November 7-9, 2019 Rivers Edge Convention Center
• St. Cloud
It is the mission of MnSTA to stimulate, coordinate, and improve science teaching and learning for all. 1
Welcome to St. Cloud and the ninth annual, statewide MnSTA Conference on Science Education! Thank you for your attendance; for your active participation in sessions; for your efforts to gather resources and ideas to improve your science curriculum; and for your membership and active involvement in MnSTA! We’re excited to theme this conference around the new science standards: “Raising the Standards of Science Education in Minnesota”! If you are not sure how to incorporate the new standards into your classroom, or which curriculum you should choose, you have come to the right place. The conference planning team has assembled an outstanding program with sessions designed specifically with the new standards in mind. This conference is designed to allow you to focus on a strand of sessions and speakers or explore other science disciplines and grade-level teaching. Whatever your professional development goals, the MnSTA Conference on Science Education provides you with a wide variety of opportunities to enhance your professional growth as a science educator. In addition to formal programming, we hope you will network with colleagues, MnSTA board members and presenters to build meaningful professional relationships. Be sure to take advantage of time during meals and between sessions to socialize and visit our great exhibitors. We hope this year’s MnSTA Conference on Science Education will leave you enthused, rejuvenated and filled with new ideas and resources for teaching your students! Have a great MnSTA Conference! Plan ahead to attend our next MnSTA Conference on Science Education, November 13-14, 2020, in Duluth.
Josh Tharaldson Eric Koser MnSTA President MnCOSE Manager
Mary Haberman MnCOSE Coordinator
Payment receipts for MnCOSE19 registration, if needed, can be picked up Friday anytime after 8:30 AM at the registration table.
Seeking local info? MnSTA Photo Release Statement By becoming a member of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA) or by attending any MnSTA-sponsored event, you are granting permission for the use of your image for MnSTA 0701201804 promotional purposes without compensation. If you have questions regarding this policy, please contact
Welcome to the MnSTA Conference on Science Education! This is an exciting time for science educators in Minnesota. The new ideas about science teaching and learning are invigorating as we learn strategies for teaching the new Minnesota Science Standards. I applaud your commitment to excellent teaching exhibited by your presence at this conference. I hope you can stay for the excellent workshop on teaching strategies for the new standards on Saturday led Mary Colson, co-chair of the standards, writer for the Next Generation Science Standard, and a presenter for the National Science Teaching Association. Standards Status The Standards Review committee worked nine months drafting the science standards and benchmarks. These have been approved by the Commissioner of Education and submitted to Minnesota’s Rulemaking process which will make the standards legally binding. The Commissioner recommends that school districts use the current version of the standards for planning and have full implementation by the 2023-24 school year. The year of the MCA switch to the new standards is also “MCA IV in ’24.” The standards and related documents are at Workshops I will lead workshops in late November and early December across the state. You will learn about the pedagogy associated with the new standards, the timeline for implementation, and ways to prepare to teach the standards. This workshop is targeted for K-12 teachers of science and other science educators. They will be 4 or 5 hours, primarily at each of the regional service cooperative locations, and will be free. The full descriptions, dates, locations and registration forms are available at Many MnSTA regional directors will host meetings in their area to introduce the standards and teaching strategies. Watch for announcements of those opportunities. Feel free to contact me with questions!
John Olson
Science Specialist, Minnesota Department of Education
Thursday 9:30 - 4:30
Climate Gen Workshop: “New Standards and Climate Change”, River’s Edge
4:30 - 8:00
Jeffer’s Workshop: “Team Teaching with Mother Nature”, Courtyard by Marriott
5:00 - 8:00
Exhibitor Setup, Rivers Edge
7:00 - 10:00
Welcome Reception, Screening of “The Human Element”, The Paramount Theater
Friday 7:30
Registration Opens Light Breakfast Available until gone, Rivers Edge Convention Center, Hawes C Exhibits Open, Hawes C 8:00 - 8:45 Presentation Session 1 8:55 Prize Drawing, MnSTA Booth #1, Hawes C 9:05 - 9:50
Presentation Session 2
10:00 10:10 - 10:55
Coffee and water will be available all day!
Prize Drawing, MnSTA Booth #1, Hawes C
Presentation Session 3
11:15 - 1:00 Sit-Down Lunch Sack Lunch MnSTA Science Teaching Awards Visit-a-Vendor, Hawes C - South End NSTA Presidential Address Keynote Address: Peter McLaren 12:00 - 1:00 Un-Conference Hawes C - North End Commons Area 1:15 - 2:00
Presentation Session 4
2:10 2:20 - 3:05
Prize Drawing, MnSTA Booth #1, Hawes C
Presentation Session 5
Visit-a-Vendor Cash Prize Drawing, MnSTA Booth #1, Hawes C
3:30 - 4:10
Presentation Session 6
4:45 - 5:45 6:00
Reception and Social Event, Courtyard by Marriott MnSTA Annual Meeting and Regional Activity Cash Prize Drawing Network and Connect with Regions and Colleagues • Connect with Twitter #MnCOSE19
Meet at Courtyard by Marriott Lobby
Saturday 7:30 8:00 - 9:00 9:00 - 1:00
Registration Opens, Light Breakfast Available until gone, RECC, Hawes C Discipline Area Table Talks Instructional Strategies for the New Science Standards
8:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 12:00
Sphero & Ozobots, Elementary Focus LASERs, Light, and Optics, Middle and High School Focus, GO4ST8 Physics
8:00 - 1:00
Relicensure-in-a-Day, K-12 Focus, RECC
8:00 AM – Positive Interventions
9:00 AM - English Language Learners
11:00 PM – Reading Strategies
10:00 AM – Early Warning Signs of Mental Illness
12:00 PM –Suicide Prevention
Coffee and water will be available all morning!
Friday Keynote Speaker Peter McLaren NGSS Writing Team Next Gen Education, LLC
Peter McLaren is the Executive Director of Next Gen Education, LLC and works as a consultant with states and districts in support of the implementation of the state science standards based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education (NRC, 2012). In his previous work, Mr. McLaren served in a number of roles in the area of science education policy including Director of the State and District Support for Science at Achieve Inc and as Science and Technology Specialist at the Rhode Island Department of Education. He also served as President of the Council of State Science Supervisors (CSSS) from July 2010 until April 2013 and is presently Advisor to the Science SCASS group. McLaren was a member of the national writing committee for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). He has also served on a number of committees including the National Academy of Engineering’s Guiding Implementation of K-12 Engineering Education committee, and the National Academy of Science’s Committee for Developing Assessments for the Next Generation Science Standards (NRC, 2014) and was a contributor to the NRC publication Seeing Students Learn Science (NRC, 2017) An award-winning educator, McLaren was a teacher of science for 13 years at both the high-school and middle-school level. In 2001, he was recognized with the Milken Family Foundation National Educator Award and in 1995 as the Rhode Island Science Teacher of the Year by the MIT-sponsored Network of Educators of Science and Technology. He holds Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts degrees in Science Education from the University of Rhode Island.
