Newsletter Volume 51 No. 3 A Quarterly Publication of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association Inc.
Spring 2015
MnCOSE Commences Feb. 20 R.T. Rybak to Keynote The Minnesota Conference on Science Education (MnCOSE) will highlight many top level speakers MnCOSE for the keynote, strands and workshops. Set to begin on Friday, Feburary 20th at the Verizon Center in Mankato, there will be topics presented that will be of interest to all educators. Starting out on the speakers platform will be R.T Ryback, former mayor of Minneapolis, who will speak about the achievement gap crisis in our region. Continuing on Friday will be strand speakers Dr. Nathan Moore, Winona State University, Winona, Physics; Zoe Hastings, Farm to School Coordinator, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Elementary; Dr. Kelly A. Grussendorf, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Biology; Roger Kugel, Ph.D. University of Cincinnati, Chemistry; and Nic Jelinski, University of Minnesota, Earth Science. Saturday will feature workshop facilitators Matt Bobrowsky, Phenomenon-Based Learning: Fun, Hands-on, Cooperative Learning; Ginny Nimmo, Understanding Mental Illness in Children and Adolescents; and Paul Andersen, Creating a Blended Classrom. Other attractions include a wide diversity of vendors who are eager to promote their latest educational products to visitors. And of course, a hugh benefit of attending the conference is the opportunity for networking among educators. You will find more inforamtion on the 2015 MnCOSE beginning on page 10 including the listing of the strand and workshop speakers’ topics, hotel accomodations and sessions. We hope to see you in Mankato!
R.T. Rybak will be the keynote speaker at the Minnesota Conference on Science Education (MnCOSE) that will be held on Feb. 20-21, 2015 at the Verizon Center in Mankato. R.T. Rybak began serving as the executive director of Generation Next in early January 2014. R.T. served as mayor of Minneapolis from 2002 - 2013. During his tenure as mayor, R.T. led efforts to make Minneapolis a national leader in innovative, cradle-to-career approaches to youth development, and worked to highlight the crisis of our region’s achievement gap and advance effective strategies for ending it. Mr. Rybak will speak about the achievement gap crisis in our region, what is being done and where we still need to go.
President’s Address by Lee Schmitt
Department of Conservation by Ed Hessler
Welcome to a new year. 2015 holds great promise for the work we do in science education. Be assured that MnSTA, with its dedicated board of 31 science educators, will be working for you. Let me share a story. I will never forget many (many) years ago, as a young teacher, when a science teaching colleague in my school asked me to go with him to a Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers (WSST) conference. (Yes, I’m originally from Wisconsin.) I had no idea what WSST was, nor that it even existed. I was too busy, I told him. The last thing I had time for was to register for a conference and plan for a substitute, miss a day of teaching, etc. But here’s the significant thing – he persisted. With gentle reminders and positive encouragement, I drove with him to my first science teaching conference. To my surprise and great satisfaction, I entered a world of fellow science teachers who shared the same concerns, challenges and dedication. I was not alone. I became energized to improve my craft, and 30 years later, I still work to bring this experience to others. There is no substitute for the professional energy gained at a science teaching conference. Now it’s your opportunity to change a teacher’s life by inviting a colleague to attend the MnSTA Conference on Science Education with you. We all look forward to meeting each other in Mankato on February 20-21. MnCOSE is the biggest science education Presidents message....continued on page 3
“What is your favorite bird,” a friend asks. Quick reply: “All of them!” But some days I choose. In the months when winter holds us so close that cheeks and noses are ruddied by nipping winds, I return to Aldo Leopold’s essay “65290.” This story is about nature’s lottery as lived and died by one member of what Leopold referred to as the “class of 1937.” 65290 was one of seven chickadees he banded that year. In winter, chickadees and several other small birds (I think of the frenetically active featherweight golden-crowned kinglet) live at the edge of their bioenergetic budget. They use some clever phenotypic adaptations to help them make it through the night. Winter is an especially good time to read 65290 ( < >) I could be asked the same question about trees and give the same answers. I’ve been lamenting the pending loss of my beloved eastern hemlock, a tree that was an important part of childhood rambles in the valley that contained the Canasawacta creek (crick). In small, mixed hardwood stands and wet places hemlocks stood in no-nonsense and often unique postures, not always straight, adding their deep shade of green and also one more texture to the woods. I never considered the possibility of their total disappearance. That their fate appears sealed is well known. They are doomed by the wooly adelgid. ( < http:// >) Today, if one happens to be in a grove of infected hemlock, their death rattle can be heard. Department of Conservation...continuted on page 3
The MnSTA Newsletter is published four times each year by the Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc. Articles, opinions, book reviews and other information pertinent to Minnesota teachers are welcome. Please limit submission to 1 typed page, e-mail preferred (text file please). Deadlines for submission of articles are: Fall ............... August 1st Winter ............. November 1st Spring ........... February 1st Summer....................April 1st Send all correspondence regarding the newsletter to: Jerry Wenzel 22002 100th Ave Randall, MN 56475 e-mail: The MnSTA Newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the back page. Materials found in the newsletter may be reprinted without charge. 2
MnSTA, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) (3) Charitable Educational Corpora-tion, incorporated as a tax exempt, non-profit organization with the Minnesota Secretary of State. Donations and dues are tax deductible charitable contributions for itemized deductions on IRS form 1040 Schedule A. The newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the last page.
MnSTA Newsletter
In Medias Res by Edward Hessler with Gadgets and Gizmos, will present on phenomenon-based learning. Plus five outstanding keynotes To MnSTA founders, board members, presidents, will speak in each discipline strand: Elementary treasurers, newsletter editors, data base managers, web manager, parliamentarian, executive secretary 1, Science, Life Science, Earth Science, Physics and MDE science specialists, and members (and anyone I Chemistry. Add to this our 50th Anniversary Celebration and you have all the best in one science missed), past and present: conference. Check out the conference program in Shakespeare said it best as he almost always did. this newsletter and visit to register I can no other answer make but thanks, And thanks, yourself, and a colleague. and ever thanks. “Twelfth Night,” Act 3, Scene 3. Minnesota poet and its first poet laureate (2008) Thank you in advance for attending MnCOSE; Robert Bly wrote a poem, Gratitude to Old Teachers, and if you convinced a colleague to come with you, that I think can be read as a story of MnSTA’s life please make the effort to find me and introduce yourhistory—a learning organization whose development selves. I look forward to meeting you. depends and continuing renewal on the past, the pres- Mark your calendars: ent and future aspirations. MnSTA 50th Anniversary Conference on Science This is assured by continuous replacement which Education, February 20-21, 2015, Mankato. offers change and also provides organizational NSTA STEM Forum & Expo, May 20-23, 2015, strength and integrity. ( < etry/180/072.html >). NSTA Regional Conference, October 27-29, 2016, Please join in the celebration of MnSTA’s 50th year by attending the MnSTA MnCOSE professional Minneapolis. development conference, February 20-21, Mankato, MN.
