Newsletter Volume 54 No. 1 A Quarterly Publication of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association Inc.
Our premiere annual professional development event for 2017 will be in St. Could at the Rivers Edge Convention Center. The date is a new time of the year for us as we want to provide innovation teaching tools to attendees earlier in the school year. The event is Friday and Saturday November 10th and 11th. We welcome you to join the Jeffer’s Foundation for a pre-event called “Team Teaching with Mother Nature” on Thursday evening, November 9th. This free workshop is open to all preservice teachers, university scieince methods instructors and all current MnSTA members. You must register to be assured of a seat.. Our event starts Friday morning at the Rivers Edge Center. There will be a full day of great sessions for educators. We welcome University of Minnesota professor Dr. Jim Kakalios for our keynote speaker. In addition, each conference strand will include a special strand speaker who will bring expertise in each strand topic. You will have the opportunnity to visit over 30 vendors who will educate you on the latest in scientific innovations. By visiting these vendors, you will have the opportunity to win some amazing door prizes! We’ll end the afternoon Friday with a social event at the Courtyard Marriott followed by opportunities to dine locally at several restaurants with friends old and new. Saturday brings several more opportunities. K-8 teachers can enjoy a workshop from all about integrating programming easily with their free curriculum. Middle and high school teachers can start with the Science and Engineering Practices in
Fall 2017
Action (SEPA) Workshop for ‘Free and Fun Professional Development for Teachers of Science’. This active workshop will begin at 8:00 am and conclude at 10:00 am. At 10:00 am, you can join Tom Tomashek for a session on creating Squishy Circuits (learn about electricity with batteriees and PlayDoh!). Open to all conference registrants is a full day of relicensure workshops designed for you. By attending this full day workshop you will receive all the required licensure CEU’s you will need for Minnesota relicensure in one day. The courses will include Scientific Based Reading, Accommodations and Modifications in the Science Classroom, Mental Health, Positive Behavioral Interventions, Reflection and ELL Statement, Suicide Prevention and Technology. Information on MNCOSE speakers, sessions, ventors, Thrusday’s Jeffer’s Foundation Workshop, Saturday’s Workshops and hotel accommodations can be found on pages 14-32.
President’s message by Michele Kooman Mrs. Mollaff and Getting to Know Your Students!
I would wager that many of you can conjure up a teacher who made a difference to you in your K-12 education, and perhaps even inspired you to choose teaching and science education as your vocation. For me, it was Mrs. Phyllis Mollaff at Simi Valley High School in California. She was my ninth grade English teacher. She was interested in who I was as a student, but also who I was as a human being. She cared about me, and of course, all of her other students. As a result, she was able to see me as someone who was more than a kid with uneven performance, challenges with attendance and the baggage of a chaotic family life. She brought me, and the other students, into the deeply intellectual work of the world of literature by making our readings, such as the Old Man and the Sea, the Catcher in the Rye and Romeo and Juliet, relevant to our own lives and interests as adolescents. Our discussions in class were complex, funny, and at times, deeply personal. I remember writing heartfelt papers as a result of those discussions. With compassion, humor, pizzazz, and her own expertise in her content area and pedagogy she built a classroom community that felt safe to try on difficult ideas with others. And then she went the extra mile that endeared her in my memory for the rest of my life: she sent a short letter home to my parents where she discussed only my positive qualities, including a keen intellect, that she observed in her classroom interactions with me, something no other teacher had every done. That message and the way that she conducted her class, inspired me to do my best in her class every day. Although, I eventually turned my attention to science and mathematics, she is the one that inspired me to make teaching and all there is in education my life’s work. Getting to know your students as learners and as human beings matters. It did for me, and it does for the students that you work with every day. In addition, research strongly supports this practice (Calabrese-Barton, 2004; Jackson, 2013). I know many of you have various techniques to get to know your students. Plus, as you already know, there are a plethora of ideas at your fingertips on the Internet. One of my President’s message....continued on page 4
Department of Conservation by Ed Hessler STEM 1967 - 1975
“Can I help you, sir?” a student asked. “Is Mr. Ford about?” “No sir he’s down at the bottom of the field with the Tree Group.”—Sc5/13. With objectives in mind. Macdonald Educational, 1972 Mr. Ford was with a group working on trees. The problem they had “set themselves” was one Ford described as a “fine problem”: How do you estimate the number of leaves on a tree? The students, ~ age 10, had been talking about this problem for several days. Finally, it was decided to talk about it at tree side. For some the task didn’t seem doable. Others had different ideas. One of them seemed to provide a way into the problem but it took some argument. It started with the suggestion that you could simply count the number of leaves on a branch, then the number of branches. The problems with this were quickly recognized but one student had a solution. Rachel suggested that you could stand at some distance from the tree and then “judge how many times that branch would go into the whole area of the tree.” Other arguments ensured. After deciding that it had some possibilities, the students designed and constructed an “area-judger.” It was a shoebox with one end cut out and with a “peep-hole at the other.” First you count a patch of leaves, then move to a spot where this patch fills the window, then keeping the same distance from the tree circle around the tree, counting window by window, not letting the windows overlap. The visitor cited in the epigraph asked “Aren’t there a few snags to that, Mr. Ford?” Ford agreed. They will miss some, over count, argue “whether it’s fair or not,” and so on. Finally, they will wonder about the quality of the estimate, “but that’s all part of the game.” Ford concluded by noting that “when they’ve finished they won’t be quite so ready to accept statements about how many and how much without asking, ‘How do you know?’” The evidence question. Adapted from With Objectives in Mind, Sc5/13, Macdonald, 1972, by Len Ennever and Wynne Harlen. Science 5/13 was a project that aimed to help children, ages 5-13, to learn science through first-hand experience using a variety of methods. It was not a curriculum but consisted of rich booklets of ideas and suggestions a teacher could use to help “children to find answers to problems the children had themselves chosen to complete.”
Department of Conservation...continued on page 4
MnSTA Newsletter
In Medias Res by Ed Hessler On Being a Kid in the World
Childhood should be a time to learn, play, grow, develop, and feel safe and protected.--Save the Children Inaugural Report 2017. The reality of this opening sentence is captured in the report’s title: Stolen Childhood. For at least 700 million children worldwide childhood has ended. The report is based on data on death, malnutrition, out of school, marriage, child bears a child, and victims of extreme violence from 172 countries. Where childhood is least threatened (#s 1-10): Norway, Slovenia, Finland, Netherlands, Sweden, Portugal, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, and Belgium/Cyprus/, Germany/South Korea. Where childhood is most threatened (#s 163-172): Guinea, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso, South Sudan, Chad, Somalia, Central African Republic, Mali, Angola and Niger. More than 16,000 children die daily before their 5th birthday (preventable/treatable diseases). One-quarter of all children (156 million) under 5 exhibit stunted growth (malnutrition). One of six school age children (263 million) are not in school. Child labor engages 168 million children. One girl under age 15 gets married every 15 seconds. Every 2 seconds a girl gives birth. Armed conflict forces 1 child in 6 from their homes, sometimes into direct combat. More than 200 children are murdered daily. The United States was ranked 36th, bookmarked on either side by Bosnia and Russia. Among the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, September 2015 was the promise that “all children have
a full childhood.” Save the Children makes three recommendations: a promise from governments to invest in childhood, and that all children are treated equally, that all children are counted to measure progress. A U. S. Complement to the End of Childhood Report was also released based on infant mortality, malnourishment, school drop-out, victim of violence, and child has a child. Where childhood is least threatened (#s 1-10): New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Vermont, Iowa, Connecticut, Minnesota, Virginia, Wisconsin and Rhode Island. Where childhood is most threatened (#s 41-50): Arizona, Nevada, Alabama, Arkansas, Alaska, Georgia, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Mississippi, Louisiana. Approximately 750,000 children drop out of school. More than 541,000 children die in households from severe food insecurity. Nearly 230,000 babies were born to girls age 15-19. Before their first birthday, 23,455 babies die. Roughly 5,000 children are murdered or commit suicide. The U. S. still trails industrialized countries, largely because of state-by-state disparities. The report make three recommendations are investment in early childhood, continuation of funding maternal, infant early childhood home visits, and the protection of after school programs. The release of these reports coincided with International Children’s Day, June 1, 2017. Hessler is Executive Secretary of MnSTA
The MnSTA Newsletter is published four times each year by the Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc. Articles, opinions, book reviews and other information pertinent to Minnesota teachers are welcome. Please limit submission to 1 typed page, e-mail preferred (text file please). Deadlines for submission of articles are: Fall ............... August 1st Winter ............. November 1st Spring ........... February 1st Summer....................April 1st Send all correspondence regarding the newsletter to: Jerry Wenzel 22002 100th Ave Randall, MN 56475 e-mail: The MnSTA Newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the back page. Materials found in the newsletter may be reprinted without charge.
Fall 2017
MnSTA, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) (3) Charitable Educational Corpora-tion, incorporated as a tax exempt, non-profit organization with the Minnesota Secretary of State. Donations and dues are tax deductible charitable contributions for itemized deductions on IRS form 1040 Schedule A. The newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the last page.
Teacher Features Department of Conservation...continuted from page 2
The project (1967-1975) was funded by the Schools Council, Nuffield Foundation, and the Scottish Education Department. With Objectives in Mind was about ‘the thinking that informs our way of working.” A few of the booklet themes: models and toys, structures and forces, time, plastics, wood, metals, holes/gaps/cavities. Hessler is Executive Secretary of MnSTA
President’s message....continued from page 2
former students expressed his thoughts to teachers as a teacher candidate moving into our profession: Try to get an understanding of who the student is as a person, as well as what their needs are: what do they like to do in their spare time? Really create a warm environment that promotes learning from each other and have your door open whenever you can. You never know when someone will think of you as their Mrs. Mollaff! Enjoy your students and have a great start to your school year!
year so it is important that she develop a relationship with them. Shelly is a life member of MnSTA, is president of Red Lake County Central Education Association and is co-president of the American Association of University Women. She has two grown children and one grandchild. Her hobbies include reading, birding, traveling and scapbooking. Principal Randy Peterson stated, “Ms. Steva has an innate ability to make science come alive to students at RLCC. Her knowledge of content and her ability to deliver her curriculum in “laymen’s terms,” has students of all abilities engaged; all the while anticipating and working with students and their preconceptions and misconceptions about science. Her easygoing manner and style create a wonderful culture in which students learn.”
