Volume 12, Issue 11
28th June- 12th July 2017
Mount Morgan Argus Proudly brought to you by Mount Morgan Promotion & Development Inc. ABN 21 391 526 801
Good News for the Breakfast Club Page 3
Rotary News - Page 15
Margaret Hickey in Visitor Views Page 4
Local Legend Retires From Mount Morgan Primary
Peter Hixon retires from Mount Morgan Central State School after many years of service to the school - Page 5 for story
Experience historic Mount Morgan with
Mount Morgan TMC Guided Tours Take a fascinating journey in time! Venture the historic township and heritage Gold Mine. Tours daily Bookings essential. PH: 4938 1823 www.tmctours.com.au
History & Reflections
Pride in your Town Having recently viewed a program on TV concerning early housing in Australia, it brought to mind the various aspects of some early housing in Mount Morgan.
The old miners homesteads, bear no resemblance to any modern dwelling. Most of the old homes were of wooden construction, not always painted, generally had an open front veranda, two or three very small bedrooms, a semi-detached kitchen covered by a walkway or an open covered area and a bathroom that will be explained later. Let us start at the front veranda. At one end there often was a small wooden single bed, with a fibre mattress which was the sleeping quarters of one of the older boys. For winter warmth a wooden slatt blind was placed on the side to shield from the winter breeze. The rest remained an open area, air conditioning “au naturale.” The main small bedroom for Mother and Father generally, consisted of an iron framed double bed, again possibly a fibre mattress, a very small dressing table of maybe three drawers, a small face mirror on top and a kerosene lamp. Clothes were hung on what was called a curtained wall. It was a wooden shelf with a curtain attached to it on maybe three sides. The clothes’ were hung from screws or bent nails placed underneath. Of course in the early 1900’s clothes were at a minimum so not much space was needed. The other one or two bedrooms were similar with double or single beds.
Families had more children then, and three or four little ones could share the big bed. The covered walkway or a type of veranda to the semi-detached kitchen always had a cooling safe hanging in the breezeway and often a large tin tub was on a bench which was used for multiple purposes. The kitchen consisted of a very large wooden table for the bigger families and a wood stove where a shelf was built above so the pots and pans were hung and always readily available. Cups, plates etc and of course the enamel mugs were in a small cupboard sometimes with a gauze (fly proof) door. The kitchen table was scrubbed after meals and was so clean it was almost white in colour. From this primitive kitchen these women could produce meals and cakes equal to the Master Chefs of today. Not as glamorous but of good flavour and nutrition. Then of course comes the bathroom. What bathroom? For many the bath was the iron tub in front of the wooden fire with the cleanest child going first. That tub of water may do 3 or 4 children. Other bathroom models consisted of a few sheets of iron wrapped around some posts where a high built water tank was situated. A pipe came from the tank and in the delight of the iron enclosure a cold shower could be enjoyed! Especially on a cold winters day. Toilet facilities and washing of clothes are other stories, for another time. Think Clean - Be Tidy.
Hat & Coat Rack
By Graeme Meade
This belongs to a friend; it has a
little story behind it. It was bought at a garage sale, in Yeppoon, a few months ago. The garage sale people said they bought it at the Rocky swap many years ago; Rocky swap has only been going for twenty years. The people from the Rocky swap said they have had it for a long time, and that it came from a church in Mount Morgan that was being demolished. No time frame, maybe someone will recognise it? It’s a coat rack, three feet long by one foot high, that’s about 90cm x 30cm for the newbies, the timber is quite thick. It has four railway spikes, and maybe a dog spike bashed into it. The back has some screws inserted with wire around it to hang the coatrack. It also looks like the rack has also been nailed or screwed to a wall. The Uniting Church was rebuilt in 1993, I think the Sacred Heart Catholic Church has been rebuilt at some stage. I am sure there were many churches built and rebuilt or demolished around this area. Things made from railway spikes are all the rage at the moment. Looking online there are hundreds of images.
