Cane Toad Conquerors
Leon Elder, Gordonvale State School student, did his bit for the environment by removing the largest toad brought in for the yearly ‘Toads Day Out’ competition. Leon’s toad, weighing 300g and measuring 15.5cm, was captured on Earth Hour night. This toad was one of 63 toads brought in by Leon. All up, around 2000 Cane Toads were collected with about one quarter of these coming from the Gordonvale area. Mulgrave Landcare and Gordonvale State School joined forces to man a collection centre at Cane Toad World in Norman Park to assist Conservation Volunteers Australia with Toads Day Out. Cane Toads were originally released in Gordonvale over 75 years ago to control the cane beetle from destroying sugar cane crops. Cane Toads are now found across Queensland, Northern Territory, in parts of Western Australia and in the north-east of New South Wales. There is evidence of the environmental impacts of toads with a decline of quoll and frog populations in areas where large numbers of toads have been found. Events like ‘Toads Day Out’ enhance the public awareness of some of the impacts of introducing non-native species into our environment. Photo: Leon Elder with the largest toad.
every cut and colour goes into the draw to win 1 years worth of free hairdressing valued at $1500
Contact John for a quote Ph: 07 4056 3712 Mob: 0412 772 585 E: BSA 52012
Local Business Guide ANZAC Day Gordonvale
Thursday the 25th of April saw the 98th Anniversary of the Anzac legend commemorated in Gordonvale. Kicking off at 4.15am the dawn service was once again well attended. This was followed by the March through Gordonvale in front of a crowd of about two thousand people. The March included ex service members, school groups, volunteer organisations and emergency services. There was also a number of military vehicles that took part in the parade. Once again the crowd stayed on for the parade and wreath laying ceremony, followed by a great attendance at the Gordonvale RSL. With only two years before the 100th commemoration, plans are well underway for a great day whilst we remember those that made the ultimate sacrifice. There were also commemorations in Edmonton Freshwater and Cairns. The streets in Cairns were packed three deep in some places and the parade at Munro Martin park was the biggest seen in years.
Brendon Pearce Painting Contractor Domestic, commercial, repaints & decorative finishes. Ph: 0408 405 620
The Beef n’ Ice-cream Boy
UPHOLSTERY Paulie’s Upholstery Recovers, Repairs, Made to Order Furniture and Bed Heads. Free Measure and Quotes. Local tradesman with 18 years experience Ph: 0413 005 833 Email:
LAWN MOWING Morrie's Mowing & Yard Maintenance Lawn Mowing - Pruning - Weed Control - Odd Jobs - Commercial Domestic - Body Corp. Ph: 4056 5628 - Mob: 0428 291 033
Red Cross Cent Sale Gordonvale Red Cross Branch would sincerely like to thank all businesses and members of the community who supported our latest fundraiser the 2013 Cent Sale that was held at the RSL Hall on the 23rd of March. We had a wonderful day with almost a full hall of participants. The guests purchased their Cent Sale tickets, raffle tickets and lucky door before sitting down to a delicious afternoon tea provided by the ladies from both the Gordonvale Red Cross and Hospital Auxiliary. There was over two hundred great prizes that were donated by many businesses and locals. This annual event is made possible by the continued support of our wonderful community and hard work from all who assist us in making this event a huge success every year. We raised a huge $6900! This money was forwarded to our head office in Brisbane to be distributed amongst the needy and especially the residents of the Bundaberg floods. Thank you once again to each and everyone who supported the Cent Sale. Please accept this as our personal thanks from the Gordonvale Red Cross Branch.
