MnSTA Newsletter Fall 2016

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Newsletter Volume 53 No. 1 A Quarterly Publication of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association Inc.

Ainissa Ramirez to Keynote NSTA Conference on Science Education.

Educators from across the Midwest are gearing up for the NSTA Conference on Science Education scheduled for October 27-29 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. The key-

note speaker is Ainissa Ramirez. She is a scientist, educator and a self-proclaimed science evangelist and is passionate about getting the general public excited about science. She co-authored Newton’s Football: The Science Behind America’s Game and Save Our Science: How to Inspire a New Generation of Scientists. She was professor of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science at Yale University but now focuses her energies on making science fun as well as co-hosting theScience Underground podcast. The conference will focus on three strands, Teaching Science in a Connected World, STEMify Instruction Through Collaboration Across the Curriculum and Celebrating Elementary Science and Literacy Connections. The featured speaker for the strand, Teaching Science in a Connected World is Lucy Dunne. Her topic will be Wearable Tchnology and the Connected World. Dunne is Associate Professor, Apparel Design

Fall 2016

program and Co-Director, Wearable Teachnology Lab, Dept. of Design, Housing, Apparel, University of Minnesota. She is the co-author of Functional Clothing Design: From Sportswear to Space Suits. The featured speaker for the strand STEMify Instruction Through Collaboration Across the Curriculum is Malanie LaForce. Her topic is Inclusive STEM Schools: Deconstructing and Determining the Success of a Complex Innovation. She is the Associate Director and Lead Researcher, Outlier Research & Evaluation, CEMSE, The University of Chicago. The featured speakers for the strand Celebrating Elementary Science and Literacy Connections are Christine Anne Royce and Steve Rich. Royce is the Department Chairperson and Professor of Teacher Education, Shippensburg University, Sippensburg Pa. Rich is an author and Science Methods instructor at the University of West Georgia, Carrollton. See page 17 for more information.

The Benefits of MnSTA Membership MnSTA . . . •Engages you in a community of science education professionals. •Provides services and resources that support your teaching. •Hosts quality, regional and statewide professional development. •Advocates for you through legislative action. •Keeps you updated on current trends, issues and research in science education. •Affiliates you with the greater cause of quality science education for all.

President’s Address by Michele Kooman

Department of Conservation by Ed Hessler

Greetings! I hope the school year is off to a great start for all of you! It is an honor to serve as your Minnesota Science Teacher Association President. Thank-you for your trust and confidence. Let me introduce myself to you: My current academic position is at Gustavus Adolphus College where I work primarily with teacher candidates in science (elementary and secondary) and mathematics (elementary) levels. Before coming to Gustavus I was a classroom teacher for eleven years in both elementary (Minnesota) and middle school (California). My primary scholarly endeavors focus on professional development with in-service science teachers using citizen science and disciplinary literacy within the enterprise of science and learning by under-represented youth in science and math classrooms, including youth with exceptionalities and second language learners in regular education classrooms. I am an enthusiastic long distance cyclist in the summer and an aspiring classic cross country skier in the winter. In July 2014, I rode the Seattle to Portland (STP) ride for 207 miles over two days with my adult son Sean. Playing with the grandbabies, counting butterflies, and messing about in a garden provide opportunities for me to frolic outside of my professional interests. Minnesota, with a strong contingent of science teachers, is primed to prepare K-12 students to enter

Going, Going, G…? The impersonality of statistics masks both the complexity and the ethics inherent in any wildlife situation.—Barry Lopez The North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI) was created by the governments of Canada, the United States, and Mexico in 1999 to recognize birds as an international “natural economic resource.” The purpose of this trinational commitment is to protect, restore and enhance populations and habitats of North America’s birds. This year marks the Centennial year of the Convention for the Protection of Migratory Birds (August 16). NABCI has its origin in that convention. The State of North American Birds 2016 is a continentwide assessment of the vulnerability of the 1,154 native birds of Canada, the continental United States, and Mexico. The report opens with the following words. Whichever language we speak, the fates of birds are intricately tied to the peoples of North America. Where bird populations are dropping, the lands and waters that sustain us are stressed. Of the 1,154 species, 432 were designated as of highest conservation concern and placed on a Watch List (WL). The causes are the usual suspects, e.g., population loss, pollution, invasive species, climate change, range reduction, impacts from resource extraction, and habitat threats. The conservation concern for birds of habitats identified in the study are: Oceans (57 spp.) 57% WL; Tropical/Subtropical Forests (478 spp.) 56% WL; Coasts (164 spp.) 37% WL; AridLands (64 spp.) 28%; Grasslands (45 spp.) 27% WL; Temperate Forests (144 spp.) 22% WL; Tundra (78 spp.) 20% WL;

Presidents message....continued on page 4

Department of Conservation...continuted on page 4

The MnSTA Newsletter is published four times each year by the Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc. Articles, opinions, book reviews and other information pertinent to Minnesota teachers are welcome. Please limit submission to 1 typed page, e-mail preferred (text file please). Deadlines for submission of articles are: Fall ............... August 1st Winter ............. November 1st Spring ........... February 1st Summer....................April 1st Send all correspondence regarding the newsletter to: Jerry Wenzel 22002 100th Ave Randall, MN 56475 e-mail: The MnSTA Newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the back page. Materials found in the newsletter may be reprinted without charge. 2

MnSTA, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) (3) Charitable Educational Corpora-tion, incorporated as a tax exempt, non-profit organization with the Minnesota Secretary of State. Donations and dues are tax deductible charitable contributions for itemized deductions on IRS form 1040 Schedule A. The newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the last page.

