MnSTA Newsletter Spring 2019

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Newsletter Volume 55 No. 3 A Quarterly Publication of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association Inc.

Climate Change Is a Thing. You Should Teach It, Science Teachers Group Says By Stephen Sawchuk, Education News reporter 9/13/2018

The major group representing science educators is making this point crystal clear: The scientific consensus for climate change due to human activity is overwhelming, and the topic must be taught in K-12 classrooms. The National Science Teachers Association says in its position statement, that the science of climate change is as well established as other fields, like plate tectonics and planetary astronomy, and that the subject should be taught in K-12 education. “Given the solid scientific foundation on which climate change science rests, any controversies regarding climate change and human-caused contributions to climate change that are based on social, economic, or political arguments—rather than scientific arguments—should not be part of a science curriculum,” it says. The four-page resolution, about a year in the drafting, also recommends support structures that should surround the teaching of climate change. For example, teachers need ongoing professional development to enhance their teaching and develop confidence to address the topic, while programs preparing teachers and licensing systems should include climate change content. One of the most interesting pieces in the statement is its reference to the false debates that sometimes surround climate change. It notes that teachers often face pressure to eliminate or de-emphasize climate change through reasonable-sounding rhetorical tactics, such as “teach the controversy.” That’s also been one of the common strategies used by opponents of evolution.

Spring 2019

The Context of Climate Change Teaching in Schools

To be clear, this isn’t a new position for the NSTA; rather, it’s a compilation and reiteration of its beliefs. The group has been a big supporter of the Framework for K-12 Science Education, the 2012 National Research Council publication that underpins efforts like the Next Generation Science standards. Both documents include climate change as a core theme that should be explored in their education programs. And the NSTA offers resources for the teaching of climate science on its website. So why put out a position statement now? “We have found in the past that having an official statement is useful for teachers and principals to take to the next level up—to the curriculum supervisor, or to the school board—to say this is not just some fad; the largest organization of science teachers responsible for opinions and policy on science education feels strongly enough to outline it,” said David Evans, the NSTA’s executive director. “This is really practical, on the ground stuff. And it’s a very timely issue.” He’s got a point. New Mexico, West Virginia, and Idaho have all faced controversies over the past two years over how they’ve revised their science standards on the topic of climate change. And just in the past week Arizona, which was already facing blowback from language minimizing climate change in a draft version of its science standards, released a new draft that eliminates some pieces related to climate change. (It’s not entirely clear what prompted this most recent change in the language.) Research has also found that many teachers hold incomplete or incorrect ideas about climate change. And the National Center for Science Education, which supports the teaching of climate change, too, recently wrote this Commentary for Education Week on the landscape of teacher beliefs on the topic and how to use the classroom narrow the gap between popular and scientific understanding of climate change.

President’s Message-Josh Tharaldson Spring is coming! I think it is safe to say that we are all looking forward to the warmer spring days that are ahead after several major snowstorms and near record setting cold this winter all across the state. Through it all, the Minnesota Science Teachers Association Board of Director representatives hosted sessions in every region of the state allowing teachers, administrators and others the opportunity to provide feedback on both the first and second drafts of the Minnesota K-12 academic science standards. Thank you for taking time to attend these sessions to learn about the drafts of the science standards and also for providing your input on the drafts. I would encourage you to stay connected throughout the remainder of the standards revision process and watch for the final draft of the revised standards to be published in May or June on the Minnesota Department of Education website. At our last board retreat, each of the board members were asked a simple question to spark a broad conversation about MnSTA membership. “How did you initially get involved with MnSTA?” was asked to shed some light on how our current board of directors became involved with the work of MnSTA. My own answer to that question goes something like this: As a new teacher in a two person science department I was approached by my co-worker Jim Pedersen who was soon completing his 40th year of service to science education and he asked if I was planning to attend the upcoming state science conference in Duluth. To be completely honest, I did not know what he was talking about, thus, I asked him additional questions to find out more. Jim went on to tell me that there is an annual conference focused entirely on providing professional development for science teachers with numerous sessions dedicated to each of the main strands. After hearing all the reasons to attend, I filled out the staff development paperwork for my district and attended my first Minnesota ConferPresidents message .................................continuted on page 4


Teacher Feature Joe Cossette is our feature teacher for this issue of the MnSTA newsletter. Joe is in his 5th year as a teacher, teaching IB Physics and Honors Physical Science at Minnetonka High School. Before his teaching career, Joe worked as a Mechanical Development Engineer at Seagate Technology in Shakopee. Joe’s favorite lessons involve challenging, groupworthy tasks. Lately he has really gotten into designing escape room and murder mystery style lessons to help his students practice in engaging ways. One lesson in particular that he feels embodies this spirit is his Kinematics Crime Scene. Students complete this task once they have had the opportunity to practice using the kinematic equations to describe the motion of a uniformly accelerating object. In this task, they are challenged to figure out who is responsible for breaking Wilma Wilshire’s priceless antique vase. Instead of providing all of the information describing the scenario like a word problem, groups split up and each member becomes an expert on one piece of the mystery. After some consultation with others stationed at the same clue, the students return to their original groups where they are responsible for assembling their clues to identify the culprit. The way that the clues are written, each student must use their physics content to locate the important information and each clue is required to solve the mystery so the group benefits from hearing the voice of each member. He spends a lot of time preparing and organizing his teaching materials so that during class he can spend more time interacting with students and being flexible with his plans. Humor plays a really important role in his interactions with students and he has no problem making a fool out of himself by parodying popular music with science lyrics in front of the class. He loves puzzles and really enjoys challenging his students with tasks that push their critical thinking skills. Technology is a key part of his curriculum and he is constantly looking for new ideas to try out. Joe loves learning and getting excited about interesting things and teaching provides the perfect outlet for this. He always considered becoming a teacher even when he was getting his engineering degree but he wanted to finish what he had started and give that career path a shot for a little bit. At Seagate, one of the opportunities that he had was to volunteer as a judge for the state science fair. He absolutely loved his time talking with and mentoring students. Eventually he realized that he could do that every single day so he made the decision to quit his job to go back to school to get his teaching license.

