Volume 57 No. 2 A Quarterly Publication of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association Inc. Winter 2020
Presidential Award for Excellence
The Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching is the highest distinction for teachers in these areas. It is awarded to two teachers from each state, generally one math and one science. The award includes professional activities in Washington DC., a reception with the president or his representative and a cash award of $10,000. The award is given to secondary teachers in odd numbered years and to elementary teachers in even numbered years. Up to five Minnesota science finalists are selected by a local committee and forwarded to the national organization for selection of the awardees. The White House will announce the Awardees. Here are our 2019 Minnesota Science Finalists: Eric Friberg is a biology teacher at Henry Sibley High School in Mendota Heights. He is a graduate of the University of Minnesota with a Master’s degree in Science Education. A specialty he has developed is working with English language learners, which acquired through teaching experiences in Mexico and Thailand. He also has developed an elective in Marine Biology which includes SCUBA observations. Cynthia Welch teaches life science, Earth science, and science research at Cloquet Middle School. She has a doctorate degree in Educational policy and administration from the University of Minnesota. Cynthia places emphasis in her instruction on independent scientific research. Many of her students compete in regional and state science fairs, and several have advanced to international competitions. In addition, she has been recognized for her work in promoting research activities with her Native American students.
Marta Stoeckel-Rogers teaches Physics, earth science and AVID at Tartan High School in Oakdale. She is a graduate of Valparaiso University with a Master’s degree from Boise State University. Marta is a leader in her district and has given many presentations, especially in the area of instructional technology. Her physics instruction is based on the modeling cycle, which begins with students generating conceptual and mathematical models of a phenomenon. They compare their models to develop a common model and then deploy the model on new problems. Congratulations to these finalists!2017
Minnesota Deparatment of Education Science Specialist John Olson is pictured with the three Presidential Award for Excellence finalists, Eric Friberg, Cynthia Welch and Marta StoeckelRogers
2017 and 2018 Presidential Awardees
Two Minnesota science teachers traveled to Washington DC this fall to receive the award. 2017-18 Presidential Awardees.....continued on page 11
President’s Message-Josh Tharaldson As we begin 2020, we look forward to new and exciting challenges and opportunities that await us both personally and professionally! Additionally, with every new year we look back to reflect on a few of the major happenings of the previous year. In April of 2019 our next President-elect, Angela Osuji was announced. Previously, Angela served as the Chemistry Discipline Director on the MnSTA Board of Directors. Angela will bring years of classroom experience and expertise to serve as our next President beginning on July 1, 2020. In July, Angela and I attended the National Congress on Science Education in Washington D.C. The National Congress on Science Education meets annually to discuss issues and bring forth recommendations that may be of interest to NSTA and science education community. Delegates and other local leaders benefit from attending the summer congress, which provides opportunities to network with other science leaders from the US and Canada, attend focus groups to address national issues and formulate, represent their members as a voting delegate, and much more. Over the past year, we also welcomed many new board members to fill positions on our board of directors. Information about our full board of directors is listed on the MnSTA website. Most recently, the 9th annual Minnesota Conference on Science Education in November was a tremendous success with engaging breakout sessions, motivational speakers and networking with colleagues from around the state were all highlights! Over 450 people attended the 9th annual MnCOSE in St. Cloud to learn more about the new academic science standards! The number of participants attending the conference this year represents quite a significant increase at our annual conference, which is exciting for MnSTA. We hope that this level of excitement and engagement continues as additional high quality professional development opportunities are offered throughout the coming year for our members. The conference this year: “Raising the Standard of Science Education in Minnesota” of-
fered breakout sessions, strand speakers and vendors sharing information specific to the implementation of our new academic science standards. A few other highlights from the conference included: keynote address from Peter McLaren, film screening of “The Human Element” on Thursday night at the historic Paramount Theater, recognizing educators of excellence at our awards ceremony on Friday, NSTA Presidential welcome from Dennis Schatz, Friday night annual meeting, networking and social, Saturday workshops devoted entirely to the new standards and so much more. If you were not able to attend MnCOSE this past year, or if you are looking for specific session handouts or other resources from MnCOSE 2019, there are numerous resources posted to the MnSTA website. Looking ahead to our next conference, MnCOSE 2020 will be held November 13 - 14th at the DECC in Duluth, we hope to see you there! We ask that you help MnSTA continue to grow by asking your fellow teachers to join, so they too can benefit from all that is offered by our association. Most MnSTA members have one important thing in common - we love our profession! Thank you for all the wonderful work you do.
