Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc has joined forces with Aurizon and the Rockhampton Regional Council to upgrade the Mount Morgan Rail Station yard with the replacement of sleepers.
Aurizon has donated thousands of dollars in manpower and equipment for this project which included track inspection, supply of sleepers and the finale of 200 sleeper replacements which took
place on Thursday, 13 April 2023.
Aurizon arranged for about 20 staff to be working on site over the two days.
Continued on Page 2
Aurizon started work with a track inspection in July 2022.
The completion of the project also means that further rollingstock may be able to be moved safely for placement under a covered area and preferred locations for restoration with a view of creating future displays. This also enhances the possibility of more rail projects into the future.
MMPAD President, Mr John Steinberger said this has been a great project with recognised interest from all groups, and our appreciation is extended to everyone involved for their effort.
“With completion of the project we expect huge improvements to the complex and an added visitor experience with the viewing of the old steam loco.
“I cannot thank the volunteers, led by volunteer technical team leader, Ken Winter, enough for the restoration works they have put in over the last two years. The refurbished steam locomotive is a sight to be beheld,” Mr Steinberger said.
Aurizon’s Civil Assets and Maintenance teams have worked together to support Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc. (MMPAD) with their initiative to promote the town’s rail history. Paul Johnstone (Track Assets Engineer) and Troy de Courcy (Track Assets Team Leader) inspected the track at Mount Morgan Rail Museum back in July 2022 with the intent to provide a basic condition assessment and scope of works to enable the safe movement of some of the rolling stock.
Since then, the Blackwater Civil Maintenance team, manage by Trevor Dingle have donated and delivered 200 used railway sleepers with the assistance from Dan Forbes and Glenn Hodson. Whilst these sleepers are no
longer suitable for use in Aurizon’s heavy haul rail operations, they are more than adequate to support the requirements of MMPAD’s static rail display.
Most recently, the Gracemere Civil Maintenance team, managed by Steele Duncan, have volunteered their time, machinery, and technical expertise to install the sleepers. The team used the exercise as a team building experience and to give back to the local community.
Paul Johnstone, Aurizon Track Assets Engineer said it had been a pleasure to be able to assist with this project and to have the track works completed by such an experienced maintenance team.
“Giving back to the local community to assist with their historic rail museum is great opportunity to show our support for the communities in which we work,” Mr Johnstone said.
MMPAD has relocated the Hunslet 1903 Steam Locomotive beside the platform for viewing as a static display for museum visitors.
Refurbishment of the Hunslet locomotive by MMPAD volunteers has taken over two years to complete.
Member for Mirani, Mr Stephen Andrew has commended the commitment of MMPAD to improvements at the Mount Morgan Railway.
“I think MMPAD’s dedication should be applauded,” he said.
Mr Andrew contributed towards the inspection of the Hunslet Steam Locomotive boiler and arranged for a track inspection from the station yard to Walter Hall with a view to reinstate operations at a future date.
Asset owner, Rockhampton Regional Council has applauded the project.
Communities and Heritage Councillor, Drew Wickerson said these works would make the Railway Museum an even better experience for visitors.
“The Mount Morgan Railway Museum is a fantastic part of our country’s cultural heritage, and it’s already a great facility to visit,” said Cr Wickerson.
“Having the steam loco on display, however, will add so much to the experience for visitors.”
Divisional Councillor, Cherie Rutherford commended everyone involved in the project.
“I know how much hard work has gone into getting to this point, and how much passion,” Cr Rutherford said.
“This is a fantastic project for the community, and I know it will be a proud day for those who made it happen.”
published by Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc, 1 Railway Parade, Mount Morgan. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the publishers. MMPAD reserves the discretionary right to alter, omit, reclassify or postpone publication of articles, photographs or advertisements in the Mount Morgan Argus. MMPAD takes all possible care with the publication of news, names and other information sourced by MMPAD representatives. It does not, however, take responsibility for erroneous information or spelling supplied by external sources. Please take care and ensure that information is correct and names are spelt correctly before submitting any items to this publication. MMPAD Executive
5.00 pm BBQ starts at the Big Dam (No7)
6.15 pm Family movie - How to Train Your Dragon - Hidden World
Sponsored by Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc
8.00 pm Fireworks Spectacular
Sponsored by Rainbow Cafe, Mount Morgan
8.30 am Morgan Street Markets Open
9.00 am Official Opening and Welcome to Country
Live entertainment starts after Official Opening
10.30 am Junior Gold Dig (6 - 11 years) - Primary School Top Oval
Sponsored by Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc
11.30 am Senior Gold Dig (12 - 17 years) - Primary School Top Oval
Sponsored by Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc
12.30 pm Presentation of Gold Dig prizes at stage area in Morgan Street
Marshalling of “Fantasy and Magic” Procession starts in Dee Street
1.30 pm “Fantasy and Magic” Procession starts
Sponsored by Discover Real Estate and Stephen Andrew, Member for Mirani
2.30 pm Heritage Minerals’ Junior Running the Cutter
3.15 pm Heritage Minerals’ Running the Cutter
Sponsored by Heritage Minerals. Entry forms to be completed, signed and handed into Officials by 1.30 pm
4.00 pm Official Presentation - Procession and Running the Cutter Prizes
No 7 Dam 8 - 11 am. $15 Big Breakfast, $5.00 children’s meal. Phone: 0427 203 570.
