United Nations International School of Hanoi
Dear Parents and students,
Welcome to MSHS Service Learning at the United Nations International School (UNIS), Hanoi. MISSION By addressing real and authentic community needs, the Service Learning programme at UNIS aims to provide opportunities for our students as individuals, and as part of the UNIS community, to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their community and their world. The Service Learning programme aims to provide opportunities for students to develop the knowledge, skills and outlooks required to play their part in creating a fair, inclusive and cohesive society and to encourage them to drive and inspire sustainable change. PROGRAMME The Service Learning programme offers 19 activities at MS Level (Grades 6 - 8) and 21 activities at HS Level (Grades 9 - 11). Students engage in a structured process of investigation, planning, action, and reflection and celebration. Investigation, planning and reflection take place during a dedicated Service Learning lesson within the school day (40 minutes once per 6-day cycle), while action is completed at other times including after-school, Saturday morning, and overnight visits and trips. In Grades 11 and 12, as part of their compulsory IB CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) programme, students participate in Service Learning as leaders of specific Service Learning activities. CONCEPTS At both MS and HS level, Service Learning activities are grouped by concept. Broadly speaking these correspond with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Students explore specific concepts as they apply to the local Vietnamese context. In addition, all Service Learning activity programmes have a specific community focus.
The process of experiential learning is a personal process where dialogue, exchange and communication with others are essential; hence the importance of being able to communicate what has been learned in an appropriate way. Reflection in the Service Learning programme is a continuous process: students are encouraged to reflect on an on-going basis using a variety of methods and media. MS (Grades 6 - 8) For 2014 - 15, at MS Level, all students are required to participate in ONE Service Learning activity programme from August/September - May. Students are required to participate in all the visits and trips associated with a particular activity. When signing-up for a specific activity, students should look carefully at the requirements of each activity. HS (Grades 9 - 10) For 2014 - 15, at HS Level, all students are required to participate in ONE Service Learning activity programme from August/September - May. Students are required to participate in all the visits and trips associated with a particular activity. When signing-up for a specific activity, students should look carefully at the requirements of each activity. In addition, students in Grade 10 will experience a number of specialist sessions during the year aimed at preparing them for leadership in Grade 11 and 12 (IB CAS). IB CAS (Grades 11 - 12) In Grades 11 and 12, students work in groups of approximately 3 - 4 in the position of co-leaders of Service Learning activities in collaboration with the teacher-supervisors of the activity. Students begin their Service activity in Semester 1, in-line with all Service activities, and assume responsibility for leadership in Semester 2 of Grade 11. This gives students time to observe and learn from the current Grade 12 leaders and teacher-supervisors. Students assume a leadership role for approximately 1 year. SIGN-UP Sign-up for Service Learning is through the online programme ISIS Family. This is also the mechanism for sign-up for all After-school activities. Dates and times for Service Learning sign-up will be sent to all students in August. Sign-up can be completed at school or at home. If you have any further questions regarding Service Learning at UNIS, please do not hesitate to contact either Nick Whatley, D-12 Service Learning Coordinator (nwhatley@unishanoi.org) or Ms. Maite Montero Nahoum, MYP Service Learning Coordinator (mnahoum@unishanoi.org) .
Grades 8
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
MS CHUC SON ORPHANAGE “It is poverty that pushes most children into institutions. Studies focusing on the reasons for institutional placements consistently reflect that poverty is the driving force behind their placement.“ (‘Families, Not Orphanages’, John Williamson and Aaron Greenberg, 2010)
For children living in orphanages in Vietnam, meager living conditions create an environment that offers little hope for a bright future. Currently the Vietnamese government contributes a limited amount per child per month to orphanages, but this is barely enough to meet the daily needs of the children. Made up of modest buildings providing only basic shelter for the children, orphanages in Vietnam are highly dependent on support from organizations and benevolent individuals Chuc Son Orphanage is an orphanage of approximately 150 children many with severe hearing difficulties. UNIS is pleased to have teamed up with ‘New Beginnings’ for this programme, an organisation that supports “the welfare of underprivileged children, and their families, in Vietnam, through the provision of basic
assistance such as food, health education” (New Beginnings).
Students in this Service Learning activity will learn about the challenges of being deaf and the link between poverty, disability and health in a low-middle income country like Vietnam; visit the orphanage to socialize with the children and run a variety of art and craft, and sporting activities; organize trips for the orphanage children to UNIS; and identify; raise funds for small capacitybuilding projects and collect; and raise awareness in the UNIS community of the issues facing deaf children in Vietnam and specifically those children at the Chuc Son Orphanage.
Saturday mornings once per month from 08.00—12.30
Grades 8
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
THE HUONG LA CENTRE “People with disabilities (PWDs) represent a disproportionately high proportion of the world's poor. Recognizing the relationship between disability and poverty, leading to increased vulnerability and social exclusion, disability has been flagged as a key development issue in eradicating world poverty.” (‘Social Protection and Disability: Policy Lessons from Vietnam’, ESRC Economic and Social Research Council) The Huong La Centre was founded by a Church Mission approximately 25 years ago in response to the need for help for families with disabled children and for orphans. The church mission has been present for more than 100 years and is run by nuns. The support offered by the Centre has grown organically until today it provides a home and full time care for 25 children and adults who range from severely handicapped to regular, healthy children but who are socially ostracized for a variety of reasons. In 2014—15, with a grant from the UNIS Birthday Gift Fund the Hanoi University of Education, Department Special Needs Education, have been approached and have agreed to train 2 of the nuns of Huong La in special needs education to provide sustainable support to a small number of children at the centre.
In this Service learning activity students learn about the link between disability and poverty; support and socialize with the disabled children at the centre, and lead art and craft activities with other children; support the work of the fund-raise to provide basic essentials for the centre; create teaching resources, games, and reading activities to support the trainee nuns; and promote and raise awareness of the work of the centre within the UNIS and the local community.
