Argus 8th march 2017

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Volume 12, Issue 3

8th March 2017-22nd March 2017

Mount Morgan Argus Proudly brought to you by Mount Morgan Promotion & Development Inc. ABN 21 391 526 801

Australia Day Awards for local SES Volunteers - pg 6

News from the Mount Morgan Multi Purpose Health Service Centre - pg 11

New School Leaders for Mount Morgan Central State School - pg 7

Fishing Strategic Plan grant for No 7 Dam leads to opportunities for Mount Morgan and the Region.

Good news for Mount Morgan See page 3 for full details

Did you know that all dogs must be registered with Council once they are 12 weeks old?

Is your dog registered & microchipped? Now is the time to do it! Contact Council’s Customer Service on 4932 9000 for more information or visit

Council will be inspecting in your area soon!


History & Reflections

Pride in your Town

Recently I stumbled upon one of the most delightful groups that I have encountered for some time. When I was informed about their meeting I was so pleased that these residents are having such pleasure, and it convinced me what a wonderful town Mount Morgan is to reside in. Let’s say we call it the “Thursday Club. “ This club has no office bearers, no joining subscription, no political following but its main feature is the Three C’s – Company, Conversation and a coffee. It started when two friends who had worked together, before retirement, accidently met in Morgan Street and not having seen each other for some time and had missed the company, decided to enjoy the three C’s. The group grew in numbers when other senior ladies, living alone, also wished to enjoy the three C’s. I can imagine some of the happy conversations dealing with Mount Morgan’s good old days .Over many years these ladies, with their husbands, added a great deal of time ,energy, and skill into the progress and advancement of our town and so would have wonderful stories. For the Thursday club’s added enjoyment they enjoy lunch together on the third Thursday of each month. Keep up your three C’s ladies, it will make your future days so much more enjoyable and maybe someday I may seek membership. Good Luck. Now for a completely different subject. The game of Tennis. With Sir Andy Murray‘s two victories at Wimbledon, tennis in England has received a shot in the arm. However, new comers to the game are baffled by the scoring feature, it is rather fascinating. Tennis comes from the French word “Tenez” as France is where the game originated in the 12th century. It started in a monastery where the Monks wearing gloves, batted a cork ball around the cloisters. From this humble beginning arose “Real Tennis”, the sport of kings. The gloves were abandoned and replaced with racquets, and special enclosed playing areas were constructed. In 1528, King Henry VIII, a good player, constructed courts at Hampton Court Palace, which in 1620 were re constructed and are still there today. The manner of scoring in tennis goes back to the early French game where each side had the face of a clock as their scoring board. For the winning points of each team the first hand of the clock was moved to 15, the second to 30, and the third winning point to 40. If both teams got to 40 at the same time is was called “deuce”( French “deux” meaning two.) Therefore one more point got you to 50 and if unsuccessful with the next point you returned to 40. Deuce again. A game was only won after 2 consecutive winning points by one team made 60 on the clock. Again you do not hear the word “zero” in tennis, instead “love” is used, again a French word “l ‘oeuf”, meaning an “Egg”. If you use your imagination, an egg looks rather like the number zero. So in a match the first team winning a point is 15 and the opponent is love (zero).“Real Tennis” is not played so much today but in about 1867 Walter Wingfield, the founder of lawn tennis, designed and improved the court and lawn tennis was here to stay. In 1877 twenty two men competed at the Wimbledon court and the competition was born. One year later the competition was formally recognized as the Official British Championships. Then in 1884, Ladies singles and Men’s doubles were accepted while in 1913, Ladies Doubles and Mixed Doubles were added. Today Wimbledon is still the magic trophy to win. Tennis balls have not altered that much, the important change is from white to an optic yellow for better visibility. There are many regulations about size, weight and bounce. However, racquets have had major alterations and it seems to be on going. The game maybe still called Lawn Tennis but the variety of surfaces could be grass, clay, asphalt, concrete or artificial turf. These differing surfaces put heavy demands on top-class players. Lawn Tennis is probably played more widely than any other sport in the world, mainly because it can be played all year round indoors or outdoors. What a game!! Love my tennis. Think clean – be tidy and be proud of your town.