MnSTA Newsletter

In Medias Res by Edward Hessler Tinbergen’s Four Whys

Greg Laden’s blog post on the evolution of the Venus Flytrap provided an extra pleasure—the chance to recall a remarkable scientist, Niko Tinbergen. He changed wild animal observation into a science and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine on 12 October 1973, jointly with Konrad Lorenz and Karl von Frisch. The Nobel honor was made “for their discoveries concerning organization and elicitation of individual and social behavior patterns.” The headline to Roger Lewin’s article in New Scientist (18 October 1973) says the same thing differently, “Nobel prize for good behavior.” In graduate school, I read his influential book The Study of Instinct (1951) and his incredible paper “Aims and methods of ethology” (1963) without fully realizing their profound impact on the science of animal behavior, then called “ethology.” The book is sometimes called “the book of the four whys.” These questions provide a way to systematically study animal behavior as an evolutionary scientist. The “whys” are (Tinbergen’s terms not Laden’s): Causation: physiological and external factors that influence the behavior; the parts of mechanisms), Ontogeny: the development of the behavior (genetic, learning, differentiation), Function: purpose, consequences, effects on survival, reproductive success, and Evolution: how the behavior evolved, including changed over time and the influences of ancestry. Three of these questions—causation, ontogeny, and evolution—had been described by Julian Huxley in 1914. In his 1963 paper, Tinbergen giving full credit to Huxley, added ontogeny and forcefully brought them to the attention of ethologists. They changed the research landscape. Dr. Laden’s post, “How the Venus Flytrap Evolved,” (May 16, 2016), was about a paper published in “Advance” by multiple flytrap investigators titled , “Venus flytrap carnivorous lifestyle builds on herbivore defense strategies.” In his post, Laden did a Tinbergian analysis or what he calls, a GROTI (Greg’s Rule of Tinbergian Inquisition). Dr. Laden’s post is about “finding good questions to answer.” This is something worth thinking about as contrasted with answers. The GROTI helps one identify the questions that are important. Laden found the ontogeny part of Venus Flytrap evolution uninteresting; the others were “fascinating.” Laden notes that these features are often lumped

Fall 2016

into two categories: proximate (causation, ontogeny and function of traits) and ultimate (fitness benefits (genetic contribution to future generations) that lead to the evolution of traits). Laden pointed out that “the Tinbergian method has not been integrated into most science standards” and thought they should be. I don’t. I think the effort, often a difficult one, should be to help students get a firm handle on elementary evolution principles…to feel comfortable with these magnificent and well supported ideas. So, why talk about them at all? One, is my interest in the history and nature of the sciences. However, most importantly, the use of the four whys is a way to a well developed evolutionary analysis (Tinbergen did not include ecology. Behavioral ecology would deepen such an analysis). In his well-known aphorism, Theodosius Dobzhansky provides the best explanation: “Nothing makes sense in biology except in the light of evolution.” All errors are mine. Thanks Greg Laden for a great post and permission. Hessler is Executive Secretary of MnSTA

Title IV, Part A of ESSA: Student Support and Academic Enrichments Grants

The newly enacted bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) includes a flexible block grant program under Title IV Part A, which is authorized at $1.65 billion in FY 2017. The Title IV Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichments Grants -- the third largest authorized program in ESSA-- combines (and eliminates) several targeted programs under No Child Left Behind, including the Math and Science Partnership Grants. The Math and Science Partnership grants, which received $152.7M in FY2016, was the largest single program at the Department devoted exclusively to STEM-related purposes. Title IV, Part A authorizes activities in three broad areas: 1) Providing students with programs that ensure a well-rounded education (programs in STEM, college and career counseling, arts, civics, and access to IB/AP); 2) Supporting safe and healthy students (e.g. comprehensive school mental health, drug and violence prevention, health and physical education); and 3) Supporting the effective use of technology (professional development, blended learning, and devices).


Department of Conservation...continuted from page 2

Wetlands (171 spp.) 19% WL; and Generalists (65 spp.) ~1% WL. Species of concern in ocean and tropical/subtropical forest habitats are described as “in crisis.” Species of concern in coastal, aridland and grassland habitats are described as in “steep population decline.” The report emphasizes the importance of strong science in guiding social policies. The use of science in decision-making is likely to lead to integrated resources management, protection and management. In other words, we are more likely to take a systems approach. Saying this and doing this, though, are different. However, this report provides some important baseline data for scientists and policy makers. It provides meter readings. These meter readings can be checked over time to see how well we are doing. Each of us can contribute. Citizen science (the report is built on data collected by many thousands of citizen scientists), participating in bird feeder counts, protecting habitat, making habitat improvements, living sustainably and electing representatives who recognize and value the contribution of healthy environments for all of us, critters and humans. The power of federal legislation is seen in, for example, the 1916 Migratory Bird Treaty (eliminating market hunting), the Duck Stamp Act (1934), the 1989 North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) and the 1992 Wildbird Conservation Act (WCA). However, as I read these kinds of reports I think way too often of a comment made by Joshua Reichert. We’ve been steadily driving toward the edge of a cliff and taking meticulous notes along the way.

several boards on Pinterest if you are looking for specific science lesson ideas, professional development. Search MnSTA and follow our boards to be included in updates. Finally, be sure to follow @msnta1 to make connections with other science educators across Minnesota as well as the world on Twitter. @mnsta1 will keep an active feed of current science events for professional development, best practice, classroom ideas and science news. Get connected to these networks today. Looking for more science ideas? Did you know the MN-STA has a closed facebook group for members to share ideas and resources? Click here, ask to join and be a part of the growing conversation today! https://www.facebook.comgroups/163634190724688/ Presidents message....continued from page 2

careers centered on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Minnesota Science Teachers Association and myself as your President, stand ready to support all of you in your efforts. I look forward to working with you to continue to build a great community of science education in our state!

Hessler is Executive Secretary of MnSTA

Stay Connected

The Minnesota Science Teachers Association wants members to stay connected and provide networking for them via social media. MnSTA is currently active on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Search Facebook for “Minnesota Science Teachers Association” and be sure to like the page to see pictures from regional events, important events and more. There is also a Facebook group that MnSTA members can join that includes classroom connections, lesson ideas and more. MnSTA also has


MnSTA Newsletter

Presidential Awardees Congratulation to Frances Stang and Lisa Houdek who have been recognized by the White House for their outstanding teaching of science. The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) is the highest recognition that a kindergarten through 12th grade mathematics or science teacher may receive for outstanding teaching in the United States. Presidential Awardees receive a certificate signed by the President of the United States, a trip to Washington D.C. to attend a series of recognition events and professional development opportunities, and a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation.

port staff to make sure that every child, from special education to gifted education, is filled with wonder and joy as a curious practitioner of science. As a result of her high energy and enthusiasm, her students become lovers of science and remember the lifelong lessons they learn in her class. She has been selected eight times as an honored teacher at the Academic Excellence Awards for the top graduating seniors. A believer in outdoor and environmental science, Fran is Chair of the O.H. Anderson Nature Trail Committee. This committee oversees the restoration of the school prairie, promotes trail use and maintenance, and organizes a schoolwide Nature Trail Day. She is currently working with H2O For Life about declining water levels in the community lake. Fran has a B.S. in elementary education from the University of Minnesota and a M.S. in curriculum and development from the University of St. Thomas. She is a certified elementary school teacher.