Join Peter for his presentation in Session III just before the keynote presentation: “Structuring Student Thinking: The Power of Crosscutting Concepts” • Whitney Room: 10:10 - 10:55 AM
Friday Strand Speakers Session 1 • Schilplin Room
Physics Strand Speaker
Dr. Kevin Haglin, St. Cloud State University Accessible Projects in Mechanics, Electrodynamics, and Computational Physics We discuss recent and ongoing student projects with applications of Newtonian Mechanics, Electrodynamics, and Computational Physics. We go through the process of engaging the students, preparing the students, and supervising beginning researchers. Progress is possible with good communication, realistic goals, and encouraging interactions. Specific applications will be presented which estimate drag force effects on astrophysical systems due to Doppler-shifted radiation pressure. The hope is to provide a spark of inspiration to encourage more student-instructor scientific inquiries and research.
Session 2 • First American Room
Chemistry Strand Speaker
Dr Jane Wissinger, University of Minnesota Engaging Students with Modern, Relevant, Green Chemistry Curriculum Since the publication of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry in 1998, educators have sought to train the next generation of scientists with a mindset of prevention and sustainability. This presentation will share resources and strategies for incorporating green chemistry into the classroom to inspire students with how science can benefit society. In this context, new experiments developed at the University of Minnesota will be detailed which describe the application of green chemistry to the topic of plastics. These curriculum materials engage students with recognizing the prevalence and importance of plastics in their daily lives, as well as the unintended consequences of causing harm to human health and the environment.
Session 3 • Alexander Room
Earth Science Strand Speaker
Kristin Poppleton, Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy Kristen Iverson Poppleton is the Director of Programs for Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy. Climate Generation empowers individuals and communities to engage in solutions to climate change. Kristen develops a vision for and provides strategic coordination, oversight and support for all Climate Generation programs focusing on youth, community, and educator. She served on the recently disbanded Federal Advisory Committee for the Sustained National Climate Assessment and Minnesota’s Science Standards Revision Committee, and she currently serves on the CLEAN (Climate Literacy) Network’s Leadership Board.
Session 4 • First American Room
Elementary Strand Speaker
Dennis Schatz, President, NSTA Three-Dimensional Learning Experiences about the Sun, Earth and Moon It’s not too early to get ready for the solar eclipses in 2023 and 2024 – both visible from the US. See how solar astronomy activities can provide three-dimensional learning experiences by exploring effective ways for students to learn about the daily and annual motions of the Sun, plus lunar phases and solar/lunar eclipses. Dennis Schatz is Senior Advisor at Pacific Science Center in Seattle, Washington, and President of NSTA for 2019-2020. He was Founding Field Editor of the journal, Connected Science Learning, which highlights links between in-school and out-of-school STEM learning.
Session 6 • Whitney Room
Biology Strand Speaker
Dr. Gillian Roehrig, University of Minnesota Integrated STEM in Biology Classrooms The new Minnesota Science Standards, guided by the Framework for K-12 Science Education (National Research Council, 2012), place an emphasis on scientific and engineering practices. This talk explores approaches to integrated STEM in the life sciences aligned with the new standards.
Did you know that your MnSTA board of directors includes discipline directors for alternative education and charter schools, biology, chemistry, earth science, elementary, higher education, informal education, and private schools? In addition we have region directors across the state and an executive council. Thanks to several of our discipline directors for serving as strand leaders at this event! View them all on our website - and get connected!
MnCOSE 2019 Exhibitors We’re excited to welcome a record number of exhibitors to MnCOSE19! Please build relationships with these, your supporters in science education!
Exhibitor. . . . . . . . . Table Location
Exhibitor. . . . . . . . . Table Location
Activate Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
MN State Engineering
Amplify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Center of Excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Animal Rights Coalition . . . . . . . . . . . 5
MN Zoo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Ann Bancroft Foundation. . . . . . . . . 45
Museum of Science | EiE. . . . . . . . . . 38
ASCLS-Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
NAEP - MDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Carolina Biological Supply . . . . . . . . 15
Nat Geo Learning/Cengage. . . . . . . . 30
Civil Air Patrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
National Inventor’s Hall of Fame. . . 39
Climate Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
NSTA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Discovery Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Pearson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Education Minnesota ES! . . . . . . . . . 24
Project Lead the Way. . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
H2O for Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Raptor Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. . . . . . . . 31
Science Museum of Minnesota. . . . . . 7
International Wolf Center. . . . . . . . . 32
St. Catherine University. . . . . . . . . . 36
Jeffers Foundation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
St. Cloud State Admissions. . . . . . . . 12
Laser Classroom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
St. Mary’s University. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
McGraw-Hill Education. . . . . . . . . . . 20
STEMscopes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
miniPCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Bakken Museum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
MN Academy of Science . . . . . . . . . . 42
TCI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
MN Agriculture in the Classroom. . . 16
Teacher Created Materials . . . . . . . . . 8
MN Association for Env Ed. . . . . . . . 21
The College of St. Scholastica. . . . . . 34
MN Field Trip & Activity Library. . . 25
Twin Cities PBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
MN Minerals Education Workshop. 49
University of Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . 37
MnSTA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Univ of Wisconsin - Superior . . . . . . 46
MN State Agriculture
Valleyfair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Center of Excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 MN State Energy Center of Excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Youth Eco Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 zSpace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Visit-a-Vendor and Prize Drawings Our MnCOSE19 Exhibitors have generously donated several wonderful items to be given to our conference participants! We are happy to have our exhibitors with us and encourage each participant to take time to visit with them and learn about what they do! During the day on Friday we will have several door prize drawings at the MnSTA Booth in the exhibit hall. Please come and join the fun as these happen during the day!
Friday Door Prizes - Drawings at 8:55, 10:00, 2:10, 3:15 Special thanks to The Jeffer’s Foundation for providing a Journal for every attendee
Visit-a-Vendor - $100 Cash Drawing Make your way to EACH vendor Friday to collect stamps and fill your Visit-a-Vendor sheet! Fill in ALL the stamps on your Visit-a-Vendor sheet to become eligible to win a $100 CASH prize! Complete and turn in your sheet by 3:10 Friday in the Exhibit Hall - you must be present to win! A second $100 CASH prize will be awarded at the annual meeting at 4:45 PM Friday. Pick up a ticket at the social event at the Marriott for this drawing.
Exhibotor Map - Hawes C Ballroom
2019 MnSTA Conference on Science Education Presentation Resources Shared Digitally at
Session 1 Ramp It Up! Science and Engineering Practices in the NGSS Matt Moorman, TCI
8:00 - 8:45 AM Bell Room elem jr. high Elementary
Join TCI to build ramps by gathering evidence for how energy and motion are related. Participants will experience this lesson from the student perspective as they carry out investigations, build models, and learn skills to analyze and interpret data, develop solutions, and communicate their methods just like professional scientists and engineers!
