Newsletter Volume 53 No. 4 A Quarterly Publication of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association Inc.
MnCOSE Scheduled for Nov. 10-11 in St. Cloud.
Our premiere annual professional development event for 2017 will be in St. Cloud, MN at the Rivers Edge Convention Center. MnSTA is trying November, a new time of year for us, to provide innovative teaching tools to you earlier in the school year! The event is Friday and Saturday November 10th and 11th. Presentations, exhibits, and keynote speakers will be the focus of Friday while Saturday will include workshops and more! Potential presenters, visit for presentation proposals. Presenters receive a reduction in their registration fee. These are due by Sept 15th, though we would welcome your proposal before the school year ends! Please contact Conference Coordinator Mary Haberman or conference manager Eric Koser webmaster@mnsta. org if there are specific questions that need to be answered at this time. The keynote speaker for this event will be James Kakalios. Kakalios is the Taylor Distinquished Professor in the University of Minnesota’s School of Physics and Astronomy. His popular science book, The Physics of Superheroes was published in 2005 in the U.S. and the U.K. and has been translated into six languages. The Spectacular Second Edition was published in November 2009, followed by The Amazing Story of Quantum Mechanics in 2010. His new book, The Physics of Everyday Things:The Extraordinary Science Behind an Ordinary Day, has been published by Crown Books and is now available on amazon. com. See page 14. In 2007, in response to a request from the
Summer 2017
National Academy of Sciences, he served as the science consultant for the Warner Bros. superhero film Watchmen. In 2009 Kakalios made a short video on the Science of Watchmen, which was viewed over 1.8 million times on This video won an Upper Midwest Regional Emmy award in the alternative Media: Arts/Entertainment category in 2009 and was nominated for a WEBBY award in 2010. His research interests include nanocrystalline and amorphous semiconductors, pattern formation in sandpiles and fluctuation phenomena in neurological systems. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and has served as the Chair of the APS Committee on Informing the Public, Past-Chair of the APS Forum on Outreach and Engaging the Public. His efforts at science communication and public outreach have been recognized with the 2014 AAAS Public Engagement with Science Award and the American Institute of Physics’ 2016 Andrew Gemant Award. He has been reading comic books longer than he has been studying physics.
James Kakalios with his superheroes
President’s Address by Michele Kooman Greetings Minnesota Science Teachers! How many of you identify as a visual learner? According to the Social Science Network sixtyfive percent of us are visual learners! No wonder the use of visuals in science teaching creates lessons that are more accessible for all students, including students who are acquiring English as a second language or are identified as students with academic special needs. Using visuals provide multiple modes of representation, one of the principles of Universal Design in Learning (Center for Applied Special Technology, 2016). Additionally, a large body of research illustrates that we remember and retrieve information better when we use visuals (Kouyoumdjian, 2012). We have all heard the adage: A picture is worth a thousand words! In science the use of visuals means that the content is more accessible to every student who walks through our classroom doors. I wish you all the best for a great conclusion to your school year. Yours in Science, Michele Koomen ( References · Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST). 2016. Visuals help to tell a story in science, whether in photos aligned with key science vocabulary embedded within a text or graphs, charts, maps, anchor charts, or diagrams (Ma, Liao, Frazier, Hauser, & Kostis). They allow all students to process and clarify information and build an understanding of what they need to do in a task.
· Ma, K. L., Liao, I., Frazier, J., Hauser, H., & Kostis, H. N. (2012). Scientific storytelling using visualization. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 32(1), 12-19.
· Kouyoumdjian, H. (2012). Learning through visuals. Visual imagery in the classroom. Psychology Today. Retrieved May 1, 2017.
· Credit for images · Hydrogen bonding: questions/how-is-hydrogen-bondingamong-water-molecules-related-to-thestructure-of-the-wa · eBird data: e Bird ( ebird/) with credit to Karen Oberhauser for image · Energy anchor chart: https:// science-anchor-charts/
MnSTA Newsletter
Department of Conservation by Ed Hessler Counting Matters
I think that I shall never see/A poem lovely as a tree.—Joyce Kilmer A college level text on ecology by Charles J. Krebs is subtitled “The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance.” However, there are times when scientists are primarily interested in an inventory of the distribution and abundance of species. How many? Where? A couple of years ago, the number of trees on the planet was reported to be about 3.04 trillion trees. It took two years for researchers to collect and analyze ground-truthed information, satellite data and forest inventories. In the end, the number turned out to be 8-times larger than the previous estimate. That number was a great surprise. But how many of these are different species? Now we know, i.e., have a best estimate: 60,000 (60,065). Previously, the range was from 45,000 to 100,000 species.. Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) has created an authoritative online data base (GlobalTreeSearch). The results of the research was fully reported on in the March on-line issue of the Journal of Sustainable Forestry. The data base is not static and will be revised and refined as more data are collected. There are areas of the world that have not been carefully inventoried. The collection and analysis of the world’s data on tree species is a project in “Big Science”. It involved several thousand scientists, the review of 100s of publications and historical records as well as digital data bases. There are many definitions of trees so this research had to start there. Just what is a tree? A tree Department of Conservation...continued on page 4
In Medias Res by Ed Hessler Time for Blocks
Most of us, I am sure, have forgotten how to play. We’ve made up games instead. And competition is the force which holds these games together. The desire to win, to best someone else has supplanted play—this doing of something just for itself.—Robyn Davidson, Tracks There is no need to cite any of the substantial literature on the learning that occurs when blocks (those plain as pine wooden pieces but more often made of harder stock) are used in instruction—especially in language, cognition, maths. It is well known. My intent is more humble, perhaps subversive--to praise free range play with blocks. There are times when I think blocks should be honored. After all, they are one of the iconic learning tools. But how? A permanent sculpture at the Minnesota State Fair. Or in front of the capitol. Or perhaps by valuing them and making them available to kids. There is nothing new here for fellow “blockheads.” But I love those times when blocks and kids bump into one another and don’t mind repeating the obvious. A few words/phrases about those events. Tactility, balancing, building, eyeball measurements, constructing, fitting, negotiation during joint projects, sharing, open-ended exploration, rebuilding, geometry, sorting, stacking, imagining, shapes, pretending, decision making, processing information, testing, nesting the pieces, conversations, connections, representing things, dimensions, attributes, thinking, forms, manipulating, number, reflection, sounds, what-if, naming and in the end, the joy of this kind of free play. Ah, to be given time to mess about with blocks without supervision or directions Three cheers for blocks!
