Volume 59 No.2 A Quarterly Publication of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association Inc. Winter 2021
MnSTA Conference on Science Education It’s NOT Over Yet!!
It is a time of pivots! This past November we debuted our first ever virtual MnSTA Conference on Science Education! We were able to serve hundreds of teachers through this live event online over six days. We partnered with Whova, a company specializing in digital conference engagement to pivot the model we’ve used for years where educators gather together to share in the art and science of science teaching. Through their platform, we welcomed attendees from 296 different affiliations at the event. Sessions began with a welcome and kickoff by Deputy Commissioner of Education Heather Mueller followed by the presentation of the MnSTA Awards and recognition of our Presidential Awardees all on Thursday evening, Nov 12th. After some ‘how-tos’, participants jumped into 95 different online sessions spanning nine time slots over six days. Our event was ‘stranded’ to help participants focus on particular areas of interest. Each strand was organized and facilitated by a strand leader that also served as host and moderator for each session. Our team of 8 strand leaders spent hours recruiting, organizing, and hosting the presentations. It was their dedication that helped engage participants in the new format. More than 100 speakers created the heart of this event. We welcomed Science Communicator “Hip Hop M.D.” Maynard Okereke on Friday evening to focus us on “Engaging Diverse Voices in STEM” through his keynote presentation. Saturday was its own unique event - as MnSTA created an UnConference on the fly! Here educators joined first to brainstorm what they wanted to learn about - and then set out to share discussions throughout the morning. We set aside time on Saturday for a featured keynote entitled “Mental Health and Coping in COVID for Educators” by leading MN Psychologist Dr. Jules Nolan. In our event, 232 participants created personalized agendas. More than 330 people downloaded the conference app. Over 800 messages were sent and received between participants. And so far our sessions have had over 1700 views. One of the most
unique features of our new format is that MnCOSE20 can still be available to you. If you attended, you know you can now watch any of the sessions from the conference right in our app or online. And - if you still want to experience MnCOSE, it’s NOT too late! All of the content created at the event will remain accessible via our website until June 1, 2021. For the member conference rate of $50, you can still gain access to all of this content. For student members and retired members of MnSTA, the event is still FREE! Our exhibitors are easy to reach! Check the virtual booths to connect with our 27 exhibitors and learn about their products and services. We’re especially grateful to Amplify Science, our Gold Sponsor for MnCOSE20! Do you have colleagues that could benefit from lots of science Professional Development? Do you need to learn about how teachers across MN are growing into our new science standards? Would you like to dig into the sessions in our first-ever “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Science Education” strand? What about “3-Dimensional Science Teaching and Learning”? It’s all there! Our experience with Whova led us to commit to using their tools again for our 2021 MnSTA Conference on Science Education. While we have not yet committed to a particular event format for 2021, we are committed to bring you, the members of MnSTA, the best opportunities we can to help you Foster Excellent Science Education in Minnesota for All. Together with the tools of Whova and our experience from our first fully virtual event, we’re excited to move ahead! It was my pleasure to step into the role of Conference Coordinator for this event. Working closely with Mark Lex and Joe Reymann we led our team to bring together all the pieces of this new style of event. I am very grateful for the dedication and hard work of the entire MnCOSE team for their attention to detail and passion for science that brought this event together! Eric Koser, MnCOSE Coordinator MnCOSE Photos on page 12
President’s Message-Angela Osuji My friend and your former Executive Secretary, Ed Hessler, always sends me poems and what joy it brings to combine poetry and science and language and culture. Today, I share mine with him and all of you. As a literature student, we read and analyzed the poem: Streamside Exchange by J P Clark. The poem always haunts and excites me. In the same way, this time of year does the same to me. I am however, hope filled. In excitement, I write this newsletter in celebration. We had an amazing MnCOSE20 and we can relive the experience in the recordings for a whole year. We are grateful to Dr. Heather Mueller, Deputy Commissioner, MN Department of Education for opening the conference for us and pledging the support of MDE for the work MnSTA does. We thank again our Friday keynote speaker, Maynard Okereke’s Engaging Diverse Voices in STEM and Saturday speaker Dr. Jules Nolan who spoke on Mental Health and Coping in COVID for Educators. We are grateful to all our strand speakers and presenters. We are however, still haunted by the global pandemic of COVID-19 and the fact that we are still interacting with our students at a distance even when it is only six feet apart. We are hopeful that the vaccines and clinical trials will soon be authorized by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). What a relief that would be. We look forward to having our Board meetings in person soon. Meanwhile, MnSTA and MDE are exploring opportunities for Earth and Space Science Professional development. The Minnesota Science Teachers Association is planning a week-long summer workshop for teachers who will likely teach 6th grade science when the new science standards are implemented. The 6th grade standards and benchmarks will be the focus of the workshop as well as the Earth and Space Science content and three-dimension instruction. We anticipate the workshop to be in the Summer of 2021. At the heart of the MnSTA Board’s actions is still a focus on our 4 part Strategic Plan: Goal 1: Strengthen science teaching and learning in Minnesota. Goal 2: Strengthen Leadership in Science Education in Minnesota. Goal 3: Promote equity, inclusion and
accessibility in science education. Goal 4: Enhance MnSTA as a Professional Science Education Organization. As the president, I am honored to say, the state of MnSTA is strong.