Mount Morgan Rodeo. Mount Morgan Showgrounds. Gates open at 11 am. Rodeo starts at 2 pm. Late Finish. Organised by the Mount Morgan Rodeo Association.
Two Person Ambrose. Mount Morgan Golf Club. 8 am start. Registrations required by 8.30 am on the day. Contact Roger Brewster on 0422 824 358. Cost: $25 p/p including a barbecue lunch. Organised by the Mount Morgan Golf Club.
available near gold pits - top oval - mount morgan central state school
must be submitted at the golden mount festival tent
The Golden Mount Festival Association, Mount Morgan, Incorporated would like to thank the sponsors of the 2023 Golden Mount Festival.
The Golden Mount Festival received support from the Rockhampton Regional Council’s Community Assistance Program
Mount Morgan residents will soon have access to meet with their State Member and/or his team locally. To our knowledge, Mount Morgan has never had the benefit of an MP office situated locally. Member for Mirani, Mr Stephen Andrew, says it’s time for a change. Mount Morgan residents have been disadvantaged for long enough.
The office, soon to be located at the Mount Morgan Soldier’s Rooms, 18 Morgan Street, Mount Morgan, will be staffed by the Mirani electorate team on a part-time basis. It is essential that Mr Andrew meets his obligations over the full 72,534km2 of the electorate. As such, he intends to split his and his team’s time between both offices, in Mount Morgan and Sarina.
Banners will be visible at the Mount Morgan office
location when there is a local presence. Constituents are invited to attend at the office to discuss any local issues or concerns.
Having an office in Mount Morgan will assist Mr Andrew to better represent his community. He and his team will be better equipped to interact more with the locals; and have that availability to attend any community events, meetings or forums.
He and his team intend to closely monitor the pipeline progress as well as ensuring a smooth transition towards the reopening of the Mount Morgan gold mine.
Having a presence in Mount Morgan gives our constituents direct access to their local member. A date will be confirmed when the team plan to be out and about in the community.
The next round of Rockhampton’s Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is now open.
RADF is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Rockhampton Regional Council, supporting professional artists and arts practice in regional areas. It distributes approximately $60,000 of funding in Rockhampton Region each year.
Broadly, RADF covers projects that enhance the arts on a local level by providing financial assistance to support artists’ professional development or increase artists’ employment opportunities.
Funding comes under two categories – Development Grant and Project Grant
Development grants for artists and arts workers cover: professional career development, skills development workshops, concept development and creative development of new work. Assistance is available for up to 65 percent of the total costs to a maximum of $5000.
Project Grants cover: artistic components of exhibitions, performances, festivals and events, public presentations. Assistance is available for up to 80 percent of the total cost to a maximum of $10,000 Rockhampton Regional Council Communities and Heritage portfolio spokesperson Cr Drew Wickerson encouraged local individuals and groups to see if RADF could help them. RADF can support all kinds of projects, within these two broad categories,” he said.
“RADF welcomes applications from all genres whether it is visual arts, crafts, performing arts, collections and museums, new media and more,” he said.
“I recommend that anyone considering an arts project have a look at the case studies of recent RADF funding rounds to see the kinds of applications that have
been successful,” he said.
Council’s website ( au/radf) has case studies of previously successful RADF applications which current applicants might find helpful. Applications are now being accepted for projects commencing on or after 1 July 2023. Applications close 5pm Friday, 26 May 2023.
Easter is such a special time of year. The full moon the Thursday night before Easter sets the scene and our weather is changing to Autumn with cooler nights on the way. Remembering the good times we have shared in the past and spending time with family and friends is always special.
Our members are looking forward to the April Morning Tea on Wednesday, 26 April 2023. It starts at 10 am in St Mary's Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church). Come along and listen to what our guest speaker Mal Holmes from Rockhampton Food Bank has to say.