Featured teacher, Shelly Steva Shelly Steva is our featured teacher for this issue of the MnSTA newsletter. Shelly has taught in a rural school for 18 years where she taught middle school students the majority of the time. She has taught a wide variety of subjects including life, earth and environmental science; chemistry, biology, astronomy, and FACS (Family and Consumer Science). For the past 12 years she has taught at Red Lake County Central High School. Shelly’s favorite activities she does with her students include a weather unit where they observe the weather looking at the clouds and measuring the winds. She has the 7th graders raise plants and do experiments on them. Her biology students do several inquiry activities that help them learn about genetics and evolution. She asks the students lots of questions and tries to have them figure out the answers themselves. She tries not to assess her students until they know the material. Shelly creates educational material that fits her creative urge. She loves sharing information with her students and especially enjoys seeing them learn something new. Her students’ enthusiasm keeps her going every day. Shelly believes that students learn best when they think for themselves. Her goal is to facilitate the process to make that happen. She states, “I enjoy my students: it’s fun to watch them learn.” At Red Lake County Central she sees her students year after
Shelly Steva asking questions on functions of small mammal organs.
Christine Bjornstad
Christine Bjornstad is our other featured teacher for this fall’s edition. Christine has spent the last 14 years teaching middle school science at Franklin Middle School in Thief River Falls. Prior to this, she taught 6th-10th grade science in Goodridge, Minnesota. Christine loves teaching any activity that fosters creativity and thinking outside of the box. One of her favorite activities with her students is doing research to determine if they should ban Dihydrogen Monoxide (water). The students usually end up banning water and it leads into a great discussion on verifying the evaluating resources. Another favorite is students sequencing the order of photographs to tell a story. The photographs include characters from stories many have heard as children. In the process students will use evidence in the photos and make inferences using prior knowledge. In most of the student versions of the story, the wolf is
Teacher Feature “bad.” They discuss how this might be different for someone that hasn’t heard stories as a child that have a “Big Bad Wolf” in them and how beliefs can influence thinking. Christine knew she was interested in science because her 7th grade science teacher opened her eyes to the world of life science. She states, “He made science come alive for me.” However, she did not know she wanted to be a teacher until she was half-way through college. She had been teaching swimming lessons through high school and college and discovered she had a passion for teaching. She said, “I loved the challenge of finding creative ways to get the child that was afraid of water to learn to swim and the same is true for my career as a science teacher.” Christine describes her teaching philosophy as “building relationships with students and providing MnSTA acknowledges the Center for Global them with lots of different experiences is what makes learning possible. I believe all students can learn and Environmental Education (Hamline University) do science. I embrace the challenge of engaging all for providing space and office services. types of learners by using a variety of activities and strategies.” One of her colleagues described her teaching style as “zesty!” She holds her students to high expectations, adapts to change, and allows students to see her passion through her enthusiasm. Christine enjoys canoeing and being in the outdoors. For the past few summers she has guided trips in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area with the intention of exposing young people to the wilderness experience. Principal Bob Wayne had this to say about Christine, “Christine is an active leader in our building, with her peers and her department. She participates on committees such as our BuildingLeadership Team, Safety, and our PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions) team. Christine is always enthusiastic, and her curriculum is always student centered. Our school is 1:1 with iPads; Students love doing interactive labs using technology. Personally, she loves the outdoors, canoeing and simply enjoying nature.”
Bjornstad teaching her students the basics of fishing. Her favorite proverb is “Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime”
Fall 2017
Department of Education Preparing for the 2018-19 Review of Science Standards part IV
and Engineering strand and the ideas in dimension 3 are similar to our content strands. However the emphasis of the Framework is that the three dimensions should be woven together in all science instruction. We find that much of the science instruction in What new ideas about science instruc- Minnesota schools is weak in integrating these ideas throughout science instruction. Let’s dive deeper into tion might guide our the three dimensions. next science stan• Dimension 1 Scientific and Engineering dards? Practices How might “argumenThis dimension focuses on important practices tation, model development, phenomena and used by scientists and engineers and for which students should develop proficiency: computational think1. Asking questions (for science) and defining probing” enter our teachlems (for engineering) John Olson is the science specialist ing strategies? 2. Developing and using models for the Department of education. He This is the fourth 3. Planning and carrying out investigations will keep us updated on science edu- in a series of articles cation. in the MnSTA newsletter. 4. Analyzing and interpreting data 5. Using mathematics and computational thinking providing background for the review of Minnesota’s 6. Constructing explanations (for science) and descience standards in 2018-19. The previous articles signing solutions (for engineering) are archived at the Minn. Dept. of Education page 7. Engaging in argument from evidence on the MnSTA Website 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating inforWhen the Minnesota Science Standards Review mation Committee meets in 2018-19, they will first look The practices in blue are well-represented in our at feedback about our current 2009 standards and current Minnesota science standards and are generthen look at current research on science education. ally part of our use of “inquiry” and “engineering Research over the past dozen years has provide design.” The items in red have some overlap with the several new ideas about science instruction that are Literacy Standards in Science that are in the Minsummarized in a document that was written to lay nesota English/Language Arts standards http://eduthe foundation for science standards., although the A Framework for K-12 Science Education (2012) Framework has some additional concepts. The items was prepared by the National Research Council in green have somewhat different approaches that using leaders in science content, learning sciences we have traditionally used in our science instruction. and science instruction. This document provided the A good description of how several of these pracfoundation for the Next Generation Science Stantices can play out in the classroom is the short, free, dards (NGSS)( and teacher-friendly book Ready, Set, Science! https:// all the state standards that have been adopted within last three years. The Framework is a free downting-research-to-work-in-k-8 This link Has a video load at demonstrates a couple of the practices in action. work-for-k-12-science-education-practices-cross• Dimension 2: Crosscutting Concepts cutting-concepts. Here are some major ideas about These concepts cut across all areas of science and instruction in the Framework. engineering and help students develop a coherent Science learning and instruction should weave scientific view of the world. together “Three Dimensions” 1. Patterns The Framework describes a limited number of 2. Cause and effect: mechanism and explanation elements that should be developed across grades 3. Scale, proportion, and quantity K-12. They are organized into three dimensions 1) 4. Systems and system models scientific and engineering practices, 2) crosscutting 5. Energy and matter: flows, cycles, and conservation concepts, and 3) disciplinary core ideas. In our cur6. Structure and function rent Minnesota science standards, many of the ideas 7. Stability and change in dimensions 1 and 2 are in the Nature of Science
MnSTA Newsletter
Department of Education Opportunities These concepts should be reinforced by repeated use in instruction across the disciplines. • Dimension 3: Disciplinary Core Ideas These are the major concepts that we in Minnesota often call content standards. They are organized into familiar groupings: 1) Physical Sciences, 2) Life Sciences, 3) Earth and Space Sciences, and 4) Engineering, Technology and the Applications of Science. The Framework selected core ideas that are key organizing concepts in a discipline, have broad importance across disciplines and relate to interests and life experiences of students. Hence many ideas in Minnesota standards are not in the Framework and the Framework core ideas are often assigned to earlier grades than in Minnesota. Bringing the dimensions together in instruction The Framework provides learning progressions for each of the ideas in the three dimensions. For example, for the practice of argumentation (7) in early grades student learn to link claims with evidence, in middle grades they focus on the reasoning to support or refute explanations, and in upper grades they construct counter-arguments using data analysis. Many instructional models can be used in helping students learn in a three-dimensional style. One model gaining interest is to plan a series of phenomena that students explore and then develop explanations. As they move from one phenomena to the next their mental models of what is occurring in nature gains in sophistication. A good resource for examining many facets of instruction are the STEM Teaching Tools Practice Briefs The Next Generation Science Standards has prepared a model of standards (called performance expectations) that bring together the three dimensions. While the format does not meet the Minnesota statutes that require standards and benchmarks, the ideas and structure from the NGSS will be examined by the Science Standards Review Committee. Look for sessions on the standards revision process and teaching practices at the MnSTA Conference on Science Education in St. Cloud Nov. 10. For questions, contact
Fall 2017
Safety Alert: Protecting Students from Fires The National Fire Protection Assn. has revised the guidelines for safety requirements for school laboratories. Teachers performing demonstrations or experiments are required to • perform a documented hazard risk assessment, • provide a safety review to students, • provide adequate personal protective equipment, and • place a safety barrier between students and the demonstration or experiment to prevent personal injury. For more regulations and details, go to the NSTA Science blog blog/2017/09/20/protecting-students-from-fires/
Preparing for the Science Standards review in 2018-19
Starting next summer a standards committee will be review our current standards and recommend any revisions. John Olson has written a series of articles for the MnSTA Newsletter that provide information about the review process and also describe ideas that my influence the next science standards. They are archived at the standards page at the MnSTA website. html. 1. When will we get new standards? Will we adopt national standards? (December 2016) 2. What are science teachers saying about our current science standards? (March 2017) 3. What new ideas about science learning might guide our next science standards? (May 2017) 4. What new ideas about science instruction might guide our next science standards? (September 2017) 5. What new ideas about science assessment might guide our next science assessments? (Dec 2017) There will be presentations on preparations for the review at the MnSTA conference on Nov. 10 and other events.