Department of Conservation...continuted from page 2
Robert Sullivan wrote an ode to the eastern hemlock which appeared in Orion. In it, Sullivan asks a haunting and perplexing question. “What do we do when a species of tree is leaving the planet?” This is different from the question we might ask about 65290. That chickadee was an individual, a member of a self-sustaining population. The difference is the death of one of many and of the death of the many. Sullivan’s ode describes the ecology of the eastern hemlock as well as ways we have used it. However, because it is about an entire species, a long time friend, it hits with the force of a welterweight’s punch to the gut. And this makes it personal. And tragic. ( < article/8047 >) Hessler is Executive Secretary of MnSTA
Presidents message....continued from page 2
event of the year, and you and your colleagues don’t want to miss it. We promise sessions designed for your discipline, lots of new ideas and resources and a 50th anniversary celebration with some surprises in the works! R.T. Ryback, former mayor of Minneapolis, will give the keynote on STEM Education in Minnesota. Paul Anderson of Bozeman Science will present a workshop on Engineering a Better Science Classroom. Matt Bobrowsky, NSTA author of Teaching
Spring 2015
Department of Education A story of science education in the MnSTA era As we celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA), it is fun to reflect on the changes in science education during that time span and the role MnSTA had in those developments. John Olson is the science specialist for the Department When MnSTA began of Education. He will keep in 1964, the US was us updated on science education in the MnSTA newsletter. engaged in the space
began by typing on a teletype machine to connect via phone lines to the handful of education main-frame computers in the state. Minnesota developed model learner outcomes and there was a movement called outcome-based education, which encouraged multiple opportunities for students to meet outcomes. In the 80s the Nation at Risk report claimed that the U.S. schools were failing to prepare students to compete globally. There was a restoration of some federal funding for science programs and the Presidential Awards were established. The American Association for the Advancement of Science launched Project 2061 as an effort to define science literacy for all graduates. Many science teachers were setting their video tape recorders to capture the episodes of Newtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Apple and Nova for play-back in race with the Soviet Union. The Russians had class. Monochrome computers used â&#x20AC;&#x153;floppy embarrassed us by being the first to put a sateldisksâ&#x20AC;? to run programs and word processing. lite into space and Americans perceived that we Through MECC, Minnesota chose the Apple were deficient in science talent. Many leaders II and later the Atari 400 and 800 as computers thought that science education was boring and that schools could buy at cost. MECC started to needed reform. The National Science Foundadevelop software available through timesharing tion and other federal programs poured money and floppy disks including Earth Science and into developing new science curricula with Elementary Biology. MnSTA offered statewide alphabet soup names such as SCIS, IPS and spring conferences at the Arrowhead resort in BSCS. These programs used discovery methods Alexandria and fall conferences in the metroaimed at propelling top students into science politan area. During the decade discipline groups careers. Science teachers could get free trips all formed and offered single-day conferences and over the country for multiple-week workshops. other meetings. Teachers were using ditto machines for student In the mid-90s the standards movement handouts (which students would sniff in hopes emerged and resulted in two national sets of of getting high). MnSTA began regional and model science standards, Benchmarks for Scistatewide meetings. ence Literacy by Project 2061 and the National The civil rights and anti-war movements Science Education Standards by the National of the 70s focused thinking on relevance and Research Council. These standards defined consocietal concerns. The environmental educacepts and skills that ALL students should learn tion movement picked up steam. A focus on the and promoted the use of inquiry for instruction. interactions of science, technology and society Minnesota developed the Profile for Learning impacted science teaching. The movement for to emphasize interdisciplinary instruction, and individualized and self-paced learning promoted project-based learning along with less reliance programmed learning and students contracton seat-time for promotion of students. It set up ing for the grade they wanted to earn. There a system for authentic assessments called perwas a concerted effort to have the U.S. adopt formance packages. The Profile was repealed in the metric system. Science teachers were us1998. ing film projectors for video and computer use
MnSTA Newsletter
Department of Education-continued Science teachers started using electronic sensors for experiments. Initially these were handwired devices connected into an internal slot of the computer. Later sensors were sophisticated devices connected to calculators or computers. SciMathMN was established as a collaboration of business, K-12 education, higher education and government. It developed the Science Frameworks document to support teachers in implementing the Profile of Learning and national standards. MnSTA began rotating the spring conference around the state. The decade of the 2000s brought increased concern for school and teacher accountability and the assessment of all student population groups. The No Child Left Behind act required statewide testing in math, reading and science. Minnesota adopted science standards in 2004 and revised them in 2009. The MCA exam began in 2008. Engineering and STEM become important areas for instruction and school programs. This encouraged the shift toward more technology in students’ hands. This shift included a move from computer labs to laptop computer carts and the widespread use of computer simulations. The state provided Google SketchUp to schools to support engineering. SciMathMN and MnSTA developed the Building a Presence program that established a “point of contact” in each school and offered study groups throughout the state. There was an increased call for more consistency of standards and assessments across states in the 2010s. The ongoing research on science learning, especially by the National Research Council, was brought together into A Framework for K-12 Science Education. It emphasized that science and engineering practices and cross-cutting concepts should be taught together with the science concepts. Based on this work the Next Generations Science Standards were written by a collaboration of states (including Minnesota) as potential state standards. In 2011, SciMathMN and the Minnesota Department of Education developed the Frameworks for Minnesota Mathematics and Science Standards website to provide instructional resources. MnSTA consolidated
Spring 2015
its discipline and state conferences into a single spring conference with discipline strands at consistent locations. Trends in technology included the growth of robotics competitions and schools moving toward one-to-one technology initiatives with iPads, Chromebooks, and students’ own devices.