Collaborative Fundraising Success
L-R Sandra Ireland, Mark Ricks, Eve-lyn Rogers, Hugh McGilvray
A joint venture between Feel Good Promotions, the Golden Mount Festival Association [GMFA], Mount Morgan IGA and Almost Anything Web and Graphic Design has raised $1000 towards the Central State School Breakfast Club. The funds were raised through the sale of Kindness Bags at the 2017 Golden Mount Festival. Festival sponsors such as 4RO, Triple M, Channel 7, The Rock and Rockhampton Regional Council were asked to contribute promotional merchandise to fill the bag. Other businesses and organisations had an opportunity to contribute promotional information by way of a small donation for the cause. Feel Good Promotions contributed chips and odds and ends while the GMFA contributed wrist bands and balloons and Almost Anything Web and Graphic Design from Rockhampton provided corflute signage. Feel Good Promotions owner, Mark Ricks said he was really pleased with the end result. “This demonstrated that partnerships when all parties contribute, can be highly successful,” he said. GMFA President Eve-lyn Rogers said it was great to work on a project that benefitted the grass roots members of the community – the children. “It was a great project to work on that had some positive partnership outcomes,” she said.
Happy 90th Birthday KEV SMALL Best wishes for a very Happy Birthday - from family, friends and the people of Mount Morgan.
News From MMPAD
Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc. staff and volunteers were delighted to receive a lovely gift basket of goodies from the Events Coordination, Department of the Premier and Cabinet on Thursday the 22nd June 2017. We were one of ten lucky winners to receive a prize for participating in the Queensland Day Celebrations on the 6th June 2017. Proud to be Queenslanders! The Railway Museum and Tourist Information Centre has seen a steady increase of visitors over the past two weeks. Don’t forget if you’re looking for a unique gift, we stock souvenirs including stubby holders, key rings, glasses, mugs, handcrafts, Bell Art essential oil soaps, aroma blocks, gift tags, jewellery, gem stones and much more! With the assistance of grant funding from the Queensland Government’s First Start Community Program, MMPAD is about to employ an Office Trainee who will also attain a Certificate III in Business Administration. On Saturday the 8th July, we’ll be hosting a ‘Meet & Greet’ BBQ & Information Session at the Railway Complex, from 1pm-3pm. Matt Wynning from the Mount Morgan High School will also present a short address. Representatives from all Businesses, Schools, Clubs, MMPAD members and the local community are most welcome to attend this informal get together. RSVP for catering purposes 5th July: Email mmpad@bigpond.com or phone 49382 312. July 18th members General Meeting to be held. Saturday 5th August MMPAD will be hosting a Trivia Night at the Community Services Club. 6pm-9pm. $10 per person, teams of (4-6), including nibbles. Hot food available and bar operating. $200 1st Prize - $100 2nd Prize. To book Phone 49 382 312 Keep the 2nd September free for our Mount Morgan Wattle Day. If you know a quiet achiever nominate them now for the Wattle Day Award. For Details Phone 49382312.
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
Visitor Views
Mount Morgan Order of the Eastern Star No 158 sponsored and conducted a Big Cuppa Morning Tea for Cancer in the Masonic Hall, on Monday 19th June 2017. Zoe, a guest speaker from the Rockhampton Cancer Council informed those present, what the Council was doing, and where the monies received are channelled. Entertainment by Mr. Bruce Rogers, competitions, raffles, trading table and a delicious morning tea made for an enjoyable morning. The Order of the Eastern Star Mount Morgan thanks all who were able to attend and for their generous support. The business houses and persons listed below are also thanked for supporting the Morning Tea by supplying raffle prizes and donations. A total of $726.10 was raised on the day. Masonic Hall Committee, Mount Morgan Promotion & Development Inc., Rhonda & John Ramm, Leichhardt Hotel, Grand Hotel, Colleen’s Hair Salon, Mane Street Hair Salon, IGA Mount Morgan, Debbie Rose Boutique, Golden Mount Nursery, Mount Morgan NewsXpress, Grandma’s Café, Judy Curtis (Post Office), Heather Barker (Bouldercombe), Lavina Hale, (Mt. Morgan), Noel Kearney, (Rockhampton). With Thanks, Keith S Hare
MMCSS Age Champions all Smiles
Returning for a short visit to Mount Morgan is Margaret Hickey (pictured) from Toowoomba. Margaret will be remembered by many ladies as she was the owner of a Hairdressing Salon in the early social days when Mount Morgan enjoyed many balls and evening events. For these functions, the ladies required flattering hairstyles for such big occasions. Margaret also played an important role in the foundation of the Mount Morgan Drama Club which stood her in good stead when she left Mount Morgan and took up a theatre role with the 12th Night Theatre company in Brisbane. Margaret said her memories of the Mount are most treasured ones.
