Newsletter Volume 51 No. 4 A Quarterly Publication of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association Inc.
R.T Rybak Energizes Teachers at MnCOSE
“There is no other place in the United States where you can predict the outcome of children by looking at the color of their skin than right here in Minnesota,” R.T. Rabak, former mayor of Minneapolis and current president of Generation Next, spoke these words to a full house of science teachers and challenged them to help his organization close the achievement gap in Minnesota. He said we have here in Minnesota a special moment in time where our greatest crisis happens to be our greatest opportunity because our diversity is more diverse than any other place in this country. He emphasized, “this amazing generation is going to empower us to become a globally dominant place if we do things right.” He asked the audience, “What would you do as science teachers if you had the whole community at your back and not breathing down your neck?” “Help us navigate through this to help reduce the achievement gap.” Generation Next addresses an urgent educational crisis in Minneapolis and St. Paul – a widening achievement gap between white students and students of color and lower-income households. Unlike hundreds of existing, standalone programs now working independently to close the gap, Generation Next brings education and community leaders together to identify and adopt successful programs that are proven to work. Working together, Generation Next will align strategies and resources around five goals, ensuring that every student in Minneapolis and St. Paul has an equal opportunity to:
Summer 2015
• Enter kindergarten ready to succeed; • Meet benchmarks in reading by 3rd grade; • Meet benchmarks in mathematics by 8th grade • Graduate from high school ready for college and career; and • Earn a post secondary degree or certification
MnSTA Science Teacher Awardees Named at MnCOSE
MnSTA president Lee Schmitt presented the Science Teaching Awards to Sara Aker (left), Redtail Ridge Elementary School, Savage, Mn and Becky Stark, Hidden Oaks Middle School, Prior Lake, Mn. Biographies can be found on page 5.
President’s Address by Lee Schmitt Summer is a time of renewal. You could make the analogy that classroom teachers are like professional athletes in that our school “season” involves intense, continual effort to perform as effective instructors, while summer is the “off season”. But summer does not mean we stop working. Just like athletes, we need to “stay in shape” with readings, workshops, courses and curriculum work while planning for the next school year. Summer is a time of renewal for MnSTA as well. It provides more time for educators on the board of directors to plan for next year and work on MnSTA initiatives for science education. Our July board meeting is called a “retreat” just for this reason. We take a full day to reflect on our work and move forward with new plans to continue to deliver on our mission to serve Minnesota science teachers and science education. If you were unable to attend the MnSTA Conference on Science Education (MnCOSE), February 20-21, in Mankato, you missed a wonderful array of talented speakers and session presenters. The conference program, session videos and handouts are available on the MnSTA website for your perusal and use. We celebrated our 50th anniversary in style with a state proclamation from Governor Mark Dayton, along with dinner and the annual meeting (with a 1960’s theme) held in the lively atmosphere of the Presidents message....continued on page 3
Department of Conservation by Ed Hessler Morning Joe
At the MnSTA CSE 50th birthday --the BIG 5-Oh!, John Olson, presented a fascinating program on five decades of science education here and nationally (< zc& >). One of those decades—the 70s--caught my eye, the decade that Harvard Project Physics (HPP) was published. HPP was incredibly good. It included a rich and diverse collection of readers—essays, art, poetry, scientific papers (< >). At the beginning of his essay, the late Vincent Schafer wrote “If a cup of very hot black coffee is illuminated with a strong beam of light parallel to the surface, a number of extremely interesting chemical, physical, and optical phenomena can be observed.” True, if you were well-grounded in physics but the guided tour still fills me with wonder. It is an essay, I still read ( < file:///C:/Users/ ehessler01/Downloads/ObservationCoffeeArticle%20 (2).pdf >) Upon entering my hotel room, a K-Cup coffee brewer caught my eye, new this year ( < http://www. >) which became the prompt that led me to think of Schafer’s essay. And also to consider some of the costs and benefits—ecological, environmental, economic, social, biomedical—of a simple cup of coffee and the technologies/engineering which brings it to us. No logic to this circle! Before going to Mankato I had seen Kill the KCup which features a K-cup monster. That film is embedded in an article by James Hamblin on K-cups and the environment in the March Atlantic. John Sylvan, the inventor, longer owns the company and now regrets the invention. ( < http://www.theatlantic. Department of Conservation...continuted on page 3
The MnSTA Newsletter is published four times each year by the Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc. Articles, opinions, book reviews and other information pertinent to Minnesota teachers are welcome. Please limit submission to 1 typed page, e-mail preferred (text file please). Deadlines for submission of articles are: Fall ............... August 1st Winter ............. November 1st Spring ........... February 1st Summer....................April 1st Send all correspondence regarding the newsletter to: Jerry Wenzel 22002 100th Ave Randall, MN 56475 e-mail: The MnSTA Newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the back page. Materials found in the newsletter may be reprinted without charge. 2
MnSTA, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) (3) Charitable Educational Corpora-tion, incorporated as a tax exempt, non-profit organization with the Minnesota Secretary of State. Donations and dues are tax deductible charitable contributions for itemized deductions on IRS form 1040 Schedule A. The newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the last page.
MnSTA Newsletter
In Medias Res by Edward Hessler 3.14159265359…
A remarkable e-mail forwarded to me by the 2012 McKnight Artist award winner John Caddy ( http:// ) was a great and pleasing surprise. It was from Penzeys Spices and had a lot to do with science and maths. Its catalog always includes stories about people and a favorite recipe or two ( < wiki/Penzeys_Spices >) . Here, is an exerpt (web site added). “For so much of our history, the people of our country and the world have benefited greatly from the science-based reality that has shaped America’s future. Science may be based on numbers, but science’s actual value is in its humanity. It’s beyond doubt that through science and the honest representation of reality our lives have become safer, healthier and happier. “Yet today the very science that has done so much to reduce suffering in our lives is now under attack. From the climate, to vaccines, to Wisconsin’s own Governor Walker’s belief that there are more votes in denying evolution than there are in embracing it, clearly somewhere something has gone very wrong. There is more than enough blame to go all around for how we got here, but maybe this is one of those times that where we are is not nearly as important as where we need to be. “Maybe rather than a debate of our differences, what we need is a celebration of what we share. At Penzeys we think Pi Day ( ) could grow into just the holiday we need. There really is no time to lose to get on to celebrating the truth of science-based reality and the math behind it. And there is also no time better than now to get back to celebrating the kindness, compassion and the nurturing nature of our shared humanity that has always been behind the very best that science has brought to our lives.” Penzeys was looking to expand its collection of stories about science and maths people. They asked for stories about “the science, or the numbers, or the knowledge that is needed for good policy making in the fields of economics or restorative justice.” An intersection of science/mathematics and society. I am regular reader of Penzeys Spices catalogs. (For your own sake, please don’t ever ask me to cook for you.) The catalog is about some of the spice of life: plant biodiversity as well as how we benefit from it. The Spring 2015 issue includes stories, recipes, too, about a mathematician, an experimental physicist, the executive director of a watershed association, a professor of public health, and a profes-
Summer 2015
sor of accounting. The stories are great reads and I include one published on-line by a mathematician whose work I’ve read—Joseph Mazur. It includes “Grandma’s Great-Aunt’s Apple Pie ( < https://www. >). The e-mail noted that the time had come for Penzeys “to get off the sidelines.” As Spock would say, may this idea “live long and prosper.” Department of Conservation...continuted from page 2
com/health/archive/2015/03/the-abominable-k-cupcoffee-pod-environment-problem/386501/ >) Shortly after returning from MnSTA CSE 2015, I found a raft of news reports on a coffee consumer experiment—one in progress by KFC. But only in the UK: edible coffee cups! KFC wants to reduce its footprint while responding to concerns about sustainability and to sell a quality coffee brand. (http:// ). At the same time I learned that many of us are not all high-end coffee tipplers even though it sometimes looks that way as Roberto Feldman of The Washington Post notes ( < >). And in an earlier article on yet another paper on coffee and health, he provides the latest interpretation of the evidence. ( < wp/2015/02/21/its-official-americans-should-drinkmore-coffee/ >) There is so much to a cup of coffee, including Bach! ( < stille,_plaudert_nicht,_BWV_211 >) And much to consider. Hessler is Executive Secretary of MnSTA Presidents message....continued from page 2
new Children’s Museum of Southern Minnesota. A good time was had by all. Special thanks to your Conference Planning Committee – Jean Tushie, Eric Koser, Joe Reymann, Kari Dombrowski, Nicole Christofferson, Ed Hessler and Robert Shoemaker, as well as your discipline representatives that served as strand leaders – for their extraordinary efforts to make MnCOSE a success. This year, additional thanks goes to the 50th anniversary committee – Steve Walvig, Sharie Furst, Cathy Neve, John Olson, Fred Reihm, and Rachel Strauss – for
inviting past MnSTA presidents and board members and planning gifts and events to help celebrate our 50th year of service to our members. Now we move forward. Summer is a time of renewal. What will MnSTA do over the next 50 years in support of its members? Stay tuned.