Film Projector
Apple ll Sensors
Apple ll
Opportunities-Department of Education Paul Andersen, Bozeman Science will present a workshop: Engineering a Better Science Classroom Teckne Award for Elementary Engineering Matt Bobrowsky, NSTA Author of Teaching with Conference Gadgets The Minnesota High Tech Association (MHTA) and Gizmos series awarded one of its annual Teckne awards to The Strands of sessions in each content area plus Works Museum and the Minn. Dept. of Education for their collaboration in presenting the Excellence in elementary. You will find ideas directly applicable to your classroom Elementary Engineering Education (E4) conference since 2009. The award was given in the category Col- Strand keynote speakers: laboration for Community Impact. The citation noted o Physics: Nathan Moore, Winona State University, that “both organizations are driven by key principles proportional reasoning o Elementary: Zoe Hastings, Mn Dept. of Agriculof STEM education and the understanding that eduture, school gardens cation fosters a more productive state.” MHTA is an o Biology: Kelly Grussendorf, Mn State Univ. association of more than 300 technology companies Mankato, worms for the classroom and organizations. o Earth Science: Nic Jelinski, Univ. of MN, soil sciNSDL and the Science Literacy Maps are ence moving o Chemistry: Roger Kugel, St. Mary’s Univ, masterThe National Science Digital Library is probably the ing chemical concepts second best resource for planning science instruc And some groovy anniversary celebrations tion, after the MN Frameworks website (shameless Registration and information at editorial comment). NSDL hosts the Science Literacy Schoolyard Gardens Conference, Feb. 27-28, Maps site, which is an online version of the Atlas Chanhassen for Science Literacy. The maps show the learning Schoolyard gardens provide an incomparable, progression of science concepts from K to 12 and hands-on opportunity to meet academic standards, also provide links to resources and assessments. The engage with community partners, learn about healthy NSDL site is moving to a new location (nsdl.oercomeating, and connect with natural resources. Join us at Go to Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and spend two es/nsdl-science-literacy-maps/view to go directly to days learning innovative strategies for building, susthe maps and then bookmark the site taining and engaging every in a thriving schoolyard Teacher Events and Workshops garden. For information go to http://www.arboretum. Earth Science Teachers Conference, Feb. 6,
This annual conference will include Kent Kirkby from U of MN speaking on Geology and Natural Disasters, Eric Koser on the Next Generation Science Standards, the most recent TIMES (Teaching Inquiry Minnesota Earth Science) group on teaching earth science, and more. Come for the people and food, stay for the prizes. There’s also a Thursday night behind-the-scenes tour of the Science Museum. Go to the MN Earth Science Teachers Assn. website http:// for information and registration.
Minnesota Conference on Science Education, Feb. 20-21, Mankato The annual conference of the Minnesota Science Teachers will have a special flair as MnSTA celebrates its 50th anniversary. Some features R.T. Ryback will give the keynote: Minnesota’s Achievement Gap and what we can do about it!
National Conference on Science Education, March 12-15, Chicago
The annual Nation Science Teachers Association national conference is close to Minnesota this year, so there will be a large Minnesota group. The conference features national speakers, such as Bill Nye, astronauts, researchers and education leaders. The conference strands are: Natural Resources & Natural Partnerships, Teaching Every Child by Embracing Diversity, The Science of Design, and Student Learning – How do we know what they Know. There are 1,500 innovative presentations, sessions, field trips, and social events. Plus there are more than 400 exhibits. Go to for conference information and registration.
MN STEM Network and Afterschool Network conference, April 14-15, St. Paul Powering Learning, Expanding Possibilities is the theme for this joint conference presented by
MnSTA Newsletter
Opportunities-Department of Education SciMathMN and Ignite Afterschool at the St. Paul Campus of the University of Minn. It will feature
Teacher and School Awards and OpScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathemat- portunities ics (STEM) in afterschool and the development of 21st Century skills, such as problem-solving, teamwork, and communications. Attendees will share high quality practices, build partnerships, and advance policy to increase student engagement in and outside of the school day. Additionally, other sessions will address STEM in preK-12 classrooms, post-secondary education, and workforce development. You may submit a session proposal until mid-February. Go to https://www. for conference information, registration and session proposals. Engineering is Elementary (EiE)Teacher Educator Institute, April 14-16, St. Paul
If you’re a professional development provider, this workshop at the Science Museum of Minneaota prepares you to facilitate EiE professional development workshops for teachers in your school, district, or state. Like all EiE workshops, our Teacher Educator Institute is hands-on and learner-driven. You’ll develop a deep understanding of the pedagogy and structure of the EiE curriculum. And you’ll take away a large collection of valuable resources to help you facilitate your own EiE workshops. Go to for more information.
NSTA’s STEM Forum and Expo, May 20-23, Minneapolis
The 2015 STEM Forum is a unique, focused event that brings together informal and formal educators and exhibiting companies who are interested in, and/or who have tools and resources to share that will ensure successful implementation of STEM education into our schools and communities. It is intended to provide resources for educators and organizations seeking to learn more about STEM education, associated outreach programs, partnerships, schools, and curricula. The keynote speaker is Freeman Hrabowski, president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Dr. Freeman was recently named by President Obama to chair the President’s Advisory commission of Educational Excellence for African Americans. Time magazine named him one of the 100 most Influential People in the World in 2012. Go to http://www.nsta. org/conferences/stem.aspx for more information about the conference.
Spring 2015
MnSTA Science Teaching Award
Write about your teaching strategies and gain $1000 for a classroom project. This award for MnSTA members recognizes teachers in two categories, elementary and secondary. The application calls for a narrative about your teaching style, a resume and a description of the project you propose for the funds. Awardees are recognized at the MnSTA Conference in February. The awardees have been selected for this year and will be announced at MnCOSE on February 20. Begin thinking of who you want to nominate for next year.