Our April Monthly Meeting is on Tuesday, 18 April 2023 starting at 2 pm in St Mary's Hall.
We are looking at organising our next bus trip. Bring your ideas to our next meeting.
Rockhampton 60 & Better are planning their next trip to Bundaberg in early October.
If you are aged over 50 years old come along to our meeting and join our group. There is no cost to become a member. Take some time to reflect on ANZAC DAY - Lest We Forget.
Submitted by the Steering Committee
Carol Glover 4938 1995 or Colleen Constable on 0427 161 13
For information please contact karley goody - president -
or email -
Bed and Breakfast
Call Lizzy on 0408 262 505
Mark Humphreys’ Electrical
8 Baldwin Street
Mount Morgan 4714
Electrical Lic. No. 74711
Phone: 0439 727 609
FAX: 4938 2885
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ABN 52 081 926 QBSA 19514
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Phone: 4938 1887 ~ Mobile 0419 741 611
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Available for all domestic and commercial work.
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Phone Tony 0429 669 499
Servicing Mount Morgan
QBCC 1110090
Discover the difference! Meet Angela Douglas: Local area agent
Knowledgeable about the local community Listens to your
ABN: 24 757 904 038
Dawson Green - Mount Morgan Local NO JOB TOO SMALL!
CALL DAWSON ON 0413 825 787
Email -
Most Home Repairs - Doors, Windows, Walls, Gates, Patch & Paint
I will not accept jobs over $3,300.00
Clinic 1st Tuesday of the Month
TELEPHONE: 0417 006 591
Firearm Accessories – Militaria- Fishing – Bait
- Archery – Ammo – Gifts – Television Antenna
Sales & Installation - Metal Detectors and Prospecting Gear - Camping Gear!
ABN 86 894 469 085
Eric J Stevenson. DNRME License to Sell Explosives 1300622
69 Morgan Street, Mount Morgan
Firearm Sales / PTA’s still from 11 Glen Gordon Street by appointment
Firearm Dealer License No. 50001499 Mount Morgan Guns
Phone: 4928 3511
Deslea’s Cutz for Mutz
Mobile Dog Clipping
Phone Des: 0447 275 402
Finlayson & McKenzie
Sandi Wood (nee Inslay) from Mount Morgan was born and raised within the Mount and is well aware of the needs of the Mount Morgan community.
Bob Wheeler 0419 663 277 Po Box 91
Mt Morgan
Tilt Truck Service, Excavator
Slashing, Mowing, Tractor and Poison Spraying
Licenced Poisons Contractor
Sandi is Mount Morgan’s funeral consultant and is available for all funeral advice. Contact Sandi for more information and competitive prices with burials, cremations or prepaid funerals.
Sandi Wood your local consultant
Phone: 4922 1269
The Benevolent Society’s Gracemere and Mount Morgan Early Years Place recently celebrated its one-year anniversary.
The centre provides supportive play and development programs for families and children from birth to eight years.
“It’s hard to believe it has been a whole year since our launch here,” Team Leader - Child and Family Services Queensland, Christine Smith said.
Located in Mount Morgan, the Early Years Place services the Mount Morgan, Gracemere, Kabra and Bouldercombe areas.
Everyone in the community was invited to attend a special celebration to mark its first birthday on 5 April.
“Our community and families are central to everything we do, so we invited everyone to come celebrate this occasion with us,” Christine said.
Along with morning tea, there was music and activities for families including craft, games, and a balloon artist.
The event was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.
“We were so excited to celebrate this milestone alongside the members of the community that have made this all possible,” Christine said.
“Their trust, participation and invaluable feedback have made the Gracemere and Mount Morgan Early Years Place what it is today, and we can’t wait to see where we will be next year”.
“It was a wonderful opportunity for everyone to connect with their community.”
Since its inception, the Early Years Place has provided an easy way for families to access a range of early childhood activities and support from the one welcoming location, filling a much-needed void in the community.
The centre has a different mix of programs including playgroup, parenting programs, health services, and family and parenting support. It also offers reach out groups in mobile locations within the Gracemere and
Mount Morgan area.
“Our Early Years Places make it easy for families to connect with services and support their child’s early development,” Christine said.
“We’ve had lots of positive feedback from families who’ve been able to make more social connections.
“It’s a safe, fun, and supportive environment for children and families to learn and grow. Our goal is to improve and support the education, health, safety and well-being of children and parents in this community.”
The centre has three child and family practitioners –Christine, Michelle, and Zoe – who are all locals who grew up in and around Rockhampton.
