Mocca Aug-Sept 2014

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in This Issue 78 Technology Spotlight

5 Editor’s Note

iPhone(6) Preview

7 Why Is It So Hard To Truly Love Someone?

103 HIV/AIDS Resources 111 Ask Aunt Pearl

25 Business Relations by Rafael Solece

115 Pride and Circuit

41 Cinema Spotlight

Events Calendar

Get On Up, No Good Deed,

119 Websites, Blogs and You-tube Channels

Best Man Wedding

121 National Club Listings

55 TV Spotlight Empire, Blackish, The Divide, How To Get Away With Murder Website:



Ask Aunt Pearl:


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Editor’s Note Hello Mocca Readers! We only have a few months left before the beginning of 2015. Oh, how time flies. This has been a great year so far for Mocca Magazine, but it has been a very eye-opening year for many in the world. The different situations we have seen during the most recent past might very well shape many of the events we see in the future. While Michael Sam was the first openly gay man to be drafted to the NFL, we unfortunately say him cut from the the St. Louis Rams. But shortly after that he was picked up for the practice squad of the Dallas Cowboys. I still think that very soon we will se our first openly gay player in the NFL. It is only a matter of time. We have also seen the aftermath of the shooting of Mike Brown in Ferguson, MO. As tragic as this is, the hope I that it will spark conversation about the fate of unarmed black men at the hands of the police. It has also started the conversation about the militarization of many of our police departments. We say equipment designed foruse in war zone being used against our brothers and sisters on our city streets. It was a shameful use of force that our country should be ashamed of being a part of. Many interesting things were discovered during the protests in Ferguson, MO. I just hope that that they will be the catalyst for jsome major changes in the way the police handle different situations that they find themselves dealing with during the course of their workday. Please feel free to send me any comments or suggestions to Rodney L. Berry 5

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Why Is It So Hard To Truly Love Someone? In a world, where it has become increasingly more accepted for men to express their feelings for other men, we should be seeing a vast upswing in the number of men entering into relationships. Gay marriage is legal in at least 19 states and that number will continue to rise. With all of this there still seems to be a struggle for men deciding to enter into relationship. And unfortunately, even when many of these men do find a mate. They seem to be ill-prepared to maintain that relationship. They lie, cheat and abuse within these relationships. It seems like men work so hard to find these relationships, but once they have them, they treat the relationship as if it isn’t worth anything. If you buy a new car, most people work very hard to keep it looking shiny and new. We need to treat our relationships the same way. The first step to achieving this is to learn to truly love within your relationship. Commit yourself to keeping your relationship polished up and smelling fresh. And that is something you have to work on from its foundation. If you start off your relationship from a genuine loving place and resolve to keep it that way, you have a great beginning to your relationship. Doing this will take work on everyone’s part. But the reward of a successful and fulfilling relationship will be worth the effort. First we should start with the concept of loving someone. Why do we find it to be so hard to do? On the surface, it seems like a very easy thing to do. You can easily love pasta, diamonds, a great pair of jeans and even a city. Loving someone you’ve decided to invest your time and energy into should be just as easy. But when you dig just a little deeper, you find that it’s not as easy as it seems. We have all had that person in our lives that has completely let you down when you started planning for forever with them. This situation happens all the time. When it does happen, it leaves us wondering ‘Was it even worth it?’ The experience also leaves us with doubt that the right person is even out there. After an experience like this, many will become jaded and hold back when the next person comes along for fear of them doing the same thing. This in turn, sets us up for failure in the new relationship. If we continue on this path, we will end up sabotaging every relationship that we enter into. After a bad experience, it is good to do some self-reflection and gain an understanding of what actually occurred, and not jump to conclusions. Examine all aspects of the relationship and even try to put yourself in your past partner’s shoes to see things from their point of view. Doing this will allow you a vantage point of seeing the situation from all sides, not just your own. 7