MnSTA Newsletter
Teacher Feature
Our featured teacher for this issue of the MnSTA newsletter is Mona Davis. Mona teaches 4th grade in Fergus Falls, MN at the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center for the Fergus Falls Public School District. Her teaching focus is Science and Language Arts, but she also teaches Health, Social Studies, Art and applied Math. She has been teaching in Fergus Falls for 21 of her 27 years in education. Mona has taught for the past 11 years using the outdoors as her classroom. Each and every day brings new challenges, adventures and excitement to her teaching. She enjoys activities that range from duck banding, cross country skiing, cattail explorations, aquatic invertebrate studies to observations of nature and its beauty. Different seasons bring different studies and she has found an appreciation and love for each of them. Mona’s teaching style has changed over the years, but most importantly the changes have come the past 11 years using the outdoor classroom. She has found how valuable it is to teach children to be curious and wonder. From there the students learn how to problem solve, and use their observations to come to conclusions. She finds herself as more of the “guide on the side” than the one giving all the answers. Teaching children to make discoveries and see their eyes light up when they get an answer on their own brings her the same joy as it does them. Leading them to find out how the natural world works is most rewarding to her. She continues to learn with them and from them on a daily basis. Enjoying the companionship of my students keeps her looking at the world through the eyes of a child. Outside of the classroom Mona enjoys flower gardening, walking and photography. She also loves being able to be close to family, follow her children’s
activities and lives, and spend time with her grandsons. She has been involved in teaching a 4 day workshop at the PWLC, called Teaching in the Outdoor Classroom, which includes a Biology Camp for children. This includes 15 adults for the workshop and 60 students in the camp. She also partners with Molly Stoddard of the US Fish and Wildlife Service to offer workshops on The Compass to Nature, which is an approach to teaching in an outdoor classroom. They have shared this in a number of ways, including full day workshops, 1/2 day workshops, and webinars.
Bird watching with her fourth grade class.
Exploring aquatic invertebrates with Teaching in Outdoor Classroom workshop participants.
The MnSTA Newsletter is published four times each year by the Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc. Articles, opinions, book reviews and other information pertinent to Minnesota teachers are welcome. Please limit submission to 1 typed page, e-mail preferred (text file please). Deadlines for submission of articles are: Fall ............... August 1st Winter ............. November 1st Spring ........... February 1st Summer....................April 1st Send all correspondence regarding the newsletter to: Jerry Wenzel 22002 100th Ave Randall, MN 56475 e-mail: The MnSTA Newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the back page. Materials found in the newsletter may be reprinted without charge.
Winter 2020
MnSTA, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) (3) Charitable Educational Corpora-tion, incorporated as a tax exempt, non-profit organization with the Minnesota Secretary of State. Donations and dues are tax deductible charitable contributions for itemized deductions on IRS form 1040 Schedule A. The newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the last page.
Department of Education What should we do this year to get ready to teach the new Science Standards?
Professional Development for the new standards There is great interest in the new science standards. Teachers, administrators and other science educators have been eager to learn how to teach the new standards and plan John Olson is the science specialist for their implementation. for the Department of education. He will keep us updated on science The MnSTA conference, education. in the MnSTA newsletter. with a major focus on the
Workshop Resources folder and will soon be on the MDE Science webpage. It will be updated with new developments. Any changes in licensure rules will have to wait until the science standards have been completed the Minnesota Rulemaking process. MCA IV Test Specification This year a committee is drafting the test specifications for assessing the new standards. This document provides directions to the people who will write items for the new MCA. The first draft of the test specification will be available in mid-January. We want your feedback and input through the end of February. The link for the Test Specifications draft and feedback survey will be posted on the MDE Test Specifications webpage. The MCA IV will first be given in spring of 2024. (“MCA IV in ‘24”)
