MnSTA Newsletter, Spring 2021

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Volume 59 No.3 A Quarterly Publication of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association Inc. Spring 2021

Science and English Language Arts Standards Implementation Delay

To provide flexibility for districts in implementing new standards as the state emerges from COVID-19, MDE will be delaying the required implementation of the Science and the English Language Arts standards to the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years, respectively. Implementation dates for each content area are set as part of the rulemaking process to allow flexibility for implementation needs. With both of these two content areas still in the rulemaking process, MDE will use that opportunity to update the proposed rule language to reflect the new implementation date. Since the MCAs are based on the standards, the Science MCA – IV will be delayed until the spring of 2025 for grades five, eight, and high school, and the Reading MCA – IV will be delayed until the spring of 2026 for grades three through eight and high school. Although districts are not required to begin work to implement the standards, MDE will continue to engage in test specifications and development to be prepared for the MCA – IVs in spring of 2025 and 2026. Important note: Due to the fact that the Arts and Physical Education standards have already gone through rulemaking, MDE does not have the authority to delay implementation of these standards; therefore, these standards will move forward with implementation as scheduled. There is still legislation currently being considered that would delay implementation of the Arts and Physical Education standards.

There is still time to participate in MnCOSE

If you attended the MnSTA virtual conference, you can still watch any of the sessions from the conference right in our app or online. This is one of the most unique features of our virtual conference. All of the content created at the event will remain accessible via our website until June 1, 2021. For the member conference rate of $50, you can still gain access to all of this content. For student members and retired members of MnSTA, the event is still free. https:// Do you have colleagues that could benefit from lots of science Professional Development? Do you need to learn about how teachers across MN are growing into our new science standards? Would you like to dig into the sessions in our first-ever “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Science Education” strand? What about “3-Dimensional Science Teaching and Learning”? You will find all of this here! Our experience with Whova led us to commit to using their tools again for our 2021 MnSTA Conference on Science Education. While MnSTA has not yet committed to a particular event format for 2021, we are committed to bring you, the members of MnSTA, the best opportunities we can to help you Foster Excellent Science Education in Minnesota for All. Together with the tools of Whova and our experience from our first fully virtual event, we’re excited to bring you the best experience in science education. MnSTA would like to recognize the work of Conference Coordinator Eric Koser along with Mark Lex and Joe Reymann who successfully orchestrated MnSTA’s first ever virtual conference. Their continued work on our future conferences is very much appreciated.

President-elect Jill Jensen

President’s Message-Angela Osuji Justice-Centered Science Pedagogy For some reason, I have not been able to write this newsletter until today. The Dereck Chauvin trial is done, and the verdict is in. And just like when George Floyd died, we are now being flooded with statements and declarations about justice, accountability, and racial healing. People and organizations are calling for systemic change. What does this mean for us as teachers and more so as science teachers in the state of Minnesota? What does it mean for MnSTA? As I reflect on my journey with my students these couple of months, I reflect as a Black female science teacher of students (and especially BIPOC students) in an Urban High School. I also reflect as a proud Minneapolis Public School educator whose student, Ms. Darnella Frazier, provided the most significant piece of evidence that changed the trajectory of the storytelling (storylines) surrounding George Floyd’s death and the conviction of Dereck Chauvin -the video that shocked the world into action. The trial provided ample opportunities for my students to see science practitioners in the field to look at data from various angles. My students studied physiology, forensics, biology, anatomy, the science of breathing, oxygen and carbon dioxide content, among others. More so it brought to the fore the urgency of pedagogical paradigm shifting to phenomena-based 3D science learning anchored in justicecentered science pedagogy. We have always made the argument, as we developed the 2019 Minnesota Science Standards, that phenomenon-based learning increases the authenticity of learning that starts from the shared observation of holistic, genuine real-world phenomena in the learning community and supports students’ agency. We also support the NGSS position that explaining phenomena and designing solutions to problems allow students to build general science ideas in the context of their application to understanding phenomena in the real world, leading to deeper and more transferable knowledge. In addition, we made that argument that the science standards are standards


for All Students. Our MnCOSE20 theme was: A New Vision for Science Education in Minnesota: All Students, All Standards, All Voices! As much promise as these hold for all our students, they are all but a single story if we do not anchor them on social and racial justice in science pedagogy. When the video of George Floyd’s dying surfaced as my students and I were in class during distance learning, we used the event as anchor for 3D and justice-centered science learning. Avoiding the discussion, the teaching and learning surrounding the event was not an option. The event happened in our community, in front of our students and in real time. We were traumatized. When the verdict of the trial of the person involved in his death was about to be announced, we were in class but were asked to leave school for safety reasons. We were again retraumatized. We were forced back in distance learning. Here’s where we landed. Observing events, collecting data using the most relevant tool available at the time, recording the event and publishing the data for others to use as evidence, reviewing the data for facts to be used in argumentation and decisionmaking so as to design solutions for systemic issues, is for us the epitome of 3D phenomena-based science learning. It is what scientists do. Above all, that is what we hope for in justice-centered science learning and learning. It is what Ms. Frazier did. That’s the science we want our students to do more often. We were left with more questions, however. What if Ms. Frazier had not made her observation and her learning of the event happening in front of her public? What if she had remained silent? We have come to know that silence is violence and violence is death for the oppressed in an oppressive system. Justice-centered science pedagogy is the meaningmaking for 3D phenomena-based science learning. Without it, 3D phenomena-based science learning is a single story and incomplete. Science and science education aimed at explaining phenomena and designing solutions must aim for science for all anchored in justice for all. The MnSTA Newsletter is published four times each year by the Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc. Articles, opinions, book reviews and other information pertinent to Minnesota teachers are welcome. Please limit submission to 1 typed page, e-mail preferred (text file please). Deadlines for submission of articles are: Fall .........................August 1st Winter ..................November 1st. Spring ....................February 1st Summer................... ...April 1st Send all correspondence regarding the newsletter to: Jerry Wenzel e-mail: The MnSTA Newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form can be found at the back of this newsletter

MnSTA Newsletter

the Elementary Share-a-Thon at the 2018 MnCOSE. She has also worked as marketing support for several of the MnCOSE conferences, including the most recent 2020 virtual conference.

MnSTA, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) (3) Charitable Educational Corpora-tion, incorporated as a tax exempt, non-profit organization with the Minnesota Secretary of State. Donations and dues are tax deductible charitable contributions for itemized deductions on IRS form 1040 Schedule A. The newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the last page.

