Sea Front Residential Compound Urban Design

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The American University in Cairo Dep. of Architectural Engineering AENG 468 | Urban Design & Landscape Presented to: Dr. Sami Shaker By: Alaa Khalil, Hassan Safwat, Moaz Sameh & Sherif Gourban

Project 1: Design of a Residential Compound Project Briefing and Introduction: The project focuses on a residential subdivision development located on a 25 to 30 feddan land that is overlooking two peripheral natural features. the project is to design single family dwelling units up to 350 meters squared ground floor area with maximum 8 meters height on 600 to 700 meters plots. With no back to back plots permissible and covering 25% of the total land, the challenge is to place and orient the units for best view and natural wind reception. The single family dwelling units has to cover 50% of the land area that ranges between 600 and 700 meters squared. The unit should include spacious reception and dining areas, living rooms, office, kitchen with outdoor access, a minimum of 3 bedrooms (one of which is a master bedroom) as well as the services and water circuits needed for the spaces.

Cluster areas (area of the project)

Main feature area (Excluded)

Cluster Design Reference and Research: Design criteria of a residential cluster - - - -

Achieving a clear hierarchy of spaces that succeeds in creating different levels of interaction. Making best use of natural features of site/interaction with surroundings. Privacy is clearly achieved on all different levels. Breaking linearity and creating an experience that reflects diversity intriguing the user.

Hierarchy of spaces:

Spaces of different sizes, programs & locations are created to form interactive zones of different natures. These spaces are outdoor spaces that could act both as transitional or interactive zones. They link different clusters and portions of the project together. They also act as the linking path to the natural feature of the site being the beach. The spaces are linked together based on a certain logic and sequence.



Cluster formation:


Clusters work on creating an enclosure between a number of plots giving them character and privacy. The clusters will follow the cul-de-sac system that gives the opportunity to shape the project best to achieve hierarchy of spaces. The system will allow the moving of vehicular network to the outskirts of the project and the creation of the public, interactive pedestrian zone in the center. Cluster public space Towards higher hierarchy spaces

Semi-Private Vehicular circulation

Pedestrian network:

Pedestrian Network works on connecting all spaces together in an interesting manor that guarantees good circulation & creates an experience. Networks are enhanced by good lighting systems and landscaping.

Building Orientation:

Pedestrian circulation

Vehicular circulation network:

Vehicular circulation network is designed to take place on the periphery of the site in order not to obstruct the interaction zones where pedestrians and residents of the dwellings would pursue the daily activities. The network being toward the outside has other advantages such as safety Access between vehicular and noise buffering. and pedestrian

Building orientations will consider the climatic data of the area and will allow all dwellings to access fresh wind prevailing from the North & northwestern direction in its main living areas overlooking the sea.


Project 1: Design of a Residential Compound

The American University in Cairo Dep. of Architectural Engineering AENG 468 | Urban Design & Landscape Presented to: Dr. Sami Shaker By: Alaa Khalil, Hassan Safwat, Moaz Sameh & Sherif Gourban

Design Development & Process: Cluster development:

Master plan Development:

Alternative 1

Model Development:

Alternative 2

Project 1: Design of a Residential Compound

The American University in Cairo Dep. of Architectural Engineering AENG 468 | Urban Design & Landscape Presented to: Dr. Sami Shaker By: Alaa Khalil, Hassan Safwat, Moaz Sameh & Sherif Gourban

Prototype Concept & Development The concept and approach to the design used breaking of the facade to create more surface area facing wind direction and to allow for better view for spaces located in the back. On the spatial level, all living and bedroom zones are designed for best wind reception and access to view. The spaces define a large backyard in the plot overlooking the view.

Prototype orientation limits

Prototype development sketch

Ground floor plan

Staggering concept sketch

First floor plan 0DVWHU %HGURRP /LYLQJ




















Scale 1:100

Scale 1:100

Project 1: Design of a Residential Compound

The American University in Cairo Dep. of Architectural Engineering AENG 468 | Urban Design & Landscape Presented to: Dr. Sami Shaker By: Alaa Khalil, Hassan Safwat, Moaz Sameh & Sherif Gourban