standards, attracted over 450 participants and 160 stayed for the Saturday workshop. I have delivered workshops around the state to over 1200 participants. The slides and materials from these workshops are available at At the workshops we suggested that districts and teachers consider the follow professional development schedule: 2019-20: Understand the major pedagogical changes in the standards. Learn how to incorporate the Science and Engineering Practices into instruction and start teaching those practices to your students with current instruction of the 2009 standards. A good resource to use is the online professional modules called Science and Engineering Practices in Action. This is the enrollment link. Participants creating sound boards during a session on Sounds 2020-21: Learn how to use phenomena-based instruc- and Light during MnCOSE in November. tion and connect the concepts and skills with storylines. Plan how to incorporate Crosscutting Concepts in Instruction. Use phenomena-based instruction with current teaching. 2021-22: Focus on formative and summative classroom assessments to evaluate the three-dimensional learning of the students. More details and explanation of these science education terms are in the workshop materials linked above. Licensure Department of Education science staff have been meeting with staff of the Professional Educators License and Standards Board to clarify the current science licenses and lay the groundwork for potential changes. They jointly prepared a fact sheet on the MnCOSE paraticipants deciding on the correct order of the moon phases in Dennis Schatz’s session Three-Demensional Learning current licenses and opportunities for science teachExperiences about the Sun, Earth and Moon. ers to add licenses. This statement is posted in the
MnSTA Newsletter
Department of Education Opportunities News
Workshops: Preparing to Implement the New Science Standards
The 2019 K-12 Minnesota Science Standards envision new approaches to teaching and learning science. Learn about the pedagogy associated with the new standards, the timeline for implementation, and ways to prepare to teach the standards. This workshop is targeted for K-12 teachers of science and other science educators. John Olson, Science Specialist at the Minnesota Department of Education, is facilitating this workshop. So far there have been 12 workshop sessions with over 900 participants. Four more workshops will occur within the next few weeks. Each are 9 am – 3 pm. Currently the following sessions have openings: Jan 8: Albert Lea, and Feb. 1 Eden Prairie. Information and Registration. document/d/1BHlsvmt6qp71h6_AUjqFn-MQ6G_ d8ytS03yg_Bj4c8U/edit Anyone may access the Workshop Resources folders/1MCFX3dXyHNNxx89Ikpv-r-mmWijk-j4F. The February 1st (Saturday) workshop will be live streamed. So you can participate from home. Register for the live stream at this WebEx link: 5ed4486abe5c76002e367a4c54
MCA IV Development
This year a committee is drafting the test specifications for assessing the new standards. This document provides directions to the people who will write items for the new MCA. The first draft of the test specification will be available in mid-January. We want your feedback and input through the end of February. The link for the Test Specifications draft and feedback survey will be posted on the MDE Test Specifications webpage spec/. The MCA IV will first be given in spring of 2024. (“MCA IV in ‘24”)
Science Licensure
Department of Education science staff have been meeting with staff of the Professional Educators License and Standards Board to clarify the current science licenses and lay the groundwork for potential changes. They prepared a joint fact sheet on the current licenses and opportunities for science teachers to add licenses. This statement is posted in the Workshop Resources folder and will soon be on the MDE Science webpage: dse/stds/sci/ It will be updated with new develop-
Teacher Events and Workshops
Online Course in Computational Modeling in Physics First, starting Jan 21
The American Modeling Teaching Association is presenting this online course, running January 21 through April 14 on Tuesday evenings. It is intended for middle and high school physics teachers and includes a blend of 45 hours of synchronous, online learning. Information and Registration https://www. Earn credits for online professional development: Science and Engineering Practices in Action Teachers can now get graduate credit for working with the SEPA online professional development modules! Complete all of the modules in their entirety and develop an action plan for implementation of the new science standards. 4 graduate credits available through Hamline University. Please contact Continuing Studies gcs@ at Hamline University for a registration form. For questions contact Patty Born Selly For more information about and access to Minnesota’s online professional development modules, open the MDE Online Science Courses folders/1MCFX3dXyHNNxx89Ikpv-r-mmWijk-j4F
Earth Science Teaching Conference, Feb 7, Plymouth
The Minnesota Earth Science Teachers Association proudly announces their annual conference. Sven Sundgaard of KARE 11-TV will be the keynote speaker on “Climate Change by the Numbers.” Breakout sessions will include Mary Colson on ways to meet the new science standards, Ken Fiscus on teaching moon phases, George Hudak on Circular Economy Concepts, and Phillip Schoeneberger on Soil Hydrology. Breakfast, lunch, door prizes, and classroom resources are included with your registration. Optional Hamline graduate credit is available. Thursday’s pre-conference evening features the Como Planetarium and an optional dinner and networking at Granite City Food and Brewery. Information and Registration
ments. Any changes in licensure will have to wait until the science standards have been completed the Minnesota Rulemaking process.
