MnSTA Summer 2016 Newsletter

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Newsletter Volume 52 No. 4 A Quarterly Publication of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association Inc.

MnCOSE a Hugh Success

The Minnesota Conference on Science Eduation (MnCOSE) was held in Duluth February 26-27. Over 200 educators from across Minnesota and several science disciplines participated in two days of attending sessions and workshops, listening to keynote and strand speakers, networking and socializing. Minnesota Public Radio’s Paul Huttner gave the keynote address and presented some alarming statistics. The title of his address was “Minneosota’s Changing Climate: Is This the New Normal?” Some of his scientific research-based points were: *Minnesota is the fastest warming state in winter, decreasing 1.25 degrees per decade. *The average ice out on lakes is coming a week earlier and a week later for ice coverage. *Minnesota has gained nine frost free days. *The growing season has increased nine days in the Twin Cities. *The Twin Cities is now in zone 5. *Northern Minnesota is warming faster than Southern Minnesota. You will find more photos and a recap of the conference inside this issue.

MPR’s chief meterologist Paul Huttner delivering the keynote address on Minnesota’s climate change.

Summer 2016

NSTA Area Conference Coming to Minnesota This Fall!

Save the date for the National Science Teachers Association’s 2016 Area Conference on Science Education in Minneapolis, October 27-29, at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Content strands will focus on teaching science in a connected world, STEM instruction and collaboration across the curriculum, and elementary science and literacy connections. Featured speakers will guide thought-provoking sessions, workshops will deliver targeted learning opportunities for teachers at every grade level and in very discipline, and the ever-popular exhibit hall will be buzzing with the latest science education innovations (leave room in your suitcase to take home all the freebies)! Learn more about the conference at

The Benefits of MnSTA Membership MnSTA . . . •Engages you in a community of science education professionals. •Provides services and resources that support your teaching. •Hosts quality, regional and statewide professional development. •Advocates for you through legislative action. •Keeps you updated on current trends, issues and research in science education. •Affiliates you with the greater cause of quality science education for all.

President’s Address by Lee Schmitt

Department of Conservation by Ed Hessler

We are only as good as the people with whom we work. As science educators, we look to our colleagues to inspire our teaching and improve our craft. We learn from each other. No better example of this exists than the MnSTA Conference on Science Education (MnCOSE). If you were unable to attend MnCOSE, February 26-27, in Duluth, you missed an extraordinary event filled outstanding sessions, a great keynote by Paul Huttner, a welcome and session by NSTA President Carolyn Hayes, great exhibitors, fabulous door prizes, three highly-valued Saturday sessions, a reception for the NSTA President, annual membership meeting, and a first-of-itskind conference processing session for teachers. As a MnSTA member, the conference program and shared presenter materials are available on the MnSTA website for your perusal and use. Special thanks to your Conference Planning Committee for their extraordinary efforts to make your 2016 MnCOSE a powerful professional development experience. They include Jean Tushie, Eric Koser, Joe Reymann, Mary Haberman, Josh Tharoldson, Michael Urban, Ed Hessler and Kevin Zak, as well as your discipline representatives who served as strand leaders and the many board members who helped out. Job well done! With MnSTA working to prepare for the NSTA Area Conference this October, the next MnCOSE will be held November, 10-11,2017, in St. Cloud. Presidents message....continued on page 3

Francis’s Planet

The climate change encyclical, Laudato Si’, a moral appeal without obligation, was released by Pope Francis in June 2015. Reading it reminded me of Rachel Carson, Aldo Leopold and James Madison. Laudato Si’ (On Care for Our Common Home) is a land ethic… a meditation about the relationship between the ecosphere and the ethosphere. I’ve wondered what to say about this183-page document comprised of 246 individual points. I pick two. First, read it. Second, convinced by the logic of ten fingers, I list parts of 10 points. 23. A very solid scientific consensus indicates that we are presently witnessing a disturbing warming of the climatic system. […]A number of scientific studies indicate that most global warming in recent decades is due to the great concentration of greenhouse gases[…]released mainly as a result of human activity. 30. …The quality of available water is constantly diminishing. […] Yet access to safe drinkable water is a basic and universal human right, since it is essential to human survival and, as such, is a condition for the exercise of other human rights. 34. It may well disturb us to learn of the extinction of mammals or birds, since they are more visible. But the good functioning of ecosystems also requires fungi, algae, worms, insects, reptiles and an innumerable variety of microorganisms. Some less numerous species, although generally unseen, nonetheless play a critical role in maintaining the equilibrium of a particular place. 42. Greater investment needs to be made in research aimed at understanding more fully the funcDepartment of Conservation...continuted on page 4

The MnSTA Newsletter is published four times each year by the Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc. Articles, opinions, book reviews and other information pertinent to Minnesota teachers are welcome. Please limit submission to 1 typed page, e-mail preferred (text file please). Deadlines for submission of articles are: Fall ............... August 1st Winter ............. November 1st Spring ........... February 1st Summer....................April 1st Send all correspondence regarding the newsletter to: Jerry Wenzel 22002 100th Ave Randall, MN 56475 e-mail: The MnSTA Newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the back page. Materials found in the newsletter may be reprinted without charge. 2

MnSTA, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) (3) Charitable Educational Corpora-tion, incorporated as a tax exempt, non-profit organization with the Minnesota Secretary of State. Donations and dues are tax deductible charitable contributions for itemized deductions on IRS form 1040 Schedule A. The newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the last page.