The MnSTA Science Teaching Awards
The MnSTA Science Teaching Award, is presented each year to honor exemplary teachers at two levels: elementary and secondary. To demonstrate their qualifications for the award, the applicants must provide a description of their teaching practice, a listing of their teaching and professional activities, and a proposal for use of the funds. Each awardee receives a fund of $1000 for a project that benefits their students. Recipients of the award are expected to share the results of their project with other teachers. The judges for the award are members of the MnSTA board of directors.
The award for a secondary teacher goes to Gwen Isaacson from Maple River High School,
where she teaches Chemistry, physics, STEM 9, Speech, HS Forensics, and Science 9A Gwen’s philosophy on teaching is explained in one of her favorite quotes. “Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong.” She preaches to her students that ‘Practice makes permanence’ any time they are conducting a lab, doing a problem, or practicing vocabulary words. Gwen never expects perfection from her students, but she always expects that her students are striving for their best and give their best effort at whatever the task may be. She likes to see her students being challenged and rewarded for overcoming something that was challenging to them. Seeing that ‘Aha!’ moment or seeing the ‘Click!’ of a concept finally sinking in, gives Gwen thrills. With the award money Gwen will purchase two 3D printers for use in the science department and beyond. Gwen sees chemistry students creating models of the atom and labeling them, physics students designing and creating parts for their medieval trebuchets in their projectile motion machines. The biology students would be able to utilize the machines to create 3D models of organs, viruses, and cells. The possibilities are endless and one can only imagine what students could do with this technology.
MnSTA Newsletter
The MnSTA Science Teaching Awards With his award money Tanner plans to purchase Virtual Reality Headsets for his students. These headsets will allow his students to experience science without boundaries or economic limitations. Tanner states, “One of the biggest financial struggles in education is finding funding for students to go to far away places, experience things first hand and experience the world of science.” With the virtual reality headsets, Tanner plans to virtually take students to the international space station, fly through the galaxy, and get a better idea of our galaxy’s beautiful unknowns. Additionally, students Gwen Isaacson can observe animals in their native habitats and make The award for the elementary teacher goes to Tanner observations. They can build and construct in a 3D Walters K-5 STEM teacher from Oak Ridge Elemen- space, without economic constraints. It will provide tary in the Apple Valley, Rosemont, Eagan School an equitable experience for all students and provide a District. way to ignite student curiosity inscience and technolIn his application Tanner explains his teaching ogy. values by saying: In recent months, students have experienced a pandemic, along with heightened awareness of social injustice issues within our communities. Many families have lost their jobs and have to cut spending. As a STEM team teacher, it’s my job to ensure all students, no matter their socioeconomic status or race, have the tools available to them to expand thier thinking and become an exceptional scientist. I developed and currently manage an equitable STEM to GO library system where students can check out science-focused tools and activities to use from the comfort of their homes with family and friends. These kits range from telescopes, circuitry, robotics, film making, to virtual reality and more. Each kit comes with a reading book to guide their exploration. Access to these types of resources shouldn’t be a barrier to advancing their scientific Tanner Walters knowledge. The MnSTA Newsletter is published four times each year by the Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc. Articles, opinions, book reviews and other information pertinent to Minnesota teachers are welcome. Please limit submission to 1 typed page, e-mail preferred (text file please). Deadlines for submission of articles are: Fall ............... August 1st Winter ............. November 1st Spring ........... February 1st Summer....................April 1st Send all correspondence regarding the newsletter to: Jerry Wenzel 22002 100th Ave Randall, MN 56475 e-mail: The MnSTA Newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the back page. Materials found in the newsletter may be reprinted without charge.
Winter 2021
MnSTA, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) (3) Charitable Educational Corpora-tion, incorporated as a tax exempt, non-profit organization with the Minnesota Secretary of State. Donations and dues are tax deductible charitable contributions for itemized deductions on IRS form 1040 Schedule A. The newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the last page.