MnSTA Newsletter

Teacher Feature Joe loves sharing his practice with other science teachers and in the past couple of years, he has been very active in online communities through his twitter account (@cossettej) and website/blog ( Joe is also in his 5th year as a Knowles Teacher Initiative Fellow. As part of this program, he has the opportunity to talk and share ideas with math and science teachers (other Knowles Fellows) from across the country a few times each year. He is the advisor for Science Olympiad, GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance), Academic Anchors (Peer Tutoring), and KPop Club Joe is the proud father to a 10 month old that has made life amazing, crazy, rewarding, and challenging. He enjoys playing guitar and singing and he has been involved in a music group at his church as well as a competitive barbershop chorus. He and his wife love musical theater and they have become masters at the educator rush so they can go to as many broadway shows as possible. Principal Jeff Erickson had this to say about Joe, Joe Cossette in his lab performing a demonstration for his physics students “Joe is by far one of the most innovative teachers with whom I’ve worked. He is constantly asking how he can make the content applicable to students, how can he engage them with materials, and how can I increase their curiosity in Science. He is positive, caring, focused on relationships, and full of humor. He writes song about the topics and performs them with his guitar. He is a deep thinker committed not only to his subject matter but has an unwavering commitment to each student’s success. He has the deep respect of his students, colleagues, and family. I’m fortunate to have him at MHS. I am terribly proud to have him part of my staff.” Joe Cossette, right, facilitating Building a Escape Room at MnCOSE in November.

The MnSTA Newsletter is published four times each year by the Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc. Articles, opinions, book reviews and other information pertinent to Minnesota teachers are welcome. Please limit submission to 1 typed page, e-mail preferred (text file please). Deadlines for submission of articles are: Fall ............... August 1st Winter ............. November 1st Spring ........... February 1st Summer....................April 1st Send all correspondence regarding the newsletter to: Jerry Wenzel 22002 100th Ave Randall, MN 56475 e-mail: The MnSTA Newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the back page. Materials found in the newsletter may be reprinted without charge.

Spring 2019

MnSTA, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) (3) Charitable Educational Corpora-tion, incorporated as a tax exempt, non-profit organization with the Minnesota Secretary of State. Donations and dues are tax deductible charitable contributions for itemized deductions on IRS form 1040 Schedule A. The newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the last page.


Green Schools Director’s Award Presidents messa..............continuted from page 2

ence on Science Education! What I found at the conference was a network of passionate, energetic teachers all excited to integrate new ideas and practices into their own teaching of science. I am extremely grateful that my co-worker, who was reaching the end of his career, took it upon himself to make sure that a young, inexperienced teacher like myself was made aware of the opportunities to grow as a teacher. It is because of him reaching out to me that I am now involved with MnSTA! Now, what did the rest of the answers from the MnSTA board members sound like? You might not be surprised to hear that many of the other board members had very similar responses. It was a co-worker, a teacher friend or their college professor who reached out to them and personally invited them to attend an event sponsored by the Minnesota Science Teachers Association, such as MnCOSE. At a time when Minnesota will soon be adopting new academic science standards, I too would encourage you to reach out to your co-workers, your teacher friends in the neighboring district and invite them to attend the next MnSTA event. Through continued networking, commitment and dedication by MnSTA members like you, Minnesota can continue to provide the highest quality science education for all! Thank you in advance for attending MnSTA events including MnCOSE 2019; and if you convince a colleague to come with you, I look forward to meeting you. Mark your calendars: MnSTA 2019 Conference on Science Education,

expertise into schools; and exhibiting a dedication to exceptional school facilities, environmental education through activities outside of the administration

Commissioner of Education, Mary Catherine Ricker presenting John Olson with the 2019 U.S. Department of Education Green School’s Director’s Award

John Olson is recipient of the Green Schools Director’s Award Congratulation to MDE Science Specialist John Olson for winning the 2019 U.S. Department of Education Green Schools Director’s Award The Director’s Award celebrates an individual’s exemplary efforts to administer U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools (ED-GRS) in their state. Specifically, the ED-GRS Director’s Award recognizes a state education agency official who does the most to advance green schools by: running a robust competition process; connecting more schools to resources in all three ED-GRS Pillars; amplifying the stories of honorees; helping schools learn from one another; partnering with a variety of entities to bring more resources and


MnSTA Newsletter

Meet Our New Board Members Dan Gruhlke:Outstate Elementary Dan Gruhlke is the STEM Specialist at Eastview Education Center (Monticello; Region 7) where he works with young science enthusiasts in kindergarten and preschool. Dan presented at MnCOSE 2018 as well as other organizations and agencies. Recently, Dan’s been recognized nationally (National Association of Geoscience Teachers, 2018 Minnesota Outstanding Earth Science Teacher), state (2018 MDE Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching Science Finalist), regionally (2018 Resource & Solutions Leader in Educational Excellence Award), and local (2017-2018 Monticello Outstanding Service Award). Dan looks forward to supporting outstate elementary science educators as well as advocating science education of young learners.