Robyn’s Bowen Therapy
For Body, Mind and Spirit
Robyn John
Remedial Therapist 90 Riverstone Road Gordonvale Phone 40563656 Mobile 0431303453 Member of BTFA Every ‘body’ is better with Bowen
Gift Vouchers Available
Part 2: By Wendy Maddocks However, Russell had it all worked out and, grabbing his small shovel, he headed towards the water, which is very cold at Ross and Locke. After digging a hole, he wrapped the steak and ice-cream in plastic and buried it in the cold, damp sand. “Come Monday morning, four days later, the icecream was still solid and cold and I ate my last steak for breakfast.” Russell worked at Jamieson’s until 1973 when, deciding to travel, he spent a number of years working as a baker in many places including Weipa. In Rockhampton he was a cook for a railway line gang and in Tennant Creek NT as an underground cleaner, as well as cane planting locally. Prior to getting married in 1976, Russell worked as a baker for the Bungalow Bakery and the Independent Bakery, (which later became Manning Pies). In November, 1985, he went to Cooktown where be worked as a baker and on his return to Gordonvale in 1988, he opened his own bakery, which was next to the present day Hoolihan’s Electrical store in Norman Street. In 1998 he shut the doors for the last time and he and his wife Colleen spent the following six years “rambling” around Queensland with the Gold Coast as their base. They returned to Gordonvale in 2004 to care for Russell’s mother. The Spurrier home was once the Gordonvale Presbyterian manse. It was purchased by Russell’s father in 1957 and moved to its present site on Riverstone Road. It has been the family home for 56 years. After spending a wonderful couple of hours with Russell and Colleen Spurrier, I left feeling not only very privileged but firmly convinced that his life stories deserve their own book, at the very least!
African Snail Infestation
(Information supplied by Mulgrave Settlers Museum) No one knows how they got here, but t h e s e i nv a s i ve Giant African Snails, also known as Achatrina Fulica, were first recorded in Gordonvale in April of 1977, when a child had taken one to school.
October 5th
10th 18th 18th
Some Gordonvale residents had noticed them around but didn’t know what they were.
24th 25th 27th
They soon realized that they multiplied very quickly and ate everything in sight. The East African land snail, or Giant African Land Snail, is a species of large, air-breathing land snails. As they develop rapidly and produce large numbers of offspring, it is now listed as one of the top 100 invasive species in the world. It is a voracious feeder, and recognized as a serious pest organism affecting agriculture, natural ecosystems, and human health. The adult snails have a height of around 7cm and their length can reach 20cm or more. The shell has a conical shape, being about twice as high as it is broad. The snail is a herbivore and it eats a wide range of plant material, fruit and vegetables. It will sometimes eat sand, very small stones, bones from carcasses and even concrete as calcium sources for its shell. In rare instances the snails will consume each other. A long time local identity Betty Smith, recalls seeing them and took one to a science teacher at the high school to identify. The teacher wasn’t sure what it was, but put it in a terrarium. Then another boy took one to school at Aloomba and one of the teachers there recognized it as a Giant African Snail. Quarantine was immediately contacted as these pests in the local cane crop would be devastating. A fairly intense baiting programme of pellets initially then small blocks, were placed in residents yards and fortunately the pests were confined to a 16ha suburban area. Approximately 300kg of snail bait was laid and regular searchers made. The low level infestation took 3 years to be declared eradicated. If only our infamous Cane Toads could be that easy to get rid off!
Strength Direction Success ...when it matters
Telephone: 4081 6700 Port Douglas Cairns Edmonton Gordonvale Babinda
May 4th
Mother’s Day Cent Sale, Anglican Church Parish Hall, Church St, 1.30pm for 2pm start, $3.00 entry Annular Solar Eclipse JPMI Civil Construction Race Day Card Making Night, Fundraiser - Relay for Life Team Crew Cure, $20 includes supper, 7pm, St Johns Young Lifestyle, Lot 3 Highleigh Road, Gordonvale. Bookings Ph: 0431 259 700 Wendy JP Signing Service, Gordonvale Hub 10am-2pm Pet Show, St Michaels School 9.30am – 2pm Relay for Life Fundraiser Riverstone Stitchers, Biggest Morning Tea, Anglican Church Hall, 9am for 9.30am start, $10 entry. Cent Sale, Apron Auction & other raffles & prizes.