“We’re very lucky to have them, they have such passion, energy and creativity for what they do,” Christine said..
“Together they cofacilitate playgroups, connect with the families, offer family support and connect with the local community.”
For more information about the Gracemere & Mount Morgan Early Years Place, call 1800 236 762 or email
Do you have an interest in local history? Or perhaps would like to be involved in town promotions? Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc would like to warmly welcome all interested individuals to become a part of the team! Workforce Australia and Centrelink Mutual Obligations also available. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Eve-lyn at MMPAD on 4938 2312 or email
An announcement by South Burnett Regional Council that an earlier ban on cash at the Kingaroy waste facility, will now be extended to three more tips, has caused widespread outrage.
The Council is trying to ‘sell’ the policy as one solely motivated by its commitment to people’s ‘safety and security’.
They treat us like children.
By introducing these ‘go cashless’ policies in this gradual and piecemeal manner, all masked in ‘soothing’ buzzwords like ‘safety’, ‘convenience’, ‘protection’ etc, they think people won’t notice what is happening until it’s too late.
Their ultimate goal being to turn Queensland into a ‘cashless’ society by stealth.
The Courier Mail quoted one Councillor as saying: “cash poses several risks… including theft and damage from attempted break-ins. Whilst this will not totally eliminate the risk of break-ins, it is expected to lower risks”.
Did you catch the key word in all that? Risk.
They slip it in all the time now, whenever the subject of cash is raised.
It’s all part of a deliberate strategy by banks and governments to “frame” cash as something risky, unsafe, dodgy even.
Similar ‘framing’ tactics are used to position cash as a ‘risk’ to public health – as something dirty, germridden and dangerous.
The word “risk” is now regularly trotted out and used to demonise everything associated with the ‘old normal’, and cash is at the top of that list.
Allowing councils, big business, banks and other vested interest groups, to dictate public policy in this covert and sneaky manner, completely outside the normal democratic process, must not be tolerated. Cash is legal tender. It is also safe, private, reliable, bank charge-free and a handy back-up for when other systems fail.
Banning its use is discriminatory and will adversely impact the many groups and individuals within society who still prefer to use it.
Which is why I have put up a Parliamentary Petition calling on Government to urgently introduce legislation that guarantees people’s right to use cash in Queensland.
Sign the Petition here – au/2023/04/05/right-to-use-cash-to-be-law/
ARTISAN MARKETS – On Sunday, 2 April, The Soldiers Rooms hosted the first Artisan Market as an inaugural introduction as what to expect once the Arts Precinct is up and running. There were quite several creatives who had stalls and showcased their works. A steady stream of people visited, and sales were good on the day. Some Artists also received ongoing commissions and orders, as well as requests for workshops. The vibe was relaxed, eclectic and Artists enjoyed networking and creating future opportunities. It is usually the nature of events like these, that success is measured by longer term relationships being built, and resultant collaborations and Art produced, so with that in mind, we look forward to the many Artists stimulated response! Exciting possibilities abound!
THE MANSE: With the Easter Break, we encouraged our members to spend time with family and friends, so work is ongoing for an extra week or so before renting the house. Expressions of interest to rent at $330/week are being accepted at mountmorganartsprecinct@
Once we have a tenant, we will be taking a break from the Arts Precinct for a month to concentrate on some exciting improvements to The Soldiers Rooms. Please continue to donate to the donation box located at the counter of Wattle Bee Next NewsXpress or online donations at save-our-history
GOLDEN MOUNT FESTIVAL: On the Friday night, 28 April at 5:30pm, members will be manning the BBQ and serving food at the Movie night at No7 Dam. It is a wonderful way to kick off the Festival for families, so we hope to see you there and sell you a sausage sanger or a steak burger. We are also excited to have a stall at the Golden Mount Festival on Saturday, 29 April, located near the entry to the Primary School. We will be presenting information on the services we provide as the Mount Morgan Citizens Club Inc, the Arts Precinct progress and Membership forms.
HIRE: The Soldiers Rooms is available for events, and we have chairs and trestle tables available for events elsewhere. For Bookings call 0419 605 662 for availability. Members receive discounted rates.
NEXT MEETING: Our April meeting has been cancelled due to the Mount Morgan Rodeo being on, so our May meeting will be held on Sunday, May 21 at 10:30am at the Soldiers Rooms. New members welcome. To get in touch, email
Like and follow “Mount Morgan Soldiers Rooms” and “Mount Morgan Arts Precinct” on Face book to keep up to date.