MnSTA Newsletter

In Medias Res by Edward Hessler Tangled Webs

Presidents message....continued from page 2

To state the obvious, ecological communities are complicated. Consider their management and/or restoration. How Wolves Change Rivers is a filmmaker’s interpretation of how the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park has changed the park. The photography is stunning. The message compelling. ( ) If you haven’t seen it, Brits use the term “deer” for “elk.” University of Michigan ecologist, Meghan Duffy has compiled a wonderful list of videos useful in teaching ecology. This may be found on the group blog Dynamic Ecology. ( ). Duffy’s note about this video says that while this video is “a great introduction to community ecology, … there is less consensus about (the wolves) effects than the video indicates.” At issue is how ecosystems are structured, top down (predation limited), as Aldo Leopold argued in a popular essay Thinking Like a Mountain (http:// ) and more formally in the Wisconsin Conservation Bulletin (1943) or bottom-up through food limitation ( ). For many years Leopold’s analysis of the Kaibab deer irruption was presented in textbooks as a classic case study of top-down regulation. However, in 1973 it was relegated to myth. Following publication of this critique, the explanation for the Kaibab deer irruption began to disappear from ecology and management texts. A paper titled “Was Aldo Leopold Right About the Kaibab Deer Herd?” has shed new light on this once classic case study. It is a lesson in how science works. The researchers examined the age structure of aspens on the plateau and found a missing aspen cohort. In the abstract the authors wrote, “These convergent lines of evidence support the idea of extreme deer herbivory in the 1920s, consistent with food limitation of deer at high populations (bottom–up control) and predation limitation at low deer populations (top–down control). Some uncertainty remains within the overall story, and this level of ambiguity is common in case studies that involve population ecology, land management, and people at the scale of 1,000 km2 and 100 years. A complete version of the Kaibab deer story and its history would be a valuable, realistic case study for ecology texts.” (http://goo. gl/7ewtnA ). The March 13 2014 issue of Nature published a short analysis of the effects of the re-introduction of wolves to Yellowstone. If this paper had an abstract In Media Res.................Continued on page 5

Summer 2016

As my term as MnSTA President comes to a close, I need to thank all 32 members of the MnSTA Board of Directors who volunteer their time and talent to forward our mission to improve science teaching and learning for all. Your Board of Directors is an exemplary, hard-working group of science educators dedicated to its membership and determined to adapt this organization to meet the needs of science teachers now and into the future. Special thanks to those who lead the working committees on the board. Their leadership is essential to the success, endurance and growth of MnSTA. If you want to become more involved in MnSTA, contact your regional representative and let him/her know your interest. You may find the MnSTA Board Directory at the end of this newsletter. Those who work quietly behind the scenes on the board and are indispensable to the day-to-day operations of this organization deserve special recognition, including the administrative work of Executive Secretary, Ed Hessler; managing MnSTA finances by Treasurer, Joe Reymann; Webmaster, Eric Koser; Conference Coordinator, Jean Tushie; Newsletter Editor, Jerry Wenzel; Database Manager, Mark Lex; Parliamentarian, Fred Riehm; and State Science Specialist, John Olson. Thank you all for your continuing service to MnSTA and for making my experience as president a rewarding one. Let me introduce your new President, Dr. Michele Koomen. Michele is an Associate Professor in the Department of Education at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, where she teaches elementary science and math methods and advises elementary education students. She brings to MnSTA her expertise in science education and science-teaching research plus board-member and leadership experience. Dr. Koomen begins her presidential responsibilities on July 1st, and I am confident Michele will do an outstanding job as your President. Thanks to Michele for taking on this important role in our organization, and thanks to all of you for your dedication to science education and MnSTA. We are only as good as the people with whom we work. I have been fortunate to work with the best.

Mark your calendars: MnSTA session presentations at Education Minnesota, October 14, 2016, St. Paul RiverCentre. NSTA Regional Conference, October 27-29, 2016, Minneapolis Convention Center.


Department of Conservation...continuted from page 2

tioning of ecosystems and adequately analyzing the different variables associated with any significant modification of the environment. 51. Inequity affects not only individuals but entire countries; it compels us to consider an ethics of international relations. 102. We are the beneficiaries of two centuries of enormous waves of change. […] The modification of nature for useful purposes has distinguished the human family from the beginning. […] How can we not feel gratitude and appreciation for this progress. […] How could we not acknowledge the work of many scientists and engineers who have provided alternatives to make development sustainable? 139. When we speak of the “environment”, what we really mean is a relationship existing between nature and the society which lives in it. Nature cannot be regarded as something separate from ourselves or as a mere setting in which we live. We are part of nature, included in it and thus in constant interaction with it. 180. There are no uniform recipes, because each country or region has its own problems and limitations. It is also true that political realism may call for transitional measures and technologies…. 202. Many things have to change course, but it is we human beings above all who need to change. We lack an awareness of our common origin, of our mutual belonging, and of a future to be shared with everyone. 215. In this regard, “the relationship between a good aesthetic education and the maintenance of a healthy environment cannot be overlooked”. By learning to see and appreciate beauty, we learn to reject self-interested pragmatism. If someone has not learned to stop and admire something beautiful, we should not be surprised if he or she treats everything as an object to be used and abused without scruple.

Meet Our New MnSTA President

President-elect Michele Kooman will assume the presidency of MnSTA in July of this year. She is pictured here with our outgoing president Lee Schmitt. Kooman is a professor of Education at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter. Her interests include providing professional development opportunities for science educators, understanding the teaching practice of exemplary science and math teachers and working with under-represented and Elglish learners in science classrooms.

Hessler is Executive Secretary for MnSTA

STEM FOR ALL You have requested updates on the 2016 NSF Video Showcase: STEM for ALL. We are excited to tell you that the Showcase is now officially open and can be accessed at: http://stemforall2016.videohall. com. We invite you to take an active role. View videos of interest, post to discussions, and vote for your favorites.


