Newsletter Volume 53 No. 3 A Quarterly Publication of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association Inc.
Keynote Speaker Named for MnCOSE
James Kakalios will be the keynote speaker at MnCOSE scheduled for Nov. 10th and 11th at the St. Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center. Kakalios is the Taylor Distinguished Professor in the University of Minnesota’s School of Physics and Astronomy. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Chicago in 1985; he worked as a post-doctoral research associate at the Xerox – Palo Alto Research Center; and then in 1988, having had enough of those California winters, joined the faculty of the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Minnesota. His popular science book THE PHYSICS OF SUPERHEROES was published in 2005 in the U.S. and the U.K., and has been translated into six languages. The SPECTACULAR SECOND EDITION was published in November 2009, followed by THE AMAZING STORY OF QUANTUM MECHANICS in 2010. His new book THE PHYSICS OF EVERYDAY THINGS: The Extraordinary Science Behind an Ordinary Day will be published by Crown Books in May 2017. In 2007, in response to a request from the National Academy of Sciences, he served as the science consultant for the Warner Bros. superhero film Watchmen. In 2009 Kakalios made a short video on the Science of Watchmen, which was viewed over 1.8 million times on This video won an Upper Midwest Regional Emmy award in the alternative Media: Arts/Entertainment category in 2009 and was nominated for a WEBBY award in 2010. His research interests include nanocrystalline and amorphous semiconductors, pattern formation in sandpiles and fluctuation phenomena in neurological systems. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) and the American Association for the
Spring 2017
Advancement of Science (AAAS), and has served as the Chair of the APS Committee on Informing the Public, Past-Chair of the APS Forum on Outreach and Engaging the Public. His efforts at science communication and public outreach have been recognized with the 2014 AAAS Public Engagement with Science Award and the American Institute of Physics’ 2016 Andrew Gemant Award. He has been reading comic books longer than he has been studying physics. Kakalios states he has a new book coming out in May and thus he is not actually sure what he’ll be talking about at MnCOSE bu it will be something about trying to relate the value of physics to general audiences, whether by focussing on an ordinary day, or using superheroes.
James Kakalios
President’s Address by Michele Kooman Greetings Science Teachers of Minnesota! At the MnSTA Board Meeting on January 28, 2017 we adopted the MnSTA Position Statement on Elementary School Science. This position statement includes the following key points: MnSTA recommends that every elementary student in Minnesota receive the equivalent of at least 3 hours of science instruction per week. This recommendation supports and encourages science instruction through an integrated approach. “Research has indicated that high-quality, center-based preschool programs can increase school readiness and narrow early learning gaps for children from low-income families and children of color, including in math and science” (Mueller, 2006; MacFarland & Krupicka, 2013). The report recommends that elementary students would benefit from a boost in time spent on science in elementary school, (Minnesota lags behind the nation), in an effort to eliminate inequities in time spent by race/ethnicity. Elementary school students learn science best when: 1.they experience the practices of science and engineering through hands-on exploration and investigations where students ask questions, test possible explanations, and construct their own understanding of phenomena. 2.instruction builds directly on the student’s conceptual framework and daily experiences Presidents message....continued on page 3
Department of Conservation by Ed Hessler Different Smarts
Origin of man now proved.—Metaphysic must flourish.—He who understands baboon would do more towards metaphysics than Locke.—Notebook M, Charles Darwin The title of a new book by primatologist Franz de Waal is “Are We Smart Enough to Know how Smart Animals Are?” Some takeaways. --The short answer is yes but we have to get our arrogance under control. We must become better questioners/observers/designers of experiments and pay attention to the kinds of problems “they” face and how they solve them; not the kinds of problems “we” face. * --Humans have a long history of making a sharp distinction between “us” and “them.” Tool use, cultural transmission, planning, self-recognition, social skills, making inferences. But “they” do/can. The inconvenient truth for those who make such a distinction is that we are animals. The sharp boundary is very woolly. De Waal has a laser focus on what animals can do, not what they cannot do. --Jacob von Uexkull’s concept of an animal’s Umvelt—what an animal needs to know to make a living illuminates the research path to how smart they are. As an example, the elephant’s Umvelt is mostly acoustic and olfactory. Animals experience the many realities of the environment in their own way. So there are many ways of facing and solving the problems of survival. --The challenge in studying intelligence is in developing tests/tools that fit an animal’s temperament, interests, anatomy and sensory capabilities or as De Waal writes their “self-centered subjective world, Department of Conservation...continuted on page 4
The MnSTA Newsletter is published four times each year by the Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc. Articles, opinions, book reviews and other information pertinent to Minnesota teachers are welcome. Please limit submission to 1 typed page, e-mail preferred (text file please). Deadlines for submission of articles are: Fall ............... August 1st Winter ............. November 1st Spring ........... February 1st Summer....................April 1st Send all correspondence regarding the newsletter to: Jerry Wenzel 22002 100th Ave Randall, MN 56475 e-mail: The MnSTA Newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the back page. Materials found in the newsletter may be reprinted without charge. 2
MnSTA, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) (3) Charitable Educational Corpora-tion, incorporated as a tax exempt, non-profit organization with the Minnesota Secretary of State. Donations and dues are tax deductible charitable contributions for itemized deductions on IRS form 1040 Schedule A. The newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the last page.
MnSTA Newsletter
In Medias Res by Edward Hessler Marching
Presidents message....continued from page 2
Science, not silence.— Slogan, March for Science Trust in, the value and use of evidence-based science has been at risk for a decade or more. The potential outcomes are non-trivial, e.g., global climate change, energy, environmental health, public health. In February the Rally to Stand Up for Science was held in Boston in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). In April, scientists will take to the streets across the United States in defense of science, including in Minnesota. What does this mean for science education? I was struck by a powerful image on Carl Zimmer’s Twitterfeed showing a man with a sign that read “E=mc^2—Some Refugee.” I’m deeply sympathetic with what the sign proclaims but my attention is narrower--on the iconic equation. It nicely represents our job as science educators. What we do in science education is found in a response to the 2017 Edge question. Rebecca Newberger Goldstein wrote “that science expands upon… the view of the world that we gain by means of our sense organs. Scientific theories…extend our grasp of reality beyond what we can see and touch, pulling the curtain of our corporeal limitations aside to reveal the existence of whole orders of unobserved…things….” The Earth is old. It goes way back. The Earth has changed over time and is still changing. Stuff is granular. The variations of living things are worked on by the environment in the origin of species and how well they fit into the environment. Stuff interacts and combines to form new stuff. Matter cycles; energy cascades. The unity of living things. A bolide strikes and opens the way for mammals, closing the door except for a marvelous group of descendants: birds. And so on. The Minnesota Academic Standards in Science provides the roadmap on core ideas, the practices of science and engineering and the nature of science and engineering. The aim is for students to develop a coherent and scientifically-based view of the natural world. Engineering helps students see that there are practical uses of science and these applications can help students solidify their understandings. Why nature of science (NOS)? Glenn S. Aikenhead, University of Saskatchewan argued in a series of papers “that science educators, Western and nonWestern, need to recognize the inherent border crossings between students’ life-world subcultures and the subculture of science….”