Presidential Award application and nominations are now available
Secondary science and mathematics teachers are eligible for the 2015 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. The prestigious award from The White House provides a great opportunity to examine and improve your instruction and gain leadership opportunities. In addition awardees participate in Washington DC activities and receive $10,000. Mentoring assistance is available. Nominate your colleagues or yourself. Applications are Due May 1. Go to https://www. for more information and nominations. You may also contact John Olson, the Minnesota coordinator John Olson,
Student Awards, Competitions and Programs
National Youth Science Camp, a free challenging experience in W. Virginia
Encourage your top science students in the senior class to apply for a three week FREE residential science education program in that honors and challenges two graduating high school science students from each state and several nations. Located in the mountains of West Virginia, the camp includes presentations by leading scientists, handson investigations, visits to research labs, a trip to Washington DC and many recreational activities. Minnesota delegates are selected by the Minnesota Department of Education through an application process. The deadline is March 1st. For information go to or contact John Olson,
Opportunities-Department of Education Girls on Ice, wilderness science education
Girls on Ice is a unique, FREE, wilderness science education program for high school girls. Each year a team of 9 teenage girls and 3 instructors spend 12 days exploring and learning about mountain glaciers and alpine landscapes through scientific field studies with professional glaciologists and mountaineers. Girls on Ice NORTH CASCADES in Washington State is open to all girls age 16-18. The dates are July 13 – 24. For information and the application, go to
eCYBERMISSION is a free, online collaborative learning competition for students in grades six through nine offered by the U.S. Army Educational Outreach Program. The competition challenges students to think about real-world applications of STEM by working in teams to identify a problem in their community and use the scientific practices or the engineering design process to find a solution. Students compete for state, regional and national awards, with potential winning of up to $8,000 in U.S. savings bonds. The deadline is Feb. 25. Go to for Information and Registration.
Mn Zoo Interactive Video Conferencing
Do you want to introduce your students to exciting concepts in wildlife science, zoology, conservation, and even topics in STEM education… but don’t have the time or means to make it to the Minnesota Zoo in person? Now you can have an entertaining and informative zoo naturalist brought right to you for a live, fully-interactive video conference all about animals at the Zoo and in the wild! Go to for more information.
Mn Field Trip Library
The field trip provides links to nature centers, museums, zoos, recreational sites, events and many more opportunities for your classes and students. Go to MN_Field_Trip_Library/Home.html for the online library Minnesota Academy of Science Competitions The Mn Academy of Science organizes many com petitions that are listed on their State Science and Engineering Fair, March 20-23 Science Bowl: High School Jan. 24 and Middle school Feb. 14 STEM Communicator Awards
High Tech Kids Competitions
These competitions involve school teams in engineering challenges.Go to http://www.hightechkids. org/mn-first-tech-challenge-grades-7-12 for program descriptions. FIRST LEGO League (robotics) grades 4 – 9 FIRST Tech Challenge (robotics), grades 7 – 12 Renewable Energy Challenge, grades 4 - 12
Other Minnesota Competitions and Programs
Most competitions and out-of-school programs are listed in the Reach for the Stars Catalog of Programs and Activities. . Some examples include: Science Olympiad, Real World Design Challenge, Supermileage Challenge,
MDE Contacts:
Dawn Cameron, Science Assessment Specialist, Jim Wood, Science Assessment Specialist, John Olson, Science Content Specialist, Doug Paulson, STEM Integration Specialist, Send submissions for the Science Update to John Olson Other Minnesota Links: Minn. Dept. of Education Science Page, Minn. Science Teachers Association Minn. Frameworks for Science and Mathematics Standards, Get – STEM Connections between schools and businesses, Mn-STEM STEM programs and resources for families, schools and community, Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge environmental education resources,Minnesota Academy of Science: Science Fair, Science Bowl and other competitions The Northeast Perpich Arts Integration Network of Teachers (PAINT) The Perpich Arts Integration Network of Teachers builds capacity for collaborative arts integration through K-12 teacher professional development and funding to schools. With Perpich Center facilitation, teacher teams develop and implement arts-integrated units to increase and deepen student learning. They engage in collaborative inquiry to expand capacity for quality arts integration; aligning standards and assessments; and examining and learning from student work.
Teams of 3 – 8 teachers are invited to apply. They must be based in a public school (K-12) in Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, or Saint Louis county. To access an application go to NE-PAINT-Application-2015-2016 or contact Byron Richard,
MnSTA Newsletter
Opportunities Flinn Video Fulfills Teachers’ OSHA/GHS Training Free Online Training Always Available to Help Schools The initial GHS training deadline has come and gone, but employers under OSHA jurisdiction—including schools—still need to provide training to ensure that teachers and staff understand the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of classification and labeling of chemicals. Even though the December 2013 deadline has passed, the training requirement is now always in effect. Flinn Scientific’s free online GHS Certification Training will remain available to help schools meet the training requirement. Flinn’s Free GHS Certification Training Video: · Makes it easy for schools to provide training for employees who may not have received training prior to the deadline, such as beginning teachers, teachers new to a school, and teachers who may have missed the initial deadline. · Offers maximum convenience. Administrators and teachers don’t need to spend time researching and presenting training sessions— and there is no need to hire expensive consultants. The comprehensive Flinn video covers everything. · Saves hours of time. Within 30 minutes, a teacher can watch the short training video, take an assessment, print the certificate of completion, and be in compliance. · Provides training that makes sense. Safety should be a priority regardless of whether a school is in a Federal OSHA State or if a school is public or private. Any employee who may pick up a bottle containing a chemical should be trained to recognize and understand the new GHS hazard information.
The free video fulfills GHS training requirements and, in conjunction with Flinn’s GHS compliant chemical labels and Safety Data Sheets, can make schools safer for employees and students. If you have any questions, please contact: Flinn Scientific 1-800-452-1261 Email: Website: Free from Flinn Scientific: To improve safety and prevent accidents, please share this month’s Safety Training Notes entitled “Safety Guidelines for Science Demonstrations” with your fellow science teachers.