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Why Is It So Hard To Truly Love Someone? Let’s start with the facts. What caused the situation that has you feeling this way? Second, understand if this is a legitimate grievance or are you just in your feelings. If you find that you’re not being overly sensitive, try to figure out why the situation occurred. What part (if any) did you play in these turn of events? Many times we act as if we are blameless in situations that occur in our relationships. Everything has a cause and an effect. It is possible that both the cause and the effect had nothing to do with you and your actions. But this happens very rarely. In normal situations, sometimes the smallest of actions by you might create issues for your mate. If you review the situation and cannot find any way that you might have contributed to the cause of the situation, you can rule yourself out and focus on the other influences that might have led to this situation. If you can find a clear understanding of the situation, you might be able to work the problem out with your partner. Just blaming them will only hurt you and your relationship. But even if after all of this refection the relationship has run its course, you will still have gained valuable insight that might keep you from having the same thing happen in your next relationship. It is very important that you give any new relationship a chance to grow and become successful. Dragging all of the baggage from your other relationships into your new one will only harm the relationship’s potential. Never forget the things you have gone through in a previous encounter. These things, good and bad, will help you to grow and gain a clearer understanding of what a successful relationship for you will look like. You must find a way to be mindful of those things while still nurturing your relationship. You would never want others to punish you for the shortcomings of others. We have to learn to treat our new mates the same way. Give them the opportunity to show you that same things won’t happen in this new encounter. Sometimes, it is hard to truly love someone because you feel that if you give yourself to the relationship, you will eventually be hurt. This fear normally is rooted in a past situations where after giving yourself to the relationship, you were ultimately hurt. Being hurt in a relationship can come in many different forms. Disrespect, infidelity, financial irresponsibility and disregard for the others feelings to name a few. Many men are extremely cautious about what might happen in their relationships that they never give 100% to the relationship. This fear can grip them the entire duration of the relationship and eventually choke the life out of the relationship. It can lead some to begin to doubt their partner, to become suspitious and to even sabotage the relationship. The thought is that since the relationship will end anyway, why should they give their all to something that is doomed to failure? Unfortunately, this is normally something that you have to work yourself through. Your partner can lend their support to you, but it is up to you to remove this barrier so you can invest yourself fully into your relationship. If you don’t work through this, it can ruin your present relationship and any future ones you might have.

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Why Is It So Hard To Truly Love Someone? But even if you and you partner get past all of that stuff, you are both still imperfect creatures. Both of you will make mistakes and fall short of what the other expects of you from time to time. It is important for both of you to realize this and to not expect for your partner to do everything correctly. Part of truly loving someone is how you react when hard times present themselves. If you are not truly loving your partner, these things can become divisive barriers in your relationship. Being able to work through these tough times will show you if the love is truly there in your relationship. These tough situations can also be a litmus test to how your relationship will fair when the next hurdle presents itself. Understanding that life will not always be perfect in your relationship will help you through the rough patches. Fighting for your relationship is how you and your partner get past the rough spots. Being there for yourself and your partner is key in a lasting relationship. What’s the use of going into a relationship with someone if you not going to give your all and fight for the relationship? I understand that it takes both of you to build a healthy relationship, but it is your responsibility to dedicate yourself by giving 100%. It is also your responsibility to make sure that your mate has that same dedication. Why would you want to be in a relationship with someone who is only partially invested in it with you? On the flip side, why would anyone want to try and build a relationship with you if you are only partially invested? You and your partner have to do your due-diligence and understand that it will take work and dedication from both of you to have a successful relationship. The hardest thing about loving someone is trusting them with things most precious to you. Your family, health, happiness and your finances. In the right hands, these things can flourish. In the wrong hands, these same things can turn your world inside out. It has to be a priority for the both of you to protect each other and guard these things from harm. This is where the beginnings of a great relationship can be nurtured and cultivated. Truly loving someone is understanding them and knowing that you have each other’s backs through the good and bad times. Because, eventually adversity will strike. But the two of you have to dedicate yourselves to getting through anything that comes your way. At that point you will discover that it is exponentially easier to truly love your partner. With that love as the foundation of your relationship, it can truly be ‘you and him against the world.”


