When faced with huge challenges, I was not afraid of shedding tears. A lot of When it comes to profession or business or if there are
women feel that they should not cry.
changes in our lives and critical decisions have to be
They forget that it is just an expression
made, you can see that more than one person owns
and it is okay.
our journey.
On one such business related incident, my tears were not of fright but they were of rage, frustration and
she wanted me to do an MBA, I would
Different categories of jobs and brands
emotion. I knew if I talked to Mythili, I
do MBA. So that journey where I wanted
in advertising have fallen into my lap
would come up with a solution. It is
to be an academician or a classical
and there is hardly any category left.
important to have partners whom you
dancer just remained my passion.
I had to overcome many demons
I did my MBA and walked into the
—some my own—that I was a small
corridors of J. Walter Thompson in
town girl. People then were not so well
December 1996. I have been in the same
connected. They had a fixed notion of
company since then. The company's
Assam—of seeing Assam tableaux with
name has changed many times from J
dancers in Republic Day parade and
Walter Thompson to Hindustan
Assam being one of the seven sister
Thompson Associates (HTA), JWT,
states of northeastern India.
Wunderman Thompson. I now lead
can trust with every single problem. You may have different roles, in different departments and different businesses with varying levels of seniority. But finally, we are all people and we connect together. Who Owns Our Journey? When it comes to profession or
Therefore, I would be hesitant to
business or if there are changes in our
speak up in meetings or share a point of
lives and critical decisions have to be
When I got my job after my MBA,
view. But I was very lucky to have a lot
made, you can see that more than one
I called my mother from Calcutta
of mentors—Mythili Chandrasekar
person owns our journey. We are also
(renamed Kolkata now) and told her
being one of them. Not just women but
comfortable with that as women,
that I had got a job in advertising. She
men too have always encouraged me
because the enemy behind not owning
wondered if I wanted to be a model, as
and said, “Go for it. Because if you don't
our own journey is not a vicious enemy.
in her world, advertising was only
go for it, you'll never get an answer.
That enemy is actually love and concern,
modelling. I convinced her that I would
Don't be afraid of a ‘No.’ ”
and it includes parents, siblings, friends
GTB India from the same WPP group.
be behind the scenes. Conquering My Demon I worked in three cities—all out of my own choice—Calcutta first, then 10 years in Bombay and now 10 years in Gurgaon. All the three cities have had a profound impact on my journey.
That is what prompted me to take
and mentors, who care for us.
on some of the most challenging
Sometimes we tend to lose sight of
businesses and roles. Mythili and I have
our North star as we get overwhelmed
worked together on many businesses.
and influenced and because of who we
Though her role was strategic planning;
are as women; we embrace inputs and
to me, she was always a partner. I could
feedback and we are very affiliate and
feel the power of two women, when
there is understanding and partnership.
conditioned to accept and embrace
fountainhead of excellence
21 JULY 2021