MnSTA President-elect Jill Jensen

Meet our newly elected President-elect, Jill Jensen! Jill has been a science educator for the past 26 years, 14 years at the middle school level, and 12 years as a K-5 science specialist. This range of experience has given her a unique perspective of science education and opportunities for learning across the K-8 level. She has also pursued a variety of professional growth experiences related to science instruction including: a Masters in Environmental Education from the U of MN, a certificate of Professional Development also from the U of MN, and a certificate in Engineering for Educators from the University of St. Thomas. This additional experience proved valuable as she helped lead her building and district teachers in implementing the 2009 science standards, specifically in the area of engineering instruction. She has played a role in MnSTA since 2012, starting with presenting at conferences. She joined the MnSTA board as the elementary representative from 2016 - 2019. During this time, she worked on the Advocacy Committee and helped create the current MnSTA talking points to advocate for our organization, drafted the MnSTA position statement on climate change, and initiated

Spring 2021


Department of Education

Teacher Featire-Eric Kehoe Our featured teacher this spring’s edition of the MnSTA newsletter is Eric Kehoe. Eric teaches at Janesville-Waldorf-Pemberton High School, where he has taught his entire teaching career, 17 years. He teaches a mix of Chemistry, CIS Physics By Inquiry, Forensics, 8th Grade Science and 7th Grade Steam. He has also taught Chemistry and Physics through SOCRATES online. While he was in college, he was a TA for General Chemistry. Eric’s favorite activity in chemistry is the Micro Mole rockets that many chemistry teachers are probably familiar with. It is a fun activity for kids to find the correct Hydrogen/Oxygen ratio to make the biggest explosion. It is a memorable illustration of why having the correct stoichiometric amounts matters. In physics he likes teaching about sound, showing how simple mathematical ratios of frequency are what makes music. He states, “It is fun to have the students use the ratios to make their own instruments out of random items.” Since the lockdown He has been trying to learn to use Blender to make 3D renders and animations. He has found this has come in very handy for making images to go along with his physics class. Eric says he is doing his best to lean in to the Three Dimensional Learning of the NGSS/new state standards. He is building his units around relevant phenomena. Units are broken down into standards that are grouped and assessed by level of knowledge. He strives to choose and create activities that have students learn through inquiry as much as he is able. He wants students to learn to do science, not learn about science. Eric loves being outdoors, He is an on again, off again runner. He and his boys are working through all the area lakes, and canoed 75 miles last summer. His goal is getting into snowshoeing next. He says, “Basically I like moving outside under my own power.” He also enjoy playing music. He plays guitar, harmonica and sings, in order from least to most competent. Prinicpal Grant Hanson had this to say about Eric, “Eric is laser focused on providing students appropriate and meaningful opportunities to engage with his content. Recently, he has added a College in the Schools class to our course offerings, “Physics by Inquiry.” Mr. Kehoe looks for ways to incorporate the most recent research and practices


into his classroom, and is always self reflecting on what could be done differently or better. He’s always interested in attending physics workshops, such as a Quarknet seminar in recent years as well, focusing on particle physics! He has also put himself in other positions to serve and help lead students, like head coach of our cross country team, PLC leadership, student council, and most recently he is our teacher’s union president.

Eric uses music when teaching sound in his physics class

Standards Update........continued from page 5

due to the impact of the proposed science standards. Specifically, the resolution allows school districts to seek an out-of-field permission (OFP) for impacted Tier 3 and Tier 4 science teachers without needing to meet the OFP posting requirements. Additionally, these OFPs will not be counted toward the lifetime total for those Tier 3 or Tier 4 science teachers affected by the science changes. This resolution will be in effect until the Board adopts new rules to determine long-term options for teachers impacted by the changes to the K-12 science standards. Summary Document, Full Resolution, PELSB statement on current science licensure.

MnSTA Newsletter

Why were the science standards delayed and how should the change impact my planning? (plus a couple other standards related updates)

On April 2nd, the MN Department of Education (MDE) announced that full implementation of the John Olson is the science specialist science and English for the Department of education. Language arts (ELA) He will keep us updated on science standards will be education. in the MnSTA newsletter. delayed by one year. That means that districts and schools should plan for full implementation of 2019 Minnesota Academic Standards in Science (MASS 19) by the 2024 – 25 school year. In that year the Minnesota Comprehensive Exams (MCA IV) in science will begin to assess the new standards. This change is a response to concerns raised by districts through their superintendents that the pandemic has caused many districts and schools to have insufficient time for professional development and planning to implement the new standards. The year of implementation is set through the rulemaking process and since science and ELA standards have not completed that process, MDE can change the date requested for full implementation in the rulemaking proposal. Delaying the implementation of standards that have already completed rulemaking, e.g. physical education and the arts, will require legislative action. Districts and charter schools may determine the schedule they choose to use in transitioning to the new standards as long as the standards and benchmarks are fully taught by 2024-25. Since the new standards and the associated pedagogy will result in improved learning by students, it would be wise for districts and schools that are ready to go ahead with transition to the new standards to continue down that path. Many districts had planned to start teaching the new standards to some grades as soon as next year and that plan could continue. For districts and schools that need the additional year for planning, I recommend the following: 1. Help teachers understand the pedagogy shifts for the new standards (3 dimensions, phenomena-

based instruction) and start using them in their current instruction. This is a prerequisite for further curriculum work. 2. Start designing unit plans, by bungling together benchmarks that could be taught together. This could be done by looking for benchmarks with similar core ideas or developing themes. 3. Study the three dimensions involved in the benchmarks in the unit by using the grade range guides from A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards Appendices E, F, and G. 4. Plan a storyline for the unit by involving relevant phenomena and sense making activities. A couple good resources for curriculum planning are Ambitious Science Teaching and Five Tools and Processes for Translating NGSS into Instruction and Assessment. If quality 3-dimensional instructional materials are available, they can be helpful in steps 2-4. If the district is studying instructional materials for possible adoption, it is helpful to plan a sample unit so the potential instructional material can be evaluated for their support of good pedagogy. A good guide for evaluating instruction materials is NextGen TIME (Toolkit for instructional Materials Evaluation)

Update: Rulemaking for science standards

The documentation by MDE and the Executive branch of the state government has been completed. They propose that the drafted standards become rule and be implemented by the 2024-25 school year. (Benchmarks are not included in the rule language.) The tentative next steps are the following: • A sixty day period for public comments on the proposed rules. This will be announced in late April. • A possible hearing on the rules in the summer. • A ruling by an administrative law judge. Note: the MN Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) is planning to revise science licensure rules after the standards have received rulemaking approval.