June 10th Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday 21st Last Day School Term 2 21st JP Signing Service, Gordonvale Hub 10am-2pm
July 8th School Term 3 commences 19th JP Signing Service, Gordonvale Hub 10am-2pm
August 10th The Great Pyramid Race 23rd JP Signing Service, Gordonvale Hub 10am-2pm
September 20th Last Day School Term 3 20th JP Signing Service, Gordonvale Hub 10am-2pm
CNW Electrical Wholesalers Gordonvale Cup 7th Labour Day Public Holiday 8th School Term 4 commences 18th JP Signing Service, Gordonvale Hub 10am-2pm 19th McDonnell Creek School celebrating 100 years, a day of fun & festivities
November 22nd JP Signing Service, Gordonvale Hub 10am-2pm
December 13th Last Day School Term 4 25th Christmas Day Public Holiday 26th Boxing Day Public Holiday
Weekly Mon Gordonvale Goanna’s Playgroup, 9.30-11.30am, QCWA Hall, Contact Debbie 4067 5344 Mon Brownies (aged 7-10 ½ yo) Guide Hut 4pm-6pm Mon Guides (aged 10 ½ - 13) Guide Hut 6.30pm-8.30pm Tue Active Games in Norman Park 3.15pm Tue Rangers (aged 13-18yo) Guide Hut 7pm-9pm Wed Gumnuts (age 5-7yo) Guide Hut 4pm-5.30pm Sat 4F Fun Fitness group meet at Julie’s Tasty Treats between 6.30-7am. Walk, ride etc. Mon-Sat Mulgrave Settlers Museum, 60 Gordon Street 10am-2pm Gordonvale Community Hub located at 17-19 Cannon Street
If you would like to see your small or large event eg. fetes, cent sales, trivia nights, markets etc. published in the Caltex Community Calender please email your details to or give us a call on 07 4056 5825
Ph: 07 4056 6790 Shed 1 / 12 Norman Street Gordonvale Qld 4865
The Mulgrave News is an independently owned newsletter printed and delivered free to the residents of Gordonvale every month. Any articles of interest can be included in the paper by emailing to Deadline for articles and advertising is the 15th of the month to allow time for set up and printing. The paper relies on advertising by local businesses to succeed. If you cannot advertise in the paper, please support the businesses that do advertise. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material published in the Mulgrave News for which they do not hold copyright.
Extensions Complete
PHONE: 07 4056 1772
State School Shines
Soraya Houghton and Luke Azzopardi, students from Gordonvale State School, along with Sue Helmke, ‘Scientist in Schools’ representative and Excelsior staff member travelled to Sydney on Earth Hour night to attend the prestigious WWF Earth Hour Awards. Gordonvale State School, a national finalist in these awards implemented an innovative curriculum initiative “Excelsior: A Whole Community Approach to Sustainability” to create a culture of environmental sustainability within the school and local community with an emphasis on long term behaviour change. Although not a winner this year, the judges were extremely impressed with how sustainability is so firmly embedded into the school’s culture and how Gordonvale State School has taken sustainability to the community, interacting with the local council and beyond. Hamish Wyatt from WWF Earth Hour had this comment to say about Gordonvale State School -
"It was fantastic having the opportunity to see the Excelsior Program at Gordonvale. These enthusiastic and committed students are a great reminder of what Earth Hour is all about: spreading messages of sustainability throughout our communities. Nowhere is this more important than amongst the young and few places are doing it as well as Gordonvale. That is why we have celebrated them as finalists in the WWF Earth Hour Awards two years running and I'm looking forward to seeing what these students and the school gets up to in the years to come.” Gordonvale State School, a Reef Guardian school continues to be a leading school in environmental sustainability. Photo: Gordonvale State School students- Soraya Houghton and Luke Azzopardi with Hon. Peter Garrett MP and Mr Dermot O’Gorman, CEO of WWFAustralia and other finalists.