The Digital Age: STEM Learning with AR/VR Pat Salstrand, zSpace
Clarke Room elem jr. high sr. high coll General
Students know computers, they’ve seen 3D movies, but now they can pick up, manipulate and explore content by “lifting” objects right from the screen. From examining molecular structures and dissecting organisms to troubleshooting brake systems, students are demonstrating a deep level of engagement and knowledge retention when using augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR). Discover how over a million students are using augmented and virtual reality as a part of their curriculum to prepare for college and future careers. Strategies for successfully aligning AR/VR activities with Next Generation Science Standards, Common Core and state standards will also be addressed, as well as clinical research outcomes on student achievement.
Energy in the Classroom
Doug Kleeberger, MN Energy Center for Excellence
Coborn Room jr. high sr. high coll General
The workshop will be a demonstration of the Energy Classroom as if presented to a high school class. The workshop will include a small group, hands-on solar activity. Weather permitting, the class will also tour the Solar Energy Trailer.
Integrating Crosscutting Concepts for Middle School Science Bianca Chang, TCI Matt Moorman, TCI
Fandel Room jr. high General
Join us for an engaging Bring Science Alive! investigation that will get you linking the different domains of science. Participants will observe patterns, cause and effect, and other crosscutting concepts to enrich their application of practices and their understanding of core ideas.
What’s Growin’ On? Desktop Greenhouses, Grow Towers, School Gardens and More! Sue Knott, Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom
First American Room elem jr. high Elementary
Discover hands-on, plant growing opportunities that can provide the WOW for students’ to engage in science education! FREE standards-based lesson plans and resources focused on seed investigations, photosynthesis experiments, food harvesting, and much more, will be shared. A taste test and hands-on activities will be part of the fun!
Sunflower in the Sidewalk
Kandy Noles-Stevens, Southwest Minnesota State University/Jeffers Foundation Kandy Stevens,
First American Room elem Elementary
Ever wonder how a plant bloomed in a certain location? Come explore seed dispersal in this hands-on/minds-on session focusing creativity and critical thinking (and a wee bit of imagination) on ideas for how to address the new standards utilizing the engineering design process in the elementary classroom.
Middle School and High School Project-based Curriculum - SREB's Advanced Career Jason Bruns, MN State Engineering Center of Excellence
Helgeson Room jr. high sr. high coll General
Each Advanced Career course pathway are hands-on, rich with projects and intellectually demanding. The program also includes curriculum assessments, extensive training and support for teachers.
Study and Discussion of Student Misconceptions, Sources, and Diagnostic Pretests
Marsh Room
Richard Lahti, Minnesota State University Moorhead Whiney Shegrud, Minnesota State University Moorhead Deep misconceptions interfere with student science learning. Pretests are used to diagnose misconceptions, but can these questions themselves create student misconceptions?
2019 MnSTA Conference on Science Education Presentation Resources Shared Digitally at
2019 Science Standards Panel: Development and Implementation Planning John Olson, MN Dept of Education
Metzroth Room elem jr. high sr. high General
Learn about the development and organization of the new science standards and ideas for implementation. A panel of committee members and district leaders will discuss their impressions from the development of the standards and district implementation plans.
Physics Strand Speaker Accessible Projects in Mechanics, Electrodynamics, and Computational Physics
Schilplin Room
Inspired by Nature: Engineering from Animals through Biomimicry
Weidner Room elem jr. high sr. high
Kevin Haglin, St. Cloud State University
Kristi Berg, Minnesota Zoo Liz Gilles, Minnesota Zoo
Life Science
Join the Minnesota Zoo to learn how your students can use the process of biomimicry to gain engineering design inspiration from nature while meeting the new state science standards.
Session 1-2 New Science Standards and Climate Change
Megan Van Loh, Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy
8:00 - 9:50 AM Alexander Room jr. high Earth Science
Join us to learn about resources and hands-on activities to bring Minnesota's new science standards, which include climate change, into your classroom.
Session 2 Science Storylines and the Driving Question Board: Keeping NGSS Curricula Student Focused Mary  Kelly, Activate Learning
9:05 - 9:50 AM Bell Room jr. high General
What if lessons could both meet the standards and leverage student curiosity about the natural world? Engage in storyline coherence as a means to not only have pedagogy meet the NGSS, but also build on students' questions using a Driving Question Board.
The Science Experience--Teacher & Student Desiree Sujoy, Discovery Education
Clarke Room elem jr. high sr. high General
The era of new Minnesota Science standards will require a shift in how we approach science in our classrooms. Join us for a discussion as we explore the shift towards 3 Dimensional learning and what this means for both the teacher as the facilitator and the student learning experience.
Phenomena-Based and Three Dimensional Learning with Amplify Science Peter Brenner, Amplify
Coborn Room elem jr. high General
See how Amplify Science, designed by The Lawrence Hall of Science, seamlessly integrates three-dimensional learning at every level (Unit, Chapter, Lesson) of instruction with it's phenomena-based approach.
Masterying Personalized Learning : Get up and Grid! Rae Hughart, Evans Junior High School
Fandel Room elem jr. high sr. high General
Mastery Learning is a must in this day and age - but how do you make it manageable and effective? Let’s talk about best practice methods that have been shared and utilized to increase student achievement.
Reacting to the Past (RTTP) Style Game to Teach HNOS, in a KT Boundary Context.
Marsh Room sr. high
Richard Lahti, Minnesota State University Moorhead General Tanner Aufforth, Minnesota State University Moorhead The KT Boundary debate provides a rich context to explore HNOS concepts across chemistry, physics, geoscience & biology. RTTP is an engagement pedagogy started in history.
2019 MnSTA Conference on Science Education Presentation Resources Shared Digitally at
2019 Science Standards: Professional Development Resources John Olson, MN Dept of Education
Metzroth Room elem jr. high sr. high General
The new science standards call for changes in teaching practices to support new ideas about science learning. Gain an overview of these practices and explore resources that can be used for individual and group professional learning. The resources will include online resources (including SEPA, MnSTELLA, and STEM TC), National Science Teaching Assn. resources, MnSTA regional meetings, and MDE workshops.
Chemistry Strand Speaker Engaging Students with Modern, Relevant, Green Chemistry Curriculum
Mitchell Room
Transformers Everywhere
Schilplin Room sr. high
Dr. Jane Wissinger, University of Minnesota
Thomas Tomashek, Minnetonka High School
Physics We find electrical transformers everywhere. From the cell phone chargers we use every day to the huge power company substations. In this session we will look at how this topic can fit into your curriculum. We’ll review the science then do some handson activities you could do in the classroom.
Bringing the New MN Science Standards to our Elementary Schools: Our Districts Thielman Room Journey so Far elem jr. high Richard Yonker, Farmington Schools ISD 192
This presentation will be a practical introduction and overview of how I am implementing the new MN State Science Standards in our districts elementary schools.
How to Start Your Own Wildlife Ecology Class Bruce Clark, Lewiston-Altura
Weidner Room sr. high Life Science
Everything you need to know to start your own wildlife ecology class and get your students outside learning about the world around them.
Reflections on EL Sheltered Biology Class Eric Friberg, Henry Sibley High School Eric Vernon, Henry Sibley High School
Whitney Room sr. high Life Science
This co-teaching team will reflect on their experience in creating and instructing a sheltered EL Biology course. They will share ideas for accommodations, modifications, standard alignment, and co-teaching collaboration.
