MnSTA Newsletter Winter 17

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Newsletter Volume 53 No. 2 A Quarterly Publication of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association Inc.

Minnesota students outscore U.S. science test average, but achievement gaps remain By Christopher Magan Minnesota students continue to outscore their peers across the U.S. on a science test that’s part of the “Nation’s Report Card,” but students of color continue to significantly trail their white peers. Scores from the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP, released Thursday show 43 percent of Minnesota’s fourth-graders and 45 percent of its eighth-graders were proficient on the science test. Nationally, just 38 percent of fourthgraders and 34 percent of eighth-graders scored proficient. Less than one-third of Minnesota students of color scored proficient. Black students struggled the most, with about 14 percent scoring proficient. Hispanic, Asian and American Indian students did marginally better, but the percentage of those students who were proficient was still 20 percentage points or more below their white classmates. Brenda Cassellius, state education commissioner, was pleased to see Minnesota students continue to outdo the national averages, but she admitted there was much more work ahead to close the state’s notorious academic achievement gap. “To ensure students perform at their best, we need to focus on more than just reading and math,” Cassellius said, noting that the Every Student Succeeds Act, which recently replaced the federal No Child Left Behind law, requires that students receive a “wellrounded educational experience.” “This includes science, art, physical education, music and civics, as well as access to school support

Winter 2016-17

services such as school counselors, nurses, social workers and school librarians,” Cassellius said. The Minnesota Department of Education is working to create a new way of measuring schools under the updated federal law. It is expected to include student proficiency on state tests, measures of students’ academic growth and graduation rates. Minnesota school officials have been working for years to address the racial achievement gap, but results have been mixed. Scores on the most recent Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments, or MCAs, were mostly stagnant. Not every student takes the NAEP. Students are picked at random for the test through a process designed to represent the demographics of the state and nation. The percentage of Minnesota students who scored proficient hasn’t change much since the sci Minnesota students outscore...con’t on page 4

The Benefits of MnSTA Membership MnSTA . . . •Engages you in a community of science education professionals. •Provides services and resources that support your teaching. •Hosts quality, regional and statewide professional development. •Advocates for you through legislative action. •Keeps you updated on current trends, issues and research in science education. •Affiliates you with the greater cause of quality science education for all.

President’s Address by Michele Kooman Greetings! The regional meeting of NSTA in Minneapolis in late October 2016 was inspirational! From the key note speaker Ainissa Ramirez to sessions and workshops, exhibits and networking with others, we left feel energized and ready to roll up our sleeves

Department of Conservation by Ed Hessler What to Do?

Yvon Chouinard is the co-founder of Patagonia, the “outdoor gear and silent sports” company. I was struck by a comment he made in a profile of Yvon Chouinard by Nick Paumgartner. (New Yorker 9.19.2016) Patagonia is well known for its environmental and social responsibility practices. Like Pooh they constantly “Think it over, think it under.” Their website section “Inside Patagonia” reviews company practices and history in illuminating detail. Chouinard owns a modest ocean beach house. He told Paumgartner, “I don’t believe people should for science. Inspiration does not come just from a have houses on the beach. But until they change the great conference, but in many forms, including the laws I’m doing it.” Ah, life’s contradictions. How wonderful words of Doug Ronsberg a decade ago. can one not smile/cringe in recognition of our own Be the inspiration! downstream effects? There’s More to Teaching Science Chouinard brings to the surface a question: Is There’s more to teaching science than stuffing kids with there anything I can do, that any of us can do to make facts— a difference about global change, climate change and ’cause unconnected data flows like rain right off their the nexus of associated changes. What is our posibacks. Help kids discover nature, stars and waves, and tracks, tion within natural laws? Can we live a conspiracy to dinosaurs, and temperature, and killer bee attacks. co-exist? So, should we forget “shorter showers,” as DerThey have to learn to question, to observe, and to exrick Jensen counseled in a column in Orion (2009)? plore— His point: “personal change does not equal social to seek the basic causes, to measure, count, and more. change.” His answer was in “taking down the sysSo shelve that fault-line lecture; it’ll bore them to the core. tems” that oppress the earth and its inhabitants. This Active kid engagement is the key to learning’s door. is action that results when nothing seems alterable Kids need to think like scientists, to sort and sift and muse; except by complete rupture. Or, should we continue promoting lifestyle/lifeTo evaluate the evidence—conclude what they should use; To see the laws of science through a range of different practices that aggressively promote simpler living views; while at the same time supporting and promoting and find their way around the lab, to search for proper candidates at all levels who promote smart, earthclues. Presidents message....continued on page 3 Department of Conservation...continuted on page 4 The MnSTA Newsletter is published four times each year by the Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc. Articles, opinions, book reviews and other information pertinent to Minnesota teachers are welcome. Please limit submission to 1 typed page, e-mail preferred (text file please). Deadlines for submission of articles are: Fall ............... August 1st Winter ............. November 1st Spring ........... February 1st Summer....................April 1st Send all correspondence regarding the newsletter to: Jerry Wenzel 22002 100th Ave Randall, MN 56475 e-mail: The MnSTA Newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the back page. Materials found in the newsletter may be reprinted without charge. 2

MnSTA, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) (3) Charitable Educational Corpora-tion, incorporated as a tax exempt, non-profit organization with the Minnesota Secretary of State. Donations and dues are tax deductible charitable contributions for itemized deductions on IRS form 1040 Schedule A. The newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the last page.