Winter 2020 5
Department of Education Opportunities Lake Superior as a Learning Tool, Feb 12, Duluth
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) laboratory in Duluth is recognized as a leader in advancing scientific knowledge surrounding the impacts of stressors on the water resources of the Great Lakes – such as pesticides, bacteria and changes in land use – on the water quality and quality of life for people in the region. Join the Great Lakes Aquarium at the EPA lab 4:30 – 7 pm to explore with local scientists, learn about current research in the region and how to adapt and incorporate place-based research into your curriculum. More Information and Registration https://
Citizen Science – Minnesota Pollinator Protection, Feb 19, online training: 10am11:30AM
Citizen Science projects empower students to have an impact on the world. Learn how to plan and get involved in authentic, purposeful scientific research on pollinators that enhances students’ knowledge and 21st century skills. Explore real life examples and online resources to implement Citizen Science in your program. The Minnesota Department of Education is providing this training as part of its commitment to achieving the goals of the state’s Interagency Pollinator Protection Team. Registration:
Schoolyard Gardens Conference, March 6, Chaska
Schoolyard gardens are a successful, growing part of Minnesota schools, and provide an incomparable, hands-on opportunity for educators and students. Join us for this annual conference to: • Learn how to meet academic standards through gardening • Discover ways to engage with community partners and the school board to sustain your project • Explore the latest research and best practices in agriculture, healthy eating, cultural competency, natural systems and more • Apply innovative strategies for building, sustaining, and engaging diverse learners in a thriving schoolyard garden aspx
Exploring the Deep Ocean with NOAA, April 4, Duluth
Join NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research to learn the importance of ocean exploration and current technologies for exploring the deep ocean. Engage with standards-based, hands-on activities and online resources to guide classroom learning around ocean science literacy. Focus on ocean health, underwater mapping, remotely operated vehicles and unique underwater habitats. Tour Large Lakes Observatory’s R/V Blue Heron to explore current and future research taking place on the Great Lakes. Participants will receive the books NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Education Materials Collection Volume 1: Why Do We Explore?, Volume 2: How Do We Explore?, and additional resources. Lessons are designed for grades 6-12, but many activities can be scaled to suit educator needs. Breakfast, lunch and a $75 stipend included. More Information and Registration for-teachers/professional-development/
Computer Science Professional Learning, St. Paul
Applications are open for the Professional Learning Program for middle and high school educators! If you’re interested in teaching computer science for the 2020-21 academic year, this is a great opportunity to explore CS curriculum and collaborate with educators of all experience levels to develop lesson plans and teaching strategies. Elementary teachers can sign-up for a one-day workshop near you! Applications are not required for Computer Science Fundamentals workshops and take place throughout the country, year-round. Middle and High School teachers will begin with a 5-day in-person workshop on Computer Science Discoveries and Principles in the summer, with quarterly meetings thereafter. com%Fe%2F153401%2F-14-19-utm-contentmiddle-high%2Fn23r7l%2F583273039%3Fh%3 DQvDMFJPZ_Ttf371nmlOQAXoVHRSgj-jkTb 7o2Zwb0e0&data=02%7C01%7Cjohn.c.olson% 0af34d4%7Ceb14b04624c445198f26b89c21598 28c%7C0%7C0%7C637066585746887731&sda ta=S%BdC%2BYjALybalsLmxtJ3B6VUT0ZEa 3dy4s0qKp%2Bydlk%3D&reserved=0
MnSTA Newsletter
Department of Education Opportunities National STEM Scholar Program, May 31 – June 6, Kentucky
All-Expenses-Paid Professional Learning Opportunity for Middle School Science Teachers. Ten middle school science teachers will be chosen for a prestigious opportunity offered by The Center for Gifted Studies & the National Stem Cell Foundation Scholars will engage in hands-on, minds-on science activities; connect with speakers and thought leaders in STEM education; learn with skilled science educators; and develop a creative Challenge Project for classroom implementation. Each Scholar will receive a Chromebook and funding for Challenge Project supplies and materials. Information and Application Due Feb. 1. gifted/nss/
Educator Academy in the Amazon Rainforest, July 1-11
The Educator Academy in the Amazon Rainforest provides powerful professional development designed to transform student learning. Immersed in the Peruvian Amazon, teachers learn about this key global ecosystem while building their ability to engage students in scientific research, engineering design, cross-cultural connections, and stewardship projects. Field workshops support NGSS 3D learning, STEM, 5E and more. Get the details and download a syllabus and scholarship application at the Educator Academy website
Modeling Instruction Workshops, July
The Modeling Method has been intentionally developed to correct many weaknesses of the lecturedemonstration method of instruction typically seen in STEM classrooms. These weaknesses include the fragmentation of knowledge, student passivity, and the persistence of naive beliefs about the physical world. Instruction is organized into modeling cycles which move students through all phases of model development, evaluation and application in concrete situations — thus promoting an integrated understanding of modeling processes and acquisition of coordinated modeling skills. • Physics introduction workshop, Winona State Univ. July 6 – 10, Information and Registration • Chemistry workshop Tartan High School, Oakdale, July 13 – 17, Information and Registration event?event=2141
Winter 2020
• Biology workshop, Tartan High School, Oakdale, July 13 – 17, Information and Registration event?event=2140
VisChem Institute, July 2 – 12, Ohio
Learn the research foundation and pedagogical moves for the VisChem Approach. The VisChem Approach uses carefully produced dynamic visualizations with teaching strategies informed by a cognitive learning model. Key to VisChem is communication of internal visualizations using storyboards (drawings with explanation) of chemical and physical changes. Apply by Feb.28 for this 4-day, residential, all-expenses paid High School Chemistry Institute at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Information:
Green and Sustainable Chemistry Workshop, July 13-15, Minneapolis
The NSF Center for Sustainable Polymers (CSP) in partnership with the Minnesota Corn Growers Association (MCGA) will be offering a FREE threeday workshop at the University of Minnesota to high school chemistry teachers on green and sustainable chemistry. Participating teachers will receive instruction on green chemistry, industrial applications, and potential impacts to human health and the environment. Shared lesson plans will illustrate how green and sustainable practices apply to secondary chemistry classrooms. Participants will gain hands-on experience with safer, cost-effective labs that minimize waste and are dropin replacements for traditional secondary chemistry labs. Participants will receive a $300.00 stipend and the option to earn 2 graduate level credits from the Colorado School of Mines. They will also receive resources for lab implementation More Information at
CDC Science Ambassador Fellowship, July 1317, Atlanta
This program is offered by Center for Disease Control for STEM teachers and educational leaders interested in bringing public health sciences into middle- and high-school classrooms. This competitive fellowship includes a 5-day interactive summer course at CDC headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, and a 1-year distance-based professional development opportunity. Apply by Jan. 15. Information at
Department of Education Opportunities American Meteorological Society Summer Institutes, Various dates and locations
Enhance your knowledge of Earth system science and earn graduate credit through AMS Education’s teacher professional development programs. K-12 courses include Project Atmosphere, Project Ocean, DataStreme Atmosphere; DataStreme Ocean, and DataStreme Earth’s Climate System. Information.