Teacher Feature “I work to create an atmosphere that encourages participation and involvement in my classroom, whether it be in group projects and discussions or on individual projects. I encourage students to ask questions and to share and support their ideas with evidence, as curiosity and hypothesizing are a major part of the science experiment.” This is a quote from our featured teacher, Amanda Kraus who teaches 4th and 6th grade science, life science and earth science at Nicollet Public School, Nicollet, MN Kraus emphasizes student-driven learning. In class she focuses on investigations and inquiry activities that give students opportunities for active learning, collaboration, and problem solving. She likes to give the students control of their learning and make it meaningful to them. In her classroom she allows students to independently search for their own knowledge and understanding. She believes that learning should be student-centered and that problem and project based lessons are the most effective method of fostering students’ understanding of science principles and processes. She states, “The teachers role is to teach students the requisite concepts and skills and then allow them to apply their knowledge to real life situations, guiding them as necessary. To this end, I seek a balance in my lessons between lecturing and asking students to make their own discoveries through projects and experiments.” Amanda has many “favorite” activities. Her earth science favorite is one called “Snack Tectonics.” Using graham crackers, a fruit roll-up and frosting, her students model oceanic-continental convergence, continental-continental convergence, divergence and transform boundaries. She states, “before we begin, I have students make predictions about what will happen at each boundary type and what formations will occur. As they do the activity, they must draw each model and label it. I do this before I have taught them any vocabulary words so that later they can add more labels like subduction zone, trench, ridge, etc. After drawing their model students must describe what happened and explain why certain formations occured.” Another favorite is the Save the Penguins STEM unit. This one incorporates engineering while teaching students about thermal energy. After a few initial investigations that get students thinking about thermal energy, conduction, insulation, convection and radiation, students are asked to create a home to “save” penguin shaped ice from melting under heat lamps. An idea of what the unit looks like can be found at:
ka_Bell_Richards_2010.pdf Kraus wanted to be a teacher since she was in second grade. It was in middle school that she realized that she wanted to teach science. Se had an amazing science teacher for middle and high school who really made learning engaging and exciting. Her teachers never used a textbook and instead did field investigations, lab experiments and other hands-on activities that made learning fun and relevant. She loved how science could explain so many things about the world and how knowledge could be used to solve everyday problems. It is her dream to pass on her love for learning and her passion for science on to her students Kraus credits her passion for teaching science to her high school science teacher, Mr Davis. Using the hands-on approach, he used textbooks only as a reference source and had his students facilitate their own learning. He encouraged his students to make discoveries on their own and gave them opportunities to apply the scientific principles to real life. Following Mr. Davis’s example, Kraus provides her students with the knowledge and skills they need to engage in science authentically. . Kraus is a wife and mother of two children. Her hobbies and interests include reading, biking, rollerblading, science and archaeology. He is the student council advisor and organizes a Pennies for Patients fundraiser each year.
Kraus facilitating a hands-on activity with her students
MnSTA Newsletter
Science Teaching Awards The MnSTA Science Teaching Award, sponsored by Boston Scientific is presented each year to teachers at two levels: elementary and secondary. Each awardee receives a fund of $1000 for a project that benefits their students. Recipients of the award are expected to share the results of their project with other teachers. To demonstrate their qualifications for the award, the applicants must provide a description of their teaching practice, a listing of their teaching experiences and professional activities, and a proposal for use of the funds. The judges for the award are members of the MnSTA board of directors. We thank Boston Scientific for recently offering to fund this award. The 2015 award for an elementary teacher goes to Sara Aker of Redtail Ridge Elementary School in Savage. Ms. Aker is a fifth grade teacher and is a graduate of Minnesota State University her in Mankato. She has had several leadership roles in her district and participated in statewide profession activities, mostly focused on environmental education. Sara states that she “values that students have the opportunity to experience what I would like them to learn.” She cites several projects she uses to help students learn, including snowball physics and Rube Goldberg engineering. Sara will use her award funds to purchase classroom equipment for student inquiry units including plant lights, watt meters, K’NEX kits, and wind generator materials. The 2015 award for a secondary teacher goes to Becky Stark of Hidden Oakes Middle School in Prior Lake. Ms. Stark teaches 8th grade earth science and has also taught 6th grade and 7th grade science in past years. She has numerous accomplishments including inclusion in a NASA zero gravity flight and several presentations. Becky states that she loves to see “The Ah-ha moment when you notice a sudden and sometimes significant shift in learning” She also describes her own Ah-ha moments when she realizes that students have the resources to discover the answer on their own without relying on her. Becky will use her award funds to purchase equipment and supplies for a high altitude balloon project with the University of Minnesota. Watch for information about the 2016 award and prepare to submit your entry. The application is not very difficult. The 2014 recipients for the Science Teaching Awards were Carina Sarsland, Rockford Middle School and Cara Rieckenberg from the School of Engineering and Arts. Golden Valley
Summer 2015
White House Highlights Climate Education and Literacy “Champions of Change”
WASHINGTON, DC – On Monday, February 9th, 2015 at 1:00 PM, the White House will honor 8 local heroes who are “Champions of Change for Climate Education and Literacy.” The event will celebrate Americans who are doing extraordinary work to enhance climate education and literacy in classrooms and communities across the country. In his Climate Action Plan, President Obama laid out a series of steps to tackle climate change by combatting carbon pollution, preparing for climatechange impacts, and leading global efforts to tackle this shared challenge. Accomplishing these goals will require a 21st-century workforce, where tomorrow’s community leaders, city planners, and entrepreneurs have the information, knowledge, and training needed to make climate-smart decisions and grow businesses in the context of a changing climate. That’s why in December, 2014, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) launched the Climate Education and Literacy Initiative, focused on connecting Americans of all ages with the best-available, science-based information about climate change. This Champions of Change event builds on the Initiative by honoring those who are inspiring students, educators, and citizens to learn about climate change and to develop and implement solutions. The event will include remarks by White House officials and a discussion with the Champions moderated by Marshall Shepherd, the Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor of Geography and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Georgia and Host of The Weather Channel’s “Weather Geeks.” The Champions of Change program was created as an opportunity for the White House to feature individuals, businesses, and organizations doing extraordinary work to empower and inspire members of their communities. Craig Johnson, High-School Educator at School of Environmental Studies, Apple Valley, MN Craig Johnson is a dedicated environmental and climate-change educator at the School of Environmental Studies (SES), a 2013 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School in Apple Valley, MN. For over a decade, Craig has been integrating climate change into his classroom curricula through Climate Change Educator..........continued on page 14