MnSTA Newsletter

In Medias Res by Edward Hessler 6 by 4

There are many ways to think about gardens. Darwin in On Origin of Species described one as “a tangled bank, clothed with many plants of many kinds, with birds singing on the bushes, with various insects flitting about, and with worms crawling through the damp earth….” Another way is kindergarten, German for “children’s garden.” For the kind of learning valued in our society, Darwin’s blooming, buzzing diversity requires judicious pruning and a balance struck between schooling and free and structured play. Research has shown that children are given less and less room to play and the garden is more like a monoculture. In the last two decades, children have lost 8 hours of free play per week. And Huffington Post’s Rebecca Klein quoted Erika Christakis, a child development specialist at Yale that the early focus on academics “is not necessarily a cognitively rich focus.” I was going to write about play but I found a framework about learning while reading reports by Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek and Dr. Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, developmental psychologists who work on “playful learning.” Hirsh-Pasek is the director of the Infant Language Laboratory at Temple University and Golinkoff directs the Child’s Play, Learning and Development Laboratory at the University of Delaware. Their collaboration is a long one, ~ 38 years. Golinkoff and Hirsh-Pasek are the co-authors of the book, Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells Us About Raising Successful Children. In this book, they make a case for re-imagining the nature of successful learning. They greatly expand the horizon of important learning outcomes. Their 21st-century report card would contain a suite of skills, the 6 C’s. Collaboration: the ability to work with others, to have social-emotional control, and to form communities. Communication: the ability to develop strong language skills, excellent listening skills, and strong reading and writing outcomes. Content: competencies in subject areas but also in learning to learn. Critical thinking: the ability to sift through information intelligently and to weigh evidence. Creative Innovation: the ability to use information in new ways to solve obvious and undefined problems. Confidence: the ability to learn from failure, to persist in a problem, and to have grit.

Presidents message....continued from page 2

Encourage novel thinking, new approaches, different ways— creative problem solving fosters hope for future days. Emphasis on science terms and jargon doesn’t pay; clarify their thinking and the elements will stay. Don’t be the only fossil that your students learn about; make your methods fit their needs and reassure throughout. Give lots of time with science tools to ease their fear and doubt; show women and minorities in science news you tout. Cut down on competition and you’ll help your students grow; use learning teams to multiply the science seeds you sow. Encourage interactions so they share the things they know— to reason and defend the things they think their data shows. The adage about “Rocket Science” shouldn’t conjure fear; rocket science can be fun and you should make it clear— that everyone contributes to the learning of each peer, and they need not all aspire to “Rocket Engineer.” Don’t preach on relativity—don’t be an emcee square, ’cause you’re not Albert Einstein and they really couldn’t care. Energize your classroom by getting kids to dare— to gather, sort and catalog, and theorize, and share. History’s a matter that requires your energy; a solid link between world and to technology. Insist on clear expression, not gaseous lethargy; to make their learning liquid—and sound as it can be. Yes, there’s more to teaching science than stuffing kids with facts; you must make them feel comfortable and help them to relax. If the action just intimidates you know how they’ll react; they’ll lose their own inertia, and be forced between the cracks. So be the supernova within their galaxy; encourage scientific minds and you will set them free— to love the world of science and almost guarantee— why not, one day they could become a Nobel nominee! Doug Ronsberg ( is a special education paraprofessional for grades two and three at Castle

Elementary in Oakdale, Minnesota. Science and Children, November 2006.

In Medias Res..........continued on page 4

Winter 2017


Department of Conservation...continuted from page 2

sound policies. These are ones that are much too large to be solved by personal decisions. Policy-making will not be easy nor is it assured. The policy landscape is complicated. Policies have consequences not all of which were intended. Our values regarding free enterprise and poicy-regulation are deeply divisive. Consider the position of conservative Republican Bob Inglis, former U. S. Representative of South Carolina’s 4th District. He is convinced by the evidence for climate change. Inglis directs the Energy and Enterprise Initiative (E&EI). He believes that free enterprise can solve climate change but he insists on accountability: elimination of all subsidies to all fuels, attaching all costs to all fuels (internalize negative externalities = reveal all hidden costs) and require revenue neutrality (no government growth). With respect to consumerism, significant changes will not be easy either. Most of us like “stuff,” material things. We look to technical fixes not to deep changes in habits. The result is still more “stuff,” even though it is green. Here is one deep behavioral change suggested by Justin Gillis. In “Short Answers to Hard Questions About Climate Change” (NYT November 28, 2015) he wrote that “perhaps the biggest single thing individuals can do on their own is to take fewer airplane trips.” Many of these miles are what environmentalist George Monbiot calls “love miles”—to friends, family and places. Our task with respect to these issues as science educators is clear. The NRC Framework includes this in its core idea for K-12 science instruction: Relate to the interests and life experiences of students or be connected to societal or personal concerns that require scientific or technological knowledge. So closer to home, what changes, if any, would you recommend MnSTA consider/adopt in order to operate as an environmental and socially responsible membership organization?