Teacher and School Awards and Opportunities
Presidential Awards for Science and Math Teaching
Celebrate great teaching! Nominate a colleague or yourself for the Presidential Award, which brings state and national leadership opportunities and $10,000. It is also a great professional growth experience to reflect on your teaching. Mentor support is available. Two teachers from each state receive this award from the White House. This year applications are sought from K-6 teachers with a deadline of May 1. Information and nomination site
National Board Certification
National Board Certification was designed to develop, retain and recognize accomplished teachers and to generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide. It is the most respected professional certification available in K-12 education. The certification process requires that teachers demonstrate standards-based evidence of the positive effect they have on student learning. They must exhibit a deep understanding of their students, content knowledge, use of data and assessments and teaching practice. They must also show that they participate in learning communities and provide evidence of ongoing reflection and continuous learning. More information at
No Child Left Inside Grants
Did you miss the deadline to apply for a NCLI grant last month? Here’s another chance! You can apply for a Phase 2 grant regardless of whether or not you received a Phase 1 grant. Three types of grants are available: 1. Natural resource education and outdoor recreation 2. Fishing, hunting, and shooting sports programs 3. High school fishing leagues. Requests can range from $5,000 - $49,999. Information
Presidential Environmental Award for Teachers
The Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators (PIAEE) from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes outstanding teachers for K-12 who employ innovative approaches to environmental education. Up to two teachers from each of EPA’s 10 regions, from different states, will be selected to receive this award. Teachers will receive a Presidential plaque and an award of up to $2,500 to be used to further professional development in environmental education. Winning teachers’ local education agencies will also receive awards of up to $2,500 to fund environmental educational activities and programs. Winners of next year’s awards will be invited to participate in an awards ceremony and poster session in Washington, D.C. in mid-2020, and their projects will also be highlighted on EPA’s website. Application is due Jan. 15. Information at
School Programs and Resources
Environment Impacts of Food Curriculum
Download “Exploring the Environmental Impacts of Our Food,” a free curriculum for middle & high school teachers that explores animal agriculture’s effects on our planet and builds scientific literacy on environmental phenomena related to our food system.