After receiving 34ml of rain Saturday afternoon and evening, the CQ Sand Green Championships looked like not going ahead on Sunday, 2 April. The event went ahead with the course proving to be very tough as only one player broke their handicap.
Results _ Men's Champion - Daryl Myles (Wowan)65 gross, Men's B Grade - Shane Taylor (Yeppoon) - 77 gross, Men's C Grade - Phil Moran (Wowan)86 gross; Men's A Grade Runner Up - Scott Gibbs (Gladstone) - 69 gross, Men's B Grade Runner Up - Kyle McFadzen (Rockhampton) - 80 gross, Men's C Grade Runner Up - John Gunzler (Wowan) - 87 gross; Men's A Grade Nett Winner - Lance Antcliff (Mount Morgan) - 72 nett, Men's B Grade Nett Winner - Doug Wooffindin (Mount Morgan) - 76 nett and Men's C Grade Nett Winner - Steve Bryant (Mount Morgan) - 76 nett.
Ladies Champion - Nadine Battilana (Yeppoon) - 73 gross and Ladies Division 2 - Tamika Antcliff (Mount Morgan) - 84 gross; Ladies Division 1 Runner UpSarah Lacey (North Rockhampton) - 75 gross, Ladies Division 2 Runner Up - Keri Wilson (Yeppoon) - 89 gross; Ladies Division 1 Nett Winner - Bernie Antcliff (Yeppoon) - 75 nett and Ladies Division 2 Nett Winner - Rebecca Hillier (Calliope) - 75 nett.
The AMPOL SHIELD teams’ event was won by the Mount Morgan team of Lance Antcliff, Josh Antcliff, Tamika Antcliff and Brenton McFadzen with 220 nett. Thanks to everyone for their attendance to help make the day very successful.
Submitted by Roger Brewster - Secretary
Mount Morgan Golf Club.
With just over a week to go, the 46th annual Golden Mount Festival promises a return to the pre-Covid days when the festival spanned three days. Organised by the Golden Mount Festival Association, Mount Morgan Incorporated, the Festival starts on Friday, 28 April with a family BBQ and movie night at the No. 7 Dam. The night will also have a fireworks spectacular, sponsored by Mount Morgan’s very own Rainbow Café.
The movie shown at the dam will be “How to Train Your Dragon – Hidden World”, superbly fitting in with this year’s theme of “Fantasy and Magic”.
Saturday, 29 April is an action-packed day starting off in the morning with the market stalls (from 8.30 am), followed by the official opening, Gold Dig (sponsored by Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc), “Fantasy and Magic” procession and Mount Morgan’s junior and senior Running the Cutter (sponsored by Heritage Minerals.
There will be live entertainment throughout, including the ever popular Rockhampton Pipe Band.
Entry forms for the procession and Running the Cutter are available on the Festival’s webpage at
Sunday morning will be an opportunity for everyone to recover with a Big Dam Breakfast from 8 am, before heading off to the Rodeo.
This year the Festival Association is calling on the services of the Mount Morgan Citizen’s Club and the Mount Morgan State High School P & C to assist with the events at the No. 7 Dam.
Golden Mount Festival Association President, Mr Gavin Finch said he was pleased that the Festival was able to return to a three-day format.
“This is Mount Morgan’s main event and it celebrates the town’s community spirit – the town deserves to celebrate, especially with all of the projects happening in the town” he said.
Mr Finch said he would like to thank the Rockhampton Regional Council for coming on board again with support from the Council’s Community Assistance Program.
“It was really pleasing that the Council came on board again this year,” he said.
Mr Finch said the Golden Mount Festival was the second longest-running festival in Central Queensland, coming in second to the Gladstone Harbour Festival.
To say that organising the 2023 Mount Morgan Rodeo has been challenging is a bit of an understatement, according to Mount Morgan Rodeo Association Incorporated President, Karley Goody.
Karley said there were several “jumps” to get over and most of the organising has been done by her family members, without whom she would have been lost.
“My family have been really great,” she said. “The rodeo needed new blood and change, and I can honestly say in 2023 there are plenty of changes,” she said.
One change in particular is the “Dachshund Dash” which will put the short-legged pups through their paces. This event will be held at 12 noon, before the Rodeo gets underway at 2 pm.
“We’re holding this event before the Rodeo so it doesn’t detract from the main event,” she said.
Karley said the prizemoney for all events had increased, especially the Open Bull Ride, Open Saddle Bronc and Open Ladies Barrel Race, made possible through some new sponsors. Year 12 students will assist at the Rodeo
There will also be stalls, a coffee van, Mr Mojo Ice
cream, Bills Amusements and the “Spuds 2 Go” van.