The MnSTA Newsletter is published four times each year by the Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc. Articles, opinions, book reviews and other information pertinent to Minnesota teachers are welcome. Please limit submission to 1 typed page, e-mail preferred (text file please). Deadlines for submission of articles are: Fall ............... August 1st Winter ............. November 1st Spring ........... February 1st Summer....................April 1st Send all correspondence regarding the newsletter to: Jerry Wenzel 22002 100th Ave Randall, MN 56475 e-mail: The MnSTA Newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the back page. Materials found in the newsletter may be reprinted without charge.
Summer 2017
MnSTA, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) (3) Charitable Educational Corpora-tion, incorporated as a tax exempt, non-profit organization with the Minnesota Secretary of State. Donations and dues are tax deductible charitable contributions for itemized deductions on IRS form 1040 Schedule A. The newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the last page.
Teacher Feature Department of Conservation...continuted from page 3
was defined as “a woody plant with usually a single stem growing to a height of at least two meters, or if multi-stemmed, then at least one stem five centimeters in diameter at breast height.” The list is dominated by ten families, with 45% of all the earth’s trees found in those families. Brazil, Columbia and Indonesia have the highest biodiversity. Fifty-eight percent of trees are found in single countries. In order they are Brazil (4333), Madagasgar (2991), Australia (2584), China (2149), Malaysia (1520), Papua New Guinea (1395), Indonesia (1372), New Caledonia (1365), Mexico (1341), Columbia (1282). By biomes, species are distributed as follows: Neotropics (23616), Indo-Malay (13029), Afrotropic (9514, Australasia (7470), Palearctic (5932), Oceanic (1415), Nearctic (that’s us, with 1367), and Antarctic (0). According to the report “the conservation status of many of these species is unknown--it is known for only about 20,000 species-- and this is even more the case for the thousands of species that are traded locally or regionally.” The data from this inventory will be used for conservation and sustainable management at the country-level. The location information provides important information in making informed conservation decisions The numbers are bare, cold and flint-hard. As we step deeper into the Anthropocene, they speak of the urgency about the difficult habitat work ahead. At the edges of these numbers is the foreshadowing of loss. Some of these species will disappear both locally and globally. The work ahead no matter how hardheaded and difficult must be rooted in love. There is more to trees than usefulness. Still the question: how much of this glorious heritage can be conserved? Hessler is Executive Secretary of MnSTA
The featured teacher for the summer issue of the MnSTA newsletter is Barb Walswick. Barb is the full time elementary science specialist at Lincoln Elementary School in the Alexandria School District. She has been in that position for two years. She teaches K-5 students 90 minutes of science that aligns with the state standards during a six day cycle. Her teaching is “pretty crazy…in a good way.” She has been likened to Ms. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus. She has multiple learning styles in the classes she teaches and employs a variety of teaching methods. Her classroom is active and hands-on. They go outside, get hands dirty, write, draw, act, create, report, investigate, explore, compute, build and experiment. Many of her students stop in to show her things they have discovered such as rocks, bugs, pictures, bones, shells, stories, etc. She ascribes to teaching inquiry naturally where students can ask questions and discover answers together. Her favorite activities are the ones when you see the scientists (she calls students “scientists” in her classroom) eyes light up because they have connected a teaching point with a concept and it all came together in an “ah-ah” moment. Often these activities are hands-on, which is her mission as a science teacher. This year that has happened when they worked with circuits, built habitats, planted terrariums, explored birds outdoors, made ice cream, worked collaboratively with the art/music/physical education departments, coordinated a space camp outing with the high school, and discovered many STEM activities. She states, “ I desire to instill a love for learning that will stick with students for life. I like to make learning fun because it is given the right mindset and motivation! For me science is a great avenue for excitement as it is all around us. It is rewarding for me when I see students find new passions as they explore their surroundings: outdoors, space, animals, electricity, weather, rocks, engineering, technology, and the list goes on.” Her instructional coach Haley Kalina had this to say about Barb, “Barb truly values getting students excited to do science! She has a knack for finding topics and activities that follow her students’ interests and passions as well as getting them to think about and interact with the world around them. Barb’s creative ways of bringing science to her students has a way of capturing all types of learners and getting them to ask questions, make observations and draw conclusions. Barb has been called “Mrs. Science” by many of her young scientists that look forward
MnSTA Newsletter
Teacher Feature
Barb Walswick
to visiting the science room for each investigation and learning opportunity. A group of third grade students recently came to her interested in starting an Earth club where they can learn more about how to take care of the Earth, plan service projects, and do outdoor activities like making bird feeders and cleaning up litter which Barb took on without a second thought. She also served as a Destination Imagination team manager so a group of students would be able to participate. Barb’s passion for the world around her is easily contagious to her students and quickly evident when you walk in her room!” Barb started her teaching career in a non-traditional setting as a naturalist in Wisconsin followed by working at camps in northern Minnesota and Olympia, Washington. After working as an outdoor educator in California, she taught in the San Bernardino School District in an English Immersion classroom. Upon moving back to Minnesota, she taught in the Anoka-Hennepin and Spring Lake Park School District before moving to Iowa where she taught middle school students. After taking some time off from teaching, she returned to the classroom when she moved moved to Alexandria. Barb’s interests of distance running, photography, crafting, cooking, reading, knitting, playing piano and guitar have all taken a sabbatical as she attends to the current needs of family and job.