Saturday morning visits once per month from 08.00—13.00
Grades 6 - 7
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
KREATIVITY for KINDERGARTEN “A good early childhood education is considered one of the essential building blocks for a successful future, preparing a child for a lifetime of learning inside and outside the classroom.” (East Meets West Foundation)
The Kreativity for Kindergarten Service Learning activity support the ECERP programme. In this activity, students design and create teaching resources for underprivileged kindergartens in Hanoi; deliver the resources to the local schools; and demonstrate to teachers and children how to use the resources that they have made.
The Early Childhood Renovation Programme (ECERP) at UNIS supports the Vietnamese government in improving the quality of early childhood education in Vietnam. ECERP gives opportunities for local Vietnamese early childhood teachers to work alongside UNIS ECC teachers and teaching assistants to strengthen their knowledge, understanding and skills related to early childhood education.
FOCUS: HANOI DURATION: September—May 4 visits to Kindergarten TRIPS/VISITS: schools in Hanoi. One per quarter.
Grade 7
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
MAI CHAU SCHOOL “Currently, there remain many problems related to integrating ICT in education, such as: price of computers; low English language skills; and the disparity in living conditions between urban and rural areas.” (ICT in Education, UNESCO Bangkok)
In this Service Learning Activity, students aim is to extend and develop the links already in place between UNIS Hanoi and Mai Chau Secondary School, links which have been developed on the Grade 7 Field Trip to Mai Chau. In particular, students develop online computer collaboration between UNIS and the school using the recently donated laptops. In the first semester, students undertake a needs assessment at Mai Chau School and develop specific goals for an online collaborative project. Students also fund-raising for small capacity building projects at the school.
information LEVEL: GRADES 7 CONCEPT: EDUCATION FOCUS: VIETNAM DURATION: September—May 2 visits to Mai Chau. Grade TRIPS/VISITS: Level Trip visit and one other 3 day/2 night trip in Semester 2.
Grades 6 - 8
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
ROOM to READ “Literacy is crucial to the success of individuals in both their career aspirations and their quality of life” (Education Matters)
With facilities in short supply, many students have inadequate access to the textbooks and supplies they need. In rural areas, transportation is also a challenge, with many students forced to travel miles alone on treacherous roads to reach the nearest school. Often, family pressure outweighs children’s dreams to finish their education, and girls in particular drop out so they can contribute to the household income. (Room to Read) 'Room to Read' is an international organisation that aims to develop literary skills and a habit of reading among primary school children to enable them to develop the life skills they'll need to succeed in school and beyond. In this Service Learning activity, students explore ways to continue to support the work of 'Room to Read', including running fund-raising campaigns, supporting school Book Week and Teen Read
Week, and helping to coordinate the SCO Book Sale. Students advocate for the importance of literacy for all, and devise a shared reading programme for children in the Elementary School. Visiting local community partners and children in the ES to promote literacy and engage in book and reading projects. For those students with a creative leaning, then there may also be an opportunity to write and publish their own materials and stories for these children. In 2014—15, with a grant from the UNIS Birthday Gift Fund, explore the potential of visiting local community partners (orphanages, hospitals, etc.) and/or hosting these partners at UNIS, to promote literacy and engage in book and reading projects.
Various. As required. SCO Book Sale.
Grades 6 - 7
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
ANIMALS in DANGER “More than 10,000 bears are kept on bile farms in China, and around 2,400 suffer the same fate in Vietnam. The bears are "milked" regularly for their bile, which is not only used in traditional medicine but also in many ordinary household products. Bile is extracted using various painful, invasive techniques, all of which cause massive infection in the bears. Most farmed bears are starved, dehydrated and suffer from multiple diseases and malignant tumours that ultimately kill them.” (Animals Asia). Most farmed bears are kept in tiny cages. In China, the cages are sometimes so small that the bears are unable to turn around or stand on all fours. Some bears are caged as cubs and never released. Bears may be kept caged for up to 30 year. (Animals Asia) Tam Dao Moon Bear Sanctuary is the project of Animals Asia. Their goal is to end the suffering of bears who are used in the bile trade. The centre is a safe haven for them and includes health care and rehabilitation.
In this Service Learning activity, students learn about the work of Animals Asia at Tam Dao Moon Bear Sanctuary and the plight of the animals; explore ways to increase awareness of the sanctuary and the plight of the bears in the UNIS community; and “befriend” a bear by conduct fund-raising activities in order to make a direct financial contribution to the sanctuary.
2 day trips to Tam Dao. Once per semester.
Grade 8
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
BA VI HOMESTEAD “Although economic reform has brought remarkable progress in poverty reduction in Vietnam, the scale and depth of ethnic minority poverty in Vietnam presents one of the major challenges to achieving the targets for poverty reduction set out in the Socio-Economic Development Plan, as well as the Millennium Development Goals.” (Chronic Poverty Research Centre, 2010) Ba Vi Homestead is situated to the west of suburban Ha Noi in a traditional and diverse agricultural landscape (with ponds, streams, lakes and rivers). Visitors have the opportunity to participate in agricultural activities that characterize Vietnamese culture, such as: cultivating rice, fishing with equipment made of bamboo, growing and harvesting various vegetables and herbs, collecting honey from bees, making dried tea (tea picking and processing) feeding cows, goats and rabbits, etc.
In this Service Learning activity students investigate ways in which UNIS can develop Service opportunities in collaboration with the homestead; learn about the ethnic minorities in the area; and develop Fair Trade opportunities at UNIS with local ethnic minority groups, including the H’mong and Dao, for the sale of organic vegetables and other produce.
2 visits to Ba Vi. Grade Level Trip visit and one other 3 day/2 night trip in Semester 2. Semester 2 Saturday morning once per month from 08.00— 11.30.