Opportunity for Mount Morgan Anglers


The Rockhampton Recreational Fishing Development Strategy was endorsed by Rockhampton Regional Council who have allocated $91,000 over three years to co-fund the project for Mount Morgan’s Dam, along with over $200,000 in kind from the State Government and approximately $90,000 in Federal funding. The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) has selected four freshwater locations across Queensland, that it proposes to implement projects of this type. The implementation of fish habitat enhancements in the Mount Morgan No.7 Dam is aimed at improving the environments that fish live in from an ecological sustainability point of view whilst improving recreational angling in Mount Morgan No. 7 Dam. Habitat enhancements can include: fish hotels (made from timber), porcupine cribs (made from timber), brush habitats, tree habitats, rock habitats and PVC habitat structures. MMPAD President John Steinberger said, “MMPAD has for many years through our restocking licence permit issued by the Queensland Government, released thousands of fingerlings into the No 7 dam. Release is done annually with purchased stocks from money raised by MMPAD volunteers at various fund raising events. The fingerlings are mainly golden perch and some other preferred varieties, with the maximum allowed of 9,000 each year. Over the last few years we have been from drought to good seasons, making it quite difficult to monitor the success of releases. I do know there are good size fish up there but what quantity I’m not quite sure. There is quite a bit of water for them to live in and with limited feedback, how many fish is taken quite unclear. We are requesting feedback from any successful anglers.” Mr Steinberger also commented “This project, funded by local and state governments and perhaps may have federal assistance, is like a breath of fresh air for this community. It will allow us to monitor and improve the actual habitat for fish.” “I consider it great for all of Mount Morgan and the region, giving locals and visitors improved fishing, and an added bonus to business. With more people actually using the facility it may also encourage visitors to stay a little longer and patronise other businesses in the town.The spin offs are great. The fishing improvement project is planned to start this year initially with research, inspections and other analysis which will lead to practical placement and creation of types of fishing habitats. The project has a three year life span and I can’t wait to see its development and the results. MMPAD is on board to assist where needed. Our next plan is fishing competitions in the future.” Mr Steinberger said. If you’ve had a successful fishing experience at the dam recently, we’d like to know about it. Give us a call or email us at with a photo!

Francis Morton Patent Fence Strainer

Golf Club News


By Graeme Meade from Collectables and Memories on East Street

Peter Mackay & Jai Browne This rusty fence strainer came into the shop with a pile of other things. I cleaned it up, did some research on it,and could not find anything about this strainer, but I did find other items made by Francis Morton.

Last weekend on Sunday 26th February, the Mens & Ladies 4 Ball CQ qualifier was in full swing. With an outstanding field of 20 plus competitors, the competition was fierce, with all vying for a chance to represent their club at The Capricorn Resort later in the year for the CQ 4 Ball Championships.

Francis Morton was established in Liverpool, in 1857, looking through their 1862 catalogue, they are made from iron fence posts with strainers built into them. There were all kinds of fencing, posts, wire, chicken wire, wrought iron gates and roofing iron. I cannot see this strainer in the catalogue, but a similar design is used in the fence posts with 4 to 6 strainers in each post.

Upcoming Events:-

This strainer would be attached to a wooden post with a bolt, the wire run though and tightened; the ratchet would hold the tension. On the side it is marked “Francis Morton Patent Liverpool”. I guess this strainer would have been made between 1862 and 1912; the patent was probably done in the early 1860s, so this piece is quite old. Someone must have imported them and this one was used in the Mount Morgan area and has somehow survived. The Francis Morton Company, went on to have 600 -700 employees, by 1914. They were manufacturing girders, flooring, steel-framed buildings, steel telegraph poles and bridges.