The Benefits of MnSTA Membership
.•Engages you in a community of science education professionals. •Provides services and resources that support your teaching. •Hosts quality, regional and statewide professional development. •Advocates for you through legislative action. •Keeps you updated on current trends, issues and research in science education. •Affiliates you with the greater cause of quality science education for all.
Josh Tharalson is MnSTA President-Elect
Josh Tharalson has been elected President-Elect of MnSTA. Tharaldson teaches 7th grade life science, 8th grade earth science, 10th grade College Prep Biology, Senior High Ecology and Junior High Elective STEM class. He is completing his 7th year of teaching at Marshall County Central High School in Newfolden. He will assume the office of president in July, 2018. A complete biography will be featured in the fall newsletter
Barb Walswick helping students with their “Hoopster” at the STEAM expo in Alexandria
Exploring germination with Kindergartners
Josh Tharaldson in front of the US Capital building. He took his juniors and senior students to Washington DC as part of the Close-Up program.
Summer 2017
Department of Education What new ideas about science learning might guide our next science standards?
This is the third in a series of articles providing background for the review of Minnesota’s science standards in 2018-19. The previous articles are archived at the Minn. Dept. of Education page on the John Olson is the science specialist MnSTA Website for the Department of education. He will keep us updated on science edu- When the Minnesota cation. in the MnSTA newsletter. Science Standards Review Committee meets in 201819, they will first look at feedback about our current 2009 standards and then look at current research on science learning and science standards before starting on any revisions. Research over the past dozen years has provide several new ideas about science learning that were summarized in a document that was written to lay the foundation for national science standards. A Framework for K-12 Science Education (2012) was prepared by the National Research Council using leaders in science content, learning sciences and science instruction. This document provided the foundation for nearly all the states that have adopted new standards the last three years and the Next Generation Science Standards. Here are some of it’s major findings about student learning. Children are born investigators Children starting school are surprisingly competent. They already have substantial knowledge of the world. They are not concrete and simplistic thinkers and can use a wide range of reasoning processes that form scientific thinking. It is important to build on and refine prior concepts to develop increasingly more sophisticated explanations of natural phenomena. Focusing on core ideas and Practices There should be a focus on a limited set of core ideas and an avoidance of a coverage of multiple disconnected topics. The core ideas provide structure for adding new understandings over time. Understanding develops over time Learning difficult ideas takes time and often comes together as students work on a sequence of tasks that
encourage them to synthesize ideas. We should focus on important core ideas and develop learning sequences (called learning progressions) that build the learning from simple ideas to more broad explanations over several years. Science and engineering require both knowledge and skills Science is both a body of knowledge about the world and the set of practices that develop that knowledge. Scientists and engineers use a variety of methods and sequences in their work. Our students should develop practices that include investigating, designing solutions, analyzing evidence and constructing arguments. Connecting to students’ interests and experiences A rich science education captures the students’ curiosity about the world and their interest in learning science. Instruction should be relevant to their daily lives and also prepare them for later education and careers. Promoting Equity Students must have equitable access to quality instruction, materials, time for learning and teachers. Instruction should recognize the diverse customs and orientations of different cultural communities as an asset for science learning and should value multiple modes of expression. I recommend studying the Framework and starting to use its ideas as supports for improving instruction for our current Minnesota science standards and as a preparation for possible changes in the standards in 2019. The Framework and several reports on which it was based are available as free downloads at www. I also recommend How Students Learn Science in the Classroom (2005) and Taking Science to School (2007) from the same site for a deeper look at ideas about science learning.
Where will you be Aug. 21?
MnSTA Newsletter
Department of Education Opportunities News
Preparing students for the great American Eclipse
nation that are leading the way in reducing environmental impact, promoting health, and ensuring a high-quality environmental education programming that prepares students with the skills and sustainability concepts need in the growing global economy. Two Minnesota schools and one college received the 2017 award announced this week. •Pilot Knob STEM Magnet School, West St. Paul – Mendota Heights – Eagan Schools •Edgewood School & La ola del lago, Prior Lake- Savage Area Schools •Bemidji State University The application promotes a self-examination of sustainability practices and the opportunity to set goals for future efforts. A report with highlights of the schools is available at
On August 21st, the moon will block out the sun and the sky will go dark in the middle of the day. There hasn’t been a total solar eclipse on the Continental US since 1979. Although Minnesota is not on the Path of Totality (the 70 mile wide track of the umbra or dark shadow of the moon), the state will experience an excellent partial solar eclipse - between 72%-91% of the sun will be blocked out by the moon, depending on location in the state. The highest level partial eclipse happens in the southwest corner of the state. This is a phenomenal opportunity for kids and teachers. There is a teacher toolkit from a collaboSTEM Equity Workshop, June 19, Eden ration of NASA and WGBH. The American AstroPrairie nomical Society has a compilation of educational NAPE’s Explore STEM Careers Toolkit provides materials and videos. a framework with lesson plans and activities to help MnSTA reponds to Climate Change Denial staff, faculty, and administrators to educate and Materials inspire every student to consider a career in STEM. The Minnesota Science Teachers Association This professional development provides researchis alerting teachers about anti-science mailings, based messaging to effectively reach and encourage a specifically from the Heartland Institute www. diverse group of students to consider a future career The mailing contains an anti-science in STEM. book, a CD, and a letter. MnSTA states, “the materiThe National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity als seek to ask teachers ‘to consider the possibility (NAPE) will present an overview that the science [of Global Climate Change] is not of STEM careers, introduce messages that use posisettled’ [Heartland Institute letter]. ‘The materitive language for talking with students, and connect als play on the scientific consensus gap which is the messaging with tools, activities, and resources. defined as a large gap between the public percepThe professional development will help educators, tion of consensus on anthropogenic global warming counselors and administrators learn how to talk about (AGW) and the 97% agreement among climate scithe wide range of career options in STEM and enable entists. The media gives the 3% a disproportion- students to explore STEM career opportunities. It ate amount of attention which creates confuwill also equip educators with new ways to talk to sion in the public’ [The Consensus Project] http:// students about engineering and other STEM-related The goal of the Heartland careers to build their self-efficacy and promote a mulmailing is to spread an artificial doubt about the sci- titude of career options. The free workshop is 1 – 4 entific evidence supporting global climate change.” pm at Hennepin Technical College in Eden Prairie. The National Science Teachers Association’s Register at Director sent a letter to its membership, alliance-for-partnerships-in-equity-workshop-tickwhich provides resources for teachers in addressing ets-34326712120. the mailing and for teaching about global climate Bakken Teacher Academy, June 19-22, Minchange. See also the Climate Change Education neapolis Institute listed below and the education resources Science Learning from the Works of Scientists is from Climate Generation. a year-long program for middle- and high-school sci-