“Our aim is to make it a family friendly event,” Karley said.
The Association will operate its own canteen and bar as well.
Reunions have always been part of the Golden Mount Festival landscape – these have included school, family and mine worker’s reunions.
As the Festival was borne from the “Back to Mount Morgan Week” the May Day long weekened has provided opportunities for forgotten friendships to be renewed and memories of days gone by to be relived.
Importantly, it is a time for the part Mount Morgan played in the lives of so many.
This year is no different with members of the Class of 1968 (Year 10A, 10B and 10C) holding their reunion. The class members will meet at the Leagues Club in Rockhampton on Friday night, attend the events on Saturday and have breakfast at the dam on Sunday.
In his spare time, Mount Morgan building pioneer, Scottish-born Thomas Glen (‘Tom’) Cornes (1842-1903), went fishing and spent time at home with his family – as suggested by the two pictured images. The first image shows him standing (left) by a horse and cart during a fishing expedition. In the second image, he’s on the porch (centre) of his Mount Morgan home with his wife, also originally from Scotland, and their four New Zealand-born children.
After gaining experience as a builder in the gold mining town of Thames, New Zealand (North Island), Tom secured work as Superintendent of Sawmills and Carpenters at the Mount Morgan Gold Mining Company Limited in 1886. He was responsible for designing and constructing the original buildings on the Works and community buildings, such as Mount Morgan’s first hospital and School of Arts. He remained in this role for the rest of his life.
Despite his busy schedule, Tom still had time to serve on local committees, including the Hospital and State School Committees. He was also a staunch Freemason and first elected Master of the Mount Morgan Masonic Lodge in 1889-90.
Tom died at home in 1903 (aged 60) of exhaustion and heart failure. His funeral was the largest Mount Morgan had ever seen.
Tom’s legacy lives on in Mount Morgan. His General Office Building* on the mine site still stands. He drafted plans for and managed the building of Saint Mary’s Anglican Church* for the church’s benefactor – his close friend and boss, Wesley Hall (1839-1901) – and was the building supervisor of the Mount Morgan Masonic Temple*.
Cornes Street in Mount Morgan is named in his honour.
*Listed on the Queensland Heritage Register.
Continued on Page 17
(1870-1948) (second from right) / Cornes family photograph. Next issue: more historical caricatures of locals.
The dust has literally just settled following the third annual RockyNats event, and you might be inspired to roll up the sleeves and start working on the car or motorbike ready for next year’s thrilling adrenalin-driven event.
Here’s where your library service can really help you.
Haynes All Access Manuals puts a huge range of online repair manuals at your fingertips in an instantjust with your Rockhampton Regional Library card. This provides complete maintenance schedules, fault-finding advice, and more than 200 individual jobs per vehicle for the most popular cars and motorbikes. With more than 750 pages per guide, featuring colour images, wiring diagrams, a print-athome option and general video guides for the most common tasks, this is the ultimate solution for those who work on or maintain a variety of vehicles and
want access to definitive trustworthy information on doing things correctly.
Libby has an impressive suite of digital magazines with an Australian and American focus to get your motor running. Select from titles such as Classic Cars; Classic Bike; Classic Racer; Classic Ford; Classic Truck Performance; Classic Motorcycle Mechanics; Porsche Classics; Land Rover Monthly or Retromotive. These range from magazines published a few years ago to recently published titles.
BorrowBox – Download a great story to your mobile and start listening while you work on your vehicle. Many long distance travellers absolutely love the digital content available on BorrowBox, so why not drop into your library and chat to staff about how to use this easily accessible resource.
LinkedIn Learning has some great digital learning packages on many different aspects of vehicles, including Shooting locations for car portraits; ARKit and Unity: Build a drivable car in augmented reality; Shooting cars in motion; Going off-road to test suspension parts or Decide how to crash a selfdriving car. Select the course and level required for learning, as well as the time taken to complete the
Continued on Page 18
activity - and get digitally savvy in the automotive space.
The library does hold a collection of older manuals for cars, bikes, outdoor motors, trucks and small engines in our Stack collection at the Rockhampton History Centre, consisting of manuals from publishers such as Gregory’s, Clymer, Haynes, Max Ellery and Chilton. Search for titles on the online library catalogue under the search phrase ‘Maintenance and repair’. The manuals are not available for loan but can be accessed in the Rockhampton History Centre during opening hours, Monday to Friday, 9:00am – 5:30pm.
Our littlest patrons can enjoy a virtual story session featuring a shared picture book read by an Australian storyteller on StoryBox Library. A special section is devoted to stories about transport and vehicles, so listen to wonderful stories such as All the factors of why I love tractors, Fire truck Santa and Mulga Bill’s bicycle.