Stacy Bartlett: Biology Discipline Director Stacy is in her 23rd year of teaching. She has been a Biology and Computer Science teacher at Stillwater Area High School since 2012. Prior to this, she served for 13 years as a science teacher (and wearer of many other hats) at the Math and Science Academy in Woodbury and for three years as a science teacher in the Shakopee School District. Stacy’s academic passion is writing and implementing high quality, standards-based, relevant and engaging curriculum and assessments. Stacy’s non-academic passion is spending time with her literal homies - her husband Steve, who teaches at Harding High School, and her two boys Kye (17) and Kade (14). Stacy received her undergraduate degree from Wartburg College, her master’s degree from the U of M, and a specialty degree from St. Mary’s University. She is certified in 7-12 life science, 7-12 Computers and Related Technology, and 5-8 General Science.

Dan Gruhlke, Outstate Elementary specialist.

Stacy Bartlett, Biology Discipline Director

Spring 2019


Department of Education What are the next steps in the revision of the science standards and what happens after the standards are published?

The second draft of the 2019 Minnesota Science Standards was published February 14th. There were about 470 responses on John Olson is the science specialist the feedback survey for the Department of education. (1/4th of them from He will keep us updated on science education. in the MnSTA newsletter. groups) and about 50 emailed comments. There was a wide range of ideas that participants presented with the largest issues of concern being the sequence of benchmarks in middle and high school, inclusion of contributions of American Indian communities, and wording of benchmarks and examples. Thank you to all the persons who took time to complete the survey and elaborate on their ideas. On March 20th, the Science Standards Committee analyzed the data from the feedback in light of the goals the committee had set for the standards. They considered four options for the sequence of benchmarks for the third draft and used a deliberate process for decision-making. The result was a strong consensus for continuing the sequence of the second draft with benchmarks in the following categories: - 6th grade – Earth and Space Science - 7th grade – Life Science - 8th grade – Physical Science - High School – Chemistry, Earth & Space Science, Life Science, and Physics Committee meetings are scheduled in April and May with smaller writing and editing groups working between meetings. In particular they will be editing and rearranging benchmarks based on suggestions from the feedback with a concern for achieve greater consistency. The final draft should be available in late May, which people can start using for planning. The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) will begin conversations with the Board for Professional Educator Standards and Licensing (PELSB) concerning adaptations in licenses and standards to support the


final standards. MDE plans to develop resources for instruction, professional development, and district implementation. The standards become law through the state’s rulemaking process. During that process, the date is set for the full implementation of the standards and the new version of the MCA exam. This time period is likely to be in the range of four or five years. Hence there could be time for one or two years of planning and professional development before schools might start phasing-in changes of instruction to reflect the new standards. We plan to develop resources for instruction, professional development, and district implementation. This summer the MDE assessment division will start the first steps toward designing the new MCA exam to reflect the new standards. They will train a group of teachers to be writers of test items to assess the three dimensions included in the new standards. That information will also be valuable for designing classroom assessments. Teachers and leaders are also needed to design the test specification. If you are interested in being involved in either activity, contact or The second draft of the science standards and information about the standards revision process is at the MDE Science webpage MDE/dse/stds/sci/. A series of articles on the science standards development is at the Minnesota Science Teachers Association standards page.


Science Test Specifications Development Attention Science Educators! The 2019 MN K-12 Science Education Standards are being written & we’re looking for a diverse group of K-12 teacher leaders who will use their expertise to develop test specifications. More info and application

Teacher Events and Workshops

Green Schools Conference & Expo, April 8 -9, St. Paul This national event brings together all the players involved in making green schools a reality. And it is coming to the River Center in St. Paul. This year GSCE is co-located with IMPACT, the leading event for sustainable development in the Midwest. The conference offers engaging educational sessions, case studies, hands-on workshops and lectures from today’s green school experts. GSCE provides an unmatched opportunity for green school advocates

MnSTA Newsletter

Department of Education Opportunities nationwide to collaborate and learn from one another — all with a vested interest in making a positive difference in our children’s futures. Check out the conference website Here are some associated events. • Friends and Family Gathering, April 7, Kick-off the Green Schools Conference and Expo by spending an evening with green schools friends and colleagues from across the country. A casual, buffet-style dinner will be served 5:45 – 8:00 pm. RSVP link and info. srh7zxa0k8fm38/ • Student Summit, April 8. The Captain Planet Foundation, in partnership with Wilderness Inquiry, is proud to host the Green School Conference & Expo Student Summit This unique opportunity will bring together the champions and defenders of Minnesota’s rivers along with local scientists, activists, and youth leaders who all work with the rivers. By the end of this workshop, a day of collaboration and creativity will have helped YOU define and develop a campaign for change in your own community. There are only FORTY (40) SPOTS available for students in grades 6 - 12, so only the most passionate young changemakers will be in the room. Scholarships are available.