Update: Licensure –Flexibility for Out-ofField Permissions

A recently adopted resolution by the MN Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) provides additional flexibilities for science teachers who will need an out-of-field permission (OFP) to teach in a science content area or grade level outside of the scope of their existing license(s) Standards Update........continued on page 4

Spring 2021


Department of Education News Flexibility for Out-of-Field Permissions for Science Teachers

A newly adopted resolution by the MN Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) provides additional flexibilities for science teachers who will need an out-of-field permission (OFP) to teach in a science content area or grade level outside of the scope of their existing license(s) due to the impact of the proposed science standards. Specifically, the resolution allows school districts to seek an out-of-field permission (OFP) for impacted Tier 3 and Tier 4 science teachers without needing to meet the OFP posting requirements. Additionally, these OFPs will not be counted toward the lifetime total for those Tier 3 or Tier 4 science teachers affected by the science changes. This resolution will be in effect until the Board adopts new rules to determine long-term options for teachers impacted by the changes to the K-12 science standards. Summary Document pelsb/board/news/?id=1113-472962, Full Resolution schools%20navigating%20changes%20to%20 K12%20science%20standards_tcm1113-472453. pdf, SPELSB statement on current science licensure This announcement is from the current Superintendents mailing

Science and English Language Arts Standards Implementation Delay

To provide flexibility for districts in implementing new standards as the state emerges from COVID-19, MDE will be delaying the required implementation of the Science and the English Language Arts standards to the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years, respectively. Implementation dates for each content area are set as part of the rulemaking process to allow flexibility for implementation needs. With both of these two content areas still in the rulemaking process, MDE will use that opportunity to update the proposed rule language to reflect the new implementation date. Since the MCAs are based on the standards, the Science MCA – IV will be delayed until the spring of 2025 for grades five, eight, and high school, and the Reading MCA – IV will be delayed until the spring of 2026 for grades three through eight and high school. Although districts are not required to begin work to implement the standards, MDE will continue to engage in test specifica-



tions and development to be prepared for the MCA – IVs in spring of 2025 and 2026. Important note: Due to the fact that the Arts and Physical Education standards have already gone through rulemaking, MDE does not have the authority to delay implementation of these standards; therefore, these standards will move forward with implementation as scheduled. There is still legislation currently being considered that would delay implementation of the Arts and Physical Education standards.

Invitation to be an MCA Item Writer

We would like to invite you to apply to be part of Building Capacity for Science Assessment: Science MCA-IV Item Writing Workshop in the summer of 2021. The workshop will be 4 1/2 days total, starting with a half-day virtual training on June 25, followed by virtual meetings on July 12-13 and July 26-27. Approximately 15-20 additional hours may be needed outside of these dates to complete the writing assignments. This summer, we are focused on writing engaging grade-level phenomena tied to the 2019 Minnesota Science Standards and also generating questions for each phenomenon. We hope that the summer 2021 workshop goals generate creative thinking, engage with your unique teaching approaches, and build a repository of engaging phenomena for the Science MCA-IV. If you are interested in being part of this MCAIV item writer workshop this year, contact us for more information or enter your information by April 23, 2021 at this location www.surveymonkey. com/r/2021MCAWriter. We encourage any teachers and educators interested in becoming a Science item writer to apply. We want to grow the impact teachers have on our Science MCA-IV assessment and look forward to engaging with more teachers around the state. If you have colleagues that might be interested in participating, please share this information.

Teachers needed for MCA Review Committees

Educator MCA Review Committees are an opportunity for educators to give feedback on statewide assessments for each subject, and ensure test content and question type align closely with best practices in classroom instruction. Committees of educators who are experienced in specific content areas will meet throughout various phases of the test development process. Sign up now to sub-

MnSTA Newsletter

Department of Education Opportunities

mit your email to the Educator Committee Register. Signing up is not a commitment, but will add your email to our database. When committees are needed, an invitation is sent to eligible participants in the database announcing specific dates and times, and then you may accept or decline the invite. More information is at the MCA Review Committee webpage advpanel/ Input Needed: Understand Native Minnesota project

In October 2019, the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community launched Understand Native Minnesota, a campaign to improve the Native American narrative in Minnesota schools. Like with any project, we need to understand where we’re at in order to set goals for where we want to be. This means hearing from folks around the state who are engaging in this work to learn what’s working, where you need support, and how we can collaborate in the future to make learning better for all students. We have created three surveys for stakeholders - educators https://form.jotform. com/200836989303058, curriculum leads https://, and education groups/non-profits https://form.jotform. com/203208587667162 Your thoughtful input is preciated in any or all surveys as appropriate. All data collected will be kept anonymous and entry to the giveaway at the end of the survey is optional. Surveys will be collected through June 15, 2021. Data collected will be compiled into a final report in Fall 2021 and be used to identify next steps for the campaign.

MN Zoo Evaluation of new science curriculum The Minnesota Zoo is working with a graduate student team at the University of Minnesota to evaluate the zoo’s new science curriculum, “Operation Curiosity and Wonder”. If you have used or are familiar with this curriculum for distance or hybrid learning, please help us out by filling out this survey https://SV_Ae6mOdjS3ZVSLA. Your response will be kept anonymous, and provide valuable feedback as the zoo evaluates this new curriculum along with opportunities for developing similar science programming in the future.

Returning to Classroom Instruction in Science

The guidance that was given by MDE and the Minnesota Dept. of Health for Arts classes that are held in specific spaces can also be applied to science

Spring 2021

3D instruction......continued from page 5

Arts classes that cannot operate in the classroom may continue to be held indoors outside of individual classrooms if they are able to follow the Music Activities Guidance and the health and safety measures laid out for art classes in the 2020-21 Planning Guide for Schools pdf. If the guidance cannot be followed, arts classes must be held in the classroom or outside (weather permitting). The National Science Teachers Association has some safety considerations safety in returning to science classrooms and laboratories, especially in this blog: Safety Recommendations for Opening the new School Year www.nsta. org/blog/safety-recommendations-openings-newschool-year.