3.content is organized on the basis of broad conceptual themes or crosscutting concepts common to all science disciplines. 4.mathematics and communication skills are an integral part of the science instruction. is taught and assessed as a process to seek an understanding of the nature world rather than a collection of facts. Administrators must provide support systems by: 1.supplying appropriate materials, equipment, and space. 2.maintaining smaller class sizes to maximum student engagement and safety during science investigations. 3.recognizing exemplary elementary science teaching. 4.encouraging and supporting special science events. Elementary school science programs are improved when: 1.teachers keep abreast of appropriate science education research. 2.educational research becomes the premise for change or innovation in elementary school science, and teachers participate in action research in elementary science You can read the full MnSTA Position Statement on Elementary School Science on the MnSTA Website (http:/ Many thanks to Dana Smith and the entire Legislative Committee for their collective work on this Position Statement. Yours in science, Michele Koomen
The Benefits of MnSTA Membership MnSTA . . . •Engages you in a community of science education professionals. •Provides services and resources that support your teaching. •Hosts quality, regional and statewide professional development. •Advocates for you through legislative action. •Keeps you updated on current trends, issues and research in science education. •Affiliates you with the greater cause of quality science education for all.
In Medias Res..........continued on page 4
Spring 2017
Department of Conservation...continuted from page 2
which represents only a small tranche of all available worlds.” --Intelligence is the ability to transform sensory input into knowledge about the environment and the ability to apply it successfully. --Anecdotal accounts describing a puzzling “smart” behavior in the wild are starting points, hints of what is possible. The cognition behind these behaviors requires controlled experiments either under laboratory conditions or field experiments. --Mammalian brains function in the same way because of a shared evolution. Theodosius Dobzhansky insightfully observed that “Nothing makes sense in biology except in the light of evolution,” which means that evolution theory must inform research on animal cognition. De Waal argues for a science of evolutionary cognition rather than the current science of animal cognition. --The capacity for empathy has been neglected by cognitive science. “It is far more fundamental to survival than knowing what others know”. --Alfred Russel Wallace’s view of human evolution was that it stopped at the head. Humans were different. End of story. Charles Darwin’s view was that “The difference in mind between man and the higher animals, great as it is, certainly is one of degree and not of kind.” Beginning of story. --* When children’s cognitive abilities are explored they are made comfortable (sometimes accompanied by a family member). When an ape is tested, s/ he is caged and is asked to cross the bridge of species differences. So what is being tested De Waal asks: cognition or methodological differences? In a review in The Atlantic, cognitive psychologist Alison Gopnik who has ingeniously studied the cognitive territory of infants and young children, observed that “A tremendous amount of sheer scientific ingenuity is required to figure out how to ask animals or children what they think in their language instead of in ours.” --The title of an essay written by philosopher Thomas Nagel asked, “What is it Like to be a Bat?” De Waal points out that we can’t know the bat’s experience of being a bat no matter how much we might like to. But we can learn about what animals know and how they use this knowledge to solve life’s problems. What bright lights!
In Medias Res..........continued from page 3
The NGSS lists NOS understandings explicitly with specific content for grade-levels but relegates them to an appendix (H): scientific investigations use a variety of methods; scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence; scientific knowledge is open to revision in the light of new evidence, scientific models, laws, mechanisms, and theories explain natural phenomena; science is a way of knowing (scientific knowledge differs from other disciplines); scientific knowledge assumes an order and consistency in natural systems; science is a human endeavor; science addresses questions about the natural and material world. (comment added). The task—the daily march of science educators-is to develop scientifically literate students which includes what science is and how it works. However, there is no guarantee following instruction that students will use it or trust it. The way to such literacy is also not so simple. If only it were. There is no magic in standards. It is merely the current map we are using to navigate. Science educators provide the opportunities but there are many factors that profoundly influence a student’s ultimate world view, including simply not liking the answers science provides some of which are viewed as threats to a way of life. Did you ever think we would be at a time where scientists would think a march necessary as New Yorker writer Michael Specter observed “to honor reality?” We’re here. The opening equation was published in a paper titled Does the nature of a body depend on its energy content?, one of five publications in Einstein’s annus mirablis (1905). Historian of science Peter Galison calls it The Sextant Equation,” referring to a telephone call from Chicago to Washington, DC early in WWII. That call began with the words, “The Italian navigator has discovered America.” They announced the first self-sustaining chain reaction directed by immigrant Enrico Fermi. And one more contribution from the immigrant, Albert Einstein. National Public Radio’s Marcelo Gleiser notes a birthday. One hundred years ago this year was born modern cosmology. It was initiated by Einstein’s1917 paper, “Cosmological Considerations in the General Theory of Relativity.” Science is about curiosity. Science is something to celebrate, too! Hessler is Executive Secretary of MnSTA
MnSTA Newsletter
Teacher Feature
Sean Daugherty
Our featured teacher for this issue of the MnSTA newsletter is Sean Daugherty. Sean is a first year kindergarten teacher at Woodson Kindergarten Center in Austin, Minnesota. He previously taught kindergarten for 3 years in North Branch and one year in Yuma, Arizona. Daugherty states he is fortunate to be able to teach all subject areas. His favorite activities are ones that let his students get hands-on experience. His favorite activity is bringing his students out to the green house where they use magnifying glasses to observe different fall plants. He says, “the smile on their faces and the excitement in their eyes makes me feel so rewarded.” Daugherty’s teaching style follows the ‘I do,” “We do,” You do” structure. This allows for gradual release responsibility to the students making them independent learners. His teaching philosophy is constructivism. He believes that students learn the most when they are able to construct their own knowledge. He gives students the tools to construct their knowledge and they use those tools to learn. Daugherty chose teaching as a career because he wanted to change students’ lives. “I also wanted to be a positive male roll model for young children. Being a kindergarten teacher, I set the path for the educational experience and I want that path to be filled with excitement and passion for learning.” Principal Jessica Cabeen had this to say about Daugherty, “ ‘Mr. D.’ (as the students call him) has a natural ability to infuse high quality learning opportunities with rigorous curriculum to meet the needs of his diverse learners. Sean has a great ability to build on students’ knowledge and experiences. He sets classroom rules with his students not for his students. This gives ownership to the learning back to our students and empowers them to make choices that enhances the learning experience. Mr. Daugherty has embraced developing strong thinking routines that enhance learning while setting high expectations for kindergarten students. Just this week I had the absolute pleasure of watching a lesson in his class on the five senses. During the lesson Mr. Daugherty established structures in which students had opportunities to make their learning visible and generated wonderful discussion questions to enhance the learning. Collaboration and rigorous communication opportunities between peers was seen throughout the lesson and the excitement of learning was heard and seen during those 45 minutes.