NSTA National Conference on Science Education, April 11-14, St. Louis

Astronaut Scott Kelly, who spent a year in space, is the keynote for the annual National Science Teachers Association conference. Hear from the leading researchers and practitioners of science education as they present engaging session. Learn teaching strategies that will support Minnesota’s next science standards. Explore the very large exhibit area and look for instructional materials. Network with teachers from across the country and enjoy social events. This year the national conference is nearby and affordable. Strands • Three-Dimensional Grand Slam • Jazzing Up Science with Cross-Curricular Connections • Phenomena: Gateway to Learning • Confluence of Equity and Education Featured Speakers • Equity and Science Education • Placed-based Phenomena • Unlocking the Power of NGSS (Paul Ander son)

Highlights • NGSS@NSTA Forum focusing on instructional materials - Friday • Three dimension instruction share-a-thon – Saturday • Elementary Extravaganza • Meet me in the Middle • Linking Literacy Event

MN Codes Summit, May 16, Minneapolis

Join us for a day of hands-on sessions that explore ways to empower ALL learners by integrating computer science, coding, and computational thinking into a variety of curricular areas, from K-12! The event will be 9 am – 4 pm at the University of Minnesota. The keynote speaker is Joan Freese of TPT/ SciGirls. Learn more.

Native Skywatchers Educators Workshop, June 10 - 11, Cloquet

This two-day workshop at the Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College is designed for all educators & persons interested in increasing their knowledge of Ojibwe and D(L)akota Star Knowledge. A new focus this year will include: Earth and Sky, and interdisciplinary STEM connections. The workshop includes multiple hands-on activities so participants will be able to experience the culture and the science in the most authentic and meaningful way possible. Learn more here: native_skywatchers.html

Agriculture in the Classroom Teacher Tours, various dates and locations

The Summer Teacher Tours are a fantastic opportunity to get first-hand experience with agriculture and explore FREE ag-themed, standards-based resources. We would love to have you join us for one or more tours this summer! June 12: Feed, Seeds and STEM Teacher Tour in Carver County: Stops include: dairy farm, seed company, Bongards Creamery June 27-28: Redwood and Renville County Teacher Tour: Stops include: Grandview Valley Winery, Stony Creek Farm, The Shrimp Shop, Hilltop Harvest, Tiffany Farms Inc, Gilfillan Estate July 11-12: STEM in Agriculture Teacher Tour in Martin and Brown Counties: Stops include: Avery Weigh-Tronix, Christensen Farms (Research Farm), Morgan Creek Winery, Eversman Farms (Solar Farm), Patsche Farm (Drone, GPS and other technology) (Continued on page 8)

Spring 2019


Department of Education Opportunities

July 30: Farmamerica Hands-on Learning with Hops and Hemp Teacher Tour in the Waseca area: stops include: Farmamerica, Half Pint Brewery, Midwest Hemp Farms greenhouse, hops field, hemp extraction site tour.cfm

Teaching in the Outdoor Classroom Workshop, June 17-20, Fergus Falls

Explore innovative ways to use an outdoor classroom during this preK-12th immersion workshop at the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center. It is held concurrently with the Summer Explorers Biology Camp for youth entering 5th and 6th grades. Observe professionals and apply outdoor classroom methods by leading the same youth daily, outdoors, in a supportive, team-teaching environment. Learn more.

Green and Sustainable Chemistry Workshop, June 18-20, Minneapolis The Center for Sustainable Polymers in partnership with the Minnesota Corn Growers Association are offering a FREE three-day workshop at the University of Minnesota to high school chemistry teachers on green and sustainable chemistry. The workshop was developed through the University of Minnesota Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) program. A stipend, graduate credits and lab materials are available. Applicants from across the state of Minnesota are welcome. Applications are due March 15. Learn more.

Gifted and Talented Symposium, June 18 – 20, Autin

The annual Hormel Foundation Gifted and Talented Education Symposium provides an opportunity for educators, counselors, administrators and parents to gain greater understanding of the unique needs of gifted and high potential learners. Participants attend in-depth sessions focusing on foundational knowledge, creativity, curriculum strategies, and social/ emotional needs of gifted and high potential learners provided by the field’s finest regionally, nationally and internationally recognized presenters. All are welcome to register and attend the symposium The keynote speaker this year is Stephan Pruitt, who is well-known as the leader of the Next Generation Science Standards development. His inspiring presentation is What 4 Words Changed Your Life? (and the lives of the many students teachers change every day.)


Minnesota Minerals Education Workshop, June 18-20, Grand Rapids

The MMEW is a three-day workshop held annually for K-12 earth science educators that offers short courses and field trips focused on the geology and mineral resources of Minnesota. The workshops have been held in various locations throughout Minnesota since its inception in 1997. The workshop is organized by the Minnesota Center for Mineral Resource Education. Learn more.