MnSTA Newsletter

MnSTA Science Teaching Awardees The MnSTA Science Teaching Award, sponsored by Boston Scientific and 3M Corporation, is presented each year to teachers at two levels: elementary and secondary. Each awardee receives $1000 for a project that benefits their students. Applicants must provide a description of their teaching practice, a listing of their teaching experiences and professional activities, a plan to share their work with others, and a proposal for use of the funds. Judges for the award are members of the MnSTA board of directors. We thank 3M and Boston Scientific for helping to fund this award. The 2016 award for an elementary teacher goes to Jill Jensen of Glacier Hills Elementary School of Art and Science in Eagan. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire with a masters in Environmental Education from the University of Minnesota. Ms. Jensen is an elementary science specialist in charge of science and engineering enrichment for all K-5 students in her school. She also plans and presents staff development on science content, inquiry and engineering for her district teachers, organizes the annual Family Science Night and Girls Engineering Saturday, and runs the Glacier Hills STEAM Room, Where Art is the Heart of STEM. In her application, Jill states, “I value providing authentic experiences for students that challenge their thinking, incorporate both science content and process skills, and are taught through a lens of inquiry. I strive to provide opportunities for students that allow them to make discoveries and find connections . . . and that incorporate multiple curriculum topics into a cohesive project.” Jill will use her award funds to complete a classroom set of robotic programming tools used to support logical reasoning and computational thinking. The 2016 award for a secondary teacher goes to Katherine Melgaard of Marshall County Central High School in Newfolden, MN. She is a graduate of the University of Minnesota – Morris with a masters in Natural Science and Environmental Education from Hamline University. Ms. Melgaard teaches all 9-12 sciences in Newfolden, including Chemistry, Biology, Physical and Environmental Science, Anatomy & Physiology, Honors Physics, and Advanced Chemistry. She also works with the Robotics, River Watch and Envirothon Teams. In her application, Katie states, “My goal is to help students learn science. That means that they need to be able understand what science is, how it works, and why it’s important. I use a lot of hands­-on activities, try to incorporate as

much inquiry opportunities and technology as possible, and get students thinking about science as a process, not just a body of knowledge.” Katie will use her award funds to purchase molecular model kits so her chemistry students will have a tactile, 3D opportunity to build chemicals and see how the molecular structure changes in chemical reactions.

Jill Jensen and Katie Melgaard received their Science Teaching Award at MnCOSE from MnSTA president Lee Schmitt In Media Res.................Continued from page 3

it might read, “Researchers disagree.” A longer abstract might say “It’s a tangled web.” ( RejExj >) It appears that not only are top-down and bottom up effects at work but with an added effect, middleout. Players in the middle such as elk, beavers and grasshoppers are thought to “integrate influences from both the top (such as predation pressure) and the bottom (such as the nutritional quality of plants).” What these players do has cascading effects, at least this is the idea but sorting out these effects will require considerable and painstaking research. There are no simple versions of how food webs are shaped. There is also no robust top-predator rule (law?). Following a conversation with Arthur Middleton of Yale, a Yellowstone elk researcher, Marris wrote, “The wolves, elk and vegetation exist in an ecosystem with hundreds of other factors, many of which seem to be important.” (emphasis added) All science is provisional. All. It lives, no thrives, on questions and a smidgen of doubt. Hessler is Executive Secretary for MnSTA

Summer 2016


Meet our Region Reps Region 1 & 2 Michael Urban

Michael Urban is an Associate Professor at Bemidji State University, Minnesota. He teaches science content (Earth and physical sciences) and science education methods courses. Prior to attending graduate school he was a middle school Earth Science teacher in Detroit Lakes, MN. He has collaborated with a NASA scientist and others to develop an Earth Exploration Toolbook chapter using Google Earth to analyze air quality data as an example of how authentic datasets can be combined with technology tools for 7-12 science teaching. In addition to other curriculum development activities, he has participated in state science content licensure test panels and reviewed manuscripts for NSTA journals. He has provided workshops for local in-service science teachers and partnered with university faculty members to provide opportunities for K-12 students to participate in high altitude ballooning activities in order to foster interest in STEM disciplines. In his spare time, he reads, writes, dabbles in woodworking, and spends time outdoors hiking, canoeing, and gardening. Michael’s goals as a member of the MnSTA board include identifying and promoting more professional development opportunities for Minnesota science teachers. He would also like to provide more opportunities for Region 1 and 2 science teachers to gather, network, and share ideas with one another.

Region 4 T J Schmitt

Hello there! My name is T.J. Schmitt, and I am the Region 4 representative to the MNSTA board of directors. I just wanted to take a few minutes to write a brief biography of myself so that you know who I am if you need anything from MNSTA. I grew up and went to school in Moorhead, MN, where I graduated as one of the class Salutatorians in 1991. From there, I went to North Dakota State University and majored in Zoology. Upon graduation in 1995, I spent a year weighing my options, and decided to back to school to get my teaching degree. I attended the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, from 1997 to 1998 in their initial licensure program, and completed that coursework in 1998. I am now in my 18th year of education, currently in Barnesville, MN, where I teach three sections of 7th grade Life Science, and three sections of 10th grade Biology. Over the years, I’ve taught in Hutchinson, MN, Grove City, MN, Brownton, MN, and Silver Lake, MN. I’ve taught almost every science there is during that time, as well as some math and even an English class. Thank you for all you do to introduce your students to science, and the exploration of the world around us. Feel free to contact me if you need any assistance in your career!

T J Schmitt’s students involved in a natural selection activity.

6 MnSTA Newsletter

Teacher Feature Our featured teacher for this issue of the MnSTA newsletter is Dave Bosma. For the past 18 years Dave has taught physics, chemistry, physical science, applied chemistry, environmental science and principles of engineering at Alden-Conger High School. Bosma is the advisor for the Supermileage Competition Team and has won numerous first and second place finishes both inside Minnesota (Brainerd) and in other states. The Supermileage Competition entails an engineering project for high school students. The object is to build a one-man fuel efficient car, very light, very aerodynamic, terrific rolling resistance and a good engine to see how far it can go on a gallon of gas. Dave commented, “last year we won best car design in the Urban concept car which was $2000.00 and we competed with colleges like Duke University, Louisiana Tech University and Purdue, not just high school teams. Last year was also fun because Roger Penske talked with the students and he invited the team down to North Carolina to visit his shop. So last summer we went for a trip down to North Carolina.” Bosma and his Supermileage team recently returned from Detroit, Michigan where they entered two cars in the Shell Eco-Marathon. One Supermileage car, the Diesel-Urban Concept, won 1st place, setting a North American record of 525 miles per gallon and the other car won a 2nd place in Alternative Fuel Prototype. Bosma and seven of his students were invited, all expenses paid, to compete in the Shell Eco Marathon Driver’s World Championship for Urban Concept in London, UK this June. Bosma created and has been the Robotics team leader at Alden-Conger for seven years. His Robotic team competed in the state tournament in the first year he formed the team. He directed Rube Goldberg competition team entries for several years before robotics became popular. He mentored numerous regional, state and national (I-SWEEP. Intel ISEF, JSHS) science fair entries from Alden-Conger students since 2005. Bosma’s principal, Paul Ragatz, had this to say about him, “Dave has done all of the above without ever asking for or receiving any monetary stipend. Dave was also a junior high and varsity, boys and girls basketball coach for many years. All of these achievements are because of Dave’s commitment to creating “opportunities for excellence” for his science students to apply what they learn in his classroom to the real world. He gives countless hours of his own time after school,