Lorikeets Triumph
LORIKEETS ARE HERE!!! Another Home Game in Gods Country, where our boys took on Defending Premiers for the first time this season, saw our lorikeets walk away with a comfortable 50 to 7 WIN over Biloela this afternoon.
Congratulations to Zaine Wright (Pictured above left) 1st Place Age Champion 2008 Boys. Following in her brothers footsteps Ambah-Leigh Wright (1st Place Age Champion 2012 Girls. Well done to you both! Next issue we’ll bring you more photos and results from the Central State Primary School Atletics Carnival which was held at Newman Oval on Wednesday 21st June 2017.
Tries- Guy Martin, Ben Cunynghame, Curtly Toby, Nathan O’Brien, Dylan Roberts (2), Dean Leggo, Neville Blake Goals- 5/8 Todd Toby.
Congratulations Lorikeets!!
What’s Been Happening at Mount Morgan Central State School
Mount Morgan Central State School staff and students turned out in force to wish Mr Peter Hixon (pictured), a happy retirement on Thursday the 8th of June. Mr Hixon has been a fixture at the school as a teacher aide for over 20 years and will be greatly missed. School Principal, Mr Brad Carlson began the mornings proceeding by thanking Mr Hixon for his tireless efforts working with the students at the School. Staff member Mr Denis McKay then addressed the audience and spoke of Mr Hixon’s other contributions which included being one of the inaugural coaches of the school’s successful after school sports programs and excellent camp supervisor. Always being able to help with things like marking the ovals for sports days and organising the food for the after school sports. Most importantly, he said Mr Hixon always had the students of Mount Morgan Central’s best interest at heart in both the classroom and wider community. Year 6 students then read a moving acrostic poem titled ‘Mr Hixon’ before he was presented with thank you cards from the assembled classes.
Sorry Day Commemorations
On Friday 26th May 2017, school and community members attended the annual National Sorry Day Ceremony at Mount Morgan Central State School. Proudly opening the ceremony with Acknowledgement of Country were year 6 students, Kahlen Garrett, Lara Martin and Ellah Donald. Principal, Mr Brad Carlson, spoke of the importance of remembering the Stolen Generation on this day as the first day of Reconciliation Week. This was followed by Ms Schluter expressing why we say ‘Sorry’ and how it is a significant part of the healing for the Stolen Generation. ‘Sorry Day Australia’, a poem by Meriki Raelene Parkinson Fraser, was performed sensitively by Mr Kilpatrick’s year five students followed by Miss Palmer’s year 6 class reciting ‘Sorry Today,’ an Acrostic Poem. As this was read, students representing each class placed wreaths of hands in the indigenous garden area.
An emotional guard of honour was formed by the upper school classes to escort Mr Hixon to the staff room where a morning tea was held with invited family guests and staff. Mr. Hixon hopes to spend more time with his family, travelling and fishing but he will continue his ongoing association with the school helping on a volunteer basis whenever needed. The whole school community offers their sincere thanks to Mr Hixon for everything he has done for the school and wish him a long and happy retirement. Article submitted by Denis McKay.
Saturday 8th July 1-3pm Railway Museum, Tourist Info. Centre
MMPAD invites all community, members, businesses, organisations and groups to our first networking FREE BBQ for 2017 Special guest speaker MATT WINNING, Head of Department (Senior), Mount Morgan State High School
Grill and Chill… Chat with our local businesses and groups. Meet the MMPAD team, find out what MMPAD’s about and the calendar of upcoming events and activities.
Railway Parade Mount Morgan Phone: 07 49382312 Email: mmpad@bigpond.com
RSVP Wednesday 5th July for catering purposes, Phone: 49382312, Email: mmpad@bigpond.com
This is Mount Morgan!