Implementing Integrated STEM in the Classroom, Minneapolis

The NSF funded grant, Design and Development of a K-12 STEM Observation Protocol, includes a professional development program engaging teachers in learning how to implement integrated STEM in their classrooms. In a 5-day summer institute, teachers learn models and strategies for STEM integration through participation in model STEM activities, and are given opportunities to develop their own STEM units. In the 2019/2020 academic year, each participant will teach two integrated STEM units. These lessons will be observed and videotaped. Teachers will have the opportunity to reflect on their STEM teaching through classroom coaching sessions using their classroom video facilitated through a STEM observation protocol tool. The benefits include a stipend and a budget for classroom materials. The summer institutes are • Elementary teachers: June 24 - 28 • Secondary teachers: July 29 – August 2 To register, contact Gillian Roehrig at the University of Minnesota,

Become a SciGirls Strategies Trainer, June 25 – 28, St. Paul

Twin Cities PBS (TPT) invites schools and school districts across Minnesota and Wisconsin to participate in SciGirls Strategies: Gender Equitable Teaching Practices in CTE Pathways for High School Girls! This National Science Foundation -funded Train-the-Trainer program provides high school-level Career and Technical Education and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math teachers and district leaders a FREE four-day workshop on employing gender-equitable equitable teaching strategies with the goal of attracting and retaining more female students in CTE/STEM classes. This course will be held at Twin Cities PBS (TPT) studios in St. Paul and trains participants to provide professional development. Transportation and lodging will be reimbursed along with a stipend and fund-

MnSTA Newsletter

Department of Education Opportunities ing for implementation. For more information contact Alex Dexheimer,

Rivers Institutes: St. Croix, June 24- 26; Mississippi, July 22-24 Join us this summer as Hamline University’s Center for Global Environmental Education (CGEE) presents its acclaimed Rivers Institute, a FREE, three-day, field-based professional development opportunity for educators. The Rivers Institutes are designed to increase teachers’ science content knowledge and investigation skills and help area educators translate their professional experiences into meaningful, engaging classroom investigations. Learn more.

ChemEd Conference, July 21 – 25, Naperville, IL Join hundreds of people who love chemistry and STEM education at North Central College for ChemEd 2019. Registration is now open. This is your chance to connect and share ideas, discover and learn new labs and activities, and network with other science educators. The 2019 ChemEd Conference will be applicable for STEM educators from K-12 and college.

WaterWorks! A Drinking Water Institute, August 5-7, Oakdale

and ELA at our Summer Institute in Washington D.C. August 5-7. We are so lucky to have partners Frank Niepold, NOAA’s Senior Climate Education Program Manager, and Natalie Stapert of the Lowell School helping us plan a fantastic agenda. Registration is open and scholarships are available.

Minnesota Zoo: ZOOMS INSTITUTE for Teachers: August 5-8, Apple Valley

See the Zoo in a whole new way! This four day workshop will engage teachers in utilizing animals and the Zoo as a tool to integrate engineering concepts into their curriculum, based on the Minnesota State Science Standards. Sessions focus on Engineering BY Animals, Engineering FROM Animals (biomimicry), and Engineering FOR Animals. Through hands on activities, expert talks and behind the scenes experiences, see how STEM is being used by aquarists, conservationists, and zoo staff to help care for and conserve wildlife both in the zoo and in the wild. Learn more. schools-teachers/stem-programs/ Computer Science Workshops, St. Paul

Enrich your water-related curriculum, investigate drinking water quality and chemistry, learn about inquiry-based models for your classroom, and find water resources within your community. This threeday, hands-on workshop allows grade 4-10 science teachers to gather information from expert presenters about how safe, reliable drinking water is delivered to your community, as well as drinking water issues facing Minnesota. Meals and resource binder provided. Choose between two graduate credits or stipend. Join the ranks of over 400 teachers that have participated in WaterWorks! throughout Minnesota over the last 18 years. Funded by the Minnesota Dept. of Health and the American Waterworks Association. Learn more.

Designed to support middle and high school teachers before and during their first year teaching Computer Science Discoveries or Computer Science Principles, the Professional Learning Program begins with a five-day, in-person summer workshop followed by four additional sessions throughout the year. Best of all? No previous experience teaching computer science is needed. We welcome elementary school teachers to sign up year-round for our no-cost, high-quality one-day professional development workshops for Computer Science Fundamentals courses from an experienced computer science facilitator. Full scholarships are available for all Minnesota teachers. Contact Hadi Partovi hadi_partovi@code. org for details.

Climate Generation has offered the Summer Institute for Climate Change Education for the past 14 years as a way to give educators the tools and confidence to integrate climate change into their classroom. This summer, we are focusing on integrating climate change into social studies, humanities;

From the earliest age, Girls of Color should have their intelligence affirmed, brilliance celebrated, and interest in STEM cultivated. Equity Fellow Dr. Crystal Morton has provided such a space for the last five years. This unique virtual roundtable features a discussion with Girls STEM Institute participants

Summer Institute for Climate Change Education, August 5-7, Washington DC

Spring 2019

Girl’s STEM Institute, April 23, 2:30 PM, Online


Department of Education Opportunities and their parents/caregivers about the impact of the program has had on their lives. Information and Registration

Bell Museum Educator Open House, May 8, St. Paul

We welcome educators and their families to join us for a FREE evening (6 – 8 pm ) at the Bell celebrating National Teacher Appreciation Week. You’ll get the whole museum experience at our buildingwide open house! Explore our galleries, meet with our education team, and have some fun. • Preview new labs, gallery experiences, and planetarium shows. • Learn more about our specimen loan program, our ExploraDome traveling planetarium, and key program changes to meet new 2019-20 science standards. Information and registration https://docs. viewform

ArcGIS Mapping Training, July 20 and 27, online

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) helps people understand the world and make informed decisions. Teachers Teaching Teacher in GIS (T3G) is for educators committed to helping other educator use GIS The T3G focus is on teaching and learning -- not “how to do GIS better” but “how to help other educators grasp why and how to teach with GIS, and how to learn more.” The T3G training is two days (4 hours each) of synchronous interactive online training from ESRI the leading provider of GIS resources for education and industry. Learn more.