Grades 6 - 7
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
COMMUNITY GARDEN “Community gardens offer a wide spectrum of benefits to a community … The benefits of community gardens are varied and are summarized here in four broad categories: health, personal well being, community development and environmental.” (Benefits of Community Gardens to the Built Environment, Candace Wormsbecker, 2008)
Research, design, build and continue to grow the community garden at UNIS. Students in this Service Learning activity harvest vegetables; work with and fundraise for a local farming family on the Red River in Hanoi; and, raise awareness of the garden among the UNIS and broader community. This is a great activity for students to get their hands dirty and to learn the skills of gardening while creating a ‘greener’ campus environment.
information LEVEL: GRADES 6 - 7 CONCEPT: ENVIRONMENT FOCUS: UNIS DURATION: September—May 2 GROUPS: Monday after school from 3.45—4.45 p.m. weekly. TIME/DATE: Or Thursday after school from 3.45—4.45 p.m. weekly.
Grade 6
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
CUC PHUONG NATIONAL PARK “National parks help to take care of places with natural and historical value. Unlike humans, who are extremely good at surviving in all sorts of conditions, some plants and animals find it very difficult, or impossible, to survive in areas where their habitat has been disturbed or changed. National parks preserve habitats for a wide range of native plants and wildlife. Parks maintain biodiversity and protect endangered species. They provide people with opportunities to learn about natural flora and fauna as well as to explore and admire the beauty of diverse environments.” (Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Services)
In this Service Learning activity students investigate ways in which UNIS can build on the work already done on primates within the Grade 6 UNIS curriculum; consider how UNIS can serve the park in achieving its major goals, especially in raising environmental awareness and the plight of endangered species; and promote the importance of national parks in the community. This is a NEW activity for 2014 - 15 and students will be primarily engaged in exploring and learning about the park, and investigating potential opportunities for Service Learning.
Cuc Phong National Park aims to protect existing forest resources; to conserve and educate to raise environmental awareness, and to develop Ecotourism to improve livelihoods of local people.
information LEVEL: GRADES 6 CONCEPT: ENVIRONMENT FOCUS: VIETNAM DURATION: September—May 2 visits to Cuc Phuong. Grade TRIPS/VISITS: Level Trip visit and one other 3 day/2 night trip in Semester 2.
Grades 6 - 7
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
ECONUTS “Vietnam is home to an astonishing 2,800 craft villages that include not just those that make handicrafts for tourists, but some that specialize in recycling all sorts of discarded plastic, including from waste streams.” (‘A Look at Vietnam’s Plastic Craft Villages’, Our World, Warwick Pearse, 2010) This is a brand new Service Learning activity this year and is an effort to broaden the paper recycling activity that has run in the school for a number of years.
In this Service Learning activity students learn about the process of recycling in Vietnam and the economy that is generated by it; consider some of the environmental costs of this process; investigate and plan a number of UNIS campusbased and/or local eco/green initiatives; and promote awareness of the importance of recycling in the community.
Visit to Recycling Village (S1) and plastic village (S2)
Grades 8
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
GLOBAL ISSUES NETWORK “We believe that life-long learning is selfempowerment. We believe our actions represent our power to create change” (Global Issues Network) The Global Issues Network (GIN) was created following Jean-François Rischard's book High Noon: Twenty Global Problems, Twenty Years to Solve Them (2002). GIN aims to empower young people to collaborate locally, regionally and globally to create solutions for global issues. Each year, thousands of students worldwide engage in GIN-related activities. Each year, GIN conferences bring together students, teachers, experts, NGOs, and representatives from educational organizations. Conferences are self-funded and have ranged in size from 100 to 800 participants. GIN conferences are about cooperation, not competition. Students are expected to take the leadership with adults acting in support roles.
The format is similar to a professional conference, with plenary and breakout sessions led by students, and social activities that promote exchange and collaboration around global issues. Keynote speakers are typically young – from school age to 30 – and offer inspiration and direction for their audiences. In this Service Learning Activity, students learn about the philosophy and work of the Global Issues Network; attend the annual GIN conference; commit themselves to take action locally on an issue of global significance; promote and advocate in the UNIS and broader community. Please note: students will be required to pay for attendance at the GIN conference. Payment will be required at the beginning of the appropriate semester.
MS GIN Conference. Dates TBC.
Grades 6 - 7
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
HOA BINH PAEDIATRIC HOSPITAL “In most developing countries like Vietnam, we have seen firsthand how access to care is limited to those who can pay. For a child with heart disease or another life-threatening serious illness, there are many roadblocks to care. The parents have no money and no way to get to the hospitals in the major cities that could care for their children. In Vietnam the long trek to Ho Chi Minh City, Hue, or Hanoi is too far and too expensive for many rural families.” (Building Capacity for Paediatric Care, VinaCapital Foundation).
In this Service Learning activity, students learn about the work of the Paediatric Hospital in Hoa Binh and explore the link between poverty and health; raise awareness in the UNIS community of the issues children and their families at the hospital; socialize with the children at the hospital and devise enjoyable activities for them; fund-raise to provide gifts and donations to children and their families at the hospital.
4 Saturday visits per year to Hoa Binh. Once per quarter.
Grades 6 - 8
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
Number of Vietnamese children who are on a waiting list to receive cardiac surgery
Estimated number of pediatric cardiac surgeries Vietnam's surgeons can currently perform
Percentage of children in Vietnam with the most common heart de fects who will not live to be adults without cardiac surgery
On average, the total cost of heart surgery to EMW in Vietnam
In this Service Learning activity students raise awareness of the work of the East Meets West (EMW) Foundation and, in particular, their programme 'Operation Healthy Heart' which aims to provide financial and medical assistance to Vietnamese children with serious congenital heart defects whose families cannot afford the costs of surgery and treatment; learn about families who have a child living with an acute medical condition; organise fund raising events and activities to raise money to provide heart operations for children, monitor the progress of the
children after surgery; and advocate in the local community to raise awareness of the plight of these families and to encourage healthy life-styles. In 2014—15, with a grant from the UNIS Birthday Gift Fund, all funds raised by this Service Learning group will be ‘matched’ to a specific amount in order to increase the capacity of the activity and ensure its sustainability.
information LEVEL: GRADES 6 - 8 CONCEPT: HEALTH FOCUS: VIETNAM DURATION: September—May TRIPS/VISTS: Various as required.