Words cannot fully describe the amazing experience that occurs while in the Bear Classroom at Woodson. Mr. Daugherty has done a wonderful job in moving our school mantra of “learning in the happiest place in South Eastern Minnesota” to life.”
“Exploring fall plants with our five senses!”
Spring 2017
Teacher Feature Mary and Russ Colson Addressing Public Science Skepticism through Classroom Research Experiences
by Russ and Mary Colson In late February 2017, Kyrie Irving’s claim that the Earth is flat, not round, was ‘trending’ in social media. As a basketball star for the Cleveland Cavaliers, his words can influence people, and Bill Nye (the science guy) weighed in on the discussion, saying that it’s heartbreaking when people even joke about such things. How could anyone be so skeptical of an established science fact? Given how we often present science in both news media and the science classroom as well-established theories from the scientists, usually without underpinning evidence, isn’t a certain skepticism expected? Unless people can make observations, do some testing, and construct and modify models on their own, why shouldn’t they be skeptical of ideas ‘from the scientists?” Skepticism is in fact essential to valid scientific investigation. To quote from Kyrie Irving, “Anytime you have a specific question, like, ‘Is the Earth flat?’ or ‘Is the Earth round?’ I think you need to do research on it,” Irving said. We tend to agree with him on that. Science deals with figuring things out, not simply believing theories someone else has figured out for us. For example, for us, the belief that the Earth is round became more than faith in what scientists tell us when we saw the curvature of the horizon as we came down off of Mauna Kea during a family vacation in Hawaii. Similar epiphanies can be achieved in the classroom where students construct ideas based on observation and experiment, the same practice of research that scientists follow. Thinking of science as a practice more than a body of knowledge is the key contribution of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The NGSS practices go beyond understanding, explaining, and applying science theories through cool classroom activities. Instead, the NGSS practices encourage real classroom research, doing science as scientists do it. Our road to teaching (Russ and Mary) began with research. Mary’s science adventure began with research into the story of the ancient shoreline of North America recorded in Cambrian sedimentary rocks. That adventure led her to an 8th grade earth science classroom at Horizon Middle School in Moorhead Minnesota. Russ’s journey in science began with research into the story of planetary geochemical processes as told through experimental investigation. His journey led to teaching future science teachers as a professor at Minnesota State University Moorhead. Our expo6
sure to discovery through research—as opposed to learning theories discovered by someone else—had a great influence on our educational philosophy and on our approach to teaching. We truly believe that science is something that we do, not just something that we know. The idea of learning science by doing it goes back farther than the NGSS. In 1996 the National Education Science Standards encouraged active participation in science. “Learning science is something that students do, not something that is done to them.” In the 1800s, educators promoted understanding over learning of information: “There is a great danger in the present day lest science-teaching should degenerate into the accumulation of disconnected facts and unexplained formulae, which burden the memory without cultivating the understanding” (J. D. Everett, 1873). Even thousands of years earlier, educators understood the importance of doing over simply knowing: “Understanding is not as good as doing it….He who carries it out, knows it thoroughly” (Xun-zi, 312-230 B.C). But don’t students need to know the facts before they can engage in testing and reasoning? In 2013 the Fordham Foundation criticized the NGSS on the basis of its lack of emphasis on ‘content’. It concluded that “The purpose of K-12 science not to encourage mastery of practices’...<but to> build knowledge first so that students will have the storehouse of information…that they need to engage in scientific reasoning.” Perhaps the real question is not whether testing and reasoning are at the heart of science, but when that engagement in scientific reasoning should take place. 8th grade? High school? College? Graduate school? We argue that if students have not been engaging in the process of scientific reasoning all along, they won’t be prepared to engage in public discourse about science as adults or to engage in science reasoning at increasingly higher levels in college or graduate school. We agree with one of the Fordham Foundation’s concerns. Asking students to engage in an ‘investigation’ of high level ideas without understanding underpinning concepts will likely devolve into an exercise in idle speculation or blind acceptance, not research. However, classroom investigation does
MnSTA Newsletter
Teacher Feature Mary and Russ Colson not need to begin with an attempt to reconstruct an entire high-level scientific idea. A teacher-mentor can engage students in the investigation of a small component of the idea and then help students see the connection to the bigger picture. This stepwise approach offers both experience with how theories are developed through observation and reasoning and understanding of the bigger ideas that were developed through decades (or more) of research. Any hope for success of the NGSS initiative lies with teachers. No curriculum, however well designed, can engage students in true exploration, because a fixed curriculum requires a pre-determined activity with a pre-determined outcome— two things not consistent with true investigation. Only teachers can lead their students in open-ended exploration, including exploring ideas they themselves might not fully understand, becoming fellow scholars and scientists in the classroom. We aren’t suggesting that a teacher should do only investigative activities—no one can rediscover through investigation all the ideas of science accumulated over the past several thousand years. Nor do we think that all teachers must do truly openended investigations to the same degree—each teacher has a different basket of skills and experience to offer his or her students. However, we believe it is essential to our public understanding of what science is, and to our public trust of science, that teachers offer experiences in doing science to the best degree they are able. Russ and Mary Colson are authors of Learning to Read the Earth and Sky, a book of classroom investigations to inspire student-teacher research, available from NSTA Press and Amazon. Russ is a professor of geology at Minnesota State University Moorhead and winner of the 2010 Outstanding Masters Universities and Colleges Professor of the Year Award. Mary is an earth science teacher at Horizon Middle School in Moorhead, MN, former president of the Minnesota Science Teachers’ Association and a former member of the NGSS writing team.
