In a heart-warming display of compassion and unity, the Mount Morgan Branch of the Queensland Country Women’s Association (QCWA) has taken a powerful stance against domestic violence by donating care packages to the Mount Morgan Police to support survivors.
“With great dedication to making a positive impact, these extraordinary women have rallied together to provide essential items and heartfelt encouragement to those affected by domestic violence,” Mount Morgan Police Officer in Charge, Sgt Christopher Cronin said.
The QCWA is renowned for its community involvement and commitment to social welfare.
Sgt Cronin said this remarkable initiative showcases the strength of rural and regional communities and their commitment to uplifting and empowering survivors.
“Recognising the urgent need to address domestic violence, through extensive networks and collaborative efforts, the CWA members have completed an awe-inspiring campaign to raise donations and gather essential items for the care packages,” he said.
“Determination, coupled with the generosity of our rural community, has resulted in a remarkable collection of goods specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of survivors and their children.”
Sgt Cronin said these thoughtfully curated care packages were designed to provide immediate assistance, comfort, and support to those escaping domestic violence.
They included personal hygiene products, clothing, self-care items, and other practical necessities to help survivors rebuild their lives.
By donating the care packages, the CWA has sent a resounding message of solidarity to survivors of domestic violence. They have demonstrated that rural communities stand united against such abuse, offering their solid support to those affected. Through their efforts, the CWA has not only helped provide tangible resources to survivors but also reminded them that they are part of a larger community that cares deeply about their well-being.
Sgt Cronin said he was greatly appreciative of the donations and show of support, and the care packages would be distributed to those in most urgent need of support escaping from violence.
“This gesture of support from the CWA plays a vital role in restoring survivors’ self-esteem, encouraging
them to reclaim their lives and move forward with newfound strength and determination”
Sergeant Cronin said the impact of the CWA’s generosity reached far beyond the material provisions. “Survivors receiving these care packages are not only receiving much-needed physical support but also a powerful reminder that they are valued and respected members of society.”
Sgt Cronin said in a world that often feels disconnected, the CWA’s donation of care packages served as a heart-warming testament to the power of community and compassion.
“It exemplifies the unwavering spirit and resilience of rural communities, reminding us that even in the face of challenges, there is strength in unity,” he said.
Pictured below: Sen-Const Christin Donaldson, QCWA Mount Morgan Branch President, Arlene Roberts and Officer in Charge, Mount Morgan Police, Sgt Christopher Cronin displaying the care package contents.
Pictured on Page 1: Sen-Const Christin Donaldson, QCWA Mount Morgan Branch President, Arlene Roberts and Officer in Charge, Mount Morgan Police, Sgt Christopher Cronin displaying the care package contents.
Above and below: Care package contents.
Mount Morgan Argus is published by Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc, 1 Railway Parade, Mount Morgan. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the publishers. MMPAD reserves the discretionary right to alter, omit, reclassify or postpone publication of articles, photographs or advertisements in the Mount Morgan Argus. MMPAD takes all possible care with the publication of news, names and other information sourced by MMPAD representatives. It does not, however, take responsibility for erroneous information or spelling supplied by external sources. Please take care and ensure that information is correct and names are spelt correctly before submitting any items to this publication.
It does not take much to start a bush fire, a lightning strike, a careless cigarette toss, or malicious and deliberate ignition. Still, it takes a lot of people and resources to protect life, property and the environment when one starts.
The recent fire on Razorback Road near Mount Morgan took a lot of people and effort to put out; Rural Fire Brigades from Calliungal, Gracemere, Bouldercombe, Alton Downs and Stanwell, Queensland Fire and Rescue appliances from Mount Morgan and Rockhampton were supported through the RFS Rockhampton Area Office setting up a command point on the Razorback Road itself.
Firefighting started on Monday, 12 June, and continued until Sunday, 18 June 2023.
In addition to the firefighters, officers from the Mount Morgan Police Station and volunteers
from the Mount Morgan State Emergency Services unit were involved in controlling traffic, as the fire next to the road and smoke caused the Razorback Road to be closed.
Sergeant Christopher Cronin, the Officer in Charge of the Mount Morgan Police Station, said Mount Morgan Police wished to thank the local members of the community for their patience while the emergency event was attended to.