Winners were:- Peter Mackay and Jai Browne for the Mens and Melissa Lee and Karen Atwell for the Ladies. Well done! These members will represent our Club at the Capricorn Resort for the Championships A lovely lunch was enjoyed by all, with many thanks to all who contributed to the day. The Wally Hall Memorial Golf Day. Sunday 19th March. Tee off 8am. 3 Person Ambrose with prizes for Pin Shots and Longest Drive. $20 p/p includes lunch. To nominate please email or call Melissa 0407675377. Juniors is on 8:30am-12 Saturday mornings. At a total cost of $2 including lunch, it is a great value sport, and we have clubs available to try out for anyone just wanting to have a go. Please call for more info, or ‘like’ our Facebook page for updates. Kirra Swain

Melissa Lee & Karen Atwell

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Afternoon Tea


On Friday the 24th of February, a group of Mount Morgan women gathered together to learn more about Ovarian Cancer. To start the proceedings, we received a surprise visit from Debra Robson who gave us a quick chat about how cancer is formed, bowel cancer in particular. We learnt about the kits that are sent out and at what age to expect them. She answered our questions thereby easing some of the stigma surrounding it. Robyn Stoddart, from the Women’s Health Clinic at the Mount Morgan Multipurpose Health Service, spoke to us in depth about the causes and symptoms of Ovarian Cancer. This helped us take our first step for this year’s theme “Know, Ask, Act”. We now KNOW the symptoms. Next, we will ASK our Doctor if we have any concerns. And finally ACT if it is required or if we would like to raise funds for the cause. Of course, our discussion didn’t end there. With women of all ages in attendance, they took the opportunity to ask Robyn questions pertaining to Women’s Health and she took a moment to explain the new controversial testing that is being implemented at the end of the year. Thank you to Robyn and Debra for being our guest speakers, the Community Hub, for allowing us to meet there, and most of all Thank You to all the ladies who attended. Without you we couldn’t continue. Thank you one and all. Tamara Alden.

Morning Melodies On Wednesday the 1st March the Grand Hotel hosted it’s first Morning Melodies which was attended by 16 people. Pete Camm received song requests from the floor and the attendees certainly entered into the spirit of the morning singing along to familiar tunes. “The music and the meal was excellent and everyone had a most enjoyable time” commented Margaret Hoehne. The Grand Social Club conducted raffles throughout the morning.

Peter Camm at the Morning Melodies

The winners of the raffles were Melray McNamara, Veronica Clancy and Margaret Hoehne. Pictured Judith Crane presenting Veronica with her win.


Awards for Local SES Volunteers

Mount Morgan SES Group members, Dave Sealy, Melissa Sealy and Lyn Porter received the Queensland Fire & Emergency Services Australia Day Achievement Awards. This award was for their dedication and commitment to the Operation of the Mount Morgan SES Group to enable it to provide a professional volunteer emergency service to the community of Mount Morgan.

Pictured Darren Barnicoat, Stanley Western, Lynette Porter, David Sealy, Melissa Sealy, Kevin Coughran and Betty Wilkes.

SES Member Betty Wilkes was presented with a Certificate Of Appreciation. Congratulations to them all! Well deserved!

News From The Dee River Oldies

The Dee River Oldies held their first stall for the year on Thursday February 16th. The winner of the meat tray raffle was Dick Needham. If you would like to cook or help at the stall it would be very much appreciated. Then on Monday 20th February fifteen of our members attended Morning Melodies at The Pilbeam Theatre and was entertained by Simon singing Peter Allen’s songs. Afterwards everyone enjoyed a delicious roast meal and sweets at the Grand Hotel. Mrs Nell Shaw was the winner of our raffle on the bus. A lot of our members would like to see Little Patti so it looks like our next Morning Melodies will be on Monday July 31st. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 21 March, Our first Morning Tea will be held at St Mary’s hall on Wednesday, and our next street stall will be on Thursday 20th 29th March. The Guest Speaker will be Gordon Luck from Mount April in Morgan Street. Margaret Hoehne. Morgan MPHS.