Citations used in the article Final Evaluation of the Next Generation Science Standards, by Paul R. Gross with Douglas Buttrey, Ursula Goodenough, Noretta Koertge, Lawrence Lerner, Martha Schwartz, and Richard Schwartz, The Fordham Institute, June 13, 2013. Next Generation Science Standards: For states, by states, by NGSS Lead States Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2013. Kyrie believes the Earth is flat: ‘They lie to us’, by Dan Sostak, Feb 17, 2017, Sporting News Kyrie Irving’s flat earth belief ‘heartbreaking’ to Bill Nye, by Dan Sostak, Feb 20, 2017, Sporting News National Research Council (NRC). 1996. National science education standards. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. J. D. Everett, 1873, in the preface to his translation of Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy, by A Privat Deschanel. (D. Appleton and Co.) as quoted in Why don’t Students Like School, by Daniel Willmingham, 2010, Jossey-Bass. —Xunzi (312–230 BC), translated by Homer Dubs in The Works of Hsüntze, 1928
Spring 2017 7
Mary and Russ Colson
Mary Colson excavating ammonite fossils in the Pierre Formation of eastern Wyoming
Russ Colson examining concretions in the Sentinel Butte Formation of western North Dakota
Denise Black Denise Black has been a public school teacher for over 26 years. After teaching elementary two years in Red Lake, she transferred to Bemidji Middle School where she is in her 25th year teaching 8th grade earth science. Denise has been involved in many science and educational organizations throughout her career, everything from the local science center, to MnSTA and NSTA. She has also given many science workshops and presentations at the local, state, and national level. When she talks to new teachers she tells them how important it is to get involved outside of the walls of their classroom. By joining and participating in science and/or educational organizations they are exposed and connected with networks of people, teachers, and experts. She is also proud to say she just recently signed up to be a life member of MnSTA! If she were to give you the flavor of her teaching style it would be something similar to, yet totally different than anything you have ever tried. She is unpredictable, serious, excitable, organized, informational, humorous and sometimes crazy. She tries to keep kids on their toes, and they expect the unexpected. Sometimes she dresses in goofy costumes or does strange things with her hair to get their attention or help them understand difficult concepts. She is a very hands on/minds on teacher. She tries to provide a variety of labs and demonstrations on a weekly basis that allows students to experience science to the fullest extent. She also tries to teach science outside the walls of her classroom by going outside, visiting science opportunities in her community, or providing opportunities for kids to take trips to explore science more in depth. Her teaching philosophy has changed over the years. When she first started teaching it was all about covering concepts, teaching curriculum, getting kids to work to their highest potential, and focusing on what her district and the state wanted her to cover. All those things are still very important, but now she is at the point in her life and career where her philosophy is to teach by example. She doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just talk science, she provide experiences to do and understand science. Every day she teaches her students something about science they will use in their every day life. She also tries to incorporate ways to allow them to better their own lives and the lives of others with science. She doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t force science on her students, she allows them to partici-
MnSTA Newsletter
Teacher Feature pate at a level with which they are comfortable. At the end of each class/day she wants her students to understand they are in control of their own destiny, and she hopes that destiny involves some form of science and making the world they live in a better place today and in the future. Denise’s favorite activity is teaching about liquid nitrogen. She always teaches the lesson/s on or before Halloween. She dresses up in a witches hat and full costume with cape. As the students come in to the class she pours liquid nitrogen into a cauldron of hot water and the kids see the fog spilling on the classroom floor, so they hustle to their seats. She goes through a number of demonstrations, and at the end of class makes liquid nitrogen ice cream. She spends a portion of two class periods discussing nitrogen and the role it plays in the world and science and then culminate it with liquid nitrogen demo day. Denise has a variety of hobbies and interests, which include coaching, hunting, rock collecting, and traveling. Her hobbies and interests have really helped her become a better educator. In the summer she often finds herself trying to go somewhere to further her own personal knowledge so that she can share that experience with her students. Recently she have taken a trip to Devil’s Tower to learn more about geology, and she took her family to explore the coast of California and Florida to observe oceanography. When she shares personal experiences during the school year with her students about the topics she teaches, her students seem to find more value in what she is teaching them. Principal Drew Hildenbrand had this to say about Denise, “The most important aspect of her classroom and her is that she is DYNAMIC - Always!! Her personality, her classroom as the kids are always doing something that is alive and has movement and action orientated four out of five days a week - with projects and experiments that include: Hip waders for the Pond Water scum Using canoes to get Pond Water ( they tip over sometimes and kids get wet - this principal has to roll his eyes a little when she does that one) Liquid Nitrogen - freezing Roses and other items Parachute project with eggs..... and the list goes on and on. Beyond teaching she connects with kids all the time: Denise has personally hosted over 100 dances for our 1100 student Middle School over her 20
Denise Black years and Spearheads a trip to ValleyFair for 300 kids on the last day of school each year. Dynamic Effective Energetic ( those words are Denise in a nutshell) “ Assistant principal, Brandon Bjerknes stated, “It is simple, Denise Black is amazing. She knows how to reach and teach every student. She is fun, spontaneous and always keeps students on the edge of their seats. We are very proud to have her a part of our Middle School team!”
Liquid nitrogen demos with Mrs. Black!
Denise Black with her Science for Girls class dissecting a shark
Spring 2017 9
Department of Education Getting Ready for New Science Standards
With this edition of the MnSTA newsletter, we are following-up the winter edition and developing a series of articles about preparations for the next Minnesota science standards. My colleagues at MDE and I plan to share ideas about science learning and teaching that have John Olson is the science specialist for the Department of Educa-come from research and tion. He will keep us updated on teaching experience, science education in the MnSTA which might influence newsletter. the writing and implementation of our next science standards. The tentative sequence is: ● When will we get new standards and will we adopt national standards? (winter 2016) ● What are science teachers saying about our current science standards? (spring 2017) ● What new ideas about science learning might guide our next science standards? ● What new ideas about science instruction might guide our next science standards? ● What new ideas about science assessment might guide our next science standards? What are science teachers saying about our current science standards? During the 2015-16 school year, MnSTA held regional meetings where teachers came together to give feedback about the current (2009) Minnesota science standards. Minn. Dept. of Education science staff (John Olson, Doug Paulson, Jim Wood and Dawn Cameron) facilitated at least 10 sessions. The 525 participants completed an online survey in which they gave their impressions of how the current science standards are being implemented. If did not attend one of the meetings, we invite you to complete the survey. Now would be a good time to take 10 minutes to complete the survey at this link before reading the rest of the article. As we look at the data from the survey we must realize that the responses are from teachers that chose to come to a regional meeting of science teachers. They are probably not representative of the whole science teaching population, but they are
valuable for comparison purposes. A section of the survey asks the participants to state the degree to which they agreed or disagreed with a statement. Notice that the participants are giving their perception of what other teachers are doing.
It is encouraging to see that the participants perceive that possibly 90% of teachers are paying close attention to content standards (physical science, life science and earth/space science). However only about 60% pay close attention to the Nature of Science and Engineering standards (NSE). The writers of the 2009 science standards intended that the NSE strand should be of equal importance to the content strands. In the discussions among teachers about factors that influence that practice, they mention that textbooks often emphasize the content concepts and knowledge. NSE concepts are often difficult to assess, especially in written tests, and hence are not as prominent on
the MCA.