Francis Stang

The Presidential Award inspires my students that with effort, perseverance, and motivation, you can achieve your goals. This award has afforded me the opportunity to reflect on the support of other educators, parents, and community members who encourage me to continue to strive for excellence in science instruction. My passion and joy is to bring the excitement of being a scientist to all students. I am filled with gratitude and humility that my energy and high expectations are recognized. Frances Stang has been an educator for 30 years. She has taught at O.H. Anderson Elementary School for 26 years where she developed the science curriculum and is the fifth grade lead science teacher. Fran’s passion for developing engaging, rigorous curriculum has created a positive learning environment where students discover the “fun”damentals of science. She intentionally seeks to collaborate with sup-

Lisa Houdek

The Presidential Award is a humbling honor. Our nation is filled with educators who pour their energy into students and our challenging, edifying profession. This recognition of my teaching inspires me to remain malleable and educate with energy and distinction. Effective teaching offers local and global connections, respect, and compassion. This award is the manifestation of my students’ creative energy, the combined efforts of my colleagues, and the support of my family. Lisa Houdek is in her 15th year teaching science at Central Senior High School in St. Paul. She teaches a standard level and a co-taught Special Education Physical Science for freshmen and Advanced Place-

Fall 2016


Presidenial Awardees Con’t ment Environmental Science for upperclassmen. Lisa leads her classroom using real-world science applications, enriching activities within and outside the classroom. She emphasizes global awareness and cross disciplinary applications in her culturally and academically diverse urban student population. Peer collaboration, respect, and cultural expression underpin her classroom climate. Within the district, Lisa has led professional development sequencing, aligned district and state standards, created Level 1 science curriculum for English Language Learners, mentored incoming teachers, and developed annual safety training. She represents her department as a District Science Lead, serves as a Faculty Delegate for the National Honor Society, leads her Professional Learning Community, and is Faculty Advisor to a student environmental group recently honored by Mayor Coleman. She was a coordinator for the Minnesota State Science Teacher’s conference. Lisa earned a B.S. in environmental science from Northern Illinois University and a M.A. in education from College of St. Catherine. Her licensure includes 9–12 life science and 5th through 8th grade science. The featured teacher for this issue of the MnSTA newsletter is Mark Passow, 6th grade science teacher at Pine Island Middle School. Mark began his teaching career at Pine Island Middle School teaching 8th grade earth science. After seven years he made the transition to sixth grade science. This is his third year teaching 6th grade. Mark’s favorite teaching activities is using RC cars/trucks to learn about calculating speed. He is currently using his new STEM lab to get students more involved with tools and creating their own rockets from their own materials. Students will learn many concepts using rockets as their focus. His teaching style is open to creativity and finding a way to learn about concepts that involve what a students enjoys in their own lives. He likes to expose students to many different stimuli that they may have not experienced in their typical environments. Since his students come from many backgrounds, he gets to learn from them as well. He encourages his students to explore what helps them learn best. Mark’s philosophy in teaching is that if a student, regardless of age, is interested or ready to learn they will. If the student is on board they will learn much more than if not interested. He hasn’t perfected this yet but will continually try to find an avenue within a

Teacher Feature

topic in physical science that he can pull a student’s interest in with. Once a student has that connection to their life, a teacher’s job become a bit easier, not only in teaching concepts but also in classroom management. He states, “If students are wanting to work on projects they will work more often than not and ask engaging questions. As I have become more experienced I try to keep these couple of things in mind. I believe if a teacher is doing these, they are doing more for an individual than just giving information out.” Mark chose the teaching profession, after exploring other careers that he really enjoyed, because he likes to learn and likes to teach people how to do new things. He likes seeing peoples’ faces when they are having fun doing something new and different. He grew up on a Wisconsin dairy farm, where he and his family milked 120 cows. That gave him the strong work ethic that continues in his teaching career. Curriculum Director, Josh Westphal had this to say about Mark, “Mark Passow has a true passion for students, science, and education as a whole! The relationships that Mark is able to naturally build gives him that extra something special that brings his teaching to a new level. I have not seen a year go by where Mark has not brought new excitement to his classroom that get students truly excited to learn!”

Mark Passow with his students during “City-Wide CleanUp in the spring of 2016.

Minnesota Education Academy (MEA)

Attending EdMn’s Minnesota Education Academy on Oct. 20? Visit MnSTA’s booth and meet some of our board members. They will engage you with cool science demos you can use in your classroom as well as tell you how you can make the most of your MnSTA membership. You can also join Jerry Wenzel and Tom Tomashek at 8:30 am for their session, It’s Not Magic, It’s Science: Fun Easy to Use and NoBudget Science for Teachers of Science.


MnSTA Newsletter

Meet Our Elementary Discipline Director

My name is Jill Jensen and I am one of the new elementary education discipline directors for the Minnesota Science Teachers Association. I am currently a K-5 science specialist at Glacier Hills Elementary School of Arts and Science in Eagan, MN. I have a BS in Elementary Education from UW- Eau Claire, a M Ed from the University of MN, a certificate of Professional Development from the U of MN and a certificate of Engineering for Educators from St. Thomas University. I’m excited to join the board of MN STA and hope to help connect elementary teachers to science resources and colleagues to help move science education forward. One of my favorite activities to do with first graders in the fall is to have them help me solve a science mystery. Prior to the start of this lesson, I have collected a sample of soil from our school forest – it could be anywhere in the school yard that can be distinguished from a different location. For example, under some pine trees, from the lawn

Fall 2016

or from a garden. When students come I tell them that a ‘horrible thing happened this weekend’. I proceed to tell students that I was in working over the weekend and had placed a key to my cabinet on a stool. A fellow teacher came to see me working, and she had her dog with. While we were talking, the dog got loose and ran out the door. A while later we managed to call the dog back in and it was covered in dirt. Just then I also noticed my keys were missing – the dog must have taken my keys and buried them somewhere in the school yard. So I quick thought like a scientist and collected the dirt from the dog’s paws and fur (the sample I previously collected). I show the students the sample and ask them what do they think we should do? With guiding questions and prompts as needed, students decide we should examine the soil, then look for a match. Students then use hand lenses to examine the soil up close, documenting things they see in the soil like sand, rocks or wood chips. Students also rub a sample on their paper to see what colors appear. Finally, they feel the soil for texture. Next, we decide as a class possible places to collect soil from. Once soil is collected, it’s compared to the original sample using the same observations to determine a match. Once a match is made, we head back outside and look for the keys – and we almost always find them! In total, this activity takes about four days. In addition, measurement tools like balances can be used, if desired, to collect data about the soil samples to add to data for comparison. Students should be advised to wash hands after touching soil. This activity helps meet first grade standards in the Nature of Science and Engineering: When asked “How do you know?” students support their answer with observations. Recognize that describing things as accurately as possible is important in science because it enables people to compare their observations with those of others Recognize that tools are used by people, including scientists and engineers, to gather information and solve problems. Earth and Space Science: Describe similarities and differences between soil and rocks


Department of Education “From Mess to Best� - Reflections on my Liberia Experience I had to do it! Peace Corps offered me the opportunity to go back to the same town and school where I did my orginal PC service in the 70s and I was able to get a six month leave-of-absence to fulfil my dream. I would be teaching at the Zorzor Rural Teacher Training Institute, preparing high school graduates to be trained as elementary school teachers in a ten month program.