Quality Cremation Services

Meeting your needs with Quality & Compassion

ABN: 54 894 799 119 Cremation without Ceremony from $1350.00 Cremation Service From $2995.00 Servicing Mount Morgan Region Phone 4921 2673

Bob Wheeler 0419 663 277 Po Box 91 Mt Morgan 5 tonne tipper truck Excavator & Kanga Tractor, Slasher & Poison Sprayer Licenced Poisons Contractor

Mount Morgan Central State School Leaders


Recently the school captains, school councillors and house captains were elected at Mount Morgan primary school. All Year 6 student leaders were presented with their badges in a special ceremony on Tuesday 21st February. To assist the students with their leadership roles, each student has been involved in the Peer Skills Australia workshop, which prompts the students to develop their skills in helping others in and around the school. Captains and councillors also attended the Grip Leadership workshop in Rockhampton to build their leadership skills by working with school leaders from other schools in the local area.

Congratulations to all the Year 6 students on their leadership roles. Brad Carlson - Principal Mount Morgan Central State School

Update From Golden Mount Nursery You may have already seen or been told that the Golden Mount Nursery has shut down. I have therefore taken this opportunity to tell you all first hand what is happening and why the nursery has moved. In July 2001 the Golden Mount Nursery was set up as a wholesale / retail / plant production nursery and it has operated ever since although not always in a shop front. Since opening in 98b James Street at the end of November 2016 we have had nothing but dramas, these started on the day we opened, with the nursery flooding resulting in a loss of several hundred plants. The nursery then had to become a construction site for 10 days whilst the Council undertook repairs, so we could only access the premises to water the plants. Just when we thought it was safe along came the sewage works which was closely followed by the road works all of which resulted in either severely limiting or completely cutting the access to the nursery. If I was a superstitious person I would think the gods were after me, but that isn’t me. I believe what doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger, I must admit sometimes I felt as if I was bench pressing a house. Following taking everything into consideration, we have found that it was becoming unrealistic to have the retail section of the nursery operating from a different premises to the wholesale. Originally when I moved into the James Street site, I wanted to move away from the big nursery and into a garden shop type business, but our customers wanted what we once had at the No 7 Dam and the new site could not accommodate this amount of stock. Over the next couple of months’ construction will start on a purpose built complex, which will enable us to have both the wholesale and retail section of the nursery operating in the same vicinity. The new nursery will be wheelchair friendly and have plenty of room to accommodate the 500 rose plants which will be arriving in June. We also have a new seedling supply coming on board so there should be something for everyone. In the meantime we have left the James Street site and have moved the plants to a temporary location. This is for several reasons but the main is that we need to concentrate on getting the new site ready and stocked with a larger variety of plants, so I hope you will forgive this inconvenience. Until the new complex is built you will be able to purchase plants, mower blades, weedeaters, blowers, hedge trimmers via our facebook page: Golden Mount Nursery. If you want anything just message us and we can arrange free delivery, EFTPOS facilities are also available. Please keep an eye on the facebook page for further information, currently we have Camelia’s and Tibouchina’s in full bud so we will post pictures once they are in full flower, the Bougainvillea’s in flower are especially spectacular at present also. We look forward to showing you around our new site in the very near future, I promise the wait will be worth it.



10. 10.

The Orange Dot Movie Review

By Larry at Fox Video Temuera Morrison shot to stardom with the breakout role of JAKE THE MUSS in possibly the most powerful movie I’ve ever seen, ONCE WERE WARRIORS. Once again we see Temuera as the strong man, the hard man... This time as the powerful patriarch of the Mahana family. MAHANA is taken from the book BULIBASHA by Witi Ihimaera who also wrote WHALE RIDER. The screenwriter is John Collee, known for bringing MASTER AND COMMANDER to the screen; and the director and producer of ONCE WERE WARRIORS, Lee Tamahori takes the helm here as director of this wonderful film. Set in the 1960’s, East Coast of New Zealand,

NEVER feed Ducks Bread

MAHANA is a profound and enduring tale of contemporary Maori culture and rural family life.

truth behind the deep-seated family vendetta between the Mahanas and the Poatas.