In Medias Res..........continued from page 3

In one report of their work, I found a rich chart that added 4 levels of learning in rows to the 6 C’s in columns. A search led me to an NPR interview with the authors by Anya Kamenetz (July 5 2016). These levels refer to development of thinking. Level 1. “Seeing is believing.” Level 2. Other points-of-view are possible and held—“things may not be what they first appear.” Level 3. Opinions prevail, e.g., “they say.” Level 4. Making judgments based on evidence, exploring a line of reasoning for gaps and considering the “intricacies of doubt.” These are not intended to sort and measure. Instead, they ask us to mind the opportunities provided in school that would lead to their development. And about a case of the giggles (one side of play)? Maybe another time (or not). Hessler is Executive Secretary of MnSTA

Minnesota students outscore...con’t from page 1

ence test was last administered here. Proficiency of fourth-graders is unchanged from 2009, and the number of eighth-graders who are proficient has grown by three percentage points since 2011. Twelfth-grade students also took the NAEP science test in 2015, but results for those students are not broken down by state. Nationally just 22 percent of 12th-graders scored proficient on the test. Note: This article appeared in the Pioneer Press, Oct. 27, 2016


MnSTA Newsletter

Teacher Feature Eric Stenehjem is our featured teacher for this issue of the MnSTA newsletter. He grew in Williston North Dakota and graduated from Williston High School. After high school he attended Concordia College in Moorhead where he played football for the Cobbers. He received his BA in Biology Education and taught at Fargo Shanley High School for one year after which he spent the next 17 years teaching General Biology, AP Biology and Zoology at Moorhead High School. He is also the district’s STEM coach where he helped start Project Lead The Way (PLTW) courses at the middle and high school and worked with teachers to implement STEM lessons into their curriculum. Some of Stenehjem’s favorite class to teach are evolution, genetics and zoology. He feels evolution always comes with a “taboo” about it, but is so essential to understanding biology and it opens up awesome dialog in his classroom. He states, “You can’t have evolution without genetics. The two go hand in hand!” He created his zoology class using the internet to get kids hands-on learning of animals. They do a lab everyday during their 90 minute block class and they dissect at least one example of every major phyla of the Animal Kingdom from sponges to mammals. Stenehjem loves to teach! “I love to have fun. I love to get the kids engaged in their learning. I love stories. Biology lessons told as stories stay with them much longer than straight notes. I love that kids know that I care about them. When kids buy into your style of teaching, they will buy into any topic you teach them.” Stenehjem also coaches football and track for the SPUDS. Stenehjem believes every child needs someone to care about their education. “That’s where I fit in. I just happen to have a lot of fun doing it!” Dave Lawrence, principal of Moorhead High School had this to say about Eric, “Eric is an outstanding teacher at Moorhead High School. He is well respected and considered a leader by his colleagues. Eric is well liked and has great rapport with the students he has in class and coaches. He truly cares about the students at MHS and his classroom activities engage students in learning”. Eric and his wife Jenny have been married for 17 years and have 3 boys. They have a lake cabin up north and spend much time outdoors bikeing and hiking.

Students stop at different stations and discuss with Mr Stenehjem the effects of Molar Concentrations of sucrose solutions on Water Potential

Meet our new Elementary Discipline Director

Greetings! My name is Amy Bodin and I am the Dean of Students at Myers-Wilkins Elementary in Duluth, Minnesota. I have been teaching at the elementary level since 1999. I have had the honor of serving NSTA in the past and now have the honor of serving on the MnSTA board as the Co-Discipline Director for Elementary Science education in Minnesota. I look forward to promoting science education across the state and helping educators connect to one another to share ideas and expertise. Please feel free to contact me with your questions and to share your great science accomplishments!

Winter 2017


Department of Education Science Standards “When will we get new science standards? Will we adopt national standards?” Many people are asking these questions to us at the Department of Education (MDE) and the answer is often different than what is expected. John Olson is the science special- Even though Minneist for the Department of Educa- sota was a lead state tion. He will keep us updated on for the writing of science education in the MnSTA the Next Generation Science Standards newsletter. (NGSS), it is not a given that we will adopt those standards. There is a process for revising standards that is directed by state statutes. Here is an of overview of how Minnesota will revise science standards. Why Standards? Content Standards are foremost a means to provide equitable education. They provide the learning goals for all students so that children across the state and student population have the opportunity to achieve a solid education. This is important for the high mobility of students as they move between schools. The standards provide an coherent progression of learning as students advance through the grades. This is especially important in science where new concepts and skills must build on previous learning. When? Minnesota Statute 120B.021 sets the process and schedule for standards review. The science standards will be reviewed during the 2018-19 school year. This is a change that the legislature made last year from the previous schedule of 2017-18 in order to accommodate the writing of health and physical education standards this year. What are the requirements for standards? The standards must be formatted with standards that proved broad ideas and benchmarks that specify indicators of learning at each grade K-8 and the band of 9-12. They must include contributions of Native American communities and reflect standards on information technology.