MnSTA Newsletter
Department of Education Opportunities News
MnSTA Adopts Position Statement on Elementary Science
The standards writers also intended that the Nature of Science and Engineering standards should be integrated with instruction in the content areas. The survey indicates that possibly less than half of teachers are implementing this practice. The participants cited the structure of textbooks that often have an initial chapter on science methods, and traditional teaching
The Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA) strongly supports the concept that science must be a basic component in the daily curriculum of every elementary school student at every grade level. In the last decade, numerous reports have been published calling for reform in education. Each report has highlighted the importance of early experiences in science to allow students to develop lifelong curiosity for the natural world and problem-solving skills that empower them to participate in an increasingly scientific and technological world. In their recently released position statement on Elementary Science, MnSTA recommends that every elementary student in Minnesota should receive the equivalent of at least 3 hours of science instruction per week. See the full position statement at http://
Chemical Disposal Service
The Chemical Safety Day Program is again being offered during the coming spring, summer, and fall months. The program is designed to assist schools and colleges in disposing of unwanted chemicals and hazardous waste from science, art, industrial technology, and maintenance departments. Pick-up are made throughout the state. The program is operated by the University of Minnesota with help from the Minnesota Department of Education. Information on the program can be found at this link: http://www.dehs. We look forward to making your school a safer place.
Teacher Events and Workshops
Be a Pilot for a new Science PD Offering Another area of interest is the perception that about three-fourths of teachers are aware of the learning by their students before and after their grade. This is especially important with the gaps between grades for concepts in our standards. For example after astronomy is taught in third grade it does not reappear until 8th grade. There were many other questions in the survey and the small group discussions at the meetings. This data will be disaggregated and given to the committee that will review the science standards in 2018-19 and make recommendations for the next set of standards. Encourage your colleagues to participate in the survey and feel free to send your comments and questions to me. John.c.olson@state.
Spring 2017
A new form of professional development brings together communities of science teachers to learn teaching strategies. It features web-delivered resources, including video clips and prompts for activities and discussion. By the fall this program will be available free to schools and districts. MnSTA is partnering with Hamline University to try-out and perfect some initial offerings at several regional gatherings. More events will be available soon. • Eagan, March 7, 4:30 – 6:15, contact jill. • Fergus Falls, March 31, 9:30 - 2:30, contact • Rochester, March 30, time TBA, contact
Opportunities Engineering is Elementary Teacher Educator Institute, April 5-7, St. Paul
Investigate the basics of the Engineering is Elementary curriculum, effective pedagogy, and facilitation strategies to support engineering education in elementary grades through: • Hands-on experience with 2 EiE units • Information about all 20 units • Professional development discussions • Review of EiE resources • Sharing your experiences and planning with colleagues This three-day workshop prepares you to facilitate EiE professional development workshops for teachers in your school, district, or region. For information and registration go to this link.https:// engineering-elementary/teacher-workshops
Project Learning Tree Trainings, Various dates and locations
Project Learning Tree provides engaging, handson environmental education lessons that use trees and the natural world to teach science, math, ELA and social studies concepts and skills. Participants get and activity guide, CEUs and lunch. Most workshop are free. Go to this DNR site for information and registration. A new resource is a book for 7-12 teachers, SE Forests and Climate Change, https://www. name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term= provides lessons on the history of climate science, how climate affects our forests and ecosystems, and how people are working to manage and adapt forests. PLT K-8 workshops: Mar. 25, Apr 22, June 28 PLT Climate Change 7-12 Workshops: Mar 22, Apr 15, June 21
Driven to Discover: Citizen Science, June 26-30, St. Peter and July 10-14, St. Paul
Immerse yourself in authentic field science with UMN scientists AND deepen your classroom practice for full scientific investigations that include analysis and communication. We utilize established citizen science projects as spring-boards to engage students in on-going ecology research that inspire their own investigations. Our goal is to have student work reflect the language and mathematics
of science. Join a collaboration between the UMN Monarch Lab and UMN Curriculum and Instruction Department to strengthen your teaching of critical STEM content, current ecology research, and using claims, evidence and reasoning to further science literacy within your classroom. There are additional meetings and support during the school year and Participants receive a $2266 stipend or 3 graduate credits, equipment, supplies and more benefits. See the flyer at this site http://mnsta. org/cgi/page.cgi?aid=575&_id=33&zine=show or contact Sarah Weaver at
STEM Rivers Institutes, July 26 – 28 or July 24 – 26 Hamline University presents FREE, three day field-based professional development opportunities that inspires, educates, and prepares 3rd-8th grade teachers to engage students in STEM disciplines through hands-on, inquiry-based investigations at local watersheds. St. Croix River Institute, June 26-28, 2017 (Monday-Wednesday) Mississippi River Institute, July 24-26, 2017 (Monday-Wednesday) Details and information are at this website http://
Summer Institute for Climate Change Education, June 26-28, St. Paul
Climate Generation is a recognized leader in climate change education nationally, and we are joining forces with University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment, where leading climate change research is happening. Hear directly from climate change and solutions experts, and engage with hands-on activities that will help bring these concepts to life in your classroom. Join a network of teachers from across the country dedicated to bringing science, critical thinking, and problem solving about climate change into the classroom. The location is the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment, with the opportunity for a field trip to the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Reserve on the 29th (extra fee). Registration: $150 (includes breakfast and lunch each day!) Lodging is available ($48/night single, double/shared $36)2 Graduate Credits optional (fee). Click here for information and registration professional-development/summer-institute/summerinstitute-2017/
MnSTA Newsletter
Opportunities Minnesota Modeling Instruction workshops, July 10 – 14, Shakopee
The Modeling Instruction method relies less on presentation and more on engaging students using experimentation to construct and revise scientific models to explain physical phenomena. Two workshop are being held at Shakopee High School this summer: • Introduction to Chemistry modeling July 10 – 14 • Introduction to Physics modeling July 10 – 14 • Mechanics Modeling July 17 – 21 For information contact Casey Rutherford crutherf@
G-Camp, June 26 – July 13, Texas and adjacent States
G-Camp is an 18-day field camp for 5th - 12th grade science teachers that provides first-hand experience with the principles of geology in the field, helps you develop new curriculum and virtual fieldtrips for your classroom, and makes learning fun and exciting out-of-doors. All expenses are paid for participants except for transportation to and from College Station, TX. Former participants say it has been a lifechanging experience for them! G-Camp link. http://
Biotechnology/Microbiology for Teachers in the Classroom, July 17-21 and July 24-28, St. Paul
The BioTIC Institute brings middle- and highschool biology teachers together to talk teaching and to get up to speed on the rapid advancements in biotech research, careers, applications, and issues. BioTIC also provides a review and enrichment of inquiry-based practices and curriculum enrichment that support the Minnesota science standards related to cell structure, disease, genetics, and biotechnology. The Institute provides a two-week summer workshop, two Saturday follow-up session during the school year, a stipend, four graduate credits, board and room for outstate participants and teacherfocused training. For more information and to apply online visit this site.