Science District Leader Network
District-level staff who have responsibility for science education across their district are invited to participate in this network. Some examples are curriculum coordinators, science coaches, TOSAs, and charter school/private school lead teachers. There are about 4 meetings per year for three hours in the morning. The focus is on how to lead professional development and curriculum development along with other aspects of science leadership. There are also some out-state meetings. If you would like to receive announcements of the meetings, contact john.c.olson@
Department of Education Opportunities Minnesota representation at UN Climate Change conference
Climate Generation A Will Steger Legacy, based in Minneapolis, is sending a multi-sector delegation to the UN Climate Change conference (COP23) in Bonn, Germany Nov. 6-17. These discussions among leaders of most nations will build on the Paris accord in 2015 and will emphasize state and local level actions. The Climate Change delegation will provide webinars and daily blogs at the Climate Generation COP23 Website https://www. You can sign up there to receive email updates. Also follow #MNCOP23. The education representative on the delegation is John Olson, the MDE Science Specialist, who will attend the second week of the conference. @JohnCasperOlson
MDE Transition
Doug Paulson, MDE STEM Specialist, will serve as the acting Director of the Academic Standards and Instructional Effectiveness division for at least a few months until a permanent director is hired. His services as STEM specialist will be reduced during this period.
Faster News and Resources
A couple web resources provide daily and weekly announcements of events and resources for science educators. MnSTA: the Minnesota Science Teachers Assn. posts new items almost every day on its website and Facebook page https://m.facebook. com/Minnesota-Science-Teachers-Association-mnsta-172257582806957/ The website postings are open to anyone. MnSTA members are eligible to join the Facebook group and they receive weekly summaries of the website postings. Get STEM: The Minnesota High Technology Assn and the MN Dept. of Education operate the website, which connects STEM educators and businesses. Teachers can post “asks” and business people and other resource providers can make “offers.” Subscribers get a weekly update of new entries
STEM TC (“Frameworks”) survey request
You are being invited to participate in a brief survey if you have used the MN STEM Teacher Center website (The Frameworks for MN Mathematics and Science Standards). We are seeking funding to repair broken links and perform other essential maintenance and
we’d like to use this opportunity to make additional changes to the website, add resources, and continue to make this a relevant site for STEM teachers and STEM stakeholders in Minnesota and elsewhere. The survey is at this link stemtc/.
Green Ribbon School Awards
The U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools Awards honor schools, districts and postsecondary schools that are leading the way in reducing environmental impact, promoting health, and ensuring a high-quality environmental education programming. Two Minnesota schools and one college received the 2017 award Bemidji State University Edgewood School & La ola del lago, Prior LakeSavage Area Schools Pilot Knob STEM Magnet School, West St. Paul – Mendota Heights – Eagan Schools The application promotes a self-examination of sustainability practices and the opportunity to set goals for future efforts. A report with highlights of the schools’ accomplishments is available at https:// performance.html. The application for the 2018 award will be soon available at this website http:// and due December 19.
Teacher Events and Workshops
MnSTA Conference on Science Education, Nov. 10 – 11, St. Cloud
MnSTA is switching to a new time of the year to provide innovative teaching tools to you earlier in the school year! The keynote speaker is Dr. Jim Kakalios who is the author of The Physics of Superheroes. It is likely to be an engaging presentation as we find out how well comic books reflect accurate science. The conference will have strands of sessions for elementary, life science, earth science, physics and chemistry. Thursday evening 6 – 9 pm: Team Teaching with Mother Nature, workshop led by the Jeffers Foundation Friday: Keynotes and breakout sessions. The strand feature speakers are Biology: Dr. Paul Myers, UM Morris Chemistry Dr. Roger Kugel, Univ. Cincinnati Elementary: Dr. Patricia Paulson, Bethel Univ. Earth Science: Dr. Kent Kirby Univ. of Minn.
MnSTA Newsletter
Department of Education Opportunities Saturday Workshops: Science and Engineering Practices in Action with Lee Schmitt, Squishy Circuits with Tom Tomashek Elementary computer science with Relicensure in a Day! – meet your licensure requirements with a science focus in reading, accommodations, mental health, Positive Behavioral Interventions, ELL, and technology More information and registration is at the conference website Saturday-only registration is available.
Science and Engineering Practices in Action (SEPA)
A new series of Minnesota-developed webenhanced science professional development modules are becoming available. These are designed for groups of teachers, such as PLCs or regional groups, to come together to study ideas for teaching science. The resources for group activities and discussions, including videos of classroom instruction, are delivered online and the groups can select members to be facilitators. The SEPA modules are developed by Hamline University and are based on A Framework for K-12 Science Education, a compilation of current research that will likely influence on our next science Standards. The first two sets of modules are available and more will be added during the year. Another set of modules focusing on discussion, questioning and modeling strategies are being developed by the University of Minnesota and will be available later in the school year. You can experience the SEPA modules at several free workshops being organized by the MnSTA regional directors. The first events this year are: Twin Cities Region: Oct 12, 4:30 – 6:15, Glacier Hills School, Eagan. Contact West-Central MN: Oct 27, 9:30 – 2:30, Lakes Country Service Coop, Fergus Falls. Contact tschmitt@ Science District Leaders Network, Oct 30, 1:30 – 4:00, MN Dept. Education, Roseville, Contact: MnSTA Conference: Nov. 11, 8 am – 12 pm, St. Cloud, (conference registration required) Information: MnCOSE Saturday webpage https://www. For more information about exploring and using the SEPA modules, contact
Fall 2017
Project Learning Tree Workshops
Through a suite of activity guides ranging from early childhood to high school, PLT offers awardwinning lessons designed for indoor and outdoor classroom use. Interdisciplinary, hands-on lessons are designed to engage students in math, science, social studies, language arts, art, music, and P.E. The only way to get PLT is to attend a workshop! PLT K-8 Workshop, Oct 7, West St. Paul 4285&jsp=%2Ftemplates%2Fevent.jsp&utm_ content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_ source=govdelivery&utm_term= PLT Early childhood Workshop Oct. 2 Superior WI 54344&jsp=%2Ftemplates%2Fevent.jsp&utm_ content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_ source=govdelivery&utm_term= PLT Online Workshops: Early Childhood content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_ source=govdelivery&utm_term=, K-8 http://shop. content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_ source=govdelivery&utm_term=
NSTA Area Conference, Nov. 9 – 11, Milwaukee
Moving Science Forward is the theme for the area conference in Milwaukee. The conference strands are Preparing All Students for the Voyage, Navigating STEM Through the NGSS Buoying Up Literacy with Science Other NSTA conferences are: Baltimore Area Conference, Oct 5 – 7 New Orleans Area Conference, Nov. 30 – Dec. 2 Atlanta National Conference, Mar. 15 - 18 The programs and registration are at the NSTA conference site
STEM Conference, Nov. 29-30, St. Paul
Capturing Imaginations, Building Skills is the theme for the joint conference of SciMathMN and Ignite Afterschool at the University of Minnesota Continuing Education Center on the St. Paul campus. Conference tracks invite participants to: Investigate – the “what and why” of effective STEM and afterschool learning. Key focus areas will include ways to create meaningful learning experiences for youth both in and out of school, the importance of helping youth build a healthy “STEM identity,” issues of access and equity in education,
Department of Education Opportunities and how STEM and afterschool learning can address our future workforce needs. Connect – with each other while learning about successful collaborations, partnerships and policies that close gaps in young people’s access to and achievement in high quality afterschool and STEM learning opportunities. Advance – high quality afterschool and STEM learning opportunities for youth. A key focus will be on effective practices and curriculum that empower and inspire youth and bring our math and science standards to life. Registration and Information website https:// Presentation proposals due September 29
Teacher and School Awards and Opportunities
Presidential Award nominations and applications are now available.
Nominate exemplary science teachers (including yourself) for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. This is the most prestigious award in this field and includes recognition activities in Washington DC and a $10,000 award. This year, teachers of grades K-6 are eligible submit an application that describes content understanding, instructional strategies, assessment practices, professional development and leadership. Just completing the application provides professional growth. The application is due May 1. For information go to the PAEMST website https://www.paemst. org.
Science Simulation Pilot for grades 5 and 8 Pearson and MDE are looking for schools and districts to help pilot a series of science simulations that collect “activity stream” data from student actions. The study will be conducted throughout the 2017–2018 school year, and there should be a minimum of 50 students in grade 5 and/or 50 students in grade 8 participating from a district or school. The students will test five simulations that will each take 15 to 30 minutes, provide feedback on the simulations, and take a short traditional assessment for comparison. In conjunction with Pearson, teachers will
schedule the simulations to fit in the curriculum, review the results for comparison to other assessments, and provide the end-of-year science scores. Schools will need to provide devices that have the latest technical requirements for using TestNav. The five simulations include forces in the solar system, engineering design principles, using satellite imagery, principles of force and motion, and food webs and biomes. Though the curriculum may not cover all five topics, your participation in them as enrichment activities is welcome. If you are interested in participating, please contact Lauren Meyer at lauren.meyer@ GIS Teacher Video Challenge Create a testimonial video of up to 60-seconds, sharing how you use ArcGIS Online (e.g. may include GeoInquiries™, Survey123, Community Analyst, etc) in your classroom instruction. Ten prizes of $500 will be given, one per month during the school year. Go to this link k12-instruction/projects/videochallenge for details.