Teacher Feature-Eric Friberg The featured teacher for this issue of the MnSTA newsletter is Eric Friberg. Eric teaches general biology and AP Biology at Henry Sibley High School in Mendota Heights. He also teaches a sheltered English Learners Biology class that he created along with colleague Eric Vernon. This curriculum has increased engagement and access to science and English for immigrant students. He has been teaching at Henry Sibley since 2011, his entire teaching career. Eric teaches at the same high school he graduated from. He says it was no accident. He states he has had amazing teachers, particularly science teachers. They challenged him, sparked his interest in science, and really put him on a science track. These same teachers, along with some administrators, and counselors, fostered the idea of teaching as a career when he was a student. They mentored him about topics related to teaching, helped put him in leadership roles in the school to gain a taste of the career, and then continued to follow-up as he moved on to the university. He states, “That was pretty neat in hindsight, how much support they provided to get me to my position in the classroom today.” Eric’s teaching style is unique. He balances student independence with a structured environment in which to be independent. Finding the just the right amount of scaffolds for students really allows them to grow content knowledge, master skills, and feel success. Within those structures he likes to make kids as active learners as possible. Every year he finds himself removing himself from a position in the front of the class and instead putting the kids into an active role. He uses technology like Pivot Interactives, PhEt, and Quia to teach abstract concepts, practice the rote components, and isolate skills and misconceptions. He does a lot of white boarding where students have to interact, explain their ideas, and “publish” their work for the class. He states, “Science is language heavy, so we do a lot of talking in my class.” Eric’s hobbies include traveling, running, cross country skiing, and SCUBA diving. He has tried to find ways to integrate his hobbies in with components of his career. He was the Nordic ski head coach for about 10 years before recently moving into an assistant role. He used to lead a marine biology field trip for his students in which we would travel to a Caribbean island in the summer and use SCUBA diving to study marine and coral reef biology. Eric was the Minnesota recipient of the 2009 Presidential Award for Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMT).
Associate Principal Tom Orth stated, “Eric has a unique skill set...amazing intellect, unparalleled passion for educating students, cutting edge pedagogy, and excellent interpersonal skills. Eric knows it all begins and ends with forming relationships with students. He brings out the best in all of his students!”
Eric Friberg
MnSTA Newsletter
Department of Education As we transition into three-dimensional instruction, what are some lesson-planning models to use?
A key feature of instruction related to our new science standards is that students are actively working to “figure it out, not just learn about.” The “it” most often refers to a phenomenon for John Olson is the science specialist which students might for the Department of education. He will keep us updated on science be curious enough to education. in the MnSTA newsletter. want to figure out how it works or what causes it. Some of the more effective phenomena are local and connected to student’s experiences, such as weather events, behaviors of local animals, rides at the playground, technological objects, or events in the news. A quick view of a suggested model of instruction is that students encounter a phenomenon by being presented a situation by pictures, video clips, an object, a demonstration, or a story. They make observations and form questions. The teacher helps the students consolidate the questions and determine questions to investigate and methods to use. Usually the teacher has planned for likely questions and a range of investigations, including experimental work, data analysis, and/or text research. The students work towards explanations and the teacher works with them to consolidate their ideas toward the desired conceptual understanding. In the process the teacher helps the students improve their skills at using the science and engineering practices and the crosscutting concepts. You may be familiar with the 5E instructional model or lesson planning sequence: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate. With this new focus on figuring out phenomena, here is how the 5E model could look: • Students Engage with Phenomena: Teachers present phenomena and students develop questions to investigate. These activities provide opportunities for teachers to assess students’ prior knowledge and current thinking. • Students Explore Phenomena: Students work to resolve the questions in their minds through exploration experiences. They look for patterns in
Winter 2021
the observations and data to find cause and effect relationships in developing explanations. The teacher serves as a provider and coach in their work. • Students and Teacher Explain Phenomena: Students present their explanations and experiences and the teacher helps them make sense of the findings. The teacher introduces science concepts to help students consolidate the ideas into scientifically accurate explanations shared by all students. • Students Elaborate Scientific and Engineering Concepts and Abilities: The teacher challenges students with a new situation to apply and extend the concepts the students have learned. This may involve exploring a new phenomenon. • Students and Teacher Evaluate Students’ Learning: Student’s receive feedback on their understanding and use of the science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas throughout the stages of the learning. In this stage teachers do summative assessments to find evidence of student learning and provide reporting. The description of these stages comes from Teaching Science in Phenomenal by Brett Moulding and Roger Bybee.
Another way to plan this instruction is with a model called Gather, Reason, and Communicate (GRC). This model was introduced to many Minnesota leaders and teachers by Brett Moulding at the MnSTA Conference and a workshop in November. (The conference recording is still available for registrants – Friday 8 PM) 3D instruction......continued on page 6
Department of Education 3D instruction......continued from page 5
• Gather: Students explore phenomena, ask questions, make observations, and plan and carry out investigations to obtain information. Teacher present phenomena, support students in developing questions, provide resources, and facilitate students making connections among core ideas and crosscutting concepts related to the phenomena. • Reason: Students analyze and interpret data to use as evidence. They develop models, construct explanations and develop arguments. Teachers set expectations for students that they use evidence to support explanations and help students to develop skills to analyze data. • Communicate Reasoning: Students write, speak and use models to communicate reasoning about the causes of phenomena. They reflect on their learning. Teachers provide feedback on student products and provide opportunities to revise their models and explanations that communicate their reasoning. • Apply Beyond the Classroom: Use threedimensional learning to make sense of analogous phenomena beyond the classroom. A graphic of how the Science and Engineering Practices are used in the GRC Model
The GRC model with many examples is presented in Engaging Students in Science Investigation Using GRC by Brett Moulding et. al. GRC workshop participants have developed over 300 lessons using the GRC model. They are posted at the Going3D w/ GRC website. More lessons are being developed by Minnesota teachers to add to the collection. Watch for GRC workshops for Minnesota teachers in late spring or early summer.