Spring 2017
WaterWorks! A Drinking Water Institute for Educators, August 7-9, Lakeville
Enrich your water-related curriculum, investigate drinking water quality and chemistry, learn about inquiry-based models for your classroom, and find resources within your community. This three-day, hands-on workshop allows grade 4-10 science teachers to gather information from expert presenters about how safe, reliable drinking water is delivered to your community, as well as drinking water issues facing Minnesota. Meals and resource binder provided. Choose between two graduate credits or stipend. Join the ranks of over 350 teachers that have participated in WaterWorks! throughout Minnesota over the last 16 years. Funded by the Minnesota Dept. of Health and the American Waterworks Association. Application and information at this link. cgee/waterworks/
Earth Science/STEM Teacher Leadership Academy, Houston TX
The academy will provide teachers with Earth science content, hands-on activities, resources and realworld science experiences that they can use with their students in the classroom and with their colleagues in professional development settings. The program will be residential in Houston, and all academy-related travel, lodging, and subsistence costs will be covered by a grant from ExxonMobil. We have space for up to 25 participants and encourage teams of three or four to attend from each state or school district (although this is not a requirement). All expenses including travel are paid by ExxonMobil and American Geosciences Institute. • K-5, June 25 - 30 • Middle School, July 16 – 21 In the year following the academy, participants are asked to extend the program’s impact by conducting one or more teacher professional development workshop sessions at local, regional, and/or national science education meetings. Brochure for this and other AGI programs are available at this site.https://
Opportunities Teacher and School Awards and Opportunities
Presidential Award nominations and applications are now available.
Nominate exemplary science teachers (including yourself) for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. This is the most prestigious award in this field and includes recognition activities in Washington DC and a $10,000 award. This year, teachers of grades 7-12 are eligible submit an application that describes content understanding, instructional strategies, assessment practices, professional development and leadership. Just completing the application provides professional growth. The application is due May 1. For information go to the PAEMST website. https://www.paemst. org
School Programs and Grants
GIS Mapping Contest: My Hometown on the Map
Minnesota students are challenged to create a map that tells a story about their hometown using free Geographic Information System (GIS) online resources. All students are eligible and schools can submit up to five entries. Each entrant receives a Competition tee-shirt. The best map in each division receives a $100 gift certificate to Amazon. E The competition is open until April 21. The competition website is at this link. mnmapcontest17/home Information about the free GIS license for schools is at this MDE website http://
Wolf Center Virtual Field Trip
The International Wolf Center is offering to bring you live educational wolf virtual field trip programs through a simple, easy to use videoconference. The International Wolf Center is a non-profit organization located in Ely, a northern Minnesota town. Our WolfLink virtual field trips provide you with expert wolf educators, a wide variety of wolf-related programming, and the opportunity to observe our ambassador wolves in their enclosure. We offer a variety of programs, suited to various age groups from youth through adults. Wolf Discovery Kits are also available to rent and provide tangible items for participants to experience. Our 2017 rate is $75 per program! Our programs are offered through the Tandberg system as well as Zoom. Zoom simply requires an internet connection and a computer!
Please visit this link educator-resources-wolf-link/video-conferencing/ for more information and to register for an amazing WolfLink virtual field trip, and feel to free to contact us by phone or email as well!
Genes in Space – Design and Launch your DNA Experiment to Space!
We invite students in grades 7 through 12 to design DNA experiments for space. Students will pioneer DNA research on the International Space Station to address real-life challenges of deep space exploration. Five finalist teams will receive mentoring from Harvard and MIT PhD scientists, present at the 2017 International Space Station R&D Conference, and receive miniPCR DNA Discovery System™ for their education ins itutions. Winners will also attend Space Biology Camp and send their DNA experiment to space! Submission deadline is April 21st 2017. Teachers – Here’s how you can turn contest submissions into a class assignment that’s aligned with national standards. Find us on the web https://www.
Scientists in the Classroom
The Scientists in the Classroom program is a platform for teachers and scientists to collaborate as colleagues, peers and partners in the scientific enterprise to further science education. While the scientist can act as a resource for the teacher and students, the teacher and students can, in turn, help the scientist better understand how to convey their work to a larger, more diverse, and often skeptical audience. By connecting early career scientists with educators, we hope to both enrich middle and high school students’ climate change and evolution education, and to give scientists a better understanding of the challenges faced when teaching these often socially contentious and misunderstood topics. Click here for information.
Student Awards and Competitions
Minnesota Youth Institute
The Minnesota Youth Institute engages high school students in solving local and global hunger issues. The interactive, day-long program on May 15 brings teens from across the state to the University of Minnesota for an immersive science experience and an opportunity to connect with research and industry leaders. MNYI serves as a gateway to the World Food Prize Symposium and global travel, paid internships while still in high school, and a scholarship to the University of Minnesota. To apply for the institute, students write a paper
MnSTA Newsletter
Opportunities proposing a solution to a critical global challenge in a Stem Education specified country. Papers are due April 15. For more Minnesota science teachers now have the opportudetails visit the program site. http://mnyi.cfans.umn. nity to advance STEM teaching skills, learn effecedu tive new strategies for teaching physics, and receive Clean Tech Competition graduate credits with new online courses: https:// The Clean Tech Competition is a unique, worldwide research and design challenge for pre-college youth. The courses are taught by The New Jersey Center The program encourages scientific understanding of for Teaching and Learning (CTL) - a nonprofit run by real-world issues and the integration of environmen- teachers to advance student achievement in math and tally responsible energy sources. Each year, the Clean science, and provide a simple, scalable solution to Tech Competition addresses an issue that is grounded our country’s immense STEM teacher shortage. in core technological competency areas and focuses on CTL is the leading U.S. provider of free, editable the next great engineering challenges. This year’s chal- course materials for K-12 math and science instruclenge is to “Create a Greener FutureThe competition tion; and has become the #1 producer of physics is designed to foster a deeper understanding of STEM teachers in the country. (science, technology, engineering, and math) related Now, a partnership with Colorado State Univerconcepts, recognize outstanding talent, and prepare the sity -Global Campus is enabling teachers around the next generation of globally competitive innovators. country to fully benefit from CTL’s offerings with Click here for more information. https://www.clean- online courses. The registration deadline is March You can choose your level of study to improve 24. your students’ outcomes and advance your career: Materials Camp, June 13 – 16, Minneapolis • Learn a highly effective student-centered teachThe MN ASM materials camp will provide a hand- ing methodology for STEM that is applicable from son experience into the world of materials science and kindergarten through early college that reduces the engineering. This FREE commuter camp is for studentsstress of lesson planning with free, editable course entering their Junior or Senior year in high school in materials. fall 2017. They receive a unique science experience • Achieve a strong grounding in the core principles of under the direction of industry and education based algebra-based physics – Teachers with backgrounds “Materials Mentors”. The program is a combination of in a full range of academic fields can not only learn mini-demonstrations, field trips with extensive involve-physics themselves, but also how to engage and inment in laboratory facilities to actively explore materi- spire all high school students to master physics. als science & engineering principles. An application • Learn proven methods for teaching AP Physics is due by March 31. This is a competitive program 1 and AP Physics 2, and how to boost student outfor inquisitive learners with strong math and science comes. aptitude. Details and registration are at this site. http:// All courses can be pursued on your own schedule, provide graduate credit and are applicable to a MasMinnesota Competitions and Programs ter’s Degree at CSU–Global. Many competitions, out-of-school programs and Now you have an opportunity to take your skills field trip opportunities are posted at the Mn-STEM to the next level and give your students access to the website and listed in the life-changing empowerment of high quality STEM Reach for the Stars Catalog of Programs and Activities. education.