How will they be chosen? • A Review Committee of 20-40 people representing a variety of stakeholders will be formed through an application process. • The Committee will receive input through on-line surveys, town meetings, focus groups and expert reviewers. • The Committee will study current research on effective science education and will evaluate current models for science standards. • The recommendations of the Committee will go to the Commissioner of Education. They could recommend to keep the current standards, make revisions or adopt another set of standards. • The Department of Education will publish the “final draft” of the standards probably in spring 2019. This will be usable by schools to start planning for implementation and for MDE to begin writing the next version of the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA). Full implementation of the standards will likely be three to four years later. • The standards become law through Minnesota’s Rulemaking process. They do not go to the legislature for approval. More details of the standards review process are available at the MDE Standards Page.

MnSTA Has Presence at MEA

MnSTA board member Mary Haberman demonstrates the properties of instant snow, a water absorbing polymer that is able to absorb 500 times its mass of water in a few seconds, to the many visitors who stoped by the MnSTA booth to experience amazing science demonstrations.


MnSTA Newsletter

Opportunities-Department of Education News

Successful NSTA Conference sets the stage for the next MnSTA Conference

Minnesota hosted one of our most successful area conferences for the National Science Teachers Association. With over 2100 participants, the conference include four featured speakers and 380 sessions over three days. Presenters came from all over the country and even one from Korea (via Skype) – Minnesotan Amanda Meyer speaking from the international school where she is currently teaching. In support of the NSTA conference, the Minnesota Science Teachers Association agreed to not have a state conference during the 2016-17 school year and instead share in the revenue from this conference. MnSTA will have its next conference in a new season and a new location; November 10 -11 in St. Cloud. Save the date! For those that attended the conference, you can access presentation materials at the Conference sessions website You can gain a clock-hours certificate by evaluating the sessions you attended.

When we get new science standards and what will they be?

This is probably the most frequent question the science staff receives at the Department of Education. The last legislative session changed the schedule of reviewing content area standards and now the science standards review is scheduled for the 2018-19 school year. Here is an overview of the process: • A Review Committee of 20-40 people representing a variety of stakeholders will be formed through an application process. • The Committee will receive input through on-line surveys, town meetings, focus groups and expert reviewers. • The Committee will study current research on effective science education and will evaluate current models for science standards. • The recommendations of the Committee will go to the Commissioner of Education. They could recommend to keep the current standards, make revisions or adopt another set of standards. • The Department of Education will publish the “final draft” of the standards for schools to start planning for implementation and for MDE to begin writing the next version of the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA). Full implementation

Winter 2017

will likely be three – four years later. • The standards become law through Minnesota’s Rulemaking process. They do not go to the legislature for approval. More details of the standards review process are available at the MDE Standards Page.

Teacher Events and Workshops

District Science Leaders Network

If you work at the district level as a curriculum coordinator or other science leadership position, you are invited to participate in this network. We hold 3 or 4 meetings per year to discuss science education issues and share resources or concerns. The meetings are generally three-hour morning meetings at the Minnesota Department of Education. If there is sufficient interest, we may hold meetings in out-state locations. If you would like to receive meeting notices, email John Olson If you were on the list in the past, there is no need to reply.

21st Century Workforce Conference, Dec. 16, Staples

This conference brings together personnel from K-12 schools, agencies, colleges and businesses to collaborate in college and career readiness activities. There will be presentations on career programs for schools and discussions by grade levels and career clusters. The conference is free and schools will be reimbursed $100 for sending teacher representatives. Information and registration are at the National Joint Powers Alliance website http://www.

Earth Science Teacher Conference, February 5, Plymouth

Save the date and watch the MN Earth Science Teachers Assn. (MESTA) website for upcoming program information.

Playdates for Educators (of all sorts)! With Annmarie Thomas One of my favorite things about leading UST’s Playful Learning Lab and teaching in the Center for Engineering Education is the opportunity to meet and collaborate with incredible people, many of who are educators in a formal, or informal sense. I’ve been thinking that it would be wonderful to have an opportunity to bring together a diverse group of people in the Twin Cities who are interested in Playful Learning and STEAM/iSTEM. Thus, I am delighted


Opportunities-Department of Education to announce that the Playful Learning Lab will be hosting monthly, free playdates for educators, artists, and makers who want to discuss, share, and... For more information go to http://annmariethomas.

Teacher and School Awards and Opportunities Green Ribbon Schools Award

Gain national recognition for your school’s efforts at being “green.” The U.S. Dept. of Education Green Ribbon Schools Award honors PreK-12 schools, school districts and post-secondary schools that are exemplary at • Reducing environmental impact • Improving health and wellness • Providing effective environmental education Schools prepare an application that is initially evaluated at the state level and finalists are sent on for national evaluation. Applying for the award provides an opportunity to analyze energy and water usage, waste reduction, and transportation. Schools review the strategies that promote healthy practices by students and teachers. In addition, teachers examine their curriculum for instruction in environmental concepts, skills and careers. Through the application process members from various sectors of the school community collaborate to improve their efforts toward sustainability. View the application for Minnesota schools and local information dse/recog/grn/ or contact John Olson, MDE Science Specialist View information about the national Green Ribbon Schools program

Presidential Award nominations and applications are now available.