Session 2-3 Engineering Design Challenges: Highly Engaging Classroom and Afterschool STEM Learning Experiences
9:05 - 10:55 AM Helgeson Room jr. high sr. high
Melissa Huppert, Minnesota State Engineering Center of Excellence General Mike Compton, Minnesota 4-H In this session, you will learn how to use the eight practices of science and engineering and the experiential learning model through Engineering Design Challenges offered by MN 4-H and the Minnesota State Engineering Center of Excellence.
Session 3
10:10 - 10:55 AM
Earth Science Strand Speaker
Alexander Room
Reading, Writing, Thinking, and Talking Science: Literacy Strategies in a Science Classroom
Bell Room jr. high
Kristen Iverson Poppleton, Climate Generation
Mary Kelly, Activate Learning
Experience a lesson from the phenomenon-based middle school curriculum, Investigating and Questioning Our World through Science and Technology (IQWST), as a model for how instructional materials can engage children in fluent and contextualized ways of thinking, reading, writing, and talking science. Walk away with literacy tools and strategies that can be implemented in any science classroom.
2019 MnSTA Conference on Science Education Presentation Resources Shared Digitally at
Women in STEAM: Rising to the Challenges of the Global Water Crisis Judy Onufer, H2O for Life
Clarke Room jr. high General
Explore A Toolkit of Biographies, Lessons and Opportunities for Service Learning H2O for Life is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing youth with service learning opportunities that help raise awareness about the global water crisis while taking action to provide funds for water, sanitation and hygiene education projects for partner schools in the developing world. In support of these service learning events, we also provide standards aligned academic enrichment tools that can be embedded in the classroom experience to fully articulate with the service experience. Our newest toolkit offers a STEAM lens through which to explore water resource issues with a focus on notable women in this field. The features of this toolkit are designed to ignite and retain interest in pursuing STEAM fields while bringing awareness to one of the most critical challenges humankind faces today, the global water crisis. All participants will receive a copy of this valuable resource.
How to Herd Cats
Michael Matti, McGraw Hill
Coborn Room elem jr. high sr. high General
Much like the herding of any animal, we need students to get to the same point having come from different backgrounds and experiences. Students start each lesson, unit or course at different levels of understanding and interests, with the teacher needing to identify where they are and the best way to get to where they need to be. This session will have participants involved in activities that will help corral the classroom chaos. Attendees will participate in Page Keeley Science Probes that help organize that confusion and lead instruction.
"How Can We Help Young People Develop as Creative Thinkers in Our Ever Changing World: Phenomena, Computational Thinking, and 3D Learning." Megan Earnest, Bell Museum University of Minnesota
Fandel Room elem jr. high sr. high coll General
Using resources from NSTA and other supporting educational agencies, this session presents clear explanations and examples of phenomena, computational thinking, and 3D learning. Resources and methods to assist teachers and schools in the development of curriculum that engages learners in the new Minnesota Department of Education Science Standards and Benchmarks will be the primary focus. Information about how informal learning institutions can support and collaborate in the implementation phase will also be part of this presentation.
Elementary Share-a-thon
First American Room
Join these elementary practitioners and more during this session for rapid fire idea sharing and plenty of resources! Come and visit with many teachers in this interactive session! Kelli Elickson (Cedar Park Elementary, Apple Valley) Cinda Current (Riverview Elementary, Farmington) Megan Earnest & Mila Velimirovich (Bell Museum, St Paul) Becky Pollard & Brennan Nyboer (Princeton Intermediate School, Princeton) Shannon Olson (Minnesota State University, Moorhead)
MCA Data Interpretation and Resources, Including the Newly Redesigned Benchmark Reports Kendra Olsen, Minnesota Dept of Education - Statewide Testing
Marsh Room elem jr. high sr. high General
Have you been feeling overwhelmed by data, and not sure which data is best from state assessments to use to improve classroom instruction? In this presentation we will do an overview of how the MCA is scored, test results that are available to you and how to access them, and how to use assessment data more effectively at the classroom level. We will also review the new Benchmark Reports and how to use them.
Science in Alternative Schools
Garret Bitker, Choice Technical Academy
Metzroth Room sr. high General
Presentation and general discussion on how to meet science standards in alternative settings, Alternative school, Charter School and other possibilities.
2019 MnSTA Conference on Science Education Presentation Resources Shared Digitally at
Science in Alternative Schools
Garret Bitker, Choice Technical Academy
Metzroth Room sr. high General
Presentation and general discussion on how to meet science standards in alternative settings, Alternative school, Charter School and other possibilities.
Sense-Making with Card Sorts
Marta Stoeckel-Rogers, Tartan High School
Schilplin Room sr. high Physics
Sense-making is crucial for problem-solving and conceptual understanding in physics. Card sorts can support students in sensemaking by connecting multiple representations.
Shining a Light on Inquiry
Justine Harren, Forest Lake Area Schools
Swisshelm Room elem jr. high sr. high Elementary
Come to experience a light unit discovered through inquiry! Participants will leave with resources for both elementary and secondary light units.
5th Grade Teacher; Engineering Education Assistant Researcher @ University of St. Thomas Alison Haugh, University of St. Thomas
Thielman Room elem jr. high sr. high Elementary
Engineering and education students at the University of St. Thomas along with a team of local educators conducted a research project regarding STEM and empathy. Together, the team investigated the meaningful factors that help to connect empathy and STEM in a classroom setting, and discovered ways make STEM learning more accessible to all students.
Mutations Explained! Incorporating Phenomena-Driven Lessons in the Middle School Classroom
Weidner Room jr. high
Keynote Breakout: Structuring Student Thinking: The Power of Crosscutting Concepts
Whitney Room
Bianca Chang, TCI Life Science Matt Moorman, TCI In this hands-on session, participants will take on the roles of students to make a model that shows how mutations in genes can affect the structure and function of a protein. Explain how mutations can be beneficial, neutral, or harmful to the organism.
Peter McLaren, NSTA President
Session 4 Using ArcGIS StoryMaps to Help Students Learn About Scale, Water, and Landforms Jennifer Frisch, University of Minnesota Duluth
1:30 - 2:15 PM Alexander Room elem jr. high Earth Science
ArcGIS Online can be used by students from upper elementary on up! Come learn about the structure of ArcGIS and story maps, and how students can use these tools to learn more about earth science.
Science Is a Verb!
Craig Gaska, Pearson
Bell Room elem jr. high sr. high General
Science is a verb, not a noun. Science is something that students DO. It is not a subject where students passively obtain new information, rather become scientists themselves on a quest for new knowledge. The focus of this presentation is understanding and application of the three dimensions of the new science standards which will invigorate science in your classroom. The conceptual shifts, dimensions, and domains of the NGSS, as well as lesson planning and design will be discussed during this session.
2019 MnSTA Conference on Science Education Presentation Resources Shared Digitally at
P51 Glow Labs to Investigate DNA Structure, Enzyme Activity and Synthetic Biology Ally Huang, miniPCR
Clarke Room sr. high Biology
We have developed the "P51 Molecular Fluorescence Viewer" and an associated series of Glow Lab activities to enable hands-on inquiry on molecular structure and function. Most of these activities can be completed in under 40 minutes making them ideal for teaching settings. Workshop participants will be able to try several of the activities, including the DNA and enzyme Glow labs, and BioBits. The P51 molecular viewer is a system that allows for real time visualization of molecular changes through fluorescence.