Teacher and School Awards and Opportunities

Presidential Award for Mathematics and Science Teaching Celebrate great teaching! Nominate a colleague or yourself for the Presidential Award, which brings state and national leadership opportunities and $10,000. Two teachers from each state receive this award from the White House. This year applications are sought from secondary teachers with a deadline of May 1. Information and nomination site.


School Programs and Instruction

On-line AP Physics Course

This is an opportunity for high schools that are not offering Advanced Placement physics to enroll at no charge 1 – 8 qualified student in this AP Physics 1 program. Boston University and West Virginia University are seeking partner high schools for the National Science Foundation funded program called Project Accelerate. For further information have the building administrator contact Mark Greenman at Boston University

Eyes on the Wild: Citizen Science for your classroom:

Research scientists at the U of M are trying answer a number of biological questions such as “whether simulated wolves induce a behavioral response in prey that is strong enough to trickle down and affect plant and soil communities” using the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve in East Bethel, MN as their laboratory. To answer questions like this, they have divided the reserve up into a grid and placed trail cameras throughout the property to capture wildlife activity. They have enlisted the help of citizen scientist volunteers to go through the hundreds of thousands of pictures that have been taken and help them identify the wildlife in the pictures. Click here if you would like to get involved in this project research, or other similar citizen science projects on the Zooniverse website. about

Climate Education Week, April 15 – 20

The Earth Day Network is provides Climate Education Week resources https://www.earthday. org/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwyoHlBRCNARIsAFjKJ6ASv3 KzE2HNL_0KCebHoUhEZYKmcAFAk0q4yD8ktN uCy4THxFw8kl8aAg3CEALw_wcB which includes a range of curricula, lesson plans educational activities, and video. The Toolkit for 2018 is a web-based, cross-disciplinary resource coordinated with the network’s End Plastic Pollution campaign. Climate Generation: a Will Steger Legacy offers a suite of grades 3 – 12 curriculum resources in the form of curriculum guides, as well as online modules that can be downloaded for free.

MnSTA Newsletter

Department of Education Opportunities Student Programs, Awards and Competitions Youth Climate Convenings

The Climate Generation high school leadership teams have been working together for seven month in three Greater MN communities, learning about climate change and planning a convening on local solutions. Now, they’re inviting you to join them! All events are free to attend, and all are welcome. No pre-registration required. • Forest Lake | April 11, 3:00–5:30 p.m. Featuring MN climate scientist Sam Potter and youth storytellers, and workshops with the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Reserve and Apex Energy Solutions. • Fond du Lac | April 12, 12:00–2:30 p.m. Featuring Fond du Lac Elder Rickey Defoe, Water Protection Coordinator Nancy Schuldt, and youth leader Cassie Defoe. Solutions workshops with Journey Garden, Lake Superior National Estuary Research Reserve, and Water Bar and Public Studio. • Red Wing | April 25, 6:00–8:00 p.m. Featuring climate storytellers and local organizations and individuals offering ways to engage in climate change solutions.

STEM Justice Innovation Design Challenge

Calling all artists, engineers, and innovators ages 14-25 who are passionate about social justice! Here’s your chance to design a solution to a global issue related to water quality, variability, or scarcity. Enter the first annual STEM Justice Innovation Design Challenge hosted by the Kitty Andersen Science Youth Center for a chance to win $1,000 and recognition at the Science Museum of Minnesota’s Youth Science Day! Six finalists will be awarded $200 to create their proposed art piece, which will be displayed at the Science Museum. The grand prize will be $1000. Submit a written proposal of your art piece by May 1. Learn more.

Lake Superior Youth Symposium May 16-19, Duluth

Youth in grades 8-12 will experience the science, art, culture and challenges of protecting one of the greatest bodies of freshwater on the planet - Lake Superior. Activities will include hands-on workshops, research, field trips in the Duluth area, dynamic speakers and a final night pizza party and dance at the Great Lakes Aquarium! Work with scientists, engineers and artists to

Spring 2019

explore the many ways you can engage with the environment and pursue your passions. Internationally known speaker and 2013 CNN Hero Chad Pregracke is slated for the keynote address to talk about his career cleaning up rivers which started when he was 17. Start planning now for your group to come to UMD and be part of this amazing experience. The registration fee is $200 per participant and includes housing meals and activities. Scholarships to lowincome students will likely be available. Visit the symposium website for more information https://

Materials Science Camp for High School Students, July 9-13, Minneapolis

The University of Minnesota Materials Camp excites and engages young, aspiring minds. The camp is offered at no cost to students entering their junior or senior year. Industry professionals take great pride in influencing the next generation of engineers and scientists. Materials Camp utilizes hands-on learning principles of applied math and science; a truly unique, team-based problem solving experience that explores materials science and engineering principles. Applications are due March 31. Learn more.