“This incident, whilst causing a negative impact in the area, proved a great training scenario for testing the emergency services resource management in the area.
“The teamwork and communication between QPS, RFS and Rockhampton Council were impressive, and the Mount Morgan Police are very glad to have access to such knowledge and leadership in the local Rural Fire Units,” Sgt Cronin said.
Over the last months, Mount Morgan and its surrounds have had multiple fires, many of which are from
undetermined ignition sources. With the continuing dry weather conditions, fires can start and spread easily. They can cause significant damage to individual properties and the broader community.
Emergency services requires the community to be vigilant - if you see a fire, we you to report it to 000 so the fire and or emergency can be attended to.
“As always, I urge anyone to report suspicious behaviour online at “www.police.qld.gov. au”, via PoliceLink on 131 444 or Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000,” Sgt Cronin said.
Pictured: Calliungal Rural Fire Services Volunteer Coby Elder.
Have something you need printed? or laminated?
Come down and see the friendly people at MMPAD.
Contact us on 4938 2312 or email mmpad@mountmorgan.org.au for prices or for further information visit us at the Railway Museum.
MMPAD as part of its core business continues to manage the Mount Morgan Railway Museum and Explore Centre under contractual arrangements with Rockhampton Regional Council as well as producing the fortnightly Mount Morgan Argus.
Nearing the end of the Financial Year, visitation statistics show an increase on numbers from 20212022.
MMPAD continues to work with Advance Rockhampton on various promotional and developmental local community projects.
MMPAD has continued to apply for funding for community-related projects and the purchase of new equipment.
New Equipment - GCBF
MMPAD was advised that they were successful in receiving over $21,000 for the purchase of new equipment including a PA System, BBQ, Baine Marie, chairs and more.
After a rigorous process, MMPAD has been advised that its application for a $5000 Business Basics Grant was successful. MMPAD and various community members consider that Mount Morgan’s identity or brand appears to be “getting lost” amongst the regional marketing push.
Mount Morgan still has various established attractions but this grant will help reestablish a brand for Mount Morgan using a professional, independent facilitator. Businesses and community organizations will be called to provide input and attend the facilitated workshop.
MMPAD was also successful in receiving $12,000 from the Federal Government’s last round of Stronger Communities Funding for the Mount Morgan CBD Project – Links to its historic past.
Rockhampton Regional Council has also provided funding to assist with this project. This project involves the establishment of five QR-coded signs which will have short videos showcasing Mount Morgan’s CBD over the years, with images and stories from the busy mining town until the present day.
The short productions for the QR Posts are being undertaken by Busby Films. This company has been contracted by Heritage Minerals to produce the Mount Morgan Mine documentary and have a wealth of knowledge and understanding of Mount Morgan’s incredible history.
The QR-coded signs are to be coordinated with existing interpretive signage in Morgan Street and will be placed in Morgan, East, and Dee streets at appropriate locations.
This project will include the production and placement of brass plaques on the footpaths outside businesses in the CBD. Information on the plaques will reflect the previous lives of these locations. This project will be finished by December 2023. Please keep a lookout for our initial short promotional video describing some details and an overview of the project. This marketing tool will be used across social and other media outlets.
MMPAD has been assisted by some passionate locals on identifying some names and locations of previous businesses. Mount Morgan Historical Museum has also contributed many historical photographs. This assistance has been outstanding, but to ensure that the information in the videos is as comprehensive as possible, MMPAD is still seeking further assistance.
If anyone has information, stories or photos of the old shops in Mount Morgan’s CBD area including the Dee and Central Street corner vicinity, please contact MMPAD on mmpad@mountmorgan.org.au.
MMPAD is currently planning for Wattle Day which will be held on 2 September 2023. There will be free creative workshops and amusement rides as well as market stalls and entertainment. Headlining the entertainment will be Brittany Elise and Band who are currently playing in the home of country music - Nashville, Tennessee and professional Rockhampton entertainer, Denveh. Local entertainers Amanda and Alisha Sealey, Sabaya Belly Dancers, John Batley and family, Peter Howcroft and the crew from Blue Eagle Productions - Clint, Ian and Jodie will ably support the main acts.