Gordonvale Lions Club The following equipment & facilities are available for hire: Tables (seats 8) $ 7 Chairs $ 1 Large Barbeques $ 25 + gas Merry-go-round $100 Contact Norm Fitzpatrick 4056 3081
Air-conditioned club room with: • tables & seating for 60 • self-contained kitchen • data projector, laptop and screen Hire cost is $60/day or $10/day to non-profit organizations. Contact Glenn Pope 0417 707 447. A large food van with all accessories for cooking chips, hamburgers etc. Catering services to large functions available. Contact Hec Stampa 4056 1032.
For all your painting requirements interior, exterior and touchups
Comprehensive Deck Restoration Cut Back and Recoat from $8.00 p/sqm
Pool & Patio Decks to look like new
Contact John for a quote Ph: 07 4056 3712 Mob: 0412 772 585 E:
St Michael's School Community is very proud of the new extensions now in use from Term 2. The new facilities include new student toilets, sports shed, cleaners' storeroom, uniform shop, two new classrooms and a lift for disabled access. The Year 4 students are very excited to be in their new rooms and have settled in beautifully to hard work. All our students and families are very happy with the new additions. The school values of Faith, Respect, Learning, Trust and Community are truly evident at St Michael's School through the hard work and care of the students, staff and parents for our new extensions. An education at St Michael's School is more affordable than you might think. Parents enquiring about enrolment are welcome to make contact with the School Office.
Robyn’s Real Estate Read Welcome to this month's update on all things Real Estate. Over the past few months Rural Acreages have seen a lot of action with interest coming from all over the country and a record sale in Goldsborough. This improved buying interest in acreage properties is an excellent indicator of the turning of the market and combined with 1.5% vacancy rate in rental properties and interest rates still at an all time low, those thinking of selling and upsizing to acreage might want to start the ball rolling now. We have currently put together some great Marketing promotions for the coming months at discounted rates, which might help you in and out of the market much faster: 1. End of Financial Year Campaign; 2. Housing Affordability Promotion; 3. Regional & Rural Promotion; 4. Land & New Home Promotion. For a confidential chat about your real estate needs please phone Robyn Hawley-Whitton - 0488 071 007 or E:
ELIMINATE DENGUE NEWS It has been over two years since the Eliminate Dengue Project commenced its first field trial and released mosquitoes carrying Wolbachia into the local population of Aedesaegypti in Gordonvale. Wolbachia is a natural bacterium that reduces the mosquito’s ability to transmit dengue virus between people. Latest monitoring results from Gordonvale show the Wolbachia level is still very high as nearly all of the mosquitoes we catch in our traps carry Wolbachia. This result suggests that if dengue was brought into Gordonvale that there would be a reduced risk of local dengue transmission. We are currently conducting a field trial in central Cairns areas of Edge Hill, Whitfield, Parramatta Park and Westcourt. Results so far are very positive as Wolbachia levels have increased to above 70% in all field sites. In the coming months, we hope to see Wolbachia establish in these suburbs as we have seen in Gordonvale. Thank you to all residents who are currently hosting our mosquito traps in Gordonvale and Pyramid Estate. These mosquito monitoring traps are an important for our ongoing monitoring of the Wolbachia mosquitoes in the local area. With the ongoing dengue outbreak in Cairns, we urge everyone living in Gordonvale to protect themselves from being bitten by mosquitoes. Andrew Turley, Field Trial Manager, Eliminate Dengue Project.