Grades 6 - 8
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
MS AMBASSADORS The Middle School Ambassadors is a group of students dedicated to the positive promotion of the United Nations International School. In his Service Learning activity students work with the Counseling Office at UNIS to provide a positive role model for younger students; develop leadership skills; serve as liaisons between the current UNIS community, and new and prospective students. Student Ambassadors support and are visible at many campus events including: new student orientation, House Activities, Peer Mentoring, working on student assemblies, College visits, and after school information events for parents. Students in this activity have the opportunity to develop public relations and interpersonal skills.
This Service Learning activity programme is particularly suited to students interested in leadership opportunities within the UNIS community.
Various options. See above for details
Grades 6 - 8
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
AQUATICS AMBASSADORS The Middle School Aquatics Ambassadors is a group of students dedicated to the positive promotion of aquatics at the United Nations International School. In this Service Learning activity students work with the Aquatics Office at UNIS to develop leadership skills and support many aquatics events held at UNIS including: UNIS Swim Meets and events in collaboration with the broader community. Students will also have the opportunity to work in collaboration with the Swim for Life Service Learning activity supporting water safety and swimming classes for disadvantaged youth from the KOTO and Blue Dragon organisations. This Service Learning activity programme is particularly suited to students interested in leadership opportunities within the UNIS community.
information LEVEL: GRADES 6—8 CONCEPT: OTHER FOCUS: UNIS DURATION: September—May Various UNIS events throughTIME/DATE: out the year. Wednesday after school from 4.45—6.00
Grades 6 - 8
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
SAUSAGE SIZZLE with onions ! “Everything in life has an end. Only sausages have two.” (German Proverb)
In this Service Learning activity students work as a team to prepare, cook and sell sausages with onions to the local community at a variety of school and community events. In addition, students learn some basic skills to do with running a small business, including: budgeting, ordering supplies, and basic accounting. This is a great activity if you are outgoing and enjoy socialising.
Money raised from the Sausage Sizzle goes to a UNIS Service Learning activity of the students’ own choice, and a percentage to fund sports clothing and resources for KOTO trainees who participate in our HS Community Sports Programme.
information LEVEL: GRADES 6—8 CONCEPT: OTHER FOCUS: UNIS DURATION: September—May Saturday morning every week on TIME/DATE: f r o m 0 8 . 3 0 — 1 2 . 0 0 rotational basis. Special
Grades 6 - 8
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
STUDENT COUNCIL “Through the work of the Middle School Student Council , students in grades 6-8 are provided with a forum to communicate about the issues that are important to them on campus with faculty and administration.
In this Service Learning activity, student representatives work together to provide a voice for MS students, and plan, coordinate and support student events both on campus and in the community.
The Middle School Student Council allows students an opportunity to shape their experiences on campus and allow student views and opinions to be presented to the school’s faculty and administration. Skills in organization, communication and leadership are developed through hands-on experience throughout the year. Student Council events such as MS Dance, Valentine’s Day Candy Heart Chocolate Sale Sausage Sizzles and Movie Nights and have becoming key milestones in the academic year that all students look forward to. Additionally, the Student Council contributes to charitable causes through fundraising activities throughout the year.
A variety of events throughout the school year.
Grades 6 - 8
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
MS YEARBOOK The Year Book is a publication that reflects the events and lives of people involved in the school in a given year. It should be honest, thorough and accurate … it is a memory book, a history book, a record book ... (Herff Jones) In this Service Learning activity students work together to plan, design and create the UNIS school Yearbook. Students learn skills in collaboration, organisation and meeting deadlines are developed through hands-on experience throughout the year. This is a activity that will appeal to students who have an interest in design and desktop publishing.
Year Book cover 2014. “For this design, I worked together with Patrick Healy. He gave me the idea, and I created it in Photoshop. The idea for this cover was to have stripes running along horizontally, which would be colored with the main color of a popular social networks. Then on the front, in each stripe there are keywords from UNIS' Mission Statement each in the styles of its stripes' corresponding social network. By doing this, we combined UNIS' ideals together with the social network theme. (Nils) academic year that all students look forward to. Additionally, the Senate contributes to charitable causes through fundraising activities throughout the year.“ By Patrick Healy (11RW) & Nils Jaranovs (9AM)
Grades 9 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
1000 PAPER CRANES & ACCV “Among 6,000 non-sighted children under the age of 15, only about 450 children are attending schools, a percentage of only 7.5. The percentage is even lower, only about 5%, for those between the ages of 15 to 18.” (The Blind Vietnamese Children’s Foundation)
The Australian Charity for the Children of Vietnam (ACCV), in collaboration with management of the Vietnam Blind Association in Hanoi, supports blind and visually impaired students to access education through various educational programmes. In partnership with the Vietnam Paediatric Hospital, the charity also identifies and finances medical treatment for children with acute medical conditions that will need life-long support and come from families with a low-socio economic background. With support in the form of a grant from the UNIS Birthday Gift Fund, students in this Service Learning activity learn about the challenges of being blind and the link between poverty, disability and health in a low-middle income country like Vietnam; work with the Australian Charity for the Children of Vietnam (ACCV) to plan and initiate a range of activities and games with young people at a centre for the blind in Hanoi; collect toys and games for the establishment of an educational and social centre for very young blind children;
identify families with children who are in need of medical support and fundraise to support medical treatment; raise awareness in the UNIS community of the issues facing blind children in Vietnam and the work of ACCV. In addition, when possible, this group they will continue its work with the Blind School in Hai Phong raising funds for the school and participating in outings.