evenings and weekends to guide and supervise the students in these often overlapping endeavors. It is Dave’s leadership, knowledge, and dedication to our school and its students that allow him and his students to not only shine while at Alden-Conger but in college and to pursue careers in engineering and other science fields.” Bosma’s other interest is farming. He runs a 250 acre crop farm of corn, soybeans, oats, and hay. Alden-Conger’s recent results: SHELL ECO MARATHON, HOUSTON, TEXAS 2011 regular gas 10th 805 mpg 2011 E-100 2nd 759 mpg 2012 bio-diesel 1st 674 mpg 2012 E-100 2nd 1020 mpg 2013 1st E-100 1576 mpg (North American Record) 2013 1st Bio-Diesel 1017 mpg (North American Record) 2013 2nd Diesel 1296 mpg 2013 10th Gas 932 mpg

Mr. Bosma explaining how the programmable advance timing ignition system works to one of the Supermileage students, Jacob Wallin.

Summer 2016


Department of Education g

NCLB Replaced by ESSA

In December the US Congress passed the Every Student Success Act (ESSA) to replace the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). Since then I Doug Paulson is authoring have been asked about this column in John Olson’s what this means for absence. John is returning Minnesota science. to Liberia for 6 months as a Short answer is we Peace Corps Volunteer. are not totally sure yet. ESSA will not be going into effect until the 2017-18 school year so the state is still working on its plan and the US Department of Education is still working on it guidance. We can provide a little update on possible implications, however. First, what doesn’t change: States are still required to have college and career ready standards and still required to have assessments for science, reading and mathematics (section 1005). Science assessment is still grade banded at 3-6, 7-9 and high school so Minnesota will more than likely retain the assessment in grades 5, 8, and high school biology. The state is also still required to utilize the assessment data in the accountability system and disaggregate it by race, ethnicity, gender, disability, migrant status, English proficiency, economical status, homeless status, foster status, and military family status. As we look at what has changed, the largest change is the decentralization of education. Much of the guidance of the US Dept. of Education has been given to the states and local districts. With this Minnesota will start to develop its state plan. Listening sessions have been taking place this spring and different work groups will start to convene starting this summer. Among the discussions that the state will start to explore is the title funding block grants to the state, the accountability measurements and reporting, assessment time, school improvement, and educator effectiveness, and optional grant programs. You can follow the development of these plans here. While several key science funding streams in NCLB have been cut including the Math and Science Partnership Grant and the Improving Teaching Quality Grant, there are several opportunities that the state has to improve science and STEM education within the ESSA plan.

Several of the items to pay particular attention to includes: • Develop science assessments that more authentically assess concepts related to engineering and technology (section 1201) • Improved Alternative Certification of STEM teachers (section 2101), • Block grants for professional development of teachers and leadership in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and computer science (section 2101 and 2103), • Professional development toward integration of CTE content and regional workforce needs to mathematics and science instruction to prepare for post-secondary opportunities (section 2103), • Competitive grant to utilize high quality teachers to support professional development and training of other STEM teachers (Section 2245 STEM Master Teacher Corps). • 21st Century Schools Grant to support out of school time STEM Activities (Section 4103 and 4107). • Creating a definition for STEM Specialty Schools (Section 4101) would provide a context for much of these other opportunities. • Professional development in Technology (Section 4109). Of course, while these are allowable, funds can be used for other areas as well, so it is important that science is well represented within the state plan. Both MnSTA and SciMathMN have expressed interest in supporting the state plan to consider the above items. Some of these will become part of our state plan and others might be provided for districts to consider. John and I will continue to provide updates as information becomes available. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. John returns John Olson will be returning back to Minnesota on July 18th after a six month leave in Liberia as a Peace Corps Volunteer. John taught science and math (plus music, drama and basketball) at a teacher training institute in Liberia 1969-74 and had the opportunity to return to the same institute this spring. He has been working with teacher trainers to design workshops for elementary teachers and teaching students preparing for their national exams. Thank you for bearing with us as Jim, Dawn and I have tried to fill his shoes while he has been gone. We are excited to welcome him back and also congratulate him on his recent election to the NSTA board of directors.


MnSTA Newsletter

Opportunities-Department of Education News

MDE Science Specialist on a leave of absence John Olson has returned to Liberia as a Peace Corps Volunteer. He will be spending six months working with teacher trainers to design workshops for elementary teachers. His work will focus on science content and pedagogy. John taught science and math (plus music, drama and basketball) at a teacher training institute in Liberia 1969-74. He will be back at MDE on July 18th.

Three Minnesota schools receive US DOE Green Ribbon Award

U.S. Secretary of Education John King announced the 2016 Green Ribbon Schools. These awards honor schools across the nation that are leading the way in reducing environmental impact, promoting health, and ensuring high-quality environmental education programming that prepares students with the skills and sustainability concepts they need in the growing global economy. Among the 2016 honorees are two schools and one college from Minnesota. Those schools are: · Glendale Elementary School, Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools · Henry Sibley High School, West St. Paul – Mendota Heights – Eagan School District · Macalester College, St. Paul Read more at Welcome/News/PressRel/MDE035755.