Your free copy of “Safety Guidelines for Science Demonstrations” is available at: http://www. To help you follow guideline #2 in this month’s Safety Notes, you are welcome to contact us for demonstration ideas. Send us an email at flinn@ Our demonstration write-ups include safety precautions and our scientists can suggest demos to help you teach specific topics safely. We’d be happy to answer your questions about demos, safety, and Flinn Demonstration Kits. We are grateful for the opportunity to fill your orders and help you teach science. Kevin McNulty VP--Marketing and Sales Flinn Scientific P.O. Box 219 Batavia, IL 60510 www.
MnSTA 50th Anniversary Membership Promotion
Receive one-year free membership by encouraging a colleague to join MnSTA! When your colleague has registered as a first-time member of MnSTA, email Mark Lex MnSTA Database Manager, and receive one free year of MnSTA membership.Offer expires June 30, 2015
Keep the following link on file for any employee who needs GHS training. To view the Flinn video and receive a certificate of
completion, please go to: Spring 2015
Help us celebrate our 50 years as a leader in Minnesota science education by attending our annual conference MNCOSE February 20 & 21 2015 Mankato, MN
Highlights of our 50th Anniversary Celebration • Networking with science education from across Minnesota • Presenters sharing new ideas for your classroom • Speakers with the latest research/info on science eduation • Exhibitors displahing their lastest products
For conference information go to
10 MnSTA Newsletter
MnCOSE Schedule of Events Thurs, Feb 19, 2015
Sat, Feb 21, 2015
Fri, Feb 20, 2015
Saturday Only Registration Available
5:00 – 8:00 PM Registration Open Exhibitor Check in and set up Verizon Center Lobby 7:15 – 8:00 AM Registration Continues Continental Breakfast Available Verizon Center Arena 7:30 AM Exhibits Open Verizon Center Arena
6:45 – 9:00 AM Continental Breakfast Available Verizon Banquet Hall
8:30 – 12:30 PM Phenomenon Based Learning - Fun, Hands On, Cooperative Learning, Matt Bobrowsky, Delaware State University CMSM Maker Space
8:00 – 8:45 AM Presentation Session 1 9:00 – 9:45 AM Presentation Session 2 10:00 – 10:45 AM Presentation Session 3
7:00 - 8:00 AM and/or 9:00 - 10:00 AM Understanding Mental Health in Children & Adolescents 7:00 - Early Bird Session 9:00 - Second Session Ginny Nimmo, Mankato Public Schools Verizon Center
11:00 – 11:45 AM Welcome and Greeting! MnSTA Medtronic Foundation Science Teaching Award Verizon Banquet Hall
8:30 - 12:30 AM Engineering a Better Science Classroom, Paul Anderson, Bozeman Science Verizon Center
11:45 AM – 12:30 PM Keynote Speaker: RT Rybak “Minnesota’s Achievement Gap and What We Can Do About It” Verizon Banquet Hall
MnCOSE15 Conference Lodging
12:30 - 1:30 PM Lunch Available/Exhibit Time Verizon Arena
Two great local options are available to you for lodging during the MnSTA Conference on Science Education in Mankato!
1:30 – 2:15 PM Presentation Session 4 2:30 – 3:15 PM Presentation Session 5 3:30 - 4:15 PM Presentation Session 6 4:15 – 5:00 PM Social Event Door Prize Give Away • Meet the Vendors Verizon Arena Exhibits remain open until 5 PM 5:30 - 7:30 PM MnCOSE Gathering and 50th Anniversary Reception Dinner (included with registration), cash bar MnSTA Annual Meeting Back to the ‘60s Theme! Twitter Photo Booth with props! 50th Anniversary Celebration and Cake Children’s Museum of Southern Minnesota (open until 9:00 pm)
Friday Evening MnCOSE Twitter Guided Traveling Social
Mankato City Center Hotel 101 East Main St Mankato, MN 56001 507-345-1234 877-345-5577 Mankato Hilton Garden Inn 20 Civic Center Plaza Mankato, MN 56001 507-344-1111
Network while you explore Mankato’s Front Street Establishments
Spring 2015 11
MnCOSE Sessions Strand
Room Verizon 241
Elementary Verizon 243
Verizon 279A
Verizon 279B
Room A - BIG CCH1A Hughes
Session I • 8:00 - 8:45 AM
Session II • 9:00 - 9:45 AM
Bee Wild About Pollinators Jenny Kil, Palmer Lake Elementary School
Native Plants and Seeds, Oh My! Michele Koomen, Gustavus Adolphus College
STEMify Your School: Learn How Implementing STEM Google Drive in Elementary Science: Including Education Model Brought Owatonna Schools Out of 1:1 Applications "Safe Harbor" and Into "Celebration" Status.: Thomas Mary Hedenstrom, St. Catherine University Meagher, Owatonna Public Schools Argument-Driven Inquiry in the Science Classroom Marlene Schoeneck, Parkers Prairie High School
Science Muzac: The Reunion Tour: Mark Peterson, Dassel Cokato High School
Session III • 10:00 - 10:45 AM
Zoe Hastings Farm to School Coordinator Minnesota Department of Agriculture Elementary Strand Speaker ParkSCI -- Engineering for All: Mark Miller, St. Louis Park HS -- ParkSCI
Going Green in the Chemical Sciences Classroom Jane Wissinger, University of Minnesota
Personalized Instruction in a 1:1 Science Classroom: Mark Froehling, Farmington High School
Outdoor Investigations and Technology- Together at Last! Sarah Weaver, University of Minnesota- Monarch Lab
Multiple Hypotheses and Experimental Design Sarah Weaver, University of MinnesotaMonarch Lab
Life Science Room B CCH1B Johnson
Environment & Ethics: The Tragedy and Triumph of Minamata, Japan Douglas Allchin, Univ. of Minnesota
Teaching Scientific Practices: The Case of Alfred Russel Wallace and the Origin of New Species Douglas Allchin, Univ. of Minnesota
City Center Hotel Jackson Room
Dr. Nathan Moore Associate Professor, Physics Minnesota State University Winona Physics Strand Speaker
Neutrinos and Dark Matter Fermilab to Soudan Allen Lipke, Soudan Underground Physics Lab
City Center Hotel Palmer Room
Engaging Learners Through Essential Questions: Michael Rogers, Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School
ISD77 Mankato Room
Nic Jelinski Graduate Program for Land and Atmospheric Science University of Minnesota Earth Science Strand Speaker
