The Great Pyramid Race and Country Fare has been run and won again in 2016. At 2pm on the 16th of August a field of just of 150 runners commenced the race from Norman Park in the centre of Gordonvale to the top of Walsh’s Pyramid a total distance of 12 kilometres. Last years’ winner Jimmy Hilton was first to cross the line again this year in a time of 1 hour 22 minutes and 47 seconds exactly 4 minutes ahead of the current race record holder Neil Labinsky, with Steven Francis a further two minutes back coming in third. The women’s event was won by Julie Lightfoot in just over 1 hour 49 minutes followed by Audrey Hall and Lesley Walker in third place. Although the few days leading up to the event were quite wet, the rain stayed away for the weekend but still made the track quite slippery and the hot weather did not make for fast times. There were just over 60 runners who competed in the 5 kilometre cross country race from the main street in Gordonvale to the base of the mountain. Although competing with a number of other events in Cairns on the weekend the crowds didn’t disappoint with several thousand people coming along to watch the race. The event is the biggest event on Gordonvale’s Calender and as well as the race it gives local community groups a chance to display their talents on centre stage in front of the audience. The organising committee is desperately seeking new blood next year as they plan an even bigger event in 2017.
Jimmy Hilton first
to cross the line ag
ain !
The committee and the people of Gordonvale would like to thank the sponsors of the event especially MSF Sugar, Cairns Regional Council, Hot FM, Pak Mag, Bright Black AV, Inspired Signs, Pacific Sound Solutions, Intersport, Explosive Art Fireworks, Best and less and Savannahs Gifts and Flowers. If you can spare a few hours next year to assist pop into Pyramid Race Office in Norman Street.
Alan Gardiner 0484 001 018 gardinersmowing@gmail.com www.gardinersmowing.weebly.com FULLY INSURED
Competitors take off in the 2016 Great
Pyramid Race at Gordonvale.
MENS’ SHED Gordonvale
Pedestrian Safety Upgrades The pedestrian refuge, associated lighting and footpath has commenced construction on the Bruce Highway south of the Draper Road intersection.
The Gordonvale Mens Shed is well advanced now with the approval from Cairns Regional Council of a permanent home. A Queenslander situated at 20 Highleigh Road has been gifted to the organisation and some renovations are underway to bring it up to a safe standard. The property is just over 1700 Square metres and backs onto the council depot in Gordonvale. Members are now busily chasing donations for the construction of a shed on the property and other associated costs. The modern Men’s Shed is an updated version of the shed in the backyard that has long been a part of Australian culture. Men’s Sheds are springing up all around Australia & internationally. Not all Men’s Sheds are the same - if you looked inside you might see a number of men making furniture, perhaps restoring bicycles for a local school, making Mynah bird traps, fixing lawn mowers or making a cubby house for Camp Quality to raffle. You might also see a few young men working with the older men obtaining new skills and learning something about life from the men with whom they work. You might see local elders making traditional weapons or designing arts and crafts. You will see tea-bags, coffee cups and a comfortable area where men can sit and talk. You will probably also see an area where men can learn to cook for themselves or how to contact their families by computer. Most men have learned from our culture that they don’t talk about feelings and emotions
many do not take an interest in their own health and well-being. Unlike women, most men are reluctant to talk about their emotions and that means that they usually don’t ask for help. Probably because of this, many men are less healthy than women, drink more, take more risks and suffer more from isolation, loneliness and depression. Relationship breakdown, retrenchment or early retirement from a job, loss of children following divorce, physical or mental illness are just some of the problems that men may find difficult to deal with on their own. Good health is based on many factors including feeling good about yourself, being productive, contributing to your community, connecting with friends and maintaining an active body and mind. Becoming a member of a Men’s Shed provides a safe and busy environment where men can find many of these things in an atmosphere of old-fashioned mateship. And, importantly, there is no pressure. Men can just come and have a yarn and a cuppa if that is all they’re looking for. Members of Men’s Sheds come from all walks of life – the bond that unites them is that they are men with time on their hands and would like something meaningful to do with that time. The Men’s Shed movement has now become one of the most powerful tools in addressing health and well-being and helping men to once again become valued and productive members of our community. If you would like to help out in any way or are able to make a donation of tools, equipment, off-cuts (steel, timber, plumbing, aluminium, etc please contact Jeff - 4056 1525 or Gill 0427 310 581 to organise a pick up.