Two proud Maori sheep-shearing families, the Mahanas and the Poatas are longstanding enemies and commercial rivals. Simeon Mahana is fourteen years old, the youngest son of the youngest son, a child of the new age, and he is in conflict with his traditionalist grandfather, the patriarch of the family, Tamihana (Temuera Morrison).

Simeon is putting at risk not just his own future prospects, but the cohesion of his entire tight-knit community.

As Simeon locks horns with the old man he comes face-to-face with the fearsome power that erupts from deep within his Grandad. Things get even more difficult for the boy when he discovers a long-buried secret that leads him to unravel the

Once again the Kiwis deliver a powerful human drama that draws you in so deep it’s almost like you’re there, with the players, involved personally in their story. Two hours you spend immersed in this 20th Century Maori world and then you don’t really want to leave these folks behind. Rated M for mature themes and a sex scene, MAHANA is a movie you won’t forget...Loved it!

Wildlife Matters

We had an interesting mix of animals in over the last couple of months. We had 2 very young ducklings (Pacific Black) which we successfully raised and released. They were in care for a long time as we had to wait for their primary flight feathers to harden up in order for them to be able to fly and dive properly. Pacific Black ducks are dabblers, as opposed to grazers such as the Wood Ducks. Ducklings are very time consuming as they need their water changed very frequently, or they will become sick. Many people believe little ducklings just take to the water and swim, however they are not waterproof when they are young, they get their waterproofing from their mum, and if she is not present,

By Trish Mathers - Phone 04005 91504 little ducklings can easily drown or get a chill from being in water. Ducklings should only be given a very small, shallow dish of water for at least the first month they are in care. To feed them we give them chicken crumbles, chopped up grass, lettuce, chickweed, spinach and a variety of garden weeds. Being dabblers, our little ducklings also needed a supply of insects, which we place in the water under a handful of weeds, so they have to put in the effort to find them. We also sprinkle Insectivore onto their backs, so they get some nourishment when they are preening. Insectivore is a protein mix of crushed insects.

Use chicken crumbles instead if you intend on feeding wild ducks

Our two little black ducks eventually were released on the dam, and as always we worry about them. We must always make sure any animal in care is capable of looking after itself once released. This means it must be fit and healthy and can forage for its own food. We also had a baby Boobook Owl, a baby bandicoot, baby possum, many different birds, a red-tailed black cockatoo, a number of wallabies and roos and also adult injured birds and animals. The majority of the babies have been successfully released, some come back, others do not. We try our best but unfortunately some are just too badly injured.

Mount Morgan Multi Purpose Health Service

Community Advisory Network (CAN) News: In February an Induction/Handover Meeting was held for our new CAN Members, to elect the Chairperson and to farewell previous members. Two of the previous CAN members are continuing, Wayne Linney (Schools Chaplain, ph 4912 5333, 4912 5555) and Jean Morgenstern (Meals on Wheels, Uniting Church ph 4938 1346), and the MMMPHS would like to thank them for their ongoing contributions to our service. MMMPHS would like to sincerely thank outgoing CAN Chairperson, Bob MacIntyre, and CAN member, Margaret Hall, for their contributions, advice and support during their tenure. Our new CAN members were elected following a community consultation process conducted in the latter part of 2016. The successful nominees were selected utilising a range of criteria including broad community representation, communication skills, consumers of services and their interest in targeted key health areas. The new members are:- Margaret Pearce (Meals on Wheels, Uniting Church) ph 4938 1382, Rosemary Hoffman (Indigenous Community, previous nursing experience) ph 0422 631 516, Noel Barker (Meals on Wheels, Mount Morgan Show Society) ph 4934 0023 / 0418 729 122, Tph 0458 109 635,


Trevor Rickertt (Principal MMSHS) ph 0472 836 512, Garry Turnbull (consumer), Rhonda Ramm (MMPAD Project Officer, St Mary’s Village Committee) ph 0438 771 994 and Leonie Wovatt (Relationships Aust, Qld) ph 4938 2662. Other members of the CAN are Gordon Luck (Director of Nursing), Daisy Gibson (Indigenous Health Worker, ph 0407 749 594) and Jayne Farrell (Minute Secretary). The CAN unanimously elected Wayne as the new Chairperson and he accepted. Members of the Mount Morgan community are invited to contact any CAN member to discuss any concerns or questions. The CAN will be meeting bi-monthly, beginning in March.