Green Ribbon School Awards
The U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools Awards honor schools across the
Summer 2017
ence teachers featuring history-of-science resources from The Bakken’s special collections library and
Department of Education Opportunities contemporary science publications. The program consists of a four-day summer institute that continues with workshops during the school year. The summer institute engages participants in practices for reading informational text to enhance science students’ understanding of concepts as well as their critical thinking and communication skills. During the school year: participants apply what they learned to design, deliver and evaluate their own action research project for implementing effective reading practices in the science classroom. Participants will earn four graduate credits in science education from Hamline University. A $270 stipend is provided for completing the full course, as well as books and other materials and metals/beverages. For more information visit https://thebakken. org/teacher-academy.
Minerals Education Workshop, June 20 – 22, Ely
The MMEW is a three-day workshop held annually for K-12 earth science educators that offers short courses and field trips focused on the geology and mineral resources of Minnesota. On the first day of the workshop, participants may choose among 16 different short course topics taught by professional geologists, academics, government scientists, and K-12 educators. Many of the courses introduce curriculum ideas for various grade levels. The second and third days of the workshop will involve field trips designed to familiarize participants with the geology and mineral resources in northeastern Minnesota. Participants will receive a variety of resource materials including rock and mineral samples, lesson plan ideas, posters, maps, videos, and other useful information. Cost is $40. Information and registration are at
Driven to Discover: Citizen Science 2017, June 26-30, July 10-14, St. Peter and St. Paul
Immerse yourself in authentic field science with UMN scientists AND deepen your classroom practice for full scientific investigations that include analysis and communication. We utilize established citizen science projects as spring-boards to engage students in on-going ecology research that inspire their own investigations. Our goal is to have student work reflect the language and mathematics of science. Join a collaboration between the UMN Monarch Lab and UMN Curriculum and Instruction Department to strengthen your teaching of critical STEM content, current ecology research, and using claims, evidence and reasoning to further science literacy within your
classroom. The first four days are at Gustavus Adolphus College and remaining days at the University of Minnesota. There are additional meetings and support during the school year and Participants receive a $2266 stipend or 3 graduate credits, equipment, supplies and more benefits. See more information at id=33&zine=show or contact Sarah Weaver at
STEM Rivers Institutes, June 26 – 28 or July 24 – 26
Hamline University presents FREE, three day field-based professional development opportunities that inspires, educates, and prepares 3rd-8th grade teachers to engage students in STEM disciplines through hands-on, inquiry-based investigations at local watersheds. Details and information are at *St. Croix River Institute, June 26-28, 2017 (Monday-Wednesday) *Mississippi River Institute, July 24-26, 2017 (Monday-Wednesday)
Summer Institute for Climate Change Education, June 26-28, St. Paul
Climate Generation is a recognized leader in climate change education nationally, and we are joining forces with University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment, where leading climate change research is happening. Hear directly from climate change and solutions experts, and engage with hands-on activities that will help bring these concepts to life in your classroom. Join a network of teachers from across the country dedicated to bringing science, critical thinking, and problem solving about climate change into the classroom. The location is the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment, with the opportunity for a field trip to the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Reserve on the 29th (extra fee). Registration: $150 (includes breakfast and lunch each day!) Lodging is available ($48/night single, double/shared $36) 2 Graduate Credits optional (fee). Go to here for information and registration
Minnesota Modeling Instruction workshops, July 10 – 14, Shakopee The Modeling Instruction method relies less on presentation and more on engaging students using
MnSTA Newsletter
Department of Education Opportunities experimentation to construct and revise scientific models to explain physical phenomena. Workshop being held at Shakopee High School this summer:
*Introduction to Chemistry modeling July 10 – 14 *Introduction to Physics modeling July 10 – 14 *Mechanics Modeling July 17 – 21
For information contact Casey Rutherford crutherf@
Got Milkweed? FREE Summer Workshop For Educators. July 11-13, Northfield
Monarch caterpillars only eat one kind of plant-milkweed. As monarch butterfly populations are declining and more people are planting milkweed, what is important to understand about this food source? This workshop introduces participants to a distributed research project designed to help students understand evolution and ecology through inquiry about milkweed plants while simultaneously gathering data to answer important scientific questions, such as: “What should we do to slow the decline of the monarch butterfly populations?” and “Does the origin of milkweed seeds affect their growth?” Participating institutions will plant milkweed seeds from local and non-local populations and gather data on milkweed growth annually in spring and fall to determine whether milkweed populations are locally adapted. Learning opportunities align well with Life Science Standards at both middle and high school levels. The project requires a one-time collection of common milkweed seeds from a naturally occurring (not planted) local population, space and time to plant 20 or more milkweed plants, and a commitment to work with students annually to follow specific protocols for data collection for multiple years. We offer a $300 stipend for attendance. Additional funds are available to support travel and lodging, or virtual attendance is an option. More details available at Apply Now! s/d/e/1FAIpQLScxQe6Ervk3H0QKTySVnaUxseDj2 A4u5-9t4jsJXGD9RSNBNw/viewform?c=0&w=1
National STEM Forum & Expo, July 12 – 14, Orlando, FL
The 6th Annual STEM Forum & Expo, hosted by NSTA, is a unique, focused event that brings together (informal and formal) educators and representatives from exhibiting companies who are interested in, and who have tools and resources to share that will ensure successful implementation of STEM education into our schools and communities. It is intended to provide resources for educators
Summer 2017
and organizations seeking to learn more about STEM education, associated outreach programs, partnerships, schools, and curriculum. The keynote speakers is Derek Muller who is best known for the You Tube science channel Veritassium, com/user/1veritasium featuring cool demos and experiments. For more information visit conferences/stem.aspx.