MDE Contacts:
March for Science
Dawn Cameron, Science The Start Point of the March for Science MinAssessment Specialist, nesota will be Cathedral Hill Park in St. Paul. The Jim Wood, Science Assessment march will begin at 11:00 AM on Earth Day, April Specialist, 22. Participants will march from the Start Point to the John Olson, Science Con- Minnesota State Capitol, where the Rally will start at tent Specialist, (will be on leave Jan. 15 – July 15) 12 PM. Doug Paulson, STEM Latest information on the March for Science: Integration Specialist,
Spring 2017
Opportunities Exhibit at STEM Day at the Fair, August 24, St. Paul
The 8th annual SciMathMN STEM Day at the State Fair, Minnesota’s annual celebration of all things STEM will again open the Great Minnesota Get Together. Past years have seen a broad variety of hands-on activities for fair goers in robotics, aeronautics and aerospace, programming, modern manufacturing, and a host of other STEM fields. The event attracts a wide variety of fair goers with a growing number of families coming the first day of the fair specifically to attend STEM Day. More information is at Groups wishing to apply to be an exhibitor can apply here at https://docs. 3uh1LYcy-uspbBUzVw9AXVIQfUD-p1Pp--2Cw/ viewform?c=0&w=1
Minerals Education Workshop, June 20 – 22, Ely
The MMEW is a three-day workshop held annually for K-12 earth science educators that offers short courses and field trips focused on the geology and mineral resources of Minnesota. On the first day of the workshop, participants may choose among 16 different short course topics taught by professional geologists, academics, government scientists, and K-12 educators. Many of the courses introduce curriculum ideas for various grade levels. The second and third days of the workshop will involve field trips designed to familiarize participants with the geology and mineral resources in northeastern Minnesota. Participants will receive a variety of resource materials including rock and mineral samples, lesson plan ideas, posters, maps, videos, and other useful information. Cost is $40. Information and registration are at
Alternative Ed Director Meet our Alternative Ed director, Garret Bitker
I started teaching on a non-traditional path in 1998, when I graduated from UMD with a degree in Life Science Teaching/ Chem teaching minor. I got my first teaching job in the fall of 1998 in Hutchinson MN, due to budget cuts that position only lasted one year. I then headed to Walnut Grove MN to take on the middle school, I received my Middle school teaching license with a cohort of colleagues. In walnut Grove I became involved with Science Fair at the local, Regional and State Levels, eventually being selected as a Board member of the Minnesota Academy of Science and working as the State Science Fair Judges Coordinator. I also participated in numerous staff development experiences including a national conference on Biodiversity at the Smithsonian a national middle school conference and the PHASE program at Hamline University. Once again due to restructuring of the District I was looking for a new full time teaching position and a friend of mine asked if I was interested in Alternative Education, I said, “why not” and took a position at Hiawatha Valley Ed District at Valley View Learning Center in Dover , MN. I worked there for 5 years and had a great opportunity to do a Professional development activity with the Department of Energy, their ACTS program brought teachers back into the lab to do real science at a DOE Lab, mine was in Ames Iowa, researching the shape of external membrane proteins active in antibiotic resistance. I left Hiawatha Valley in 2013 to go back to Middle School work at Zumbro Ed District teaching in the Respect program, after the first year there I was asked to step up and handle the High School Science load, that’s where I am now. New challenges every day!
Bitker working at the ACTS program at the DOE Lab at Iowa State
16 MnSTA
Neuroscience for You and Your Classroom Understanding the Neurobiology of Learning (BrainU 2017) July 10 – July 20, 2017
· · Explore the mechanisms of how learning actually alters the brain. · Understand the basic concepts of how the brain functions, from changes at synapses to motivation and decision-making. · Tour active research laboratories and participate in discussions with the investigators. · Apply the neuroscience research that impacts teaching and learning to your lessons. A major component of the workshop involves participants conducting hands-on, active-learning experiments and observations designed to probe different aspects of nervous system function that can be done in your classroom. Discuss and plan how to incorporate ideas from neuroscience into your practice. All content explored in the workshop maps to NGSS and MN Science Standards with an emphasis on inquiry. This Professional Development Workshop is open to all K-12 teachers with or without subject matter specializations. Willingness to think deeply about how the brain changes with learning and to apply these ideas to your teaching are all that is required. After BrainU training, teachers promote the implementation of student-centered pedagogies, provide a more authentic, deeper learning environment for students, increase student general support, social emotional support and classroom equity, and think critically about their pedagogy to implement change. What BrainU teachers are saying: “This is bar none the best program I’ve been part of in a long time. With 25 years experiences and a masters plus 80 extra credits, that speaks volumes, I believe.” Time/Location: 8AM – 4PM Monday-Friday Location: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Campus Instructor: Dr. Janet Dubinsky, Professor, Department of Neuroscience, UMN Medical School
Spring 2017 17
On April 22, 2017, scientists and non-scientists alike are marching on the Minnesota State Capitol in a show of public solidarity for evidence-based reasoning and the protection of individuals and groups that advance and promote it.
The March for Science â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Minnesota is a coalition of scientists and nonscientists, joined together in support of higher education and the discovery, access, and understanding of scientific information. We are a non-partisan organization, but not apolitical. We are working to protect and defend science funding, regulatory agencies, and evidence-based policy making. We believe that science plays a vital role in the progress and sustainability of our world.
Recent policy changes have caused heightened worry among scientists. The incredible and immediate outpouring of support has made clear that these concerns are shared globally. Of great concern is the trend towards mischaracterizing science as a partisan issue leading to the rejection of scientific evidence. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time for people who support scientific research and evidence-based policies to take a public stand and be heard. We cannot afford to treat science as an apolitical topic. Decades of inaction towards policies that ignore evidence have left public health, infrastructure, education, and the very habitability of the Earth in jeopardy.
We need supporters from all walks of life to march with us in solidarity and show that they too support science.