These works will improve the safety of pedestrians & motorists as well as improve travelling conditions on the Bruce Highway between Gordonvale and Edmonton. The works are part of the Bruce Highway Safety Upgrade program and will include a pedestrian refuge built south of Draper Road on the Bruce Highway with lighting, a footpath to encourage pedestrians to cross at the refuge and the highway will be widened to an eleven metre seal on four sections between Riverstone Road and Hill Street. Changed traffic conditions and speed reductions, including road traffic controllers will be in place whilst the works are underway. Heavy machinery will need to be used so motorists are asked to slow down and obey all traffic controllers. The work is expected to take three months and weather permitting finished towards the end of October.
This month saw the roll out of Cairns Regional Council's suburban enhancement program and I was pleased to have identified and completed the Norman Street footpath and drive way section from the it's intersection with Thumm Street at the northern end back to and connecting with the footpath outside the Gordonvale Family Medical Centre.
Lots of fun in the park with the Publican's barrel race, tug of war along with the Grand Parade and the newly introduced Lantern Parade.
Combined with the pressure cleaning of our town centre's footpaths previously undertaken this will give our town a real lift and freshen up. Our community's signature event "The Great Pyramid Race" was held in early August and was a great success with a return to a country fair theme.
The Alley Park upgrade continues with the second field grassed and lighting in place and a new children's playground installed.
All runners completed the great race but this year the Charity Race attracted the largest number of participants, including the local Councillor, with fancy dress and a fun run the theme.
During the later part of the month I assisted the Meals on Wheels organisation with their Gordonvale run and met our local residents to provide a hot meal & have a social chat.
or for Local Councill tt Moller Division 1, Bre e himself who didn't tak mpleted too seriously, co id Race the Great Pyram his Peter Charity Run in a pants Alexander pyjam d t-shirt. & Awesome Da
Robyn’s Bowen Therapy & Emmett Technique
How is your neck health? In the age we live in we spend a lot of time on computers, mobiles, iPads etc. Think of your neck as a memory bank. You automatically tilt your head to use these devices and probably do this hundreds of times a day. Or you may even hold your head in this position constantly for hours on end. After a while your neck may become accustomed to being in that position. Other muscle groups may also join in and before long they are all working to hold your heavy head in this forward position. There is no additional support from your spine because it was designed to hold your head upright. Over time, that misalignment can strain muscles and cause wear and tear on the structures of the neck. Computers have long been known to cause faulty posture, and as a result, symptoms such as neck pain, upper back pain and headaches present.
Mobile devices are creating “text neck” by prolonged use of looking down and dropping your head forward which changes the natural curvature of your neck. Besides muscle pain, text neck can cause a host of other health concerns. Sitting in a slumped position restricts your lungs’ ability to expand, impairing your lung capacity. Inhaling less oxygen means your heart needs to pump harder to distribute more oxygen-carrying blood through your body.