Department of Education Creating maps to investigate questions and propose solutions
What factors affect pollution in our lake? Where should US 53 be rerouted? How will a 50 foot buffer affect local farms and alter the runoff into streams? How much does snow depth vary in our school John Olson is the science specialist for the Department district? How does of Education. He will keep acceleration vary at us updated on science educa- differing locations on tion in the MnSTA newsletter. a rollercoaster? How
is climate change affecting our region? How is bird flu spreading among poultry? These are science questions and engineering problems that can make use of mapping software in student investigations. And there are powerful and simple mapping tools available at no cost to your school. You can have students collect data by hand, with probes or using cell phone apps, and display this data creatively on maps of streets, topography or aerial photography. They can add layers showing soil, vegetation or human population. Students can also create “story maps” that include text and maps to present their claims, evidence and reasoning. There is a huge wealth of data from agencies such as the DNR, NOAA, and CDC that can be added to student maps and analyzed by the students in exploring “what if…” questions. These resources are available through a statewide license for Geographic Information System (GIS) through a company called ESRI. ESRI supplies the software used by the majority of GIS professionals who work in government (e.g. city planners) and industry. ESRI has simplified web-based versions that are easy to use in the classroom. The license makes the online and desktop versions available FREE to all schools and youth organizations in Minnesota. To get started with GIS, go to and click on maps on the banner and start exploring. To be able to save your maps, you can create a trial account. You will soon want to create a school
account to take advantage of the added capabilities of permanent saving, sharing and setting up projects for your students. Go to the Minnesota Department of Education GIS page to learn how to set up an account at or http://education. index.html. That same MDE website has a listing of resources including some tutorials to help you or your students learn the skills for getting started, additional online resources, sample projects and training events. There are several workshops this summer, including some led by GIS professionals and others led by science and social studies teachers. Also watch for events in October in Duluth and St. Paul. We can also help you make connections with local GIS professionals who are eager to help you with class projects. Check, the MDE website above or contact me at john.c.olson@ to get contact information.
Science Update April 2015
Note: MDE does not endorse any resource or event that is not conducted by MDE.
STEM Ambassadors – speakers for yourclassroom Spring is here and you want some fresh voices talking to your students about STEM. getSTEM, the website that makes connections between schools and businesses, has recruited business professionals to be STEM Ambassadors. Research shows that the most effective encouragement for students to pursue a STEM career is the opportunity to meet and interact with a STEM professional. One of the most frequent requests made by educators on is for classroom speakers or career fair/night volunteers. New Ambassadors are being added right now and many professional societies want to promote their outreach efforts to you and your school. Check it out and keep coming back to see what new folks have been added! Don’t see what you are looking for? Make an ASK ( on getSTEM ( )to request what you need from over 3,000 users profiled on getSTEM ( Also check out the OFFERs( that have been posted by the
MnSTA Newsletter
Opportunities-Department of Education Minnesota STEM community and take advantage of all the cool things being provided. If you would like more information, please contact TimBarrett at
School Gardens
Go to the Jeffers Foundation website (http:// see 26 Minnesota Schools that have successful School Garden Programs ( place, and to see 20 Minnesota schools( who were just awarded 2015-2016 School Garden Grants from Jeffers.
Chemical Disposal by the University of Minnesota
The Chemical Safety Day Program is again being offered during the coming spring, summer, and fall months. The program is designed to assist schools and colleges in disposing of unwanted chemicals and hazardous waste from science, art, industrial technology, and maintenance departments. The program comes to the school site for pick-up. Please forward this information to safety officers, science chairs, and principals. The program is operated by the University of Minnesota with help from the Minnesota Department of Education. Go to http:// for information on the program.
NSTA Survey on teaching urgent, sciencerelated topics like Ebola
NSTA has partnered with a national research firm and we need your help with a brief study on how teachers respond to urgent, science-related issues like Ebola. As you know, K-12 teachers are critical to providing students with accurate and timely information about health-related issues. But researchers want to know: How exactly do teachers respond when important and urgent issues like Ebola emerge? How do teachers decide whether to address these issues in their teaching? What types of resources do teachers draw on to design instruction? Regardless of whether you’ve taught about Ebola, your help is needed. Please take 5 minutes to register soon for the survey at
Summer 2015
Teacher Events and Workshops
National Science Teacher Assn. STEM Forum and Expo, May 20-23, Minneapolis
Don’t miss this national conference coming to Min nesota. The STEM Forum is a unique, focused event that brings together informal and formal educators and exhibiting companies who are interested in, and/or who have tools and resources to share that will ensure successful implementation of STEM education into our schools and communities. It is intended to provide resources for educators and organizations seeking to learn more about STEM education, associated outreach programs, partnerships, schools, and curricula. It is a great opportunity to have a national conference in our state! The Wednesday keynote speaker is Captain Barrington Irving, Founder and President of Experience Aviation and the Flying Classroom. His topic is The Flying Classroom: Inviting Students to Soar. The Friday keynote speaker is Freeman Hrabowski, president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Dr. Freeman was recently named by President Obama to chair the President’s Advisory commission of Educational Excellence for African Americans. Time magazine named him one of the 100 most Influential People in the World in 2012. There is a FREE public event on Saturday. Go to for more information about the conference.
