Language B French &
Language is the dress of thought – Samuel
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
AB Initio
Language B
Languages B French & Spanish UNIS Ha Noi Viet Nam Summer Reading Programme 2013
United Nations International School Hanoi
MYP French and Spanish Language B Summer Reading Program Grade 7-12 Reading is the sole means by which we slip, involuntarily, often helplessly, into another’s skin, another’s voice, another’s soul.” — Joyce Carol Oates The summer holidays are upon us and what better way to spend it than curled up with your favorite book or magazine. An important part of the IB Program for Languages B is our focus on Reading. We encourage reading and discovering texts and books that interest, inspire and challenge you. Students from Grade 7 to 12 will be given their summer reading and there have already been many discussions in their classes about the program. Numerous studies have shown, including research from the John Hopkins University, that the summer holidays are a time in which students can experience loss in their reading level. Research also shows that children who read over the summer and exhibit their understanding of that reading, achieve higher results in school. At UNIS we believe that reading should be an enjoyable habit and one that enriches our lives. Upon returning to school in 15th August, the students are encouraged to have completed the summer reading as well as one writing. Have a lovely summer!
Maite Montero Nahoum HoD Language B French/Spanish
MYP French Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 1
MYP French Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 1
Upon returning to UNIS on August 15th you need to have read the magazine chosen from your teachers. The purpose of the summer reading program is to support you in your reading skills.
Reading Requirements:
Read the magazine Answer the questions on the magazine Choose one article Write a presentation about your favorite article, you can do a poster, an article, a blog, a letter, any format of your choice. Minimum 100 words in French.
MYP French Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 2
MYP French Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 2
An important part of the Middle Years Program for World Languages is our focus on Reading. We encourage reading and discovering texts and books that interest, inspire and challenge you. Upon returning to UNIS on August 15th you need to have read the magazine chosen from your teachers. The purpose of the summer reading program is to support you in your reading skills.
Reading Requirements:
Read the magazine Answer the questions on the magazine Choose one article Write a presentation about your favorite article, you can do a poster, an article, a blog, a letter, any format of your choice. Minimum 100 words in French.
MYP French Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 3
MYP French Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 3
Upon returning to UNIS on August 15th you need to have read the magazine chosen from your teachers. The purpose of the summer reading program is to support you in your reading skills.
Reading Requirements:
Read the magazine Answer the questions on the magazine Choose one article Write a presentation about your favorite article, you can do a poster, an article, a blog, a letter, any format of your choice. Minimum 100 words in French.
MYP French Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 4a
MYP French Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 4a
Tic-Tac-Toe on “Emma et la perle blanche”
Using the chart below, you must complete one block. You should write about 150 words in French for each block chosen. At the beginning of the school year, you should give this piece of writing to your teacher.
Ecris cinq questions en français sur le livre en utilisant les 5W (When, What, Where, Who, Why) et écris la réponse pour chacune d’entre d’elles.
Fais un dessin animé avec les images et les textes.
Ecris ce que tu as en commun avec le personnage principal et l’histoire du livre.
Ecris une autre fin pour ce livre.
Fais un tableau en comparant les similitudes et les différences entre deux personnages du livre.
Ecris une brochure sur le lieu de l’histoire.
MYP French Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 4b
MYP French Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 4b
Tic-Tac-Toe on « Coup de foudre »
Using the chart below, you must complete one block. You should write about 200 -250 words in French for each block chosen. At the beginning of the school year, you should give this piece of writing to your teacher.
Ecris cinq questions en français sur le livre en utilisant les 5W (When, What, Where, Who, Why) et écris la réponse développée pour chaque question.
Fais une description détaillée de la société française
Ecris ce que tu as en commun avec le personnage principal et l’histoire du livre.
Ecris une autre fin pour ce livre.
Fais un tableau en comparant les similitudes et les différences entre deux personnages du livre.
Ecris une brochure sur le lieu de l’histoire.
DP French Language B Summer Reading Program Grade 11 Language B
DP French Language B Summer Reading Program Grade 11 Language B Tic-Tac-Toe on « Choc des cultures »
Using the chart below, you must complete one block. You should write about 250 -300 words in French for each block chosen. At the beginning of the school year, you should give this piece of writing to your teacher.
Ecris cinq questions en français sur le livre en utilisant les 5W (When, What, Where, Who, Why) et écris la réponse développée pour chaque question.
Fais une description détaillée de la société française avec ces classes sociales.
Ecris ce que tu as en commun avec le personnage principal et l’histoire du livre.
Ecris une autre fin pour ce livre.
Fais un tableau en comparant les similitudes et les différences entre deux personnages du livre.
Ecris une brochure sur le lieu de l’histoire.
DP French Language B Summer Reading Program Grade 12 AB initio
DP French Language B Summer Reading Program Grade 12 AB initio
Tic-Tac-Toe on « Pauvre Anne » Using the chart below, you must complete at least two blocks. You should write about 150 words in French for each block chosen. At the beginning of the school year, you should give these two pieces of writing to your teacher.
Tu es Anne. Ecris une lettre à tes parents. Décris les activités que tu fais et que tu aimes.
Ecris une lettre à un ami et parle d’Anne et écris sa description.
Ecris une brochure qui représente les personnages du livre. Ecris pourquoi tu as choisi ces personnages.
Ecris un Blog sur la vie d’Anne aux Etats-Unis.
Ecris un article sur ce livre.
Fais un mot-croisés avec au moins 20 mots nouveaux du livre. Tu dois écrire une définition pour chacun de ces mots.