Of course many things had changed. I had lived in Fissebu, a rather traditional town with no utilities and most of the houses were mud-on-stick walls with thatched roofs. On moon-light nights people gathered in the center of town for traditional dancing to drums and elephant tusk horns. Now someone had purchased a generator and about a dozen house-front shops and mud-block houses with metal roofs had electricity and the music was amplified Afro-pop with the teenagers gathering in a style that reminded me of our malls.

There were still many people who only spoke the local tribal language Lorma rather than English, the official language. They appreciated the Lorma phases that emerged from the deep recesses of my memory and the children loved to hear my accent. They all wanted to be greeted individually, so walking through town could take some time, especially if I stopped to sip palm wine with the elders. (Palm wine is a natural secretion from a certain palm tree, which is continually fermenting)


MnSTA Newsletter

Department of Education Liberia suffered through a 14 year civil war with several factions and great brutality including child soldiers high on drugs, which ended in 2003. Schools reopened and they hired anyone willing to be a teacher.By 2008 the country was getting back on track so my school reopened and Peace Corps returned. The Ebola crisis in 2014-15 again closed schools and scattered the population. My group of short-term experienced volunteers was preparing the way for long-term volunteers.

So how can Liberia move move it’s education system from “mess to best” (their slogan)? Most elementary schools have crowded make-shift classrooms with no books or equipment and the standard procedure is for the teacher (when they are present) to write notes on the board with students copying them into their notebooks and then do chorus reading of the notes. So students become skilled at memorization and regurgitating what they remember on tests every six weeks. Liberia reinstated the three rural teacher institutions which are dormitory campuses for about 200 students. Students receive a free education with the promise of teaching assignments in rural towns. Students receive classroom instruction in content and pedagogy with about three months of classroom observations, microteaching to their peers, and the practice teaching in towns within a thirty mile radius. The faculty use and teach a basic three part instructional strategy called A B C – Anticipations (“What do you [students] already know about the topic?”), Buliding Knowledge (discussion and examples – including notes on the board), and Consolidation (practice, group works and “What have you learned?”). Certainly there are many good education practices that are poorly understood such as inquiry and effective formative assessment. But usually the practice teachers provided better instruction than the regular teachers, and the students would often say, “I mentored my mentor.” My role was to teach science content and pedagogy lessons and I aimed to provide examples of science observations and investigations they could do with only local materials. During practice teaching, I did observations and coaching. I also taught 7th and 8th grade math and high school biology in the town schools. It was great to gain many perspectives on Liberian education. USAID (American foreign aid) provides grant money for Peace Corps volunteers to fund projects in cooperation with local agencies. We received funds to provide a “teacher starter kit” for our graduates and conduct a teaching workshop on using local materials. The kit included a pictorial children’s dictionary, wall maps, geometry tools, science posters and a magnifying glass. I asked Books for Africa, a St. Paul based nonprofit, if they could assemble and ship the materials. They offered to include them with a 40-foot container of

Fall 2016


Department of Education books for Liberia schools (up to 20,000 books). These books will be available for Peace Corps volunteers to bring to their schools and local libraries. Books for Africa receives many of their books from schools when they adopt new text books. You can donate books by delivering them to the St. Paul warehouse or shipping them to the Atlanta warehouse. Your discarded books can have a second life in Africa. For more information visit the Books for Africa website.

I highly recommend that you consider volunteer activities to renew your career. It will give you new perspectives on how your students learn, the effectiveness of instructional practices, and the relationship-building with your students. There are many international and local opportunities for service, including teacher exchange programs, teaching at museums, and even teaching in state parks. If you want to read more about my activities, including music and videos, you can access my journal at http://


MnSTA Newsletter

Opportunities-Department of Education News

MCA Science Benchmark Reports Available The benchmark reports give a graphical rep-

resentation of the student performance of a school or district by benchmark that was assessed. These reports can also be used to compare performance with previous years and between content areas. To access the reports go through a person in your school who is authorized to get reports from Pearson Access, such as your administrator or District Assessment Coordinator. The guide for interpreting the reports is available at http://minnesota.pearsonaccessnext. com/resources/resources-training/reporting/2016_ Science_Benchmark_Reports_User_Guide.pdf

Safety Alert: Disposing of Live Organisms

The Minnesota DNR says two red swamp crayfish have been found in Clay County’s Tilde Lake. This is the first time the invasive species have been found in a Minnesota lake. One possible source of this new exotic species is release from a classroom aquarium by a teacher or student. The DNR recommends that teachers check the prohibited invasive species list before buying any classroom animals and make certain they are dead before disposal. Flushing them down the toilet is a not a sufficient solution. See the DNR news release here. Presidential Awards Announced

The White House announced the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching from the last two cycles. There will soon be an announcement of their reception at the White House and other celebratory events in Washington DC. The Minnesota science awardees are: Elementary: Frances Stang, O.H. Anderson Elementary School, Mahtomedi. Secondary: Lisa Houdek, Central High School, St. Paul We also announce the Minnesota science finalists for 2016. Their applications were forwarded to the National Science Foundation for judging for the national award. Jill Jensen, Glacial Hills Elementary School, Eagan Jim Schrankler, St. Anthony Park Elementary School, St. Paul Meet them at the MnSTA reception at the NSTA Conference on Oct. 27th.

Fall 2016

MDE Website is reorganized

Many of the pages you may have accessed are now moved. Add the following bookmarks for the new locations of these science-related pages: Science Content Page: MDE/dse/stds/sci/ MCA Testing: dse/test/mn/ Test Specifications: MDE/dse/test/spec/index.htm MCA Item Samplers: MDE/dse/test/item/index.htm Licensing: lic/index.htm Green Ribbon Schools Award: http://education. ms Geographic Information Systems (GIS), School Technology: MDE/dse/tech/

Teacher Events and Workshops

Geographic Information Systems Educator Day II, Oct. 26, Duluth

The organization of statewide GIS professionals is inviting teachers to an Educators day at their conference at the Duluth Convention Center from 9 am – 4:30 pm. Teachers will learn about this online mapping resource ( html) that is available free to all schools. This FREE event (including lunch and snacks) will include sessions presented by teachers and professionals for both beginning and advanced users. The schedule provides opportunities to collaborate with other teachers and GIS professionals on projects for the classroom. CEUs will be available for teachers and administrators. Early registrants may get sub costs covered. For more information and registration, http://www.