Teacher Events and Workshops

MnCOSE 20 – Continue the Conversation – Virtual PD

Did you attend MnSTA Conference on Science Education last November? Join in conversations as we unite our teaching community on central themes and ideas imperative to advancing our work as science educators. (If you did not attend MnCOSE20, you can still register page.cgi/2020_Conference.html For each session, watch the recording of the MnCOSE Session and then join a discussion with the presenter. Registration Link for both sessions. April – State of Science – STEM Education Dr. Jayshree Seth, Chief Science Advocate of 3M, and Megan Earnest will join us to unpack perceptions of science, its impact on their daily lives, perceived barriers to STEM education, and positioning our learners as future scientists and engineers poised to solve the complex and global humanitarian challenges we face. Agenda/1350884/ MnCOSE session Recording, Discussion sessions April 19 7 PM or April 22, 3:30 PM May – Engaging Students in Science Investigations using GRC. Brett Moulding, NGSS and NRC Framework writer, and Lee Schmitt will join us to discuss three dimensional teaching and lesson design using the framework of Gather, Reason and Communicate. MnCOSE session Recording, portal/webapp/mncos_202011/Agenda/1295911 Discussion sessions May 10, 7 PM or May 13, 3:30 PM


Department of Education Opportunities Teach Outdoors! Minnesota virtual workshops, Wednesdays in April 3:30 – 4:30

Join experienced environmental educators in Minnesota to learn how you can integrate opportunities to teach outdoors into your curriculum. All activities and lesson shared are connected to Minnesota Academic Standards. CEUs will be included. Sessions will be recorded and available. Information and Registration • April 7: Climate Change for Kids and Adults • April 14: Great Lakes Bio Blitz • April 21: Birding • April 28: Poetry and Wonder Wander More resources for teaching outdoors!

Making Computer Science Available to All Students, Webinar April 15 noon Join for a special conversation with

Arne Duncan, former U.S. Secretary of Education, about making computer science education available to all students. We’ll discuss why it’s so important for students to learn computer science and how to effectively and equitably provide all students that opportunity in your school and district. You will receive information about their Professional Learning Program for teachers and how you can access scholarships to participate at no cost to your school. Registration.

Dinner on the Lakes – virtual talk series

Please join us for Dinner on the Lakes, an informal talk series developed by educators for educators and their families. We invite you to cozy up to your computer whether you are working late or eating dinner with your family to listen and participate in the topic of the evening. Participants will learn about upcoming events and opportunities and can network with each other in this growing community of practice. Register AIpQLSfGq5vtsDSqpjRXTtNDvTmlg-BQyx6LvuLOGBu4S9b7c4zKmQ/viewform All talks are on the third Tuesday of the month from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. • April 20: Exploring Vernal Pools with Students, Billie Waugh, South Terrace Elementary School • May 18: Citizen Science in the Classroom, Jennifer Flynn, Hermantown Elementary School


iNaturalist and the Great Lakes Blitz to Enhance your Curriculum, April 7 and 14, 4 PM, Online

Join Minnesota and Wisconsin Sea Grant for a two session workshop series that explores ways to use iNaturalist to enhance your curriculum across a variety of subjects. During the course of this two day series learn how to use iNaturalist to integrate nature observation into art, cultural appreciation, geography, math, writing, biology and more. Learn about how you can use the Great Lakes BioBlitz to increase Great Lakes literacy in your learners. Program intro video Ac. Worskshop information and Registration

NSTA Engage Virtual Conference April 12 – May 8

Experience NSTA’s premier event of the year with Engage: Spring21. The conference will feature inspiring keynote presentations, motivating sessions, unconferences, Marketplace Partner workshops, thought leadership, and so much more. Participate in rich, real-time dialogue with like-minded educators from around the country, listen to expert speakers on your own schedule, and drop in on lively social networking events at Engage: Spring21. All sessions will be available in the on-demand library for 90 days following the event. More Information https://www. • Elementary April 12 – 17 • Middle Level April 19 – 24 • High School April 26 – May 1 • Postsecondary and Informal Education May 3–8

Department of Education Opportunities environmental justice and a broad range of youth-led climate-focused issues. April 20 is the global youth climate summit. On April 21, Education International will lead the “Teach for the Planet: Global Education Summit.” The Earth Day Live digital event occurs on April 22. More Information https://www.earthday. org/press-resease/earthday-org-and-global-partnersunite-for-three-parallel-climate-summits-2/

Outdoor Learning Conference for Early Childhood, April 23, Online Join Dodge Nature Preschool for a half-day, virtual conference designed to encourage outdoor learning in early childhood! Find inspiration, engage in dialogue with colleagues, and gain practical ideas to help incorporate nature-based education into your classroom and school environment. Agenda and registration event/virtual-learning-conference-2021?eType=Em ailBlastContent&eld=816f0074-20d1-479a-9c0046f77a119281

Confluence of Cultures: Exploring Dakota Lands and Waters, May 4, 6 PM, Online

Explore the region surrounding the confluence of the Mississippi and Minnesota rivers, which is at the heart of the Dakota homelands and known as Bdóte. Presenters: Lyndon Torstenson, Park Ranger, National Park Service, Mississippi National River & Recreation Area. Mishaila Bowman (Sisseton Wahpeton Dakota), Lower Phalen Creek Project. John Shepard, Center for Global Environmental Education Information and Registration https://www.hamline. edu/education/cgee/webinars/

Opportunity to strengthen your Earth Science credentials, May 19 – July 1, online

This workshop from 8 am – 4 pm at McColl Pond ELC for K-7 teachers will teach you to use birds to engage students in science content use 3-dimensional teaching to develop students ability to observe, investigate and make claims form evidence, while learn outdoors! Information.