Celestron Binocular Grants Celestron Optics is providing binoculars to classrooms participating in citizen-science projects. Whether you’re watching a bird feeder, going out on regular bird walks, or participating in a bio blitz, share with us how your students are scientists and what you could accomplish with a classroom set of binoculars. This grant will be distributed on a rolling basis until all binoculars have been distributed. Grant recipients will be selected at the end of each month. If you are a mini-grant recipient, you will be required to share your grant experience through the Bird Sleuth Action Map. Go to http://www.birdsleuth. org/mini-grants/
School Programs and Resources Female STEM Role Models
SciGirls from TPT (Twin Cities Public Television) has produced a dozen video profiles of females in STEM careers that could be used in instruction and other activities. These engaging videos feature women in various careers from chemistry to aviation to welding. They are available at this SciGirls website
MnSTA Newsletter
Department of Education Opportunities model-profiles/#.WePXzf25ITB. These and many is at the Nature Works grant website https://www. other women in STEM have a searchable biographi- cal profile at the FabFems website https://www.fabWorld of 7 Billion Video Contest There you can make contacts for classroom The World of 7 Billion student video contest helps visits, video conferencing, or even lab visits. you bring technology and creativity into your middle STEM Week Activities Oct 31 – Nov. 4, and high school classes. The contest challenges your Minneapolis students to create a short video connecting world The National Organization for the Professional population growth and one of three global challengAdvancement of Black Chemists and Chemical es: Advancing Women and Girls, Feeding 10 Billion, Engineering is bringing their National STEM Week or Preventing Pollution. to Minneapolis. The activities include a Science Fair, Students can win up to $1,000 and participatScience Festival (activities and presentations), Sciing teachers will receive free curriculum resources. ence Bowl competition and Teacher Workshops. Par- The contest deadline is February 22, 2018 – use this ticipation is free and travel scholarships are available. lesson plan to get started now! Full contest guideFor more information go to the STEM Week Website lines, resources for research, past winners, and more can be found at
Green Apple Day of Service
Green Apple Day of Service http://greenapple. org unites parents, teachers, students, companies and local organizations for volunteer projects that transform our schools into safe, healthy and sustainable learning environments. Mn Green Schools Coalition is awarding $1000 to a school or district who post a 1 minute video about their project by Oct 16. More information is at this Facebook page https://www.
Exploradome: new Climate Change Program
The Exploradome from the Bell Museum is an inflatable “planetarium” in which a class can view a variety of projected programs. Debuting this fall: Our Changing Climate. An ExploraDome original program that takes a look at the global problem facing our planet. Visit locations around the Earth to see the effects climate change is having on our oceans, atmosphere, agriculture, and local effects here in Minnesota. Targeted grade levels 5-8th. A variety of other topics are also available. School visits for this fall that are arranged by Oct. 27th receive an earlybird discount. More information at this site https:// outreach-visits
Nature Conservancy Grants
student-video-contest DNR Education Resources
Address state standards about Minnesota using innovative outdoor lessons and engaging reading material with help from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Check out the DNR education website for links to curriculum, professional development, colorful posters, and more. View reading materials and teacher guides from past Conservation Volunteer magazines and sign up for a MinnAqua and Project WILD, WET or Learning Tree professional development workshops for teachers. The DNR can mail you a variety of free books and colorful posters on topics such as Minnesota’s state symbols, biomes, trees, watersheds, fish, and more. Use this link for the DNR Education website
index.html. FREE book for educators about Water Science! Minnesota Project WET is offering a new book for educators, Water Ways: A Minnesota Water Primer and Project WET Companion. Water Ways is a 150 page book with content on water science basics, Minnesota’s rivers, lakes, groundwater, wetlands, life in water, human use of water, challenges to water resources, and water policy. Each chapter includes suggested Project WET Activities, career profiles, classroom activities, field-trip suggestions and resources. You can download the complete book as a PDF file at
These grants support school projects that implement green infrastructure to address local environmental challenges. These include: access to healthy food, air quality, heat island effect, climate change, and storm water collection. Young people will jectwet/waterways/index.html work as social innovators to help their communities through project design and implementation. Grants of Poster “Animals at Risk from Climate Change” The complex interaction of biological traits and up to $2000 will be awarded to sixty schools across environmental conditions that cause a species to be the US. Applications are due Nov. 3. Information
Fall 2017
Department of Education Opportunities susceptible to climate change and the basics of the carbon cycle are made simple and understandable through illustrations, symbols and brief explanatory text--thoroughly documented to reliable sources. Based on studies from the IUCN Climate Change Specialist Group, the US EPA, NOAA and the IPCC, the poster features 25 animals that highlight the fundamental impacts of greenhouse gases—causes, effects and risk of extinction—on all forms of life on the planet. To order or to view all of the elements on the poster, please visit
South Pole Experiment Contest
Middle school students (either a whole class or a group of at least 4) will develop an experiment that can be done in their classroom and at the South Pole. The students have to say what they think will change at the South Pole. The winning experiment will be performed at the South Pole this season by high school teacher Lesley Anderson member/lesley-anderson who is deploying with the IceCube and ARA projects. Information about the experiments and the contest are at https://spexperiment.
Resource Guide for Native American Science and Engineering
The Science Museum of Minnesota is making available the Educator Guide educators/standards/we-move-and-we-stay for their exhibit “We Move and We Stay,” which is about contemporary and historic Ojibwe and Dakota People. The guide provides resources that support Minnesota Science, Social Studies and ELA standards, including classroom activities and links to websites. There are many resources about science and engineering within Native American cultures that can be used without going to the museum exhibit.
Help Students Protect Freshwater Mussels
The Minnesota Zoo is looking for high school teachers to help develop curriculum and resources for freshwater mussel conservation and water quality. These resources would support high school students in developing digital media campaigns to promote mussel conservation, water quality awareness and personal or community action. Partner teachers will receive $1000 for working with Zoo staff to develop materials and implement the project with at least one class of students, as well as teacher training and CEUs. For details, visit schools-teachers/teachers-protect-mussels/
The Compass to Nature
The Prairie Wetlands Learning Center offers a free booklet which provides teachers, parents, and other educators a way to lead the hearts and minds of children and adults into nature. “The Compass to Nature: Teaching in the Outdoor Classroom” is now available at their web site, refuge/Fergus_Falls_WMD/For_Educators/Compass_to_Nature.html. Just as a navigational compass enables us to guide our way outside, the four points of the Compass to Nature provide unfailing direction for all who seek to lead others in the development of a connected, caring relationship with the world we live in. The four Compass points are Place, Phenology, Naturalists, and Journals, unified by the Sense of Wonder. School Garden Survey 2017 Jeffers Foundation is conducting a survey to determine how many School Garden Programs are in Minnesota. At the following website you will see the names of 169 schools that have a garden program (that produces fruits or vegetables). Please check this website to see if your school is on this list. Note: Schools are listed at bottom of the page. If you have a school garden and are not on this list, please notify: Dar Fosse dfosse@jeffersfoundation. org, 612-747-3245 Environmental Issues Forums in the Classroom This high school level teacher’s guide provides an introduction to the Environmental Issues Forum guide Climate Choices: How should we meet the challenges of a warming planet? Using Climate Choices offers an opportunity for teachers and students to use a deliberative process to consider climate change choices. This resource provides background information on deliberation, how to use Climate Choices in the classroom, and material to help teachers moderate a forum with students. It also includes STEM activities on teaching about climate change. This resource teacher_guide.pdf is brought to you by the North American Association for Environmental Education.
Student Programs, Awards and Competitions
Tech Savvy: STEM Careers for Girls, Nov. 4, St. Cloud
AAUW Minnesota and the St. Cloud Area Branch of AAUW has teamed up with St. Cloud State University to offer a daylong event for girls, grades
MnSTA Newsletter
Department of Education Opportunities five through nine called Tech Savvy. The program includes parents and gives them useful information about preparatory classes, financial resources, and how to support for their daughters who pursue STEM careers. There will be “hands-on” workshops presented by successful women in STEM fields and time slots for learning other critical skills. Science, math, and technology teachers are asked to recommend students that would benefit from attending the program and explain it to them. Registration acceptance is limited so it’s important not to delay. Central Minnesota STEM teachers are invited to attend in order to tell students about preparatory and college courses. Teachers who want to participate by offering an interactive workshop are encouraged to contact Melissa Hanzsek-Brill, for more information on the program. . Awards for students studying Beetles The Coleopterists Society, an international organization of professionals and hobbyists interested in the study of beetles, has established a program to recognize young people in grades 7 – 12 who are studying beetles. The Society has pledged to provide up to $600 each year for the Youth Incentive Award Program. The Junior award is a monetary grant of $200 and the Senior award is $400. Award recipients also will receive up to $200 (Junior) and $400 (Senior) of equipment credit from the BioQuip Products catalog For more information, go to the award link asp?Action=Show_SocietyInfo&ID=Youth. The deadline is November 1.
Minnesota Competitions and Programs
Many competitions, out-of-school programs and field trip opportunities are posted at the Mn-STEM website and listed in the Reach for the Stars Catalog of Programs and Activities for_the_stars_2017-2018.
Code Day at The Works Museum! Nov. 11, Bloomington
At Code Day, kids can explore programming as The Works Museum showcases the Twin Cities coding community. With hands-on activities and demonstrations designed to introduce kids to programming, Code Day is the perfect opportunity for kids and families to learn about coding together. Perfect for kids ages 5-12. Visitors to Code Day enjoy kid-friendly experiences such as:
Fall 2017
Makey makey Blue-Bots Spheros Arduino of Minnesota Scratch Apps developed by teens More information is at this link code-day/
Minnesota Youth Institute
The Minnesota Youth Institute engages high school students in solving local and global hunger issues. The interactive, day-long program on May 11 brings teens from across the state to the University of Minnesota for an immersive science experience and an opportunity to connect with research and industry leaders. MNYI serves as a gateway to the World Food Prize Symposium and global travel, paid internships while still in high school, and a scholarship to the University of Minnesota. To participate, students research and write a 3-5 page paper describing a solution to a critical global challenge in a specified country. More information is at the MNYI website.