Nominate exemplary science teachers (including yourself) for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. This is the most prestigious award in this field and includes recognition activities in Washington DC and a $10,000 award. This year, teachers of grades 7-12 are eligible submit an application that describes content understanding, instructional strategies, assessment practices, professional development and leadership. Just completing the application provides professional growth. The application is due May 1.


For information go to the PAEMST website https://

Professional Development Grant Opportunities The Education Minnesota Foundation offers scholarships for licensed teachers obtaining National Board Certification. For more information http:// The Bruce Vento Science Educator Professional Development Grant supports educators who teach science as part of their day and want to acquire and share new skills and knowledge. You may request up to $1500. The deadline is December 9. For more information go to http://www.educationminnesota. org/resources/grants/foundation/Vento-Science-Professional-Development-grant-appli

Send your used Science Books to Schools in Africa

When John Olson went to Liberia*, he found that library of his school had many books with Minnesota school stamps. He planned his biology lessons with a textbook from Verndale High School and read a novel from Anderson Open School. These had been sent to Africa by a St. Paul based organization, Books for Africa (BFA). John was able to arrange to have a 40 foot container of books shipped to Liberia for distribution by Peace Corps volunteers. BFA collects, ships and distributes books to students of all ages in Africa. They are the largest shipper of donated text and library books to the African continent. They collect all types of books appropriate for African students. High school and college textbooks are especially needed. As a general guideline, books should be less than ten years old. You can drop off books at their St. Paul warehouse or ship them to the Atlanta workshop. For details, go to the BFA Donate Books page books-computers/donate-books.html. Help to end the book drought in African schools *To learn more about John’s Peace Corps activities in Liberia, you can access his journal at https://drive. J1UmlfaFU

Chemical Disposal

The Chemical Safety Day Program is again being offered by the University of Minnesota. The program is designed to assist schools and colleges in disposing of unwanted chemicals and hazardous waste from science, art, industrial technology, and maintenance departments. The program comes to the school site for pick-up.Go to for Information about the program.

MnSTA Newsletter

Opportunities-Department of Education Student Awards, Competitions and Programs

Explore a Career in Energy, Maple Grove

Join Energy Explorers to learn about a variety of technical careers from working professionals. Monthly evening meetings at Great River Energy explore a variety of topics. For example the November 15th meeting is about drones. For information go to http://

GIS Mapping Contest: My Hometown on the Map

Students are challenged to create a map that tells a story about their hometown using free Geographic Information System (GIS) online resources. All students are eligible and schools can submit up to five entries. The competition is open until April 21. The competition website is at this link com/site/mnmapcontest17/home. Information about the free GIS license for schools is at this MDE website

World of 7 Billion Student Video Contest

Students in grades 6 – 12 will create a short video about human population growth that highlights one of the following global challenges: climate change, ocean health, or rapid urbanization. Students can win up to $1,000 and their teachers will receive free curriculum resources. The contest deadline is February 23, 2017. Contest guidelines, resources, past winners, and more can be found at this link https://www.

Water/Ways Traveling Exhibition Coming to Minnesota Water/Ways is a traveling exhibition and community engagement initiative of the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum on Main Street program. We Are Water MN, a companion exhibit that was developed with statewide partners, tells the Minnesota water story. We Are Water MN is an interactive story collecting exhibit that focuses on individuals’ relationships with and responsibilities to water. The exhibit is touring seven out-state cities up through February. Teachers may download resources. Information is at this website cgi?aid=485&_id=33.

Winter 2017

Physics Force Shows, Minneapolis and Rochester

The University of Minnesota’s Physics Force will perform an educational and entertaining public show in January. Join us to experience how physics is interesting, understandable and fun! Be sure to share information with your teaching colleagues and announce the show to your students, January 9-13, 2017, Northrop Carlson Family Stage at the University of Minnesota and May 10 - 11 in Rochester. The show is free, but reservations are required. These public shows fill up quickly so we wanted to give you the first opportunity to register and get it on your calendar. For information,go to http://www.physics.

Tech Experience Tours

The Minnesota High Tech Association (MHTA) is providing a unique event for students interested in learning more about technology and the high tech business world. During the 2016-2017 school year, we are connecting high school students with STEMfocused companies and high-tech businesses in Minnesota. We are working with a number of education institutions and non-profit organization to provide high school students with the opportunity to have a first-hand encounter with a high-tech work environment. Through a generous grant from the AT&T Foundation, MHTA and its Foundation is also able to provide support for some Tours. Educators may apply for funds at this link http://mhta.formstack. com/forms/2016_tech_experience_tours_applications – Tech Experience Tours Scholarship Application. Even schools that do not receive a scholarship can still participate in the program. Contact Tim Barrett if you are interested in participating in the experience or have any questions.

Science and STEM Competitions

This is the time of the year to organize your teams and inform your students. Science Bowl, science-bowl Science and Engineering Fair, http:// Science Olympiad, http://www. FIRST Robotics, FIRST Tech Challenge, FIRST LEGO League, and Renewable Energy Challenge NSTA student competitions: Bright Schools, eCybermission, ExploraVision http://www.