Teacher Events and Workshops

Hormel Gifted and Talented Symposium, June 13-16, Austin, MN

The annual Hormel Foundation Gifted and Talented Education Symposium provides an opportunity for educators, counselors, administrators and parents to gain greater understanding of the unique needs of gifted and high potential learners. Participants attend in-depth sessions focusing on foundational knowledge, creativity, curriculum strategies, and social/emotional needs of gifted and high potential learners provided by the field’s finest regionally, nationally and internationally recognized presenters. For more information go to:

American Society of Mammalogists Meeting, June 25, Bell Museum

The American Society of Mammalogists (ASM), the largest society of scientists who study mammals, is holding their annual meeting in Minneapolis,

their science with you in workshops designed specifically to meet science process educational standards suitable for elementary, middle school and high school levels. You won’t want to miss this once-in-alifetime opportunity of learning from the experts in the field of mammalogy! For more information go to: asp?BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::permalink= MammalsWksp&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle: :context_id=

Children and Nature Network International Conference, May 24-27, St. Paul

The conference will bring together researchers, practitioners and policymakers to learn how to best support connecting children to nature. Keynote speakers include Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children for Nature-Deficit Disorder. Learn more here about the conference:

STEM Certificate Program, Bethel University

Bethel University has designed a 10-credite STEM Certificate program for elementary teachers. The program will develop skills in teaching STEM and help you prepare young students for future STEM learning. Learn to engage your classroom through creative hands-on learning activities and become a teacher-leader in STEM education. Learn more information here

Climate Change Education Summer Institute, June 21-24, St. Paul

Summer Institute for Climate Change Education 2016 will focus on resources and training to integrate the Next Generation Science Standards into your classroom, which for the first time include climate change. Resources will include our newest middle school curriculum, Next Generation Climate. Hear from experts in climate science, engage with hands on activities that help bring climate change concepts into the classroom, and network with other educators. This year’s Institute will be most valuable for middle school and high school teachers. This workshop from Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy (formerly Will Steger Foundation) will be held at Macalester College. More information is at this site: professional-development/summer-institute/summerinstitute-2016/

MN in June 2016. ASM would like to share

Summer 2016


Opportunities-Department of Education Minnesota Trout in the Classroom, Aug. 16-17

Minnesota Trout in the Classroom is a supplemental education program targeted for students in grades 5-12. This unique hands-on program uses the environment and the outdoors as a context for academic learning. The yearlong program will conclude with an opportunity for students to work with their local DNR Fisheries to release trout back into the streams. Applications Due by May 20th. Training days are August 16th and 17th. Contact Benji Kohn, MNTU Education Coordinator with questions ticminn@ Watch to learn more:

Bakken Teacher Academy 2016-2017: Science Learning from the Works of Scientists

Join fellow secondary science teachers to learn how to use your scientific thinking skills to investigate scientific text. Includes a summer institute and school-year workshops. Four graduate credits from Hamline University, stipend, and materials provided. Please see for more information and to register.

Environmental Education Courses

Hamline University offers a Master’s Degree in Environmental Education! This program consists of face to face and online field study courses in environmental systems, pedagogy and connecting environmental education to STEM. This program is great for classroom educators, science teachers, curriculum specialists, and nonformal educators. Enroll and start any time. For more information visit this website:

Got Milkweed? Collecting Data to Inform Our Response to the Monarch Population Decline, August 2-3, St. Olaf

Monarch caterpillars only eat one kind of plantmilkweed. As monarch butterfly populations are declining, what is important to understand about this food source? This workshop introduces participants to a new distributed research project designed to help students understand evolution and ecology through inquiry while simultaneously gathering data to answer important scientific questions, such as: “What should we do to slow the decline of the monarch butterfly populations?” and “Does the origin of milkweed seeds affect their growth?” Learning opportunities align well with Life Science Next Generation Science Standards at both middle and high school levels. The project requires a one-time collection of common milkweed seeds from a naturally occurring (not planted) local population, space in which to plant about 16 milkweed plants, and a commitment to work with students annually to follow specific

protocols for data collection in the spring and fall for multiple years. Please visit this link for more information and submit your Got Milkweed Application: forms/d/14EVBJobg9lBtM1FFiImyPQA1FDWV wj_jhLQaB-iCsMI/viewform?c=0&w=1 Questions? Please contact Emily Mohl, Tackling Challenges in Middle School Science, August 3-5, St. Olaf What are some of the biggest challenges you face in your teaching? Come together with other middle school teachers to share ideas and workshop a lesson or series of lessons that you’d like to improve. Learn about reading and data analysi s strategies to incorporate into your teaching, and get new ideas from disciplinary and interdisciplinary scientists and researchers. Spend time integrating what you have learned into your plans for the future. Please visit this link http:// for more information and submit your Tackling Challenges Application. viewform?c=0&w=1 Questions? Please contact Emily Mohl,

Teacher and School Awards and Opportunities

School Garden Grants for Elementary Schools The Jeffers Foundation is now offering $500.00 School garden Grants for the 2016-17 school year. To download an application form, go to this Jeffers Foundation site school-gardens.php and click on “Garden Grant Opportunities.”

Student Awards, Competitions and Programs Minnesota on the Map Challenge:

Create an original Minnesota-based map on a topic of interest to you for the “Minnesota on the Map” ArcGIS online student map contest https:// Five student winners in each grade division (6-8) and (9-12) will receive $100 each. Every student (and their teacher) who submit entries, will receive a GIS competition t-shirt. Contest is open to Minnesota middle and high school students, (public, private or home-schooled). Deadline: May 27, 2016.


MnSTA Newsletter

Opportunities-Department of Education Other Minnesota Competitions and Programs

Many competitions, out-of-school programs and field trip opportunities are listed in the Reach for the Stars Catalog of Programs and Activities. http://www.