MDE Contacts: Dawn Cameron “Dawn (MDE) Cameron” dawn., Science Assessment Specialist, Jim Wood, Science Assessment Specialist, John Olson John Olson john.c.olson@state., Science Content Specialist, Doug Paulson, STEM Integration Specialist, Send submissions for the Science Update to John Olson Other Minnesota Links: Minn. Dept. of Education Science Page Minn. Science Teachers Association Minn. Frameworks for Science and Mathematics Standards Get – STEM Connections between schools and businesses Mn-STEM STEM programs and resources for families, schools and community Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge environmental education resources Minnesota Academy of Science: Science Fair, Science Bowl and other competitions Mn DNR Education website: Curriculum, professional development, posters, etc.
MNCOSE Location:
Register Now
Dr. Jim Kakalios
Lodging: Primary: Courtyard by Marriott Additional: Grandstay Lodge; Country Inn & Suites, St Cloud East Connect: @mnsta1 #mncose17
U of MN Author “The Physics of Superheroes”
Saturday Elementary November 10-11, Focus: 2017 St Cloud, MN Share your ideas with others: Present at the Fall conference- Get a discounted registration!
14 MnSTA Newsletter
MNCOSE-Keynote Speaker Conference Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jim Kakalios, University of Minnesota School of Physics and Astronomy
Kakalios is the Taylor Distinguished Professor in the University of Minnesota’s School of Physics and Astronomy. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Chicago in 1985; he worked as a post-doctoral research associate at the Xerox – Palo Alto Research Center; and then in 1988, having had enough of those California winters, joined the faculty of the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Minnesota. His popular science book The Physics Of Superheroes was published in 2005 in the U.S. and the U.K., and has been translated into six languages. The spectacular second edition was published in November 2009, followed by The Amazing Story Of Quantum Mechanics in 2010. His new book The Physics Of Everyday Things: The Extraordinary Science Behind an Ordinary Day will be published by Crown Books in May 2017. In 2007, in response to a request from the National Academy of Sciences, he served as the science consultant for the Warner Bros. superhero film Watchmen. In 2009 Kakalios made a short video on the Science of Watchmen, which was viewed over 1.8 million times on This video won an Upper Midwest Regional Emmy award in the alternative Media: Arts/Entertainment category in 2009 and was nominated for a WEBBY award in 2010. His research interests include nanocrystalline and amorphous semiconductors, pattern formation in sandpiles and fluctuation phenomena in neurological systems. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and has served as the Chair of the APS Committee on Informing the Public, Past-Chair of the APS Forum on Outreach and Engaging the Public. His efforts at science communication and public outreach have been recognized with the 2014 AAAS Public Engagement with Science Award and the American Institute of Physics’ 2016 Andrew Gemant Award. He has been reading comic books longer than he has been studying physics.
Fall 2017
MNCOSE-Strand Speakers Strand Specific Speakers Scheduled at the conference: Biology: Dr. Paul Myers, University of MN Morris Paul Z. ("PZ") Myers is an associate professor of biology at the University of Minnesota Morris, where he teaches cell biology, genetics, development, and evolution. He received a BS degree in zoology from the University of Washington in 1979, a Ph.D. in biology from the Institute of Neuroscience at the University of Oregon, and did post-doctoral work at the University of Utah. In his spare time, he maintains a blog called Pharyngula in which he expresses his strong opinions about biology, culture, and politics.
Elementary: Dr. Patricia Paulson, Bethel University Dr. Paulson has taught at all levels, from kindergarten to college, and served as the curriculum coordinator for science for Anoka-Hennepin ISD #11 prior to coming to Bethel. Her major areas of research are in authentic instruction in STEM, including the emphasis of scientific practices and performance assessments. She has also worked extensively to address gender issues and science teaching practices.
Chemistry: Dr. Roger Kugel, University of Cinncinati Roger Kugel received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry at Stanford University under Dr. Henry Taube. He did post-doctoral research at Argonne National Laboratory studying laser isotope separation. He worked at Nalco Chemical Company in Chicago in their Fuel Treatment Group for three years before joining the faculty at Saint Mary’s University in Winona, Minnesota, where he taught General and Physical Chemistry for 33 years.
Earth Science: Dr. Kent Kirkby, University of Minnesota While a carbonate stratigrapher and sedimentologist in a previous life, my present activities at the University of Minnesota fall in the realm of educational research – exploring new and better ways to convey our knowledge of our Earth. In particular, I am fascinated by the intersection of earth processes and human society, how earth processes have affected human history and how human activities continue to dramatically affect our world. As earth scientists, we have a responsibility to more effectively convey our understanding of the Earth, especially in a world where many of the most pressing issues affecting future generations are related to earth processes.
MnSTA Newsletter
Sessions Strand
Thielman Room
Session I 8:00 - 8:45 AM
Session II 9:05 - 9:50 AM
Session III 10:10 - 10:55 AM
Paper Airplanes and Engineering: Michele Koomen, Kristen Matthews and Laura Katchmark, Gustavus Adolphus College CS K-5 Fundamentals Workshop: Angie Kalthoff, ISD 742 and
Using Picture Perfect Elementary Strand Science Books in the Science of Food For Speaker, "Engage, Elementary Classroom: Early Learners: Keri Explore, and Brenda Walsh, Eden Sidle & Sue Knott, Empower!" Dr. Patricia Minnesota Agriculture in Prairie High School and Paulson, Bethel NSTA District IX the Classroom University Director
First American Room
ECOTIME: Integrating Environmental Swisshelm Education: David Room Grack, Jeffers Foundation
Calendar in The Classroom: David Grack, Jeffers Foundation
Mitchell Room
Teaching Sustainable Chemistry, Engineering, and Polymers through Naming and Formula Inquiry-Based Finding Chemistry Writing Fun and Games Experiments: Jane Connections in Climate for Review: Brenda Wissinger, University of Change: Jason Olson, Walsh, Eden Prarie Minnesota, & Park Center IB World High School and NSTA Cassandra Knutson, School District IX Director White Bear Lake High School, & Cassidy Javner, Shakopee High School
Schilplin Room
Physics Strand Speaker Dr. Kevin Haglin, St. Cloud State University
Whitney Room
Fall 2017
Bridge UP! - Using bridge design and construction as a gateway to STEM: Nicole Bartelt, Minnesota Department of Transportation
Session IV 1:30 - 2:15 PM
Session V 2:35 - 3:20 PM
Session VI 3:40 - 4:25
Engineering With Integrating 3-D Printing Books...Oh My!: in Elementary Science: Jennifer Gagner, Pine Diana Fenton & Sarah Lake Elementary & Amy Lauer, College of St. Bodin, Myers-Wilkins Benedict/St. John's Elementary University
Science + Art = Binoculars to the World: Jill Jensen, Glacier Hills Elementary School of Arts and Science
Meeting Standards in an Outdoor Classroom with Preschool & 5th Grade Students: Anna Dutke & Anne Nelson, Jeffers Pond Elementary/Prior LakeSavage Area Schools
MCA Science Data, Reports, and Resources for Instructors Elementary: Holly Brunson, Minnesota Department of Eduaction
Elementary and Secondary Students Learning Together: Katie Melgaard & Michelle Skjerven, Marshall County Central Schools
Replacing Traditional Labs with Greener Alternatives: Cassandra Knutson, White Bear Lake High School & Cassidy Javner, Shakopee Public Schools
Novel Engineering: Jill Jensen, Elise Kretchman & Kathryn Haave, Glacier Hills Elementary School of Arts and Science
Chemistry Strand Speaker Dr. Roger Kugel, University of Cinncinati
Teaching Science with a Murder Mystery: Joe Cossette, Minnetonka High School
Why am I making this Rainbow on a Paper: Shocking Demos: Steve graph?: Helping Steve Lindaas, Trevor Lindaas & Isaac students understand the Harder & Isaac Skalsky, Skalsky, Minnesota importance of graphs: Minnesota State State University Jason Hall, Academy of University Moorhead Moorhead Angels
An Overview of Modeling Instruction: Scot Hovan, St. Paul Academy & Marta Stoeckel-Rogers, Tartan High School
Keeping the "S" in Rocket Science The Dixie Cup Cell STEM with EvidenceRevisited: Tom Phone Speaker: Tom Based Reasoning: Tomashek, Minnetonka Tomashek, Minnetonka Marta Stoeckel-Rogers, High School High School Tartan High School
Sessions Strand
Exhibitor Workshops
Life Science
Life Science
General/ Life Science
Session II 9:05 - 9:50 AM
Session III 10:10 - 10:55 AM
Earth Science Strand Speaker Dr. Kent Kirkby, University of Minnesota
Earth Science Presentation Annette S. Lee & James KnutsonKolodzne, St. Cloud State University
Climate Change Science in Your 10 Plants That Classroom: Megan Van Changed Minnesota: Bell Room Loh, Climate Mary Meyer, University Generation: A Will of Minnesota Steger Legacy
Solar Scavenger Hunt: Asia Ward, REcharge Labs
Digital STEM Resources From the MN Wild: Laura Klein, EVERFI
Not What but Why? Crystallizing Your Purpose in STEM: Robert Corbin, Discovery Education
Photosynthesis: The Game: Adam Gordon, Andamio Games
Water Quality Mentoring and Monitoring Project: Holly Knudson, Marshall High School, Dr. Carrie Sueker, Marshall Middle School and Dr. Emily Deaver, SMSU
Prostate Cancer - What you and your students might want to know: Doug Benton, Spencer High School and CESA 10 Distance Learning
LIfe Science Strand Speaker Dr. Paul Myers, University of Minnesota, Morris
Hands On: Real World Lessons for Middle School Classrooms: James Swart, The University of Tennessee
Session I 8:00 - 8:45 AM
Alexander Room
Weidner Room
Creating a Minnesota Backyard: Looking at Many Possible Factors: Nicole Hosek & Gretchen Lansing, Glacier Hills Elementary School of Arts and Science
Biology Case Study Discussions: Megan Hall, Open World Learning Community
Edelbrock Room
Hunting the Hunter: FREE HHMI Biointeractive Activity: Using DNA Profiling to Investigate Elephant Poaching: Dawn Norton, Minnetonka High School
