Mocca February 2014 IOS Issue

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In This Issue

5 Editor’s Note

23 Atlanta Exes

7 The Lyon’s Den: Interview

25 What do the Lonely Do

With Karton T. Clay

Valentines Day

17 When I Became We

29 National HIV/AIDS

by Rafael Solece


21 Blackbird A Patrik Ian Polk Film 22 O.T Fagbenle of HBO’S Looking





35 Ask Aunt Pearl 43 Websites, Blogs and You-tube Channels 45 National Club Listings

Advertising: Ask Aunt Pearl:


Editor’s Note Happy New Year! The February issue of Mocca Magazine has been dubbed “the Love and Relationship Issue” Within this issue, we will attempt to bring you articles related to different aspects and different phases of a relationship. Out hope is to provide the assistance that some people in current relationships or looking to start one, will find beneficial in achieving that goal. We have an article by Rafael Solece titled When I became We. In that article he discusses some of the ways you have to adjust because its not all about you anymore. When you go into a relationship it is about making the relationship work. About building a better “WE”. I think that his a theme that we all can work on whether it’s a romantic relationship, a business relationship or a casual one. All relationships need cultivating. And it is your responsibility to give that relationship all of the help that it need to prosper. We also have an interview with Karlton T. Clay, creator of the popular series “Lyons Den” In that series we meet a family full of disfuction as the work to change that dynamic and become better in their person and family lives. I really hope that you enjoy this issue of Mocca Magazine and also hope that you will be able to find something within it that will help you to build better relationships. Enjoy! Please feel free to send me any comments or suggestions to Rodney L. Berry



Interview with Karlton T. Clay Creator of Lyons Den web-series In 2012, Karlton T. Clay released the premiere episode of his second webseries “The Lyon’s Den” to the world. And here we are in 2014, just a little more than a month away from the release of the premiere of the 5th season of The Lyon’s Den’s. We had the opportunity to talk with the man himself, to gain more insight into the show and his vision. Mocca: So give us an intr oduction to Karlton T. Clay Karlton Clay: I’m 28 years old. I’m the oldest of 4 with 2 brothers and 2 sisters. I’m a pastor’s child. I’m a cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 16. I have been in remission for the last 12 years. I grew up in Augusta, Ga. I graduated from Georgia State University with a bachelor’s of Arts in Film and Video.

Mocca: How did you get into acting? Karlton Clay: I actually got into acting based on being at the right place at the right time. I had taken my little sister to an audition with a local community theater group in Augusta. I also had my little brother with me. They were around the ages of 4 and 5. My little brother was playing around, so I told him to sit down and be quiet. The director heard me say this and told me I have a great voice. He then asked me to audition for a part in the play. At first I was hesitate about doing it but I decided to go ahead and give it a try. I end up getting that part and that became my first time acting on a professional level. After that point I was able to act in more plays and I developed a love for the craft. 7

Interview with Karlton T. Clay Creator of Lyons Den web-series Mocca: How did you tr ansition into pr oduction wor k?

Karlton Clay: I’ve always enjoyed writing since I was very young. I attended a fine arts high school and I signed up for a production class as an alternate. Term after , I kept being placed in the production class so I finally decided to really get into it and found that I really enjoyed the writing and directing aspects. So it seems that different situations ended up plotting my course. Mocca: I see fr om some of the pictur es on your website ( that you are pictured at the anchor’s desk. Tell me a little bit about that. Karlton Clay: I’m an entertainment correspondent ( and my feature “Hollywood Minute” is broadcast every Wednesday at noon on WJBF News (ABC channel 6). During those segments, I spotlight news taking place in and around Hollywood but I also spotlight the local talent and events taking place in and around Augusta. So the pictures that you’re referring to are stills taken during my Hollywood Minute segments. Mocca: Is the Lyon’s Den your first series? Karlton Clay: No, the fir st series that I created was called “College Daze”. We have a college TV station at Georgia State University and I planned to create a fictional show to add to the content of that station. I felt the general manager of the stations was giving me the runaround about the show so one of my homies told me I should just release the show on the internet. So I took his advice and released it on the internet. My goal at the time was just get my content out so people could see it. I got some very positive responses from people about the show. The premise of the show is about college kids navigating thru school and their personal lives. They deal with studying, coed issues and different temptations they may encounter. The show ran for 5 seasons (about 60 episodes). The first 2 seasons were filmed at Georgia State, and the last 3 seasons were filmed in Augusta when I move back there after graduation. 8

Interview with Karlton T. Clay Creator of Lyons Den web-series Mocca: What made you decide to cr eate The Lyon’s Den?

Karlton Clay: I wanted to do a family dr ama ser ies, based on things happening in the modern day family. I was in church one Sunday and was reading the passage on Daniel in the lion’s den. It struck me as a great title. So I change the spelling of lion to lyon and made that the family’s name. I decided that with this series and was going to be open and honest and uncut in the presentation of the series. Prior to this my work had been very clean (rated G). But with this series, I made the decision to go a little farther and to push the bounderies more. Mocca: Tell me a little bit about the ser ies. Karlton Clay: The stor yline centers around the Lyons family and the patriarch of the family has been murdered. While the family is dealing with this tragedy, all of his secret dealings begin to surface. He was very crooked and corrupt in his life. He had multiple affairs while married to his wife. He bore children from some of these affairs. Season 1 Cast Members The children from his marriage and the children from his affairs are now meeting and trying to deal with what is being discovered. Mocca: How did you go about casting the ser ies? Karlton Clay: I put out a casting call on the social media sites but I didn’t do the normal auditions. When people sent in their resumes and headshots, I started casting the actors based on the interviews I had with them. Many of the cast members I had previously worked with from the theater productions and different plays.


Interview with Karlton T. Clay Creator of Lyons Den web-series Mocca: What has the r eception been like for The Lyons Den?

Karlton Clay: The reception has been pr etty gr eat. Many have stated that they like the realness of the show. I’m a cliff-hanger type of writer, so I like to keep people wondering what is going to happen next. I’ve had people facebook me or tweet me and ask why did I leave them hanging with the story. I get more of those messages when the cliffhanger is in the season finale. (At the end of season 4, my character shot Ryan(his half-brother) because my character found out Ryan was sleeping with his girlfriend. And I left people wondering if the gunshot was fatal. The new season will reveal that.) Last year I was able to attend the LA Webfest. While I did receive positive feedback for the show, I also received some constructive critiques on how to enhance the show. I view my show like a continued education, where I continue to discover new ways to produce a better product. People will see the evolution of the production from season to season. Mocca: What has the reception been like for The Lyons Den?