Biotechnology/Microbiology for Teachers in the Classroom, July 17-21 and July 24-28, St. Paul
The BioTIC Institute brings middle- and highschool biology teachers together to talk teaching and to get up to speed on the rapid advancements in biotech research, careers, applications, and issues. BioTIC also provides a review and enrichment of inquiry-based practices and curriculum enrichment that support the Minnesota science standards related to cell structure, disease, genetics, and biotechnology. The Institute provides a two-week summer workshop, two Saturday follow-up session during the school year, a stipend, four graduate credits, board and room for outstate participants and teacherfocused training. For more information and to apply online visit cgee/biotic/?utm_source=hse-cgee-biotic-emailfeb16&utm_medium=email&utm_content=textlink&utm_campaign=hse-cgee.
GLOBE Workshop in NW MN, July 27 – August 2, Grand Forks ND
This blended learning event, taught by GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) will focus on training K-12 teachers to use several of the GLOBE environmental measurement protocols and hands-on learning activities related to three interdisciplinary components of the earth system: atmosphere, soil, and plant life. The training and written materials, developed and refined over 20 years by an international group of science educators, are focused on grade levels 6-12, although the materials can be scaled for K-5. During the trainings, teachers will be asked to participate through practicing the detailed instrument measurement protocols and learning activities during 12 faceto-face hours and 3 associated online training hours. Once certified, GLOBE-trained teachers will join the collaborative international network of science teachers and scientists. E-training begins Thursday July 27th. Face-to-face instruction, Monday July 31st - Tues Aug 1st. Registration and details at
Department of Education Opportunities WaterWorks! A Drinking Water Institute for Educators, August 7-9, Lakeville
Enrich your water-related curriculum, investigate drinking water quality and chemistry, learn about inquiry-based models for your classroom, and find resources within your community. This three-day, hands-on workshop allows grade 4-10 science teachers to gather information from expert presenters about how safe, reliable drinking water is delivered to your community, as well as drinking water issues facing Minnesota. Meals and resource binder provided. Choose between two graduate credits or stipend. Join the ranks of over 350 teachers that have participated in WaterWorks! throughout Minnesota over the last 16 years. Funded by the Minnesota Dept. of Health and the American Waterworks Association. Application and information at
Online Earth Science Course
Are you interested in a refresher course in earth science? Earth Science Essentials through Minnesota State University Moorhead is a rigorous self-guided course, also available as an ebook, for science teachers wanting to expand or renew their understanding of the fundamentals of earth science. Russ Colson, co-author of NSTA Press book Learning to Read the Earth and Sky is offering this course for science teachers. You can get more information at Earth%20Science%20Essentials--Information.html.
Science House Professional Development – Summer Institutes & Programs
Join our nationally recognized community in St. Paul this summer during one or more of the following professional development institutes or programs. Our cutting edge professional development approach empowers formal and informal education professionals to create inclusive environments, eliminate disparities, and broaden participation in STEM. Please note, these workshops are fee based and will need to be covered by the participant. For more information, go to • Addressing Disparities in STEM Education: PAGE District Leadership Program July 10 – 14, plus 3 follow-ups • The Race Institute for School-Based Teams July 31-Aug 4, & Aug 7-11 (repeated) • STEM Equity in the Classroom, Aug 14-18, • Student Engagement in the Elementary Classroom Jun 19-23
Minnesota Zoo Math and Science (ZOOMS) Program, Apple Valley
In ZOOMS, students and teachers discover what it takes to engineer a modern zoo. Through topics such as Engineering FOR Animals (exhibit design), Engineering FROM Animals (biomimicry), and Engineering BY Animals (animals as engineers), teachers and students are challenged to consider and tackle the complexities in both the natural world and constructed environments. The ZOOMS program supports teachers with integrating standards-based ZOOMS resources, design challenges, and field trips into their curriculum to better equip students with the STEM skills to engineer and problem solve just like zookeepers, exhibit designers and conservationists at the Minnesota Zoo! More information at education/schools-teachers/stem-programs/. • ZOOMS Teacher Institute, August 7-9 • Zooms Institute 2.0 August 10 • Many customized programs, classes, design challenges, and field trips are available
Plan ahead: MnSTA Conference on Science Education, Nov. 10 – 11, St. Cloud
MnSTA is switching to a new time of the year to provide innovative teaching tools to you earlier in the school year! Information about the conference will be posted at Share your good instructional ideas by sending in a presentation proposal by September 15.