Without using the internet to search for the answers, find out how well you know our historic town.
6. In 1885 a road was built over the ________ ______ 7. Who took over the mine in 1968? 10. A Heritage listed building in Morgan Street 12. In efforts to “green” the town some of these were planted 13. The mine reopened in 1932 under this new company 16. Name of the town, home to the oldest High School in Queensland 19. Rack and __________ Railway 21. A product of the mine 22. The number of dams that were built on the Dee River
1. Until 1898, how was everything transported between Rockhampton & Mount Morgan? 2. The mine crater was 360m deep when the last truck of THIS was taken out 3. William D’Arcy used his fortune to finance oil exploration in _____________ 4. What was the name the town was known by until 1899 5. Local Stockman who discovered Ironstone Mountain was gold bearing 8. William ___________ D’Arcy 9. Heritage listed building in Gordon Street 11. Township that got its name from a play 14. The place where William D’Arcy took up residence that benefited from the mine significantly 15. The mine kept a massive 20,000 ton stockpile of this to run the stone crushers, furnaces & boilers 17. Built in 1905 with over 700,000 bricks 18. Something the mine produced 20. The name that replaced “ North Calliungal”
Each grey square contains a letter What do the bonus letters spell? ___________________________________________________
Submit your “Bonus Letter” word to the railway station for a chance at winning a prize. Winner will be announced in the next ARGUS
The Orange Dot Movie Review
By Larry at Fox Video Seriously, the Kiwi film industry is bolting like a runaway pony and many of the movies they are turning out, big and small, are just amazing. Very recent Orange Dot movies from NZ have been HUNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE, THREE WISE COUSINS, MAHANA, THE DARK HORSE and now another little gem.. LOVE AND TIME TRAVEL. With this one another budding genius has been uncovered in Hayden J Weal who wrote the story, then directed and starred in the film. It’s a science fiction romantic comedy about Dan... Dan is having a weird day... Normally he leads an emotionally isolated life which is just the way he likes it. When he’s not working at the cafe or on his daily run Dan’s perfectly happy to stay at home, disconnected from the people around him.
But then he starts finding strange messages on the INSIDE of his bedroom window. Every day a new message and each more confusing than the last. “Turn Right.” “Alleyway.” “Relax and See...” And not only that, he’s having strange dreams about people he’s never met... A little girl being bullied, a young woman who babysits, an elderly man who rides the bus around town every day, a flaky yoga instructor, a paranoid schizophrenic, a cheerful older lady and a hulking silent giant... Every time he falls asleep... It’s messing with his head! He soon learns that these messages aren’t just crazy cryptics but clues to things that are about to happen in the near future. Moreover the people in his dreams will be affected by these events, and not in a good way unless Dan can find a way of guiding how the future unfolds.
And then there’s his past... One day while on his run, Dan makes an unplanned turn to the right and finds himself in an alleyway... LOVE AND TIME TRAVEL is rated M for “mature themes, violence, coarse language and brief nudity”. Personally, I’d give it a PG13 rating. The movie runs for an hour and a half. LOVE AND TIME TRAVEL...Loved it!
Mount Morgan Pioneers in Pictures Submitted by Catherine McIntosh
Pictured, is the first in a series of rare portraits of Mount Morgan pioneers to be published in the Argus. While the surnames of the subjects may be familiar, most readers would not have seen these portraits before.
Picture of Dora Hall
c.1894 / London / Melbourne-born Mary Frederica Dora (‘Dora’) Hall (née Dempster) (1864-1895) / First mayoress of Mount Morgan, who officially opened Mount Morgan’s first hospital in 1890 / First wife of James Wesley (‘Wesley’) Hall (1839-1901), first general manager of the Mount Morgan Gold Mining Company Limited from 1886 to 1891 and first mayor of Mount Morgan from 1890 to 1891 / Benefactor, together with her husband, of the Wesley Hall Cup, to the Mount Morgan British Association Football [Soccer] Union in 1894. Engraved on the trophy is: ‘Challenge Cup. Presented by Mr and Mrs Wesley Hall’. Photograph by H.S. Mendelssohn, Pembridge Crescent, London. Photograph from The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), 14 December 1895 p. 27, National Library of Australia.