EX.I.T.E Camp for Girls, July 29, 31, Aug. 2, 6, 8, Bloomington

EX.I.T.E. (EXploring Interests in Technology and Engineering) Camp at the PACER Center is a free summer STEM camp for middle school girls with disabilities. Camp encourages future engagement with STEM subjects and helps girls discover the range of possibilities that exist through amazing experiments, activities and mentors. Campers learn how fun these subjects can be and many make friendships that last beyond camp. Application deadline is May 31. Learn more. exite.asp

Science and Engineering Competitions The 2019 Challenge: “Toward A Greener Tomorrow” asks students to develop a clean technology solution to make our future more sustainable than our past. Teams of 1 – 3 students chose between two categories: Mitigating the Effects of Climate Change and Resource Preservation. Science and Engineering Competitions • Minnesota Science Olympiad http://www. • Science and Engineering Fair and Science


Department of Education Opportunities Bowl • FIRST Lego League, FIRST Tech Challenge, FIRST Robotics • Supermileage Challenge https://www.mteea. net/index.php/competitions/supermileage • Real World Design Challenge http://www. • Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision www.ex • NSTA Angela Award – girls grades 5 – 8 • MN Scholars of Distinction – high school sod/ • National Youth Science Camp – two Minne sota Delegates grams/nysc/

Minnesota Programs and Competitions

Many competitions, out-of-school programs and field trip opportunities are posted at the Mn-STEM website and listed in the Reach for the Stars Catalog of Programs and Activities reach/2018/reach-2018.pdf.

MDE Science Contacts:

John Olson, Science Content Specialist, Jim Wood, Science Assessment Specialist Judi Iverson, Science Assessment Specialist Send submissions for the Science Update to John Olson Other Minnesota Links: Minn. Dept. of Education Science Page Minn. Science Teachers Association Frameworks for MN Science and Mathematics Standards Get – STEM Connections between schools and businesses Mn-STEM STEM programs and resources for families, schools and community stem/ Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge environmental education resources

Minnesota Academy of Science: Science Fair, Science Bowl and other competitions Mn DNR Education website: Curriculum, profes-


sional development, posters, etc.

Attention Biology/Life Science Teachers:

Nominate yourself or another deserving biology teacher for the NABT Outstanding Biology Teacher Award. The National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) recognizes an outstanding biology teacher from each state. Nominees do not have to be members NABT. In addition to an application form, nominees will be asked to submit a video of their classroom teaching, an essay, and four letters of recommendation. For more information, go to the NABT Awards website, download an application form, download video suggestions, or contact Jim Lane (, Life Science Instructor at Mahtomedi High School.

Advanced Placement® Teacher Training Institute at the University of Iowa

The Advanced Placement® Teacher Training Institute (APTTI) provides comprehensive preparation for developing and teaching an AP® course. APTTI takes place June 25-28, 2019 at the University of Iowa’s Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development. Each workshop includes: preparation of course syllabi and lesson plans; examples of classroom materials applicable to the particular AP® subject area; and preparation for the new College Board Audit, required for every AP teacher. The AP Teacher Training Institute is designed for teachers who want to learn to teach AP courses in one of the content areas, current AP® teachers, and educators who wish to strengthen the core curriculum. Courses offered in 2019 include: AP Biology, AP Calculus AB, AP Chemistry, AP English Literature & Composition, AP Physics 1, and AP U.S. History. Scholarships to help cover the cost of participation are available through the College Board and through the Belin-Blank Center. For more information, visit or email aptti@belinblank. org. Registration opens January 16. “I feel like this program had a direct impact on high school students via me as their teacher...I am more confident in the material and the course/text structure. My experience as an AP teacher has been much more successful than it would have been without an APTTI.”

MnSTA Newsletter

Spring 2019



The 2019 United States Academic Decathlon Nationals will take place April 25–27 in Bloomington, Minnesota. More than 600 students from the United States, China, Canada and United Kingdom will compete. Approximately 300 volunteers are needed for this extraordinary event. This academic competition would not be possible without the involvement of community members serving as proctors, judges and various other roles. Training is provided for all volunteer positions. Thank you for your support! INTERVIEW JUDGE: Thursday, April 25, 12:45–7 p.m. As a judge, you will be paired with 1–2 other judges to ask students a series of questions in an interview setting and score them using a rubric. Must be 20 years of age or older to volunteer for this position. SPEECH JUDGE: Thursday, April 25, 12:45–7 p.m. As a judge, you will be paired with 1–2 other judges and use a rubric to score students' prepared and impromptu oral speeches. Must be 20 years of age or older to volunteer for this position. TIMEKEEPER/GUIDE: Thursday, April 25, 12:45–7 p.m. You will keep time for prepared and impromptu speeches or serve as a room guide. This position is open to volunteers high school age and older. TESTING PROCTOR: Friday, April 26, 6:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m. As a testing proctor, you will administer test booklets and monitor participating students. Must be 20 years of age or older to volunteer for this position. SUPER QUIZ PROCTOR: Friday, April 26, 12–4:30 p.m. As a Super Quiz™ proctor, you will monitor students as they work together to answer questions in front of an audience. Must be 20 years of age or older to volunteer for this position. ABOUT USAD: The USAD is a ten-event scholastic competition for teams of high school students. Events include economics, math, science, social science, literature, art, music, essay, speech and interview. Questions are based on an annual theme. This year’s theme is The 1960s: A Transformational Decade. An additional event called the Super Quiz combines the subject areas into a quiz show format that is open to the public. Teams attending Nationals have won their state or in-country competition or are invited to attend as a Division IV participant.