Teacher and School Awards and Opportunities
Earth Science Simulations Study
WestEd, a not-for-profit educational research agency, is conducting a research project, SimScientists Crosscutting Concepts: Progressions in Earth Systems (REAL), during the 2017-18 school year. This project aims to use technology to give your students ways to explore and express their science knowledge through computer simulations of science systems Participating teachers will receive a live online webinar orientation and training (up to 4 hours), stipends up to $1,500 for their involvement in the study, as well as access to simulation-based computer formative assessments. They must cover Geology (i.e., erosion, weathering, and plate tectonics), Climate & Weather, and Ecosystems topics during the 2017-18 school year. Please see the “SimScientists Earth Science Strand” nikzdwhgbu2aby4zitps for more information on these
MnSTA Newsletter
Department of Education Opportunities topics. For answers to frequently asked questions about participating in a SimScientists study, please see our FAQs If you are interested in participating in this research opportunity, please complete the online intake survey www.survey/
Como Planetarium Opportunities, Saint Paul
With our state of the art digital immersive technology, your students will experience the Minnesota Grade 3 and Grade 8 Space Science Standards in new and exciting ways. At Como Planetarium, we observe the movement of the sun and the moon, fly to hostile planets, visit moons with geysers, explore black Give your used books a second life, in Africa holes and much more. When John Olson, MDE Science Specialist, Explore the sky with Big Bird, learn about moon went to Liberia last year, he found that library of phases with Coyote, and venture into the unknown his school had many books with Minnesota school of a Black Hole with Liam Neeson. Whether you’re stamps. He planned his biology lessons with a textlooking to address Space Science Standards, or lookbook from Verndale High School and read Jurassic ing for a fun and informative program, your students Park from Anderson Open School. These had been are sure to experience our sky and space in a new sent to Africa by a St. Paul based organization, Books way. All programs include a look at the constellafor Africa (BFA). tions and planets currently visible in our sky. Contact BFA collects, ships and distributes books to stuus today to book shows through the end of May or dents of all ages in Africa. They are the largest ship- for school year 2017-18. Call 651-293-5398 or visit per of donated text and library books to the African the planetarium website They collect all types of books appropriate etarium. for African students. Children’s books, math and sci- Engineering Day at Valleyfair, May 31, ence textbooks and dictionaries as especially needed. Chanhassen As a general guideline, books should be less than For the first time, Valleyfair is holding Engineerfifteen years old. You can drop off books at their St. ing Day featuring our newest attraction, North Star! Paul warehouse or ship them to the Atlanta workStudents will gain a greater understanding in the field shop. For details, contact the BFA website https:// of engineering and get a behind-the-scenes tive of the creative and mechanical side of Valleyfair.
School Programs and Grants
School Garden Planting Resources
Schoolyard Garden Planting Week is May 22-26. The MN Green Schools Coalition green-apple/ encourages you to register your project with the Green Apple Day of Service and check with them for resources including compost, fertilizers, volunteers and promotion. Also check the ideas and grants from the Jeffers Foundation
Engineering Day includes a special seminar from one of the park’s experts, Project Superintendent, Mindy Lawrence as well as a local expert, the Senior Structural Engineer, from Barr Engineering Co. in Minneapolis. After the program the students will be able to skip the line and experience what they just learned while riding North Star
MDE Contacts: Dawn Cameron “Dawn (MDE) Cameron” dawn., Science Assessment Specialist, State of the Mississippi River Report and Jim Wood, Science AsTeacher Guide sessment Specialist, Friends of the Mississippi River and the National John Olson John Olson john.c.olson@state. Park Service are pleased to present the second edition, Science Content Specialist, of the State of the River Report http://stateoftheriver. Doug Paulson, com. The report presents the status and trends of 14 STEM Integration Specialist, key indicators of river health and presents in a way that non-scientists can understand. A teachers’ guide Send submissions for the Science Update to John Olson provides Other Minnesota Links: lesson plans tied to Minnesota standards across grades 3-12 that can be embedded into instruction or Minn. Dept. of Education Science Page stand alone. Minn. Science Teachers Association
Summer 2017
Opportunities CSI:Lawrence Tech is organized by Lawrence Forensic Science Summer Workshop for Educators at Lawrence Technological University Technological University in collaboration with Kathy
Interested in developing a forensic science course in your school? Want to learn how to set up a “crime scene”? Need more information about forensic techniques? CSI:Lawrence Tech, designed for educators, can help you develop yourcoursework, engage your students, and teach forensic science using an integrated science approach. You will work alongside police officers and experts trained in forensic science. This hands-on workshop focuses on: • Accident reconstruction • Blood spatter analysis • Glass analysis • Fingerprints and impressions • DNA fingerprinting • Forensic entomology • Crime scene processing • Legal issues
Rivers Edge Convention Center
Mirakovits, a Michigan educator who launched this program in 2003 and has offered it ever since. Participants who successfully complete CSI:Lawrence Tech can earn State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs, formerly SB-CEUs) or up to three graduate credit hours. The cost of workshop only is: $350. If you decide to take this workshop for graduate credit, graduate tuition fees will apply(for more information, call 248.204.3516). For further information or to register for the workshop, call 248.204.3516 or email msedir@ltu. edu. Link:
Keynote: Dr. Jim Kakalios
U of MN Author “The Physics of Superheroes”
Primary: Courtyard by Marriott Additional: Grandstay Lodge Country Inn & Suites, St Cloud East
Present at MnCOSE 17!
New Time, New Location November 10-11, 2017 St Cloud, MN
Register NOW! Connect: @mnsta1
12 MnSTA Newsletter
Opportunities workshops in the coming year. For more information contact University of Minnesota professor Dr. Mary Meyer,
10 Plants That Changed Minnesota Teacher Workshops
MnCOSE keynote speaker, James Kakalios’s book is available on
Can you guess the 10 Plants that changed Minnesota? Learn these plants along with fun and educational STEM activities designed for middle and high school students, but easily adapted to younger students. Activities range from measuring the value of a tree, the parts of a corn plant, comparing wild rice populations in Minnesota lakes, how plant breeders produce new apples, and the nutritional value of soybeans. All activities meet Minnesota graduation standards. Plan now to attend free workshops breakfast and lunch provided, 6 hours of continuing education, PLUS all science teachers receive the new 10 Plants That Changed Minnesota book; all participants will receive the 70-page 10 Plants Teachers Activities Handbook and everyone will learn many fun activities. Who should attend? Anyone who teaches kids‌.and wants to learn more about plants in Minnesota! 4-H Leaders, Master Gardeners, as well as classroom teachers or home- school teachers. Register for a free workshop near you: April 21-November 16, 2017 from St Cloud to Rochester, Thief River Falls and Cloquet; there are 12
Summer 2017
Volunteers needed! Monitor monarch butterflies and their habitat!