Applied STEM at Minnesota’s first Maker Faire, May 30, MN State Fairgrounds
Visit the Fairgrounds on Saturday, May 30 between 10 am and 6 pm for the inaugural Minneapolis/St. Paul Mini Maker Faire to see and celebrate STEM up-close. More than 200 local and regional makers will showcase, demonstrate and share interactive creations during this family-friendly event. Product designers, craftspeople, bicycle builders, entrepreneurs, large and small manufacturers, construction trade workers and geeks will help you experience STEM in new ways. If you are a tinkerer, coder, woodworker, farm hacker, chemist, roboticist, food inventor, metalworker or other kind of builder apply now by completing the “call for makers” form at to share your projects at the Faire. Student makers are encouraged to apply. Registration is free for makers. Tickets to attend the Minneapolis St. Paul Mini Maker Faire are available for purchase at and at the Fairgrounds on the day of
Opportunities-Department of Education the event. Please spread the word and join us for an extraordinary day of discovery and building. Contact with questions or visit the website for more information.
Composting: Building A Laboratory Worm Home, June 8-11, June 23-25 and July 7-9, Lamberton
Filled with hands-on learning, this 10-day graduate course at the University of Minnesota - Southwest Research and Outreach Center (SWROC) in Lamberton, MN explores science concepts relevant to agricultural science and helps K-12 teachers better prepare students for science assessments. Teachers learn how to establish a lab and receive all supplies and resources to bring back to their own classrooms. Other benefits that participating teachers receive include CEUs, a stipend, follow-up visits to participants’ classrooms, mileage, meals and snacks. Registrations are limited to 24 applicants. For more information visit our website http://swroc.cfans.umn. edu/ResearchandOutreach/K-12EducationProfessionalDevelopment/ITQ/index.htm.
Native Skywatchers Workshops, June 8-9 Fond Du Lac, June 11-12 Roseville (MDE)
The Native Skywatchers Middle School Teacher Workshop is designed for all educators & persons interested in increasing their knowledge of Ojibwe and D(L)akota Star Knowledge. Included in the workshop are multiple hands-on activities so participants will be able to experience the culture and the science in the most authentic and meaningful way possible. Cost is $75 per person. Registration fees include a notebook, copies of Native Skywatchers curricula CD, Ojibwe & D(L)akota star map for classroom use, and other print materials. Continental breakfasts, snacks, lunches and a traditional meal are also included. For more information and registration go to
Biomolecular Structure course, June 22 – 26,
NDSU, Fargo The target audiences for this course are current or future high school STEM teachers in ND, SD or western Minnesota. This course focuses on providing an analytical understanding of the atomic structure of biomolecules like proteins, nucleic acids and their complex macromolecular assemblies and will provide teachers with tools and resources to teach their students. This is an opportunity for professional development of high school STEM teachers, allowing them to incorporate items
listed in the National Science Education Standards in their instruction. The course is FREE for the first 10 participants that register, including tuition plus housing and meals. See course website for details. info/16760
Summer Institute for Climate Change Education, June 15-17, Apple Valley The Will Steger Foundation is looking back at 10 Years of Climate Change Education at this year’s Summer Institute at the School of Environmental Studies. Engage with hands-on activities from their many climate change resources. Hear for experts in climate science, climate change education, and climate solutions. Learn about how the Will Steger Foundation curriculum supports language arts, social studies and science standards. The keynote speakers are Frank Niepold, climate education coordinator for NOAA, and Will Steger. Go to for more information.
Mapping the Journey: GIS & Environmental Education, June 29 - July 2, St. Paul
The ‘Mapping the Journey’ workshop will inspire and train you to use spatial thinking and ArcGIS Online to support experiential, place-based, environmental education. As participants, you should finish the workshop with inspiration, skills, confidence, and materials to integrate spatial thinking and ArcGIS Online into your experiential, place-based work with your students—both in the field and in the classroom. To maximize the relevance to teaching, technical and GIS-specific knowledge will be taught in the context of its application to this particular educational approach, although the skills are transferable to other approaches. The workshop will be held June 29 – July 2, 2015 at River’s Edge Academy, St. Paul, MN and there will be a $200 participant stipend offered. Learn more and register soon here
Minnesota Valley History Learning Center Curriculum Training, June 16-17, Lamberton This two-day training immerses teachers in Minneso ta history through the following curriculum themes: Gneiss Rock, Glacial River Warren, Immigration & Settlement, Prairie to Production, and Pioneer Life. The curriculum for these themes is developed to exceed Minnesota Department of Education academic standards in Science and Social Studies. Curriculum is structured for grades 5-9, but is adapt-
MnSTA Newsletter
Opportunities-Department of Education able across all grade levels. Sessions include hands-on trainings with curriculum writers at the University of Minnesota - Southwest Research and Outreach Center (SWROC) in Lamberton, MN. Participating teachers receive CEUs, an honorarium for attending training, lunches, notebooks, lesson plans, and other resources to support classroom implementation of the curriculum themes. For more information visit our website http://
Cyber STEM Training by Homeland Security, June 16-18, St. Paul The cyber Innovation Center of the Department of Homeland Security is bringing its nationallyrecognized STEM: Explore, Discover, Apply (STEM EDA) professional development workshop to Metropolitan State University. The curricula and training are FREE. This intensive, hands-on professional development workshop is open to middle school teachers throughout Minnesota, and educators from all disciplines are encouraged to attend. Participating teachers will receive access to no cost STEM EDA curricula, training on how to implement 30+ STEM and cyber-related modules, and exposure to best practices and lessons learned from across the nation. Through collaboration with other educators in the workshop, teachers can explore how the engineering design process provides an innovative way to inspire middle school students. They will also receive educational supplies to support experiential learning in the classroom through hands-on use of technology. For more information regarding the professional development workshop and registration information go to http:// Rivers Institutes featuring Waters to the Sea®
Hamline University presents FREE, three day fieldbased professional development opportunities that inspires, educates, and prepares 3rd-8th grade teachers to engage students in STEM disciplines through hands-on, inquiry-based investigations at local watersheds. Two institutes are available this summer: St. Croix River Institute, June 22-24, 2015 (MondayWednesday) Mississippi River Institute, July 27-29, 2015 (Monday-Wednesday)
Summer 2015
The Rivers Institutes are designed to increase teachers’ science content knowledge and investigation skills, and help area educators translate their professional experiences into meaningful, engaging classroom investigations. The focus for the institutes is on elementary and middle school classroom teachers, as well as teams of teachers. All educators are welcome to apply. Go to for information and application
Introduction to Modeling, July 13 – 17, Winona State Univ.
This week-long workshop will provide a general introduction to Modeling Instruction, a research-based approach to teaching science at the middle and secondary level which is demonstrably effective in promoting students’ achievement. It will focus on materials from physics-mechanics curriculum, but is relevant for any secondary science teaching. The instructors are Scott Hovan and Darrell Rahn. The cost is $500 for the week, including lunches. Low cost housing is available.Go to http://winona. ClassInformation&int_class_id=1220 for information and registration. Information about the modeling workshops is at
Ecology & Earth Systems Dynamics for Educators, July 13-17, East Bethel
An exciting professional development opportunity for teachers of students in grades 7-12 this summer at the University of Minnesota Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve about 35 miles north of the Twin Cities. Ecology and Earth System Dynamics for Educators is a graduate level 3-credit course designed expressly for teachers. This hands-on, field-based course addresses the ecological concepts and experimental protocols required to teach the ecology standards dictated in the Minnesota State Science Standards and the NGSS. Always a fun time, we work hard, learn and laugh over the five day course. For the final product, students develop a lesson or activity to use in the classroom using information and methods learned in the course. For more information, go to
Opportunities-Department of Education Energy Academy by Kid Wind, July 14 – 17, Minneapolis
During this four-day academy at the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, we will focus on concepts of electricity and energy usage, efficiency, wind and solar power development, and the real-world applications of these clean energies. We will bring in experts from the industry, take participants on tours and field trips, and delve into hands-on instruction, experiments, and evaluations. Go to for details.