To register as a volunteer visit For questions or additional information, contact Mary Hillmann at

PO Box 4351 Mankato, MN 56002 14

MnSTA Newsletter


Spring 2019




MnSTA Newsletter

Spring 2019


18 MnSTA Newsletter

Spring 2019


MnSTA Board Directory Below, you will find information about your MnSTA Board Members. The listing includes the board member’s school (or organization), mailing address, work phone, FAX number, and e-mail address. The board wishes to make itself as accessible as possible for our members. Please feel free to contact your discipline representative, regional representative, or executive board members if you have ideas, concerns, or wish to help with the mission or operation of MnSTA. We are always looking for members who wish to serve MnSTA as Board Members, Non-Board Service Chairs or Members, and as Committee Chairs or Members.

Executive Board:

Exec. Secretary Vacant President Past-President

Josh Tharaldson

Marshall County HS

301 W. Minnesota Ave.


Michele Koomen

Gustavus Adolphus College 800 W College Ave.

Newfolden, Mn 56738 St. Peter, MN 56082



Joe Reymann



DOE Science Specialist

John Olson

Dept.of Education 651-582-8673

Discipline Directors: Biology

Stacy Bartlett


Angela Osuji

Washburn High School


Earth Science

Haley Kalina

Alexandria Public School



Stillwater Area High School

5701 Stillwater Blvd N Stillwater, MN 55082 1500 James Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55411 510 McKay Ave. Alenandria, MN 56308

Elementary/Greater MN Dan Gruhlke 763-272-2835

Eastview Education Center 9375 Fenning Ave. Monticello, MN 55362


Jill Jenson

Glacier Hills Elem School of Arts &Sciences


Diana Fenton

College of St. Benedict/St. Johns U


Higher Ed Informal Ed Alternative Ed.

David Grack Garret Bitker

3825 Glacier Rd. Eagan, MN 55123 37 College Ave. S. St. Joseph, MN 56374 ZED ALC

630 1st Ave. NW Byron, MN 55920



Thomas Tomashek

Minnetonka High School


Private Schools

Matthew Inman

Shattuck-St. Mary’s School


18301 Hwy 7

Minnetonka, MN 55345

1000 Shumway Ave.

Fairbault, MN 55021

Region Representatives: Region 1&2: North

Katherine Melgaard

Marshall County HS

218-874-7225 ext. 116

310 W. Minnesota Ave. Newfolden, MN 56738

Region 1&2: North

Michael Urban

Bemidji State University


Region 3: Northeast

Jennifer Gagner


1500 Birchmont Dr.

Pike Lake Elementary

Bemidji, MN 56601

5682 Martin Rd Duluth, MN 55811

Region 4: Westcentral Vacant Region 5: Northcentral Lisa Pingrey

National Joint Powers Alliance

202 12th St. NE Staples, MN 56479


Region 6: Southcentral Jeremy Brady

Montevideo High School

1501 William Ave. Montevideo, MN 56265

20 MnSTA Newsletter

MnSTA Board Directory


Region 7: Eastcentral

Karen Bengtson

St. Cloud Area School Dist. 472


Region 8: Southcentral Jeremy Brady Region 9: South Region 10: Southeast

Montevideo High School


David Borslien

St. Peter High School

507-943-4212 ext 6028

Denine Voegeli

Plainview-Elgin-Millville Schools

507-867-2521 Ext. 3631

1000 44th Ave N. St. Cloud MN 56303 1501 William Ave. Montevideo, MN 56265 1221 Broadway Ave. St. Peter, MN 56082 701 1st St SE

Elgin, MN 55932

Region 11: Metro

Cathy Kindem 651-423-7911

Rosemont-Apple Valley-Eagan

Region 11: Metro

Claire Hypolite

Edison High School



3455 153rd St. W

Rosemont, MN 55068

700 22nd Ave. NE Minneapolis, MN 55418

Ancillary Positions: Database

Mark Lex


Eric Koser 507-387-3461 x 322

Mankato West H.S. F: 507-345-1502

1351 S. Riverfront Dr. e:


Jerry Wenzel


Mankato, MN 56001 W:

NSTA Dist. IX Director

Brenda Walsh 952-975-6726

Conference Coordinator Mary Haberman

Eden-Prairie High School

17185 Valley View Rd Eden Prairie, N 55346

Minnesota Valley Area Learning Center 1313 E Blackk Oak Av. Montevideo,MN


Events Calendar If you have events you want placed on the calendar, send them to the editor - see page 2 for deadlines, address, etc.

Conferences / Workshops 2019 MnSTA Conference on Science Education November 8-9, 2019 This annual event of MnSTA will be held at the St. Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center and the Courtyard Mariott in St. Cloud, MN. Future MnCOSE Conferences: 2020 Nov. 12-14 Duluth 2021 Oct. 28-30 Mankato 2022 St. Cloud

Spring 2019


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