Opportunities News
6th Grade Earth Science Workshop Interest Survey
The Minnesota Science Teachers Association is planning a week-long summer workshop for teachers who will likely teach 6th grade science when the new science standards are implemented. Since the 6th grade standards and benchmarks will be focused on Earth and Space Science content and threedimension instruction, those will be the components of the workshop. The first year of this workshop has received some funding for planning, but it is likely that most of the cost will require a fee paid by the supporting school or the participant. This survey is designed to get input for planning the content and marketing for the workshop. Thank you for completing the survey. Watch for announcements of the workshop in January or February. Y3JdLdabw8KaeIL4eztUq64EQGIDDwiw31JaNeg AvQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
Teacher Events and Workshops
MnSTA Virtual Conference on Science Education, still available
Now that the conference is “over,” you can still register and use the recorded sessions. All sessions are recorded and available to registrants through May. The exhibitors section is a great place to compare curriculum materials, resources, organizations and graduate programs. Recorded highlights include: • Engaging Diverse Voices in STEM, May nard Okereke, “Hip Hop M.D” • Mental Health and Self Care for Educators, Dr. Jules Nolan, Phoenix School Consulting • Engaging Students in Three-Dimensional Science Investigations, Brett Moulding, Framework and NGSS writer Theme: A New Vision for Science Educa tion in Minnesota; All Students, All Stan dards, All Voices! Conference strands are: • Distance Learning • 3-Dimensional Learning • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Science Education • Elementary Science Education • Life Science Education • Chemistry Education • Physics Education • Earth Science Education All strands include a focus on the new science
MnSTA Newsletter
Department of Education Opportunities standards. The member rate is $50, $75 for nonmembers which includes membership. Check out details and the schedule at the MnSTA Conference website. Gain great ideas for teaching from your fellow science teachers from the comfort of your home or classroom. Conference.html
Introduction to Modeling Methods – distance learning course– Sundays Jan. 10 – May 2
In this Distance Learning course, we will delve into the Modeling Cycle, its basis in cognitive science, and the practical ways that teachers use Modeling Instruction in the science classroom. This course will sample Life Sciences and Physical Sciences in order to explore the Modeling pedagogy through multiple content lenses. By utilizing both student mode and teacher mode, participants will use readings, virtual whiteboarding, discussions, and reflections to engage in modeling practices that will lead to improved student learning. More Information. event?event=2243
Virtual Mississippi River Delta Institute, Weekly Jan 12 – Feb 3. 6-8 PM This free professional development program from Hamline University combines online and handson activities that will inspire, educate and prepare 3rd-8th grade teachers to engage students in STEM disciplines through experiential, inquiry-based investigations. It will incorporate expert presentations about Delta environments, rich media resources ready for use with students, community-building with other educators, and independent offline explorations. All educators are welcome to apply, including past institute participants. Learn more and apply. Also look for Waters to the Sea recorded webinars • Dakota Place and Kinship with the Missis sippi River • Teaching Sense of Place Online with Cara Rieckenberg
Middle Grades STEM Teacher Training. Jan. 28, Feb. 25, Mar 25, online
The Minnesota State Engineering Center of Excellence is sponsoring a virtual training for the Middle Grades STEM project-based curriculum by the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), the nation’s largest school improvement network, virtual teacher training.
