it. PC: Who is more protective of the family? Spiritually speaking? Hayes: Ever yone who knows us thinks we are spiritually fanatical, but we are just passionate people and we recognize streng th not only in numbers but in the scope of family health. So, we are always seeking ways to for tif y each other spiritually and insuring ever yone has the best oppor tunit y for success. PC: Lady Donna, how impor tant is it for First Ladies to be secure in their position as a woman and a leader? Donna: It is impor tant for a First lady or any lady for that matter to f irst be secure in her position as a child of God and be secure in her relationship with Him this will then allow her not to be bothered by labels others will cer tainly attempt to place on her and give her the assurance that she is valuable and awesome f irst in the eyes of Christ. She must keep her eyes on God because if she begins to look and focus on others she will become reliant on what others say to validate her and manipulate her into doing what they want. But focusing on God she will do what God wants and her leadership abilities will stand no matter what tries to come against her. A s a woman I speak in harmony with other great women as a leader I speak from individual accountabilit y to God and I am secure in both of those roles. PC: What advice would you share with single (women and men) who are seeking a godly mate? Hayes: The f irst piece of advice we would give is to ask the question would you marr y you? And if the answer is no or even a hesitation then our suggestion would be to work on those things that turn you of f. Once you have presented your best self then let your anointing f ind your mate. PC: Do you believe that there is only one SOULMATE for ever yone? Explain. Hayes: We do not believe there is just one soulmate for ever yone because God creates using One Power, God imputes this power into ever yone, souls are easy to unite God does that the dif f icult y is being unwavering in what attributes you require to be happy. God’s beaut y is deep man’s desire is skin deep once we stop being attracted to what societ y tells us is acceptable; once we stop masquerading before the world then we will be able to relax and enjoy soulful moments. We
truly believe we can be mated soulfully with any of God’s children and we also truly believe a physical match is dif f icult because of all the worldly criticisms we are subjected to. Fat can go with skinny, tall can go with shor t, black can go with white, ugly can go with f ine, rich can go with poor because at the end of the day only God matters.
realizes that I am willing each day to humble myself before her. PC: A s parents of a blended family, were there any challenges in your marriage? Hayes: YES . Next question…. Our suggestion would be get yourself a cocker spaniel they are wonder ful!
PC: If you could change one thing in your PC: Pastor Sam, should Men of God be lives together, what would it be? the bread winners for the family? Hayes: Believe it or not we wouldn’t Sam: I don’t think I can appreciate a bread change a thing. Ever y thing that is winner model that is inf lexible what I do happening in our lives is God ordained it appreciate is how we collectively break all work s together for our good because bread together and give thank s. The we love God and are the called according biblical example shows in this case to His purpose. prosperit y comes, at the end of the day PC: What is your view on submission in I am not asking God where it came from marriage? How does it play out in your as long as it found its way to bless us. relationship? If I leaned heavily on man as the bread winner I make a few mistakes f irst, I Hayes: First, this is a hang up in our subordinate women in their profession, societ y; an un-Christian like f ight for second mistake is the assumption my authorit y. Truly anyone totally vested f lesh will never fail and third as a family in answering the specif ics of this we must come to grips with there may question has inadver tently admitted come a time those children who relied there is a problem of control that is a so heavily on us will be the most reliable ver y personal ref lection. A marriage is so vastly diversif ied if we take a stance that ever y time a marriage crosses the threshold the same person must submit then someone needs to explain to us why this submissive person is necessar y in a relationship. It is like being a corporate CEO and surrounding yourself with yes people. The intent of Biblical submission is not ref lected in the thirst for power it is a recognition that a couple must discern who at any given moment is anointed to speak for the oneness in the relationship. In our relationship and believe us, you are speaking to two of the most competitive people in the histor y of mankind we still haven’t gotten through our f irst game of Monopoly af ter 10 years. However, in our relationship we know who God is resources. directing to address any given situation PC: What was the hardest things about the best it is absolutely obvious and the becoming ONE? other always submit. Hayes: The hardest thing about PC: What does being a Power Couple becoming one in this stage of our lives mean to you? where experience has already tainted, and life has already disappointed and the Hayes: First, let us say thank you; truly journey has been replete with obstacles believing humilit y is the key to power. was to get my wife to forget all that is past Ever y thing anyone sees in us as valuable join hands with me and press. I will say has been granted by God’s Power. If in the this because I am a man and men have process of discerning God’s command, not really done a good job protecting and we have been described as power ful nur turing and loving women to include then we humbly receive this as the fruit myself I am not infallible therefore I wake of rewards. Being a Power Couple for up ever y morning I pull the sheets back us means always putting God f irst in from on my wife’s feet I lay my head on ever y area of our relationship allowing them I pray God’s blessing and I humbly, ourselves to be weak so He is strong, apologetically, lovingly kiss both of being vulnerable in order to love and her feet before I star t each day. What working together as a team and making this shows is that even if I mess up she sure that Nothing Comes between us!