Explore Animals & Engineering with Distance Learning and the Minnesota Zoo! Galen Sjostrom, Minnesota Zoo
Vendor Verizon Reception Hall
ISD77 MN River Room
Hilton Room 303
Hilton Room 305
Can You Dig It?! The Secrets of Soil: Kristin Brennan, USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service
iNeuron: Engage Your Students in STEM with Making Science Texts Stick with Mobile Games National Geographic Learning Katrina Schleisman, University of Minnesota Kelly Leinert, National Geographic | Cengage Learning
Bringing Medical Laboratory Science into Your Classroom: Charlotte Romain, University of Minnesota, Medical Laboratory Science Program
PLTW a STEM Journey Sonya McNamara, Project Lead The Way How to Easily Create Interactive Blended Learning Lessons: Matthew Nupen, 916 Mahtomedi Academy
How To Easily Create Interactive Online Lessons.: Matthew Nupen, 916 Mahtomedi Academy
Connect and Collect #Twitter: Laurie Callies, Eden Prairie School District
Relationship Between a School's Participation in Aligning Science Fair to Minnesota Academic Standards In Defense of the Science Fair -- Mythbusting Science Fair and the School's Score on the in Science: Science Fair Misconceptions.: Richard Lahti, MCAIII Science Test: Richard Lahti, Minnesota Richard Lahti, Minnesota State University Moorhead Minnesota State University Moorhead State University Moorhead
MnSTA Newsletter
MnCOSE Sessions Session IV â&#x20AC;˘ 1:30 - 2:15 PM
Session V â&#x20AC;˘ 2:30 - 3:15 PM
Session VI 3:30 - 4:15
Integrating K-6 Science Learning through the Outdoors,Notebooks and Word Walls: Laurie Arnason, South Point Elementary
Catapult Lab: Fran Stang, O. H. Anderson
Young Chefs; Engaging Underrepresented Youth in Science Through Cooking.: Eric McDonald, Young Chefs, Carleton College
Calendar in the Classroom: David Grack, Jeffers Foundation
Studying Birds: Building Science Literacy While Studying Our Feathered Friends David Grack, Jeffers Foundation
ECOTIME: Integrating Environmental Education: David Grack, Jeffers Foundation
Incorporating Native American Perspectives on Science, Engineering & NGSS: Kevin Zak, University of Minnesota Duluth
Geodesic Domes and Other Cool Subjects Cross Curricular Nichole Christofferson-Weston, Menahga
Creativity: The Spark That Ignites Learning: Chuck Handlon, Century High School
Dr. Roger Kugel Visiting Scholar, University of Cincinnati Chemistry Strand Speaker
Making Labs Work Efficiently and Effectively: Carolyn Fruin, Capella University
Dr. Kelly Grussendorf Instructor, Department of Biology Minnesota State University Mankato Life Science Strand Speaker
Using Macroinvertebrates to Monitor Stream Quality: Joe Beattie, Hastings High School
Using Insects to Explore Evolution and Ecology: Emily Mohl, St. Olaf College
Stop the Invasion! Classroom Aquariums, Pond Samples, and Minnesota's Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Laws: Deb Groebner, MinnAqua -MN Department of Natural Resources
The New AP Physics 1 & 2: Paul Lulai, St Anthony Village Senior High
Cargo Carrier Design Challenge Marta Stoeckel, Tartan High School
Scientific Language- Look Who's Talking: Scot Hovan, St. Paul Academy and Summit School
Build a Faraday Motor Thomas Tomashek, Minnetonka High School
Biofuels -- Growing Energy in Minnesota: Sue Knott, Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom
Hands-on Human Ecology for the Next Generation Drew Grover, Population Connection
ArcGIS Online and other Web Mapping Options for your Classroom: Kenneth Pekarek, GIS 4 Schools Using Simple Hands on Experiments to Explore the Nano World Deb Newberry, Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education
The Immersive Classroom: Integrating Science, Literacy, and Engineering Standards Sally Brummel, Bell Museum of Natural History
Tools For Beginning Standards-Based Learning. Amanda Meyer, Springfield High School Engineering for Secondary Science Learning -Beyond Activitymania: John Olson, Minnesota Dept. of Education
Engineering Beyond Activitymania to create Elementary STEM Learning: Doug Paulson, Minnesota Dept. of Education
It's All About the Data! Helping Students Develop Authentic Scientific Explanations Using Data Instead of Opinions.: Mary Spivey, UMN Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve Data Collection and Mapping for using Crosscutting Concepts: John Olson, Minnesota Dept. of Education
Spring 2015 13
Opportunities-MnCOSE-Strand Speakers Physcis Strand
Is school-lunch more effective than school? The relevance of proportional reasoning in Physics (and other science classes). Dr. Nathan Moore Associate Professor, Physics Winona State University Winona Reasoning ability data taken over the careers of most conference attendees (from the 1970’s to today) shows both a precipitous drop over time and disparate development across students. Specifically and on average, 11 year old children in the UK in 2003 reasoned in a way similar to 7.5 year olds in the 1970’s, and while a typical class shows a spread of physical development of ~ +/- 1 year, a typical 6th grade class spans about 10 years of intellectual development! This leads to the possible claim that perhaps school nutrition programs are more effective in bringing out uniform outcomes than school itself. After elaborating on this story, the session will dive into proportional reasoning, a fundamental reasoning skill across science, which is a key part of reasoning development. As a group, we’ll work through several proportional reasoning activities, map them to a taxonomy that’s indexed by reasoning level, and discuss how this thinking skill appears in HS Physics contexts.
garden and local food activities that meet academic standards in science. These lessons will serve as a starting point for educators to brainstorm opportunities to use local food, school gardens, and agriculture as tools for contextualizing learning. Free lessons and resources related to school gardens will be shared.