Earth Science Essentials, an advanced online review of Earth Science for high school and middle school science teachers, will be offered May 19 – July 1, 2021 through Minnesota State University Moorhead. The course materials are available free for self-study. Participation in the course via tuition provides college undergraduate or graduate credit. Learn more

EARTHDAY.ORG along with lead organizers Education International, Hip Hop Caucus and Earth Uprising are organizing three separate parallel climate action summits on April 20, 21, and 22. The parallel summits are focused respectively on climate literacy,

The Minnesota State Engineering Center of Excellence and select Minnesota State faculty are proud to provide an engaging and interactive FREE educator

Jeffers Birding Institute, April 17 and 24, Savage

Earth Day Events April 20 – 23, Online

MnSTA Newsletter

3D Printing for STEM Educator Pedagogy and Workforce Preparation, May 20, 10:30 AM noon, Online

conversation and explanation to demystify 3D printing for pedagogy, workforce preparation and provide solutions for industry. Information Illustrating the Impact of Air Masses on Weather, for 6th grade teachers, May 22, noon-2 PM The unusually hot weather we had over Easter weekend—and the precipitation and dramatic drop in temperatures that subsequently occurred -- are a great illustration of the powerful role that air masses have on our weather. Such dramatic changes are also often the basis of atmospheric inversions which contribute to the deterioration of air quality. But what can be more thrilling than to be able to correlate such phenomena with real-time data and/or maps—including satellite imagery-- that can be found on the Internet? Dr. Amy Lilienfeld, President and Founder of Circle of Illumination Science Education, invites 6th grade teachers in Minnesota to participate in a webinar that will help them learn how to harness the power of such web sites to track such changes while deepening their content mastery of atmospheric science and helping them get ideas for many hands-on activities in data collection and visualization. For more information, Amy Lilienfeld amy@circleofillumination. com

What IS Social Justice Teaching in the Science Classroom? NSTA virtual Miniseries, June 5, 12, 19, 26

Join NSTA for this special four-part, interactive, virtual miniseries, which is jointly hosted by the Association for Multicultural Science Education (AMSE) and NSTA’s Committee on Multicultural / Equity in Science Education. Scheduled throughout the month of March, this miniseries is your source for resources and strategies for motivating and enhancing the participation of traditionally underrepresented students in science through the lens of equity and social justice. All sessions are Saturdays 10:30 – 1:00 Central Time. Information what-social-justice-teaching-science-classroom • June 5: Designing for Rightful Presence in K-12 Science Teaching and Learning • June 12: Critical Affinity Spaces for Science Educators • June 19: Toward Field-Based Science Education that Contributes to Just, Sustainable and Culturally Thriving Worlds • June 26: Defining Social Justice in our Science Classroom

Spring 2021


Department of Education Opportunities Compass to Nature: Teaching in the Outdoor Classroom, June 9 – July 21, 2 – 4 PM, webinars

This weekly distance learning series features the innovative Compass to Nature refuge/Fergus_Falls_WMD/For_Educators/Compass_to_Nature.html, a proven-effective method to teaching outdoors. Join us as we explore the four cardinal directions for the Compass to Nature: placebased education, phenology, journals, and naturalists, plus the magnetic force of the sense of wonder, through indoor presentations and outdoor field exercises to build or enhance your skills. We will also examine impact to teachers, students, and families; school curriculum and academic standards; and distance education options for outdoor classrooms. The series will culminate with the opportunity to reflect, plan, and share how you can apply the Compass to Nature to your site. Presented by the Prairie Wetland Learning Center in Fergus Falls.

Commun lanet Stewards, Artist Boat and the NOAA Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary welcome you to join us during the month of July 2021 from anywhere you can Zoom for an interdisciplinary 70% independent learning/selfpaced virtual workshop; The event is meant for all educators. It will focus on climate change impacts to human and natural communities, and the actions you can take to build resilience in light of these impacts. More Information and Registrationity Resilience to Climate Change workshop for educators, July 5 – 29 VisChem: Conceptual Understanding in Chemistry, July 6-9. 12-14, Online

The VisChem Approach uses carefully produced dynamic visualizations with teaching strategies informed by a cognitive learning model. Participants who complete the institute receive a $1000 stipend. Application Deadline March 31. More Information Your Feedback Needed! Minnesota Zoo is working with a graduate stu- tute dent team at the University of Minnesota to evaluate Engaging Students in Investigation using the zoo’s new science curriculum, “Operation Curios- GRC, elementary July 12 – 13, secondary July ity and Wonder”. If you have used or are familiar with 14-15, online this curriculum for distance or hybrid learning, please Join us for two days of professional learning help us out by filling out a survey at: https://umn.qual- that will model effective science instruction that is consistent with research about how students learn. Your response will be kept anonymous, and proThese sessions, based on the Gather, Reason, and vide valuable feedback as the zoo evaluates this new Communicate framework, will model effective ways curriculum along with opportunities for developing to engage students and teachers in doing science similar science programming in the future. Please con- Investigations in person and virtually, which leads tact Leslie Yetka at or Sam Storckto deeper science knowledge using instructional Post at for questions or more strategies consistent with the new Minnesota Science information Education Standards.

Brett Moulding and Peter McLaren, NGSS and Framework writers, will lead this workshop, live online. Participants will receive a copy of the book Engaging Students in Science Investigation Using GRC and the materials to do the investigations during the PD. The book describes how to engage students in doing three-dimensional science investigations aligned to standards. The book and professional development provide insights and recommendations for how to effectively use a set of over 360 investigations to teach to the new standards. The investigations were developed by teachers working in collaboration with Brett Moulding and presented in a useful lesson plan format. For background on the GRC framework and to see lessons go to Phenomenal GRC Lessons


MnSTA Newsletter

Department of Education Opportunities 2apEKnQk5eq5H2SU4PC63Cj2wiZKXmQdY3gskJ Yn8a8/edit • Elementary: July 12 & 13, Online 8:30 PM – 3:30PM, Registration engaging-students-in-science-investigation-usinggrc-minnesota-k-5-registration-140604045485 • Secondary: July 14 & 15, Online 8:30 PM – 3:30PM, Registration engaging-students-in-science-investigation-usinggrc-minnesota-6-12-registration-140604328331 • Fee: $250 includes workshop investigation materials and a book mailed to you. • Both workshops have limited capacity.

6th grade Earth Science Professional Development for the new standards, in person

This will be a one week, bootcamp style, regional workshop that incorporates earth and space science content of the new standards, as well as teach you how to develop three-dimensional units. We’ll help you choose phenomena, write storylines and lessons, and walk you through investigations that you can use to engage your students. We will provide ongoing support as you begin your journey and create regional cohorts so you aren’t doing it alone. • Bemidji, July 26-30 • Metro area, August 2 – 6 • Metro area, August 9 – 13 (new session added!) The workshop is organized by the Minnesota Science Teachers Association and led by well-known Minnesota earth science teachers and professors. Article introducing the program. https://www.mnsta. org/cgi/page.cgi/article.html?aid=1754&zine=show Workshop Information and application https://docs. For other workshops and programs that teach earth science concepts see this collection https://

Mississippi River Institute, July 26-28, Online

Join us from home this summer, as the Hamline Center for Global and Environmental Education presents its acclaimed Mississippi River Institute as a hybrid model combining online content and outdoor hands-on investigations close to home. The virtual River Institute is a live, interactive threeday professional development opportunity taking place July 26-28, with modules online and outside from 8 am - 4 pm. It inspires, educates, and prepares 3rd - 8th grade teachers to engage students in STEM

disciplines through experiential, inquiry-based investigations of local watersheds. Full scholarships are provided for teachers admitted to the program, as well as 18 CEUs, classroom resources, and the option to purchase two graduatelevel credits at a reduced rate. Information and registration.