CONCREATURE Concreting Service
All aspects concreting Restoration old slabs a speciality Exposed- Colour- Stencil Jobs under $3000 value
0428 154 172 REGIONAL ARTS DEVELOPMENT FUND Do you need funding for an arts project? Financial assistance is offered for innovative arts projects commencing after 24 August 2017. Applications close Monday Monday 24 July 2017 at 4pm. For more information visit www.rockhamptonregion.qld.gov.au/RADF
Clinic 1st Tuesday of the Month
Meet with a committee member anytime to discuss a project or your application. For an appointment please contact:
07 4932 9000 RADF@rrc.qld.gov.au
The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Rockhampton Regional Council to support local arts and culture in Regional Queensland.
FOR RENT Single Person Unit $100 per week Centre of Town Conditions Apply Phone 07 49 381 036 or 04 38 77 1994
For further information contact Heather on 0437503467
To submit any stories or information to MMPAD please email: mmpad@bigpond.com
Domestic & Commercial Work Specialising in: • Restumping • Extensions • Renovations • New Home
TV Antenna Sales & Installation Mount Morgan Extra TV Outlets and Cabeling TV Tuning Telephone outlets and extensions
Eric Stevenson Ph: 0417 006591
Phone: 4938 1887 ~ Mobile 0419 741 611
ACMA License No. T 14409
Discover the difference! Meet Angela Douglas: •Local area agent •Knowledgeable about the local community •Listens to your needs •Proven results over and over •New logo, same great person •Free, no hassle appraisals
Angela Douglas: 0401 953 882
Building locally for over 20 years ~ Quality Workmanship Guaranteed
Stanley Constructions Home Renovations
Phone Gordon Lee today: 0418886997
QBSA 735099
Tony Harney Plumbing
M.A.W Mowing & Handyman Services ABN: 30 706 300 266
Available for all domestic and commercial work. Blocked drains, leaking taps or any other maintenance issues
Now offering Ironing & Housecleaning Services Mark Williamson 0403 571 561 Email: mawmowing@live.com
Phone Tony
0429669499 Servicing Mount Morgan
ABN : 76 171 835 370
QBCC 1110090
The Railway Hotel
Mark Humphrey’s Electrical 8 Baldwin Street Mount Morgan 4714 Electrical Lic. No. 74711 Phone: 0439 727 609 FAX: 4938 2885
Domestic, Rural, Commercial Installation and Repairs, Promptly Servicing Mount Morgan & Wowan Districts
We specialise in general carpentry repairs & steel Fabrications From design & planning to simple handyman services, we do it all.
Drive Through Bottle Shop Meals Fri & Sat - 6pm-8pm
Raffles Friday Night & Saturday Afternoons Third Sunday each month 3pm RAOB Raffles 90 James Street Mount Morgan
Phone: 49
Buy Local - Support Locals
381 082
or Phone MMPAD on 4938 2312 for any enquiries and pricings
Prompt service - Reasonable rates Call Paul on 0418 136558 License No 61543
Mob: 0439 880 919 Qld Health PMT 1001493211 Ph: 07 4911 3901 BSA Licence 1189930 E: ben.h@propestrockhampton.com.au facebook.com/propestrockhampton ww.propestrockhampton.com.au ABN 31 137 990 786
Bob Wheeler 0419 663 277 Po Box 91 Mt Morgan
5 tonne tipper truck Excavator & Kanga Tractor, Slasher & Poison Sprayer Licenced Poisons Contractor
TAXI 0459 131 008
Finlayson & McKenzie Funerals Sandi Wood (nee Inslay) from Mount Morgan was born and raised within the Mount and is well aware of the needs of the Mount Morgan community. Sandi is Mount Morgan’s funeral consultant and is available for all funeral advice.