Season 2 Cast Members

Karlton Clay: The r eception has been pr etty gr eat. Many have stated that they like the realness of the show. I’m a cliff-hanger type of writer, so I like to keep people wondering what is going to happen next. I’ve had people facebook me or tweet me and ask why did I leave them hanging with the story. I get more of those messages when the cliffhanger is in the season finale. (At the end of season 4, my character shot Ryan(his half-brother) because my character found out Ryan was sleeping with his girlfriend. And I left people wondering if the gunshot was fatal. The new season will reveal that.) Last year I was able to attend the LA Webfest. While I did receive positive feedback for the show, I also received some constructive critiques on how to enhance the show. I view my show like a continued education, where I continue to discover new ways to produce a better product. People will see the evolution of the production from season to season. 10

Interview with Karlton T. Clay Creator of Lyons Den web-series Mocca: I see that you have won some awar ds for the ser ies?

Karlton Clay: The show has been a par t of thr ee festivals: The 2013 Media Makers Film Festival, The 2013 LA Webfest and 2013 ATL Webfest. We received awards for outstanding Writing, Outstanding Producing, Outstanding Ensemble Cast and 2 of the actresses, Victoria Wilson and Reishal Monique from the series received best supporting actress awards. Mocca: Tell me about the cast of char acter s of The Lyons Den. Karlton Clay: The patr iar ch of the show is William Lyons(played by Nathan Rockwell). Nathan was br iefly on my fir st ser ies “College Daze”. Nathan is just a ball of energy and he was very excited about playing the bad guy role of William Lyons. As I was writing the series, I had Nathan in mind for that part. William Lyons is that character that you love to hate. He has no redeeming qualities about him. He is a very ruthless individual. (think of a black Victor Newman from The Young and the Restless.) Season 3 Cast Members He has 5 children with his wife and has 4 children with women he has had affairs with. Lucas Lyons (played by JaPrince Briggs) was the husband of Sheree’ Lyons. But he was killed in second season. Lucas was the oldest of the main siblings. He played the peacemaker and the role model for the family trying to keep the family together thru this never-ending crisis. He is a go with the flow type of guy and didn’t really have the backbone to standup to his wife. Lucas has two children with his wife and a third child outside of his marriage. There is a constant struggle between his wife and the mother of his child. Lucas ended up dying in a car accident (Inside Scoop: Lucas wasn’t originally supposed to be killed off. He ended up deciding to move on to other opportunities, so his character was phased out of the series.) The decision to remove him from the show opened up a stream of new opportunities to broaden the show.


Interview with Karlton T. Clay Creator of Lyons Den web-series Sheree Lyons (played by Reishal Monique) is another one of those characters that you love to hate. She is the type of wife where you wonder what did Lucas ever see in her to even date her let alone marry her. And based on that way she treats her husband, you wonder what she ever saw in him. It is found out that Sheree’ is cheating on Lucas with Norm (who happens to be a family member of the Lyons family and also Sheree’ boss). After the death of Lucas, we start to see a different side of Sheree as she navigates being a single mother. During this process she realizes that she doesn’t have to be as mean and bossy as she has been in the past. Keysha Lyons (played by Shantelle Wheeler) is the sister of Lucas and she is a military wife (or so she thinks). She is also a peacemaker, trying to get along with everyone. She is not one to wear her emotions on her sleeve. She finds out that her husband is no longer in the military because he was dishonorably discharged for drug usage. It is found out that Season 4 Cast Members instead of him being overseas, he is in the US in a relationship with another woman, has gotten her pregnant and is still using drugs. She is torn between a new love interest and her missing husband. J.C. Lyons (played by Sam Evans) is the “thug” of the family. He has been incarcerated a few times. He is not really trying to get along with the family because he feels like the blacksheep of the family. Thru the series we find that he is diagnosed with cancer. Once he decides to reveal this to his family, we start to see a shift in him because he finds out that his family is actually there for him. As he is going through this, he finds out that his girlfriend had an affair with his father. Ryan Lyons (played by DJ Jackson) is the runaway of the family. He is not introduced to the series until the 3rd season. We find that he has reemerged because he has some gambling debts that he can’t pay. The family bands together to help him pay off his debts. We find that he is broken partially by the fact that he lost his first love in a car accident (where he lost his unborn child as well). 12

Interview with Karlton T. Clay Creator of Lyons Den web-series Raven Lyons (played by Victoria Wilson) is the baby of the siblings. We find that she was left by the father of her unborn child until season 3 when he returns. But he then informs her that he was struggling with his sexuality and he didn’t know how to tell her. When he returns, Raven is newly married and moving on with her life. Season 5 Cast Members

Additional cast members include: Torrence White as Malcolm Lyons

Antrinese Snell as Aisha Lyons

Kendra Clay as Shayquan Turner

Karlton T. Clay as JaySean Turner

Stacy Camille as Ashley Murphy

Matt Calcutt as Charles Sanders

Altina Menefee as Tammi Sanders

Kwashane Dijiare as Eric Patterson

Shatareia Stokes as Bobbi Ward

Noah Quarles as Noah Lyons

Jonah Quarles as Jonah Lyons

Jaye Starkes as AJ Wilkerson

Simone Wilson as Alicia Covington

Danny Bussey as Vincent Covington

Kenneth K.B. Brown as Xavier Monroe Michael G. Williams as Norman Clayborne Courtney Dionne as Angel Jackson (Seasons 1-3) Shantay Evans as Jasmine Harris (Seasons 1-2) Those are the main characters of the series and they are a great cast to work with. It is amazing to see their reactions to the scripts because you can see how invested they are in the series. I couldn’t ask for a better group of actors to work with. 13

Interview with Karlton T. Clay Creator of Lyons Den web-series Mocca: You stated that this is the last season of Lyon’s Den. What do you plan to do next? Karlton Clay: I’m planning to write a new series titled “Lovers and Friends”. I really want to get this one writing while the idea is fresh on my brain. I plan to begin a fundraising campaign to finance the series. I do plan to actually audition the actors for this one. I plan on being loyal to those that have worked with me in the past but I also want to add some fresh faces to the mix. I’ve also ventured into modeling so I plan on pursuing that, I’d like to write a fiction novel. I’d also like to get back into the theater work. The last time is worked in that realm was in 2011. Mocca: You have also pr oduced plays. How many have you done? Karlton Clay: I’ve written and produced 7 plays. I opened Victory Productions (my production company) in 2003. The first play I produced was “Speak to my Heart” I actually didn’t write that play. I was actually in a production of that play and always wanted to produce it myself. The first play that I actually wrote and produced was titled “Leukemia and Me”. I’ve written, produced, and directed plays until 2011. Mocca: With cr eating an ensemble ser ies with such a lar ge cast, what wer e your struggles in producing it? Karlton Clay: One of the biggest str uggles to me was maintaining the productions schedule. I actually hate that task. With such a large cast and everyone maintaining the everyday lives it is very hard to gather everyone together based on their personal schedules and find that we can all come together to film or rehearse. It has proven to be very challenging. But again I have to thank everyone associated with the series. They are so committed to the show and have made the show a priority. They have been more than flexible with their time. One of the other challenging things is funding the show. This series is being funded personally by me. All of the actors and actresses in the show are volunteering their time to the series. 14