Zoe Hastings
Biology Strand
Use of the model organism, Caenorhabditis elegans, a small worm that makes big impacts in the classroom and in studies of small biological tubes. Dr. Kelly A. Grussendorf, Minnesota
Nathan Moore
Elementary Strand
Cultivating Minds with School Gardens Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom Workshop Zoe Hastings, Farm to School Coordinator
Minnesota Department of Agriculture Discover how school gardens can enrich the connections students have with fresh, healthy food while achieving Minnesota’s K-5 academic standards! Participants will complete a variety of hands-on school
State University, Mankato Caenorhabditis elegans is a small worm that has served as a model organism for over 40 years in various studies of genetics, developmental biology, neurobiology and more! Because of the many advantages associated with C. elegans, they have been popular, not only in the research lab, but in the classroom as well. C. elegans allow for students to develop different hypotheses, design experiments and collect data in a short amount of time. In my research lab, we use C. elegans to understand the genetics and molecular mechanisms underlying the development and maintenance of small biological tubes. Tubule formation and maintenance is important in many biological processes and defects in their genetic regulation can result in different disorders, such as cancer and muscular dystrophy. My lab sets out to find and study the genes that are associated with these different disorders.
MnSTA Newsletter
Opportunities-MnCOSE-Strand Speakers Earth Science Strand
For the Land and Its People: The Importance of Soil Science in a World on Fire Nic Jelinski,
Dr. Kelly Grussendorf
Chemistry Strand
Mastering Chemical Concepts: Knowledge → Skills → Representations → Understanding Roger Kugel, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota Soils are diverse, beautiful, interesting, and present excellent opportunities for field classes. Studying soil science in field environments around the world provides a unique perspective of landscapes and a strong connection to human management and cultures. Four tenets of experiential education in soil science that are applicable to earth sciences in general are: Quality, Diversity, Passion and Engagement. These tenets provide focused lines of effort through which to promote positive and perspective-changing views of the world through soil science. Changing entrenched views of cultures and landscapes provides an critical societal role for the study of soils and lies at the heart of experiential education in the earth sciences.
Visiting Scholar, University of Cincinnati The ultimate goal of every chemistry course should be to have students understand on an atomic level what is happening when chemical and physical changes occur in a system. This understanding must be built on a solid foundation of knowledge, skills, and representations. Misconceptions can result from a gap anywhere in this scaffold. The presentation will highlight some of the lessons learned at the 2014 AP Chemistry Reading about how to effectively test students for their conceptual understanding of chemistry and give some suggestions for ways to improve their understanding and dispel their misconceptions.
Nic Jelinski
Dr. Roger Kugel
Spring 2015
Opportunities-MnCOSE Workshops-Saturday, Feb. 21 Understanding Mental Illness in Children and Adolescents
Information regarding the most commonly diagnosed areas of mental illness in children, and how parents and teachers can work together to support their students. This workshop meets the continuing education requirement for Minnesota teachers. Presenter Ginny Nimmo has her M.S. in Education, and Specialist Certification and National Certification in school psychology, and has been a school psychologist in Minnesota and Montana. Since 1987 she has been a school psychologist in the Mankato Public Schools. She has been honored as the 1994 Minnesota School Psychologist of the Year and the 2013 Ysseldyke Distinguised Best Practices Award. She has served on the state board of the Minnesota School Psychologists Association, and was president of that organization. Ginny is active in working with staff, parents, and community members in the areas of positive behavioral interventions, Judicious Discipline, parenting ideas, crisis response, mental health needs and various other topics.
Matt Bobrowsky
Phenomenon-Based Learning: Fun, Handson, Cooperative Learning
Experience the kind of learning that propelled Finland to international leadership in science education—learning not by memorizing facts, but by exploration and discovery. Matt Bobrowski combines the most effective aspects of Finnish te aching along with project-based learning, collaborative learning, responsive teaching, and handson experiments, we present “Phenomenon-based Learning” (PBL). With registration you’ll be able to buy a copy of the PBL Gadgets & Gizmos book for your grade level — full of hands-on explorations that support the PBL approach — and also purchase a gadget that evokes curiosity and inspires the desire to explore and learn.
Paul Andersen
Creating a Blended Classrom
Paul Andersen has been teaching science in Montana for the last twenty years. He spent the first half of his career teaching all the science classes at a small rural school in northern Montana. Paul is currently a science teacher at Bozeman High School. Paul has created hundreds of YouTube science tutorials that have been viewed millions of times by students around the world. Paul was the Montana Teacher of the Year and he was a finalist for National Teacher of the Year. Paul will be conducting a workshop for secondary teachers on creating a blended classroom focusing on Next Generation Science Standards
MnSTA Newsletter
MnCOSE Vendors
Spring 2015 17
MnCOSE Vendors Learning neuroscience should be fun. Seriously.
Try iNeuron® and see for yourself.
• Get iNeuron on the App Store. • Come to our workshop, play iNeuron. Hijinks may ensue. • Visit the Andamio Games booth. Learn more. Get cool stuff. Geek out about edtech. Ask Dr. Katrina about!
• • • •
2-week summer PD workshop $1000 stipend, CEUs Revitalize your teaching Hands-on learning & FUN
18 MnSTA Newsletter
MnCOSE Vendors
Spring 2015 19
MnCOSE Vendors
Minnesota AgMag and AgMag Jr. Series Food for Thought â&#x20AC;&#x201C; A Minnesota Geography Curriculum Standards-based Lessons and Activities
Supplemental Resources Professional Development Workshops Ag Literacy Grant Program Minnesota School Garden Guide
Visit us at: Consider a financial gift to help educate students and teachers:
20 MnSTA Newsletter
MnCOSE Vendors
For all your Science nee ds: Print and Digital
Brad Tesdahl, Grades K-‐8 or 763.913.9075
Amy Crane, Grades 9-‐12 or 612.570.0922
Lignite Education Seminar Energy, Economics & Evironment
Two graduate credits at:
University of North Dakota, Minot State University or North Dakota State University paid for by Lignite Energy Council
June 15-18, 2015 Tours at lignite facilities FREE Registration, housing and meals Teachers will receive classroom activities, DVD’s and coal samples To apply: For more information: Kay LaCoe at 800-932-7117 or
Spring 2015 21
SAVE THE DATE A JOINT ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF Ignite Afterschool, Minnesotaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Afterschool Network MN STEM Network, an initiative of SciMathMN Minnesota 21st Century Community Learning Centers
CONTINUING EDUCATION CONFERENCE CENTER 1890 Buford Avenue St Paul Campus of the University of Minnesota This conference is sponsored, in part, from the Minnesota Department of Education using federal funding, CFDA 84.287c, 21st Century Community Learning Centers.