The monarch population has seriously declined over the last twenty years. To protect these beautiful, iconic pollinators, it is crucial that we have high quality information on their distribution, habitat availability and habitat quality. The Monarch Conservation Science Partnership needs the help of volunteer citizen scientists, like you, to collect this information. As a volunteer, you would: • Visit a site to monitor once per month during the growing season (2-4 hours per session) • Collect data on monarch adults, larvae, and habitat • Test new field techniques • Provide feedback on the monitoring program Your participation in this national monitoring effort will inform how stakeholders across North America conserve the iconic monarch butterfly! Read more about the program at Training: Four free, two-day (9am-5pm) training sessions will be held. Registrants must be able to attend both days of the training. • Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge, Prairie City, IA: May 5th-6th • MN Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Bloomington, MN: June 3rd-4th • Fenner Nature Center, Lansing, MI: June 10th-11th • UW-Madison Arboretum, Madison, WI: June 24th-25th Register for a training: Questions? Email Laura Lukens or Kyle Kasten:, 14
MnSTA Newsletter
MnSTA Region Reports Region 1 and 2 by Josh Tharaldson and Michael Urban
Region 1 and 2 hosted a Nano-link workshop in Bemidji on Tuesday April 4th from 9:00 - 3:00 and teachers were all provided with CEUs. This event was free and everything was paid for by the Nanolink folks (lunch too). We would encourage other reps to consider working with Nano-link to host a future workshop in your region as all of the teachers who attended thought it was valuable. There were about 12 in-service teachers and 8 BSU science methods students who attended the workshop for all or part of the day. Their website is here: http://www. We have considered hosting a SEPA event early in the summer in our region but we are working on any details that would need to be figured out prior to actually hosting this event. We are hoping to hear back from some other regions on tips and things that worked well. I would like to say ‘Thank You’ to Mike for being a co-rep in region 1 & 2 and I have appreciated his guidance and advice for hosting workshops over the past few years --Josh
Region 4 by TJ Schmitt
topics. Also, this has started some contacts in other locations for regional meetings. So once again, the welcome letters are a good thing I feel. I had a regional meeting planned for Thursday April 13 with 10 people saying they would attend, but had no one show up. I sent out a form to all expired and current members and had about 15 people reply but some had conflicts with church obligations or extracurricular activity events. I was planning on having pop/water and treats when everyone showed up. I have looked over the material that Lee would like the regional reps to go over and was ready to facilitate a meeting about the lessons. A light meal of pizza was on the menu, or if everyone decided otherwise, we would have moved the meeting to a local establishment for a light meal and adult beverages paid for by each individual. I will try to try this again in early summer (June) to see if I have a better response. I will get out a form here soon, and get a better idea about when might work best for everyone that is interested. I did have good interest (also asked in my form) about getting together this summer. I do have a date in mind for a meeting next fall, but will need to find the level of interest.
Region 7 by Karen Bengtson Sent emails to new members at the beginning of St. Cloud State University hosted the second anthe months. nualAAUW Tech Savvy event for middle school girls Set up a SEPA workshop for March 31st, 2017, but due to a lack of RSVP’s, I had to postpone it. and their parents on January 28, and 109 girls, 29 Recommendations from MNSTA members sug- parents, 64 volunteers and 26 panelists and presenters across the region (25 cities) for 11 workshop options gested that I try to have it in the fall next school focusing on STEM fields, panels of college students year. and professors, and activities for savvy skills for Promoted MNSTA in my online class at the Unicareer planning and achievement. versity of MN. Plans are being organized for using the SEPA Region 5 by Nichole Weston training as a regional workshop series located in St. A workshop was arranged for Thursday, April 20th Cloud for the fall of 2017. at 5:30 pm at the Little Falls High School. SuperinRegional teachers are excited for the MnSTA’s tendent Steve Jones and I discussed hosting another state conference to come to St. Cloud in the fall! science workshop in January at the Minneapolis
Region 10 by Denine Voegeli I continue to send welcome e-mails to region 10 new members. I Began the planning of the regional planning meeting for March 31st but was unable to get it to happen. Spring is very busy and time got away Region 6 and 8 Report by Jeremy Brady from me. I will be working with Melanie Reap to Since the last meeting I have sent my required hold it in Rochester in late spring or early June. welcome letters to both new and renewing members. I serve on an advisory panel at WSU and at Within the letters I have promoted the upcoming our last meeting we discussed how we can supconvention and even started to plant a seed about preport preservice teachers by helping them connect senting. I have had some replies back to those emails with MnSTA. Convention Center. With the assistance from Jerry Wenzel, we put everything together. John and Doug also will come and present up to date information to benefit Region 5. We are very fortunate to have such wonderful resources to keep the professional development strong in our regions.
with good conversation following about a variety of
Summer 2017 15
March for Science
April 22, St. Paul
16 MnSTA Newsletter
Summer 2017
18 MnSTA Newsletter
MnSTA Board Directory
MnSTA Phone# (651)-523-2945
Below, you will find information about your MnSTA Board Members. The listing includes the board member’s school (or organization), mailing address, work phone, FAX number, and e-mail address. The board wishes to make itself as accessible as possible for our members. Please feel free to contact your discipline representative, regional representative, or executive board members if you have ideas, concerns, or wish to help with the mission or operation of MnSTA. We are always looking for members who wish to serve MnSTA as Board Members, Non-Board Service Chairs or Members, and as Committee Chairs or Members.