EdCamp Math and Science MN, Prior Lake, Oct 21

Edcamp is a form of unconference designed specifically for teachers and their needs. The agenda is created by the participants at the start of the event. Rather than presentations, people are encouraged to have discussion and hands-on sessions. Edcamp Math Science MN is designed to focus topics specifically around math and science education within the Edcamp framework. The event is at Prior Lake High School, 9am – 3 pm. It is free with a food truck available for lunch. For information and registration go to


Opportunities-Department of Education edcamp-science-math/home

NSTA Conference

We have the great opportunity to host one of three regional conferences that NSTA holds in the fall. Join 2000 science educators to hear national level presenters and grab resources at a large exhibition hall. Learn about the hottest topics in science education and network with like-minded educators. Here are examples of sessions in the three strands Teaching Science in a Connected World *NASA Astrobiology: The Search for Life Beyond Earth * Direct Measurement Video for Science Inquiry * Using News Media to Learn About Science in the Connected Science Classroom * Evolution for Educators STEMify Instruction through Collaboration across the Curriculum * If They Make It, They Will Learn: The Maker Movement and K–12 STEM * Laser Cutters + 3D Printers + Vinyl Cutters = Bolstered K–3 Math Curriculum * Incorporating STEM Across the Curriculum Through Inquiry * Engineering from Every Angle: Engineers as Proficient in Emotional Intelligence as Well as Analytical Skills Celebrating Elementary Science and Literacy Connections * Three New Lessons for Early Childhood STEM Educators: Engineering (as) an Answer to a Need * Whoosh, Crack, Slide, and Crash Your Way into a Grade 5 Earth Science Unit * Understanding Seed Dispersal with Engineering Practices and Tradebooks *Disciplinary Literacy and Reading in the Content Area of Science: Yes! You Can Do Both as an Elementary Teacher! Download this letter docs/2016Area1PDLetter.pdf and give it to your principal to support your request for conference attendance. Membership in MnSTA qualifies you for the member rate for the conference.

Project Learning Tree Fall Workshops

Whether you teach preschool or high school, in any subject, strengthen your environmental education toolbox with PLT! PLT K-8 Workshop November 12, 2016, 9 am 3 pm, Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Bloomington. Free! Includes lunch, CEUs, the PLT Pre-K8 Activity Guide, and a swag bag of great

teaching resources. calendar/app?id=50207&jsp=%2Ftemplates%2Fev ent.jsp&utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_ name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term=

Southeastern Forests and Climate Change

Attend one of the two sessions below and learn about PLT”s new Southeastern Forests and Climate Change secondary module. Most activities fully apply to Minnesota forests. Participants have the option to buy the 240-page printed module for $20. Download the whole module free. 14 full-length activities. For high school teachers Climate Science, STEM and Forests October 20, 2016, 9:50-10:50 am, MEA conference Free! Admission to MEA conference is free and no registration is required. Climate Change and Forest Ecosystems October 27, 2016, 2 - 3 pm, NSTA conference. Free with NSTA registration Taking STEM Outside Oct. 28, 2016, 3:30 - 4:30 pm, NSTA Conference. For elementary teachers. Participants will get some activities, but no PLT books will be available. Free with NSTA registration nsta. org

STEM Certificate Program, Bethel University

Bethel University has designed a 10-credite STEM Certificate program for elementary teachers. The program will develop skills in teaching STEM and help you prepare young students for future STEM learning. Learn to engage your classroom through creative hands-on learning activities and become a teacher-leader in STEM education. Learn more information here graduate/academics/certificates/stem/.

Educator Academy in the Amazon Rainforest + Machu Picchu

The July 1-11, 2017 Educator Academy in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru is a cross-curricular professional development workshop for K-12 formal and informal educators. • Participate in citizen science projects and inquiry based field studies on a 1/4-mile Rainforest Canopy Walkway in one of the most biologically diverse environments on the planet. • Spend a day in an Amazon village as you explore the complexities of sustainability and the role of education in creating a sustainable future for Amazon children. • Work with fellow educators to explore strategies for using the Amazon as a vehicle for incorporating STEM education, inquiry-based learning, and sustainability science education into your classroom. Get the details and download a syllabus and scholarship application at http://www.amazonworkshops. com/educator-academy.html. Playdates for Educators (of all sorts)! With Annmarie Thomas One of my favorite things about leading UST’s


MnSTA Newsletter

Opportunities-Department of Education Playful Learning Lab and teaching in the Center for Engineering Education is the opportunity to meet and collaborate with incredible people, many of who are educators in a formal, or informal sense. I’ve been thinking that it would be wonderful to have an opportunity to bring together a diverse group of people in the Twin Cities who are interested in Playful Learning and STEAM/iSTEM. Thus, I am delighted to announce that the Playful Learning Lab will be hosting monthly, free playdates for educators, artists, and makers who want to discuss, share, and... For more info.go http://an-

Bakken Teacher Academy 2016-2017: Science Learning from the Works of Scientists

Join fellow secondary science teachers to learn how to use your scientific thinking skills to investigate scientific text. Includes a summer institute and schoolyear workshops. Four graduate credits from Hamline University, stipend, and materials provided. Please see for more information and to register.

Environmental Education Courses Hamline University offers a Master’s Degree in Environmental Education! This program consists

of face to face and online field study courses in environmental systems, pedagogy and connecting environmental education to STEM. This program is great for classroom educators, science teachers, curriculum specialists, and nonformal educators. Enroll and start any time. For more information visit this website http://

Teacher and School Awards and Opportunities

When John Olson went to Liberia*, he found that library of his school had many books with Minnesota school stamps. He planned his biology lessons with a textbook from Verndale High School and read a novel from Anderson Open School. These had been sent to Africa by a St. Paul based organization, Books for Africa (BFA). John was able to arrange to have a 40 foot container of books shipped to Liberia for distribution by Peace Corps volunteers. BFA collects, ships and distributes books to students of all ages in Africa. They are the largest shipper of donated text and library books to the African continent. They collect all types of books appropriate for African students. High school and college textbooks are especially needed. As a general guideline, books should be less than ten years old. You can drop off books at their St. Paul warehouse or ship them to the Atlanta

Fall 2016

workshop. For details, go to the BFA Donate Books page Help to end the book drought in African schools *To learn more about John’s Peace Corps activities in Liberia, you can access his journal at this link CphNlRNZWJ1UmlfaFU.

