MnSTA Newsletter Spring 2019

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Green Schools Director’s Award Presidents messa..............continuted from page 2

ence on Science Education! What I found at the conference was a network of passionate, energetic teachers all excited to integrate new ideas and practices into their own teaching of science. I am extremely grateful that my co-worker, who was reaching the end of his career, took it upon himself to make sure that a young, inexperienced teacher like myself was made aware of the opportunities to grow as a teacher. It is because of him reaching out to me that I am now involved with MnSTA! Now, what did the rest of the answers from the MnSTA board members sound like? You might not be surprised to hear that many of the other board members had very similar responses. It was a co-worker, a teacher friend or their college professor who reached out to them and personally invited them to attend an event sponsored by the Minnesota Science Teachers Association, such as MnCOSE. At a time when Minnesota will soon be adopting new academic science standards, I too would encourage you to reach out to your co-workers, your teacher friends in the neighboring district and invite them to attend the next MnSTA event. Through continued networking, commitment and dedication by MnSTA members like you, Minnesota can continue to provide the highest quality science education for all! Thank you in advance for attending MnSTA events including MnCOSE 2019; and if you convince a colleague to come with you, I look forward to meeting you. Mark your calendars: MnSTA 2019 Conference on Science Education,

expertise into schools; and exhibiting a dedication to exceptional school facilities, environmental education through activities outside of the administration

Commissioner of Education, Mary Catherine Ricker presenting John Olson with the 2019 U.S. Department of Education Green School’s Director’s Award

John Olson is recipient of the Green Schools Director’s Award Congratulation to MDE Science Specialist John Olson for winning the 2019 U.S. Department of Education Green Schools Director’s Award The Director’s Award celebrates an individual’s exemplary efforts to administer U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools (ED-GRS) in their state. Specifically, the ED-GRS Director’s Award recognizes a state education agency official who does the most to advance green schools by: running a robust competition process; connecting more schools to resources in all three ED-GRS Pillars; amplifying the stories of honorees; helping schools learn from one another; partnering with a variety of entities to bring more resources and


MnSTA Newsletter

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