MDE Contacts:

Dawn Cameron, Science Assessment Specialist, Jim Wood, Science Assessment Specialist, John Olson, Science Content Specialist, (will be on leave Jan. 15 – July 15) Doug Paulson, STEM Integration Specialist, Send submissions for the Science Update to Doug Paulson – Next will be published in midJune for Fall events Other Minnesota Links: Minn. Dept. of Education Science Page https:// Minnesota Science Teachers Association www. STEM Professional Development Opportunities at the Minnesota Zoo

ZooMS Institute August 15-17, 2016 See the Zoo in a whole new way! This institute will engage teachers in utilizing animals and the Zoo as a tool to integrate engineering concepts into their curriculum, based on the Minnesota State Science Standards. Sessions focus on Engineering BY Animals, Engineering FROM Animals (biomimicry), and Engineering FOR Animals using hands on activities, zoo staff presentations, and behind-the-scenes tours. Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 pm Grades: K-12 Educators Fee: $50/person (Includes breakfast and lunch) CEUs: 18 CEUs available To register or find out more about ZooMS Teacher Professional Development, visit


Summer 2016

ZooMS Institute 2.0

August 18, 2016 The Minnesota Zoo is committed to its mission of connecting people, animals, and the natural world to save wildlife. Through expert talks and behind the scenes experiences, see how STEM is being used by field biologists, conservationists, and zoo staff to help protect and conserve species both in the zoo and in the wild. Learn ways to engage your students in activities that help make a difference within the context of engineering for conservation. Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 pm Grades: K-12 Educators Fee: $25/person (Includes breakfast and lunch) CEUs: 6 CEUs available To register or find out more about ZooMS Teacher Professional Development, visit www.

Citizen Science

Have you been looking for ways to connect current issues with your science instruction? Citizen science may be the answer… Citizen science refers to scientific work undertaken by members of the general public, often in collaboration with professional scientists and institutions. Organized citizen science provides tools and resources, such as standardized data collection protocols, to drive effective scientific research. Citizen scientists can contribute to defining ecological problems, data collection, analysis, and results. What if you could connect your students to this exciting community? You can! NEON’s Citizen Science Academy (CSA) offers online professional development courses for environmental science educators looking for effective ways to teach scientific concepts by immersing your students in collecting, using, and interpreting scientific data. By implementing citizen science projects in your classroom, your students will contribute to research used by scientists all over the country. All CSA courses also qualify for graduate-level continuing education credits from Colorado School of Mines. Ready to learn how to implement citizen science programs and activities? Registration is still open for our April 5 and July 12 courses, but spaces are limited, so sign up soon! csacourses


Opportunities by Amanda Meyer, Biology Rep. My Favorite Things, 3rd Edition

write about their experiences. If you’re looking for a Each month, I share a favorite website, book, and way to infuse more inquiry into your Biology class, podcast that I’ve found useful for teaching science. this book is a terrific resource. Remember, if you have some “favorite things” you’d Podcast: Science Magazine Podcast from Science like to share with Minnesota science teachers, please Magazine. Once upon a time, I was lucky enough to have send the name of the website, book, or podcast with a short review to Amanda Meyer via email (alynnmey- a friend with a subscription to Science. He would give me his old issues when he was done reading or Twitter (@alynnmeyer). them. Eventually, he ended his subscription, and my Website: HHMI Biointeractive.” https://www.hhmi. time for reading journals started dwindling. Then I org/biointeractive stumbled upon the Science Magazine Podcast, which If you are a Biology teacher and have not yet I found was an even better solution than waiting for explored HHMI’s Biointeractive website, you will be my friend’s old copies. This podcast covers current amazed at the amount of information and number of science research from the Science journal articles as classroom resources you’ll find there. Offering every- well as other additional topics. It’s usually only 20 to thing from videos to posters to interactive online labs, 30 minutes long, so I can fit it in during a short comHHMI is a treasure chest of Biology-related content. mute, and the host of the podcast (Sarah Crespi) often Some of the resources I’ve used in my own Biology interviews the scientists behind the journal articles. I classes are the Gorongosa Food Web activity, video find this a much more engaging experience than simclips from The Making of the Fittest, the Neurophysi- ply reading the article in the standard format. On the ology Virtual Lab, and the DNA Transcription anima- most recent episode I listened to, an experiment that tion, just to name a few. I appreciate that HHMI is used 3D-printed orchids to isolate pollinating preferconstantly updating the content on this website. If you ences was described in such a fascinating way that want to receive weekly bulletins with current science I’m considering sharing it with my students to prompt news and the most recent Biointeractive resources, discussion about experimental design. If you don’t you can sign up for their email newsletter, “Biointer- already use an app to listen to podcasts, you can also active News.” All of these resources are offered free download Science Magazine Podcast episodes online of charge to teachers. at Book: Biology Inquiries by Martin Shields. This is an older book that I don’t open up very much any more, but it was the impetus for quite a few inquiry-based activities that I still use in my current Biology class. The book is divided into subject sections, such as “Science as Inquiry,” “The Cell,” and “Science in Personal and Social Perspectives.” For each of these sections, there are a handful of inquirybased lessons related to the topic. Each activity lists materials, approximate time requirements, and a lesson outline, as well as including copies of any student handouts. In this way, the lessons are ready to go straight out of the book. However, I found Biology Inquiries to be most valuable as a launching point to consider a topic from a more inquiry-based perspective, then designing my own adaptation of the book’s activity. For example, in the “Interdependence of Organisms” section, there’s an activity entitled, “History of a Carbon Atom,” for which students write a creative story about all the different places a carbon atom John Olson, State Science Specialist, returned to Liberia as a Peace Corps Volunteer. He has been working with teacher trainers to design could travel. I took this idea and transformed it into workshops for elementary teachers and teaching students preparing an outdoors QR code scavenger hunt that introduces for their national exams my students to the Carbon Cycle, after which they

Spring 2016



JOIN US! OCTOBER 27–29, 2016

MINNEAPOLIS CELEBRATE SCIENCE: 10,000 CONNECTIONS Teaching Science in a Connected World

STEMify Instruction Through Collaboration Across the Curriculum

Celebrating Elementary Science and Literacy Connections

WHY SCIENCE EDUCATORS ARE ATTENDING OUR CONFERENCES: “Attending an NSTA conference is one of the best ways to improve science education!” “I want to continue to expand my professional scope and leadership in the area of science and technology.” “I want to learn about ways to develop scientific literacy in my students and teach them how to address current issues in science.” “I have utilized so many lessons and materials in my classroom with information I got from the last conference I attended!”