Professional Development Grant Opportunities

The Education Minnesota Foundation offers scholarships for licensed teachers obtaining National Board Certification. Go to The Bruce Vento Science Educator Professional Development Grant supports educators who teach science as part of their day and want to acquire and share new skills and knowledge. You may request up to $1500. The deadline is December 9. Go to edmn-files/resources/foundation/2016-Bruce-Vento-Science-PD-Grant-Combined.pdf


Twin Cities PBS and St. Catherine University are partnering on a new project, SciGirls Strategies: Gender Equitable Teaching Practices in CTE Pathways for High School Girls, to address barriers in career and technical education (CTE) for Minnesota high school girls. With funding from the National Science Foundation, SciGirls Strategies is designed to help CTE programs recruit and retain more girls in STEM pathways, specifically in computing, engineering and manufacturing. As we look at the low numbers of girls in CTE-STEM courses and the workforce, we believe our nationally recognized NSF-funded research-based gender equitable teaching strategies will be of great value to educators and counselors. Teachers will receive a $600 stipend, pay for travel to the training and continuing education credit for 40 hours of professional development. For questions or to indicate interest, contact Leah Defenbaugh ldefenbaugh@

Chemical Disposal

The Chemical Safety Day Program is again being offered by the University of Minnesota. The program is designed to assist schools and colleges


Opportunities-Department of Education in disposing of unwanted chemicals and hazardous waste from science, art, industrial technology, and maintenance departments. The program comes to the school site for pick-up.Go to http://www.dehs.umn. edu/hazwaste_csdp.htm for Information about the program.

School Garden Grants for Schools The Jeffers Foundation is now offering $500.00 School garden Grants for the 2016-17 school year. To download an application form, go to this Jeffers Foundation site and click on “Garden Grant Opportunities.” Farm to School Grant Program This MN Dept. of Agriculture program supports Minnesota school districts and child care providers in the processing of Minnesota agricultural products. Grants are intended to: • Create plans that identifies specific equipment, tools, training or policies needed by school districts and child care providers; • Purchase equipment to allow schools and child care providers to purchase, prepare and serve more Minnesota grown and raised food. For more information go to this MDA website Applications are due Nov. 2. Learning with Trees Grant The Learning with Trees grant program partners with several Minnesota schools to educate youth about the importance of trees through hands-on environmental education each year. Schools come away with new trees for their school grounds, a usable outdoor classroom, and lessons for students about trees and the environment. This program is a lot of fun and has been a valuable learning experience for thousands of students and teachers across the state since 1992. It is

FREE for schools to participate and it is valued at over $10,000. For more information go to this Tree Trust website community-forestry/learning-with-trees/. Green Ribbon Schools Award

Gain national recognition for your school’s efforts at being “green.” The U.S. Dept. of Education Green Ribbon Schools Award honors PreK-12 schools, school districts and post-secondary schools that are exemplary at:


* Reducing environmental impact * Improving health and wellness * Providing effective environmental education Schools prepare an application that is initially evaluated at the state level and finalists are sent on for national evaluation. Applying for the award provides an opportunity to analyze energy and water usage, waste reduction, and transportation. Schools review the strategies that promote healthy practices by students and teachers. In addition, teachers examine their curriculum for instruction in environmental concepts, skills and careers. Through the application process members from various sectors of the school community collaborate to improve their efforts toward sustainability. View the application for Minnesota schools and local information recog/grn/ or contact John Olson, MDE Science Specialist View information about the national Green Ribbon Schools program. index.html

Student Awards, Competitions and Programs

Galaxy Ride Bell Museum Event, Minneapolis, Oct 12

Educators and astronomers from the Adler Planetarium (Chicago, IL) will join the Bell for a day of astronomy investigations. From 10 am – 3 pm, the Adler will join in on the fun with science activities about light, color, meteorites, planets, and more. View the Sun safely through a telescope (weather permitting) and meet two Adler astronomers and find out more about their careers! Teachers, book today to reserve a spot for your class. Space is limited. Call 612-626-9660 for details or go to

Physics Force Show, Minneapolis

The University of Minnesota’s Physics Force will perform an educational and entertaining public show in January. Join us to experience how physics is interesting, understandable and fun! Be sure to share information with your teaching colleagues and announce the show to your students. January 9-13, 2017 NorthropCarlson Family Stage University of Minnesota 84 Church St. SE, Minneapolis

High School Science Student Award

The Science Museum of Minnesota is accepting nominations for high school students of color who

MnSTA Newsletter

Opportunities-Department of Education deserve recognition for their STEM achievements and passion for the Donaldson Science Award. The Award winners receive $500, a one-year membership to the Science museum and a recognition event. The nominations must come from educators or STEM professionals and are due by November 9. For details go to

Teaching the Science of the Olympics

The MnSTA website has collected several resources on the science going on in the Rio Olympics. Click here to check out their links cgi/page.cgi?aid=438&_id=33&zine=show.

Scientists in the Classroom

The Scientists in the Classroom program is a platform for teachers and scientists to collaborate as colleagues, peers and partners in the scientific enterprise to further science education. While the scientist can act as a resource for the teacher and students, the teacher and students can, in turn, help the scientist better understand how to convey their work to a larger, more diverse, and often skeptical audience. By connecting early career scientists with educators, we hope to both enrich middle and high school students’ climate change and evolution education, and to give scientists a better understanding of the challenges faced when teaching these often socially contentious and misunderstood topics. For information go to this National Center for Science Education website

Minnesota Competitions and Programs

Many competitions, out-of-school programs and field trip opportunities are listed in the Reach for the Stars Catalog of Programs and Activities http://www.

MDE Contacts:

Dawn Cameron, Science Assessment Specialist John Olson, Science Content Specialist John Olson Doug Paulson, STEM Integration Specialist Jim Wood, Science Assessment Specialist jim. Send submissions for the Science Update to John Olson Other Minnesota Links: Minn. Dept. of Education Science Page Minn. Science Teachers Association Frameworks for MN Science and Mathematics Stan-

Fall 2016

dards Get – STEM Connections between schools and businesses Mn-STEM STEM programs and resources for families, schools and community stem/ Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge environmental education resources http://education.state. Minnesota Academy of Science: Science Fair, Science Bowl and other competitions http://www. Mn DNR Education website: Curriculum, professional development, posters, etc. http://www.dnr.state.