Until next time, stay safe and enjoy being part of our local community. Councillor Brett Moller, Division 1 Mobile: 0438 978 042
Sudoku Puzzle
So take the time out to stretch, sit up straight and breathe. If you have ongoing pain in your neck or back, a treatment to relax the muscles may be what you need to and realign your body. Robyn’s Bowen Therapy & Emmett Technique 90 Riverstone Rd, Gordonvale Phone: 4056 3656 Mobile: 0431 303 453
Sudoku © Kevin Stone
Dancing with Attitude Dancing every Monday Night 7:30pm to 9:30pm New Vogue, Rock and Roll, Fun and Line Dances and many more! Only $5 Entry includes a light smoko! Gordonvale State School Multi-Purpose Hall, 28 George Street Social Night held every last Monday of the Month Join our email group for local dancing news & updates. For more info: dancingwithattitudedancegroup@gmail.com or: Amabile on 0407 753 519 – please leave a message / text Come on! Give it a Go! And you’ll be helping us RAISE FUNDS for RELAY FOR LIFE TEAM ‘CRUSADERS FOR A CURE’
For Your Manchester
Barbara Lansdown Craig McAuliffe
Ph: 0415 862 896 Lawn Mowing • Whipper Snipping Hedging • Garden Waste Removal Gutter Cleaning • Home Maintenance Mulching • Tree Pruning
Shop 8, 58 Norman Street Gordonvale
Ph: 4056 5900 barbslinen@gmail.com
Search for Parks’ Past
Community Calendar
Cairns Regional Council is documenting the history behind the naming of parks throughout the region and is seeking information from the public to help complete the task. The names of more than 50 parks are presently unaccounted for and Council hopes residents may be able to fill in some of the blank spaces. “We have around 600 parks and public open spaces in the Cairns region and many of them are named after people who have contributed greatly to our region but, sadly, there are instances where the attribution has not been recorded,” Mayor Bob Manning said. “We have records for all the parks that were named in the past decade or so, but it gets a little patchy the further back we go. We have consulted with the Cairns Historical Society and other organisations and now we’re putting the call out to residents. “We know there are people in our community who have recollections or family memorabilia that may help to piece together the stories around some of the park names. “In particular, we want to be able to acknowledge the contributions of individuals who have been honoured with a park in the earlier years of our city. Perhaps their descendants still have newspaper clippings or photos in their family collections that could assist.” A list has been compiled of 51 parks for which the origins of the names are unknown. “Even some of our most well-known parks, such as Goomboora Park, Norman Park at Gordonvale and Engineers Park are missing historical notes as to why they bear those names,” Cr Manning said. “There must be some interesting stories behind some of these parks and we’d love to receive any input from residents.” Anyone with information on the history of the naming of parks on the list is asked to contact Council on 4044 3044 or email sportrecreation@cairns.qld.gov.au. Parks in our area the council is interested in are, Alley Park Gordonvale, Bill Wakeham Park Babinda, Johnson Park Gordonvale, Marj Danson Park Gordonvale, Norman Park Gordonvale, Robert Rossi Park Aloomba, Smith Holmes Park Aloomba, Stager Park Babinda,
Heartfelt Thanks... Robert Rolph would like to express his heartfelt thanks the people and emergencies services personnel who assisted him on Saturday the 13th of August during the Pyramid event. Robert had recently arrived back in Gordonvale by train after spending 20 days in Townsville Hospital recovering from an operation where he had part of his lung removed. Shortly after disembarking the train, he collapsed and was promptly attended to by a number of volunteers from the Pyramid race, St Johns Ambulance, members of the fire service and police. Robert believes that if it had not been for the quick action of these people it may have been a lot worse. Robert is now on the road to recovery and wished to say thank you to all involved.
Robyn’s Bowen Therapy and Emmett Technique Robyn John Remedial Therapist 90 Riverstone Road Gordonvale Phone 4056 3656 Mobile 0431 303 453 Member of BTFA Relieving Pain and Discomfort
Gift Vouchers Available
Gordonvale Community Hub located @ 17-19 Cannon Street SEPTEMBER 1
Illuminations - Thursday, 1st September, Norman Park - 7pm
Annual Gordonvale Guides Cent Sale, 1.30pm doors open for 2.00pm start at Gordonvale Primary School, entry $3.00, to book a table contact Jamie Ph: 4067 6825
Ghost of Gordonvale Cemetery 3:45–5:30pm, for bookings & info Ph: 4056 1810, hosted by Mulgrave Settlers Museum
10 Gordonvale Community Kindergarten – Open Week Celebration – Sat 9am – 13.30am Ph: 4056 3301 for details 16 Last day School Term 3 23 Gordonvale Turf Club 100 years of Racing Gala Ball OCTOBER 1
The 100th Great Northern Hotel / Bill Dawson Memorial Gordonvale Cup – 11am, enquiries call Cameron Riches on 0427 999 121
First day school Term 4
7,8,9 Gordonvale Girl Guides 90 Year Anniversary Celebrations 14 Gordonvale State Primary School Fete WEEKLY Mon
Brownies 7-10 yrs 4pm-6pm – Guide Hut, Church St.
Guides 10-13 yrs 6.30pm-8.30pm – Guide Hut, Church St.
Rangers 13-18 years 7pm-9pm – Guide Hut, Church St.