FOCUS: VIETNAM DURATION: September—May Monthly visits to ACCV Centre. Day TBD. And/or 2 all TRIPS/VISITS: day visits to Blind School, Hai Phong. One per semester.
Grades 9 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
A DAY IN THE LIFE “We don’t know the significance that people around us make. Every day, I see people around me trying so hard to achieve something. I think the community should take time and respect and understand more about what these people are doing. I also want to get rid of stereotypical thinking … by providing a closer look into other’s lives.” (Van Do, UNIS Grade 10 Personal Project)
In this Service Learning activity students will learn about disadvantaged, under-represented and ‘overlooked’ individuals and groups in the local Hanoi community through fact-finding visits and interviews with local people; use of a variety of media to develop and promote knowledge and understanding of these individuals and groups in the UNIS and broader community. Students will begin the year by completing a photo exhibition begun in 2013 - 14.
information LEVEL: GRADES 9 - 12 CONCEPT: DISADVANTAGE FOCUS: HANOI DURATION: September—May TRIPS/VISITS: Various visits in Hanoi
Grades 9 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
CHUC SON ORPHANAGE “It is poverty that pushes most children into institutions. Studies focusing on the reasons for institutional placements consistently reflect that poverty is the driving force behind their placement.“ (‘Families, Not Orphanages’, John Williamson and Aaron Greenberg, 2010) For children living in orphanages in Vietnam, meager living conditions create an environment that offers little hope for a bright future. Currently the Vietnamese government contributes a limited amount per child per month to orphanages, but this is barely enough to meet the daily needs of the children. Made up of modest buildings providing only basic shelter for the children, orphanages in Vietnam are highly dependent on support from organizations and benevolent individuals Chuc Son Orphanage is an orphanage of approximately 150 children many with severe hearing difficulties. UNIS is pleased to have teamed up with ‘New Beginnings’ for this programme, an organisation that supports “the welfare of underprivileged children, and their families, in Vietnam, through the provision of basic assistance such as food, health care and education” (New Beginnings).
In this Service Learning activity students learn about the challenges of being deaf and the link between poverty, disability and health in a low-middle income country like Vietnam; visit the orphanage to socialize with the children and run a variety of art and craft, and sporting activities; organize trips for the orphanage children to UNIS. and identify; raise funds for small capacitybuilding projects and collect; and raise awareness in the UNIS community of the issues facing deaf children in Vietnam and specifically those children at the Chuc Son Orphanage.
Saturday morning once per month from 08.00—12.30
Grades 9 - 11
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
THE HANOI MUSIC INITATIVE “Vietnam compulsory schools lack 4500 music teachers. Those who work often suffer from low wages, overwork, outdated curricula, substandard facilities and equipment, isolation and low respect for music as a subject in school. Students have few music hours and “miss the sound of music”. (Houmann, Anna. ‘Government Ideas to Develop the Education System of Vietnam’, 2014)
In this NEW Service Learning activity students will learn about music education in Vietnam schools; work with a local school to teach music to local students on a regular basis; engage in fund-raising activities in order to purchase instruments to donate to the local school to improve music provision; and raise awareness of the benefits of music education.
Fortnightly after school visits. Day TBA.
Grades 9 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
SWIM for LIFE “One child drowns every 45 seconds in Asia, during daylight hours, with many swimming unsupervised. Drowning, like other injury deaths, is hidden because of the very speed at which it kills — there is no time for hospitalization.” (Swim Safe: Preventing Childhood Drowning). Drowning is the biggest killer of children in Vietnam … and the leading killer of children over the age of one in Vietnam. (Department of Foreign Affairs, Australia) In this Service learning activity, students investigate the high incidence of drowning in Vietnam; learn about the work of the Hanoi-based KOTO and Blue Dragon organisations and their work with young disadvantaged youth in Hanoi; plan and lead water safety and swimming classes for disadvantaged youth from these organisations; participate as Aquatics Ambassadors for the range of swimming events that take place at UNIS during the year. In 2014—15, with a grant from the Birthday Gift Fund and with support from the Ministry of Education, the programme will also provide swimming classes for children in Grades 4 and 5 from local schools in Hanoi. There will also be the opportunity for a number of UNIS students to participate in a course leading to American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor’s (WSI) Certification Students in this Service Learning activity, opt for
Now offering UNIS HS students the opportunity to gain American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor (WSI) certification!
ONE of the following groups: SFL Group 1: a 21 hour WSI instructor’s training course (Aug & Sept, 2014), followed by KOTO & Blue Dragon swimming instruction on Wednesdays from 5.00—6.00 p.m. until May 2015. SFL Group 2: a 21 hour WSI instructor’s training course (Aug. & Sept. 2014), followed by KOTO & Blue Dragon swim instruction on Wednesdays from 5.00—6.00 p.m. in Semester 1, and instruction for local school children also on Wednesdays from 4.30—5.30 p.m. in Semester 2 (March—May, 2015).
Weds. After school. Various options. See description for
Grades 9 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
TECH for ALL: Robot Invasion “Even as technology becomes more affordable and internet access seems increasingly ubiquitous, a “digital divide” between rich and poor remains. The rich and educated are still more likely than others to have good access to digital resources. The digital divide has far-reaching consequences when it comes to education. For children in lowincome school districts, inadequate access to technology can hinder them from learning the tech skills that are crucial to success in today’s economy.” (‘Digital Responsibility’, Liz Soltan). In this Service Learning Activity, students organize a Hanoi robotics competition involving local sch o o l s , a nd di s ad van t a g ed gr o u p s . Students work with other schools and local groups in the area, tech companies, such as FPT, and local organizations like Code Club Hanoi to promote design, coding, and robotics. In addition, they identify local donors who are interested in supporting the project; fundraise to purchase robotics kits; create an application process so that community groups who are interested can obtain the kits at no to low cost.