Biotechnology/Microbiology for Teachers In the Classroom (BioTIC)
July 20-24 & July 27-31, 2015 (two-week program), at Hamline University, St. Paul The BioTIC Institute brings middle and high school biology teachers up-to-speed on the rapid advancements in biotech research, careers, and issues while providing curriculum enrichment that supports standards related to cell structure, disease, genetics and biotechnology. Four graduate credits, stipend, meals, and housing for those outside the Metro area provided. Application and information go to
ArcGIS Online Summer Workshop, July 20 – 23, Bloomington Bloomington school district is announcing a four day GIS workshop specifically for K-12 teachers. This workshop will introduce you to ArcGIS Online and the use of GIS data by teachers and students. Teachers will do field work and bring the information back into class and develop maps. Lesson plans will be developed revolving around GIS data and how students can easily use their smartphones, Pads (IOS/Android) or laptops to collect data using their own account under YOUR schools software registration (FREE). Stipends will be provided for all four days to the first 12 teachers that register. The workshop will be held at Oak Grove middle school in Bloomington. For more information and registration,go to https://
Summer Agriculture Tour, July 27 – 28, Eagan start
Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom will be offering its 2nd Annual Summer Teacher Tour for K-12 teachers on Monday and Tuesday, July 27-28, 2015. This year’s theme is The Many Faces
of Minnesota Agriculture. See, smell, hear, touch and taste the agriculture, food and natural resources that allow for our survival. Identify and acquire free agriculture-focused education resources from a wide variety of sources. Learn more about this unique learning opportunity at media/Files/kids/maitc/2015summertour.pdf.Go to for registration.
Brain U Institute, July 27 – August 7, Minneapolis
The Brain U institute provides Two weeks (80 hours) of instruction and lab/classroom/project time, all BrainU lesson materials printed, tours of working neuroscience labs, access to leading scientists in the field, opportunities to network with other science teachers, etc. Applications are being accepted now. Go to http:// to apply online. BrainU 101 is primarily geared toward high school level curriculum. Priority for registration will be given to high school science teachers. We are holding 5 seats open for K-8 teachers, who will be admitted on a first come, first serve basis. Please direct any inquiries about registration eligibility to BrainU coordinator Katrina Schleisman at
WaterWorks!: A Drinking Water Institute for Educators August 3-5, Columbia Heights
Enrich your water-related curriculum, investigate drinking water quality and chemistry, learn about inquiry-based models for your classroom, and find resources within your community. This FREE threeday, hands-on workshop allows grade 4-10 science teachers to gather information from expert presenters about how safe, reliable drinking water is delivered to your community, as well as drinking water issues facing Minnesota. Meals and resource binder provided. Choose between two graduate credits or stipend. Join the ranks of over 300 teachers that have participated in WaterWorks! throughout Minnesota over the last 14 years. Graduate credits or a stipend are available. Go to http://www. for application and information.
Coding workshop and cohort starting August 4-5 We are in the middle of a coding revolution!
Computer science in the classroom plays an important role in preparing students of all ages for success in a wide variety of areas. In an effort to contribute to this
MnSTA Newsletter
Opportunities-Department of Education movement, Code Savvy is forming a MN Coding in the Classroom Leadership Cohort for elementary and middle school educators across the state. Cohort participants will explore a variety of coding platforms and resources, gain insights into the IT industry through site visits and guest speakers, and investigate national and international standards for computer science education. They will then develop, evaluate and share coding activities that integrate with school curricula and meet Minnesota State Academic Standards. Participants: 20 elementary and middle school educators from Minnesota will be chosen to participate in the cohort for the 2015-16 school year. Cohort participants will receive a $500 stipend upon completion of the cohort requirements and will have an option to earn 3 graduate credits through the College of St. Scholastica. Dates: Kick-off event: August 4-5, 2015, then monthly sessions from September, 2015 - May, 2016, both in-person and online. Most cohort sessions will take place evenings and weekends. Each participant will also complete projects on their own time outside the Cohort sessions. For program information and application go to cohort.html.
ZooMS Institutes 2015, August 10 – 12, 13, Minnesota Zoo Come discover what it takes to engineer a mod-
ern zoo with our Zoo Math and Science (ZooMS) program at the Minnesota Zoo! Explore the zoo with unique behind-the-scenes tours and learn from the experts in many different fields – from animal care and enrichment, to exhibit design and construction, to life support and waste management. In addition to considering the various engineering challenges and solutions present in the zoo setting, participants will examine the ways that animals engineer their own environments as well as ways that humans take design inspiration and cues from the natural world. This is a fast-paced, hands-on, rich zoo experience. Come away with greater comfort with STEM and new ideas about how to easily incorporate STEM concepts into your classroom. This ZooMS program is generously supported by 3M. ZooMS 1.0 August 10 – 12 ZooMS 2.0 August 13 – for past participants Go to teacher-programs/ for more information and to register:
Summer 2015
Summer Science Discovery for Teachers, University of Minn. Summer Science Discovery offers Minnesota elementary and secondary teachers a chance to spend time in the classroom and in the field with University scientists and faculty, experienced K-12 teachers, and peers. Earn graduate credit through engaging, hands-on classes in plant sciences, insect ecology, biotechnology and a range of other topics. Best of all, most courses are free and include a stipend—even room and board in some cases. You’ll take away lots of great materials to use with your own students. Go to http:// outreach/summer-science-discovery-coursesteachers for the program webpage. University of Minn. Programs for Teachers, Students and Families K12@U is a University of Minnesota website designed to help students discover opportunities, families find summer camps and exciitng spots to visit around the U campuses. It also points preK12 educators and administrators toward innovative classroom resources and high-quality professional development. Check it out at http://www.k12.umn. edu
Integrating Best Practices in Middle School Science, August 18-21, St. Olaf College
Attend interactive sessions that let you explore and practice best practices in middle school science teaching. Work together with other middle school science teachers in your field to develop and refine teaching materials that will help you implement new practices in your teaching about a specific topic or standard. Groups of teachers from across grade-levels within the same school or district are encouraged to apply. Teachers will receive a $300 stipend as compensation for their time. For teachers who live more than 50 miles from St. Olaf College, we have some funds available to reimburse travel and lodging expenses. Applications received by May 20, 2015 will receive full consideration.Go to http://pages.stolaf. edu/mohl/2015/04/20/2015-middle-school-scienceworkshop/ for more information and to apply
Online Light Course for Elementary and Middle School Teachers Laser Classroom, an innovator in light-
Opportunities-Department of Education based education, is launching a free self-paced 5-week online course designed for educators who want to teach children ages 6-14 about the science of light. Bringing STEM to Light: Teaching about Light and Optics will train in agespecific curriculum, including a flexible array of hands-on experiment options utilizing Laser Classroom’s Light Blox Kit. Participants will come away with a usable structure to incorporate into their STEM curriculum. Laser Classroom will also post blog and video submissions from course participants who wish to share their reallife stories with other teachers. Go to 300460815429687500000 for information.