The Mount Morgan Library is located at 31 Morgan Street, Mount Morgan. Borrow and return items at any of our four library branches in Mount Morgan, Gracemere and Rockhampton. Enquiries: librar-
The Mount Morgan Branch of the Queensland Country Women’s Association [QCWA] has been busy, and this month is no exception. On 17 April the branch will hold its monthly meeting at the Green Shed is Thompson Avenue near Boyd Park. Last month we started holding our monthly craft days which will include cooking if there is enough interest. The ladies who attended had a really relaxed day which included good conversation, morning tea and craft. You can bring your own or we do have some craft equipment. Our garden club will also be implemented into these days over time so the social days will have something for everyone in one place. If you would like to come along and meet the members and to find out more about QCWA please do so. As I said this is a social morning where you can relax and enjoy the hand of friendship. Our next craft morning will be held on 24 April.
On 25 April month we will once again pay respect to those who lost their lives fighting for our freedom and a better tomorrow. Members in the past have laid a wreath in memory of those who fort in conflicts. This included men and women along with support personal and the animals who were also part of the fighting forces and rescue teams that carried the wounded to medical personal and ambulance vehicles.
It is not widely known but the members of the QCWA also did a lot of work during the war years. Many
members joined the land army to work on farms and help with the war effort. Ladies picked up tools and helped in factories and many members worked day and night to make camouflage nets. They did this over the back of sheds and anywhere they could hang the nets. Members worked on recycling old uniforms and made them into uniforms that could be used. Some branches opened their doors and formed their own branches of the Australian Comforts Fund Queensland Division that knitted many items for the soldiers. The ladies had a small hand sized book which provided the patterns for the items that were to be made which included socks, beanie’s, balaclavas and scarves. Members also embarked on a project to collect sheep skin pelts to be made into vests for the fighting forces. This project began in 1940. To put the enormity of the work undertaken by the end of 1943 into perspective the following items were made from sheep skin - vests - 27,620, pairs of slippers3,220, pairs of gloves - 3,098, pairs of children’s slippers – 680, pairs of mittens – 2549 and pairs of inner soles for shoes - 2,450. Over 36,000 sheep skins were donated to this cause.
By 1943 the ladies of the QCWA had made 18,000 camouflage nets. One Division used 6,500 pounds of twine and 437 pounds of rope. Some of this was used to make helmet covers. In 1942 ladies made 4326 field dressings and 2163 bags. Remember rationing was in place which made it very hard for supplies to always be available. Wool was also rationed but in 1944 the rationing was lifted. If wool was required to be knitted into garments for the fighting forces branches were granted coupon free wool. It was estimated that 21 chests carrying 3,912 garments were distributed.
Continued on Page 19
These were shipped to London and collected by Mrs Pike the representative of Q.C.W.A. and she was also on the Associated Country Women of the World Council in charge of distribution of goods
We talk about hard work involved clothing and providing supplies for the soldiers abroad, but the culinary needs of the fighting forces were also considered. Growing herbs was another project and these were collected and sent to Melbourne for distribution when herbs were available to grow.
Many members also joined the Australian Red Cross to help during the war years. Today members still March, lay wreaths and pay their respects to those who fought including fighting forces, nurses, ambulance bearers, the animals who carried troops, the wounded and the volunteers who helped. Our branch along with branches all over the state and Australia took part in helping refugees from England who immigrated to Australia for safety. Another part of the war effort was the making of fruitcakes and packs that were sent to the soldiers. The list is endless and certainly a great legacy for all members of the QCWA, not just in Mount Morgan, but Queensland-wide.
The members of the Mount Morgan Branch look forward to meeting ladies from all parts of our community. This year we will be holding a stall at the Golden Mount Festival held from 28-30 April. We will be showcasing our Country Kitchens program. We will be releasing our new cookbook on Jams and Preserves that showcases some amazing homemade goodies. There are recipes that will amaze you that are delicious and easy to make. We will also have our other cookbooks, information, history and a raffle. On 29 April, along with the festival, it is also the Associated Country Women of the World [ACWW] “Women Walk the World day”. This is a day celebrating the strength of women and to help fund small scale projects that ladies are undertaking in rural areas. This includes small sewing groups, fresh water for all, small crop holdings to grow food and much more. We are hoping to have a photo of as many women as possible on the day. So if you would like to join us and be in the photo please come along to our stall on the day and we will let you know where and at what time the photo will be taken.