Interview with Karlton T. Clay Creator of Lyons Den web-series Mocca: What is one of the most surprising things that you have encountered in producing the series? Karlton Clay: I’m most surprised by the number of people that watch to series. I have people come up to me all the time that let me know they watch the show or recognize me from the show. Even when I was in LA for the LA Webfest, people would stop me and my friend DJ to let us know they recognized us or that they enjoy the show. Another one of the big challenges is paying for the production. Currently all of the equipment used in the production is paid for out of my pocket and that has proven to be very challenging. All of the actors are volunteering their time to the show, which I’m truly grateful to them for doing so. But the cost of producing the show still continue to add up. Karlton Clay: I would personally like to give a big “THANK YOU” to everyone that has watched the show. THANK YOU to everyone that has supported me in any of my ventures, all 11 years of Victory Productions being in existence. THANK YOU to all of the actors and Actresses that had worked with me. I’m looking forward to being able to entertain new viewers and Bring on new talent as well. The Series “The Lyons Den” is available on You-tube at THELYONSDENSERIES If anyone wants to contact me to work with me in future productions, you can send resume and headshots to If you want to connect with Karlton or The Lyons Den on social media, do so at: 15


The Back of the Closet

When ‘I’ Became ‘WE’ by Rafael Solece Since I have gotten engaged lots of people ask me “What are the keys to a strong and healthy relationship?” I always tell them “Relationships are a lot like baking. You have to have the right ingredients. But just like any good recipe, there is always room for error and just like any good baker you should always be able to adjust accordingly.” If the dessert comes out too dense you add more milk. If it comes out too loose, add more flour. If it ain't sweet enough, for goodness sake, add more sugar. The same can be said for cultivating a relationship. Certain ingredients are required: communication, comradery, patience, and even a little chaos. Just like in baking, there has to be some room for adjustments. When things aren't flowing in your relationship, you have to know when to add a little bit more of one or two ingredients to get the relationship to flow just right for the both of you. In my book, some ingredients are more important than others. Communication ranks on top of my list. Now, when I say communication, a lot of people assume I mean how we talk to one another. That's not the case. Though I believe verbal communication is a very important element in a relationship, there are several forms of communication that are key. I won't go into them all, but let’s take for example physical communication. If you and your partner can't relate to each other intimately then the relationship is not going to last long. Is sex that important? Hell yeah! If you can't please me, then you don't know me. If you don't know me then it probably means you don't talk to me enough. If you’re not talking to me then you aren't relating to me. If you aren't relating to me then we can't call ourselves in a relationship. But seriously, how long are you actually going to stay with someone who’s not pleasing you sexually? And if you are with someone who is not pleasing you what does that actually say about you and your self-esteem? If you have self-esteem issues, what the hell are you doing in a relationship in the first place? But I digress that is totally a whole other article altogether.


The Back of the Closet

When ‘I’ Became ‘We’ by Rafael Solece Most people think that opposites attract but I beg to differ, because when your partner has no sense of time and is always changing directions mid-stream and you are the type of person who has to have some semblance of structure, like myself, that could easily turn the love of your life into The Most Hated Bitch. In relationships, it’s important to know that the person you are with has something in common with you. If you are an ambitious person and your partner is the type of person that doesn't stop to just smell one rose but every bush in the garden, clearly that is not a partnership made in heaven. People in relationships should at least walk parallel to one another if not down the same path. If you aren't trying to go where I am going and I am not trying to go where you are going, then clearly we are not going to end up in the same place. People starting new or in a relationship need to have some kind of camaraderie with the person they are in a relationship with. If you are not friends and if you don't have anything in common, the relationship is doomed to failure. Of course, that is where patience comes in. Dealing with another person’s personality is not easy and we have to practice patience, especially when you are in a building a relationship. Now the white picket fence, 2.5 kids, and little poodle; I am sure will eventually drive me crazy. I know, for a fact that there has to be an element of chaos in my life. And so does GOD, he knows that we would get bored if everything in our lives were perfect every day. So when things go wrong, when life isn't perfect, when nothing is right; don't stress it. Go with the flow. When things are not perfect it challenges us and with every challenge there is growth. So when you are building the foundation of your relationship and challenges arise, know that those challenges are what will bond the two of you together; if you allow it. There is no one way to bake a cake. There are thousands of different cake recipes, and variations of those recipes. People change them to suit their needs and the same can be said for building a relationship. No two relationships are the same. Some require more communication than others. Some require more understanding, and some require a whole lot of patience. People always ask me “Isn't love enough?” and my reply is always the same. “Love is just icing on the cake”. It looks good, it taste good, and it even makes you feel really good. Unfortunately just because you in love or you love someone does not mean that the relationship is going to last. Join the conversation Click here or go to to leave your comments about this article.



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Mocca Magazine CinemaSpotlight

Patrik Ian Polk’s “Blackbird”

Patrik Ian Polk’s latest project is set to be his biggest project yet. Polk is directing the movie adaptation of Larry Duplechan’s “Blackbird” The film will be produced by Academy Award winner Mo’Nique and will star Mo’Nique (Precious), Isaiah Washington (Grey’s Anatomy), Terrell Tilford (Single Ladies), D. Woods (Danity Kane), Gary L. Gray (Noah’s Arc), Torrey Lamaar, Nikki Jane, and Julian Walker. Directed by Patrik-Ian Polk (“Noah’s Arc”), “Blackbird” is an adaptation of the 2006 Larry Duplechan novel about a 17-year-old boy named Randy Rousseau who comes from a tight-knit Mississippi family, struggling with living in a super religious community. He begins having strange premonitions and then his parents split after his little sister mysteriously disappears, and his mom blames him after discovering his secret. The film will be screened on the closing night of the Pan African Film Festival February 16, 2014