Goals and Objectives

Proposal 1 key plan Category


Proposal 2 key plan Rlative Weight

Alternative I

Alternative II





9 5

8 9

72 45

7 8

63 40
















64 81


56 54











Clear and definite segrigation between vehucular and pedestrian circulations






Interactive spaces are spread in the project. There is a clear hierarchy of spaces achieved between spaces. Physical Landscape succeeds in creating connections between different plots, zones & spaces. Design succeeds in creating an experience by breaking linearity and creating invotive interesting spaces Landscape succeeds in creating an experience by placement of trees, lighting, seating in an attractive manner that people would enjoy experiencing. Privacy is achieved in all units on both visual and vocal levels (sound & visual buffer zones available). Public spaces encourage residents to interact and socialize. Services & public zones are easily accessed from all units by walking or Sociocultural vehuular. Reference to old cultural precedents and harra concept Safety is achieved (fire fighting pumps, public zones buffered from vehicular zones‌etc) Number of plots and units make maximimuse of the allowed built up area. Floor area ratio complying with required ratio Economical & land Placement of plots best creates public spaces and allows for minimal loss Buget of space. Units covering the plot area with the required 50% ratio while providing space in land for other aspects.

6 9

8 8

48 72

7 9

42 81






























































User has good view to Natural feature (sea view) User is protected from unwanted climatic aspects. Unit has enough open space for interacting with environment and surroundings. Public spaces make good use of climatic and environmental aspects making space user friendly and enjoyable. Space makes best use of natural features of large plot. All units facing wind direction All plots & units are easily accessed both on the pedestrian level and the vehicular level. Parking space are available wherever in need and in appropriate amounts fulfilling or exceeding design codes

Total Score:



Project 1: Design of a Residential Compound

The American University in Cairo Dep. of Architectural Engineering AENG 468 | Urban Design & Landscape Presented to: Dr. Sami Shaker By: Alaa Khalil, Hassan Safwat, Moaz Sameh & Sherif Gourban

Master plan Proposal 1

Scale 1:2000 0



Section through entire site Scale 1:2000

Project 1: Design of a Residential Compound

The American University in Cairo Dep. of Architectural Engineering AENG 468 | Urban Design & Landscape Presented to: Dr. Sami Shaker By: Alaa Khalil, Hassan Safwat, Moaz Sameh & Sherif Gourban

Master plan Proposal 2

Scale 1:2000 0



Section through entire site Scale 1:2000

The American University in Cairo Dep. of Architectural Engineering AENG 468 | Urban Design & Landscape Presented to: Dr. Sami Shaker By: Alaa Khalil, Hassan Safwat, Moaz Sameh & Sherif Gourban

Project 1: Design of a Residential Compound Proposal 1 Concept & Development The concept and approach to the design worked on the stretching of the desired plot in order for it to have a large frontage giving better exposure to the natural feature located on two of the project’s peripheral sides. The design worked on creating a main central public space along the main axial direction leading to the sea(natural feature). The climax being the clubhouse would be located at the very beginning of the project 25m above sea level to have best view of the residential development, central green area and sea.

Design approach: By starting to define the main spine and public spaces, the secondary semi public spaces were shaped followed by first level spaces. The building clusters were then shaped to enclose the semi private spaces while having access to the main spine and all other public services.

Land use budget:

Total project area= 265000 m2 139400 m2 outside land budget to be considered open spaces Used project area 29.9 feddans (125600 m2)

Calculations and population density: Total land area = 29.9 feddans = 125600 m2 Plot coverage = 25% = 31400 m2 Ground floor area per dwelling = 350 m2 Number of residential units = 90 units Public services area = 3150 m2 Final number of residential plots = 81 units

Population per unit = 6 people Number of units = 81 units Total population = 486 people Area in Km2 = 0.126 Km2 Nominal density = 486/0.126 = 3850 Pupil/Km2



- Bigger frontage on the view. - More definition of different spaces and hierarchy. - Provides easy accessibility to the services (Club house/ other services.

Plot area = 0.0007 km2 Plot density = 8570 Pupil/Km2

- The design doesn’t emphasize continuity. - Club house is not located on the main natural feature.

Proposed right of way:

Right of way

The American University in Cairo Dep. of Architectural Engineering AENG 468 | Urban Design & Landscape Presented to: Dr. Sami Shaker By: Alaa Khalil, Hassan Safwat, Moaz Sameh & Sherif Gourban

Project 1: Design of a Residential Compound Proposal 2 Concept & Development The concept and approach to the design worked on creating a generally pentagonal form that is deep and has a tighter width. The plot is exposed to the sea(natural feature) on two of its sides and part of the third. The design worked on creating main central public space along the main axial direction leading to the sea. The climax would be located in frontage of the project to be in direct relation to the sea.

Design approach: By defining a narrow public path leading to the climax at the frontage of the project and shaping other public or semi public spaces around it. The clusters were shaped having large separations between them defining semi private zones. A main water feature defines and guides the public spaces within the project.