Grades 9 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
COMMUNITY GARDEN & TREE NURSERY “I don’t think it is right to blame it completely on the Vietnam War. What the war also did was keep people very poor, and poor people do desperate things to community assets such as land,” he says. “You overgraze it, you cut down trees, you mismanage the land to survive. It is a classic case of the tragedy of the commons in which people overuse natural resources.” (Interview from ‘Vietnam’s Need for Trees’, Dr. Gio Braidotti, 2013)
The Community Tree Nursery group focuses on activities involving trees. In this Service Learning activity students learn how to propagate and grow trees for donation to local community organizations; manage the School’s information about trees on campus; and generate awareness in the UNIS and broader community about the importance of taking care of our natural surroundings. An ongoing project is labeling the trees on campus, including managing a linked website with additional information about the tree species. Field trips will be to plant trees with local organizations in the city or countryside.
information LEVEL: GRADES 9 - 12 CONCEPT: ENVIRONMENT FOCUS: UNIS & HANOI DURATION: September—May TRIPS/VISITS: Various through the year
Grades 9 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
COMMUNITY TURBINES “Renewable energy technologies are clean sources of energy that have a much lower environmental impact than conventional energy technologies”. (Renewable Energy World.com) Bicycle technology - "biketech" - is the extension of the basic components of bicycle construction to a larger field of uses. Power delivered to pedals (by arms, legs, or other source of motion), transmitted by bicycle chains, drive cables, and/or bicycle gears is applied to power machines or generate electricity. The supplied motion may be used for transport, pumping water, vacuum pumping, blending food, mowing grass, spinning washing machines, and so on. Thus, without the infrastructure for electricity or internal combustion, the motive power of human beings can be multiplied and extended to alleviate tedious tasks.
If you are not afraid of getting your hands dirty and like challenges, Community Turbines may be the place for you! In this Service Learning activity students learn about turbine and “biketech” technology as an alternative energy resource; dismantle bikes to create pedal driven blenders and electric generators; and, advocate for their use in specific situations. This year, the group hopes to get these ‘green contraptions’ out into the city to spread the word about one of the most abundant alternative energy sources that Vietnam has … people pedal power!
information LEVEL: GRADES 9 - 12 CONCEPT: ENVIRONMENT FOCUS: UNIS & HANOI DURATION: September—May TRIPS/VISITS: As decided by group
Grades 9 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
HELMETS for KIDS “Road traffic crashes cause approximately 22,000 fatalities and more than 433,000 injuries on Vietnam’s roads each year. Approximately 4000 children are killed every year in Vietnam, and most of these deaths could have been prevented by motorcyclists wearing a helmet. Currently, only 16% of children wear a helmet.” (Asia Injury Prevention Foundation (AIPF), Vietnam)
In this Service Learning activity students learn about the importance of helmet safety; visit the Protec Helmet factory to observe the production process of quality helmets; and advocate on behalf of AIPF and promote their Child Helmet Campaign in the UNIS and broader community.
When helmet legislation came into effect in 2007, adult helmet use rates skyrocketed from under 10 percent to over 90 percent. Due to a loophole in the law, child helmet use rates quickly dropped and remained under 20 percent until recently. This is an opportunity to take part in a programme where you can help make a real difference. AIPF-Vietnam are an NGO who, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, National Safety Traffic Committee, National Traffic Police and the WHO, aim to find ways to reduce the number of traffic accidents on Vietnamese roads. The organisation needs diligent student volunteers to visit helmet factories, engage in training, and promote the Child Helmet Campaign.
information LEVEL: GRADES 9 - 12 CONCEPT: HEALTH
FOCUS: HANOI DURATION: September—May Various through the year. TRIPS/VISITS: Semester 1 visit to Helmet Factory
Grades 9 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
OPERATION SMILE “Children with facial deformities who do not receive reconstructive surgery often have difficulty breathing, drinking, eating and speaking. As a result, many suffer from malnutrition, medical and psychological problems. Approximately 1 in 500 children is born with a facial deformity. In as little as 45 minutes, and for approximately $250 USD, one cleft lip surgery can change a child’s life forever. (Operation Smile)
Operation Smile was founded in 1982 in the USA and is a worldwide children’s medical charity whose network of global volunteers are dedicated to helping improve the health and lives of children and young adults. Since its founding, Operation Smile volunteers have treated more than 130,000 children born with cleft lips, cleft palates and other facial deformities and the organization has a presence in 51 countries. In this Service Learning activity, students learn about the work of Operation Smile and explore the link between poverty and health; participate in local Operation Smile ‘missions’ to support children and their families pre- and post-surgery; promote the work of Operation Smile in the local community primarily through an annual fundraising concert.
Various missions yearly. Operation Smile Concert.
Grades 9 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
TAM HIEP or PAEDIATRIC HOSPITAL “It is estimated that the annual number of childhood cancer cases in Northern Vietnam is 1700. Currently less than 20% of these children come to the National Hospital of Pediatrics in Hanoi for treatment, and only a limited number of these children will complete their therapy.” (Lund, Vietnam)
In this Service Learning activity students learn about the causes and treatment of children’s cancer in Vietnam; raise awareness in the UNIS community of the issues facing children with cancer in Vietnam; socialize with the children at the hospitals and devise enjoyable activities for them; fund-raise to provide gifts and donations to children and their families at the hospital.
Located inside the cancer hospital’s Tam Hiep branch on the city’s outskirts, the Pediatrics Department receives an average 100 cancer patients every year. The children are from 2 to16 years old. The hospital estimates the number of children suffering from cancer is 1 per cent of total cancer cases nationwide. The National Hospital of Pediatrics also specializes in the treatment of children, and receives patients from different provinces across Vietnam. Most patients come from low-income families with parents working in agriculture. Life for these families is often very difficult. During the treatment period, patients do not have the opportunity to participate in common leisure activities, which adds to the stress of staying a long time in hospital.