Pauvre Anne est Choisis au moins 20 Ecris un courriel à ton maintenant un film. mots nouveaux du livre ami en lui expliquant Choisis les acteurs qui et fais un dictionnaire que tu as lu Pauvre vont jouer les avec chacun de ces Anne. Dis-lui si tu as différents personnages mots. Tu dois inclure aimé ou non ce livre et du livre. Ecris une une phrase qui montre pourquoi. description pour la signification de ces chacun d’entre eux. mots.
DP French Language B Summer Reading Program Grade 12 Language B
DP French Language B Summer Reading Program Grade 12 Language B
Tic-Tac-Toe on « Le mystère de la chambre jaune »
Using the chart below, you must complete one block. You should write about 250 -300 words in French for each block chosen. At the beginning of the school year, you should give this piece of writing to your teacher.
Ecris cinq questions en français sur le livre en utilisant les 5W (When, What, Where, Who, Why) et écris la réponse développée pour chaque question.
Fais une description détaillée de la société française
Ecris ce que tu as en commun avec le personnage principal et l’histoire du livre.
Ecris une autre fin pour ce livre.
Fais un tableau en comparant les similitudes et les différences entre deux personnages du livre.
Ecris une brochure sur le lieu de l’histoire.
MYP Spanish Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 1
MYP Spanish Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 1
Upon returning to UNIS on August 15th you need to have read the magazine chosen from your teachers. The purpose of the summer reading program is to support you in your reading skills.
Reading Requirements:
Read the magazine Answer the questions on the magazine Choose one article Write a presentation about your favorite article, you can do a poster, an article, a blog, a letter, any format of your choice. Minimum 100 words in Spanish.
MYP Spanish Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 2
MYP Spanish Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 2
Upon returning to UNIS on August 15th you need to have read the magazine chosen from your teachers. The purpose of the summer reading program is to support you in your reading skills.
Reading Requirements:
Read the magazine Answer the questions on the magazine Choose one article Write a presentation about your favorite article, you can do a poster, an article, a blog, a letter, any format of your choice. Minimum 100 words in Spanish.
MYP Spanish Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 3
MYP Spanish Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 3
Upon returning to UNIS on August 15th you need to have read the magazine chosen from your teachers. The purpose of the summer reading program is to support you in your reading skills.
Reading Requirements:
Read the magazine Answer the questions on the magazine Choose one article Write a presentation about your favorite article, you can do a poster, an article, a blog, a letter, any format of your choice. Minimum 100 words in Spanish.
MYP Spanish Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 4a and 4b
MYP Spanish Language B Summer Reading Program MYP phase 4a and 4b
Upon returning to UNIS on August 15th you need to have read the magazine chosen from your teachers. The purpose of the summer reading program is to support you in your reading skills.
Reading Requirements:
Read the book Answer in writing the questions at the back of the book (page 46 Preguntas ) Complete ONE of the following activities on page 47: 2. Una conversación 3. Dos modos de hacer turismo 4. ¡Ya sabes mucho sobre Perú!
DP Spanish Language B Summer Reading Program Grade 12 AB initio
DP Spanish Language B Summer Reading Program Grade 12 AB initio
Upon returning to UNIS on August 15th you need to have read the magazine chosen from your teachers. The purpose of the summer reading program is to support you in your reading skills.
Reading Requirements:
Read the magazine Answer the questions on the magazine Choose one article Write a presentation about your favorite article, you can do a poster, an article, a blog, a letter, any format of your choice. Minimum 100 words in Spanish.
DP Spanish Language B Summer Reading Program Grade 11 Language B
DP Spanish Language B Summer Reading Program Grade 11 Language B
An important part of the Diploma Program Languages is our focus on reading. We encourage reading and discovering texts and books that interest, inspire and challenge you. Upon returning to UNIS on August 15th you need to have read the book chosen by your teacher. The purpose of the summer reading program is to support you in your reading skills. You will receive the book below.
Reading Requirements: Read the book Answer the questions in the back of the book Write a presentation, you can do a review, an article, a blog, a letter, any format of your choice. Minimum 250 words.
DP Spanish Language B Summer Reading Program Grade 12 Language B SL
DP Spanish Language B Summer Reading Program Grade 12 Language B SL
Tic-Tac-Toe on « Taxi Coyoácan » OR « Asesinato en el barrio gótico »
Using the chart below, you must complete one block. You should write about 250 -300 words in Spanish for each block chosen. At the beginning of the school year, you should give this piece of writing to your teacher.
Escribe cinco preguntas Haz la descripcion sobre el libro usando detallada de la los 5 W (When, What, sociedad descrita en el Where, Who, Why) y libro escribe la contestacion para cada pregunta.
Escribe otra fin para este fin.
Elije dos personajes del libro y escribe las similitudes y diferencias entre ellos.
Escribe lo que tienes en comun con el personaje principal de la historia.
Haz un folleto de turismo sobre el lugar de la historia.
DP Spanish Language B Summer Reading Program Grade 12 Language B HL
DP Spanish Language B Summer Reading Program Grade 12 Language B HL
Tic-Tac-Toe on ÂŤ El principe destronado Âť
Using the chart below, you must complete one block. You should write about 250 -300 words in Spanish for each block chosen. At the beginning of the school year, you should give this piece of writing to your teacher.
Escribe cinco preguntas Haz la descripcion sobre el libro usando detallada de la los 5 W (When, What, sociedad descrita en el Where, Who, Why) y libro escribe la contestacion para cada pregunta.
Escribe otra fin para este fin.
Elije dos personajes del libro y escribe las similitudes y diferencias entre ellos.
Escribe lo que tienes en comun con el personaje principal de la historia.
Haz un folleto de turismo sobre el lugar de la historia.