8 WHAT SIZE IS YOUR EMERGENCY FUND? By Javis M. Brunson - Financial Editor
your job. It ’s there to give you some time to make the necessar y adjustments when a gap develops bet ween income and expenses.
Factors in Calculating An Emergency Fund
If you were to ask a room filled of financial advisors how much income you should have in your emergenc y fund, you would usually get a response of 3 to 6 months’ income. On the other hand, I would state that your emergenc y fund needs to be based on your spending, not your income. The t ypical 3 to 6 months’ spending response can be a subjective amount. Here are a few tips on sizing your emergenc y fund.
Purpose of An Emergency Fund
One of the basic purposes of an emergenc y fund is to cushion the blow if you lose
Reasons Not To Have An Emergency Fund
1. You’re broke or deep, deep, deep in debt. If you have installment debt, the interest rate you could get on your emergency fund will almost certainly be far less than what you’re paying on your debt. Even in that case, you probably want to have an emergency fund An emergenc y fund is wor th having, even if your job is ver y secure. There are all sor ts of other minor emergencies that can cause a problem for someone who doesn’t have a ready source of emergenc y cash, a miscalculation in a check register leaving insuf ficient funds, a payroll error by your employer leading to an underpayment, a call from a relative tr ying to scrape together bail money.
The basic factor in the calculation is one month’s minimum expenses. • Minimum monthly bills Review all your bills that are necessar y to live, or that you are contractually obligated to pay: rent or mor tgage, utilities, car payment, other debt payments, etc. Depending on contract terms, you may have monthly bills that could be canceled on a month’s notice or less- -cable T V, fitness club membership, and so on. • Routine monthly expenses This includes groceries, gas for the car, cost of prescriptions beyond what insurance covers, etc. • Job -hunting expenses Be sure to include all the expenses that you’d need to suppor t a job search- -your phone bill, internet access, enough money for gas (or
greater than zero, if only to carr y you over the minor glitches like a holiday weekend delaying access to your paycheck. An emergency fund of one month’s minimum expenses might be a reasonable target. 2 . You’re investing for a better return. If you’re getting great returns in your stock portfolio, it can seem stupid to have several An emergenc y fund can also be used to take advantage of oppor tunities, both big (a business deal you’ve been tr ying to close for weeks is suddenly available- -but only if you show up with a cashier ’s check by 5:00 PM) and small (a chance to stock up on tomato paste at 50% of f ). When calculating your emergenc y fund consider your minimum monthly expenses times at least three months,
bus tokens) to get to job inter views, dr y cleaning for inter view clothing, etc. • Other mandatory expenses This would be tuition, taxes, insurance payments (monthly share for annual expenses), etc. Total the above and this should give you rock-bot tom expenses for one month.
Why 3 to 6 Months Emergency Fund?
The 3 to 6 months timeframe has to do with how long it can possibly take to find a job and how long it can possibly take to make the necessar y adjustments if you couldn’t find another job. Three months is barely enough, because it ’s not unusual for it to take a month or t wo to find a new job. Af ter three months of looking and not finding a new job would you sense you’re facing serious dif ficult y? Having an additional three months of emergenc y funds will be ver y comfor ting while you continue your job search.