Opportunities We have money for science education! (Did that get your attention?)

Regenerative Medicine Minnesota is a state legislature-funded program started three years ago that strategically funds education, biotechnology, and scientific and medical research programs that will help Minnesota be a world leader in the future of medicine. We are seeking science teacher partners throughout the state (both life and physical science) who would like to incorporate a regenerative medicine module into their curriculum. Simply put, regenerative medicine uses the body’s own resources to help heal, replace, or restore function to damaged or missing body parts. One of our research programs is creating bioengineered arteries that will grow with the patient. This project combined bioengineering expertise to develop the structure (called a scaffold) that is then seeded with a patient’s own stem cells. The stem cell technology to do this draws on the fields of biology, genetics, anatomy, and many other areas of science. One of the recipients of the first year of funding is Dr. Randy Daughters of the University of Minnesota and Macalaster College. He has developed a growing statewide program that can help awardees with presentations, content, and curriculum. Grant applications will be released at on January 3, 2017, and will be due on February 14, 2017. Grants can be up to $10,000/ year. Information about past programs and last year’s grant application is available at the website. Contact us with questions at RegenMedMN@gmail. com and follow us on Twitter ( Regen_Med_MN) or Facebook ( RegenMedMN).

K-12 Science teachers in NW MN invited to Workshop in GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) 27 July - 1 August

This blended learning event, taught by GLOBE trainers Drs. Laura Munski and Matt Gilmore, will focus on training K-12 teachers to use several of the GLOBE environmental measurement protocols and hands-on learning activities related to three interdisciplinary components of the earth system: atmosphere, soil, and plant life. The training and written materials, developed and refined over 20 years by an international group of science educators, are focused

on grade levels 6-12, although the materials can be scaled for K-5. During the trainings, teachers will be asked to participate through practicing the detailed instrument measurement protocols and learning activities during 12 face-to-face hours and 3 associated online training hours. Once certified, GLOBE-trained teachers will join the collaborative international network of science teachers and scientists. Dates: E-training begins Thur July 27th. Face-to-face instruction, Mon July 31st - Tues Aug 1st Who: Any K-5 teacher or 6-12 science teacher. Inservice or pre-service. Registration: Credit Enrollment (optional):

Hello Everyone!

I am Brenda Walsh, the NSTA District IX Director and also a Chemistry teacher at Eden Prairie High School. It was wonderful meeting so many of you in Minneapolis October 27th – 29th for the NSTA Regional Conference. It was beautiful weather and there were so many presentations to pick from. There are a few great opportunities for teachers that I wanted to share with all of you. Shell Science Lab Challenge Enter to win a lab makeover! The deadline is January 23, 2017 and you can find more information at: Shell Science Teaching Award One $10,000 award to an outstanding classroom science teacher will be given. Deadline is January 6, 2017. Shell Science URBAN Teaching Award One $1800 award be will given to a K-12 science teacher in an urban setting to be used for travel to the National NSTA Conference in L.A. Deadline is December 15, 2016. The TOMODACHI Toshiba Science and Technology Leadership Academy Become part of a cross cultural team of students and science educators from Japan and the U.S. to develop a smart community of the future. You can share this with your students to apply to. stem.jsp There are also opportunities for your students to be involved and awarded too. Find more information at: Thank you and I look forward to working with all of you! Brenda Walsh


MnSTA Newsletter

Opportunities Free Flinn UDesign™

PoSSUM Academy

The First Step in Creating Science Learning Spaces PoSSUM Academy is a hands-on and immersive Batavia, Illinois, October 28, 2016 ― Flinn Sciprogram designed for high-school and undergraduentific’s free UDesign™ Online Science Facilities ate students interested in upper atmospheric research Layout Planner is an easy-to-use tool that helps science and manned spaceflight. PoSSUM is an acronym for teachers design science classrooms and laboratories. Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere. UDesign™ enables teachers to create, save, modify, The goal is to provide immersive STEM education share and print a variety of lab design options suitable through astronautics for high school (age 16+) and for new school construction, lab renovation, classroom undergraduate college students. conversion or new STEM lab. More information can be found at http://projectposWith UDesign™ teachers can: • Compare a variety of lab design floor plan and Kohorst Pioneer Press Article: http://www.twinfurnishing options.• Participate in creating a customized learning attends-suborbital-academy/ environment. Kohorst Farmington Independent Article: • Communicate ideas to administrators, archi- tects, and engineers. education/3891513-boeckman-middle-school-teach• Estimate how much it will cost to furnish vari- er-has-his-sights-set-space ous design options. PoSSUM Academy in Colorado Article: http:// To help save time in the design process, UDesign™ several pre-planned layouts or the option to use partners-project-possum-host-possum-academyspecific room dimensions. A library of furniture and colorado/ equipment icons is available to customize the layout More information on the PoSSUM Academy will with the use of a drag-and-drop function. The conve- be available in our next issue of the MnSTA newsletnient “Item Summary” feature provides a list of the ter. selected furniture and equipment shown in the floor plan and includes cost information to help establish a SIX STAR SCIENCE ONLINE TEACHER budget. (OT) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT “Science Teachers understand how important good PROGRAM – $1,400 STIPENDS PAID (for design is to the safety and efficiency of a science lab,” completed work) commented Greg Chyson, lab design specialist at Flinn This program is a 10-month online pedagogyScientific. “Flinn’s UDesign™ gives teachers a tool based professional development that focuses on the to help communicate their ideas to administrators and three Dimensions in the Next Generation Science architects, giving teachers more control of the design Standards: Scientific Practices; Cross Cutting Conprocess.” cepts (especially “Cause and Effect” and “Structure Flinn’s experienced lab design team will review and Function”), and Core Ideas (Life Sciences) and on plans, offer design suggestions, and provide a safety expanding teacher skills in three major areas: 1) Upreview all for free. Flinn’s goal is to help design safe dating Teacher Content and Pedagogy Knowledge; 2) and efficient science learning spaces to meet the needs Understanding the Research Process; and 3) Applying of today and for years to come. Six Star Science in the Classroom. Fellows receive Free access to UDesign™ is available at www. stipends for completion of their online work. Select the “Teacher Resources” tab, Online Teacher (OT) Fellows participate in a click on “Laboratory Design,” and then choose “UDe- dynamic and interactive virtual learning community sign™―Online Science Facilities Layout Planner.” that focuses on exploring effective teaching strategies, To speak with a Flinn lab design specialist and learn understanding the research process, and enhancing more about UDesign™, contact: classroom materials. Application deadline: January Greg Chyson or Brian Plocinski 31, 2017 Lab Design Specialists Flinn Scientific More info on the program can be found at: www. 1-800-452-1261 E-mail: Website:

Winter 2017



Learn to and Teach Outdoors this Winter and Spring

Who: K-8 classroom teachers What: FREE teacher training sponsored by Jeffers Founda�on When: Saturday, January 7, 2017 8:30am to 3:30pm Where: McColl Pond ELC, Savage, MN

Earn 7 CEUs and Learn techniques for outdoor instruc�on in winter! Ac�vi�es are mul�discipliary, standards-based and combine journaling with winter ac�vi�es such as snow science, animal tracking, snow-shoeing and the physics of sledding. If you have taken the Jeffers "Team Teaching with Mother Nature" workshop, this session will give you some new tricks of the trade for outdoor instruc�on. Teachers are eligible to receive Jeffers Journals for their students and various other classroom supplies. Donuts, hot drinks and lunch are provided. Come prepared to have fun - and be prepared to go outdoors! McColl Pond, ELC Savage Community Park 13550 Dakota Avenue South Savage, MN

For more informa�on or to register: Contact David Grack: or 763- 684-1455 Environmental Stewardship Through Educa�on JeffersFounda�


MnSTA Newsletter

Winter 2017


MnSTA Board Directory

MnSTA Phone# (651)-523-2945

Below, you will find information about your MnSTA Board Members. The listing includes the board member’s school (or organization), mailing address, work phone, FAX number, and e-mail address. The board wishes to make itself as accessible as possible for our members. Please feel free to contact your discipline representative, regional representative, or executive board members if you have ideas, concerns, or wish to help with the mission or operation of MnSTA. We are always looking for members who wish to serve MnSTA as Board Members, Non-Board Service Chairs or Members, and as Committee Chairs or Members.

Executive Board: Exec. Secretary

Ed Hessler

Hamline University, 1536 Hewitt Ave. MS-A1760,

W: 651-523-2945

F: 651-523-3041


Lee Schmitt


Michele Koomen

St. Paul, MN 55104

e: 651-523-2562

Gustavus Adolphus College 800 W College Ave.

St. Peter, MN 56082

612-669-2319 mkoomen@gustavus.eud


Joe Reymann



DOE Science Specialist

John Olson

Dept.of Education 651-582-8673

Discipline Directors: Biology

Mark Peterson 320-275-3800


Carolyn Fruin

Capella University


Earth Science

Kate Rosok


Elementary/Greater MN Amy Bodin

Benilde-St. Margaret

2501 MN-100 St. Louis Park, MN 55416 225 S. 6th St. 9th Floor

South HIgh School

Minneapolis, MN 55402

3131 19th Ave. So. Minneapolis, MN 55407

Myers-Wilkins Elementary

1027 North 8th Ave. E. Duluth, MN 55805


Jill Jenson

Glacier Hills Elem School of Arts &Sciences 3825 Glacier Rd. Eagan, MN 55123


Higher Ed

Dr. Melanie Reap 507-313-9114

Winona State University

Informal Ed

Kelly Meyer Science Museum of MN 120 W. Kellogg Blvd. 651-265-5975


Alternative Ed. 152 Gildemeister Hall Winona, MN 55987 St. Paul, MN 55102



Jerry Wenzel




Thomas Tomashek

Minnetonka High School

18301 Hwy 7


Private Schools

Matthew Inman

Shattuck-St. Mary’s School


Eric Koser 507-387-3461 x 322

Mankato West H.S. F: 507-345-1502


Minnetonka, MN 55345

1000 Shumway Ave.

1351 S. Riverfront Dr. e:

Fairbault, MN 55021

Mankato, MN 56001 W:

Region Representatives: Region 1&2: North

Josh Tharaldson


Region 1&2: North

Michael Urban


Region 3: Northeast

Elizabeth Kersting-Peterson Homecroft Elementary 4784 Howard Gnesen Rd.