The Education Minnesota Foundation for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

The foundation offers grants for classroom teachers (all levels, all disciplines), post-secondary faculty, education support professionals and nonprofit organizations that share our goals. The scholarship is offered for licensed teachers obtaining Nation Board Certification. Classroom Professional Development Grants are intended to provide teachers with opportunities to take the lead in acquiring and sharing new skills and knowledge. These skills might include new instructional ideas, technology, working with parents, etc. You may request up to $1,500 to acquire these skills and share your new learnings with your colleagues. This includes conferences and workshops like MnSTA, MESTA and MMEW foundation/Classroom-PD-grant-application


• Active dues-paying members of Education Minnesota (fair share feepayers are ineligible) • Members who did not request a refund of the $5 assessment for the Education Minnesota Foundation

Contact information Foundation Director Dayonna Knutson, 651292-4834
Foundation Assistant Sam Jasenosky, 651-292-4869 Education Minnesota Foundation for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
41 Sherburne Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55103
Fax: 651-292-4801


Opportunities ferred by Oct. 15 of each school year. YES! is offered through a collaborative partnership between Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center, Laurentian Environmental Center, and Ney Nature Center with major funding from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF), the McKnight Foundation, and Southwest Initiative Foundation.

Field Experience YES! is a team-oriented youth program geared for 7 - 12th graders that uses hands-on, experiential learning and energy action projects to address energy opportunities and issues. Photo credit Kristine Madsen

The Youth Energy Summit (YES!) Program is now accepting applications from schools to join for the 2016-2017 school year. Do you have students that want to build solar panels, start a school garden, do energy audits, design and build composting bins, or educate their peers and community on water and energy conservation and climate change? If you said “YES!,” then this is the program for your school! YES! is a team-oriented youth program geared for 7 - 12th graders that uses hands-on, experiential learning and energy action projects to address energy opportunities and issues. This unique program exposes students to how STEM is applied in real life while participating in meaningful service learning projects and builds student leaders that make a difference in the entire community. Highlights of the program include: • Access to funding to support your energy action project work • Guidance and support through the YES! Coordinator serving the region • Hands-on, experiential learning throughout the season • Tours and workshops customized toward your energy action projects • Assistance planning and implementing community events to highlight and support your work • Opportunity to connect with other teams across the state doing this type of work in their schools and communities • Regional and statewide competition with cash awards YES! is looking to expand to up to 45 teams statewide. To sign up for this great program or for more information, visit www.youthenergysummit. org/prospective-teams. Registration forms are pre-


Looking for a meaningful, engaging and adventurous summer professional development that will increase your Earth science content knowledge and improve your inquiry-based teaching? Check out these field experiences to Colorado and Hawaii (trip information for Acadia National Park will be posted soon)! These trips are open to K-12 Earth science teachers, Environmental Science teachers, teachers wanting to increase their content knowledge for NGSS, special education teachers, ELL teachers, preservice teachers and informal educators. You do not need to have a background in Earth science to attend. Trips fill fast- register TODAY! field-adventures/. The Central Colorado field experience will introduce you to a variety of geologic topics such as rocks, mineral, fossils, geologic history and much, much more. Using an inquiry-based approach, you and your peers will piece together Colorado’s geology, learn how the Rocky Mountains formed, and collect rock, mineral and fossil samples for you to take back to your classroom. Join us as we touch dinosaur footprints, learn about trace fossils, touch an unconformity that spans over 1 billion years, soak in the geothermal waters along the Rio Grande Rift, walk across the highest bridge in the United States, view spectacular geology, network with teachers across the country, and much, much more! Come and experience the active volcanoes of the Big Island of Hawaii. This nine-day (8-night) field experience on the Big Island of Hawaii will have you living on one of the world’s most active volcanoes. This trip will give you deep knowledge of volcanoestheir processes, products, and how humans live with the hazards they pose. Learn about classroom activities and experience the real world of volcanology in the field. Visit many famous sites, as well as places the average tourist will NEVER see

NSTA Conference on Science Education

12 MnSTA Newsletter

Special Feature in their lab research and in developing themselves as educators. We also had time to discuss the chalFor years, I have watched high school students lenges and changes we have seen through the years graduate and go to college. I hoped enough was teaching in different school environments and how done to prepare these students for their next advenwe can adapt for more student success. I found this ture/challenge. I heard stories from students who collaboration with the college professors particularly have had smooth transitions to college and about meaningful and enjoyable. those who could have used more support before Outside of the classroom, I immersed myself into transitioning to college. Two years ago, Carolyn campus life. I participated in workshops to improve Fruin, MnSTA Chemistry Representative, forwarded oral communications skills, co-moderated a small an announcement for a Visiting Master Teacher posi- Sustained Dialogue group concerning a campus issue tion at St. Olaf College partially funded by a Howard of stress management, attended a symposium on civil Hughes Medical Institute Grant. Wanting to learn disagreement, listened to students and other commore about schooling after K-12, I applied and was munity members reflect in daily Chapel, attended accepted. musical events….the list easily continues. One of my Spending last academic year teaching introducfavorite highlights was bringing some of my former tory chemistry at St. Olaf, provided another perhigh school students to hear 2012 Nobel Prize in spective on my role as a high school teacher and Chemistry winner, Dr. Brian Kobilka, speak about his helping prepare students for the transition to college. research on G protein-coupled receptors and to tour I learned more about what is meant to be college campus. ready through reading Dan Conley’s 2007 report, I intend to follow-up with my experience in the “Redefining College Readiness” and working with first term returning to the classroom. The St. Olaf first year students navigating the college campus liberal arts experience will help me in my next teachsystem, managing their time for academic and coing adventure at St. Paul Creative Arts Secondary curricular endeavors, and adjusting to life away from School where I will be teaching physical science and home. Because many of my students as Cristo Rey physics. Jesuit High School Twin Cities would be first genSpecial thanks to the following for this amazing eration college students, I felt it important to underopportunity: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, St stand what else is needed outside of academic skills Olaf College and Chemistry Department, Charles and behaviors to succeed in college – i.e. interacting Umbanhowar, Jr., Gary Miessler, Bob Hanson, Beth with a wide range of people who may have differAbdella, and Cristo Rey Jesuit High School. ent backgrounds and beliefs, understanding financial Carolyn Ocampo teaches science at St. Paul Creative Arts Secondary School, an urban school that wants to preaid, understanding degree requirements, working pare students for many different post-high school options, with an advisor, etc. including college While at St. Olaf College, I found teaching class and lab an exciting and humbling new challenge. The depth and breadth of the course, as expected, exceeded what I had seen done at the high school level. I gained a greater appreciation for how complex the advanced studies of chemistry could be (both qualitatively and quantitatively) and yet how beautifully the physical world could be explained through ideas distilled from many observations. Admittedly, the challenge of teaching these advanced concepts to a class of students with a wide range of motivations to being in intro chemistry and academic backgrounds was overwhelming at times. I spent much time learning from my colleagues about their particular specialties to better connect how those ideas are rooted in the introductory course. I appreciated the work done by the professors in involving students

Transition by Carolyn Ocampo

I absolutely LOVE the professional development opportunities provided at an NSTA conference! It is an opportunity to network with like-minded professionals – people passionate about science and STEM education. – Susanne Hokkanen, past NSTA Conference attendee

Fall 2016


Fall 2016


MnSTA Board Directory

MnSTA Phone# (651)-523-2945

Below, you will find information about your MnSTA Board Members. The listing includes the board member’s school (or organization), mailing address, work phone, FAX number, and e-mail address. The board wishes to make itself as accessible as possible for our members. Please feel free to contact your discipline representative, regional representative, or executive board members if you have ideas, concerns, or wish to help with the mission or operation of MnSTA. We are always looking for members who wish to serve MnSTA as Board Members, Non-Board Service Chairs or Members, and as Committee Chairs or Members.