Pet of the Month sponsored by The Feed Shop 12-14 George Street Phone: 4056 2510 Email:
Only a couple of photos this month for our ‘Unusual Pet Buddies’, they were fun to see. Congratulations Sarah Tyris with your photo of Storm the cat and Sammy the turtle. Please contact Mulgrave News to arrange collection of your prize – a $5.00 gift voucher from The Feed Shop. Each month there will be a new theme. For our June photo challenge we would like to see Horses. The winner’s photo will be featured in the June Issue of Mulgrave News. Entries close 20th May. Limited to three entries per person. Photo entries to be emailed to or visit our Facebook page and post your photo on our Wall. To see all photos entries you can visit our website or our Facebook page. Please ensure you have permission from the animal owner before submitting entry. The winning photo printed each month receives a $5.00 gift voucher from The Feed Shop. Apologies to Amanda Van Drie for printing your name incorrectly - the winner of our April photo competition.
Nate Myles Cup
The inaugural Nate Myles under 13 Rugby League carnival was held on Saturday and Sunday the 6th and 7th of April 2013 at Alley Park Gordonvale. The carnival was coordinated by the Cairns District Junior Rugby League in conjunction with Nate Myles and Southern Suburbs Junior Rugby League. Fourteen teams participated in the highly anticipated carnival and show cased much talent and passion for the Greatest Game of All –Rugby League. These teams were predominantly from Cairns with others travelling from Innisfail, the Tablelands, Bowen and Townsville. The great success and quality of the Carnival should see many more teams wanting to join in next year as this will now be a regular event in the Junior League Calendar. We anticipate that Alley Park will also be utilised as the venue permanently – only fitting that this was where Nate Myles, a State of origin and Australian representative player first started playing League at the age of five. Southern Suburbs Juniors and seniors were also heavily involved with the grounds set up, supplying ball boys/girls, linesman and providing canteens for the patrons to utilise. Nate was present at the carnival and was kept busy watching and interacting with the players and spectators, a legend on and off the field! The carnival was won by the Western Lions (Townsville) with runners up Innisfail Brothers. The player of the Carnival went to Liam Heidemann from Edmonton Storm and Mareeba were the recipients of the Sportsmanship award. On Saturday Night Suburbs Juniors and the committee hosted a brief ceremony at which time the Suburbs Juniors Bar was renamed “The Nate Myles Bar”, where we acknowledged Nate’s achievements and continued support of Suburbs and Junior League. Nate played his entire Junior Football at Suburbs under 7 to Under 16’s when moved to the Canterbury Bulldogs. Nate and his entire family were witness to this and were very proud and humbled by the gesture. 2013 has seen Suburbs juniors move forward as a club and has continued to show growth and passion through the drive and guidance provided by the newly formed Executive and Committee. SSJRL is a force to be reckoned with and a sign of much more to come.
Bed & Breakfast Accommodation
Cairns Gateway Bed and Breakfast Cottage is situated in Pyramid Estate Gordonvale and is owned and operated by Julie Amadio and her husband Bryan Badger. Julie is a born and bred local, has travelled extensively overseas and understands what the B&B experience is all about, offering warm, friendly, hospitality and a home away from home. The cottage, is non smoking and has one large king room, which has a king bed or two king single beds. It has a shower and separate toilet, kitchenette/lounge and is fully self contained. The lounge has a double pull out sofa bed, and flat screen TV. Guests have full use of the washing machine and BBQ on the deck and there is a pool behind the cottage. Each day Julie provides a delicious breakfast hamper of the freshest ingredients and locally sourced products. Prices are $90 a single and $100 a couple per night, with discounts for longer stays. We do not have credit card facilities, so payment for accommodation can be cash or direct deposit. So whether you’re here on holidays, work, or need somewhere for family/friends to stay, make Cairns Gateway B&B your next stop.