Summer Institute for Climate Change Education Regrounding in Truth, July 28-30, online Gain the skills, tools, and resources to teach climate change in all subject areas. This three-day experience from Climate Generation will include networking with a national audience, as well as one full day dedicated to working, planning, and learning with regional cohorts. On-screen time will be segmented, with the opportunity to choose which sessions you would like to attend. Information and Registration

Equity in STEM education professional development

The IDEAL Center at the Science Museum of Minnesota invites school and district leadership teams to apply for the 2021–2022 PAGE District Leadership Program, which will be offered virtually this year. PAGE is dedicated to addressing achievement disparities in STEM education on the basis of gender, race, class, ethnicity, disability, language, and sexual orientation at a systems level. PAGE is an 11day program with a five-day online institute during the summer of 2021, and three two-day online Colloquia during the 2021–2022 school year. Information and registration

Teacher and School Awards and Opportunities Check out information about the following awards programs and consider applying.

• National Board Certification for Teachers • National Science Teachers Assn. Awards m#:~:text=The%2520annual%2520NSTA%2520Awa rds%2520and,the%25202019%25E2%2580%259320 20%2520award%2520cycle. • National Association of Biology Teachers Awards

Spring 2021


Department of Education Opportunities School Programs and Resources

STEM Meets the Challenge of the Pandemic

The free educational resources available at share the ways that engineers, scientists, and other STEM professionals are using science, engineering, technology and mathematics to find innovative solutions to the challenges introduced by COVID-19. • The Explore STEM Careers webpage, features video profiles of engineers, scientists, and other STEM professionals who are making the world a better place by designing cutting-edge solutions to problems and answering important questions introduced by the pandemic • The Educator Resources webpage provides tips and ideas for engaging students in reflection and discussion. Secondary teachers can request virtual mentoring experiences with STEM professionals. • The project culminates with a Virtual Professional Summit May 12- 13, with discounts for educators

NOVA – “Picture a Scientist, April 14, Public TV

This program will examine the discrimination women face in the field of Science. Go to the PBS website for more information and to see a trailer for Picture a Scientist. Also check out the “Secret Life of Scientists and Engineers” series of short videos exploring women in STEM fields.

Women Scientists and the Development of the COVID-19 Vaccine Video and articles cgi/article.html?aid=1807&zine=show

Chemistry Field Day competition, April 12 – 16, online Creighton University Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is hosting a Virtual Chemistry Field Day Competition. We hope that you consider making this a part of your day(s) during the week of April 12th-16th. Your students will complete the competition online using the Kahoots learning platform. There is no cost for registration. If you are unable to complete all 5 activities that is ok. We hope this provides a fun and different opportunity for your students. The Virtual Chemistry Field Day Competition was created for 9-12th grade groups of 4. However you can complete the competition as soul competitor or a complete class. We will be sending out samples with instructions to complete 2 of the activities as wet


labs in your facilities. Please register by as soon as possible as we have limited amount of kits available. Deadline April 8. Information and Registration html?aid=1822&zine=show

NCSE Curriculum Study, and Raven the Science Maven

The National Center for Science Education is recruiting middle and high school science teachers to participate in a two-year curriculum study starting in July 2021. Selected teachers will have the opportunity to field-test our teacher-created nature of science, evolution, and climate change curricula. Participants will be eligible for a $4000 stipend. Information and Registration Deadline April 25. During this upcoming Earth Week (April 19-23), NCSE will partner with Raven the Science Maven to encourage and support teachers who are hesitant to teach climate change in their classrooms. We’ve worked with her to create a series of special climate education TikTok videos. Example https://www.

KidWind Challenge

Using the KidWind 2.0 Wind Turbine Simulator students will construct and test turbines and wind farms in a totally online environment. The only requirement is an internet-connected computer (tablets are not supported). There are three divisions (4-5, 6-8, 9-12). Students can participate alone or on a team. Teams will be free to use the simulator till June 30th. On May 8th the KidWind Simulation Challenge will close and the top 10 teams will be awarded over $2000 in prizes. Registration for the KidWind Simulation Challenge is $25 per coach, with each coach able to register up to 5 students (they can participate as a team or individuals). Scholarships are available - depends on location and need. More Information. simulation?mc_cid=0fc7a7e202&mc_ eid=149a38584f

Minnesota on the Map – GIS competition

Create an online GIS (Geographic Information System) story map on any topic of interest within the borders of Minnesota. Research the topic, map geographic findings, and present findings in a story map entry. Each school or club submits up to five entries to the state competition. Winners at the state level go on to national competition. Registration is

MnSTA Newsletter

Department of Education Opportunities due April 9 and the entries deadline is May 21. Information and Registration https://mnk12-umn. The site also has training for students. All Minnesota schools and youth organizations are eligible for free ArcGIS Online Accounts. GIS Information https://education. from the Department of Education

Outdoor Lessons for K-12 Students

Teaching outdoors is easier than you think. The outdoors is a place to inspire learning, get fresh air, lift moods, and reduce virus transmission. Use this outdoor lessons webpage education/teachers/outdoor-lesssons.html to find grab-and-go lessons, student handouts, and videos that teachers can use RIGHT NOW to teach outdoors. The website organizes lessons and resources by elementary, middle, and high school levels. Developed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Farm-to-Fork Sustainable Agriculture for Healthy Food and Environment, June 15- Aug 15

This program from Minnesota State, Mankato and South Dakota State University provides the following: • Learn about sustainable agricultural principles and practices. • Develop skills on how to measure soil health and water quality. • Farm visits and discussion with the owners of sustainable farms and farm-to-fork establishments. Information and Registration https://www.mnsta. org/_Library/ezine_fliers_open_to_public/Flyer_ SARE_2021_2.pdf