Sat. morning once per month from 08.00—12.30
Grades 9 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
HABITAT for HUMANITY “Nearly 10 million people in Vietnam live in sub-standard and undignified housing and over 38% of the country’s rural population lack access to clean water and over 50% lack adequate sanitation. This situation will worsen with the effects of climate change and natural disasters, which is already impacting the poor and most vulnerable groups in Vietnam.” (Habitat for Humanity)
Habitat for Humanity International is a nongovernmental organization whose aim is to create “a world where everyone has a decent place to live” (HfH). In their goal to eliminate poverty housing, volunteers are sought to build houses and to raise awareness about poverty and housing. Habitat for Humanity Vietnam (HFH Vietnam) mobilizes resources (materials, labor and financing) to build, renovate or repair houses with vulnerable families who are willing to partner by working on their houses and paying towards its cost, typically through a housing microfinance loan. Housing loan repayments go into a revolving fund from which additional beneficiary families can access to build or improve their home.
In this Service learning activity students investigate and develop an understanding of the work of Habitat for Humanity; raise awareness of the issues the organization aims to tackle; and raise funds throughout the year in order to attend a house build in the North of Vietnam and provide a ‘pot’ for future UNIS volunteers. During the build, students have jobs such as carrying (bricks, water, rocks, beams, and tools), laying bricks, mixing mortar, digging, and assisting in any unskilled labor tasks.
4-day house build once per year
Grades 10 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
HELPING HANDS “Viet Nam has made impressive strides toward ensuring all children have access to a quality education. These overall achievements are limited however by concerns about disparities in access, completion rates and in the overall quality of education Vietnamese children are receiving. Linguistically diverse ethnic minority populations struggle with mandatory instruction in Vietnamese and this contributes to a far lower education attainment among ethnic minority children. In comparison with other minority groups in Vietnam, the H’mong have been assessed to be the most economically vulnerable with the highest poverty rate, and the lowest educational achievements.” (UNICEF)
‘Helping Hands’ is a community service project established to provide funding, resources and general capacity building to Sin Chai Primary School – a local H’mong primary school in the
Sa Pa area, Lao Cai Province, Vietnam. In this Service Learning activity students learn about the H’mong ethnic minority – their life and culture; learn about the education provision for H’mong children in Vietnam; visit Sin Chai Primary School for needs assessment and to implement small capacity building projects; raise funds to support the school, and the education and wellbeing of the children; host children and teachers at UNIS events; provide the opportunity for families to sell local products at Fair Trade prices at the annual UNIS Spring Fair.
Please note: students will be required to make a contribution to the costs of the visits to Sa Pa. Payment for each trip will be required at the beginning of the appropriate semester.
2 trips to Sa Pa per year/one per semester
Grades 9 - 11
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
HELVETAS VIETNAM “Although economic reform has brought remarkable progress in poverty reduction in Vietnam, the scale and depth of ethnic minority poverty in Vietnam presents one of the major challenges to achieving the targets for poverty reduction set out in the Socio-Economic Development Plan, as well as the Millennium Development Goals.” (Chronic Poverty Research Centre, 2010)
HELVETAS Swiss Inter-cooperation is working with ethnic minorities in northern Vietnam in a variety of areas, including: skills development and education and the rural economy (particularly fair trade), Most of these communities are in mountainous regions and excluded from the rest of the country’s development.
This is a NEW activity for 2014 - 15 and students will be primarily engaged in exploring and learning about the work of HELVETAS in Vietnam, and investigating potential opportunities for Service Learning. Please note: students will be required to make a contribution to the costs of the visits to Sa Pa. Payment for each trip will be required at the beginning of the appropriate semester.
information LEVEL: GRADES 9 - 11 CONCEPT: POVERTY FOCUS: VIETNAM DURATION: September—May 2 X 3 day/2 night trips to Mai TRIPS/VISITS: Chau per year (one per semester)
Grades 9 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
MICROFINANCE & SOCIAL ENTERPRISE “This is not charity. This is business: business with a social objective, which is to help people get out of poverty.” (Muhammad Yunus, Founder of Grameen Bank and Nobel Peace Prize recipient) Microfinance is grounded in the belief that many poor people remain trapped in poverty due to a lack of access to credit and other financial services – and, conversely, that small capital injections can enable significant economic and social improvements for borrowers. In 2014—15, with a grant from the UNIS Birthday Gift Fund this activity will be run in collaboration with Bloom Microventures - a non-profit social business providing microcredit to entrepreneurs living below the poverty line in Vietnam - this is a Service Learning activity that supports students in becoming positive agents of change, while promoting the basic fundamentals of social enterprise and microfinance.
In this Service Learning activity students learn and explore the fundamentals of microfinance and social enterprise in tackling poverty; work closely with Bloom Microventures to identify individuals and groups in the community requiring microloans, and monitor and evaluate how the loans are used; take the lead in creating mini-enterprises that bring benefits to specific communities in Vietnam; and establish their own microcredit ‘bank’. In addition, students promote the use of microcredit in other UNIS Service learning activities.
information LEVEL: GRADES 9 - 12 CONCEPT: POVERTY FOCUS: VIETNAM DURATION: September—May 4 X whole day Saturday/ TIME/DATE: Weekday visits. Once per quarter
Grades 9 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
COMMUNITY SPORT “KOTO stands for Know One, Teach One and reflects our belief that if you're in a position where you can help someone less fortunate, then you should help them and the greatest thanks you can receive is to one day see that person be in a position to do the same for someone else.” Jimmy Pham – KOTO Founder & Executive Chairman. Blue Dragon offers programmes for disadvantaged and vulnerable young people “ … tailored to their individual needs, whether it be education, nutrition, health care, counseling, physical and creative activities, rescue, legal advocacy or safe shelter led by a team of social workers, psychologists, teachers and lawyers.” (Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation)
UNIS’s work with the under-privileged young people of the Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation and KOTO has a long history.
information LEVEL: GRADES 9 - 12 CONCEPT: POVERTY & DISADVANTAGE FOCUS: HANOI DURATION: September—May Weds. after school once per week (rotation) from 4.45— TRIPS/VISITS: 6.00 p.m. Semester visits to KOTO and Blue Dragon centres.