Council Corner
Movie Night in Norman Park: The Hub will be hosting an open air movie night in Norman Park in early June. Please let The Hub know of any dates on Saturday nights that will clash with other local events so that we can ensure that all community members will be able to attend.Phone Mark on 4056 6712. Creative Crawl: The first 2013 Cairns Creative Crawl is NEXT Fri 3 May 2013 - 80 tickets sold ONLY 30 tickets still available! You know the pub crawls - think 'art' crawl! Enjoy multi arts; music; visual arts; creative shopping; food and drinks on an “arty” bus tour. Crawlers please meet between 5:00-5:45pm at Centre of Contemporary Arts, enjoy a cool bevie from number 96 bar and take a stroll through the KickArts Contemporary Arts galleries and shop. The Darling of the Cairns local music scene Louarde performs as part of A-Venue Cairns’ Showcase at Events program!Then be transported in style to UMIArts;AsYou Like It Hair Gallery;Cairns Regional Gallery;Red Chair Gallery;CellArt Space.Crawl tickets - $15 per person from Cairns Botanic GardensVisitor Centre,64 CollinsAve Edge Hill.Open 7 days (Mon - Fri 9:00am - 4:30pm and Sat - Sun 10:00am - 2:30pm). If you can't make it into the Visitor Centre to purchase and pick up your Crawl tickets, complete credit card payment over the phone and we will post out your tickets. Please call Creative Partnerships on 07 4032 6613 between 9:00am - 5:00pm Mon - Fri. Please note: payment over the phone will be an extra .15 cents per ticket. View the Crawl program -
Open Mic Night: Open mic hosted by Jamie Mack, Mountain View Hotel - Gillies Highway - Little Mulgrave give aways for participants, great atmosphere. Bring your instrument and JAM JAM JAM!!! Held on the last Sunday of every month. Trivia Night Gordonvale Bowling Club: Admission $10 includes supper, teams of 4 or singles welcome. Bookings: Naomi - 07 4056 1388. Club - 07 4056 1050. Friday, May 3rd,7:00pm. Mother's Day Cent Sale: All Saints' Anglican Parish Church Hall, Church Street, Gordonvale specials, cakes, spot raffles and lucky door.Admission $3 includes afternoon tea.Doors open 1.30pm for 2:00pm start Saturday May 4th. Relay For Life Pet Show: St Michaels School, Gordonvale Pet competitions, jumping castle, door prizes, drawing competition, face painting, giveaways. Gate entry for nonparticipants by donation. Contact: Helen Booij 0407 711 501, Jo McGowan 0414 330 893. Saturday,May 25th,9.30am to 2.00pm. Gordonvale Library National Simultaneous Storytime: Gordonvale Library. Phone 07 4056 1365 - bookings essential.Wednesday, May 22nd at 11.00am Australian Library and InformationWeek 20th - 24th May. Annular Eclipse Annular Eclipse: May 10th, 2013 FNQ will be able to see another solar eclipse this year. The eclipse will be annular which means the moon will be smaller (97%) than the sun.
Gordonvale Lions Youth of the Year Sunday the third of March saw the Gordonvale Lions host the Zone final for the Youth of the year 2013. This is a prestigious event for young people, having been in existence for more than 46 years and boasts many high profile Australians amongst the ranks of former entrants. Introduced in 1965 to encourage student interest in leadership and active participation in the community, the Quest continues almost fifty years later, to foster youth leadership through the recognition and development of valuable life qualities. Lions Youth of the Year is designed to encourage, foster and develop leadership in conjunction with other citizenship qualities in our youth, at the age when they are about to enter the fields of employment or higher education, and provides students with the incentive to pay greater attention to the general qualities, so vital in developing our youths into first class citizens. The qualities sought, apart from academic attainments are those of leadership, personality, sportsmanship, public speaking and good citizenship. The event was watched by over 80 spectators as the youths went through their public speaking and interviews. After the student interviews and public speaking sections of the quest, the five judges of the event declared Matthew Church as the public speaking winner and Alice Tanzer-Wilde as the overall winner. Alice will now go to
Townsville to contest the District final of the quest. Youth of the year Chairman Glenn Pope wishes to thank local businesses Piefection, Hindquarter, Town & Country, CMK, Mulgrave News and Orchids North for their sponsorship of the event.