Training Highlights (8 AM – 4 PM) • Covers full curriculum for three student- centered projects. • Projects can be taught in virtual, hybrid, or in-person classroom settings. • Aligned to the National Science Standards, mathematical practices, and common core literacy standards. • Appropriate for 5th-9th grade. html?aid=1724&zine=show
Talk Climate Institute, March 23-24, Online
Join Climate Generation for a virtual two-day workshop to learn new ways to talk about climate change that inspires confidence, ignites conversation, and mobilizes action. Talk Climate focuses on personal stories—you will develop your own climate story and share with your fellow Talk Climate attendees. Throughout the program, writing, reflective listening, and art activities support your story development and confidence in talking about climate change. Scholarships are available. Information and registration. https://www.climategen. org/our-core-programs/community-engagement/ the-talk-climate-institute-2021/?utm_source=Cli mate+Generation%253A+A+Will+Steger+Legac y&utm_campaign=69ed8b6999-CLIMATEGEN_ TALK-CLIMATE-BLAST_2020-12-17&utm_ medium=email&utm_term=0_4574e77afe69ed8b6999-260161858
Opportunity to strengthen your Earth Science credentials, May 19 – July 1, online
Earth Science Essentials, an advanced online review of Earth Science for high school and middle school science teachers, will be offered May 19 – July 1, 2021 through Minnesota State University Moorhead. The course materials are available free for self-study. Participation in the course via tuition provides college undergraduate or graduate credit. Learn more contact Mary Colson mcolson@moorhead.k12. or
KidWind Virtual Workshops
We have distilled our award winning KidWind workshops into 6-hour virtual renewable energy trainings that you can do from the comfort of your living room. These are hands-on workshops where you will learn enough content knowledge to get going as well as a wide variety of practical activities for your classroom. We also share ideas to help you navigate distance and hybrid learning. cid=5fab6b5098&mc_eid=149a38584f
Winter 2021
Department of Education Opportunities Computer Science in Minnesota just released their annual report which says that Minnesota is the worst state in the nation for access to Computer Science. The Minnesota Computer Science Teachers’ Association is calling for science teachers to advocate for Computer Science classes and join MN CSTA for a free membership. details?ViewId=0fe3400d-cce7-4307-912ae5ec9b1b8b59&EntityId=31de533b-4b25-4312a78c-8135852b6703&EntityTypeId=837870a0-d830473f-b19b-e8f73b6fb196
Knowles Teacher Initiative for new science teachers
Each year, approximately 35 Fellowships are awarded to early-career high school biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics teachers. Knowles Teaching Fellows receive mentoring and coaching from a staff of experienced teachers and teacher educators, financial support, and membership in a nationwide community of more than 450 mathematics and science educators. Deadline January 18. More information, referral and application. https://mailchi. mp/
Teacher and School Awards and Opportunities MnSTA Science Teaching Awards
The Minnesota Science Teacher Association Science Teaching Award is based on an application and provides a $1000 fund for classroom project supplies. Elementary Award: Tanner Walters of Oak Ridge Elementary School. Tanner is a K-5 STEM team teacher. In an effort to help ensure that students at his school have the tools to learn science, Tanner developed and manages a STEM to GO library system where students can check out science-focused tools and activities to use from home. Secondary Award: Gwen Isaacson of Maple River High School Gwen teaches Chemistry, physics, STEM 9, Speech, HS Forensics, and Science 9A. Gwen never expects perfection from her students, but she always expects that her students are striving for their best and give their best effort at whatever the task may be. She likes to see her students being challenged and rewarded for overcoming something that was challenging to them. For information about the award check the MnSTA Awards page.
Presidential Awards Finalists
The 2020 Presidential Awards for Mathematics and Science Teaching go to elementary teachers who record a lesson and write about several aspects of their teaching and leadership. The state finalist are selected by a Minnesota committee and then their applications move on the national review. The Minnesota finalists are • Anna Edlund of Bluff Creek Elementary in Eastern Carver County Schools • Byron Gilliland of Goodview Elementary in Winona Public Schools • Brian Hare of E-STEM Middle School in St. Paul Public Schools Watch for pictures and descriptions next month. Nominate yourself or a colleague for the 2021 award. Teachers of grade 7-12 science, engineering, mathematics, and computer science are eligible. This is a great opportunity to reflect on your teaching and increase your leadership in science education. The application is not due until May and there are opportunities for support from past awardees. Look for more information at the PAEMST website.
Other Awards Check out information about the following awards programs and consider applying. • National Board Certification for Teach ers board-certification/ • National Science Teachers Assn. Awards nition-program • National Association of Biology Teach ers Awards About
School Programs and Resources
Get the Lead Out program
Get the Lead Out! is a program within the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Our goal is to spread awareness about the effects of lead-based fishing tackle on the common loon and other Minnesota wildlife and to promote the use of lead-free fishing tackle. We will be offering free virtual outreach presentations to classes of all grade levels beginning in January 2021. Contact us at leadout@ if you have questions. GTLO Fact Sheet open_to_public/GTLO_factsheet.pdf
MnSTA Newsletter
Department of Education Opportunities Smithsonian COVID-19 curriculum resource
Science educators will play an important role in educating students about COVID-19 and the underlying science and social science of the pandemic. At the Smithsonian, we believe that students are more likely to engage in protective behaviors if they understand the science of WHY they are being asked to engage in these behaviors (e.g., wearing face masks, physical distancing, contact tracing, sorting through claims and evidence, etc.) To that end, the Smithsonian Science Education Center and its collaborators developed a free hands-on guide for youth and their families, available in 25 languages to support English Learners: https://ssec.