Where to Stash Your Emergency Fund
Consider placing par t of your emergenc y fund in your local bank. There are times when even one or t wo extra days to move the money could cost you a lot. Any of the usual suspects: savings account, money market account, internet savings account, money market mutual fund can be utilized.
thousand dollars sitting around earning 1.5%. It ’s a matter of trade offs, the hypothetical lost return on a few thousand dollars on the one hand, versus the value of an emergency fund that ’s there when you need it on the other. Up to six months’ minimum expenses, I think the advantages of an emergency fund outweigh the potential lost investment return. and preferably six months, and keep it to be stashed where you can get at least a large fraction of within one business day. It ’s one of the basic rules of personal finance for good reasons.
Many people think that get ting married is a f inancially unwise thing to do. People commonly claim that married folk s pay more in taxes that those that are single. This is untrue in most cases. In fac t, marriage of fers a lot of f inancial advantages.
Here are 3 of the many financial windfalls of being married:
Better loans go to married folks. If both par tner ’s work , then the bank has t wo incomes to consider when making loan decisions. You have access to larger loans and qualif y for loans more easily and at bet ter interest rates.
Your credit improves from a practical standpoint (maybe). The par tner with the worse credit will see a boost in their borrowing power. Of course, the opposite is true for the par tner with the bet ter credit. But together, you’ll end up bet ter from a credit standpoint as you increase the score of the spouse with weaker credit.
Greater financial security for both parties. If you’re on your own and lose your job, you t ypically don’t have access to another source of income. While a spouse losing a job is f inancially challenging, t wo people can live on one income bet ter than one person can live on no income. Don’t believe it when someone tells you that being married has too many f inancial obstacles! Tying the knot ac tually has a signif icant f inancial upside. You’ll be able to realize a lot of savings in multiple areas. Those savings can then be applied to either retirement or an upgrade in lifest yle. There are many advantages to having t wo incomes as a Power Couple. Imagine the possibilities! About Author: Dr. Teresa R. Mar tin, Esq. is a veteran legal consultant and business acceleration strategist for real estate investments f irms and small business owners. Her company, Generational Wealth Zone, a Personal Development and Entrepreneurship Training Company helps build, grow, and expand their businesses to six f igures and beyond. You can learn more by visiting EnjoyYourLegac y.com.
D Don’t believe it when someone tells you that being married has too many financial obstacles!
11 DO YOU VALUE YOUR MATE? One of the def initions of power that caught our attention
By CC and Micah Jackson
Master of Divinit y from
involved the abilit y/capacit y of accomplishing something Virginia Union Universit y. (dictionar y.com). This def inition should epitomize the goal of
He is currently pursuing
a true power couple which is to have more, be more and do
Doctoral work in Divinit y
more together than they would have wanted to do individually. with
Notice how carefully that was worded. It does not mean that
Pastoral Care.
the person lacks the streng th or capacit y to do it alone, but
CC is the A sst. Pastor
that they have found someone with whom they have created a vision of what their „more” as a couple will look like. Here are a few tips that true power couples consider: 1. They value each other and appreciate what the other person brings to their life and relationship. 2 . Because they value each other, they set mutual goals that requires work individually and collectively 3. Setbacks are inevitable, but failure is not an option 4. They understand that power operates at its best when it ’s balanced
ser ving husband. a in
beside She
Bachelor Religious
her holds Ar ts Studies
and Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Virginia Commonwealth Universit y. She has a Master of Divinit y from Virginia Union Universit y and Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from South Universit y. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Psycholog y. CC is author of the recently released book, Preser ved For A Purpose. She also ser ves on the Board of
Power couples understand that together they become an Mental Health Awareness of Virginia as Vice President. engaging, inspiring, unstoppable force!
Together they are the parents of two adult children; a son Micah is the Senior Pastor of the 7th Street Memorial Baptist that ser ves as a Staf f Sergeant in the US Army and a daughter Church in Richmond VA. He holds a Bachelor of Ar ts in pursuing her Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Religious Studies from Virginia Commonwealth Universit y and