Land use budget:

Total project area= 255000 m2 135000 m2 outside land budget to be considered open spaces Used project area 28.8 feddans (121000 m2)

Calculations and population density: Total land area = 28.8 feddans = 121000 m2 Plot coverage = 25% = 30550 m2 Ground floor area per dwelling = 350 m2 Number of residential units = 87 units Public services area = 2800 m2 Final number of residential plots = 83 units


- Integrates the water feature with the landscape in an interactive manner - The club house is directly located on the main feature. - Provides continuity in the design of clusters.

Population per unit = 6 people Number of units = 83 units Total population = 498 people Area in Km2 = 0.121 Km2 Nominal density = 498/0.121 = 4100 Pupil/Km2 Plot area = 0.0007 km2 Plot density = 8570 Pupil/Km2


- Narrow frontage on the natural feature. - The blunt definition of different spaces and hierarchies.

Proposed right of way:

Right of way

Project 1: Design of a Residential Compound

The American University in Cairo Dep. of Architectural Engineering AENG 468 | Urban Design & Landscape Presented to: Dr. Sami Shaker By: Alaa Khalil, Hassan Safwat, Moaz Sameh & Sherif Gourban

Hierarchy of Spaces: Using the design approach described this alternative is able to achieve a clear hierarchy of spaces moving from private to semi private to semi public and finally reaching public spaces. Each having their considerations and activities.

Alternative 1

Scale 1:3000 Due to the linearity of the main spine and the large cluster zones, the alternative is lacking a definition for semi public areas while fulfilling the design criteria for semi private and public spaces.

Alternative 2

Scale 1:3000

Project 1: Design of a Residential Compound

The American University in Cairo Dep. of Architectural Engineering AENG 468 | Urban Design & Landscape Presented to: Dr. Sami Shaker By: Alaa Khalil, Hassan Safwat, Moaz Sameh & Sherif Gourban

Vehicular Vs. Pedestrian Circulation: A total segregation of pedestrian and vehicular networks is achieved through the focusing of pedestrian network on open public spaces limiting pedestrian walkways to sidewalks in areas that have vehicular roads. The pedestrian walkways are continuous even above the water feature located along the main axis of the project by the creation and use of bridges. Both networks cover all land to give access to all areas being public or residential.

Alternative 1

Scale 1:3000 A total segregation of pedestrian and vehicular networks is achieved. The pedestrian walkways are located around the water feature continuously and do intersect the water feature located along the main axis of the project by the creation and use of bridges. Both networks cover all land to give access to all areas being public or residential. The climax could be reached using both networks through very different paths and routes.

Alternative 2

Scale 1:3000

Project 1: Design of a Residential Compound Solid Vs. Void:

The American University in Cairo Dep. of Architectural Engineering AENG 468 | Urban Design & Landscape Presented to: Dr. Sami Shaker By: Alaa Khalil, Hassan Safwat, Moaz Sameh & Sherif Gourban

The density of the solid is respectively low leaving a lot of open spaces surrounding each unit allowing for different auxiliary activities and services to be happening on the project area resulting into moderately harsh urban texture. The organization of the plots following the coastal line creates an interesting placement within the project.

Alternative 1

Scale 1:3000 The density of the solid is still respectively low over the whole project area however the cluster density is relatively high. The organization of the plots designed to have curvatures that allow for better view within the land creates an interesting geometry and pattern.

Alternative 2 Scale 1:3000

Project 1: Design of a Residential Compound Accessibility, Parking & Street Hierarchy:

Alternative 1

The road network starts with a main entrance separating into two leading to different clusters and including round abouts for U-turns. The clubhouse located at the beach front has access through one of the secondary branches and includes a public parking area. Each cluster road ends with a cul-de-sac and includes parking for residents maintaining a plot accessibility.

Alternative 2

The American University in Cairo Dep. of Architectural Engineering AENG 468 | Urban Design & Landscape Presented to: Dr. Sami Shaker By: Alaa Khalil, Hassan Safwat, Moaz Sameh & Sherif Gourban

The road network within the network starts with only one main entrance leading to a main round about giving access to the public services including shops and the clubhouse then separating into secondary roads that lead to cluster roads ending by a cul-de-sac, maintaining a clear street hierarchy. Round abouts exist at the end of secondary level roads providing return routes for drivers. Each plot is accessed by vehicle through a driveway and walkways for pedestrian access. Parking areas for public services is available according to design standards and a parking lane is available for each cluster.

Project 1: Design of a Residential Compound Final Model Pictures

The American University in Cairo Dep. of Architectural Engineering AENG 468 | Urban Design & Landscape Presented to: Dr. Sami Shaker By: Alaa Khalil, Hassan Safwat, Moaz Sameh & Sherif Gourban

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