Teacher and School Awards and Opportunities
Bethel STEM Certificate Program Bethel University will be launching a STEM Certificate beginning Summer 2015 for elementary
teachers. The certificate will include three courses: Exploring STEM Practices (4 Credits meeting from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM June 15 - 19), Applied STEM in the Classroom (3 Credits meeting October 6 December 15 with three Saturdays face to face and the remainder on line), and STEM Curriculum and Instruction (3 credits beginning in January fully on line). Classes will be interactive, scaffolding the practices and concepts of STEM across the grade levels, integrating content meaningfully within the standards, and leading to applied action research within the classroom. Courses may be taken as a stand-alone certificate, or applied to the masters in education concentration requirement. Contact Patricia Paulson, for more information.
Submit your application today! http://communities.
Minnesota Trout Unlimited’s Education Program
Are you interested in connecting your students with their Minnesota environment? Would you like to enhance the learning of water resources, habitat and aquatic life in your classroom? Explore how you school/class can take part in a unique pilot-program specially designed to enhance learning and student engagement. Through TU’s year-round grant-funded education program, a select number of schools will be invited to take part in an exciting experience which includes: personal 1 on 1 education specialists; equipment for rearing trout; three off-site field events; materials and training to use to enhance your curriculum standards and STEM initiatives. We are currently looking for 8-10 metro area schools, grades 5-12, interested in participating in the unique pilot program. Go to https://www.surveymonkey. com/s/8V8Y8VC to complete a quick interest survey by May 22. For questions email
The Little Canada STEM Mall
The Little Canada Mall, just northeast of Hwy 36 and Rice Street, has quietly developed into a unique collection of STEM products and services that every teacher, parent and business should know about. Three retail stores, Hub Hobby, BME Lab and Science, and Tech Academy provide an inspiring destination for STEM-minded individuals and groups of all ages. Hub Hobby boasts of being the Midwest’s largest hobby store and has expanded beyond traditional hobbies to include robotics, radio controlled cars and trucks, UAVs (Unmanned Arial Vehicles aka, Interested in helping newer teachers with con- drones), and plenty of science and education projects tent and instruction? for children of all ages eMSS, e-Mentoring for Student Success, empow BME Lab and Science is your “science geek” ers the next generation of teachers by providing con- store that provides laboratory supplies and services to tent-focused mentoring through an online technology businesses, schools, and home hobbyists. Link here network. Through eMSS, new and veteran teach ers—as well as university educators—collaborate in Tech Academy puts the “fun” into STEM an interactive community to facilitate the exchange education by providing project-based classes where of information, ideas, and experiences in order to students work together in small groups to reinforce advance high-quality instruction for all students. core academic skills. Link here http://www.techacadApplications are open to teachers with five or more years of experience. If you are passionate about education and would like to be a mentor, we would like to hear from you!
12 MnSTA Newsletter
Opportunities-Department of Education Student Awards, Competitions and Programs
will be provided from St. Paul. Cost is $75. For more information go to
Girls who will be in grades 9-12 in the fall are invited to a 5-day information technology Day Camp. Engage with college faculty, IT employers and fascinating entrepreneurs. Enjoy beautiful Macalester College in St. Paul where your summer learning and fun intersect! Beginners and experienced techies are welcome. We invite all who identify as girls and/or young women to participate. Girls from historically underrepresented populations, students of color, and would-be first generation college students are especially encouraged to join us. The cost is $100 for the entire week, with scholarships available. go to http:// for information and registration.
This in-depth week long experience takes place amid the uniquely beautiful and rare ecosystems of the driftless area of northeast Iowa and southwest Wisconsin. Luther College is recognized as a leader in campus sustainability, and cited as one of the top green colleges in the nation. Advance your knowledge and skills in outdoor recreation, field experience, leadership and research. For information go to,
SPARCS@Mac Daycamp, June 15-19, Macal- Pre-College Environmental Studies Program, ester College, St. Paul July 26- Aug 1, Luther College
University on the Prairie, July 28 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 30, Lamberton This is offered for students entering grades 7-12. The three-day program will explore science-related careers. The Southwest Research Mining for Excellence Scholarship Competiand Outreach Center (SWROC) in Lamberton, tion MN along with SW/WC Service Cooperative Students may nominate themselves or be nomioffers this popular program for the ninth year. nated by others--fellow student, teacher, or parentUniversity of Minnesota faculty from the Twin -for the opportunity to be highlighted on 45TV for accomplishments in Science, Technology, Engineer- Cities campus and local professionals will join ing or Mathematics. Students who are selected to be teachers from our region and SWROC scientists showcased on 45TV will also be automatically ento guide students through hands-on exploration tered to win a $5000 scholarship from PolyMet Min- of science in five career areas important to the ing. Nominations may be made via this Submission life and future of southwestern tab, Minnesota: health science, food science, agriculaspx?contestid=153971. To be eligible for Mining ture & environmental science, engineering, and for Excellence, students must be currently enrolled chemistry. in a Minnesota high school. Help us grow awareThe program is unique in the state and offers ness and appreciation for these important subjects students an opportunity to open doors to many by nominating a student today! Link to announcecareer paths and will perhaps result in a future ment, aspx?contestid=153971. soil scientist, pharmacist, food safety inspector, Agriculture Summer Academy, July 20-24, or chemist. For more information for students Inver Hills Community College and associate teachers visit our website http:// If you are a student entering 10th, 11th or 12th, the Summer Academy at Inver Hills Commu- 12EducationProfessionalDevelopment/Universinity College offers the opportunity to spend one week tyonthePrairie/index.htm. exploring career opportunities in the environmental, Other Minnesota Competitions and Programs food and agricultural sciences. You may plan an urMost competitions and out-of-school proban farm, explore fisheries, animal care, sustainable grams are listed in the Reach for the Stars Catapractices for clean water. PLAY IN THE DIRT! log of Programs and Activities. http://www. Certified teachers and content experts will be teaching each session with a focus on college options Reach2014Web.pdf for various careers. A workshop will be offered to Green Ribbon Schools Award Winners help families navigate those options. Transportation
Summer 2015 13
Opportunities-Department of Education The U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools Awards honors schools, districts and colleges that are exemplary in a) reducing environmental impact, b) improving health and wellness and c) providing effective environmental education. The 2015 awardees from Minnesota are: City of Lakes Waldorf School, Minneapolis, MN Harambee Community Cultures/Environmental Science School, Maplewood, MN Redtail Ridge Elementary School, Savage, MN Rockford Middle School-Center for Environ mental Studies, Rockford, MN University of Minnesota-Morris, Morris, MN West St Paul-Mendota Heights-Eagan School District 197, Mendota Heights, MN We are proud to have more awardees than any other state in the nation. Schools are selected by an application process that requires the schools to document three accomplishments in all three areas. Resources for all schools to improve their practices can be found at: about/inits/ed/green-strides/index.html. Information about the program and the Minnesota application process can be found at: GreenRibbonSch/index.html. MDE Contacts: Dawn Cameron, Science Assessment Specialist, Jim Wood, Science Assessment Specialist, John Olson, Science Content Specialist, Doug Paulson, STEM Integration Specialist, Send submissions for the Science Update to John Olson