Immunisation Clinic: Anyone aged 70 years – 79 years

old this year is eligible to have a vaccination for Shingles. Clients must not have had Shingles within the last 12 months. To make an appointment to have this vaccination please phone 4912 5100 between 8am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday.

Flu Vax: Clients are invited to have their name/s added to the Flu Vax list for 2017. At this stage dates for the clinic have not been finalised. To have your name added to the list please phone 4912 5100 8am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday.



SATURDAY 25th MARCH 2PM MASONIC HALL - GORDON STREET, MT MORGAN Tea & Coffee before commencement. Great Prizes!


To submit any stories or information to MMPAD please email:

Alan Housman Builder ABN 52 081 926 QBSA 19514 Domestic & Commercial Work Specialising in:

TV Antenna Sales & Installation Mount Morgan Extra TV Outlets and Cabeling TV Tuning Telephone outlets and extensions

Eric Stevenson Ph: 0417 006591 ACMA License No. T 14409

Stewarts Towing & Service Station 6 Central Street, MOUNT MORGAN Phone: 49 38 12 83 24 Hour Service - 7 Days a Week

Tony Harney Plumbing Available for all domestic and commercial work. Blocked drains, leaking taps or any other maintenance issues Phone Tony

0429669499 Servicing Mount Morgan

ABN : 76 171 835 370

• • • •

Restumping Extensions Renovations New Home

Phone: 4938 1887 - Mobile 0419 741 611

Building locally for over 20 years - Quality Workmanship Guaranteed

Stanley Constructions Home Renovations

• We specialise in general carpentry repairs & steel Fabrications • From design & planning to simple handyman services, we do it all.

Phone Gordon Lee today: 0418886997

QBSA 735099

M.A.W Mowing & Handyman Services ABN: 30 706 300 266 Now offering Ironing & Housecleaning Services Mark Williamson 0403 571 561 Email:

QBCC 1110090

Mark Humphrey’s Electrical 8 Baldwin Street Mount Morgan 4714 Electrical Lic. No. 74711 Phone: 0439 727 609 FAX: 4938 2885

Domestic, Rural, Commercial Installation and Repairs, Promptly Servicing Mount Morgan & Wowan Districts

Mount Morgan 4922 8685 Full service cremations for $4,500 GST included, Burials excluding grave costs for $3,700 GST included Providing you with peace of mind

Buy Local - Support Local Businesses


or Phone MMPAD on 4938 2312 for any enquiries and pricings

Clinic 1st Tuesday of the Month

- Competitive rates - Local bloke - Clean Ups - Maintenance - Repairs - Minor Home Repairs - Welding - Driveways - Landscaping - Fencing - Mowing and much, much more

- Lifts up to 1.5 ton and carry up to 5 ton - 9m Tri Axle Trailer 3.5 ton electric winch

Phone Paul on 4938 1321 or 0429 987 130 ABN: 43920044782

Jobs under $3,300 value

Finlayson & McKenzie Funerals Sandi Wood (nee Inslay) from Mount Morgan was born and raised within the Mount and is well aware of the needs of the Mount Morgan community. Sandi is Mount Morgan’s funeral consultant and is available for all funeral advice. Contact Sandi for more information and competitive prices with burials, cremations or prepaid funerals. Sandi Wood your local consultant Phone: 4922 1269