Murray and Diane Hare from the Golden Mount Nursery have come on board again this year, growing and providing Mount Morgan Wattle Tree seedlings given to patrons free of charge. We are also having Devonshire Teas. It is certainly shaping up to be a fantastic event. If you would like a stall form, please contact mmpad@mountmorgan.org.au.
MMPAD is also looking forward to working with the business community for the 2023 Buy Local Campaign. MMPAD is also planning Christmas Events and Activities.
Each year the Mount Morgan Explore Centre (formerly the Visitor Information Centre) undergoes a rigorous process as part of our commitment to business excellence. Being an Accredited business under the Quality Tourism Framework means that MMPAD has been recognised for delivering quality promotion for the community attractions and businesses.
The Hunslet Locomotive is now alongside the platform as a static display with thanks to volunteers and Aurizon for their wonderful efforts. A full report on this appeared in Issue 6 of the Argus. MMPAD is working with Aurizon to assist with the relocation of other rollingstock to be in a preferred location to allow restoration.
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Phone: 4928 3511
Deslea’s Cutz for Mutz
Mobile Dog Clipping
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Finlayson & McKenzie
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Contact Sandi for more information and competitive prices with burials, cremations or prepaid funerals.
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Mount Morgan State High School had four netball teams compete in the Interschool Netball competition weekly in Rockhampton throughout Term Two.
The girls played tremendously well against other schools within the district and improved consistently throughout the season with one team progressing to the Semi Finals.
The 7/8B team (coached by Kahlen Garrett and managed by Lesley Scorgie) continued to improve throughout the finishing in sixth place.
Jill Harbord was awarded this team’s Most Improved with Beccy Ireland taking MVP.
The 8A team (coached by Chloe Best and managed by Sam Snell) showed some great teamwork as the season progressed and also finished in sixth place.
Ella Curtis-Bryant took Most Improved Player and Amarli Martin was awarded MVP.
The year 9/10 team (coached by Codie Zimmerlie and managed by Rebecca Noble) fought hard all season, finishing in ninth place.
Most improved went to Mikhaila Grange with MVP awarded to Chloe Gray.
Year 11 (coached by Josh Williamson) demonstrated a high level of skill, being undefeated until Semi Finals where they were knocked out by the Grand Final winning team.
Mystique Lemire was awarded Most Improved with Codie Zimmerlie the teams MVP.
Year 12 (coached by Tanika McClintock) worked effectively together throughout the season to place fifth in their division and narrowly missing finals on goal difference.
Most Improved went to Kasia Davis with MVP being awarded to Lara Martin. The girls showed good sportsmanship and teamwork, playing up and across teams as needed.
A huge thank you to all the girls, coaches, teachers, parents and supporters who helped support Mount Morgan State High School with the 2023 Interschool Netball season. We look forward to next year’s season!
Mount Morgan State High School marked the National Aborigines and Islander Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) on Thursday, 22 June 2023 as students will be holidays during the NAIDOC Week celebrations (2- 9 July).
The NAIDOC theme for 2023 is “For our Elders”.
The students were involved in a range of activities including special art projects, football games, clap stick painting and the piece de resistance, preparing and serving Kangaroo Stew.
This year is passing so quickly but we are happy to announce we have had some amazing feedback from ladies who have attended our craft/social days on the fourth Monday of each month. We have incorporated cooking and gardening into these days. At the last branch craft day, which was held on Monday, 4 May members, and two visitors took part in a small Country Kitchens Workshop.
The ladies made Quesadillas which are widely consumed in Trinidad and Tobago which is the Q.C.W.A. Country of Study for 2023.
The ladies are happy to show their skills in the crafts they do which includes knitting, crochet and rug making using strips of material, so as you can see, we have a lot to offer any lady who would like to come along. We have several ladies asking about joining our branch and we are happy to welcome any new members no matter how many.
Friendship, understanding, commitment, common interest, passion, to meet new people, to learn new skills are just a few reasons why ladies join Q.C.W.A.If you do not like crowds or you can’t cook it does not matter. Our branch will welcome any lady as we have done over many generations. Yes, we donate to many areas such as our local hospital and the schools, but we are there willing to help when needed.
We have provided many items such as nappies and toiletry packs to the hospital and we give bursaries to the state school. We are very proud to do all of these things that benefit many people including residents in our community.