From left to right: Natalie Meiklejohn (St. Mary's), Matthew Church (Tas), Sophie Jones (Smithfield High), Shannon Goodwin (Mossman High), Alice Tanzer-Wilde (Cairns High), Tegan Rooke (Gordonvale High) and Sou Vang (Woree High).
PNG Binatangs Electrify Cairns The Papua New Guinea U16 Binatangs arrived in Cairns for two footy matches this weekend en route to their appointment this week in Townsville for the South Pacific Cup, and if the show they put on today is any indication, the New Zealand and Oceania teams will be in for a torrid time.
Their visit to Cairns started on Saturday 6th April with a scratch match against the North Cairns Tigers U18 team. Binatangs coach, Murray Bird, admitted “We didn’t really keep score… but I’m told it was about 17 goals to 3.” The Tigers are no mugs, but they got a taste of what this PNG side has to offer. With whatever cobwebs the players might have bought with them from home well and truly blown away, the team moved further south the following day to Gordonvale, home of the Pyramid Power Junior Football Club. The Pyramid crew had arranged this day with the assistance of Ben Drew, AFL Development Officer - Pacific in Melbourne and the local body AFL Cairns. The Sunday picnic atmosphere at Power Park, under the watchful and approving gaze of nearby Walsh’s Pyramid (a 922 metre mountain which dominates the vistas of Gordonvale) welcomed the Binatang team. After a Welcome to Country address from local tribal elder of the Malanbarra Yidinji people, Saunders Ambrum, and a musical welcome on the didgeridoo from Jimmy Creek, the remaining welcomes were exchanged and the game commenced. From the opening minutes the smallish but appreciative crowd were entertained by a disciplined, talented, courageous and almost telepathic PNG team. By the end of the match the Binatangs had prevailed by a whopping 116 points – final score: PNG 19 8 122 d. Pyramid Power 1 0 6. But this day was about welcoming a guest and also exposing the young local players to an elite level of footy which they may not otherwise get unless selected themselves at representative level. The day also featured an International Day, where the Gordonvale crowd were invited the run out on to the field in footy jumpers donated by clubs across the world and add an even greater international flavour to the day. Kids and adults alike ran around in jumpers donated by clubs from Europe, Australia, Asia and North America. The Footys4all Foundation in Melbourne also donated a range of awards for
the players. This game presented another big opportunity for Cairns to sell itself as a logical hub for Australian Rules football throughout the Oceania region. Even the PNG contingent were keen as mustard to look at returning again in subsequent years and hoping to make this an annual event if at all possible. From Gordonvale, the PNG Binatangs hopped back on the team bus and travelled south down the Bruce Highway to Townsville to get a good night’s sleep and prepare for their first game tomorrow in the South Pacific Cup. After two days of honing their already impressive skills in Cairns, the PNG lads should be ready to produce that magic again…and again…against their New Zealand and Oceania opponents. Based solely on what was on display in Gordonvale today, these Binatangs, described by some as the best ever U16 team to leave their home shores, might well claim the title of the best U16 side throughout the entire Oceania region. Cairns certainly won’t argue with that.
Community Benefit Tokens For every $20 spent at Walters SUPA IGA (excluding Cigarettes and cig products) customers receive a token to deposit in the Community Token Box of their choice. Spend $100 and receive 5 tokens, etc. The value of the tokens is paid to the Community Organisation twice a year. Shopping locally puts money back into our local community through the token program.
Phone: 07 4056 6077 Address: Cnr George and Gordon Street Gordonvale Email:
Your Local, Southern Agent Specialising in Gordonvale, Goldsborough, East Trinity and Mirriwinni to Cairns. Robyn Hawley-Whitton
Telephone: 0488 071 007 or 07 4031 9222
16-18 Fossicker Close, Goldsborough
121 Norman Street, Gordonvale
Acreage Alert - Stunning Views & Quality Home $569,000 negotiable
Large, Secluded, 4.1 Acres with Creek + Home in Paradise
Rare As Hen's Teeth! Large Queenslander, 1/4 Acre +
3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms & 2 car remote garage. The Main with en suite & with a walk in robe. The floors bring warmth & character in random sandstone. Kitchen with pantry, dishwasher, gas cooking & great views. The Shed: 9 x 7m x 4.8 with mezzanine, windows, 3 phase power, remote roller doors.