Marshall County Central HS

Bemidji State University

310 W. Minnesota Ave.

1500 Birchmont Dr.

Newfolden, MN 56738

Bemidji, MN 56601

Duluth, MN 55803

MnSTA Newsletter

MnSTA Board Directory


Region 4: Westcentral TJ Schmitt

302 3rd St. SE

Barnsville, MN 56514


Region 5: Northcentral Nichole Christofferson-Weston Menahga Public Schools 12945 Blue Spruce Ave. Menahga, MN 56464

W 701-219-9399

Region 6: Southcentral Jeremy Brady Montevideo High School

1501 William Ave. Montevideo, MN 56265


Region 7: Eastcentral

Karen Bengtson

St. Cloud Area School Dist. 472

320-253-9333 Region 8: Southcentral Jeremy Brady

1000 44th Ave N. St. Cloud MN 56303 Montevideo High School

1501 William Ave. Montevideo, MN 56265


Region 9: South

Dana Smith W:507-232-3461X4114

Nicolette Public School 1 Pine St. e:

Region 10: Southeast

Denine Voegeli

Plainview-Elgin-Millville Schools

507-867-2521 Ext. 3631

Region 11: Metro

Cathy Kindem 651-423-7911

Rosemont-Apple Valley-Eagan

Region 11: Metro

Claire Hypolite

Edison High School



Nicollet, MN 56047 701 1st St SE 3455 153rd St. W

Elgin, MN 55932 Rosemont, MN 55068

700 22nd Ave. NE Minneapolis, MN 55418

Ancillary Positions: Database

Mark Lex


Historian/Parlimentarian Fred Riehm

Retired ‘91

NSTA Dist. IX Director

Eden-Prairie High School

Brenda Walsh 952-975-6726

Conference Coordinator Mary Haberman 17185 Valley View Rd Eden Prairie, N 55346

Minnesota Valley Area Learning Center 1313 E Blackk Oak Av. Montevideo,MN


Events Calendar If you have events you want placed on the calendar, send them to the editor - see page 2 for deadlines, address, etc.

Conferences / Workshops

2017 MnSTA Conference on Science Education November 10 - 11, 2017 This annual event of MnSTA will be held at the St. Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center and the Kelley Inn in St. Cloud, MN. The 2017 Minnestoa Earth Science Teachers Association (MESTA) Conference will be held on Friday, February 3, 2017. It will be at the Dist. 287 Conference Center (same site as last year). To register go to http://

Winter 2017


Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc. Hamline University MS MS-A1760 1536 Hewitt Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104

1RQ 3RU¿W 2UJ U.S. Postage 3$,'

Twin Cities, MN Permit No. 4197

MnSTA Regions

MnSTA Regions

MnSTA Membership Application Form

Join the Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA), the professional organization whose MnSTA Membership Application primary goal is the advancement of science education. Mail this form along Form with your check to: Join the Minnesota Teachers Association (MnSTA), organization whose MnSTA, HamlineScience University MS - A1760, 1536 Hewitt Ave.,the St.professional Paul, MN 55104 primary goal is the advancement of science education. Mail this form along with your check to: MnSTA, Hamline University MS - A1760, 1536 Hewitt Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104


Name (First, MI, Last) Address

First name Address


Home MI


City Phone number


Last name

Zip code Zip Code

Phone number (include area code) Preferred email address Preferred email address Second email address

Second email address


q Basic Membership ...................... $25 Member New Member Renewing q First Year Teacher ...................... $15 q Retired Teacher .......................... $15 q Pre-service Student..................... $10 q Life Membership: to age 35 ..... $400 Rates (Check one): age 36-50 .... $300 over 50 ........ $200 $25 ...................... Basic Membership

First Year Teacher ...................... $15 Please indicate application is $15 for Retired whether Teacherthis .......................... Pre-service Student .................... $10 q New q Renewing/Past Member Member Life Membership: to age 35 ..... $400 age 36-50 ... $300 over 50 ........ $200



Address City




City Phone number


Zip code State

Zip Code

Phone number (include area code) School district # (enter "P" if Private, “A” if Alternative, “C” if Charter) Fax number (include area code)

School district # (enter "P" if private)

Discipline and Grade Level

q Elementary q Elementary Indicate the grade level (K-6) you work with: q Biology q Middle/Jr. High School (6-9) level: q Chemistry q High School (9-12) Elementary (K-6) College/University q Earth q College/University Science Middle/Jr. High School (6-9) Informal Ed q Environmental Sci (9-12) q Informal Ed High School q Life Science q Physical Science q Physics Choose up to three discipline mailing lists: MnSTA Photo Release Statement Elementary Biology By becoming a member of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA) or by attending any MnSTA-sponsored event, you are granting permission for the use of your Earth Science Chemistry image for MnSTA purposes without compensation. If you have questions promotional Life Science Physics regarding this policy, please contact

Physical Science

Environmental Science

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