3-Dimensional Science Learning that Incorporates Strong Literacy Practices (K-5) Mary Kelly, Activate Learning
Coborn Room elem jr. high Elementary
Experience how Activate Learning PRIME K-5 program embeds literacy using 3-dimensional learning that engages children while exploring and explaining the natural world around them. Participants engage in a lesson from the Energy Transfer cluster. Walk away with literacy tools and 3 dimensional strategies that can be implemented in any science classroom tomorrow!
Elementary Strand Speaker Three-Dimensional Learning Experiences about the Sun, Earth and Moon
First American Room
One of a Kind: Science Instruction to Encourage Inclusion
Helgeson Room
Dennis Schatz, NSTA President
Erica Barnes, University of Minnesota Sruthi Subramanian, High School Student
Introduction to rare diseases can help teachers and students understand the challenges associated with having such a condition or living with a sibling or family member who is affected. By incorporating activities related to this topic in the curriculum, we can provide students and teachers the necessary exposure into this area that can have positive outcomes. This session, offered by a high school student and a guest speaker who lost a child to a rare disease, will provide teachers with resources related to increasing awareness about rare diseases that can meet required benchmarks.
Testing 1, 2, 3: A new data and assessment website for educators from MDE State Testing Kendra Olsen, Minnesota Dept of Education- Statewide Testing
Marsh Room elem jr. high sr. high General
Testing 1, 2, 3 is live! Educators can now access all things related to assessment and data from the State in one place more easily. We will walk through this newly created website designed by Minnesota educators to better inform your use of MCA data and local assessments in the classroom.
NAEP Questions Tool: The Great Unknown Resource for Educators Jennifer Cain, Minnesota Department of Education
Metzroth Room elem jr. high sr. high General
Learn how to navigate and use a great unknown resource: The NAEP Questions Tool - a free database of released questions from a national assessment.
Chemistry Labs/Demos by HS students for Middle School Lorna Birkholtz, Staples-Motley High School
Mitchell Room sr. high Chemistry
Have your High School Chemistry students do a day of whiz-bang demonstrations and experiments with your middle school science classes! Here are some easy, inexpensive science labs and demos both groups will love and learn from! Session includes labs for a 60 minute class period, along with instructions, and talking points for each.
Making Waves: Can You Hear Me Now?
Steve Lindaas, Minnesota State University Moorhead Erick Quintana, Minnesota State Univeristy Moorhead
Schilplin Room jr. high sr. high coll Physics
Explore sound waves, interference and resonance. Learn about the physics and biology of the ear while we determine your hearing range. Then help break glass (safely) using sound
2019 MnSTA Conference on Science Education Presentation Resources Shared Digitally at
A 5E Inquiry Lesson for the New MN High School Earth Science Standards: 9E. Richard Lahti, Minnesota State University Moorhead
Whitney Room sr. high Earth Science
Good inquiry does not require extended wet lab & time is a reason teachers avoid inquiry. Model lesson and strategies for building similar lessons will be discussed.
Session 5 Phenomena and Problem Based Learning with a Storyline Craig Gaska, Pearson
2:35 - 3:20 PM Bell Room elem jr. high sr. high General
Famous cosmologist Carl Sagan reminds us that, “Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge.” Scientists observe phenomena and seek answers to questions. This should be true in the classroom as well. The new standards call for students to be scientists rather than simply learn about science. The storylines teachers use in a problem-based approach to teaching science brings it all together. Participants will learn how one integrates phenomena, problem, and storyline together to foster science inquiry, skills, and knowledge that turn students on to science!
What is Our Evidence that We Live on a Changing Earth? Eeva Burns, Carolina Biological
Clarke Room elem Elementary
Introduce your students to less screen time and more hands-on learning with the new Smithsonian Science for the Classroom series. Science for K-8 is about world around us and is more impactful when taught through inquiry instead of a computer screen. Are your students able to use evidence to design and construct testable solutions? Experience model lessons and see how easy it is to lead students through the engineering design process to solve a real-world problem. Leave with a better understanding of how students can use information and evidence to argue for the best materials to withstand the effects of heavy precipitation.
How to Use Phenomena to Make Gains in Student Inquiry Maeve Green, STEMscopes / Accelerate Learning Michele Cozza, STEMscopes / Accelerate Learning
Coborn Room elem jr. high sr. high General
Are you looking for a strategy to introduce an anchor phenomenon to your students? Join us as we model presenting an anchor phenomenon and creating a driving question board. This strategy will intrinsically motivate your students and improve their inquiry skills. Participants will be working in collaborative groups to identify anchoring, investigative, and everyday phenomena.
Science on the Great Lakes
Mick Hamilton, Minneapolis South High School
Fandel Room jr. high sr. high General
The session is led by a team of educators who attended an August 2019 Center for Great Lakes Literacy workshop aboard the tall ship S/V Denis Sullivan. The six-day sail across Lake Superior centered on stewardship of the Great Lakes through two perspectives: scientific monitoring as well as First Nations traditions, practices and approaches to natural resource management. Hear about workshop participants’ experiences and learn how GLIFWC (Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission) and tribal wardens monitor the health of the Great Lakes while protecting tribal treaty rights and cultural values. In addition, sample Great Lakes and Tribal curricular resources that reflect the Great Lakes Literacy Standards. Finally, we will take time to consider next steps in how native voices and perspectives are, and can further be, incorporated into instruction and stewardship practices within the Great Lakes region.
Helping Students Write Better Lab Reports Katie Melgaard, Marshall County Central High School
Helgeson Room sr. high General
Using the free version of Peergrade, students can use a rubric to anonymously review classmates' lab reports, thus getting a better idea of lab report expectations.
"When Will We Ever Use This": Integrating Career Exploration into Science Curriculum Casey Rose, Prairie Winds Middle School
Marsh Room jr. high sr. high General
In this session, learn how to add career focused component to your curriculum by building real-world, problem based assessments and activities inspired by jobs right in your students’ own backyards.
2019 MnSTA Conference on Science Education Presentation Resources Shared Digitally at
MN Orchids in the Classroom
Randall Gage, University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
Weidner Room jr. high sr. high Life Science
Find out about a new opportunity to participate in Native Orchid conservation activities in your science classroom. The MN Orchids in the Classroom project offers Science classrooms the opportunity to participate in authentic orchid conservation research projects directed by the MN Landscape Arboretum Center for Plant Conservation. Connect to classrooms worldwide working on similar orchid conservation projects.
Using Phenomena to Teach Astronomy Kate Rosok, South High Melissa Corrigan, Henry High
Whitney Room sr. high Earth Science
How can we use Phenomena and the Science & Engineering Practices to teach a high school astronomy class? The first half will be sharing what we've done this year, and the second half will be working in groups to try out some lesson sequences, brainstorm new ones, and look for phenomena to use in class. Bring a device for accessing Google Docs online.