Gumnuts 5-7 years 4pm-5.30pm – Guide Hut, Church St.
LEGO Mania, Gordonvale Library, 3.30pm-4.30pm during school terms
Mon-Sat Mulgrave Settlers Museum, 60 Gordon St. 10am-2pm If you would like to see your small or large event eg. fetes, cent sales, trivia nights, markets etc. published in the Caltex Community Calender please email details to: admin@mulgravenews.com.au or give us a call 4056 5877
Caltex Gordonvale Open 4.30am til 10pm 7 days 07 4056 1419
Council Conversations What’s happening around the region... Cairns Amateurs Racing Carnival
National Boys Choir of Australia in Concert
THU 08 SEP 2016
FRI 23 SEP 2016
Web: www.cairnsamateurs.org.au Email: cairns@cairnsamateurs.org.au
Phone: (07) 4033 1135
The Cairns Amateurs Racing Carnival is four days of fun, fashion, glamour, food and entertainment built around two days of horse racing in Cairns in early September each year. The 2016 Carnival features: • • • • • •
Cairns Central Ladies Fashion High Tea Reef Hotel Casino Presidents Welcome Cocktail Party Ladies Day / Corporate Day ANZ Cairns Amateurs Ball Cairns Amateurs Cup Day Cairns Amateurs Committee Annual General Meeting
Real Living Options 20th Anniversary Dinner Celebration FRI 09 SEP 2016 Time: Phone: Web: Email:
6:30pm - 10:30pm Location: Shangi-la Hotel, Cairns 4035 5886 Contact: Mandy Nielsen www.reallivingoptions.com.au/20th-anniversary-celebrations/ admin@reallivingoptions.com.au
Real Living Options Association Inc. has been providing support to people with a disability living in Cairns for 20 years and would like to invite the community to join us for a celebration dinner. The celebration will be held at the Shangi-la Hotel from 6.30pm for a 2 course dinner and entertainment. Tickets must be pre-purchased as numbers are limited.
RAAFA Cairns Branch and Battle of Britain Anniversaries SUN 18 SEP 2016 Time: 11:00am - 11:59am Web: www.raafacairns.com Phone: 0437 231 645 Contact: David Goggin Email: raafacairns@bigpond.com Location: Cairns RSL Sub-Branch 115-119 Esplanade Cairns City The commemoration will commence at the Cairns Esplanade cenotaph at 11:00am, celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Formation of Royal Australian Air Force Association Cairns Branch and the Battle of Britain's 76th Anniversary Commemoration, both events being commemorated on the same day.
Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm Web: www.trybooking.com Phone: 03 9872 4480 Contact: Peter Casey Email: office@nationalboyschoir.com.au Location: St Monica's Cathedral, 181 Abbott St, Cairns The National Boys Choir of Australia, perhaps recognised by most Australians from the iconic Qantas television commercials, will be touring north Queensland in September 2016. Concerts will be performed in Rockhampton, Yeppoon, Mackay, Townsville, Cairns and Atherton. The programme for the National Boys Choir of Australia’s performance is varied and demonstrates the Choir’s diverse range. This year’s tour repertoire includes works by J.S.Bach, John Rutter, Angels are Everywhere by American composer Daniel Pinkham and choral selections from Les Miserables. The Choir will also sing the famous song from the Qantas commercials as well as Australian folk songs. The Choir has toured internationally on sixteen occasions over its fifty year history with destinations including the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Japan, New Zealand, the United States, Taiwan, the Philippines, Hong Kong and China, giving performances in venues ranging from Disneyland in three countries to St Peter’s in Rome. Notes: Tickets available from www.trybooking.com or at the door.
Tropical Mardi Gras FRI 30 SEP 2016 Web: tropicalmardigras.org Contact: Andrew Wheatland Phone: 0415 404 519 Email: media@tropicalmardigras.org Location: Cairns, Various Locations See website for details. Tropical Mardi Gras, Cairns, invites you to come and show your love in paradise! Every Year, Cairns Tropical Pride welcomes visitors from around the world to join us for ten days of play in the gorgeous environment that is Tropical North Queensland. From dance parties to dive trips, from fine dining and fashion shows to beaches and rainforests, culminating in our Fair Day at the superb Tanks Arts Centre. Tropical Mardi Gras has something for everyone in our rainbow family. Nestled between the majestic world heritage listed Daintree Rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef, Cairns is rich in natural wonders. Cairns also has a large, active and creative LGBT+ community, a thriving international travellers’ scene, and five star services. Come for entertainment, adventure, connection and relaxation, all in an idyllic festive environment. Dance, meet, mingle, dine, explore, swim, snorkel, dive, discover, create, enjoy, chill, cuddle, dance some more and show your love in paradise!