Green Careers for a Changing Climate
The Green Careers for a Changing Climate Instructional Supplement from Climate Generation contains resources to help young people grades 6 8 learn about Green STEM Careers — careers that can help solve climate change impacts using STEM skills. Includes connections to Project Drawdown solutions and can be used in any subject area! The Green Careers for a Changing Climate Instructional Supplement contains resources to help young people learn about Green STEM Careers — careers that can help solve climate change impacts using STEM skills. Includes connections to Project Drawdown solutions and can be used in any subject area! climate-change-education/curriculum/greencareers-for-a-changing-climate-instructionalsupplement-for-grades-6-8/?utm_source=Clima te+Generation%253A+A+Will+Steger+Legacy &utm_campaign=36b3f47791-CLIMATEGEN_ GREEN-STEM-LAUNCH_2020-11-12&utm_ medium=email&utm_term=0_4574e77afe36b3f47791-260161858 Boundary Waters resources NO BOUNDARIES TO THE BOUNDARY WATERS is an educational program of Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness designed to bring the ecology and wonder of the Boundary Waters into classrooms across Minnesota. Our program inspires student observation and develops critical thinking about the natural world. We provide FREE resources that start at the computer but end outdoors to meet the wide and shifting range of needs in Minnesota schools at this time. The flexible curriculum is created for students
in grades 6–12 and designed to adapt to grade levels, schools, focus areas, and teacher preference. The program meets state standards in science, Language Arts, Social Studies, and Math. The program is looking for a small group of schools to pilot the No Boundaries program. More information at this Get-STEM site. campaign=dde7cee488-RSS_EMAIL_ CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_ term=0_323312d18c-dde7cee488-259090025&mc_ cid=dde7cee488&mc_eid=34f5e35df0
Experiential Learning lessons and kits
Are you a science teacher looking to better engage your middle school students with hands-on learning? Is your school a low performing school? We are offering a partnership opportunity to one middle school in the state, which thinks that its students will benefit from curriculum-aligned experiential learning. We will offer the following: ten experiential learning lessons/kits during the academic year, fully aligned to the scope and sequence of science learning, and a rubric to measure the development of 21st century skills in students through our lessons. We will provide PD, including strategies to contextualize our lessons to the classrooms prior to implementation. A partial implementation during the current academic year may be considered. All resources and PD will be offered at no cost to the selected partner school. Please contact Pathikrit ( for more information about this opportunity.”
Engineering Machine Design Contest The Engineering Machine Design Contest is an opportunity for teams of 3-10 students in 5th – 12th grade to design and build a complex machine using everyday objects with the guidance of a coach. The completed machine will use multiple steps to complete a simple task. The contest theme for 2021 is Driving Change through Transportation! We look forward to seeing how this year’s theme is interpreted by teams and conveyed in their machines. Regional competitions will take place from late February to early April with the Championship event in late April or May. Learn more. https://engineering.mnsu. edu/engineering-machine-design-contest/
Winter 2021
Department of Education Opportunities WolflLink video conferencing
Through two-way videoconferencing on Zoom, the International Wolf Center educators and ambassador wolves will keep your students on the edge of their seats while learning about these mysterious predators in a LIVE program from northern Minnesota! Some programs are free to Minnesota schools while outside funding lasts. More Information.
Regional and State Science and Engineering Fairs
Minnesota has seven regional science fairs in February and a state fair at the end of March. Even if your school does not hold a science fair, students from your school who complete science projects can attend their regional fair, giving them the chance to join the 500 middle & high school students advancing to the state-level competition. The state science and engineering fair will be held virtually this year March 26-30 and include exciting Twig Science Reporter Twig Science Reporter, is a FREE topical sci- opportunities for networking and enrichment -- as ence service that connects students and teachers well as the chance to advance to international competition and win prizes and awards from 35 different to real global and local phenomena and STEM news through engaging, high-quality videos and companies and organizations. We know that completing a research project this year may be especially learning resources. All you need to do is sign up challenging. So we are pulling together special at Twig Education. There is a new episode each resources and supports for teachers and students. week. We want every student to have access to Learn more at information and tools they need to become engineering-fair
engaged and productive citizens. In the 21st century, that requires continually developing STEM skills and science literacy. 10 Plants that changed Minnesota – Free book
Science and Engineering Competitions
Science Bowl (cancelled) • Minnesota Science Olympiad http:// • Science and Engineering Fair and Sci ence Bowl This book and the Teacher Handbook by Mary • FIRST Lego League, FIRST Tech Chal Meyer of the Landscape Arboretum is available free l enge, FIRST Robotics https://hightech to all life science teachers in Minnesota. Send your name, mailing address along with the grade and • Supermileage Challenge https://www. classes your teacher to Mary Meyer, meyer023@ Also watch the recording of her presenta mileage tion at the MnCOSE conference. • Real World Design Challenge http:// Student Programs, Awards and Competitions National Youth Science Camp June 28 - July • Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision www.ex 21, Virtual Two high school seniors (class of 2021) from • NSTA Angela Award – girls grades 5 – 8 Minnesota will join delegates from all states and selected countries will attend this all-expenses-paid • MN Scholars of Distinction – high school program. Normally delegates gather in the mountains of West Virginia to engaging science activities and gifted/sod/ outdoor adventures. This year the virtual experience • National Youth Science Camp – two will include world-class lectures, directed studies and Minnesota Delegates http://www.nysf. seminars with prestigious and up and coming STEM com/w/programs/nysc/ professionals who are making a difference in their Minnesota Programs and Competitions fields of study and changing the world for good. ParMany competitions, out-of-school programs and ticipants must commit of a minimum 4.5 hour daily field trip opportunities are posted at the Mn-STEM participation between 5 PM and 9:30 PM Central website and listed in the time. For program information visit the NYSC webReach for the Stars Catalog of Programs and Activisite. ties The application is Due Feb. 28.