Session 5-6 Using the On-Line Minnesota Natural Resource Atlas in the Classroom Cynthia Hagley, Minnesota Sea Grant Will Bartsch, Natural Resources Research Institute
2:35 - 4:25 PM Alexander Room jr. high sr. high Earth Science
In this interactive class, you will learn how to navigate the online Minnesota Natural Resource Atlas, try out sample lessons based on the 200+ data sets included in the Atlas, and brainstorm ways to use it in your classroom ( The Atlas includes a multidisciplinary database and an interactive mapping tool. You will receive training on how to use it for spatial data exploration, mapping, and analysis. The course requires a laptop for each participant. Training materials and lesson plan guidelines will be provided.
Returning "Problem-solving" to Science David Groos, South High School
Metzroth Room jr. high sr. high General
Especially in the age of STEM, we in science education have much to gain by understanding science --theory development-- as a kind of community-wide, problem-solving. Based on a visual model of science as problem-solving, we'll explore Knowledge Building, an educational approach where students inquire over extended periods into problems they discover.
STEP UP - Physics Together
Shane Wood, Mounds View Public Schools Jolene Johnson, Edison High School
Schilplin Room sr. high Physics
This NSF-funded program provides evidence-based lessons and everyday strategies that teacher can use to reduce barriers and encourage young women and others to pursue physics.
Sounds and Light
Tanner Walters, Oak Ridge Elementary Angie Schlede, Oak Ridge Elementary
Swisshelm Room elem jr. high Elementary
In this presentation, we will cover multiple STEM hands-on activities students can do to help them investigate sound and light.
Preparing for New 6th Grade Weather and Climate Standards Can Be Facilitated by Strategic Use of Internet Resources in Earlier Grades Amy Lilienfeld, Circle of Illumination Science Education LLC, Minneota Public School District
Thielman Room elem jr. high Elementary
Students as young as those in early elementary grades can obtain and interpret data from a variety of online resources to help them in making sense of everyday phenomena. These can help build a strong foundation for their eventually learning more sophisticated concepts in weather and climate in sixth grade.
2019 MnSTA Conference on Science Education Presentation Resources Shared Digitally at
Session 6
3:40 - 4:25 PM
Outdoor Investigator: Using an Online Platform with Students Conducting Independent Investigations Mike Billington, The Raptor Center
Bell Room jr. high sr. high General
Raptor Lab, Part 3 provides a tool for use with middle and high school students involved in conducting independent investigations. It drives them through the process of science and gives them a digital home for their notes, reflections and data. It also gives teachers a BaseCamp environment where they can monitor and comment on student work. Learn how to use and access this free science education tool.
Why Engineering?
Jeremy Pinson, Museum of Science | EiE
Clarke Room elem jr. high Elementary
This workshop will guide participants through why engineering is a great way to support and reinforce the science that is already being taught in the classroom. It will also show project based learning with an engineering emphasis provides students with the habits of mind & 21st century skills to be successful learners and problem solvers as the move on into secondary education. Participants will get to work with peers to complete an engineering design challenge!
Science and Literacy: Making the Connection Maeve Green, STEMscopes / Accelerate Learning Michele Cozza, STEMscopes / Accelerate Learning
Coborn Room elem jr. high Elementary
Let's explore how to develop our students’ scientific literacy through the integration of doing science with reading, writing, and discourse. Session participants will understand, experiment, and reason; as well as interpret scientific facts and their meaning using natural phenomena.
Seeking Solutions: Teaching Climate Change as a Doorway into STEM J. McClelland, Maple Lake High School
Fandel Room sr. high General
Explore the idea of "Third Way Technology" described in a lesson plan that has students collaborating to research and present ideas for potential climate change solutions. The presentation will explore further ways to expand upon these ideas and consider global climate change from a STEM perspective.
Getting Griddy With It: Reaching ALL Students with Personalized Learning Tiffany Ott, Western Reserve Academy
Helgeson Room elem jr. high sr. high
Have you considered a jointGeneral MnSTA-NSTA membership?
Personalized learning is a major buzzword in education right now, but figuring out how to actually make it work in your classroom is tricky.
Biology Strand Speaker Approaches to Integrated STEM in the Life Sciences Aligned with the New Standards.
Whitney Room
A joint membership in our two organizations is now available via the NSTA website for $85. This is a $20 savings from the prices of the two individual memberships! Dr. Gillian Roehrig, University of Minnesota
Why stick with your MnSTA membership? Gain the knowledge you need to be a cutting edge educator! Network and learn from your peers! Stay informed! Get weekly email updates and a quarterly MnSTA Newsletter! Take advantage of leadership opportunities! Help shape science education standards! Make friends and have fun! Tell the world why your a member with “#MnSTAmember�!
Minnesota Science Teachers Association
5th Grade Teacher; Engineering Education Assistant Researcher @ University of St. Thomas by Alison Haugh
Bringing the New MN Science Standards to our Elementary Schools: Our Districts Journey So Far by Richard Yonker
Schilplin Room
Whitney Room
Alexander Room
Reflections on EL Sheltered Biology Class by Eric Friberg
Transformers Everywhere by Thomas Tomashek
New MN Science Standards and Climate Change by Megan Van Loh
Physics Strand Speaker Kevin Haglin Accessible Projects in Mechanics, Electrodynamics, and Computational Physics
11:15 AM 1:00 PM
Elementary Strand Speaker Dennis Schatz Three-Dimensional Learning Experiences about the Sun, Earth and Moon
Session IV 1:15 - 2:00 PM
Using ArcGIS StoryMaps to Help Students Learn About Scale, Water, and Landforms by Jennifer Frisch
A 5E Inquiry Lesson for the New MN High School Earth Science Standards:9E. by Richard Lahti
Making Waves: Can You Hear Me Now? by Steve Lindaas and Erick Quintana
Chemistry Labs/Demos by HS students for Middle School by Lorna Birkholtz
MnCOSE19 Presentation Grid
Earth Science Strand Speaker Kristen Iverson Poppleton
Keynote Breakout by Peter McLaren Structuring Student Thinking: The Power of Crosscutting Concepts
Sense-Making with Card Sorts by Marta Stoeckel-Rogers
Shining a Light on Inquiry by Justine Harren
What’s Growin’ On? Desktop Greenhouses, Grow Towers, School Gardens and More! by Sue Knott
Swisshelm Room
Mitchell Room
Elementary Share a thon
Chemistry Strand Speaker Dr. Jane Wissinger Engaging Students with Modern, Relevant, Green Chemistry Curriculum
Session III 10:10 - 10:55 AM
Session II 9:05 - 9:50 AM
Sunflower in the Sidewalk by Kandy Stevens
Session I 8:00 - 8:45 AM
Session V 2:20 - 3:05 PM
Session VI 3:25 - 4:10
Biology Strand Speaker Dr. Gillian Roehrig Integrated STEM in Biology Classrooms