Gordonvale Lions Club The following equipment & facilities are available for hire: Tables (seats 8) $ 7 Chairs $ 1 Large Barbeques $ 25 + gas Contact Norm Fitzpatrick 4056 3081
Air-conditioned club room with: • tables & seating for 60 • self-contained kitchen • data projector, laptop and screen Hire cost is $60/day or $10/day to non-profit organizations. Contact Glenn Pope 0417 707 447. Our large catering van is available for functions, fetes etc. Contact Barry Hardy 0408 562 120 We are currently seeking new members. Enquiries: Barry Hardy 0408 562 120 or Kelly Beadman 0414 682 962
Pet Food Home Delivery
Ph 4056 2510 12-14 George Street, Gordonvale QLD 4865 info@thefeedshop.com.au
A2 Z Learning Centre P R I M A R Y & S E C O N DA R Y T U I T I O N
Ph: 0407 577 779 www.a2zlearning.com.au GORDONVALE - EDMONTON - CAIRNS SOUTH
Gordonvale Goannas Playgroup is turning
The Gordonvale Goannas Playgroup is holding a morning tea to celebrate our 10th Birthday on Monday 12th September 2016 at the Gordonvale CWA Hall from 9:30am – 11:30am.
Any past members are welcome to come and help us commemorate this special occasion - please bring a plate to share for morning tea. The Gordonvale Goannas Playgroup is a volunteer community group that is affiliated with Playgroup Queensland. We provide a quality play experience in a relaxed and friendly environment, while giving families with children aged 0 -5 years a safe, fun place to play, learn and grow together. Our playgroup was started on the 13th September 2006 by Sarah Moller, because she saw a need in Gordonvale for a place where families could meet and share their knowledge and experiences with their young children. Gordonvale Goannas Playgroup started at the Gordonvale Community Hall, then moved to the Gordonvale Community Kindy in Moller St for 3 years until the end of 2010. In 2011, we moved again to the Gordonvale CWA Hall in Norman St, and have been there for nearly 6 years. We have helped and supported over 100 families during the last 10 years, and have ourselves received a lot of assistance and backing from the local community. We have had many donations of toys, paints, books, puzzles, art and craft materials, raffle prize donations, advertising and community grants, and would like to thank all those who have helped our group in any way over the last 10 years. We have different art and craft activities each week, with loads of other activities like obstacle courses, home corner, puzzles, story time, blocks, music sessions, sand pit play and much more. We have visited our local Police Station, Fire Station, had the Ambulance visit us, had Dental Health Nurse Education days, participated in Under 8’s Days, Teddy Bears Picnics and have even gone for a ride on the Kuranda Train. So come along and enjoy some messy and exciting learning! Thank you to all of the families who have been a part of this group. We have all enjoyed watching our children grow and develop together and it is because we have your support that we are still going strong. For further information, please contact Debbie Anderson on 0409 275 789.