Mocca Magazine TV Spotlight

O.T Fagbenle of HBO’s “Looking” Born (January 22, 1981) in London and raised across London, Spain, and Nigeria. As a child, music was his passion and he played the saxophone in bands across Europe, performing at the Edinburgh Festival, Wembley Arena, the Royal Albert Hall, and even toured Spain. When he was 16 years old, O.T. landed his first proper role in a Nigerian adaptation of the William Shakespeare play Macbeth. Originally hired to play the saxophone, O.T. was also given several lines in the play, and he knew at that moment that acting was his calling. O.T. Fagbenle can currently be seen starring as sweet and sensitive musician Frank, in the HBO dramedy “Looking”. The show follows a group of gay friends living in San Francisco. He was named as one of Backstage Magazine's Top 30 Actors to Watch in 2014. He starred opposite Tia and Tamera Mowry in the Lifetime movie Double Wedding (2010). Some of his additional credits include: Happy Endings (2011), Brothers (2009), My Boys (2006), and Doctor Who (2005). He can be heard as the voice of 'Calico' Jack Rackham in the internationally bestselling video game Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. Music is still a passion in Fagbenle's life and he loves to collaborate with artists from time to time. He recently worked with Grammy nominated artist Tyga, co-writing the single "Storm" for his Black Thoughts Vol. 2 mixtape. In his down time, Fagbenle loves to go backpacking, play basketball, and volunteers at numerous schools, putting on free drama and music classes for kids.


Mocca Magazine TV Spotlight

Atlanta Exes

Moyetta Shaw

Christina Johnson

Tameka Raymond

Torrei 23

Atlanta has another reality show coming your way very soon. The VH-1 show Hollywood Exes has produced a spin-off for Atlanta titled “Atlanta Exes”. While the original featured Nicole Murphy (ex-wife of Eddie Murphy and current fiancé’ of Michael Strahan), Sheree Fletcher (ex-wife of Will Smith), Jessica Canseco (ex-wife of Jose Canseco), Andrea Kelly (ex-wife of R. Kelly), Mayte Garcia (ex-wife of Prince) and Shamicka Lawrence (ex-wife of Martin Lawrence), the Atlanta version will bring you a fresh crop of exes. The cast will include Tameka Raymond (ex-wife of Usher Raymond), Monyette Shaw (ex-fiance of Neyo), Christina Johnson (ex-wife of Cee-Lo Green), Sheree Buchanan (ex-wife of Ray Buchanan) and Torrei Hart (ex-wife of Kevin Hart). You know these women will have stories to tell and if they live up to Atlanta Reality show history, there will be plenty of drama. They have to compete with The Real Housewives of Atlanta and Love and HipHop: Atlanta. Atlanta Exes is set to premiere sometime this summer.

Sheree Buchanan


What do the Lonely Do Valentine’s Day February 14th marks the day when so many people receive flowers, cards and chocolates from their partner to show their love. While this time of year is quite special for some, for others it can be a very trying time. There are some who have recently ended a relationship or other that can’t seem to find the right person to partner with. For those people, Valentine's Day can be a very sad and depressing time. Having to watch as others are showered with gifts and tokens of affection. It has even brought some to the point of contemplating suicide. Well, Valentine’s Day is not a day to give up hope. It is also not the day to be envious of the relationships being celebrated by others. It’s only one day out of an entire year. Don’t let this one day define your life or your outlook on your experiences. It might be true that you are not currently in a relationship, but you are not alone. You have the love and affection of your family and friends. Think about how many of your friends and family members that are also not in a current relationship. When you think about it, you might know more people that are single than people in relationships. In that light, being single might be the norm. And when you think about some of those relationships, you should thank your lucky stars that you don’t have to deal with some of the things other people you know are dealing with. There are people on the brink of suicide or murder because of the relationships that they’re in.


What do the Lonely Do Valentine’s Day There are many people who would love to be in a relationship and be receiving those same gifts. But as luck would have it, they’re not in a relationship at this time. The thing is, you’re always in a relationship with yourself. So celebrate that relationship and do something special for yourself. You don’t have to be in a relationship to enjoy the day. Make the day special by enjoying your favorite meal. Hang out with friends, enjoying a spa day, relax with a good book, take yourself to the movies and so many other things. Now would also be a goodtime to keep yourself busy so you don’t have to sit and think about what the day is. Get out and go for a walk, take yourself to the mall. Gather with some of your single friend and just do something fun and unexpected. Check out your local activities section of your local paper. There are always plenty of things going on within the city. Check out a local music artist or a local poetry jam. If you. Since Valentine’s Day is on a Friday, maybe hit up one of your local clubs or bars. You might just meet someone to take your mind off of the fact that you’re not in a relationship. The time will come soon enough for your relationship. Enjoy this time and celebrated how good you have been to yourself. And what a wonderful mate you will make for that special person that deserves your time and attention. Now is not a time for feeling self -pity. It is a time to appreciate the person you are and that your best days are ahead of you.




National Resources for HIV and AIDS awareness. Herwe is a listing of HIV and AIDS resource information National HIV Hotlines

HIV/AIDS Info 1-800-448-0440 National AIDS Hotline (24 hours a day, daily): (800) 232-4636 AIDS Action Hotline 1-800-235-2331

State HIV/AIDS Hotlines Below is a State by State breakdown of Information resources dealing with HIV and AIDS

Alabama AIDS Hotline

ish and Filipino

In Alabama: (800) 228-0469

TDD for the deaf: 1-888-225-AIDS.

Alaska AIDS Hotline

Colorado STD/HIV Hotline

In Alaska: (800) 478-2437

Denver only: (303) 692-2777

If Calling Out of State: (907) 269-8000

In Colorado (toll free): (877) 478-3448

Arizona AIDS Hotline

If Calling Out of State: 303) 692-2783

In Arizona: (800) 232-4636

Connecticut Health Department

If Calling Out of State: (602) 364-3610

National (860) 692-2783

Arkansas AIDS Hotline

Delaware AIDS Hotline

In Arkansas: (800) 232-4636

In Delaware: (800) 422-0429

Arkansas AIDS Foundation: (501) 376 -6299 California HIV/AIDS Hotline If Calling Out of State: (800) 367-AIDS In San Francisco (415) 863-2437 Information available in English, Span-


The Night Reign Fell to New Orleans


State HIV/Aids Hotlines District of Columbia AIDS Information Line (202) 332-2437 HIV/AIDS Administration Dept. National (202) 671-4900 In metro DC. & VA: (800) 322-7432 Georgia AIDS Information Line In Georgia: (800) 551-2728 AID Atlanta In Atlanta: (404) 870-7700 If Calling Out of State: (404) 876-9944 Hawaii STD/AIDS Hotlines In Hawaii: (800) 321-1555