The Country Kitchens program is available for anyone. A workshop can be organised that includes cooking, eating food and a bag of goodies to take home. The workshops can be held with students, workers, teachers, bowlers or anyone interested. So, call me on 0428 457 461.
This year we have several community projects which include fiddle mats for long stay patience at the hospital and items for school support. We are compiling
Domestic Violence packs and we are catering for the Ride4Lives ride which is all about Suicide Prevention. They will be at the Railway Station on the 13 May 2023 from 11 am. Some of the riders are trained counsellors who are happy to help and pass on information.
Our branch meetings are on the 3rd Monday of each month at the green shed near the town swimming pool complex. Our meetings and craft days start at 10 am. Come along and have a cuppa and morning tea along with good company.
If you would like to find out more information please phone or text me on 0428 457 461 or email me on .
The Golden Festival Association, Mount Morgan Incorporated, advises that the following event will be held on
Friday, 28 April 2023 at the No 7 Dam:
Event Set up time – From 3 pm
Event time: 5- 7.45 pm
Movie: 6.15 – 7.50 pm - Fireworks: 8 pm
approx. Pack up time – 8 – 9 pm
Traffic to the area will be greater than normal during this time.
The Golden Mount Festival Association, Mount Morgan Incorporate also advises that the following event will be held on
Sunday, 30 April 2023 at the No 7. Dam:
Event Set up time – From 6 am – 8 am
Event time: 8 am – 11 am and
Pack Up – 11 am – 12.30 pm
Traffic to the area will be greater than normal during this time.
Eve-lyn Rogers - Treasurer Golden Mount Festival Association, Mount Morgan Inc
APRIL 24: QCWA Branch craft social day at the Green Shed in Thompson Avenue 10 am
APRIL 25: Anzac Day Dawn Service, 5.30 am and Main Service 11 am - Anzac Park - West Street, Mount Morgan.
APRIL 25: Anzac Day Parade - form up 10.30 amMount Morgan School of Arts, Morgan Street. Step off at 10.45 am.
APRIL 26: Dee River Oldies Group - Morning Tea starting at 10 am to be held in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church). Cost is $5. The guest speaker will be Mal Holmes from Rockhampton Food Bank. Raffle and lucky door prizes.
APRIL 28: True Outreach Clinic - sexual and reproductive health. Phone 4912 5100 for appointment.
APRIL 28: Golden Mount Festival Family Movie Night, BBQ and Fireworks at No .7 Dam. From 5 pm.
APRIL 29: Golden Mount Festival Markets in Morgan Street from 8 am. Applications for market stalls, Procession and Running the Cutter available from
APRIL 30: Golden Mount Festival “Big Dam Breakfast” from 8 am at No.7 Dam.
APRIL 30: Mount Morgan Rodeo - Gates open 11 am - 10 pm. Rodeo starts at 2 pm. Canteen and bar operating. ATM available onsite at Showgrounds.
MAY 1: Mount Morgan Golf Club, 2-person Ambrose. 9 am tee off. Mount Morgan Golf Club, Burnett Highway.
MAY 6: CQ Junior Sand Green Championships. Mount Morgan Golf Club, Burnet Highway.
MAY 13: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
MAY 26: Mobile Women’s Health Clinic. Phone 4912 5100 for an appointment.
JUNE 10: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
JULY 8: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
The following Mount Morgan roads will be closed on Saturday, 29 April 2023 for the Annual Golden Mount Festival. These streets will be closed for street markets and street procession.
Morgan Street, between Central and East Streets
Morgan Street, between Central and West Streets Morgan Lane, between Central and Morgan Streets, Cutter Lane, between Central and West Streets, Dee Street, between Central and East Streets and East Street, between Dee and Morgan Streets.
SUPERINTENDENT OF TRAFFIC (Christopher Cronin, SGT OC, 4028467)
1-5-1944 - 13-4-2021
Two years have now passed, but the precious memories live on.
Very sadly missed by Carolyn, Gavin, Colin, Dale and their families, 7 Grandkids, 3 daughters-in-law and his sister Beryl, and many others too.
30-10-1933 - 5-4-2022
We keep you in our hearts and will always treasure the fond memories of you, your unconditional love and generosity of spirit. Sadly missed.
Dennis, Shayne and Suzanne, Majella, Kerrilie, Philip and Josh.
FOR SALE/SWAP: Sell furnished house, Mount Morgan. New roof, stairs, solar panels & inverter, plus solar hot water system. Consider exchange on home in Rockhampton with some cash adjustment. Phone 0428 380 106.
EMAIL: or phone 4938 2312