Mulgrave Shire Historical Society and students of Gordonvale High School
Dona appr tion ecia ted
of Gordonvale Cemetery Visit with & hear the stories of early Gordonvale inhabitants Sunday 4 Sept at Gordonvale Cemeter y Shelter 4.00 - 5.30pm (arrive at 3.45pm) To register phone Mulgrave Settlers Museum on 4056 1810 and leave a message or email settlersmuseum@bigpond.com
Robyn’s Real Estate Read Welcome to this month's Editorial of all things Real Estate. The real estate property market has seen a large number of properties being listed for sale over the past few months which has caused pressure on sellers to be more competitive on their selling price in order to stand out from the crowd and not be in the market for too many months. Having said this, I have recently put properties on the market which have had excellent presentation and good professional photography and they have sold in the first few days at close to list price. According to Rick Carr from HTW, Cairns is still in a rising market on the Property Clock with positive long term growth still on the horizon. The Cairns median house price showed a mild increase in the median price - now at $402,300, up from $385,000. The median land price is steady at $209,100. Rental vacancy rates have tightened considerably over the past twelve months, initially for units but now also for houses. These rates are almost at “stress” levels. The latest rental vacancy rates for July 2016 stood at 1.5% for houses (down from 1.8%) and 2.0% for units (down from 1.7%). This is why we are seeing many investors come to the market place anywhere from Babinda through to Cairns’ traditional market place. Don’t forget that if you are thinking of selling in the next few months, it is a perfect time to prepare your property for the Christmas rush period and people are already buying homes due to being transferred to the area. If you would like to receive a Listing Checklist on how to maximise your selling price or are looking for a no obligation appraisal of your biggest asset in today’s market please give me a call or email for an honest and confidential chat about your real estate needs.
ROBYN HAWLEY-WHITTON M: 0488 071 007 E: robynhw@cpo.com.au
WEEDING, LAWN MOWING, WASHING YOUR CAR? Hi my name is Joshua and I am a Para class athlete fundraising to go to Switzerland in August 2017 for Junior World games for Athletics. I will mow your lawn front and back $25 price maybe a little more for larger properties, weeding $10 extra. Wash your car for $15 or general help for cleaning up around your property. On going service, fortnightly, monthly if required. Please support me and I‘ll help you. Thank you.
CONTACT JOSHUA ON 0499 239 196
Animal Education Day: We Need Your Help! Animal Education day is on once again! On April 22nd 2017 Norman Park will once again be transformed into an animal friendly area for the day as Animal Education Day is held.
April 2017
The aim of the day is to encourage responsible ownership of pets, good health of pets and display products currently on the market. Once again there will be demonstrations from some of the government organisations such as the police dog squad and Cairns Regional Council as well as displays from Pet shops, veterinary clinics and everything else to do with animals. This is an early call to anyone interested in helping out the organisers for the event. You will have the opportunity to learn event creation skills, develop confidence and help create a wonderful experience for your children or grandchildren.
If yo u ca n fi nd ti m e to he lp pl ea se co nt ac t Ni cky Mi ll en on
04 23 49 9 96 7
or em ai l Ni cky at m ni co la m il le n@ ya ho o. co
A Village Chemist Looks Back
Part 2
A Personal Account by Past Gordonvale Chemist
Jim A. Louis, April 1986
Gordonvale Girl Guides
CENT SALE Saturday 3 September 2016 DOORS OPEN 1.30PM FOR A 2.00PM START Gordonvale Primary School Multi Purpose Hall, George Street, Gordonvale
ENTRY $3 includes afternoon tea & lucky door ticket
GREAT PRIZES • Skyrail Pass • Accommodation at Mungulli Falls • Return trip to Green Island • Family Pass to Tjapukai PLUS MANY MORE!
(Information supplied by Mulgrave Settlers Museum) The day’s trading was from 8:30am to 6:00pm and 7.00pm to 8:30pm. This attracted a total of 23 customers and two pounds, six shillings and sixpence ($4.65). The shop had previously been occupied as a small café and greengrocer combined. The Proprietor went broke after the motor of his refrigerator had been removed. The refrigerator frame was left in the shop and this was our first counter. Old cupboards were used for the temporary dispensary, while awaiting completion of the new shop where the Commonwealth bank now stands. (Approx. where the CBA ATM is now). A professional window dresser, paid by the drug companies, dressed the windows very attractively with beautiful show cards and coloured crepe paper. The new shop attracted a lot of passing traffic, most of which was probably to check if the new chemist looked the same as any normal chemist, dressed in white, usually looked or was expected to look. Gordonvale’s population in 1984 was 2,450 in 670 dwellings.