• • • •
Diesel/petrol RWC’s Tyre/Radiator Repairs Gen. Auto Spare Parts
“A” Grade Mechanical
ABN: 15617798222
PH: (07) 49381818 67 James Street Mount Morgan, QLD 4714
Facebook: Mount Auto Clinic
Email: mountautoclinic@gmail.com
EFTPOS now Available
Contact Sandi for more information and competitive prices with burials, cremations or prepaid funerals. Sandi Wood your local consultant Phone: 4922 1269 fmckfunerals@live.com.au
Stewarts Towing & Service Station - Competitive rates - Local bloke - Clean Ups - Maintenance - Repairs - Minor Home Repairs - Welding - Driveways - Landscaping - Fencing - Mowing and much, much more
6 Central Street, MOUNT MORGAN Phone: 49 38 12 83 24 Hour Service - 7 Days a Week
- Lifts up to 1.5 ton and carry up to 5 ton - 9m Tri Axle Trailer 3.5 ton electric winch
Phone Paul on 4938 1321 or 0429 987 130
Jobs under $3,300 value
ABN: 43920044782
Colin and Michelle Dean Fitzroy Funerals
59 Morgan Street
187 Musgrave Street Rockhampton 24 Hour Contact 49225422 colin@fitzroyfunerals.com.au
Plumbing & Building Maintenance K. J. Daniels
4938 1867
PO. Box 36 Mount Morgan QLD 4714 ABN 64 538 030 420
Deslea’s Cutz for Mutz Mobile Dog Clipping
Phone Des: 0447 275 402
• • • •
Plumbing Roofing Gas Fitting Bathroom Renovations
• • • •
Blocked Drains General Maintenance Seamless Floors Spray Tiling
Servicing Mount Morgan & Surrounding Areas
Phone Chris - 0497374052 ABN: 40087958989
QBCC - 100043
Rotary News
L-R Wally Edwards, Rosemary Izzard, Shirley Gent, Dasher Hunt & Maggie Johnson
A great day was had by all that attended The Memorial Bowls day at Welfare Bowls Club, in Honour of long time Rotarian Alex Teeney. Good to see some of the Rockhampton Rotary Clubs come up the hill for this annual event:- West, Norths and Fitzroy joined Mt Morgan. 38 players had a good game and finished in time for a BBQ lunch, Multi Draw Raffle, tea, coffee and cake. Mount Morgan President Rosemary Izzard told those taking part that “today’s profit will go towards Rotarys’ battle to End Polio”. The Welfare Bowls Club also made a donation to Mount Morgan Rotary. We are now so close with only 6 reported case’s this year. Mount Morgan Rotary would like to thank all those who took part in any way. It made for such a fun day….Alex’s memory continues to live on .. Winners on the day were:- Maggie Johnson, Shirley Gent, Dasher Hunt. Runner’s up were:- Jason Morrish, Henry Boswood and Chris Izzard. Helen Jessop Secretary. ACKLEY, Jean Veronica 20.06.1918 - 02.06.2017 Teacher and Podiatrist Late of Sunnybank, Pine Lodge Nursing Home, Rocklea, Brisbane Beloved elder daughter of Edward (Teddy) Hoffman and Ellen (Nellie) Hoffman (Nee Diamond). Sister of Eileen Bernidean (Bonny) Hoffman (dec’d). Mother of eldest son Gregory Gene Graham (dec’d), Michele, Ira, Adrian. Mother-in-law, Grandmother, Great Grandmother to their families. Widow to Paul, John and Jim. RIP with grandchildren Christopher and Gabriella. Thank you mum for childhood memories where we each took turns brushing your hair whilst reading and saying the rosary.
Join us to celebrate
Baralaba’s 100th Birthday
28th, 29th and 30th July 2017
Friday 28th July
“Astronomical” Production at the Sportsground at 6.30pm. The Townsville Astronomy Group and Full Throttle Theatre entertain while the audience explore the universe using large telescopes. Entry: Adults $20, Children under 12 $10, and Family $55.
Saturday, 29th July
Baralaba Township Open Day Art and History Displays at Landcare office, 10am – 4pm Social Golf from 2pm Contact Golf Club 49981244
Barefoot Bowls from 2pm
Contact Bowls Club 49981349 or Jan Bauer 49981261 Dawson Valley Tennis Tournament will be in progress both days, spectators welcome, food and bar available Centenary Function at RSL Hall at 6pm – food and bar available
Sunday, 30th July
Breakfast at the Showgrounds from 7am Meet and greet at Baralaba’s Historical Village from 9am. Markets and historical displays. Morning tea and lunch available.