Executive Board: Exec. Secretary

Ed Hessler

Hamline University, 1536 Hewitt Ave. MS-A1760,

W: 651-523-2945

F: 651-523-3041


St. Paul, MN 55104


Lee Schmitt

Hamline University

1536 Hewitt Ave. MS-A1760,



Michele Koomen

612-669-2319 mkoomen@gustavus.eud


Joe Reymann



DOE Science Specialist

John Olson

Dept.of Education 651-582-8673

St. Paul, MN 55104

Gustavus Adolphus College 800 W College Ave.

St. Peter, MN 56082

Discipline Directors: Biology

Mark Peterson

Benilde-St. Margaret



Carolyn Fruin

Capella University


Earth Science

Kate Rosok


Elementary/Greater MN Amy Bodin

2501 MN-100 St. Louis Park, MN 55416 225 S. 6th St. 9th Floor

South HIgh School

Minneapolis, MN 55402

3131 19th Ave. So. Minneapolis, MN 55407

Myers-Wilkins Elementary

1027 North 8th Ave. E. Duluth, MN 55805



Jill Jenson

Glacier Hills Elem School of Arts &Sciences 3825 Glacier Rd. Eagan, MN 55123


Higher Ed

Dr. Melanie Reap 507-313-9114

Winona State University

Informal Ed

Kelly Meyer Science Museum of MN 120 W. Kellogg Blvd. 651-265-5975

Alternative Ed. &

Mary Haberman

Minnesota Valley Area Learning Center 1313 E Blackk Oak Av. Montevideo,MN

Charter Schools



Jerry Wenzel



Thomas Tomashek

Minnetonka High School


Private Schools

Matthew Inman 507-333-1537


Eric Koser 507-387-3461 x 322

Mankato West H.S. F: 507-345-1502 152 Gildemeister Hall Winona, MN 55987 St. Paul, MN 55102

: 18301 Hwy 7

Shattuck-St. Mary’s School

Minnetonka, MN 55345

1000 Shumway Ave.

1351 S. Riverfront Dr. e:

Fairbault, MN 55021

Mankato, MN 56001 W:

Region Representatives: Region 1&2: North

Josh Tharaldson


Region 1&2: North

Michael Urban



Marshall County Central HS

Bemidji State University

310 W. Minnesota Ave.

1500 Birchmont Dr.

Newfolden, MN 56738

Bemidji, MN 56601

MnSTA Newsletter

MnSTA Board Directory Region 3: Northeast

Elizabeth Kersting-Peterson Homecroft Elementary 4784 Howard Gnesen Rd.


Region 4: Westcentral TJ Schmitt

Duluth, MN 55803

302 3rd St. SE

Barnsville, MN 56514


Region 5: Northcentral Nichole Christofferson-Weston Menahga Public Schools 12945 Blue Spruce Ave. Menahga, MN 56464

W 701-219-9399

Region 6: Southcentral Jeremy Brady Montevideo High School

1501 William Ave. Montevideo, MN 56265


Region 7: Eastcentral

Karen Bengtson

St. Cloud Area School Dist. 472


Region 8: Southcentral Jeremy Brady

Montevideo High School

1000 44th Ave N. St. Cloud MN 56303 1501 William Ave. Montevideo, MN 56265


Region 9: South

Dana Smith W:507-232-3461X4114

Nicolette Public School 1 Pine St. e:

Region 10: Southeast

Denine Voegeli

Plainview-Elgin-Millville Schools

507-867-2521 Ext. 3631

Region 11: Metro

Cathy Kindem 651-423-7911

Rosemont-Apple Valley-Eagan

Region 11: Metro

Claire Hypolite

Edison High School



Nicollet, MN 56047 701 1st St SE 3455 153rd St. W

Elgin, MN 55932 Rosemont, MN 55068

700 22nd Ave. NE Minneapolis, MN 55418

Ancillary Positions: Database

Mark Lex 55416

Benilde-St. Margaret’s 2501 Hwy 100 S W: 952-927-4176 F: 952-920-8889

St. Louis Park, MN e:

Historian/Parlimentarian Fred Riehm

Retired ‘91

NSTA Dist. IX Director

Eden-Prairie High School

17185 Valley View Rd Eden Prairie, N 55346

Conference Coordinator Jean Tushie

Eden Prairie High School

17185 Valley View Rd Eden Prairie, N 55346

Brenda Walsh 952-975-6726 W 952-975-4347

Events Calendar

If you have events you want placed on the calendar, send them to the editor - see page 2 for deadlines, address, etc.

Conferences / Workshops MnSTA session presentations at Education Minnesota, October 20, 2016, St. Paul RiverCentre. NSTA Regional Conference, October 27-29, 2016, Minneapolis.

Fall 2016



Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc. Hamline University MS MS-A1760 1536 Hewitt Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104

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Twin Cities, MN Permit No. 4197

MnSTA Regions

MnSTA Membership Application Form

Join the Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA), the professional organization whose primary goal is the advancement of science education. Mail this form along with your check to: MnSTA, Hamline University MS - A1760, 1536 Hewitt Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104


Name (First, MI, Last) Address




Zip code

Phone number


Please indicate whether this application is for



Zip code

School district # (enter "P" if Private, “A” if Alternative, “C” if Charter)

q Basic Membership .......................$25 q First Year Teacher .......................$15 q Retired Teacher ...........................$15 q Pre-service Student .....................$10 q Life Membership: to age 35 ......$400 age 36-50 ....$300 over 50 .........$200

q New Member

Address Phone number

Preferred email address Second email address


q Renewing/Past Member

Discipline and Grade Level q Elementary q Biology q Chemistry q Earth Science q Environmental Sci q Life Science q Physical Science q Physics

q Elementary (K-6) q Middle/Jr. High School (6-9) q High School (9-12) q College/University q Informal Ed

MnSTA Photo Release Statement By becoming a member of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA) or by attending any MnSTA-sponsored event, you are granting permission for the use of your image for MnSTA promotional purposes without compensation. If you have questions regarding this policy, please contact

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