Sudoku Solution
In 1985 it was 2,782 in 725 dwellings, so it had more than doubled since 1935, when 333 dwellings housed a population of 1166 excluding the annual influx of itinerant seasonal workers. In retrospect (50 years later) it is hard to visualise that in the height of the Great Depression, when probably 90% of the population would be dependent on seasonal work in the sugar industry, that so many services were provided and patronised and mostly able to survive. There was no equal pay for the sexes. The male basic wage was four pounds and eight shillings. The female basic wage was not more then 75% of that rate. The Communist party agitated strongly for a basic wage of ten pounds, but did not arouse much enthusiasm. The residents and traders alike existed on the credit system. During the ‘slack season’ the passwords were ‘Book it up’ or ‘Put it down’. By the end of the crushing season, everybody would be square and then the process started all over again. In a normal year the system worked quite well, except for seasons when the cane grubs were bad. Gordonvale was a closely knit community. It had to be and residents and traders were all dependent on one another’s trust and loyalty. To be continued...
Robyn Hawley-Whitton Ph: 07 4031 9222 Mob: 0488 071 007 Email: robynhw@cpo.com.au www.cpo.com.au
Your Local, Southern Agent Specialising in Gordonvale, Goldsborough, Edmonton and Mirriwinni to Cairns. 1 Joyce Road, Woopen Creek
1 & 2, 8 Haines Street, Gordonvale
1 & 2, 5 Shaft Street, Edmonton
W NE Mid $300,000's neg. Semi Acreage Lifestyle, Fishing Anyone? Elevated, ¼ acre with river views. Rendered block 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 living areas. Modern, spacious, porcelain tiles, Granite benches, 5 burner gas cook top & dish/w. Separate shed for 4 cars or other toys.
$365,000 neg. Rare, Dual Living - Share the Love - 2 Villas Each have 2 bed with built ins, 1 bath & 1 lock up garage. Open plan living / kitchen with plenty of natural light. Room for a 2nd car park & grassy areas for each villa. No Body Corporate Fees.
1. $233,000 neg. | 2. $239,000 neg. Invest or Nest! Fully fenced, 2 separate duplexes each with own title - buy one or both. Both 2 bed, 1 bath, open plan living / kitchen, lock up garage. Pet friendly. No Body Corporate Fees.
172 Timberlea Drive, Bentley Park
330 Stager Road, Mirriwinni
2389 Pine Creek Road, East Trinity
$675,000 neg. Private Lifestyle Acreage! Situated on 6.3 stunning acres, overlooking the permanent Babinda creek. Two story, 3 bed, 2 bath home with wrap around verandas. 18m x 8m, powered shed + 2nd shed that could convert to games room or sleep out.
$449,000 Beach Suburb with Magnificent Views - Wow! Solid, elevated home with room to extend. Potential plus for builders & renovators. 1 to 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom plus storeroom. Private location close to boating & fishing. Room for sheds, pool & more!
19 Jago Street, Babinda
13 Haywood Street, Babinda
9 Bluewater Street, Bessie Point
W NE $89,000 neg. Land Bank in Paradise - Hidden Gem on 809m² Semi-cleared flat usable block only 1 minute to the beach, overlooking Trinity Inlet. Hold this land for the future or build a shed, park your caravan & boat for holidays or while building. Only 15 minutes' drive to the Gordonvale.
W NE $365,000 neg. Designer Family Home - Why Bother Building? Fully tiled, a/c, fenced, 21 solar panels, spacious kitchen with new oven + pantry. Main bedroom with WIR & ensuite. Massive living & dining areas open to tiled patio. Oversized double l/up garage with single drive through access.
$289,000 neg. Legal Height Renovated Queenslander - Build in Downstairs & Profit! Sweeping views of the rainforest clad mountains & region. Large, 4 bed, 1 bath, plumbing downstairs for 2nd bathroom, 2 cars. Queenslander features timber floors, casements, TIG, high ceilings.
Low $300,000's - Rendered Block Home in Quiet Neighbourhood - Walk to Schools! Set on a generous 800m² block with side access to large shed. 3 spacious bedroom, 2 bath, main with ensuite, 2 car l/up garage. Huge entertaining, private entertaining area.
• Funeral Home • Crematorium • 300 Seat Chapel • Catering Facilities
70-76 Maher Road, Gordonvale Disclaimer: The views expressed in the Mulgrave News are not necessarily the views of the production team. Any enquiries with regards to articles can be directed to email admin@mulgravenews.com.au, phone 07 4056 5877, or coming into 76 Gordon Street, Gordonvale Qld 4865. 8