Science and Engineering Competitions

Science Bowl middle and high school https:// • Minnesota Science Olympiad http:// Chemistry education resources for teachers The American Chemical Society is offering • Science and Engineering Fair and Sci various educational resources for free during the ence Bowl pandemic. These include activities, lessons, books, • FIRST Lego League, FIRST Tech Chal videos, organizations and mentoring. ACS resources l enge, FIRST Robotics https://hightech html?aid=1780&zine=show • Supermileage Challenge https://www. Student Programs, Awards and mileage Competitions • Real World Design Challenge http:// Lake Superior Youth Symposium, May 14 On line • Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision www.ex Registration is now open for the 2021 virtual Lake Superior Youth Symposium! The symposium, hosted • NSTA Angela Award – girls grades 5 – 8 by Northern Michigan University, is open to all 8th 12th grade students and is scheduled for May 14. All • MN Scholars of Distinction – high school the information you need to know and to register can be found on the LSYS Website https://learnsympo gifted/sod/ • National Youth Science Camp – two This year’s virtual conference will allow the flex Minnesota Delegates http://www.nysf. ibility for your students to pick and choose sessions com/w/programs/nysc/ of interest throughout the day, as your schedules Minnesota Programs and Competitions allow. Given the various daily schedules of the many Many competitions, out-of-school programs and participating schools, attendance for the entire day is field trip opportunities are posted at the Mn-STEM not required. We are also working hard to ensure that website and listed in the we’ll have video archives of all sessions, which will Reach for the Stars Catalog of Programs and Activiallow for on-demand access to any of the sessions ties afterward. reach/2018/reach-2018.pdf. The registration is a flat $50 per teacher/school. MDE Science Contacts: This fee opens attendance for any students/classes John Olson, Science Content Specialist, you hope to have participate.

Spring 2021


Department of Education Opportunities


Jim Wood, Science Assessment Specialist Judi Iverson, Science Assessment Specialist Sarah Carter, STEM and Computer Science Specialist Send submissions for the Science Update to John Olson

CMDCGZD should take 10 minutes to complete. It will be used to help EPI create PD opportunities that will fit teachers’ needs. Those who complete the survey will be entered to win one of several raffle prizes: $100 off an upcoming EPI Educator course, $25 gift card to EPI’s online store, or a free EPI hydro flask. Here’s to effective science PD!

Other Minnesota Links:

Minn. Dept. of Education Science Page Minn. Science Teachers Association Frameworks for MN Science and Mathematics Standards Get – STEM Connections between schools and businesses Mn-STEM STEM programs and resources for families, schools and community stem/ Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge environmental education resources Minnesota Academy of Science: Science Fair, Science Bowl and other competitions https://www. Mn DNR Education website: Curriculum, professional development, posters, etc. Youth Eco Solutions (YES!) – Statewide, youth-led program for hands-on eco related projects

The Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) recently adopted a resolution to support students, teachers, and schools with staffing during the transition to new science standards. The resolution makes two temporary changes for science licensed teachers impacted by the changing science standards. First, Out of Field Permissions (OFPs) for teachers impacted by the standards changes will not count against the 5 year OFP lifetime limit during the years between now and when licensing rules are amended. Second, current licensed Tier 3 and 4 science teachers who are currently employed with their school will not need to have their positions posted when they use an OFP. The resolution is particularly helpful for midcareer 7-12 Earth and Space Science licensed 8th grade science teachers who began their careers before the 5-8 science license existed. It’s also helpful to minimize displacement of teachers by bumping from


others licensed in multiple science content areas. To learn more about this and read PELSB’s resolution, try this link: If you have questions about science teacher licensing contact PELSB at or go to MDE also has a page on teacher licensure and the 2019 Science Standards at MDE/DSE/MDE031473

Invitation for Minnesota Science Teachers

We would like to invite you to apply to be part of Building Capacity for Science Assessment: Science MCA-IV Item Writing Workshop in the summer of 2021. The workshop will be 4 1/2 days total, starting with a half-day virtual training on June 25, followed by virtual meetings on July 12-13 and July 26-27. Approximately 15-20 additional hours may be needed outside of these dates to complete the writing assignments. This summer, we are focused on writing engaging grade-level phenomena tied to the 2019 Minnesota Science Standards and also generating questions for each phenomenon. We hope that the summer 2021 workshop goals generate creative thinking, engage with your unique teaching approaches, and build a repository of engaging phenomena for the Science MCA-IV. If you are interested in being part of this MCA-IV item writer workshop this year, contact us for more information or enter your information by April 23, 2021 at this location r/2021MCAWriter. We encourage any teachers and educators interested in becoming a Science item writer to apply. We want to grow the impact teachers have on our Science MCA-IV assessment and look forward to engaging with more teachers around the state. If you have colleagues that might be interested in participating, please share this information.

Ecology Project International (EPI)

You may have heard of Ecology Project International (EPI); they have been engaging teachers and students in experiential, placebased science learning since 2000—in Yellowstone, Mexico, Galapagos, Hawaii,… EPI would like to start offering more PD to teachers, and want to know what would be most useful for them. Please share this information with teachers you know who might appreciate place-based, experiential, ecologically-based PD. This survey

MnSTA Newsletter

Biochemistry Camp

Biochemistry Camp is for young women who have finished 10th or 11th grade. The goal of this camp is to encourage young women to be confident in their laboratory experiences and motivate them to pursue a career in the sciences. Most students understand clinical research with humans or even laboratory animals such as mice and rats, but not many have been exposed to cultured cells or plant biochemistry. In a brand new state-of-the-art science facility, students will perform hands-on experiments such as: fluorescence microscopy, ELISA, flow cytometry, and GC/MS. This camp is a day-camp style structure with no overnight component. Exact schedule will be shared at a later date. Information and registration at

Science teachers prepare, develop PD for new standards

Minnesota science educators will have until 2025 to fully implement the newly approved state science standards, which include big changes for sixth-grade curriculum, but a group of educators is already working to make sure their colleagues are prepared. “Earth science will be new for all sixth-grade teachers,” said Lee Schmitt, a Minnesota Science Teachers Association past president who now works on professional development courses. “Teachers almost have to start over with new earth science content and pedagogy. But hopefully teachers will get fired up about the new standards.” Schmitt, along with Dana Smith, a sixth-grade science teacher in Bemidji, worked with the MnSTA and other educators to create the Earth Science Teacher Education Program. The program aims to bring professional development courses and cohorts to science educators across the state, as they work to implement the new earth science standards. “It may feel really sort of discombobulated at first, but that’s why we’re offering the PD,” said Smith, who also sat on the committee who worked on the standards. “The doing and making sense and the ask-