In Louisiana: (504) 821-6050 In Louisiana TDD: (877) 566-9448 Hours of service: Monday - Friday 10 am - 8 pm, Saturday 10 am - 4 pm. Maine AIDS Hotline In Maine: (800) 851-2437 If Calling Out of State: (800) 775-1267 Maryland AIDS Hotline If Calling Out of State: (800) 358-9001 In Maryland, (Bilingual) 800-638-6252 In Metro DC. & VA: (800) 322-7432 Hispanic AIDS Hotline: (301) 9490945

If Calling Out of State: (808) 922-1313 Baltimore only TTY area: (410) 3332437 Illinois AIDS Hotline Massachusetts AIDS Hotline In Illinois: (800) 243-2437 In Massachusetts: (800) 235-2331 In Illinois TTY/TDD: (800) 782-0423 If Calling Out of State: (617) 536-7733 Indiana HIV Medical Services Office TTY/TDD: (617) 437-1672 In Indiana: (866) 588-4948 TTY: (617) 450-1427 Call National AIDS Hotline (24 hours a Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to day, daily): (800) 232-4636 9:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 2 Iowa AIDS Hotline p.m. In Iowa: (800) 445-2437 Spanish spoken. Se habla Espa単ol. If Calling Out of State: (319) 338-2135 Michigan AIDS Hotline Kansas Health Department In Michigan: (800) 872-2437 In Kansas (785) 296-6174 TTY/TDD: (800) 332-0849 National (877) 526-2437 x2 Spanish: (800) 826-SIDA Kentucky Health Department Health Care Workers: (800) 522 In Kentucky: (502) 564-6539 x2 Louisiana AIDS Hotline In Louisiana: (800) 992-4379


State HIV/Aids Hotlines Minnesota AIDS Line

In New Mexico: (800) 545-2437

In Minnesota: (800) 248-2437

If Calling Out of State: (505) 476-3612

If Calling Out of State: (612) 373-2437

Mississippi AIDS Hotline

New York State HIV Counseling Hotline

In Mississippi: (800) 826-2961

(800) 872-2777 (M-F 2-8, S & S 10-6)

National (AIDS Administration): (601) 576-7723

Deaf and Hearing Impaired: (800) 3692437 TDD

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Spanish Hotline: (800) 233-SIDA New York State Information Hotline

If Calling Out of State: (866) 628-9891

(800) 541-2437 (info tapes 24 hrs; counselors Mon.-Fri. 8-8, Sat. & Sun. 10-6)

Montana AIDS Program In Montana: (800) 233-6668 Eastern Montana AIDS Hotline: (800) 675-2437 Western Montana AIDS Hotline: (800) 663-9002 If Calling Out of State:(406) 444-3565 Nebraska AIDS Hotline If Calling Out of State: (800) 782-2437 Nevada AIDS Information Line In Nevada: (800) 842-2437 If Calling Out of State: (775) 684-5900 New Hampshire AIDS Hotline

In New Hampshire: (800) 752-2437 If Calling Out of State: (603) 271-4502

NYC Department of Health AIDS Helpline 1-800-TALK-HIV (counseling, recorded information, and testing information) AIDS Institute Experimental Treatment Info Line (800) 633-7444 GMHC AIDS Hotline (212) 807-6655 (M-F 10-9, Sat 12-3) GMHC TDD: (212) 645-7470 Body Positive Helpline 800-566-6599 (2-6pm Mon-Fri) Long Island AIDS Hotline (516) 385-AIDS (M-F 9-9, tape after hours) AIDS Council of Northeastern NY AIDS Information Hotline (518) 445-2437 (800) 201-AIDS

New Jersey AIDS Hotline In New Jersey: (800) 624-2377 (24 hrs, 7 days) If Calling Out of State: (609) 984-5874 TTY/TDD: (201) 926-8008 New Mexico AIDS Hotline


State HIV/Aids Hotlines North Carolina AIDS Hotline

In South Carolina: (800) 322-2437

In North Carolina: (800) 232-4636

If Calling Out of State: (803) 898-0749

National, Health Info: (919) 733-3039

South Dakota AIDS Hotline

North Dakota AIDS Hotline

In South Dakota: (800) 592-1861

In North Dakota: (800) 782-2437

Health Department: (605) 773-3737

If Calling Out of State: (701) 328-2378

Tennessee AIDS Hotline

Ohio AIDS Hotline

In Tennessee: (800) 525-AIDS

In Ohio: (800) 332-2437

If Calling Out of State: (615) 741-7500

In Ohio TTY/TDD: (800) 332-3889

Texas AIDS Hotline

If Calling Out of State: (614) 466-0265

In Texas: (800) 299-2437

Oklahoma AIDS Hotline

Health Department: (615) 490-2505

In Oklahoma: (800) 535-2437

Utah AIDS Information Line

Oregon AIDS Hotline

In Utah: (800) 366-2437

Area codes 503, 206 and 208: (800) 777-2437

If Calling Out of State: (801) 487-2100

Voice & TTY: (503) 223-2437

In Vermont: (800) 882-2437

Oregon Health Department

Virgin Islands AIDS Hotline

(503) 223-2437

(809) 773-2437

Pennsylvania AIDS Hotline

Virginia STD/AIDS Hotline

In Pennsylvania: (800) 662-6080

In Virginia: (800) 533-4148

Health Department: (717) 783-0572

In Virginia Hispanic line: (800) 3227432

Puerto Rico Linea de Infor SIDA y Enfermedades de Transmision Sexual In Puerto Rico: (800) 981-5721 If Calling Out of State: (809) 765-1010 Rhode Island AIDS Hotline

If Calling Out of State: (800) 726-3010 Health Department (401) 831-5522 South Carolina AIDS Hotline


Vermont AIDS Hotline

Virginia Health Department (804) 3717455

Washington HIV Client Services In Washington: (877) 376-9316 Washington HIV Client Services

If Calling Out of State: (360) 236-3426 West Virginia AIDS Hotline In West Virginia: (800) 642-8244 If Calling Out of State: (304) 558-2950 Wisconsin AIDS Hotline In Wisconsin: (800) 334-2437 If Calling Out of State: (414) 273-2437 Wyoming AIDS Hotline In Wyoming: (800) 675-2698 If Calling Out of State: (307) 237-7833

HIV/AIDS Websites


Ask Aunt Pearl Dear Aunt Pearl:

I’ve been dating this guy for about 1 and a half years. His job has him traveling for long periods of time to different cities. He has been gone for the last 5 months. His job has changed and he is now about to stay permanently in our city. He is so excited that we can finally see each other on a daily basis. I have messed around with other guys but always considered him to be my number one. While we will continue to live separately, I’m not sure I’m ready for him to be in the same city with me for an extended time frame. The guy I’ve been messing around with for the last few months is amazing. The sex is great. He is so cool to hang with. And he’s not looking for anything serious. How do I handle this. I don’t think the new guy will continue to be with me with him being around so much. But I ‘m not ready to give him up yet. What should I do? Dear Mr. Have It All; Sounds like you have a case of is the bird in the hand worth more than the one rockin the bushes. From your letter, it sounds like guy #1 is ready to see where your relationship with him can go and guy #2 is just looking for a good time. You might be able to juggle them both for a little while until you can figure out what is more important to you. I think guy #1 would be willing to keep thing slow while you get adjusted to being together on a more regular basis. I’m also sure that if guy #2 is only looking for a good time, he’s not too worried about what other irons you have on your fire, as long as his remains hot. Just set a boundary with guy #1 so that you maintain some of your free time. Then you’ll have time to spend with guy #2. If you juggle this right, You can keep them both for a little while. Just don’t get greedy. This won’t last forever. Sooner or later you’ll have to make a decision. Or one will be made for you. And you might not like that one.



Ask Aunt Pearl Dear Aunt Pearl: I just found out that my boyfriend of one year is cheating on me. He has been messing around with this guy in his fraternity. This guy is married and his wife recently had a baby. I see the situation as a distraction for the married man but I don’t know how to handle this. My man has always been attentive to me and only recently did I begin to see the change in him. I’m not one to try and make someone promise to leave the other guy alone, because I know if someone wants to cheat, they will make it happen. I have fallen in love with this guy and I believe he has fallen in love with me. I just think we might have a different definition of what being in love means and how that effects your actions. I believe that he feels its ok to cheat as long as home is being taken care of. I feel that because of what you have at home, you should not cheat. How would you handle this situation? This is the first time I’ve dealt with this with him. I really don’t want to be in a relationship where I’m always wondering if my man is out cheating. Dear My man has another Man: From your letter, it sounds like you think your man is just cheating for the hell of it. The first thing you need to do is find out if that is really the case. You also need to get on the same page as your man about the components of your relationship, because if you don’t you will always be in the dark about his actions. It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders, but your love for this man is clouding your vision. I suggest you get a clear vision of what you have and it will be easier to make a decision about what to do next. It will be easier to decide what you can put up with when you know the whole story. If you have a question or situation that you would like Aunt Pearl to share some of her knowledge with you, send your letter to or you can submit the letter from the comments page at



Black LBGT Pride and Circuit Events 2014 Calendar Tempted to Touch

Washington, DC

Las Vegas, NV

May 23-26, 2014

March 13-18, 2014 Sizzle – Miami Big Boy Pride

Miami, FL

Orlando, FL

May 22-27, 2014

April 3-7, 2014 Orlando Black Pride 2013 Philadelphia Black Pride

Orlando, FL

Philadelphia, PA

June 3-9, 2014

April 20-27 , 2014

Inferno Puerto Rico Blatino Oasis

San Juan, PR

Palm Strings, CA


May 2-4, 2014

Houston Splash Houston, TX May 8-11, 2014

DC Black Pride 39

Say it Loud!: Black and Latino Pride Albany, NY June 4-7, 2014

Black LBGT Pride and Circuit Events 2014 Calendar Portland Black Pride

Harlem, NY

Portland, OR

June 22-29, 2014


DC Latino Pride

Windy City Black LGBT-SGL Pride

Washington, DC TBA

Chicago, Il July—3-6, 2014

Memphis Black Pride Memphis, TN TBA

South Carolina Black Pride Columbia, SC TBA

Columbus Urban Pride 2013 Columbus, OH TBA ColumbusUrbanpride

Pride and Promote Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA July 3-6, 2014

Charlotte Black Gay Pride Charlotte, NC July 17-21, 2014

Portland Latino Pride Portland, OR TBA

Harlem Pride 2013 40

Black LBGT Pride and Circuit Events 2014 Calendar Newark Pride

Rochester, NY

Newark, NJ


TBA Emerald City Black Pride Detroit’s Hotter Than July

Seattle, WA

Detroit, MI

July 22-27,2014

TBA Oakland Black Pride

Triangle Black Pride

Oakland, CA

Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill, NC


July 25-27, 2014

Kentucky Black Pride Louisville, KY

Little Rock Black Pride Little Rock, AR



Indianapolis Black Pride Indianapolis, IN

Mocha Weekend Black Pride Buffalo, NY TBA

Mocha Weekend Black Pride 41


Black LBGT Pride and Circuit Events 2014 Schedule Jacksonville Black Pride

Dallas, TX

Jacksonville, FL

October 3-6, 2014

TBA Baltimore Black Pride UK Black Pride

Baltimore, MD

London, England

October 8-12, 2014

TBA Nashville Black Pride Fire Island Blackout

Nashville, TN

Fire Island, NY


August 8-10, 2014 Gainesville Black Pride In the Life Atlanta

Gainesville, Florida

Atlanta, GA


August 27-September 1, 2014

Jackson Black Pride DR Takeover 2014

Jackson, MS

Punta Cana, DR


August 28-September 1, 2014

Dallas Black Pride 42

Websites, Blogs and You-Tube Channels Worth Checking Out You-Tube Channels 3LWTV AconnectionTV ADTV Black and Sexy TV Boy Drama FreeFall Web Series Funky Dineva judys No Shade T.R.A.D.E It All The Skorpion Show YBN Entertainment

Radio Channels BeScene Radio Da Doo-Dirty Show Lodoun Radio The Paisley Show

Online Magazines/Blogs Be Magazine Cypher Avenue GBM News G-List Society Mused Magazine Rod 2.0 Tropical Desires Urban Socialites Magazine

Websites Black Men’s Dating Club Kaoz Online No More Down Low The Gay Chronicles The Luckey Star

If would like to submit a website or You-tube channel, send it to:


Black Gay Pageant Calendar July 21, 2013

WESSLAND Newcomer & Closetball

Atlanta, GA

Jul 24 -25, 2013

Mr Texas USofA At Large

San Antonio, TX

Jul 28, 2013

Mr & Miss Florida Platinium Newcomer Tampa, FL

Aug 1-3, 2013

Miss Gay USofA Newcomer

Oklahoma City, OK

Aug 10,2013

Virginia National Newcomer

Norfolk, VA

Aug 13-16, 2013

Miss Gay Texas USofA

Dallas, TX

Aug 23, 2013

Envy Newcomer

Birmingham, AL

Aug 30-Sept 2, 2013 Mr & Miss Continental

Chicago, IL

Sep 15, 2013

Mr Duval Newcomer

Jacksonville, FL

Sep 19, 2013

Miss Texas USofA At Large

San Antonio, TX

Sep. 22, 2013

Texas FFI

Dallas, TX

Sep 28, 2013

Nationz Pageant

Richmond, VA

Oct 2-4, 2013

Miss USofA At Large

Orlando, FL

Oct 7, 2013

Miss Dreamgirl Continental

Chicago, IL

Oct 16 -18, 2013

Mr Gay USofA

San Antonio, TX

Oct 19- 20, 2013

Missouri State 2013

St Louis, MO

Oct 24-27, 2013

MBU Grand and MBU

Atlanta, GA

Nov 1-2, 2013

International Rose City & Newcomer Thomasville, GA

Nov 23-24, 2013

Mr & Miss Renaissance Newcomer

Atlanta, GA

Dec 1, 2013

Wessland Mr, Miss, Empress

Atlanta, GA

Dec 8, 2013

Mr Duval

Jacksonville, FL

If you have information on event to be listed here, please send the details to


Club Listings Alabama Montgomery FAT BOY’S FOLLIES 215 N Court St, Montgomery, AL 36104

Mobile B BOBS 213 Conti St. Langston’s Mobile,AL 36602 Phone: 251-433-2262

Arizona Phoenix INCOGNITO 2424 E Thomas Rd Phoenix, AZ 85016 Phone: 602-955-9805

California Los Angeles Metro Circus 6655 Santa Monica Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90038 Club Metro @ The Factory Ultra Suede, 661 Robertson Blvd West Hollywood ,CA 90056 Phone: 323-769-6333

Factory 652 N Lapeer Drive West Hollywood, CA 45

90069 Phone: 310-659-4551 Faultline 4216 Melrose Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90029 Phone: 323-660-0889 ANNEX 835 S La Brea Ave Inglewood ,CA 90301 Phone: 310-671-7323 Club Seduction@The El Cid, 4212 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90029 Phone: 818-633-3056 Metro @Here Lounge, 696 Robertson Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 70069 Phone: 323-769-6333 Hamburger Mary’s Long Beach 740 East Broadway Long Beach, CA 90802 Phone: 562-436-7900

Oakland Club Rimshot @ Bench & Bar 2111 Franklin St, Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: 510-444-2266 Club 21 2111 Franklin Street Oakland, CA 94607 Phone: 510-268-9425

ALIBI EAST/BACK ALLEY 225 S San Antonio Ave Pomona, CA 91766 Phone: 909-623-9422

San Diego BRASS RAIL 3796 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA,92103 Phone: 619-298-2233

San Francisco Blackout 525 Harrison St San Francisco, CA Phone: 415-263-6923 CLUB RED @ BLONDIES 540 Valencia San Francisco, CA 94110 Phone: 415-339-8310

Colorado Denver Tracks Nightclub/ Cream Fridays 3500 Walnut St Denver, CO 80205 Phone: 303-863-7326

Club Listings District of Columbia Washington DC Bachelor’s Mill 1104 8th Street SE Washington, DC 20003 Phone: 202-546-5979 Club Aqua 1818 New York Ave. Washington, DC Club Fusion (inside Club Quest) 1368 H St NE 2nd floor, Washington DC, 20002 Phone: 202 471-0772 Club Muse 717 16th Street NW Washington, DC DEEP END @ ANDALU 1214 18th St, NW, Washington DC, 20036 Phone: 202-785-2922 Delta Elite 3734 10th Street NE Washington, DC 20017 Phone: 202-529-0626 FIREPLACE 2151 P St NW, Washington DC, 20037 Phone: 202-293-1293


Fort Lauderdale Bill’s Filling Station 1243 Ne 11th Ave Ft. Lauderdale Fl Phone: 954-525-9403 Boardwalk 1721 N Andrews Ave Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311 Phone: 954-463-6969 Boom 2232 Wilton Dr Ft Lauderdale FL, 33305 Phone: 954-630-3556 Boy Bar 1220 Normandy Dr . Miami Beach FL 33141 Phone:305-864-2697 Coliseum 2520 S Miami Rd Ft Lauderdale FL, 33316 Phone: (954) 832-0100 Georgie ’s Alibi 2266 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors FL, 33305 Phone: 954-565-2526 J’s (Women’s Bar) 2780 Davie Blvd Ft. Lauderdale Fl Phone: 954-581-8400 Johnny`s 1116 E Broward Blvd Ft Lauderdale FL 33301 Phone: 954-522-5931 New Moon 2440 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: (954) 563-7660

Ramrod (Leather /Levi/ Uniform) 1508 NE 4th Ave Ft Lauderdale FL Phone: 954-763-8219 Torpedo 2829 W Broward Blvd Ft Lauderdale, FL 33312 Phone: 954-587-2500 Trixies 600 S Dixie Highway Hollywood Fl Phone: 954-923-9322 Voodoo Lounge 111 SW 2nd Ave Ft Lauderdale FL, 33301 Phone: 954-522-0733

Jacksonville InCahoots Nightclub, 711 Edison Ave, Jacksonville FL, 32204 Phone: 904-353-6316

Madeira Backroom Bar 14601 Gulf Blvd Madeira Beach FL, Phone: (727) 392-2814


Club Listings Miami Azucar 2301 SW 32nd Ave Miami Phone:305-441-6974 Cameo 1445 Washington Ave Miami Beach FL, 33139 Phone: (305) 532-2667 Club Boi 1060 N W 79th St Miami FL, 33147 Phone: 305-836-8995 J’s Bar 2780 Davie Blvd Miami FL, 33312 Phone: 954-581-840 Jamboree 7005 Biscayne Blvd Miami Laundry Bar 721 N Lincoln Lane Miami Beach FL, 33139 Phone: (305) 531-7700 Palace Food Bar 1200 Ocean Dr Miami Beach FL Phone: 305-531-7234 Twist 1057 Washington Ave Miami Beach, FL Phone: 305-53-TWIST Score 727 Lincoln Road Miami Beach, FL Phone:305-535-1111

Orlando 47

Parliament House Resort, 410 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, Florida 32805 - Phone: 407-425-7571. Southern Nights 375 S Brumby Ave Orlando, FL Phone:

Tallahassee Brothers Nightclub 926 W Tharpe St, Tallahassee, FL, 32303 850-386-2399