Physics Force Demonstration Shows
Physics is fun! Please join us with your students to experience the fun first hand. The University of Minnesota’s Physics Force will be performing its annual series of educational and immensely entertaining shows in January 2020. This year’s shows are better than ever with live fire, lightning, a crushing barrel, and more! Information and free registration. shpfprimarybucket
Kids to Parks Day School Contest
National Park Trust’s contest is open to all Title I schools (40% of students qualify for free or reducedpriced lunch) and school groups in the U.S. in grades preK through 12. The goal of the contest is to help educators engage students with their local parks through education, outdoor recreation, and stew-
MnSTA Newsletter
Department of Education Opportunities ardship. win up to $1,000 to fund your dream park experience. Contest closes on February 14, 2020, with winners announced on the Park Trust’s website on March 6, 2020. More Information at
Free High School Aviation Curriculum
The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), is offering free curriculum for high schools across America. Both of the career pathways — pilot and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) — will help students build career-ready skills while they learn more about opportunities in aviation. Schools can choose to implement one or more of the ninth, tenth, and eleventh grade courses for the 2020-2021 school year. The courses provide everything a teacher needs including lesson plans, student assessments, student activities, teacher notes, presentations, and more. There are two-day workshops in March for teachers and administrators that want to implement the courses. They can be attended in person in Maryland or virtually. Information at
Minnesota Map Competition
The Minnesota ArcGIS Online student competition is launching in January. All interested Minnesota schools - public, private and home schools - are invited to participate in the competition. Students learn how to use Esri’s ArcGIS Online tools to create digital maps and story maps. There are two divisions - grades 4 to 8 compete in the middle school division, and grades 9 to 12 in the high school division. There are two levels of competition in each division. The first is a simple map-making competition where students make maps based on topics selected by their teachers. The second is a Minnesota researched-based competition where students compete state-wide to be one of the top five entries in their division. For complete details go to the competition website appid=833023ba57314c29a5d3047e157d917a
Skynet Scholars
It’s not too late to register for this fantastic program for middle and high school students! Skynet Scholars at the Bell Museum in St. Paul puts scholars in the driver’s seat to conduct their own scientific explorations of the universe. They learn how to access a global network of research-grade telescopes that serve professional astronomers and students alike
over the internet. They will get to experience
Winter 2020
hands-on astronomy and STEM based activities including the use of robotic telescopes to take their own astronomical images. The program begins January 25, 9:30 – 12. More Information at National Youth Science Camp, June 22 – July 15, West Virginia
Teachers of seniors, encourage your students to apply for this life changing experience. We often get very few Minnesota applicants! Two graduating seniors from Minnesota will be chosen for this prestigious FREE science camp in the mountains of West Virginia. The NYSCamp is a residential STEM program designed to honor and challenge some of the nation’s rising STEM leaders. At the NYSCamp, STEM professionals present lectures and lead small-group directed studies on a broad array of STEM topics; some delegates are able to conduct research at the nearby Green Bank Observatory. The NYSCamp experience also features excursions into the Monongahela National Forest including backpacking, rock-climbing, caving, kayaking and mountain biking. Delegates are required to participate in the NYSCamp program for its entirety; the fast-paced activities and remote location simply make travel to and from the NYSCamp very difficult. The NYSCamp is offered to selected participants at NO COST so that talented students may attend regardless of their financial ability – transportation included. Minnesota uses the NYSCamp’s online application system For more information contact, Minnesota coordinator. The application deadline is February 28.
Genes in Space
Genes in Space is a science contest that challenges students in grades 7 – 12 to design original DNA experiments that address real-life challenges and opportunities of space exploration. The contest is free and does not require equipment. Proposals will be judged solely on their creative and scientific merit. The winning experiment is conducted on the International Space Station, and samples are returned to Earth for you to analyze! Submission deadline is April 17th, 2020. Turn Genes in Space into a class assignment! Check out the free tools for bringing modern genetic analysis and space biology into your classroom.
Department of Education Opportunities listed in the Reach for the Stars Catalog of Programs and Activities https://synergyexchange. org/synergy/media/reach/2018/reach-2018.pdf. Presidential Environmental Award for Students MDE Science Contacts: The Presidential Environmental Youth Awards John Olson, (PEYA) from the U.S. Environmental Protection MDE Science Contacts: Agencies recognizes outstanding environmental Science Content Specialist, john.c.olson@state. stewardship projects from grades K-12, by promoting environmental awareness and encouraging commuJim Wood, Science Assessment Specialist nity involvement. EPA will select up to two winners in each of EPA’s 10 Regions – one regional winner Judi Iverson, Science Assessment Specialist for grades K-5, and one regional winner for grades 6-12. Winners of next year’s awards will be invited to participate in an awards ceremony and poster session Sarah Carter, STEM and Computer Science Spein Washington, D.C. in mid-2020, and their projects cialist (Welcome to MDE!) sarah.carter@state. will also be highlighted on EPA’s website. All student projects must be sponsored by at least one adult over Send submissions for the Science