Our branch is now working on our 6th cookbook. This book will be a Bush Tucker cookbook and will showcase indigenous ingredients and how they can be used.
Our cookbooks are very popular, and we thank Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc. for selling our cookbooks at the Mount Morgan Explore Centre. This allows a lot more people, especially visitors to see our books and purchase them if they would like to.
Recently our branch put together Domestic Violence packs for our local police station. The packs were full of items for adults and separate packs for the kids. It is a worthwhile cause to help those in need and especially when they are seeking a safe place to be. In the past 11 months we have put together 36 Domestic Violence packs.
We will continue to do these as required knowing that we have been able to help. We are very grateful to the people and businesses who donated to these. Each year we look forward to taking part in our towns N.A.I.D.O.C Celebrations and this year is no different.
Bringing people together is the best thing we can do. On Sunday, 30 July our branch will take part in National Tree Day. We will be donating a tree to the Mount Morgan Central State School to be incorporated into the school grounds for the benefit of the students.
This year we will once again hold stalls at the Mount Morgan Show and at the Mount Morgan Wattle Day Festival at the Mount Morgan Railway Museum. We are holding our main fundraiser for the year being a giant cent sale on Saturday, 18 November at the Mount Morgan School of Arts.
There are many projects that we have planned and with the help of donations and hard work from the members. these projects will be completed and hopefully will be enjoyed by others.
If you would like to come along and find out more about our branch please feel free to do so. We meet on the third Monday of each month at the green shed beside the Mount Morgan Skate Park.
We have a cuppa and then commence the meeting at 10 am. If you would like to find out more please contact the branch president Mrs Arlene Roberts on 0428 457 461.
Recently, I was pleased to present a speech in the Federal Parliament acknowledging the invaluable contribution Small’s Trading Company has made to the Mount Morgan community.
The speech said, “According to Egg Farmers of Australia, Egg farmers produce 17 million eggs every single day of the year to feed Australian families. Queensland supplies about 25% of eggs in Australia with egg farming generating more than $244 million at the farm gate in Queensland annually.
In my electorate of Flynn, Small’s Trading Company, a poultry farm in Mount Morgan has been operating since 1959.
The poultry farm began with Kevin and Doreen Small when Kevin bought some hens to combat nut grass. In 1976, Nadine Goody with her brother Gary Small and their other siblings Robert and Leanne Hinchcliffe entered into a business partnership with their parents. After more than 60 years of producing eggs loved by customers across Central Queensland and beyond including Rockhampton, Yeppoon, Gladstone, Biloela, Moura and as far as Mackay, Nadine Goody and Gary Small have made the decision to sell their family business.
I’m pleased to see the local business has been purchased by Peacefield Egg Farms and business should run as normal.
Continued on Page 13
Colin Boyce’s
I met with Nadine and Gary in 2021 and I saw firsthand the fantastic operation that they run.
I would like to wish Nadine and Gary all the best for their well-deserved retirement and thank them for their commitment to feeding our region and beyond with delicious eggs.”
While in Parliament, I used my voice as your Federal Member to speak on a number of issues including the cost-of-living crisis.
I have been inundated by emails and calls from retirees, families and working people that are hurting every time they go to the supermarket, every time they open their electricity bill, every time they get a letter from their bank announcing an interest rate rise, every time they receive an email from their real estate stating that their rent is going up and every time they fill up at the bowser.
The facts are that it’s been reported power prices in regional Queensland are expected to increase by 28 percent - the highest in Australia. That amounts to around $430 a year in regional Queensland.
I’ll keep fighting to ensure that the Labor Government focuses on the issues that matter to Australians and deliver a real and comprehensive plan to ease inflation and cost-of-living pressures that are hurting Australian families and businesses.
As always, if you have any matters relating to Federal issues, you are welcome to visit us, call, or email Colin.Boyce.MP@aph.gov.au.
Colin Boyce
Mount Morgan’s representative in the Federal Parliament.
Dee River Oldies members enjoyed their day out on the bus trip. The weather was kind to us on the day. The fog cleared before we left the bus stop, and the sun was shining. Arriving at Archer Park Rail Museum we had a tour and enjoyed morning tea. At the Westwood Hotel we had a lovely lunch.
