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by Editors
Editors’ Message Gabrielle Grixti and Daniela Chatlani
Dear readers,
Before applying to become Minima’s editors, we had no idea that this publication existed. It is a shame that for the last 3 years students have not had a chance to publish their work. We were therefore very excited to revive this journal!
In this journal one can find an array of both literature reviews and clinical cases, which are sure to peak your interest. The aim of including both was to provide equal opportunities to all medical students. The work of the original authors went through a long process in order to achieve the greatest accuracy possible. Their work was initially reviewed by their tutor, followed by further suggestions from external professionals found by MMSA, and finally reviewed by an English professional. One can see that this journey would not have been possible without the contributions of various people from all walks of life, and this was our original vision, when we became coordinators.
It was no coincidence that Minima Medica was launched during the SCOME Research Conference 2020. Minima acts as a bridge between us as medical students and the potential research we can do. We hope this journal encourages you to pursue further opportunities in the field of research and publication.

We hope you enjoy this journal as much as we enjoyed putting it together!
Gabrielle Grixti Minima Medica Editor 2020
Daniela Chatlani Minima Medica Editor 2020