MarchForScienceMN ScienceMarchMN MarchForScienceMN
MnSTA Newsletter
Spring 2017
Your partner in teaching science with the help of the environment
JeffersFounda� Your On-line Environmental Educa�on Toolbox
Programs Workshops Videos Case studies Photos Daily phenology Web resources Grants More... A complete source of programs, ideas, inspira�ons and more for the educator or family that believes in the power of the environment in educa�on.
For example:
WORKSHOPS Team Teaching with Mother Nature Hands-on, free, real-world workshops
Over videos showing how schools use their gardens: *Integra�ng standards and curriculum *Innova�ve ideas *Garden science *More...
JeffersFounda� 20 MnSTA
MnSTA Board Directory
MnSTA Phone# (651)-523-2945
Below, you will find information about your MnSTA Board Members. The listing includes the board memberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s school (or organization), mailing address, work phone, FAX number, and e-mail address. The board wishes to make itself as accessible as possible for our members. Please feel free to contact your discipline representative, regional representative, or executive board members if you have ideas, concerns, or wish to help with the mission or operation of MnSTA. We are always looking for members who wish to serve MnSTA as Board Members, Non-Board Service Chairs or Members, and as Committee Chairs or Members.
Executive Board: Exec. Secretary
Ed Hessler
Hamline University, 1536 Hewitt Ave. MS-A1760,
W: 651-523-2945
F: 651-523-3041
Lee Schmitt
Michele Koomen
St. Paul, MN 55104
e: 651-523-2562
Gustavus Adolphus College 800 W College Ave.
St. Peter, MN 56082
Joe Reymann
DOE Science Specialist
John Olson
Dept.of Education 651-582-8673
Discipline Directors: Biology
Mark Peterson 320-275-3800
Carolyn Fruin
Capella University
Earth Science
Kate Rosok
Elementary/Greater MN Amy Bodin
Benilde-St. Margaret
2501 MN-100 St. Louis Park, MN 55416 225 S. 6th St. 9th Floor
South HIgh School
Minneapolis, MN 55402
3131 19th Ave. So. Minneapolis, MN 55407
Myers-Wilkins Elementary
1027 North 8th Ave. E. Duluth, MN 55805
Jill Jenson
Glacier Hills Elem School of Arts &Sciences 3825 Glacier Rd. Eagan, MN 55123
Higher Ed
Dr. Melanie Reap 507-313-9114
Winona State University
152 Gildemeister Hall Winona, MN 55987
Informal Ed
Carol Strecker
Minnesota Zoo
1300 Zoo Boulevard Apple Valley, 55124
Alternative Ed.
Garret Bitker
630 1st Ave. NW Byron, MN 55920
Jerry Wenzel
Thomas Tomashek
Minnetonka High School 18301 Hwy 7
Private Schools
Matthew Inman
Shattuck-St. Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s School
Eric Koser 507-387-3461 x 322
Mankato West H.S. F: 507-345-1502
Minnetonka, MN 55345
1000 Shumway Ave.
1351 S. Riverfront Dr. e:
Fairbault, MN 55021
Mankato, MN 56001 W:
Region Representatives: Region 1&2: North
Josh Tharaldson
Region 1&2: North
Michael Urban
Region 3: Northeast
Elizabeth Kersting-Peterson Homecroft Elementary 4784 Howard Gnesen Rd.
Spring 2017
Marshall County Central HS
Bemidji State University
310 W. Minnesota Ave.
1500 Birchmont Dr.
Newfolden, MN 56738
Bemidji, MN 56601 Duluth, MN 55803
MnSTA Board Directory
Region 4: Westcentral TJ Schmitt
302 3rd St. SE
Barnsville, MN 56514
Region 5: Northcentral Nichole Christofferson-Weston Menahga Public Schools 12945 Blue Spruce Ave. Menahga, MN 56464
W 701-219-9399
Region 6: Southcentral Jeremy Brady Montevideo High School
1501 William Ave. Montevideo, MN 56265
Region 7: Eastcentral
Karen Bengtson
St. Cloud Area School Dist. 472
320-253-9333 Region 8: Southcentral Jeremy Brady
1000 44th Ave N. St. Cloud MN 56303 Montevideo High School
1501 William Ave. Montevideo, MN 56265
Region 9: South
Dana Smith W:507-232-3461X4114
Nicolette Public School 1 Pine St. e:
Region 10: Southeast
Denine Voegeli
Plainview-Elgin-Millville Schools
507-867-2521 Ext. 3631
Region 11: Metro
Cathy Kindem 651-423-7911
Rosemont-Apple Valley-Eagan
Region 11: Metro
Claire Hypolite
Edison High School
Nicollet, MN 56047 701 1st St SE 3455 153rd St. W
Elgin, MN 55932 Rosemont, MN 55068
700 22nd Ave. NE Minneapolis, MN 55418
Ancillary Positions: Database
Mark Lex
Historian/Parlimentarian Fred Riehm
Retired â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;91
NSTA Dist. IX Director
Eden-Prairie High School
Brenda Walsh 952-975-6726
Conference Coordinator Mary Haberman 17185 Valley View Rd Eden Prairie, N 55346
Minnesota Valley Area Learning Center 1313 E Blackk Oak Av. Montevideo,MN
Events Calendar If you have events you want placed on the calendar, send them to the editor - see page 2 for deadlines, address, etc.
Conferences / Workshops March for Science 2017 MnSTA Conference on Science Education November 10 - 11, 2017 This annual event of MnSTA will be held at the St. Cloud Riverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Edge Convention Center and the Kelley Inn in St. Cloud, MN.
22 MnSTA Newsletter
MnSTA Regions
MnSTA Membership Application Form
Join the Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA), the professional organization whose primary goal is the advancement of science education. Mail this form along with your check to: MnSTA, Hamline University MS - A1760, 1536 Hewitt Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104
Name (First, MI, Last) Address
Zip code
Phone number
Please indicate whether this application is for
Zip code
School district # (enter "P" if Private, “A” if Alternative, “C” if Charter)
q Basic Membership ...................... $25 q First Year Teacher ...................... $15 q Retired Teacher .......................... $15 q Pre-service Student..................... $10 q Life Membership: to age 35 ..... $400 age 36-50 .... $300 over 50 ........ $200
q New Member
Address Phone number
Preferred email address Second email address
q Renewing/Past Member
Discipline and Grade Level q Elementary q Biology q Chemistry q Earth Science q Environmental Sci q Life Science q Physical Science q Physics
q Elementary (K-6) q Middle/Jr. High School (6-9) q High School (9-12) q College/University q Informal Ed
MnSTA Photo Release Statement By becoming a member of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA) or by attending any MnSTA-sponsored event, you are granting permission for the use of your image for MnSTA promotional purposes without compensation. If you have questions regarding this policy, please contact