MnSTA Newsletter
Department of Education Opportunities reach/2018/reach-2018.pdf.
MDE Science Contacts:
John Olson, Science Content Specialist, Jim Wood, Science Assessment Specialist Judi Iverson, Science Assessment Specialist Sarah Carter, STEM and Computer Science Specialist Send submissions for the Science Update to John Olson
Other Minnesota Links:
Minn. Dept. of Education Science Page Minn. Science Teachers Association Frameworks for MN Science and Mathematics Standards Get – STEM Connections between schools and businesses Mn-STEM STEM programs and resources for families, schools and community stem/ Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge environmental education resources Minnesota Academy of Science: Science Fair, Science Bowl and other competitions https://www. Mn DNR Education website: Curriculum, professional development, posters, etc. Youth Eco Solutions (YES!) – Statewide, youth-led program for hands-on eco related projects
Do you know an innovative student intent on saving the world and its resources?
The Spellman HV Clean Tech Competition is looking for all 15-18 year olds with a solution to any environmental problem! This annual event rewards motivated Teams who are making the world a better place with prizes totaling over $55,000! The theme for 2021 is Preserving Planet Earth https://www.cstl. org/cleantech/the-challenge/ and registration (always free!) ends on April 28th. We want to hear from all students determined to make a difference! Check out our website for more information and contact us at or 516-764-0045 with any and all questions!
ES-TEP Earth Science Professional Development Coming Summer 2021!
Are you (or will you be) a 6th grade teacher transitioning to the new earth science standards? Are you a high school teacher looking to pick up additional licensure in earth and space science so that your district can meet the requirements of the new standards? If you answered YES to either of these questions - do I have great news for you! My name is Dana Smith, and I am on the MnSTA Board of Directors and a member of the ‘Earth Science Teacher Education Program’ team that is developing Minnesota specific earth science professional development for 6th grade and high school teachers to begin in summer 2021! ES-TEP is an MnSTA sponsored program for future Minnesota earth science teachers. You might recognize some of my collaborators in this program: Mary Colson, John Olson and Lee Schmitt. Minnesota geosciences professors Dr. Kate Pound (St Cloud State University), Dr. Bryce Hoppie (Minnesota State University - Mankato) and Dr. Russ Colson (Minnesota State University - Moorhead) are also partners on the team! We also have an amazing list of guest presenters and specialists who will be contributing their expertise as well! We are working RIGHT NOW to secure legislative funding for this program so that we can offer ES-TEP programs to educators across Minnesota! Our goal is to fund as much of the program as possible and make ES-TEP accessible and affordable. We are committed to reflecting the diversity of Minnesota educators that participate in our programs, including BIPOC and underrepresented populations, alternatively licensed educators, classroom generalists, science specialists, and educational assistants working toward licensure. As the legislative session progresses, we will keep you updated via the MnSTA website and social media, plus the MDE Science Update regarding funding, dates and application details! Please make sure to watch for them! Here are the tentative plans: The ES-TEP 6th grade professional development will be a one week, bootcamp style, regional (think... stay close to home and use place based phenomena in your classroom) workshop that incorporates earth and space science content as well as teach you how to develop three-dimensional units. We’ll help you choose phenomena, write storylines and lessons, and walk you through investigations that you can use as a jumping off point in your transition to the new standards. We will also provide ongoing support as you
Winter 2021
Opportunities MnCOSE begin your journey, and create regional cohorts so that you aren’t doing it alone. Clock hours and CEUs will be issued for this workshop. Our goal is to offer at least one in-person workshop in summer 2021 (end of July/early August), and depending on funding, offering up to 11 more over the next 3 summers! We will move all over the state, so we are sure to have a workshop near you! We are gauging interest for this program at this survey. The ES-TEP high school professional development will be cohort style over two summers beginning in summer 2022. The first summer will include a two week course blending content and pedagogy - you will wear both your ‘teacher hat’ as well as your ‘student hat’. We will focus on how to facilitate student ‘sense-making’ and help you build your three dimensional teaching and learning toolkit. During the subsequent school year, there will be online coursework within your cohort, and then another two week course during the next summer. These are graduate level courses and participants will earn 12 credits through our program. Depending on your undergraduate preparation in the earth sciences, there will also be additional online prerequisite courses available to you in advance. We will work with each participant to help you determine your needs. Our goal is to offer 3 cohorts; one in Moorhead, Mankato and the Metro starting in the summer of 2022. We are gauging interest for this program at this survey. You may also gain earth science knowledge through professional development workshops and online courses. Here are some opportunities via various organizations, Earth Science PD Opportunities. Do you have questions? Feel free to contact me at We hope as you begin planning your summer PD, you will consider applying for ES-TEP! Please watch for application news coming soon! We look forward to partnering with you as you work toward honing your teacher craft and content knowledge of Minnesota earth science!