Update to John the age of 21. And, if the sponsor is not a teacher, the Olson project must have a teacher as a co-sponsor. The apOther Minnesota Links: plication is due Jan. 15. Information at Minn. Dept. of Education Science Page http:// mental-youth-award Minn. Science Teachers Association Science and Engineering Competitions Frameworks for MN Science and Mathematics • Minnesota Science Olympiad http:// Standards Get – STEM Connections between schools and • Science and Engineering Fair and Sci businesses ence Bowl Mn-STEM STEM programs and resources for • FIRST Lego League, FIRST Tech Chal families, schools and community http://mn-stem. lenge, FIRST Robotics https://hightech com/stem/ Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge • Supermileage Challenge https://www. environmental education resources https://www. mileage Minnesota Academy of Science: Science Fair, • Real World Design Challenge http:// Science Bowl and other competitions Mn DNR Education website: Curriculum, pro• Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision www.ex fessional development, posters, etc. • NSTA Angela Award – girls grades 5 – 8 Resources include interactive videos, lesson plans, classroom activities and worksheets, and more. • MN Scholars of Distinction – high school gifted/sod/ • National Youth Science Camp – two Minnesota Delegates http://www.nysf. com/w/programs/nysc/ Minnesota Programs and Competitions Many competitions, out-of-school programs and field trip opportunities are posted at the MnSTEM website and
Presidential Environmental Award for Students The Presidential Environmental Youth Awards (PEYA) from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencies recognizes outstanding environmental stewardship projects from grades K-12, by promoting environmental awareness and encouraging community involvement. EPA will select up to two winners in each of EPA’s 10 Regions – one regional winner for grades K-5, and one regional winner for grades 6-12. Winners of next year’s awards will be invited to participate in an awards ceremony and poster session
MnSTA Newsletter
Opportunities Teacher Awards Minnesota Zoo’s STEM Teacher Workshop ZOOMS Institute August 3-6, 2020
2017-18 Presidential Awardees.....continued from page 1
David McGill received the Presidential Award for See the Zoo in a whole new way! This four day 2018. David is a science specialist teacher for grades 1 – 5 at Capitol Hill Gifted and Talented Magnet workshop will engage teachers in utilizing animals and the Zoo as a tool to integrate engineering School in St. Paul. David is on the MnSTA board, concepts into their curriculum. Sessions focus on which is a testament to the leadership opportunities Engineering BY Animals, Engineering FROM Ani- that result of this award. Stacey Bartlett received the Presidential Award mals (biomimicry), and Engineering FOR Animals. Through hands on activities, expert talks and behind for 2017. Stacey a biology teacher at Stillwater High School. the scenes experiences, see how STEM is being Applications for Elementary teacher are available used by aquarists, conservationists, and zoo staff to now through April. You are encouraged to nominate help care for and conserve wildlife both in the zoo an excellent teacher, including yourself. It is a great and in the wild. professional experience working through the applica· Designed for K-12 Teachers More information at · Hear from a variety of zoo professionals and tion. visit the Zoo’s exhibits shop, grizzly bear kitchen, life support, animal health center, and more! · 24 CEUS available · Fee includes a light breakfast and full lunch each day. · 3 grad credits available through Hamline University To register for a workshop or to learn more about the ZOOMS program, visit stem or email questions to
Top 10 Discoveries of the Decade
Here are Smithsonian Magazine’s choices for the Department of Education Science Specialist John Olson presenttop ten scientific discoveries of the past decade: ing the Presidential Award for Excellence to David McGill at 1. The discovery of a hominin species that lived MnCOSE nearly two million years ago MnSTA Science Teaching Award 2. Gravitational waves detected for the first time html Laura Unterholzner, science teacher at Rochester 3. The hottest years on record Century High School was the 2019 recipient of the 4. CRISPR-Cas9 MnSTA Science Teaching Award. Laura will receive 5. Discoveries on other planets a $1000 grant for her classroom. More information 6. Discovery of fossilized dinosaur pigments about the award can be found at 7. Redefining the kilogram 8. First ancient human genome sequenced 9. Ebola vaccine 10. Higgs Boson detected To read the details of each of these discoveries go to top-ten-scientific-discoveries-decade-180973873/
MnSTA president Josh Tharaldson presents the MnSTA Science Teaching Award to Laura Unterholzner of Rochester Century
Winter 2020
MnCOSE ‘19-Vendors
MnSTA Newsletter
Winter 2020
MnSTA Newsletter
MnSTA Board Directory Below, you will find information about your MnSTA Board Members. The listing includes the board member’s school (or organization), mailing address, work phone, FAX number, and e-mail address. The board wishes to make itself as accessible as possible for our members. Please feel free to contact your discipline representative, regional representative, or executive board members if you have ideas, concerns, or wish to help with the mission or operation of MnSTA. We are always looking for members who wish to serve MnSTA as Board Members, Non-Board Service Chairs or Members, and as Committee Chairs or Members.
Executive Board:
Exec. Secretary Vacant President President-Elect
Josh Tharaldson
Marshall County HS
301 W. Minnesota Ave.
Angela Osuji
Washburn High School
Newfolden, Mn 56738
201 W 49th St. Minneapolis, Mn 55419
Joe Reymann
DOE Science Specialist
John Olson
Dept.of Education 651-582-8673
Discipline Directors: Biology Vacant Chemistry
Dana Smith
Bemidji Middle School
1910 Middle School Ave. NW Bemidji, MN 56601
Earth Science
Haley Kalina
Alexandria Public School
510 McKay Ave. Alenandria, MN 56308
Elementary/Greater MN Dan Gruhlke 763-272-2835
Eastview Education Center 9375 Fenning Ave. Monticello, MN 55362
Lee Filipek
Southview Elementary
Higher Ed
Diana Fenton
College of St. Benedict/St. Johns U
Informal Ed
David Grack
Alternative Ed.