For more information and to register, visit

12 MnSTA


MnCOSE 2016 Greetings Science Educators! We truly appreciate your participation in this year’s MnCOSE Conference in Duluth. Participants from across the state are sharing what a powerful and valuable event MnCOSE was again this year. Presenters ranged from elementary experts of inquiry to college researchers sharing the latest developments in STEM research to a powerful climate change keynote by MPR’s Paul Huttner. Below discipline leaders share out just some of the session highlights. Even if you could not attend MnCOSE, as a valued member of MnSTA, presentation files are available for your perusal and use! Go to, click on 2016 CONFERENCE, then “MnCOSE 16 Sharing”. Biology: Biology sessions at MnCOSE 2016 covered a wide variety of topics, including everything from using aphids to teach principles of heredity to an introduction to HHMI’s free, online materials for introducing students to species extinction topics. Many presentations were information-packed and fast-paced, with teachers sharing ideas from their years of experience in the classroom, such as “100 Favorite Things From An ‘Ole’ Biology Teacher.” Appropriately, one Biology session actually spent some time outside on a beautiful, sunny Duluth day to consider the benefits of “Sit Spot,” a method used to encourage students to be better observers of their natural surroundings. The Biology Strand Speaker this year was Catrina Adams, Education Director from the Botanical Society of America. She provided information about “Planting Science,” a free program that connects science students with scientist mentors through a blogging platform. More information can be found at Amanda Meyer, Biology Strand Leader Earth Science: Lots of great Earth Science sessions at MnCOSE! We heard about projecting images onto stream tables to understand flow, resources for GIS in the classroom, Climate Change and the Paris meeting last December, and more. Big thanks to Jacque Hamilton from MGS and her talk on using GIS in the classroom. The highlight of the day was hearing Paul Huttner deliver the keynote. Did you know that no one under 40 had experienced a year of colder than average temperatures, and that no one under 31 had experienced a colder-than-average-month?!? Climate


change in Minnesota: warmer winters, more large precipitation events. Huttner’s PowerPoint is available at the MnSTA webpage under “MnCOSE 16 Sharing”. If you don’t already follow, try reading the Updraft Blog on the Minnesota Public Radio site, and listening to the Climate Cast segment on Thursday mornings. It’s good stuff; this is why we teach! Kate Rosok, Earth Science Strand Leader Chemistry: The day ranged from Plickers to modeling to organizing labs engaging girls in science careers. Pencils were racing as participants tried to keep up with the great ideas the chemistry sessions provided. Teachers jumped out of their chairs with Wack-A-Packs popping and became artists with whiteboards when learning about storyboarding methane bubbles and exploding cans. Barbara Billington , Professor from the University of Minnesota, presented on gender equity and asked teachers to reflect on some of the biggest questions in science today - Why are so few females pursuing the physical sciences and engineering? What can we do as teachers to promote gender-equitable teaching and learning in our classrooms? The latest research suggests that mentorships and collaborative learning environments can make the crucial difference in whether girls pursue science as a degree as well as a career. Carrie Fruin, Chemistry Strand Leader Physics: MnCOSE 16 was a great time. Thank you to all those in attendance. We had some great presentations aimed at physics teachers including Alison Hoxie from the University of Minnesota Duluth. There were many great general session as well. Sessions were well attended and enjoyed by all. If you were not able to make it hopefully we will see you in the fall at the NSTA Regional convention in Minneapolis. “Broadening Participation in STEM by Engaging Students Through Project-Based-Learning” Alison Hoxie, Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Minnesota Duluth (Physics Strand Speaker) NASA IPAC Teacher Archive Research Program: Robert Palmer, Willmar Senior High Video Analysis & Spreadsheets with Air Cannons: Paul Anderson, Buffalo High School Fictitious Forces: Steven Heilig, St. Paul Academy and Summit School

MnSTA Newsletter

MnCOSE 2016 Build an Electric Generator: Thomas Tomashek, Minnetonka High School NEXT Generation Robotics (Made Simple): Bradley Blue, Design & InnoVation Lab Model Making and Model Breaking Using Direct Measurement Video: Peter Bohacek, Henry Sibley High School/Direct Measurement Video Project The Science of Speed: Bradley Blue, Design & InnoVation Lab Teaching Physics Through Junk Box Wars: Emily Zinck and Bruce Clark, Lewiston-Altura High School Science and SAMR: Redefining Science Education with Technology: Casey Rutherford, Shakopee Tom Tomashek, Physics Strand Leader Elementary: Michele Koomen, Professor of Education from Gustavus Adolphus College was our elementary strand speaker. Michele presented a workshop called Disciplinary Literacy. The basic approach for disciplinary literacy is read science text, write science text and engage in science talk. She highlighted the importance of the firsthand experience, doing the science, and the secondhand experience of reading about the science. These two experiences need to go hand-in-hand. She encourages students to “use what they know” for constructing explanations and arguments as they write and share the information with each other. Michelle believes all curriculum can be taught through science. E-mail mkoomen@gustavus. edu Dr. Christine Anne Royce was our Saturday guest presenter. She is from the Department of Teacher Education at Shippenburg University. She is a co-author of Teaching Science Through Trade Books and co-authors a column about teaching with trade books in NSTA’s elementary journal Science and Children. Christine kept us actively engaged in activities around the science topics of camouflage, food chains, integrating science and technology, and questioning skills just to name a few. Each science topic had fiction and nonfiction books at different levels, lesson plans and science activities, We ended the morning playing a lively game called “pasta mining” where we all learned a lesson in using resources wisely. It was an opportunity for some great networking. E-mail Polly Saatzer, Elementary Rep, Metro Area Upcoming Events: Don’t miss out on upcoming opportunities to stay connected with like-minded science teachers! Reg-

Summer 2016

ister to attend the NSTA Area Conference, October 27-29, 2016, in Minneapolis cohosted by MnSTA. And don’t forget our next MnCOSE conference, November 10-11, 2017, in St. Cloud. These conferences allow you to engage in a community of science educators, attend outstanding professional development, improve your craft, gather resources, stay informed, and gain a greater knowledge of the innovative ways science is changing the world! Contact Us As a member of MnSTA, your input as a science educator is crucial. Please contact your MnSTA regional or discipline representative with your questions/comments, and tell your colleagues that MnSTA membership is membership worth having! Yours in Science Education, MnSTA Board Members and Representatives Sessions:

Participants in Tom Tomashek’s session investigating the science behind electrical generators and building a simple generator.