Clarke Room
Life Science - Bird "Got Tech? Now What? Life Science Beaks: Modeling the Use of Technology for Biological Investigations Mechanisms of Formative for Everyday: Amber Speciation while Assessments: Jean Minardi, Marshall incorporating STEM, Tushie & Brenda School & Jill Thompson, MN Standards, and fun! Walsh, Eden Prairie East Grand Forks Stacy Bartlett, Stillwater High School" Senior High Area High School
Coborn Room
Session I 8:00 - 8:45 AM
Alternative School Science- Or How to do it Differently: Garret Bitker, Zumbro Education District ALC
Activities for the Anthropocene: Stephanie Kappel, Population Connection Education Program
Session II 9:05 - 9:50 AM
Resources to Enhance Science & Health Instruction: Katherine Chew, U of M Health Sciences Library
Metzroth Room
Empower Students to Take Charge of Learning: Katie Melgaard, Marshall County Central High School
Helgeson Room
Drawing in Science: The When, How and Why of Science Drawings: Richard Lahti & Tia Thysell, Minnesota State University Moorhead
Fandel Room
Making Argument-Driven Inquiry in Science Doable: Marlene Schoeneck, Parkers Prairie High School
Marsh Room
Preparing for the Science Standards Review in 2018-19 John Olson, Minnesota Department of Education
Session III 10:10 - 10:55 AM
Starting With Engineering and Groupwork: Joe Cossette, Minnetonka High School
Integrading Coding Into The Science Classroom: Eric Kehoe, JWP High School
Learning Arms Race: Engineering For Trying to Stay Ahead of Conservation: Bycatch Students: Richard Lahti, Prevention: Liz Gilles, Minnesota State Minnesota Zoo University Moorhead
Session IV 1:30 - 2:15 PM
Session V 2:35 - 3:20 PM
Session VI 3:40 - 4:25
Using Stratospheric Near-Space Craft to Observe the Total Solar Eclipse of August 2017: James Flaten, University of Minnesota
Encapsulated Yeast in Enzyme Catalase Reactions: Mark Peterson, Benilde-St. Margaret's School
Life Science - Using Pivot Interactives to Teach Experimental Design in Biology: Eric Friberg, Henry Sibley High School
Session IV 1:30 - 2:15 PM
Making Student Thinking Visible: Erik Ellingboe & Brad Kapsner
Citizen Science: Learning Relevant to the Real World: Cathy Kindem, ISD 196: Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagen School District
Plastic Pipettes as Yeast Bioreactors: Mark Peterson, Benilde-St. Margaret's School
Specific Goals, Flexible Assignments: Alison Wallace, Minnesota State University Moorhead & T.J. Schmitt, Barnesville Public Schools and Kelly Youngbauer, Verndale Public Session SchoolsV
2:35 - 3:20 PM
Creating and Using Online Lesson Videos in the Science Classroom: Matthew Inman, Shattuck-St. Mary's School
Making Student Thinking Visible: Erik Ellingboe & Brad Kapsner
Session VI 3:40 - 4:25
Student Designed Labs: Steven Heilig, St. Paul Academy and Summit School
5 Years and Counting... Our Experience Increasing Intrinsic Establishing Robotics in Motivation by Going Our School and Gradeless: Ryan Community: Andrew Lester, Hmong College Hegdahl & Patrick Prep Academy Schuette, DasselCokato School District
Academic Language, Making Mastery Misconceptions, and Learning Manageable the Teacher With Effective Performance Technology Integration: Assessment (TPA): Tiffany Ott, Cleveland Richard Lahti & David Heights Univeristy Cord, Minnesota State Heights School District University Moorhead
Chemical Engineering Design a Penny Cleaner: Debra Olson, Faithful Sheperd Catholic School
Simple Measurements and Basic Statistics: Matthew Inman, Shattuck-St.Mary's School
STEM for Team Building and Course Introduction!: Brenda Walsh, Eden Prairie High School and NSTA District IX Director
Formative Assessment Inside and Out: Shannon Walz & Danielle Hefferan, Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center
From Phenomena to Three-Dimensional Learning: John Olson, Minnesota Department of Education
Hip Hop Science: Renee Swanson & Joey Cienian, High School For Recording Arts
MCA Science Data, Reports, and Teacher Website Focus Resources for Group Session: Holly Secondary Instructors: Brunson, Minnesota Holly Brunson, Department of Minnesota Department Eduaction of Eduaction
MnSTA Newsletter
MNCOSE-Thursday Evening Workshop
Fall 2017
MNCOSE-Saturday Workshops Saturday Workshops Relicensure in a Day! Join Lee Schmidt, from Hamline University and your K-12 science colleagues for an active investigation of a new series of online professional development modules focused on Asking Questions, Using Models, and Constructing Explanations. Each module provides a set of interactive sessions designed to help teachers teach the practices of science and engineering more directly and more often. Bring your laptop. Squishy Circuits: Ballroom A
Join your K-12 science colleagues in courses to meet current relicensure requirements. Including: • Scientific Based Reading • Accommodations & Modifications in the Science Classroom • Mental Health • Positive Behavioral Interventions • Reflection and ELL Statement • Technology
8:00 – 10:00 AM
A fun and interesting way to learn about circuits is to create them using electrical conducting play dough. Developed at the Playful Learning Lab at the University of St. Thomas, students are able to be creative while learning how to build electrical circuits. The dough is easy to make and can be made to be conducting or insulating. During this session we will be making some dough and then spend some time creating circuits. We will investigate concepts such as series and parallel combinations, resistance, and resistivity. Circuits can incorporate elements such as light bulbs, motors, and buzzers. The dough can also be used to create interesting circuit sculptures. This workshop is suitable for elementary students up through high school and beyond.
MnSTA Newsletter
MNCOSE-Saturday Workshops Saturday Workshop: 7 hour coding workshop; Bring $5 for a working lunch
Fall 2017
Luther Crest Environmental Programs 30 years of experience educating public and private K-12 youth and adults in a unique outdoor setting. Engaging, investigating and appreciating the intricate and interconnected natural world. Located 7.5 miles north of Alexandria on 76 acres of Maple Basswood forest, wetland, prairie and lakeshore ecosystems.
Find out more today! 320-846-2431
The Animal Rights Coalition Presents
Ethical Values and Our Relationship with Animals We offer no cost presentations to classrooms, student groups, and assemblies. Topics include: • • • •
Our presentations teach:
Treatment of animals Sustainability Environmental destruction Food justice
612.822.6161 /
10 Plants Teacher Activities Handbook
70+ STEM activities for middle and high school students
FREE to science teachers MNSTA November 2017 Conference The Handbook is a companion publication to 2017 The 10 Plants That Changed Minnesota book from the Minnesota Historical Society Press
MnSTA Newsletter
MNCOSE-Vendors (651) 442-2573
Firewise in the Classroom Service Learning Project ArcGIS Online Introductory Lessons Sign up for instructor to teach lessons to your students
Supporting Environmental Education in Minnesota since 1992. EMAIL WEB
Bring your
group to THE ZOO!
Pre-K | Groups | Student Travel | Scouts Contact: 952.431.9298 K–12 Field Trips | STEM Programs Standards-Aligned Classes | Guided Tours Overnights | Outreach Programs Contact: 952.431.9218 PLAN YOUR visit TODAY AT MNZOO.ORG
Fall 2017
Just a few of the many benefits of NSTA membership include: • A subscription to one of NSTA’s award-winning journals • Deep discounts on NSTA conference registration • 20% discount on NSTA Press® publications • Fresh, NEW lesson plans to enliven your classroom • Access to members-only listservs For more information, visit
The University of Minnesota Nano Center offers lab tours, classroom activities, and teacher training in the area of nanotechnology.
For more information, contact Jim Marti at or (612) 626- 0732
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Learn How Roller Coasters Work • Industry Experts Early Ride Time • Teacher & Chaperone Lounge • 952.496.5531 • Cedar Fair Entertainment Company® ©2017 Cedar Fair, L.P. VF17-198
MnSTA Newsletter
EE1701: ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, AND SOCIETY (Meets LE Theme of “Technology and Society”)
Severity of Climate Change & Solutions An undergraduate course at the University of Minnesota Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering • For a variety of majors
• Available in high schools through CIS
• Top-notch guest speakers • Designed to shape the next generation of engineers, scientists, lawyers, CEOs, managers, financiers, policy-makers. . .
In most cases, solar doesn’t require any upfront investment on behalf of the district.
Z.UMN.EDU/EE1701 America’s Fun Science with Dr Tyronne Carter
K-12 Science Programs & Field Trips
Look at What’s New!
Life, up close and personal Find choices like these & more at the MN Field Trip & Activity Library… Science Teacher/Yo-Yo Master
Dazzling Dave
Adam Schrader, Science Teacher
High Touch High Tech
Orbit Earth Expo
High Touch High Tech
Kevin Hall, Magician
STEAM, Science & Robotics
Target Field Tours
Science Museum of Minnesota
Adam Schrader, Science Teacher
The Science of Baseball
MN Landscape Arboretum Environmental Natural Sciences
The Magic of Science
Astronomy Programs Science Programs
Science Programs
Science & Education Programs
Nickelodeon Universe
Int’l Wolf Center
Physics Program
Natural Science
Padelford Riverboats
Pine Grove Zoo
Traveling Naturalist
Nat’l Eagle Center Natural Science
STEM & Science Programs
Sea Life at Mall of America
Minnesota Zoo
Audubon Center
Environmental Science
Natural Science
Natural Science Programs
Natural Science
Natural Science
Crystal Cave
Environmental Science
The Works Museum
of the North Woods Fall 2017
The new Miller & Levine Biology is here! Developed by preeminent biologists and passionate educators, Ken Miller and Joe Levine, this blended print and digital curriculum immerses students in biological inquiry. Students think, investigate, and talk about biology. They interact with natural phenomena through problem-based learning, research, and lab experiments. 800-848-9500
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Copyright Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 615W2386
Orbit Earth Expo SciGirls is a national PBS project featuring a tv series, websites, and education outreach to inspire STEM • We are recruiting districts, schools, and teachers grades 6-12 across MN to participate in free professional development.