Spring 2021

ing questions and the modeling that are included in the new standards—are universal in science and what we want to put in front of teachers.” MnSTA has given the planning group a grant to develop the courses and survey teachers. Their tentative plans include a summer week-long bootcamp-style workshop for sixth-grade educators that incorporates earth and space science content, as well as how to develop three-dimensional units. The group’s goal is to have at least one in-person workshop this summer, and then offering up to 11 more over the next three summers all across the state. Also being planned are high school-level cohorts that include a two-week course blending content and pedagogy, as well as online coursework that prepare teachers to earn 9-12 earth science licensure. The group’s goal is to offer three cohorts for high school educators starting in the summer of 2022. Smith and Schmitt are both excited about how the cohorts and workshops will not only provide educators the tools they need, but the support they need to implement the new standards. “We’re not going to hand you a book and say read this and you’ll be awesome at it,” said Smith. “But we’re all working on this and that’s what three-dimensional teaching comes down to.” “These academic communities we will create will be important,” said Schmitt. The MnSTA and ES-TEP group are working on securing legislative funding to support these trainings and make them accessible and affordable. Education Minnesota is also supporting this legislation. MnSTA and Education Minnesota are also working to modify the language in statute on the standards to show that high school students need to take an earth science course. This change protects educators that teach earth science, and makes it clearer that the subject needs to be taught. While a big change to her sixth-grade classroom, Smith is excited about the new standards. “The new standards are based in NGSS (New Generation Science Standards) and are the gold standard for science education,” she said. “They are backed up by two decades of research and are where teaching and learning in science is headed. This is another place for Minnesota to lead on education.” Learn more about the Earth Science Teacher Education Program plans and take an interest survey at





MnSTA Newsletter

Spring 2021


MnSTA Board Directory Below, you will find information about your MnSTA Board Members. The listing includes the board member’s school (or organization), mailing address, work phone, FAX number, and e-mail address. The board wishes to make itself as accessible as possible for our members. Please feel free to contact your discipline representative, regional representative, or executive board members if you have ideas, concerns, or wish to help with the mission or operation of MnSTA. We are always looking for members who wish to serve MnSTA as Board Members, Non-Board Service Chairs or Members, and as Committee Chairs or Members.

Executive Board: Exec. Secretary

Karen Bengtson

St. Cloud Area School Dist. 472 1000 44th Ave N. St. Cloud MN 56303



Josh Tharaldson

Marshall County HS


Angela Osuji

Washburn High School


301 W. Minnesota Ave.

Newfolden, Mn 56738

201 W 49th St. Minneapolis, Mn 55419



Jill Jenson

Scott Highlands Middle School



Joe Reymann



DOE Science Specialist

John Olson

Dept.of Education 651-582-8673

14011 Pilot Knob Rd. Apple Valley, MN 55124

Discipline Directors: Biology

Michelle Housenga

Minneapolis Washburn HS



Dana Smith


Earth Science

Haley Kalina

Alexandria Public School


Bemidji Middle School

201 West 49th St. Minneapolis, MN 55419

1910 Middle School Ave. NW Bemidji, MN 56601 510 McKay Ave. Alenandria, MN 56308

Elementary/Greater MN Dan Gruhlke 763-272-2835

Eastview Education Center 9375 Fenning Ave. Monticello, MN 55362


Lee Filipek

Southview Elementary


Higher Ed

Diana Fenton

College of St. Benedict/St. Johns U


Caitlin Potter

Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve 2660 Fawn Lake Dr. NE E. Bethel 55005

Informal Ed

Alternative Ed.


Garret Bitker

1025 Whitney Dr. Apple Valley, MN 55124 37 College Ave. S. St. Joseph, MN 56374

630 1st Ave. NW Byron, MN 55920



Phillip Sexton

Minnetonka High School


Private Schools

Steve Heilig


St. Paul Academy & Summit School

18301 Hwy 7 Minnetonka, MN 55345 1712 Randolph Ave. St. Paul 55105

Region Representatives: Region 1&2: North

Katherine Melgaard

Marshall County HS

218-874-7225 ext. 116

Region 1&2: North

Caitlin Djonne

Park Rapics Schools


Region 3: Northeast

Jennifer Gagner


Region 4: Westcentral Harrison Aakre


MnSTA Newsletter

Spring 2021

310 W. Minnesota Ave. Newfolden, MN 56738 501 Helten Ave. Park Rapids, MN 56470

Pike Lake Elementary Alexandria Area High School

5682 Martin Rd Duluth, MN 55811 4300 Pioneer Rd. Alexandria, MN 56308


MnSTA Board Directory

Region Representatives Region 5: Northcentral Lisa Pingrey

National Joint Powers Alliance

202 12th St. NE Staples, MN 56479


Region 6: Southcentral Holly Knudson

Marshall High School

400 Tiger Drive Marshall, MN 56258

507-537-6920 X 1059

Region 7: Eastcentral

Missie Olson

Becker High School


12000 Hancock St. Becker, MN 55308

Region 8: Southcentral Holly Knudson

Marshall High School

400 Tiger Drive Marshall, MN 56258

507-537-6920 X 1059

Region 9: South

David Borslien

St. Peter High School

507-943-4212 ext 6028

Region 10: Southeast

Emily Zinck



Region 11: Metro

Megan Earnest


Region 11: Metro

David McGill

Capitol Hill Gifted and Talented Magnet 560 Concordia Ave. St. Paul MN 55103

1221 Broadway Ave. St. Peter, MN 56082 100 County Road 25 Lewiston, MN

Bell Museum-Universitiy of Minnesota 2088 Larpenteur Ave. W St. Paul, MN 55113

Ancillary Positions: Database

Mark Lex


Eric Koser

Mankato West H.S.

1351 S. Riverfront Dr.

W: 507-387-3461 x 322

F: 507-345-1502



Jerry Wenzel

Mankato, MN 56001

NSTA Dist. IX Director

Scott Johnson

Century High School

1000 East Century Ave. Bismarck, ND 58503


Conference Coordinator Eric Koser

Mankato West H.S.

1351 S. Riverfront Dr.

F: 507-345-1502


W: 507-387-3461 x 322

Mankato, MN 56001

Events Calendar If you have events you want placed on the calendar, send them to the editor - see page 2 for deadlines, address, etc.

Conferences / Workshops NSTA Engage:Spring 2021-April 12-May 8 Future MnCOSE Conferences: 2021 Oct. 28-30 Mankato 2022 St. Cloud


MnSTA Newsletter

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