Participants engaged in TETRIX, a revolutionary new robotics building system that is designed to teach a variety of STEM concepts through Project Based Learning without the construction complexities inherent to other building systems.



MnSTA Newsletter

MnSTA Board Directory

MnSTA Phone# (651)-523-2945

Below, you will find information about your MnSTA Board Members. The listing includes the board member’s school (or organization), mailing address, work phone, FAX number, and e-mail address. The board wishes to make itself as accessible as possible for our members. Please feel free to contact your discipline representative, regional representative, or executive board members if you have ideas, concerns, or wish to help with the mission or operation of MnSTA. We are always looking for members who wish to serve MnSTA as Board Members, Non-Board Service Chairs or Members, and as Committee Chairs or Members.

Executive Board: Exec. Secretary

Ed Hessler

Hamline University, 1536 Hewitt Ave. MS-A1760,

W: 651-523-2945

F: 651-523-3041


St. Paul, MN 55104


Lee Schmitt

Hamline University

1536 Hewitt Ave. MS-A1760,



Michele Koomen

612-669-2319 mkoomen@gustavus.eud


Joe Reymann



DOE Science Specialist

John Olson

Dept.of Education 651-582-8673

St. Paul, MN 55104

Gustavus Adolphus College 800 W College Ave.

St. Peter, MN 56082

Discipline Directors: Biology

Amanda Meyer

Springfield High School


12 S. Burns Ave


Carolyn Fruin

Capella University


Earth Science

Kate Rosok


225 S. 6th St. 9th Floor

Springfield, Mn 56078

Minneapolis, MN 55402

Minneapolis Public Schools

Elementary/Greater MN Vacant Elementary/Metro

Polly Saatzer Garlough Environmental Magnet 1740 Charlton St. W:651-552-0094

Higher Ed

Dr. Melanie Reap 507-313-9114

Informal Ed

Kelly Meyer Science Museum of MN 120 W. Kellogg Blvd. 651-265-5975

Alternative Ed. &

Mary Haberman

Minnesota Valley Area Learning Center 1313 E Blackk Oak Av. Montevideo,MN

Charter Schools



Jerry Wenzel



Thomas Tomashek

Minnetonka High School


Private Schools

Matthew Inman 507-333-1537


Eric Koser 507-387-3461 x 322

Mankato West H.S. F: 507-345-1502

Winona State University

West St. Paul, MN 55118

152 Gildemeister Hall Winona, MN 55987 St. Paul, MN 55102

e: 18301 Hwy 7

Shattuck-St. Mary’s School

Minnetonka, MN 55345

1000 Shumway Ave.

1351 S. Riverfront Dr. e:

Fairbault, MN 55021

Mankato, MN 56001 W:

Region Representatives: Region 1&2: North

Josh Tharaldson


Region 1&2: North

Michael Urban


Summer 2016

Marshall County Central HS

Bemidji State University

310 W. Minnesota Ave.

1500 Birchmont Dr.

Newfolden, MN 56738

Bemidji, MN 56601


MnSTA Board Directory Region 3: Northeast

Elizabeth Kersting-Peterson Homecroft Elementary 4784 Howard Gnesen Rd.


Region 4: Westcentral TJ Schmitt

Duluth, MN 55803

302 3rd St. SE

Barnsville, MN 56514


Region 5: Northcentral Nichole Christofferson-Weston Menahga Public Schools 12945 Blue Spruce Ave. Menahga, MN 56464

W 701-219-9399

Region 6: Southcentral Jeremy Brady

Montevideo High School


1501 William Ave. Montevideo, MN 56265

Region 7: Eastcentral

Karen Bengtson

St. Cloud Area School Dist. 472


Region 8: Southcentral Jeremy Brady

Montevideo High School

1000 44th Ave N. St. Cloud MN 56303 1501 William Ave. Montevideo, MN 56265


Region 9: South

Dana Smith W:507-232-3461X4114

Nicolette Public School 1 Pine St. e:

Region 10: Southeast

Denine Voegeli

Plainview-Elgin-Millville Schools

507-867-2521 Ext. 3631

Region 11: Metro

Cathy Kindem 651-423-7911

Rosemont-Apple Valley-Eagan

Region 11: Metro

Claire Hypolite

Edison High School



Nicollet, MN 56047 701 1st St SE 3455 153rd St. W

Elgin, MN 55932 Rosemont, MN 55068

700 22nd Ave. NE Minneapolis, MN 55418

Ancillary Positions: Database

Mark Lex 55416

Benilde-St. Margaret’s 2501 Hwy 100 S W: 952-927-4176 F: 952-920-8889

Historian/Parlimentarian Fred Riehm

Retired ‘91

NSTA Dist. IX Director

Mary Colson

Horizon MS

W: 218-284-7300

St. Louis Park, MN e: 3601 12th Ave. So.

Moorhead, MN 56560

Events Calendar If you have events you want placed on the calendar, send them to the editor - see page 2 for deadlines, address, etc.

Conferences / Workshops MnSTA session presentations at Education Minnesota, October 14, 2016, St. Paul RiverCentre. NSTA Regional Conference, October 27-29, 2016, Minneapolis.


MnSTA Newsletter


Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc. Hamline University MS MS-A1760 1536 Hewitt Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104

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Twin Cities, MN Permit No. 4197

MnSTA Regions

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