Other Minnesota Links:
Minn. Dept. of Education Science Page Minn. Science Teachers Association Minn. Frameworks for Science and Mathematics Standards Get – STEM Connections between schools and busi-
nesses Mn-STEM STEM programs and resources for families, schools and community http://mn-stem. com/stem/
Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge environmental education resources Minnesota Academy of Science: Science Fair, Science Bowl and other competitions http:// 3D Giant Screen Film Molecules to the MAX! Now Available on DVD
Film educates and excites kids about the world of atoms and molecules You can now catch a ride to NanoSpace in Molecules to the MAX!, the 42-minute, animated 3D Giant Screen film, developed by world-renowned professors and scientists from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). The film is being offered on DVD to school librarians first before being made available to the public. Science teachers are encouraged to talk with their school librarians about ordering the DVD through AV Café or another preferred distributor. Additionally, Public Performance Rights (Screening license) can be purchased at molecules-to-the-max. For those science teachers interested in learning more about The Molecularium® Project’s initiatives designed to teach and excite kids about science, the Project’s team members will be exhibiting at the NSTA Conference in Chicago (March 12-15). Please stop by booth #1627 to win a free copy of the DVD. “If you’ve ever stood in front of a group of 5th graders and watched their faces as you described how atoms and molecules make up the world, you’d know the importance and joy of continuing to come up with innovative ways to excite kids about science,” said Richard W. Siegel, Ph.D., director of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Nanotechnology Center and innovator behind The Molecularium® Project. “That’s why we are thrilled to be releasing our Molecules to the MAX! film on DVD and to focus attention on the power of using entertainment to teach students,” he added. Molecules to the MAX! continues to show overseas on select IMAX screens and has been translated into Spanish, Chinese, Arabic and Japanese. In the film, Oxy, Captain of the Molecularium, is dispatched from the Unified Field of Atoms on an expedition to discover the secret of life on Earth. Along with her crew – Mel, the uptight computer, and Hydra and Hydro, the bungling hydrogen twins - they have
MnSTA Newsletter
Opportunities many misadventures exploring the Earth’s atmosphere and the cycle of water molecules, through clouds, snowflakes and raindrops. Lost in the far reaches of outer space, Oxy and her crew are rescued by Carbón and his gang of intergalactic carbon atoms. With lots of bravado and a little luck, Carbón is able to pilot the ship back to Earth. The Molecularium Project is the flagship outreach and education effort of RPI’s Nanotechnology Center aimed at boosting global science literacy and encouraging young people to pursue careers in STEM. Along with Molecules to the MAX!, its educational efforts include a 23-minute, awardwinning Digital Dome film, Molecularium – Riding Snowflakes, which introduced the characters Oxy, Carbón, Hydra and Mel; and NanoSpace®, an online amusement park, where the familiar film characters are transformed into game based characters. NanoSpace, winner of the Center for Digital Education 2013 Best of the Web award, includes more than 25 fun, interactive and educational games, short animated films and activities, which provide an engaging environment to demystify molecular science. Instead of textbooks, teachers and students can use games like BuildEm!, Periodic Memory and microLAB. The Project’s free educator resources for grades K-4 and 5-8 are available on the website at
partment of Education at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN, where she teaches elementary science and math methods courses and advises elementary education students. Her scholarly endeavors focus on professional development with in-service science teachers, practices of exemplary teachers in science and mathematics, learning by under-represented youth in science and math, and second language learners in regular education classrooms. The MnSTA Board of Directors and the MnSTA Membership welcome Michele Koomen as Presidentelect of our association.
Dr. Michele Kooman
Climate Change Educator..........continued from page 5
field-based experiences. He has created a wide range of authentic learning opportunities, including school partnerships and exchanges, campus renewableenergy projects, student-led climate-change mitigation activities, and climate change teacher in-service programs. In 2007, he brought high-school students to the Arctic to hear from Native peoples firsthand about the impacts of climate change in their communities. Craig was instrumental in facilitating accreditation by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for the SES Education Foundation and has led high-school student and faculty delegations to five UNFCCC
Michele Koomen Elected MnSTA PresidentElect
Dr. Michele Koomen has been elected to the office of President-Elect for the Minnesota Science Teachers Association. Her four-year presidential term will begin July 1, 2015. Dr. Koomen is an Associate Professor in the De-
Summer 2015 15
Once again the Minnesota Conference on Science Education was a hugh success. This year also marked the 50th anniversary of the organization which made the event more special. Special thanks goes to the conference chairs, Jean Tushie, Eric Koser and Joe Reymann. Committe chairs included Program: Kari Dombrovski and Holly Knudson, Marketing: Nicole Christofferson, Social: Bob Shoemaker and Registration: Joe Reymann and Ed Hessler Participants were asked to evaluate different aspects of the conference. Following are some of their comments.
What was the best part of the conference for you?
“Sharing ideas with other science teachers” “Excellent presenters. Every session was top notch!” “The new ideas to take to my classroom.” “Sessions with practical information for the classroom. Friendly colleagues.” “Seeing new practices and new ways to use materials and technologies. New ideas I can use right away.” “Hearing/seeing strategies from good quality high school teachers.” “I really enjoyed the keynote speaker. He was wonderful and inspirational!” “I like being a student for a change.” “Meet other teachers and network with other science educators with similar interests after each presentation.” “Seeing pre-service teacher get so excited about the ideas they got!”
What components would you like us to hang on to and not change?
“The sessions. I really like all of the choices. Sessions aren’t just about topics. They’re about making connections with those of a like mind.” “Having like sessions together by strand.” “Moving it around the state.” “The dedication to finding high quality presenters and speakers.” “Dinner together was a blast! It gave more time to get to know each other socially.” ‘Lots of great presenters----don’t change!” The (birthday) party was AWESOME! I loved the theme idea.” “Keep it all. No particular part is stronger than another.”
How can MnSTA best serve your needs as a science educator?
“Love the newsletter about opportunities!” “Post all sessions online.” “Keep doing what you are doing.” “Keep onkeepin’ on, you rock!” “Keep offering a great variety of workshops.” “Continue to provide relevant classroom practice, strategies for success.” “Continue to hold excellent conferences like this one.” “Continue being ivnolved in legislative issues.” “One of the most important ways is to continue the excellent professional development that is demonstrated at the conference. But second, to renew and revitalize efforts to conduct regional meetings of teachers throughout our state. These smaller meetings are great opportunities for regional folks to learn, talk shop and network together.” “I think that one of the best known aspects of the MnSTA organization is as a venue for professional develoopment. This last conference was terrific and an exemplary PD. I would love to see more of the regional meetings, consistently scheduled at least once a year. They are such a great place for us to get to know our local science teachers and educators.”