Standards-aligned in-school astronomy field trip for students in grades K-8
• Professional development will be offered for CS Discoveries or CS Principles based on teacher interests and grade level. • For more information on how to participate contact Program Manager Alex Dexheimer at
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MnSTA Newsletter
MNCOSE-Vendors American Society of Clinical Laboratory Scientists Minnesota Mission Statement The mission of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science - Minnesota (ASCLS-MN) is to promote the profession of clinical laboratory science in Minnesota and provide beneficial services to those who practice it. The society is committed to: ·
Promoting high standards in clinical laboratory practice, education, and research.
Elevating the professional status of those practicing clinical laboratory science through public advocacy.
Promoting mutual understanding, cooperation and networking between clinical laboratory science professionals, physicians, and all others who are employed in the interest of individual and public health.
Providing and supporting continuing education opportunities for practitioners at all levels.
Vision Statement The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science - Minnesota (ASCLS-MN), the state’s constituent society of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS), as the premiere organization for clinical laboratory science practitioners, provides leadership and promotes all aspects of clinical laboratory science practice, education, and management at the state level. In keeping with the National Society’s goals and philosophy, ASCLS-MN strives to ensure excellent, accessible, cost effective laboratory services for the consumers of health care. Legislative Involvement Growing Crisis in the Clinical Laboratory Workforce To ensure access to quality health care services the healthcare system must have an adequate supply of clinical laboratory personnel. Today that supply is in serious question. This shortage hampers the ability of clinical laboratories to meet patient testing demands, posing problems for patient health and welfare. Growing numbers of patients and the number and complexity of medical laboratory tests are putting strains on a profession growing modestly. We call upon Congress to address this concern within the Veterans Health Administration and to begin to address the concern throughout our nation’s health care system.
Fall 2017
At the Forefront of STEM Teaching and Learning As a part of our commitment to effective STEM education, we have developed a variety of powerful and engaging resources designed to fuel a cultural shift around STEM teaching and learning! Learn more about this pathway to STEM transformation and other STEM professional development resources at
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MnSTA Newsletter
Fall 2017
MNCOSE-Vendors Learning life science can be fun. Seriously. d war A F NS ner Win
Photosynthesis: The Game • Sneak preview of Virtual Labs! • Play PTG at our workshop, and help guide future development. • Visit the Andamio Games booth. Learn more. Get cool stuff. Geek out about #edtech. Workshop @3:40, Bell Room Attendees will receive free classroom access
for Spring/Fall 2018.
Empowering+individuals+and+their+communities+ to+engage+in+solutions+to+climate+change+!! "Download!our!free!climate!change!curriculum"! "Attend!a!professional!development!conference"! "Engage!your!students!in!climate!action"!
30 MnSTA Newsletter
MNCOSE-Vendors Learn about new resources by visiting these vendors:
Fall 2017
MNCOSE-Vendors Win some fabulous door prizes with these vendors:
Win a classroom set of iNeuron!
Win a pair of Virtual Reality Goggles!
Win a briefcase filled with science materials!
Win renewable energy kits from RECharge labs!
Win a Wolf Ridge Sweatshirt!
Win a NG Ladders Science 3-5 Single Copy Set Win 25% off a field trip with students!
Win an NSTA Press Book!
Win 4 Tickets to Valleyfair!
MnSTA Newsletter
MnSTA Board Reports Katie Melgaard, Regions 1 & 2 • We have emailed all new/renewing members of MnSTA (one so far). Both Mike Urban and Katie Melgaard have emailed our contacts in the region about presenting at MnCOSE, as well as “cold” emailing nearby districts. • We are discussing having two workshops this year. A second Nanolink workshop in early April in Bemidji that will be a continuation of the first Nanolink workshop from last year. It was well attended and received last year. Also we’ll offer a SEPA workshop after school one day in February. • We are still looking into specific dates, times, and locations for this workshops. T.J. Schmitt, Region 4 Since the summer retreat, here are the things I have done to promote MNSTA in my region. • Helped promote MnCOSE through batch emails to my region. • Scheduled a SEPA workshop for October 27th at Lakes Country Cooperative Services, Fergus Falls. Reviewed the Legislative Committee’s survey which is planned for release this month. Borslien, Region 9 • I sent out an email to the region welcoming back to school and encouraging all to register for MNCOSE. Jeremy Brady, Region 6 & 8 • Since the summer meeting I have been promoting the upcoming Convention in November. In several conversations with teachers about attending the conference I have been saddened that their district denied them leave as the district could not find subs. I know this is a problem throughout the state, but it is unfortunate. • I have also nominated an area teacher for the MN science teacher award. I am not sure if he will fill out the required paperwork, but feel he is deserving to apply. • I have contacted the SWSC cooperative to help with reaching science teachers in my region to conduct a workshop. Currently awaiting to hear back. Karen M Bengtson, Region 7 • St. Cloud State University is hosting the third annual AAUW Tech Savvy event for middle school girls (grades 5-9) and their parents on November 4, 2017 (instead of January), and workshop options focusing on STEM fields,
Fall 2017
panels of college students and professors, and activities for savvy skills for career planning and achievement. Link to information and registration. • Plans are being organized for using the SEPA trainings as St. Cloud District PD opportunities, with the next step being a regional workshop located in St. Cloud for the spring. • Regional teachers are excited for the MnSTA’s state conference to come to St. Cloud in November! David Borslien, Region 9 • I sent out an email to the region welcoming back to school and encouraging all to register for MNCOSE Denine Voegeli, Region 10. • I have continued to promote MnCOSE to those in Region 10 as well as all the teachers in my Southeast Service Cooperative area that have not yet committed to MnSTA. (Sent the MnCOSE flier to 321 teachers in the area.) • I emailed those in my region requesting they share at MnCOSE if possible. • I have contacted my local service cooperative to inquire about a future SEPA workshop being held there in the spring. I will be meeting with Katie Hartman on October 27th to discuss this. Cathy Kindem, Region 11/Metro Area • I send personalized emails each month to the Region 11 membership list (renewals and new members). I encourage MnCOSE attendance, social media following, and ideas for PD sessions and support. • I submitted a proposal and will present at MnCOSE • Jill Jensen and I have scheduled a SEPA workshop for October Jill Jensen- Metro Elementary • I shared information about the fall conference with colleagues and others I meet at events I attend. Four colleagues from my building will be presenting and attending as well as an acquaintance I met via twitter. • I’ll be presenting two sessions at the fall conference - one on connecting science and art; the other on connecting literature and engineering • I emailed all principals in the districts surrounding St. Cloud the flier about the conference before school started. • A metro area SEPA training is scheduled for October at my school. • I continue to update Facebook and twitter with
MnSTA Board Reports resources as I find them; Pinterest has been harder to keep up for me since I don’t use that resource myself very frequently. • I have a draft of the climate change survey ready for the committee to review Tom Tomashek, Physics • Continue to make connections with state physics teachers. • Planning to hold the November Go4St8 meeting at MnCOSE. • Planning to do two sessions at MnCOSE. Haley Kalina, Earth Science Past actions: • I have share out the MnCOSE information with science teachers in our district and with others that I have connections with. • I have also encouraged these teachers to present at the conference. • MnCOSE info has been shared with MN Earth Science Teachers Board Discipline Updates: • The 2018 MESTA (MN Earth Sci. Teachers Association) Conference will be held on Friday, February 2, 2018. It will be at the Dist. 287 Conference Center (same site as last year). Click the link to get a paper registration form. You can register online by clicking here. • The MESTA List-serve is a great way to collaborate with other earth science teachers, keep up to date with current science information and get valuable lesson plans, websites and ideas. Best of all, it is a free service!! You can always unsubscribe if you want. To sign up for the list-serve, send a blank email to subscribe-mesta@listserv. • Dana Smith was contacting Eric Koser RE: getting the MESTA conference dates on the MnSTA online calendar Matt Inman, Private Schools • As the school year gets started, I am beginning to push information about the MnCOSE conference out. I signed up to be a presenter and asked a few other people to apply. I would like to at some point during the year team up with one of the regional reps around the area to do a workshop of some kind. This can probably be a spring time project. It would make sense to do something with the metro regions since that is where a large number of the private schools that have members are located.
Josh Tharldson, President-elect • Emailed MnSTA membership regarding ESSA and available money from grants. • Met with Moorhead State University Elementary Science Methods instructor. • While in Moorhead I wanted to introduce myself and MnSTA to her. We had a nice visit about what MnSTA could do for her students. She had a few questions about MnSTA and MnCOSE. • Email communication with Science Methods instructors across the state to introduce myself and about passing on information to their students in regard to MnSTA and MnCOSE. Several replied saying they are active with MnCOSE and several more said they are active with NSTA. I am now curious how many science ed. Professors are members of NSTA but not members of MnSTA. • Email communication to all MnSTA board members asking them to present at MnCOSE • As of right now I think we have 14 board members presenting which is great. • Attended regional ESSA meeting in Moorhead and discussed science education with Minnesota’s Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius. • Worked with Mike Urban to get the sessions filled and into the grid for MnCOSE. Below are the number of sessions for each strand. Some sessions will be doing a double. As of right now, our grid is full: General: 33 Biology: 12 Earth Science: 5 Elementary: 13 Physics: 10 Chemistry: 4 TOTAL: 77 Eric Koser, Webmaster • The conference area is the most used portion of our website at this time leading up to the event. Registrations for conference attendees and all exhibitors are all handled on the website. We collect submissions in our “Call for Proposals” system for several components of the conference including presentation proposals, exhibitor workshops, and exhibitor advertising. Each of these components functions with PayPal to collect fees and route them to our bank where our treasurer manages incoming funds. All of the presentation and exhibitor workshop data comes into our system and then is used to create the conference program.