Garret Bitker
1025 Whitney Dr. Apple Valley, MN 55124 37 College Ave. S. St. Joseph, MN 56374 ZED ALC
630 1st Ave. NW Byron, MN 55920
Phillip Sexton
Minnetonka High School
18301 Hwy 7 Minnetonka, MN 55345
Private Schools Vacant
Region Representatives: Region 1&2: North
Katherine Melgaard
Marshall County HS
218-874-7225 ext. 116
310 W. Minnesota Ave. Newfolden, MN 56738
Region 1&2: North
Caitlin Djonne
Park Rapics Schools
Region 3: Northeast
Jennifer Gagner
501 Helten Ave. Park Rapids, MN 56470
Pike Lake Elementary
5682 Martin Rd Duluth, MN 55811
Region 4: Westcentral Matt Dahmen
YES-Youth Educational Services
Region 5: Northcentral Lisa Pingrey
National Joint Powers Alliance
425 7th St. S. Moorhead, MN 56560 202 12th St. NE Staples, MN 56479
Region 6: Southcentral Holly Knudson
Marshall High School
507-537-6920 X 1059
Region 7: Eastcentral
Teresa Figallo
North Jr. High
Winter 2020
400 Tiger Drive Marshall, MN 56258 1212 29th Ave. N St. Cloud, MN 56303
MnSTA Board Directory
Region 8: Southcentral Holly Knudson
Marshall High School
400 Tiger Drive Marshall, MN 56258
507-537-6920 X 1059
Region 9: South
David Borslien
St. Peter High School
507-943-4212 ext 6028
Region 10: Southeast
Emily Zinck
Region 11: Metro
Megan Earnest
Region 11: Metro
David McGill
Capitol Hill Gifted and Talented Magnet 560 Concordia Ave. St. Paul MN 55103
1221 Broadway Ave. St. Peter, MN 56082 100 County Road 25 Lewiston, MN
Bell Museum-Universitiy of Minnesota 2088 Larpenteur Ave. W St. Paul, MN 55113
Ancillary Positions: Database
Mark Lex
Eric Koser
Mankato West H.S.
1351 S. Riverfront Dr.
W: 507-387-3461 x 322
F: 507-345-1502
Jerry Wenzel
Mankato, MN 56001
NSTA Dist. IX Director
Scott Johnson
Conference Coordinator Mary Haberman
Century High School
1000 East Century Ave. Bismarck, ND 58503
Minnesota Valley Area Learning Center 1313 E Blackk Oak Av. Montevideo,MN
Events Calendar If you have events you want placed on the calendar, send them to the editor - see page 2 for deadlines, address, etc.
Conferences / Workshops . Future MnCOSE Conferences: 2020 Nov. 12-14 Duluth 2021 Oct. 28-30 Mankato 2022 St. Cloud
NSTA National Conference Boston April 2-5, 2020
MnSTA Newsletter
Region Representatives
MnSTA Membership Application Form
Join the Minnesota Science Teachers Association ( MnSTA), the professional organization whose primary goal is the advancement of science education. M ail this form along with your check to: MnST A Treasurer, 526 Chapel Lane, Eagan, MN 55121
Name (First, MI, Last) Address
Zip code
Phone number
Discipline and Grade q Elementary q Biology q Chemistry q Earth Science q Environmental Sci q Life Science q Physical Science q Physics
A joint MnSTA-NSTA membership is available via the NSTA website for $85, a $20 savings off the combined memberships. (
By becoming a member of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA) or by attending any MnSTA-sponsored event, you are granting permission for the use of your image for MnSTA promotional purposes without compensation. If you have questions regarding this policy, please contact
q Renewing/Past Member
Privacy Information
Who can view your School/Organization Profile? q
q Elementary (K-6) q Middle/Jr. High School (6-9) q High School (9-12) q College/University q Informal Ed
M nSTA Photo Release State me nt
Please indicate whether this application is for
Administration only
MnSTA keeps you informed about the events and issues impacting science education in Minnesota through its website and an email Digest of those website postings, and periodic informational emails. Deliver email digests of new MnSTA website postings? q
Do you consent to receive email communications from us? q
Zip code
School district # (enter "P" if Private, “A” if Alternative, “C” if Charter)
q Basic Membership ...................... $25 q First Year Teacher ...................... $15 q Retired Teacher .......................... $15 q Pre-service Student ..................... $10 q Life Membership: to age 35 ..... $400 age 36-50 .... $300 over 50 ........ $200
q New Member
Phone number
Preferred email address Second email address
Daily q
Teacher Leadership q Please contact me regarding additional involvement and/or potential leadership opportunities with MnSTA