$410,000 negotiable
Low set, traditional Q'lander with dual entry, 1012m2 block which has Residential 3 Zoning and is lovingly restored. 5 bed plus office or 4 bed and kids play area plus office so many possibilities. Timber verandas & features galore with a quality renovated bathroom & chef's kitchen. Polished mixed timber floors, silky oak casement windows throughout & high ceilings. Large, powered shed & rear gate access for large machinery & trucks.
Everything you need is on offer with this Award Finalist Ash Mosley Home. The block is fully utilised with a divine pool, sheds, tropical gardens, large shade trees, fruit trees and amazing valley views.
14-16 Golden Street, Goldsborough
Opportunity Knocks - Renovator's Delight - $229,000 neg.
Near New Home & Only One Neighbour! $299,000 neg.
Waterfall Country - 2611m2 - $210,000 negotiable
Q'lder on 1/4 Acre with gorgeous gardens & shade trees. Home is full of character, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom with access to yard for caravans, sheds, pool if you like. Possible change of Zoning could see great future benefits.
Quality Michael Hoare home with views of the Pyramid this fully tiled home is a perfect first home or investment. 2 spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms & office, 2 car remote garage, built with mobility friendly features. Double side access to backyard. Split air conditioners & dishwasher never used. Why bother building. Furniture package available.
Just a 5 minute drive to iconic Josephine Falls, this classic Queenslander is a must have! 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, sunroom, 2 car & part legal height for future expansion. Modernised kitchen. Silky oak casements, tongue-ingroove walls & ceilings, screened with magic views from every window. Walk to local school. Own creek at the bottom of garden, fruit trees & space galore for the kids.
34-36 Windlass Street, Goldsborough
Set on 9621m2 of mainly secluded rainforest, your cleared footprint allows plenty of space for the essentials while retaining the privacy you crave. Divine easy access creek & above ground pool, high set, steel & timber construction home with 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom & open plan living areas upstairs with access to decks from all rooms. Fully screened, air con'd, kitchen has gas cooking, range hood, dishwasher, island bench & pantry. Downstairs has a self contained flat/office or studio & is legal height should you wish to continue to add living or sleeping areas. The shed has dual entrances & could easily be enlarged if needed.
Oozing Quality with 9 foot ceilings and a kitchen to die for, this home is a must to inspect. 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 living areas separated by sliding doors & 2 car remote garaging. This second living hub opens onto a large patio. Large, glistening tiles throughout, split air cons, oversize bedrooms have walls of wardrobe space, main has WIR & ensuite. Kitchen has wall to ceiling cupboards, very wide benchtops, dishwasher & a 7 burner Belling, multi oven cooker ready to entertain.
Fairy Tale Views + Spacious Family Home $465,000 neg.
Magnificent Nature Lovers Rainforest Retreat! $465,000 neg.
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12-14 Fossicker Close, Goldsborough
103 Menzies Road, Josephine Falls
16 Charlton Street, Gordonvale
104 Riverstone Road, Gordonvale
Do You Want to Advertise your home in over 5,000 letter and PO Boxes in Gordonvale, Edmonton & Surrounds for FREE? With a proven tract record for Sales and Professional Results you can trust.
Robyn Hawley-Whitton - 0488 071 007
Disclaimer The views expressed in the Mulgrave News are not necessarily the views of the production team. Any enquiries with regards to articles can be directed to email or by phoning 4056 5877, Fax 4056 5866 or coming into 86 Gordon Street, Gordonvale Qld 4865.