MMPAD News Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc. is pleased to welcome new members, Laurie Fraser owner of the Railway Hotel, Ian Trainer from the Post Office, Mark & Alona Williams from MAW, Di Browne, Kelly Lennox and Kevin Crawford. We’d like to remind existing members that membership fees for 2017 are due. We’re currently in the process of updating the MMPAD website and we’ll be speaking with businesses to ensure their details are accurate, listening to their ideas and to give them an update on MMPAD’s future projects. The Argus will be delivered with the catalogues so keep an eye on your letter box. If you know someone who hasn’t received a copy let us know and we’ll make sure it gets sorted. IGA and the Railway Museum/Tourist Information Centre ha copies also. Don’t forget the Argus is also available free online and in colour! On Saturday 4th March, Madonna, Michelle and Anita from Nunnehi Shadow Seekers visited the Railway Complex in the search of Paranormal activity. More on that in a future issue. Come down and visit us and see the progression of our Centenary Gardens under the fig trees. Find the team who bring you the Argus on Facebook Search: Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Incorporated

CONCREATURE Concreting Service

All aspects concreting Restoration old slabs a speciality Exposed- Colour- Stencil Jobs under $3000 value

0428 154 172

The Railway Hotel Meals Thursday - Saturday Raffles Friday & Saturday Refurbished Motel Rooms

Drive Through Bottle Shop 90 James Street Mount Morgan

Phone: 49381800


RODEO ASSOCIATION RAFFLE RESULTS CQLX 14 & 15/02 Whisky Raffle - E. Deicke (A78) 16/2 Pick a Card No-180 – Peter Camm (5), 181- C. Jude (12), 182-B. Ray (16), 17/02 CQLX Rum Raffle - P. Scott (D97) 23/02/ No 183 – Peter Camm (5), 184 Joslyn (6), No 185-Humpo (16), Little People Raffle-Margaret Reid (C17) 24/2/17 - CQLX Rum Raffle -Adam Hick (B72)

The Mount Morgan Rodeo Association would like to thank everyone for their continued support.

59 Morgan Street

Deslea’s Cutz for Mutz Mobile Dog Clipping

Phone Des: 0447 275 402

Railway MuseumVisitor Views


Former Mount Morgan Residents John McLellan and Berice McLellan (nee Nash) visited the Railway Museum on the 23rd February 2016. The Rockhampton residents regularly visit their “home town” and enjoy meeting up with locals they remember. Berice used to reside in Little James Street and John attended Mount Morgan High School. Residents may remember the family from their time in local business at the Ampol Service Station. (now Stewart’s Towing & Service Station.)

On Thursday 2nd March, four delightful ladies visited the railway complex as part of their three day stopover at the Silver Wattle Van Park Mount Morgan. Karen Hockmuth, Donna Flint , Maree Noonan, and Pam Wall (pictured) and their husbands are all retirees from Yeppoon with Maree and Pam previously residents of Mount Morgan. Trips to the local shops, including the bakery, the Dam, a TMC mine tour and a game of bowls at the Dee were all on the agenda for their week-end.

Discover the difference! Meet Angela Douglas: •Local area agent •Knowledgeable about the local community •Listens to your needs •Proven results over and over •New logo, same great person •Free, no hassle appraisals

Angela Douglas: 0401 953 882

K. J. Daniels


PO. Box 36 Mount Morgan QLD 4714 ABN 64 538 030 420

4938 1867

MOUNT MORGAN AGRICULTURAL SHOW SOCIETY INC INVITES TENDERS FROM INTERESTED SCHOOL OR COMMUNITY AND NOT FOR PROFIT ORGANISATIONS TO PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES FOR THE 2017 MOUNT MORGAN SHOW TO BE HELD ON 12 AUGUST 2017 TENDER 001 – CANTEEN OPERATION TENDER 002 – GATE MANAGEMENT TENDER 003 – RING STEWARDS Tenders should be forwarded to the Secretary, PO Box 183 Mount Morgan or emailed to by close of business 28 April 2017 The lowest or any tender may not be accepted. Tender specifications may be viewed in News at For further information contact Heather Barker on 0457 503 467