34 MnSTA Newsletter
Meet Region 1 &2 Director demonstrations (Science Magic) by Jerry Wenzel. Laurie Arnason will follow at 9:50 with a presentation on outdoor notebooking. At her session, you will discover how to integrate your science teaching so students will learn to treat science with new understanding and appreciation At 1:00, Lee Schmitt will present Science and Engineering Practices: Free and Fun Professional Development for Teachers of Science. During this session you will join your science colleagues for an investigation of a new series of online professional development modules focused on Asking Questions, Using Models, and Constructing Explanations. Each module provides a set of interactive sessions designed to help teach the practices of science and engineering more directly and more often. On Friday, October 20 at 11:30 Apple Valley High School MN staff will present Fab Lab K-12 STEM Pathway Integration. The Apple Valley High School Katie Melgaard, Region 1 & 2 director MN Fabrication Lab, with support from our E3SKatherine (Katie) Melgaard has been teaching in TEM grant, has integrated STEM throughout the K12 Minnesota for 12 years. She grew up in Bismarck, pathway, school and community. Apple Valley High North Dakota and graduated college at University School is the pinnacle of a K-12 STEM corridor of of Minnesota, Morris with a BA in Biology and Life Independent School District 196 in Minnesota. This Science Teaching License. She has taught several corridor is comprised of five elementary schools, one schools, often being the only science teacher and remiddle school and our high school. Both the High sponsible for the entire 7-12 or 9-12 science curricuschool and Middle school have full international lum. Throughout the years Katie has had to add to fabrication labs. The elementary schools have makerher teaching license and is now licensed in Chemistry spaces. and Physics. She earned a Master’s of Arts of EducaOne goal of the K12 STEM corridor is to become tion: Natural Science and Environmental Education a model for the rest of the school district, state of degree from Hamline University in 2011. Currently, Minnesota and the nation. This corridor has aligned Katie is teaching 9-12 science at Marshall County STEM curriculum with district, state and national Central Schools in Newfolden, Minnesota. Her class standards and has enabled dialogue between teachers list for this fall includes Biology, Physical Science, at all three levels. CHS Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry, and PhysThe Department of Labor E3STEM grant awarded ics. the high school created partnerships with businesses Her major goals in MnSTA are to continue offerthat allow students at all levels to experience field ing professional development opportunities in Region trips, internships and mentoring with businesses. 1 and 2 and encouraging teachers in the area to attend Community outreach in STEM related fields has been MnCOSE. You may contact Katie at kmelgaard@ greatly increased with the addition of the fabrication labs in the middle school and high school. The AVHS Fab Lab has integrated STEM into MnSTA at MEA several courses at the high school. This year MnSTA will have a presence at the EduIn addition to these sessions, we hope you will cation Minnesota Professional Conference on Thursvisit the MnSTA booth on Thursday on the main day, October 19th. MnSTA will sponsor a series convention floor to enjoy more wiz-bang science of great science sessions and a general information demonstrations, to learn about the benefits of MnSTA booth with exciting science demonstrations. membership, and to register early for The MnSTA strand of science sessions will start MNCOSE, MnSTA’s Minnesota Conference on SciThrusday at 8:30 am with an hour of amazing science ence Education. .
Fall 2017
36 MnSTA Newsletter
MnSTA Board Directory
MnSTA Phone# (651)-523-2945
Below, you will find information about your MnSTA Board Members. The listing includes the board member’s school (or organization), mailing address, work phone, FAX number, and e-mail address. The board wishes to make itself as accessible as possible for our members. Please feel free to contact your discipline representative, regional representative, or executive board members if you have ideas, concerns, or wish to help with the mission or operation of MnSTA. We are always looking for members who wish to serve MnSTA as Board Members, Non-Board Service Chairs or Members, and as Committee Chairs or Members.
Executive Board: Exec. Secretary
Ed Hessler
Hamline University, 1536 Hewitt Ave. MS-A1760,
W: 651-523-2945
F: 651-523-3041
St. Paul, MN 55104
Michele Koomen
Gustavus Adolphus College 800 W College Ave.
Josh Tharaldson
Marshshall County HS
Joe Reymann
DOE Science Specialist
John Olson
Dept.of Education 651-582-8673
e: St. Peter, MN 56082
301 W. Minnesoat Ave.
Newfolden, Mn 56738
Discipline Directors: Biology
Mark Peterson
Benilde-St. Margaret
Angela Osuji
Washburn High School
Earth Science
Haley Kalina
Alexandria Public School
320-762-7900 Elementary/Greater MN Amy Bodin
2501 MN-100 St. Louis Park, MN 55416 1500 James Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55411 510 McKay Ave. Alenandria, MN 56308 Myers-Wilkins Elementary
1027 North 8th Ave. E. Duluth, MN 55805
Jill Jenson
Glacier Hills Elem School of Arts &Sciences
Higher Ed
Dr. Melanie Reap 507-313-9114
Winona State University
Informal Ed
Carol Strecker
Minnesota Zoo
Alternative Ed.
Garret Bitker 3825 Glacier Rd. Eagan, MN 55123 152 Gildemeister Hall Winona, MN 55987 1300 Zoo Boulevard Apple Valley, 55124
630 1st Ave. NW Byron, MN 55920
Jerry Wenzel
Thomas Tomashek
Minnetonka High School
Private Schools
Matthew Inman
Shattuck-St. Mary’s School
Eric Koser 507-387-3461 x 322
Mankato West H.S. F: 507-345-1502
1351 S. Riverfront Dr. e:
Marshall County HS
310 W. Minnesota Ave. Newfolden, MN 56738
Webmaster 18301 Hwy 7
Minnetonka, MN 55345
1000 Shumway Ave.
Fairbault, MN 55021
Mankato, MN 56001 W:
Region Representatives: Region 1&2: North
Katherine Melgaard
218-874-7225 ext. 116
Region 1&2: North
Michael Urban
Bemidji State University
Fall 2017
1500 Birchmont Dr.
Bemidji, MN 56601
MnSTA Board Directory Region 3: Northeast
Jennifer Gagner
Pike Lake Elementary
Region 4: Westcentral TJ Schmitt
5682 Martin Rd Duluth, MN 55811 302 3rd St. SE
Barnsville, MN 56514
Region 5: Northcentral Vacant Region 6: Southcentral Jeremy Brady
Montevideo High School
1501 William Ave. Montevideo, MN 56265
Region 7: Eastcentral
Karen Bengtson
St. Cloud Area School Dist. 472
320-253-9333 Region 8: Southcentral Jeremy Brady
Region 9: South Region 10: Southeast
1000 44th Ave N. St. Cloud MN 56303 Montevideo High School
1501 William Ave. Montevideo, MN 56265
David Borslien
St. Peter High School
507-943-4212 ext 6028
Denine Voegeli
Plainview-Elgin-Millville Schools
507-867-2521 Ext. 3631
Region 11: Metro
Cathy Kindem 651-423-7911
Region 11: Metro
Claire Hypolite
Edison High School
1221 Broadway Ave. St. Peter, MN 56082
Rosemont-Apple Valley-Eagan
701 1st St SE 3455 153rd St. W
Elgin, MN 55932 Rosemont, MN 55068
700 22nd Ave. NE Minneapolis, MN 55418
Ancillary Positions: Database
Mark Lex
Historian/Parlimentarian Fred Riehm
Retired ‘91
NSTA Dist. IX Director
Eden-Prairie High School
Brenda Walsh 952-975-6726
Conference Coordinator Mary Haberman 17185 Valley View Rd Eden Prairie, N 55346
Minnesota Valley Area Learning Center 1313 E Blackk Oak Av. Montevideo,MN
Events Calendar If you have events you want placed on the calendar, send them to the editor - see page 2 for deadlines, address, etc.
Conferences / Workshops 2017 MnSTA Conference on Science Education November 10 - 11, 2017 This annual event of MnSTA will be held at the St. Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center and the Kelley Inn in St. Cloud, MN.
38 MnSTA Newsletter
MnSTA Membership Application Form
Join the Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA), the professional organization whose primary goal is the advancement of science education. Mail this form along with your check to: MnSTA, Hamline University MS - A1760, 1536 Hewitt Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104
Name (First, MI, Last) Address
Zip code
Phone number
Zip code
School district # (enter "P" if Private, “A” if Alternative, “C” if Charter)
Discipline and Grade Level
q Basic Membership ...................... $25 q First Year Teacher ...................... $15 q Retired Teacher .......................... $15 q Pre-service Student ..................... $10 q Life Membership: to age 35 ..... $400 age 36-50 .... $300 over 50 ........ $200 A joint MnSTA-NSTA membership is available via the NSTA website for $85 – a $20 savings off the combined memberships. ( Please indicate whether this application is for q New Member
Phone number
Preferred email address Second email address
q Renewing/Past Member
q Elementary q Biology q Chemistry q Earth Science q Environmental Sci q Life Science q Physical Science q Physics
q Elementary (K-6) q Middle/Jr. High School (6-9) q High School (9-12) q College/University q Informal Ed
MnSTA Photo Release Statement By becoming a member of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA) or by attending any MnSTA-sponsored event, you are granting permission for the use of your image for MnSTA promotional purposes without compensation. If you have questions regarding this policy, please contact
Privacy Information
Who can view your School/Organization Profile? q
Administration only
MnSTA keeps you informed about the events and issues impacting science education in Minnesota through its website and an email Digest of those website postings, and periodic informational emails. How often would you like to receive email digests of new MnSTA website postings? q Do you consent to receive email communications from us? q