What would you tell a new teacher about MnSTA?
“Attending the MnSTA conference is a great way for teachers to connect with other teachers and learn from each other. Having opportunities to listen, learn, share and try new ideas helps me grow in my profession.” “Join. It is very important to your evolution as a teacher. You don’t want to become a fossil.” “Totally worth it.” “Join. There are so many years of esxperience in this organization.” “You can’t afford not to join---it’s a great networking resource.” The top reasons to be a MnSTA member are: *Connect with people who are passionate about science education *Access to quality science professional development both regionally and through our state MnSTA *Conference on Science Education *Advocating for you through legislative action *Keep updated on science education
16 MnSTA Newsletter
Summer 2015 17
MnSTA Board Directory
MnSTA Phone# (651)-523-2945
Below, you will find information about your MnSTA Board Members. The listing includes the board memberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s school (or organization), mailing address, work phone, FAX number, and e-mail address. The board wishes to make itself as accessible as possible for our members. Please feel free to contact your discipline representative, regional representative, or executive board members if you have ideas, concerns, or wish to help with the mission or operation of MnSTA. We are always looking for members who wish to serve MnSTA as Board Members, Non-Board Service Chairs or Members, and as Committee Chairs or Members.
Executive Board: Exec. Secretary
Ed Hessler
Hamline University, 1536 Hewitt Ave. MS-A1760,
W: 651-523-2945
F: 651-523-3041
Lee Schmitt
Hamline University
1536 Hewitt Ave. MS-A1760,
St. Paul, MN 55104 St. Paul, MN 55104
651-523-2562 Past President
Steve Walvig
Michele Koomen
The Bakken F: 612-927-7265
3537 Zenith Ave. S
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Gustavus Adolphus College 800 W College Ave.
St. Peter, MN 56082
612-669-2319 mkoomen@gustavus.eud Treasurer
Joe Reymann
DOE Science Specialist
John Olson
Dept.of Education 651-582-8673
Discipline Directors: Biology
Catherine Neve Mankato East High School 2600 Hoffman Rd W:507-387-5671 e:
Carolyn Fruin
Eastview High School
Earth Science
Kate Rosok
Elementary/Greater MN Rachel Strauss 507-288-4816 X 115
Mankato, MN 56001
Minneapolis Public Schools Rochester Catholic Schools 318 11th Ave. SE
Rochester,, MN 55904
Polly Saatzer Garlough Environmental Magnet 1740 Charlton St. W:651-552-0094
Higher Ed
Dr. Melanie Reap Winona State University 152 Gildemeister Hall Winona, MN 55987 507-313-9114
Informal Ed
Kelly Meyer Science Museum of MN 120 W. Kellogg Blvd. 651-265-5975
Alternative Ed. & Charter Mary Morgan
West St. Paul, MN 55118
St. Paul, MN 55102
Minnesota Valley Area Learning Center 1313 E Blackk Oak Av. Montevideo,MN
320-269-7131 Newsletter
Jerry Wenzel
Thomas Tomashek
Minnetonka High School
18301 Hwy 7
Minnetonka, MN 55345
612-401-5700 Private Schools Vacant Webmaster
Eric Koser 507-387-3461 x 322
Mankato West H.S. F: 507-345-1502
1351 S. Riverfront Dr. e:
Mankato, MN 56001 W:
Region Representatives: Region 1&2: North
Josh Tharaldson
Marshall County Central HS
310 W. Minnesota Ave.
Newfolden, MN 56738
218-874-7225 Region 1&2: North
Michael Urban
Bemidji State University
1500 Birchmont Dr.
Bemidji, MN 56601
18 MnSTA Newsletter
MnSTA Board Directory Region 3: Northeast
Elizabeth Kersting-Peterson Homecroft Elementary 4784 Howard Gnesen Rd.
Duluth, MN 55803
Region 4: Westcentral TJ Schmitt
302 3rd St. SE
Barnsville, MN 56514
701-388-3901 Region 5: Northcentral Nichole Christofferson-Weston Menahga Public Schools 12945 Blue Spruce Ave. Menahga, MN 56464
W 701-219-9399
Region 6: Southcentral Jeremy Brady W:320-752-4851
Lac qui Parle Valley HS
Region 7: Eastcentral
Kari Dombrovski
South Junior High
W:320-252-1322 X 1923
2860 291st. Ave. Madison, MN 56356 1120 15th Ave. So
St. Cloud, MN 56304
Region 8: Southcentral Jeremy Brady W:320-752-4851
Lac qui Parle Valley HS
Region 9: South
Dana Smith W:507-232-3461X4114
Nicolette Public School 1 Pine St. e:
Nicollet, MN 56047
Region 10: Southeast
Sharie Furst
Kasson-Mantorville Elemementary 604 16th St. NE
Kasson, MN 55944
Region 11: Metro
Betsey Stretch
Minneapolis Public Schools
2860 291st Ave. Madison, MN 56356
1250 Broadway
Minneapolis, MN 55411
Ancillary Positions: Database
Mark Lex 55416
Benilde-St. Margaretâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2501 Hwy 100 S W: 952-927-4176 F: 952-920-8889
Historian/Parlimentarian Fred Riehm
Retired â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;91
NSTA Dist. IX Director
Horizon MS
Mary Colson
St. Louis Park, MN e: 3601 12th Ave. So.
Moorhead, MN 56560
W: 218-284-7300 Conference Coordinator Jean Tushie
Eden Prairie High School
F 952-975-8020
W 952-975-4347
17185 Valley View Rd Eden Prairie, N 55346
Events Calendar If you have events you want placed on the calendar, send them to the editor - see page 2 for deadlines, address, etc.
Conferences / Workshops MnCOSE Feb.19-20, 2016 Duluth NSTA Regional Conference, October 27-29, 2016, Minneapolis.
Summer 2015 19
Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc. Hamline University MS MS-A1760 1536 Hewitt Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104
Non-Porfit Org U.S. Postage PAID
Twin Cities, MN Permit No. 4197
MnSTA Regions
MnSTA Membership Application Form
Join the Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA), the professional organization whose primary goal is the advancement of science education. Mail this form along with your check to: MnSTA, Hamline University MS - A1760, 1536 Hewitt Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104
Name (First, MI, Last) Address
Zip code
Phone number
Please indicate whether this application is for
Zip code
School district # (enter "P" if Private, “A” if Alternative, “C” if Charter)
q Basic Membership .......................$25 q First Year Teacher .......................$15 q Retired Teacher ...........................$15 q Pre-service Student .....................$10 q Life Membership: to age 35 ......$400 age 36-50 ....$300 over 50 .........$200
q New Member
Address Phone number
Preferred email address Second email address
q Renewing/Past Member
Discipline and Grade Level q Elementary q Biology q Chemistry q Earth Science q Environmental Sci q Life Science q Physical Science q Physics
q Elementary (K-6) q Middle/Jr. High School (6-9) q High School (9-12) q College/University q Informal Ed