Mar 9: GMFA Bingo. St. Mary’s Anglican Church Hall, Gordon Street. Doors open 6.30pm. Play starts 7.30pm Mar 11: Baree School of Arts Markets/Car Boot Sale. 8am to 12 Noon, $10 per site. Mar 16: GMFA Bingo. St. Mary’s Anglican Church Hall, Gordon St. Doors open 9.00am play starts 10.00am Mar 18: Blue Care Aux Trash & Treasure. Gordon Street. 8am-Noon Mar 18: Rodeo Cent Sale Community Services Hall... Still 5 tickets for $1. Doors open12.Games start 2PM. Mar 18: Mt Morgan Arts & Crafts Group Markets, Car Boot Sale. School of Arts, Sausage Sizzle, tea & coffee. 8am-12 Noon. Phone Pam 49381467 Mar 23: GMFA Bingo. St. Mary’s Anglican Church Hall, Gordon St. Doors open 6.30pm. Play starts 7.30pm Mar 25: Gentlefolk Single-speed, Fixie & Old Bike Society Ride 2.30pm. Leaves from Collectables & Memories in East Street. Mar 25: OES Cent Sale. Masonic Hall, Gordon St. 2pm start. Tea & Coffee before commencement. Mar 30: GMFA Bingo. St. Mary’s Anglican Church Hall, Gordon St. Doors open 9.00am play starts 10.00am Apr 1: Mt. Morgan Arts & Crafts Cent Sale. CWA Hall,Doors open 1pm. Cent Sale Starts 2pm. Refreshments available. Apr 6: GMFA Bingo. St. Mary’s Anglican Church Hall, Gordon St. Doors open 6.30pm. Play starts 7.30pm Apr 8: Rodeo Association Horse sports day Saturday, 8th April 10am showgrounds. Apr 8: Baree School of Arts Markets/Car Boot Sale. 8am to 12 Noon, $10 per site. Apr 8: Easter Cent Sale. QCWA Hall, East Street. 2PM Apr 27-May 1st: Golden Mount Festival. Apr 30 :Mount Morgan Rodeo. Gates open 6.30am, entertainment from 9am, Mount Morgan Showground. May 21: Car Rally Poker Run. Starts 9am Rocky, finishing at Mount Morgan Showground around 12.30 for lunch. For details ring 0490333608.

CLASSIFIEDS PAINTER: Semi retired. W. Cruickshank Phone 0488104774 or 0488105257. QBCC No-75608. GUNS & AMMUNITION: MOUNT MORGAN. ERIC J. STEVENSON. Dealer Licence 5000149. PHONE 0417006591 PLANT NURSERY: 160 East St. South, Mt. Morgan. (opposite the cemetery ) Open 9:30am to 5 pm every day except Mondays. Ph. 0429888165

GARAGE SALE: 9 Coronation Drive, Mt Morgan Saturday 11th March 7am - 5pm, Come grab a bargain. Clothes, books, dvd’s, household items, electrical, toys etc. THANK YOU: The family of the late Alfred Stein would like to extend their thanks to the Mount Morgan Hospital Staff, Dr Mario, Ambulance & Paramedic Staff, Rev Scott Ballment, the Uniting Church, Sandi Wood & Finlayson & McKenzie. We would also like to sincerely thank everyone for their condolances, phone calls, cards and flowers. Your compassion in this, our time of grief, is appreciated more than we can convey. Sincere thanks from the Stein family. Carers, Conversation & A Cuppa for Guide Dogs Monday 13 March 2017 Time: 9:30am to 11:30am Rita Kershaw Room, Walter Reid Building, Rockhampton. Please RSVP by Friday 10th March to Luanne Donohoe on 3500 9051 or email

Next Argus: Wednesday, 22nd March 2017 If you have something you’d like included in this issue, please note that all inclusions are required by Wednesday 15th March 2017. Ph: 4938 2312 Email:

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SOME OF THIS WEEK’S BIGGIES NOW AVAILABLE: DR Strange: Skiptrace: Arrival: Accuntant: Pete’s Dragon: Ouja 2: Captain Fantastic: Magnificent 7 ( ... AND MANY MORE ... ) DOB IN A PIRATE: 1800 251996

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