Hip Hop M.D.” Maynard Okereke on Friday evening to focus us on “Engaging Diverse Voices in STEM
Science Specialist John Olson leading the discussion on the new science standards.
Conference coordinator Eric Koser engineering the MnCOSE conference and facilitating the help desk .
MnCOSE20 is still available to you until June 1!
MnSTA Newsletter
Winter 2021 13
MnSTA Newsletter
Winter 2021
MnSTA Board Directory Below, you will find information about your MnSTA Board Members. The listing includes the board member’s school (or organization), mailing address, work phone, FAX number, and e-mail address. The board wishes to make itself as accessible as possible for our members. Please feel free to contact your discipline representative, regional representative, or executive board members if you have ideas, concerns, or wish to help with the mission or operation of MnSTA. We are always looking for members who wish to serve MnSTA as Board Members, Non-Board Service Chairs or Members, and as Committee Chairs or Members.
Executive Board: Exec. Secretary
Karen Bengtson
St. Cloud Area School Dist. 472 1000 44th Ave N. St. Cloud MN 56303
Josh Tharaldson
Marshall County HS
Angela Osuji
Washburn High School
301 W. Minnesota Ave.
Newfolden, Mn 56738
201 W 49th St. Minneapolis, Mn 55419
Joe Reymann
DOE Science Specialist
John Olson
Dept.of Education 651-582-8673
Discipline Directors: Biology
Michelle Housenga
Minneapolis Washburn HS
201 West 49th St. Minneapolis, MN 55419
Dana Smith
Earth Science
Haley Kalina
Alexandria Public School
Bemidji Middle School
1910 Middle School Ave. NW Bemidji, MN 56601 510 McKay Ave. Alenandria, MN 56308
Elementary/Greater MN Dan Gruhlke 763-272-2835
Eastview Education Center 9375 Fenning Ave. Monticello, MN 55362
Lee Filipek
Southview Elementary
Higher Ed
Diana Fenton
College of St. Benedict/St. Johns U
1025 Whitney Dr. Apple Valley, MN 55124 37 College Ave. S. St. Joseph, MN 56374
Informal Ed Vacant Alternative Ed.
Garret Bitker
630 1st Ave. NW Byron, MN 55920
Phillip Sexton
Minnetonka High School
Private Schools
Steve Heilig
St. Paul Academy & Summit School
18301 Hwy 7 Minnetonka, MN 55345 1712 Randolph Ave. St. Paul 55105
Region Representatives: Region 1&2: North
Katherine Melgaard
Marshall County HS
310 W. Minnesota Ave. Newfolden, MN 56738
218-874-7225 ext. 116
Region 1&2: North
Caitlin Djonne
Park Rapics Schools
501 Helten Ave. Park Rapids, MN 56470
Region 3: Northeast
Jennifer Gagner
Region 4: Westcentral Harrison Aakre
Pike Lake Elementary Alexandria Area High School
5682 Martin Rd Duluth, MN 55811 4300 Pioneer Rd. Alexandria, MN 56308 Region 5: Northcentral Lisa Pingrey
National Joint Powers Alliance
202 12th St. NE Staples, MN 56479
MnSTA Newsletter
MnSTA Board Directory Region 6: Southcentral Holly Knudson
Marshall High School
400 Tiger Drive Marshall, MN 56258
507-537-6920 X 1059
Region 7: Eastcentral
Region 8: Southcentral Holly Knudson
Marshall High School
507-537-6920 X 1059
400 Tiger Drive Marshall, MN 56258
Region 9: South
David Borslien
St. Peter High School
507-943-4212 ext 6028
Region 10: Southeast
Emily Zinck
Region 11: Metro
Megan Earnest
Region 11: Metro
David McGill
Capitol Hill Gifted and Talented Magnet 560 Concordia Ave. St. Paul MN 55103
1221 Broadway Ave. St. Peter, MN 56082 100 County Road 25 Lewiston, MN
Bell Museum-Universitiy of Minnesota 2088 Larpenteur Ave. W St. Paul, MN 55113
Ancillary Positions: Database
Mark Lex
Eric Koser
Mankato West H.S.
1351 S. Riverfront Dr.
W: 507-387-3461 x 322
F: 507-345-1502
Jerry Wenzel
Mankato, MN 56001
NSTA Dist. IX Director
Scott Johnson
Century High School
1000 East Century Ave. Bismarck, ND 58503
Conference Coordinator Eric Koser
Mankato West H.S.
1351 S. Riverfront Dr.
F: 507-345-1502
W: 507-387-3461 x 322
Mankato, MN 56001
Events Calendar If you have events you want placed on the calendar, send them to the editor - see page 2 for deadlines, address, etc.
Conferences / Workshops . Future MnCOSE Conferences: 2021 Oct. 28-30 Mankato 2022 St. Cloud
Winter 2021
Region Representatives