A very big thank you to the volunteers at the Rail Museum and the staff at the Westwood Hotel for their hospitality and our bus driver for looking after us on the day. Seeing the countryside travelling home via Dululu was something different.
Our June Morning Tea on Wednesday, 28 June 2023 starts at 10 am in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street,
Check out ‘Save the Date’ on the back page of the Argus for our upcoming dates for our ‘Christmas in July’ Morning Tea and our ‘Damper Day at the Hall’ in August.
Stay happy and healthy. Rug up and keep warm.
Submitted by the Steering Committee
Carol Glover 4938 1995 or Colleen Constable 0427 161 131.
This year so far, about thirty caricatures of past locals have appeared in ‘Mount Morgan in Pictures’. The subjects were town identities in the early 1900s from various professions, public offices, vocations, trades and businesses. Comical verses accompanied the caricatures, providing titbits about the individuals.
Choosing my favourite caricatures out of this eclectic bunch wasn’t easy. My selection was based on several factors, including whimsical facial features
and expressions, stance and accessories.
You may not recognise the caricature of James (‘Jim’) Crawford (top row, left). It’s a new one that has sneaked into this collection of favourites. Jim was the first member for the new electoral district of Mount Morgan from 27 April 1912 to 22 May 1915.
The caricatures below are from Truth (Brisbane, Qld. : 1900-1953), except the one of Walter Hall (Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW: 1900-1954)).
From left to right: James (‘Jim’) Crawford, M.L.A. for Mount Morgan (1914) / Dr Oliver Smithson, F.R.C.S.E, medical superintendent at the General, Mount Morgan’s first hospital on Hospital Hill (1915): ‘An interesting man to meet (friends like to hear the doctor talk)…’ / Walter Russell Hall, one of the founders of the famous Mount Morgan gold mine (1905).
From left to right: Detective William Henry Lipp, Mount Morgan Court House and Police Station Complex, Hall Street, Mount Morgan (1914): ‘When on a rogue he’s fixed his eye, he seldom lets him slip …’ / George Little Vardon, acting head teacher, Mount Morgan Boys’ State School, Morgan Street, Mount Morgan (1914) / Joseph George (‘Old Joe’) Vidulich, proprietor of the Queensland National Hotel, Morgan Street, Mount Morgan (1915).
Next Issue: James Crawford M.L.A.
This author has made best efforts to provide accurate information for this publication of ‘Mount Morgan in Pictures’.
The charming little Mount Morgan Library has a long history serving the community since its inception as a subscription library back in 1924.
A glance through the archives of The Morning Bulletin reveal a fascinating insight into the type of books readers were enjoying and show a snapshot of the collection strengths of the day.
In a Quarterly Statistics Report for the Mount Morgan Library in October 1952, 3,642 books were in circulation, including new books such as Max Brand’s Striking eagle; Gems from Idriess and Ruth Hawker’s Heather at Magpie Creek. The stock at this time consisted of 1,629 books for adults and 670 books for children.
Fast forward 70 years and the quarterly statistics show just how much libraries have evolved.
The Mount Morgan Library in the last quarter held 5,852 items with circulating stock of 3,850. This included magazines, jigsaws, newspapers, DVDs, audiobooks, kits, CDs as well as books.
Readers in the Mount Morgan area have access to the entire breadth of stock in the Rockhampton Regional Library Service which consisted of 142,753 stock in the last quarter, with 75,278 items circulating in this time.
Max Brand and his western stories are still hugely popular, with over 100 titles by this author in various formats held by the library. Ion Idriess’s books are still enjoyed by many readers with 37 books currently listed in our library catalogue, with some of these held in special collections at our Rockhampton History Centre at the Southside Library.
Ruth Hawker was a pioneer of Australian farming stories for young people at this time – with a
massive growth of Australiana stories for children, teens and adults over the decades since. Currently rural romances, affectionately called ‘Chook-lit’ by authors such as Lucy Walker, Mandy Magro, Fleur Macdonald, Peter McKelvie and Alissa Callen continue to dominate in the Australian publishing industry and are well-loved additions in libraries.
Our Library Survey is currently running at all our library branches until 3 July and we are keen to hear your feedback about our library service. Check out the online link on the Council website or drop into any library branch to pick up a hard copy of the Survey form. It won’t take too long to do and will provide important feedback about our service.