Using the On-Line Minnesota Natural Resource Atlas in the Classroom by Cynthia Hagley and Will Bartsch
Using Phenomena to Teach Astronomy by Kate Rosok and Melissa Corrigan
STEP UP - Physics Together by Shane Wood and Jolene Johnson
Sounds and Light by Tanner Walters and Angie Schlede
Preparing for New 6th Grade Weather and Climate Standards Can Be Facilitated by Strategic Use of Internet Resources in Earlier Grades by Amy Lilienfeld
MnCOSE19 Presentation Grid & Strand Speakers Shaded sessions are Exhibitor Workshops
First American Room
Thielman Room
Life Science/ Earth Science
Chemistry/ Physics
MnCOSE19 Presentation Grid
Sit-Down Lunch • Sit-Down Presentations • Hawes C - North• End Lunchand • Keynote Presentations and Keynote Hawes C - North End or or Sack Lunch • Visit-a-Vendor Unconferenceand • Unconference Commons Area• Commons Area Sack Lunch and • Visit-a-Vendor
Ramp it Up! Science and Engineering Practices in the NGSS by Laura Obert, TCI
Inspired by Nature: Engineering from Animals through Biomimicry by Kristi Berg and Liz Gilles
Bell Room
Weidner Room
Clarke Room
Session III 10:10 - 10:55 AM
2019 Sci Stds: Professional Development Resources by John Olson
2019 Science Standards Panel: Development and Implementation Planning facilitated by John Olson
Metzroth Room
Science in Alternative Schools by Garret Bitker
How to Herd Cats Michael Matti, McGraw-Hill Education
Women in STEAM: Rising to the Challenges of the Global Water Crisis Judy Onufer, H20 for Life
Masterying Personalized Learning : Get Up and Grid! by Rae Hughart
Reacting to the Past (RTTP) Style Game to Teach HNOS, in a KT Boundary Context by Richard Lahti and Tanner Aufforth
Middle School and High School ProjectBased Curriculum SREB's Advanced Career by Jason Bruns
Integrating Crosscutting Concepts for Middle School Science by Bianca Chang and Matt Moorman
Study and Discussion of Student Misconceptions, Sources, and Diagnostic Pretests by Richard Lahti and Whiney Shegrud
Helgeson Room
Fandel Room
Marsh Room
MCA Data Interpretation and Resources, Including the Newly Redesigned Benchmark Reports by Kendra Olsen
How Can We Help Young People Develop as Creative Thinkers in Our Ever Changing World: Phenomena, Computational Thinking, and 3D Learning by Megan Earnest
Engineering Design Challenges: Highly Engaging Classroom and Afterschool STEM Learning Experiences by Melissa Huppert
Phenomena-Based and Three Dimensional Learning Peter Brenner, Amplify Science
Energy in the Classroom Doug Kleeberger, MN Energy Center of Excellence
The Science Experience Teacher and Student Desiree Sujoy, Discovery Education
How to Start Your Own Wildlife Ecology Class by Bruce Clark
Reading, Writing, Thinking, and Talking Science Storylines and the Driving Science: Literacy Strategies in a Science Question Board: Keeping NGSS Curricula Classroom Student Focused Activate Learning by Mary Kelly Activate Learning by Mary Kelly
Session II 9:05 - 9:50 AM
Coborn Room
The Digital Age: STEM Learning with AR/VR Pat Salstrand & Pia Rodil, zSpace
Session I 8:00 - 8:45 AM
Exhibitor Workshops
11:15 AM 1:00 PM
Phenomena and Problem Based Learning with a Storyline Craig Gaska by Emily White, Pearson
Science is a Verb! Craig Gaska and Emily White, Pearson
Testing 1, 2, 3:A New Data and Assessment Website for Educators from MDE State Testing by Kendra Olsen
One of a Kind: Science Instruction to Encourage Inclusion by Sruthi Subramanian, Erica Barnes
Science and Literacy: Making the Connection Maeve Green, STEMscopes/Accelerate Learning
Why Engineering? Jeremy Pinson, Museum of Science|EiE
Outdoor Investigator: Using an OnLine Platform with Students Conducting Independent Investigations Mike Billington & Beth Girard, The Raptor Center
Session VI 3:25 - 4:10
"When Will We Ever Use This": Integrating Career Exploration into Science Curriculum by Casey Rose
Science on the Great Lakes by Mick Hamilton
Helping Students Write Better Lab Reports by Kate Melgaard
Seeking Solutions: by Teaching Climate Change as a Doorway into STEM by J. McClelland
Getting Griddy With It: Reaching ALL Students with Personalized Learning by Tiffany Ott
Returning "Problem-Solving" to Science by David Groos
How to Use Phenomena to Make Gains in Student Inquiry Maeve Green, STEMscopes/Accelerate Learning
3-Dimensional Science Learning that Incorporates Strong Literacy Practices (K-5) Mary Kelly, Activate Learning
NAEP Questions Tool: The Great Unknown Resource for Educators by Jennifer Cain
What is Our Evidence that We Live on a Changing Earth? Eeva Burns, Carolina Biological
P51 Glow Labs to Investiage DNA Structure, Enzyme Activity and Synthetic Biology Ally Huang, miniPCR
MN Orchids in the Classroom by Randall Gage
Session V 2:20 - 3:05 PM
Session IV 1:15 - 2:00 PM
MnCOSE19 Presentation Grid
Sit-Down Lunch • Presentations and Keynote • Hawes C - North End or Sack Lunch • Visit-a-Vendor and Unconference • Commons Area
Life Science
Exhibitor Workshops
Saturday Workshops Addressing the Science Standards Discipline Area Table Talks 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM • Weidner Room
Come join colleagues from around the state and dig into the details of transitioning into the new Minnesota Science Standards.
Coffee and water will be available all morning!
Instructional Strategies for the New Science Standards Mary Colson
Practitioner of Science, Teacher, Author Co-chair of the MN Science Standards Review Committee Moorhead Public Schools Weidner Room 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Essential Question: How might teaching and learning change to meet the new Minnesota Science Standards? In this workshop, we will explore some of the significant changes between the 2009 and 2019 Minnesota science standards. Among the changes is the instructional shift from students learning about science content to students engaging in the practices of science to figure out something puzzling, either regarding the natural or the designed world. To understand the impacts of this and other changes, participants will first assume the role of scientist as they engage in a series of lessons to figure out where some missing water went in a small New England watershed. Participants will then analyze their experience to look for the presence of the science and engineering practices in the watershed lessons. The workshop will conclude with a look at some of the resources that are available to support Minnesota teachers as they tackle the shift to 3-dimensional teaching and learning. Science Standards 8:00 - 9:00 AM Table Talks
Bell/Alexander Room
Hands-On Workshops 8:00 - 10:00 AM Sphero & Ozobots
Swisshelm/Whitney Rooms
9:00 - 1:00 PM Standards Strategies
Herberger Suite [2nd floor]
Relicensure in a Day 8:00 - 9:00 AM Positive Interventions
9:00 - 10:00 AM English Language Learners 10:00 - 12:00 PM G04ST8 Physics: Lasers, Light, and Optics
Weidner/Edelbrock/Clark Room
10:00 - 11:00 AM Early Warning Signs of Mental Illness 11:00 - 12:00 PM Reading Strategies 12:00 - 1:00 PM Suicide Prevention
M itchell/Schilpin
Hands-On Workshops Sphero & Ozobots Stephanie Madson
District 196 • Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Schools
Elementary Focus Bell/Alexander Room
8:00 - 10:00 AM
Learn how to utilize Sphero and Ozobot robots, Scratch coding and Makey Makey circuit technology to show how these tools may enhance the science standards!