Grades 9 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
PEACE VILLAGE “Dioxin even in tiny amounts is associated with severe health damage that can shorten the lives of people exposed to it, and potentially that of their offspring and future generations.” (The Aspen Institute) Vietnam claims half a million children have been born with serious birth defects, while as many 2 million people are suffering from cancer or other illness caused by Agent Orange (History.com)
In this Service Learning activity UNIS students learn about the effects of Agent Orange on Vietnam; plan and run a variety of activities for the young people from the Peace Village including, sport and craft activities; arrange trips and visits for the disabled children to places of interest in Hanoi (the Zoo, Puppet Theatre, Aquarium, etc.); and conduct fund-raising activities throughout the semester to support visits and small projects at the Peace Village.
information LEVEL: GRADES 9 - 12 The Peace Village was established in 1991 and provides a home and education for children and young people who are suffering from the effects of Agent Orange. The aim of the village is to care for these children & help them integrate into society.
Weds. afternoon once per month from 2.45—5.30
Grades 10 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
THUY AN VILLAGE “People with disabilities represent a disproportionately high proportion of the world's poor. Recognizing the reciprocal relationship between disability and poverty, leading to increased vulnerability and social exclusion, disability has been flagged as a key development issue in meeting the United Nations Millennium Development Goals and in eradicating world poverty.” (‘Social Protection and Disability: Policy Lessons from Vietnam’, ESRC Economic and Social Research Council) “Though there is little agreement on how many disabled live in Vietnam, one indisputable fact is that this group is at a huge disadvantage compared to the non-disabled.” (The Disabled in Vietnam, Michael Tatarski)
In the spring of 2012, some former students returned to Vietnam to support the centre at Thuy An providing a water system and engaging in gardening work. In addition, UNIS continues to sponsor 3 blind children from Thuy An to study at the Hai Phong Blind school where they can receive a better education. In 2014, the SCO allocated $2,000 for medical treatment at the centre, and a medical team organised by the UNIS health centre visited in April. As a result, a number of children received immediate medical care.
Thuy An Village is a centre in Ba Vi Province, Vietnam, for children and adults with a range of physical and mental disabilities, ranging from the moderate to severe. In this Service Learning activity students learn about the centre and investigate the link between poverty, disability and health in a low-middle income country like Vietnam; support the disabled children at the village; learn touch-therapy to use during visits; and plan fundraising ‘events’ which include an educational component to raise awareness and knowledge of the challenges that the children at Thuy An face.
Sat Morning once per month 08.00—13.00
Grades 9 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
HS AMBASSADORS The High School Ambassadors is a group of students dedicated to the positive promotion of the United Nations International School.
In this Service Learning activity students will work with the Counseling Office at UNIS to provide a positive role model for younger students; serve as liaisons between the current UNIS community, and new and prospective students. Student Ambassadors support and are visible at many campus events including those for prospective students and families, and work in conjunction with the Counseling Office. Students in this activity have the opportunity to develop public relations and interpersonal skills.
Various UNIS events throughout the year
Grades 9 - 12
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
HS SENATE “Through the work of the High School Senate, students in grades 9-12 are provided with a forum to communicate about the issues that are important to them on campus with faculty and administration. As a result of exciting studentorganized events, school spirit in the high school continues to grow significantly every year thanks to the work of the Senate. The Senate also makes annual financial contributions to other service programs through fundraising. In 2014, the Senate donated nearly $3000 to Operation Healthy Heart, enough to fund a full operation for a child in need.” (HS Senate) The High School Senate allows students an opportunity to shape their experiences on campus and allow student views and opinions to be presented to the school’s faculty and administration by electing representatives from each grade level. Skills in organization, communication and leadership are developed through hands-on experience throughout the year. Senate events such as the Prom, Talent Show, Spirit Week and more have grown in size and reputation, becoming key milestones in the academic year that all students look forward to. Additionally, the Senate contributes to charitable causes through fundraising activities throughout the year.
In this Service Learning activity, elected student representatives work together to provide a voice for the student body; work with the faculty and administration to provide student perspective on school issues; plan and coordinate student events both on campus and in the community; and control their own budget for student events and donate surplus funds to student-selected service organizations. An officer board is elected within the Senate to lead meetings, spearhead Senate initiatives and liaise with school faculty and administration.
information LEVEL: GRADES 9—12 CONCEPT: OTHER FOCUS: UNIS DURATION: September—May TRIP/VISITS: Semester 1 retreat
Grades 9– 11
UNIS Hanoi Service Learning
HS YEARBOOK The Year Book is a publication that reflects the events and lives of people involved in the school in a given year. It should be honest, thorough and accurate … it is a memory book, a history book, a record book ... (Herff Jones) In this Service Learning activity students work together to plan, design and create the UNIS school Yearbook. Students learn skills in collaboration, organisation and meeting deadlines are developed through hands-on experience throughout the year. This is a activity that will appeal to students who have an interest in design and desktop publishing.
Year Book cover 2014. “For this design, I worked together with Patrick Healy. He gave me the idea, and I created it in Photoshop. The idea for this cover was to have stripes running along horizontally, which would be colored with the main color of a popular social networks. Then on the front, in each stripe there are keywords from UNIS' Mission Statement each in the styles of its stripes' corresponding social network. By doing this, we combined UNIS' ideals together with the social network theme. (Nils) academic year that all students look forward to. Additionally, the Senate contributes to charitable causes through fundraising activities throughout the year.“ By Patrick Healy (11RW) & Nils Jaranovs (9AM)
“To the world you might me a person, but to a person you might be the world”
UNIS Service Learning UNIS Hanoi, G9 Ciputra, Phu Thuong, Tay Ho, Hanoi G.P.O. Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam Tel: +84 4 3758 1551—Fax: +84 437581542 Website: http://www.unishanoi.org