Official ceremony marking 100 years since the coming of the Dawson Valley Railway and the naming of Baralaba. For further details contact Polly Bromley Ph 49981351 Accommodation/Camping available at: Baralaba Caravan Park (Ph 0419492170) Baralaba Hotel (Ph 49981102) Baralaba Showgrounds (Ph 0427981452) Myella Farm Stay (Ph 49981290) Neville Hewitt Weir Picnic Area Flyers printed courtesy of Baralaba Coal Pty Ltd
June 30: Annual Mt Morgan NAIDOC Baby Show June 30: Blue Care. Gordon Street. 9.00am-Midday July 1: Blue Care Trash & Treasure. Gordon St. 8am Noon. Affordable clothing and much more July 1: Rodeo Association Horse sports, Mount Morgan Showground. 10am all welcome July 8: Baree School of Arts Markets/Car Boot Sale 8amNoon. Phone Chris 49 382 484 July 8: MMPAD Meet & Greet BBQ & Info Session. 1 Railway Parade. 1pm-3pm. July 13: GMFA Bingo. St. Mary’s Anglican Church hall, Gordon St. Doors open 9am - play starts 10am July 15: Mt Morgan Arts & Crafts Group Car Boot Sale/ Markets/ School of Arts 8am-Noon. Phone 49 381 467 July 18: MMPAD Members General Meeting 5.30pm July 20: GMFA Bingo. St. Mary’s Anglican Church hall. Gordon St. Doors open 6.30pm - play starts 7.30pm. July 27: GMFA Bingo. St. Mary’s Anglican Church hall, Gordon St. Doors open 9am - play starts 10am July 28,29,30:Baralaba 100th Birthday Celebrations Aug 3: GMFA Bingo. St. Mary’s Anglican Church hall. Gordon St. Doors open 6.30pm. Play starts 7.30pm Aug 5: Blue Care Trash & Treasure. Gordon St. 8amNoon. Affordable clothing and much more Aug 5: MMPAD Trivia Night. Community Services Hall. 6-9pm. $10 p/p. Teams of 4 to 6. Includes nibbles. Hot food available. Bar operating. Phone 49 382 312. Aug 12: Mount Morgan Show. 8am-8pm Aug 12: Baree School of Arts Markets/Car boot sale. Aug 19: Wowan Show. Contact Secretary E. Reynolds on 0429 934 483 for further information
Next Argus: Wednesday, 12th July 2017 If you have something you’d like included in this issue, please note that all inclusions are required by Wednesday 5th July 2017. Ph: 4938 2312 Email: mmpad@bigpond.com
CLASSIFIEDS PAINTER: Semi retired. W. Cruickshank Phone 0488104774 or 0488105257. QBCC No-75608. GUNS & AMMUNITION: MOUNT MORGAN. ERIC J. STEVENSON. Dealer Licence 5000149. PHONE 0417006591 BOULDERCOMBE DRONE FLYING CLUB Fly’s every Thursday night 6pm till 8pm at the Bouldercombe Recreation Complex Enquiries Phone 0448377066 FOR SALE: Silky oak duchess – 2 Draws – Tilt Mirror $300. 1971 padlocks, – 3 Brass $100 for the lot. Fish Lures New $1 each. Phone 49381016 or 0429632993 MT MORGAN RODEO RAFFLE RESULTS 8/6/ Pick a No 32 – Di Kirby (11), No 33 – Melray (16), No 34 – Scott (7), No – 35 Danzie (16), 9/6/CQLX Rum Raffle – Howard Mills (F99) 10/6 Baree Hall – No 36 – Tim (5), No 37 – Dave Alan (6) 15/6 Pick a number:-No 38 - Cassandra (12) No - 39 - Craig Leichardt Hotel (21) No - 40 - Ray B (11) No - 41 Gwen Scott (12) 16/6 CQLX Rum Raffle - W. Offord (B42) Thank you for your support!
For the team who bring you The Argus, Search for
Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Incorporated and give us a “like” to stay updated
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DOB IN A PIRATE: 1800 251996