MnSTA Newsletter
Spring 2015 23
MnSTA Board Directory
MnSTA Phone# (651)-523-2945
Below, you will find information about your MnSTA Board Members. The listing includes the board memberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s school (or organization), mailing address, work phone, FAX number, and e-mail address. The board wishes to make itself as accessible as possible for our members. Please feel free to contact your discipline representative, regional representative, or executive board members if you have ideas, concerns, or wish to help with the mission or operation of MnSTA. We are always looking for members who wish to serve MnSTA as Board Members, Non-Board Service Chairs or Members, and as Committee Chairs or Members.
Executive Board: Exec. Secretary
Ed Hessler
Hamline University, 1536 Hewitt Ave. MS-A1760,
W: 651-523-2945
F: 651-523-3041
Lee Schmitt
Hamline University
1536 Hewitt Ave. MS-A1760,
St. Paul, MN 55104 St. Paul, MN 55104
651-523-2562 Past President
Steve Walvig
The Bakken
Joe Reymann
DOE Science Specialist
John Olson
Dept.of Education 651-582-8673
F: 612-927-7265
3537 Zenith Ave. S
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Discipline Directors: Biology
Catherine Neve Mankato East High School 2600 Hoffman Rd W:507-387-5671 e:
Carolyn Fruin
Earth Science
Kate Rosok
Elementary/Greater MN Rachel Strauss 507-288-4816 X 115
Mankato, MN 56001
Eastview High School Minneapolis Public Schools Rochester Catholic Schools 318 11th Ave. SE
Rochester,, MN 55904
Polly Saatzer Garlough Environmental Magnet 1740 Charlton St. W:651-552-0094
Higher Ed
Dr. Melanie Reap Winona State University 152 Gildemeister Hall Winona, MN 55987 507-313-9114
Informal Ed
Larry Thomas
W: 651-221-4507
Jerry Wenzel
Paul Lulai
St. Anthony Village High School 3303 33rd Ave
West St. Paul, MN 55118
120 W. Kellogg Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55102
St. Anthony, MN 55418
W:612-964-5374 Private Schools
Carolyn Ocampo
Eric Koser 507-387-3461 x 322
Mankato West H.S. F: 507-345-1502
1351 S. Riverfront Dr. e:
Mankato, MN 56001 W:
Region Representatives: Region 1&2: North
Josh Tharaldson
Marshall County Central HS
310 W. Minnesota Ave.
Newfolden, MN 56738
218-874-7225 Region 1&2: North
Michael Urban
Bemidji State University
1500 Birchmont Dr.
Bemidji, MN 56601
218-775-3782 Region 3: Northeast
Elizabeth Kersting-Peterson Homecroft Elementary 4784 Howard Gnesen Rd.
Region 4: Westcentral TJ Schmitt
Duluth, MN 55803 302 3rd St. SE
Barnsville, MN 56514
24 MnSTA Newsletter
MnSTA Board Directory Region 5: Northcentral Nichole Christofferson-Weston Menahga Public Schools 12945 Blue Spruce Ave. Menahga, MN 56464
W 701-219-9399
Region 6: Southcentral Jeremy Brady W:320-752-4851
Lac qui Parle Valley HS
Region 7: Eastcentral
Kari Dombrovski
South Junior High
W:320-252-1322 X 1923
2860 291st. Ave. Madison, MN 56356 1120 15th Ave. So
St. Cloud, MN 56304
Region 8: Southcentral Jeremy Brady W:320-752-4851
Lac qui Parle Valley HS
Region 9: South
Dana Smith W:507-232-3461X4114
Nicolette Public School 1 Pine St. e:
Nicollet, MN 56047
Region 10: Southeast
Sharie Furst
Kasson-Mantorville Elemementary 604 16th St. NE
Kasson, MN 55944
Region 11: Metro
Betsey Stretch
Minneapolis Public Schools
2860 291st Ave. Madison, MN 56356
1250 Broadway
Minneapolis, MN 55411
Ancillary Positions: Database
Mark Lex 55416
Benilde-St. Margaret’s 2501 Hwy 100 S W: 952-927-4176 F: 952-920-8889
Historian/Parlimentarian Fred Riehm
Retired ‘91
NSTA Dist. IX Director
Horizon MS
Mary Colson
St. Louis Park, MN e: 3601 12th Ave. So.
Moorhead, MN 56560
W: 218-284-7300 Conference Coordinator Jean Tushie
Eden Prairie High School
F 952-975-8020
W 952-975-4347
17185 Valley View Rd Eden Prairie, N 55346
Events Calendar If you have events you want placed on the calendar, send them to the editor - see page 2 for deadlines, address, etc.
Conferences / Workshops MnCOSE Minnesota Conference on Science Education Feb. 20-21, 2015 Verizon Center in Mankato NSTA STEM Forum, May 20-23, 2015, Minneapolis. NSTA Regional Conference, October 27-29, 2016, Minneapolis.
Spring 2015
Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc. Hamline University MS MS-A1760 1536 Hewitt Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104
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Twin Cities, MN Permit No. 4197
MnSTA Regions
MnSTA Membership Application Form
Join the Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA), the professional organization whose primary goal is the advancement of science education. Mail this form along with your check to: MnSTA, Hamline University MS - A1760, 1536 Hewitt Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104
Name (First, MI, Last) Address
Zip code
Phone number
Please indicate whether this application is for
Zip code
School district # (enter "P" if Private, “A” if Alternative, “C” if Charter)
q Basic Membership .......................$25 q First Year Teacher .......................$15 q Retired Teacher ...........................$15 q Pre-service Student .....................$10 q Life Membership: to age 35 ......$400 age 36-50 ....$300 over 50 .........$200
q New Member
Address Phone number
Preferred email address Second email address
q Renewing/Past Member
Discipline and Grade Level q Elementary q Biology q Chemistry q Earth Science q Environmental Sci q Life Science q Physical Science q Physics
q Elementary (K-6) q Middle/Jr. High School (6-9) q High School (9-12) q College/University q Informal Ed