The Mount Morgan Library is located at 31 Morgan Street, Mount Morgan and is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am-1pm and 2pm-5pm. The Mount Morgan Library and Gracemere Library alternate Saturday opening from 9am-12noon.
Contact the Mount Morgan Library on 4936 8169 or the Library Administration Office on phone 4936 8043 or email: libraries@rrc.qld.gov.au
Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc is continually updating its Business and Services Directory used at the Mount Morgan Visitior Information (Explore) Centre and Railway Museum. If you have any new contact details that you would like to include or if you are unsure if you are listed, please contact MMPAD on 4938 2312 or email: mmpad@mountmorgan.org.au. This information is provided to local residents and visitors.
JUNE 28: Dee River Oldies Group - Monthly Morning Tea starting at 10 am to be held in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church). Cost is $5. Raffle and lucky door prizes.
JULY 8: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
JULY 18: Dee River Oldies Group - Monthly Meeting starting at 2 pm to be held in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church).
JULY 18: Mobile Women’s Health Clinic. Phone 4912 5100 for an appointment.
JULY 26: Dee River Oldies Group - ‘Christmas in July’ Morning Tea starting at 10 am to be held in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church). Cost is $5. Come along and enjoy the morning catching up.
JULY 29: Christmas in July Cent Sale held by Mount Morgan Rodeo Association. School of Arts, Morgan Street. Doors open 12 noon for 1 pm start.
AUG 12: Mount Morgan Show. Mount Morgan Showgrounds.
AUG 15: Dee River Oldies Group - Monthly Meeting starting at 2 pm to be held in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church).
AUG 23: Dee River Oldies Group - ‘Damper Day at the Hall’ starting at 11 am to be held at St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church). Cost is $5. Damper and syrup for morning tea followed by savoury mince and rice for lunch.
SEPT 2: Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc - Wattle Day Festival from 9.30 am until 2.30 pm. Live entertainment and more.
SEPT 9: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
SEPT 12: Mobile Women’s Health Clinic. Phone 4912 5100 for an appointment.
SEPT 23: Mount Morgan Citizen’s Club Medieval Dance at the Mount Morgan Soldiers’ Rooms, 18 Morgan Street. Starts 7 pm $10 Adults. $3 children.
OCT 14: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
OCT 29-30: Mount Morgan Citizens’ Club Photography Competition and Exhibition at the Soldiers’ Rooms.
NOV 11: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
NOV 18: QCWA Cent Sale. School of Arts, Morgan Street. More details to be advised.
NOV 21: Mobile Women’s Health Clinic. Phone 4912 5100 for an appointment.
DEC 9: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
Meet 9 am - 12 noon Wednesdays
Phone John on 0429 055 165
Meets on the last Sunday of each month at 10.30 am.
Soldiers’ Rooms, 18 Morgan Street, Phone - John Tuxworth 0429 055 165
Firewood for sale: Bagged for camping - wood and kindling. Longer sizes available. Phone: 0468 495 645.(4)
For Sale: Registered Box Trailer. Aluminium. Good condition 1800X 1200/6ft x 4 ft $950. Phone 0429 055 165.(2)
PHONE: 0428 277 421
For Sale: Windsor S/Line 17ft pop-top caravan. $15,000.00 Phone 0431 680 330.
Invitation: You are invited to come and enjoy a cuppa and sausage sizzle and celebrate 10 years of Men’s Shed in Mount Morgan. Saturday, 15 July at the Dee Bowls Club - 10 am to 1 pm. Phone John on 0429 055 165.(2)
6.00 for 6.30. Interested people are encouraged to attend or send an Expression of Interest to PO Box 2, Mount Morgan
Meet 9 am - 12 noon Wednesdays
Phone John on 0429 055 165
Swaffield’s Property Maintenance
ABN: 68 537 641 178 Mobile: 0432 448 530
• Lawn Mowing and hedge trimming
• Yard cleanups and rubbish removal
• Wood chipping and dump runs
• House move out assistance
• Public Liability Insurance
No job too big or too small!
Call Jason on 0432 448 530
All inclusions required by:
Tuesday, 4 July 2023 by 4 p.m. Ph: 4938 2312
Email: mmpad@mountmorgan.org.au If you
your Argus, please contact us.