Executive Board: Exec. Secretary
Ed Hessler
Hamline University, 1536 Hewitt Ave. MS-A1760,
W: 651-523-2945
F: 651-523-3041
Lee Schmitt
Michele Koomen
St. Paul, MN 55104
e: 651-523-2562
Gustavus Adolphus College 800 W College Ave.
St. Peter, MN 56082
Joe Reymann
DOE Science Specialist
John Olson
Dept.of Education 651-582-8673
Discipline Directors: Biology
Mark Peterson 320-275-3800
Carolyn Fruin
Capella University
Earth Science
Kate Rosok
Elementary/Greater MN Amy Bodin
Benilde-St. Margaret
2501 MN-100 St. Louis Park, MN 55416 225 S. 6th St. 9th Floor
South HIgh School
Minneapolis, MN 55402
3131 19th Ave. So. Minneapolis, MN 55407
Myers-Wilkins Elementary
1027 North 8th Ave. E. Duluth, MN 55805
Jill Jenson
Glacier Hills Elem School of Arts &Sciences 3825 Glacier Rd. Eagan, MN 55123
Higher Ed
Dr. Melanie Reap 507-313-9114
Winona State University
152 Gildemeister Hall Winona, MN 55987
Informal Ed
Carol Strecker
Minnesota Zoo
1300 Zoo Boulevard Apple Valley, 55124
Alternative Ed.
Garret Bitker
630 1st Ave. NW Byron, MN 55920
Jerry Wenzel
Thomas Tomashek
Minnetonka High School 18301 Hwy 7
Private Schools
Matthew Inman
Shattuck-St. Mary’s School
Eric Koser 507-387-3461 x 322
Mankato West H.S. F: 507-345-1502
Minnetonka, MN 55345
1000 Shumway Ave.
1351 S. Riverfront Dr. e:
Fairbault, MN 55021
Mankato, MN 56001 W:
Region Representatives: Region 1&2: North
Josh Tharaldson
Region 1&2: North
Michael Urban
Region 3: Northeast
Elizabeth Kersting-Peterson Homecroft Elementary 4784 Howard Gnesen Rd.
Summer 2017
Marshall County Central HS
Bemidji State University
310 W. Minnesota Ave.
1500 Birchmont Dr.
Newfolden, MN 56738
Bemidji, MN 56601 Duluth, MN 55803
MnSTA Board Directory
Region 4: Westcentral TJ Schmitt
302 3rd St. SE
Barnsville, MN 56514
Region 5: Northcentral Nichole Christofferson-Weston Menahga Public Schools 12945 Blue Spruce Ave. Menahga, MN 56464
W 701-219-9399
Region 6: Southcentral Jeremy Brady Montevideo High School
1501 William Ave. Montevideo, MN 56265
Region 7: Eastcentral
Karen Bengtson
St. Cloud Area School Dist. 472
320-253-9333 Region 8: Southcentral Jeremy Brady
1000 44th Ave N. St. Cloud MN 56303 Montevideo High School
1501 William Ave. Montevideo, MN 56265
Region 9: South
Dana Smith W:507-232-3461X4114
Nicolette Public School 1 Pine St. e:
Region 10: Southeast
Denine Voegeli
Plainview-Elgin-Millville Schools
507-867-2521 Ext. 3631
Region 11: Metro
Cathy Kindem 651-423-7911
Rosemont-Apple Valley-Eagan
Region 11: Metro
Claire Hypolite
Edison High School
Nicollet, MN 56047 701 1st St SE 3455 153rd St. W
Elgin, MN 55932 Rosemont, MN 55068
700 22nd Ave. NE Minneapolis, MN 55418
Ancillary Positions: Database
Mark Lex
Historian/Parlimentarian Fred Riehm
Retired ‘91
NSTA Dist. IX Director
Eden-Prairie High School
Brenda Walsh 952-975-6726
Conference Coordinator Mary Haberman 17185 Valley View Rd Eden Prairie, N 55346
Minnesota Valley Area Learning Center 1313 E Blackk Oak Av. Montevideo,MN
Events Calendar If you have events you want placed on the calendar, send them to the editor - see page 2 for deadlines, address, etc.
Conferences / Workshops 2017 MnSTA Conference on Science Education November 10 - 11, 2017 This annual event of MnSTA will be held at the St. Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center and the Kelley Inn in St. Cloud, MN.
20 MnSTA Newsletter
MnSTA Regions
MnSTA Membership Application Form
Join the Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA), the professional organization whose primary goal is the advancement of science education. Mail this form along with your check to: MnSTA, Hamline University MS - A1760, 1536 Hewitt Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104
Name (First, MI, Last) Address
Zip code
Phone number
Please indicate whether this application is for
Zip code
School district # (enter "P" if Private, “A” if Alternative, “C” if Charter)
q Basic Membership ...................... $25 q First Year Teacher ...................... $15 q Retired Teacher .......................... $15 q Pre-service Student..................... $10 q Life Membership: to age 35 ..... $400 age 36-50 .... $300 over 50 ........ $200
q New Member
Address Phone number
Preferred email address Second email address
q Renewing/Past Member
Discipline and Grade Level q Elementary q Biology q Chemistry q Earth Science q Environmental Sci q Life Science q Physical Science q Physics
q Elementary (K-6) q Middle/Jr. High School (6-9) q High School (9-12) q College/University q Informal Ed
MnSTA Photo Release Statement By becoming a member of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA) or by attending any MnSTA-sponsored event, you are granting permission for the use of your image for MnSTA promotional purposes without compensation. If you have questions regarding this policy, please contact