Go4ST8 Physics: Lasers, Light, & Optics Steve Ethen, Tom Tomashek, Jason Hall, Phillip Sexton, & Jon Huber Middle and High School Focus
Edelbrock/Clark Room Room 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Join as we explore lasers, light, and optics. We’ll investigate various demonstrations and hands-on activities related to reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference. We’ll talk about fiber optics and the role they play in our daily lives. GO4ST8 Physics is a cohort of physics teachers who convene four times a year to share ideas and information for teaching physics.
Relicensure in a Day! Join your K-12 science colleagues in courses to meet current relicensure requirements! First American and Thielman Rooms - 2nd floor 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM 8:00 AM - Positive Interactions with Kate Schnider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First American Room 9:00 AM - English Language Learners with Rachel Casey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thielman Room 10:00 AM - Early Warning Signs of Mental Illness with Mary Marana . . . First American Room 11:00 AM - Reading Strategies with Charlene Irvin-Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thielman Room 12:00 PM - Suicide Prevention with Mary Marana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First American Room NOTE: The Cultural Competency portion of relicensure is NOT required for renewal until AFTER Jan 1, 2020, and will therefore not be offered at MnCOSE19
MnCOSE 2019 Conference Planning Committee Mary Haberman, MnCOSE Conference Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MN Valley ALC, MnSTA Board Eric Koser, MnCOSE Conference Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mankato West High School, MnSTA WebMaster Joe Reymann, MnCOSE Exhibits Coordinator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Retired, MnSTA Treasurer Nichole Christofferson-Weston, MnCOSE Program Co-Coordinator. . . . . . . . . Menahga School, Menahga David Borslein, MnCOSE Program Co-Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Peter High School, MnSTA Reg 9
MnSTA Strand Leaders
Dana Smith, MnSTA Chemistry Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bemidji Middle School, Bemidji Haley Kalina, MnSTA Earth Science Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discovery Middle School, Alexandria Lee Fillipek, MnSTA Metro Elementary Representative. . . . . . . . Southview Elementary School, Apple Valley Dan Gruhlke, MnSTA Outstate Elementary Representative. . . . . . . . Eastview Education Center, Monticello Phillip Sexton, MnSTA Physics Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minnetonka High School, Minnetonka
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Your Evaluation of Session Presentations
You’ll save us time by completing this form online at: or use this QR code: Your Evaluation of Session Presentations
We work hard to make our conference meet our mission to stimulate, coordinate, and improve science teaching and learning for all. Please provide feedback to help us continue to do our best! For each Friday session you attended, please answer the five questions below by putting the room name and your session rating in the grid at the bottom of this page. Be sure to record the room name accurately so we can collect the data. You can also choose to do this entirely online with the link above! Q1) Please rank the usefulness of this presentation to you as a science educator: very useful
not very useful
Q2) Please rank your perception of the preparedness of the presenter for the presentation: well prepared
not very prepared
Q3) Please rank how this presentation met your expectations based on the description: met expectations
didn’t meet expectations
Q4) Please rank the overall quality of the presentation: high-quality
Q5) Should MnSTA repeat this or a similar presentation at future conferences? yes, definitely
no, certainly not
Session 1
Room name:
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
What other general comments do you have about presentations?
Please continue the eval on the other side of this sheet. OR - complete it online (see above). Tear our this page and leave it at the registration table when complete.
Your Overall Conference Evaluation
Thank you for your thoughtful feedback! It is appreciated! You’ll save us time by completing this form online at: or use this QR code:
Why did you choose to come to the MnSTA Conference on Science Education?
Please describe the best part of the conference experience for you.
Please describe the most difficult part of the conference experience for you.
What components would you like us to hang onto and not change?
What one or two changes would you like to see in our event?
How can MnSTA best serve your needs as a science educator?
What would you tell a new teacher about MnSTA?
If you attended the Thursday night reception and film screening, please tell us about your experience.
Please share any other comments you have on this event.
Please continue the eval on the other side of this sheet. OR - complete it online (see above). Tear our this page and leave it at the registration table when complete.
MnSTA President
Josh Tharaldson
Eric Koser
MnCoSE Conference Coordinator MnCoSE Conference Manager
Mary Haberman
for 7 hours on Nov 8, 2019.
This certifies that
Certificate of Attendance
Friday Evening Activities After your last session ends, join us at 4:30 at the Courtyard by Marrriott for snacks and networking. We’ll hold our MnSTA Annual Meeting and give away a second $100 cash prize! Watch for opportunities to meet your regional directors and share your experiences from the day! Your completed “Visit-a-Vendor” sheet is your ticket to be eligible to win $100 cash in the 3:15 drawing! Then al l you have to do is ‘show up; to be eligible to win the second $100 cash prize at the MnSTA Annual Meeting!! You must be present to don’t miss out on this chance. Get started with a guide on the visitors bureau...and use the hashtag #MnCOSE19 during our event!
Tweet #MnCOSE19 Acknowledgements Thanks to the team at Earth Vision for sharing their film “The Human Element” with us! Thank you to the Norb and Greg at the Mankato Area Public Schools Print Shop. For several years running, MAPS has supported our event by printing of this program!
The MnSTA Conference on Science Education would not happen without the teamwork of the MnSTA Board of Directors!
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MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER The Program Content page calls out Unit and Lesson based phenomena, storylines, the 3-dimensional standards covered, and other helpful tips for easy lesson planning.
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Tweet #MnCOSE19
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How to Herd Cats Friday, November 8, 2019 10:10 AM–10:55 AM Coborn Room, Session 3
Presenter: Michael Matti
Much like the herding of any animal, we need students to get to the same point having come from different backgrounds and experiences. Students start each lesson, unit or course at different levels of understanding and interests, with the teacher needing to identify where they are and the best way to get to where they need to be. This session will have participants involved in activities that will help corral the classroom chaos. Attendees will participate in Page Keeley Science Probes that help organize that confusion and lead instruction.
Find Your Account Executive: MK19M 17757
* Next Generation Science Standards and logo are registered trademarks of Achieve. Neither Achieve nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards were involved in the production of this product, and they do not endorse it. HMH Science Dimensions®, The Learning Company™, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt®, and HMH® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved. FSM_082019LH
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7/3/19 2:09 PM
May 15, 20, 27 Free Curriculum Milk Carton Boat Races U of M Physics Force Live Show Physics Help Stations Early Ride Time Teacher & Chaperone Lounge
May 21 Learn How Roller Coasters Work Industry Experts Early Ride Time Teacher & Chaperone Lounge
*Dates subject to change
Meals & Speakers
MnCOSE Registration
First Floor Rivers Edge Convention Center
Second Floor Rivers Edge Convention Center
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