Tampa Azalea Lounge 1502 N Florida Ave Tampa, FL Phone: 813-228-0139 Baxters 1519 S Dale Mabry Hwy Tampa FL Phone: 813-258-8830 Cityside Lounge 3703 Henderson Blvd Tampa FL G Bar 1401 E 7th Ave Ybor City FL Phone:813-247-1016

Keith’s 14905 N. Nebraska Ave Tampa FL The Male Room

4502 S Dale Mabry Hwy Tampa FL Midtown Tavern 9002 N. Florida Ave, Tampa, FL Phone: 813-915-0819 Radar 4202 W Cayuga Ave Tampa, FL Rainbow Cabaret 4421 N Hubert Ave Tampa, FL, 33614 Phone: 813-877-7585 Valentine’s Nightclub 7522 N Armenia Ave Tampa FL Phone: 813-936-1999

Georgia Atlanta 595 North 595 North Ave Atlanta, GA BULLDOGS 893 Peachtree St. Atlanta GA 30309 Phone: 404-872-3025 Club Rain 448 Ralph David Abernathy Atlanta, GA 30312

Club Listings Atlanta cont.

Des Moines

Club Rain 448 Ralph David Abernathy Atlanta, GA 30312 Cream Ultra Lounge 3249 Buford Hwy Atlanta, GA 30329 First Fridays at Cantina 3280 Peachtree Road Atlanta, GA Finns 84 12th Street NE Atlanta, GA 30309 Le Buzz, 585 Franklin Rd, Atlanta GA, 30342-2778 Phone: 770-424-1337 Mixx 1492B Piedmont Ave. Atlanta, GA 30309 Phase One 4933 Memorial Drive Stone Mountain, GA 3 Rush Lounge 2715 Buford Hwy. Atlanta, GA 30329 Scorecards 1371 Clairmont Road, Decatur, GA 30033 Third Saturdays at AJA 3500 Lenox Road Atlanta, GA XS Ultra Lounge

BLAZING SADDLES 416 E 5th S Des Moines, IA, 50309 Phone: 515-246-1299

708 Spring St

ROSCOE’S TAVERN AND CAFÉ 3356 N Halsted St, Chicago IL, 60657

Atlanta, GA 30308


Illinois Chicago BERLIN 954 W Belmont Chicago IL, 60657 Phone: 773-348-4975 Urbano At Evergreen 809 West Evergreen Chicago, IL GENTRY ON HALSTED 3320 N Halsted St, Chicago IL 60657 GENTRY ON STATE 440 N. State St Chicago, IL, 60611 Phone: 312-836-0933 Little Jim’s 3501 N Halsted Chicago IL, 60657 Phone: 773-871-6116 PENTHOUSE SUNDAYS @ Club 720 720 N. Wells St Chicago IL Phone: 312-787-8720

Phone: 773-281-3355 TASTE 6331 S Lowe St Chicago IL, 60621 Phone: 708-802-1705

Kansas Wichita Club Glazier 2828 E 31St South Wichita KS, 67216 OUR FANTASY 3201 S Hillside Wichita KS, 67216 Phone: 316-682-5494

Louisiana New Orleans Fusion’s 2004 AP Tureaud Ave, New Orleans, LA, 70116 Phone: 504301-5121 OZ 800 Bourbon St New Orleans LA, 70116 504-593-9491 PARADE DISCO 801 Bourbon St. New Orleans, LA 70116 Phone: 504-529-2107


Club Listings Maryland Baltimore HIPPO, 1 W Eager St, Baltimore MD, 21201 Phone: 410-547-0069 PARADOX 1310 Russell St Baltimore MD 21230 Phone: 410-837-9110

St. Louis, MO, 63108 Phone: 314-652-6500

New York New York City

Boysroom 211 Ave A New York NY Phone:212-995-8664 Club Channel 860 Atlantic Ave Michigan Brooklyn, NY Detroit Club Langston 1073 Atlantic Ave MENJOS Brooklyn, NY 11238 928 W McNichols Phone: 718-622-5183 Detroit MI, 48203 Club Rush Phone: 313-863-3934 OFF BROADWAY EAST 579 6th Ave New York NY 12215 Harper Element Detroit, MI, 48213 225 E Houston St Phone: 313-526-8401 New York NY Woodward ’s Cocktail ESCUELITA Bar 301 W 39th St 6426 Woodward Ave New York NY, 10018 Detroit MI Phone: 212-631-0588 Phone: 313-872-0166 G Lounge 223 W 19th St, New York NY St. Louis Phone: 212-929-1085 FACES, 130 N 4th St Groove East St. Louis, MO 125 W Macdougall (7 W 62201 3rd), Phone: 618-271-7410 New York NY Phone: (212) 254-9393 Krash Magnolia ’s 555 W 33rd St. Btw. 5 S Vandeventer St, 10&11 Ave, 49


New York NY, 10010 Phone: (917) 560-8024 Long Island Eagle 94 N Clinton Ave. Bayshore, NY, 01706 Phone: 631-968-2750 LUKE AND LEROY 21 7th Ave S, New York NY,10014 Phone: (212) 645-0004 NO Parking Bar 4168 Broadway @177th St. New York ,NY Phone: (212) 923-8700 MONSTER 80 Grove St, New York NY, 10014 Phone: 212-924-3558 Oscar Wilde 221 E 58th St, New York NY,10022 Phone: 212-355-3395 SplashBar 50 West 17th Street New York, NY 10011

Club Listings New York City cont. Stereo 555 W 33rd St New York NY Therapy 348 W 52nd St New York NY, 10019 Phone: 212-397-1700

Ohio Cincinnati The Dock 603 W Pete Rose Way Cincinnati OH 45202 Phone: 513-241-5623

Columbus Traxx Columbus 50 Long Street Columbus, OH43215

Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Pegasus Lounge 818 Liberty Ave Pittsburgh, PA15222 Phone: (412) 281-2131

Austin CHARLIES 1301 Lavaca St, Austin TX, 78711 Phone: 512-474-6481

Dallas Havana Nites 4006 Cedar Springs, Dallas,TX 75219 Phone: 214-526-9494 Club 20/20 2020 Leland, Houston TX, 77003 Phone: 713-227-9667 The Brick 2525 Wycliff Ave #120 Dallas, TX 75219 Houston Bartini 1318 Westheimer Houston TX Phone; 832-443-1016

Virginia Richmond CLUB COLOURS 536 N Harrison St Richmond, VA, 23220 Phone: 804-353-9776

Texas If you would like a club in your area added to the club listings, send the information to: 50


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