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Back of the Closet

Business Relations by Rafael Solece My husband and I met this couple off of JACK’D'. For those of you who do not know what ‘JACK’D’ is or are still living in the early 90's( where smart phones did not exist), ‘JACK’D’ is a gay social networking/dating app that you can download onto your smart phone. Yes, it is unconventional, I know but that is another topic for another article. Anyway, we invited the couple over for a cocktails a few weeks ago. There were lots of drinks, lots of blunts, lots of laughter, and some very interesting conversations. However, the conversation that intrigued me the most was the one that was sparked when I asked one of the gentlemen how he proposed to his spouse. You know me, I am a Libra, the quintessential hopeless romantic. So of course I was expecting to hear some sappy story about rings and glasses of champagne or mountain cabins littered with roses and candle light. Instead he turned to me and said with a very smug grin on his face: It was actually very strategic the way we got married. We had been together for almost six years at that point and marriage seemed like the next logical step. We discussed it on Thursday, went down to the courthouse on Friday and filled out the paper work. Saturday we got married in our backyard with some close friends and family in attendance. Now, you know I was appalled! To me their engagement and marriage all seemed very matter-of-fact, like, there was no romance or love involved. However he went on to say: Of course we loved each other when we decided to get married. We have been together now for seven years, but for me our getting married was just a good business decision. When he said that I literally almost fell out of my seat. The idea of someone calling their decision to get married “good business” it was needless to say, very unnerving. 25

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Back of the Closet

Business Relations by Rafael Solece However, I may have been too quick to judge. When I got to thinking about it, I actually started to understand what he was trying to convey. As I begin to explore my own relationship with my husband and the decisions that we had made as a couple I realized my new friend was very much on point with his opinion. Relationships are a lot like businesses. Allow me to explain. Most relationships now a day are like pop-up businesses, they open and close almost overnight. Mostly, because the two individuals getting together have no earthly idea what they are doing, where they are going, or what they really want out of the relationship. Some relationships are like start-ups, very small with room to grow. These individuals have some idea of themselves, what they want for their lives and the person they have connected with. Other relationships are like corporations. They are established and thriving businesses. They have been up and running for years. They started out as a small start-ups. They had ideas, they had plans, however big or small they may have been. The difference is that they have accomplished most of their goals and they are continuously setting new goals for themselves to accomplish. Corporations understand that no corporation can run independently, that everyone has skills, a job to do, and that without everyone doing their job that corporation will fail.

Now no one wants to think of their relationship or their lives like a job. It sounds too much like work, but the truth is, if you do not work at your relationship or your life for that matter, it will fail. Nothing gained in this world comes without effort. Least of all a relationship. If most individuals regarded themselves as small businesses; thinking more like CEO's or heads of corporations when making life decisions, like deciding to merge with other individuals (corporations) then we would probably save themselves a lot of heartache. Think about all the jobs you have ever had. Most big corporations do back ground checks on potential employees. If we were more in depth when vetting possible partners a lot of the people that we have dated or been in relationships with would never have made it pass the second interview.

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Back of the Closet

Business Relations by Rafael Solece Picking a life partner is a lot like picking a business partner. You do not want to go into business with a crook, a liar, or someone has several failing businesses all over town. Why pick a person to be your partner who has no life or no goals. If he/she has no goals for themselves then how can you expect to achieve anything with that person? Simply put you won't. Not if you are depending on them to put in any effort. People without goals are people without drive. Nobody wants to be in a business with a partner who is not working to make the business thrive. The same can be said for a relationship. Furthermore, most of us want to be in a relationship with a person with whom we are compatible. If I know that I am bad at keeping track of my finances, why in the hell would I date someone who has bad credit and is filing for bankruptcy. That is a recipe for disaster. In a business relationship you want security; emotionally and financially. You want someone who you have the potential to grow and build a life with. You want someone who is going to be an asset to you and not a liability. My husband and I view each other as assets because our individual strengths balance out or personal weaknesses. Separately, we have accomplished a lot in our lives. My husband is an awesome business man. I am creative and have exceptional organizational skills. However, we are not perfect individuals. He is very impulsive and a spend thrift. I have a temper and I tend to get intimidated when it comes to doing new things. As partners we bring out the best and void out the worst parts of each other. Together we are a force to be reckoned with; assertive and determined. Partnering with someone means finding the right person who brings balance, structure, and cohesiveness to your life. The business of relationships is very tricky territory and can often be tumultuous waters to travel. It does not matter if you are experienced or inexperienced, relationships are not easy. However, if you have the right business partner, a good business plan, and high expectations for your life; together there is nothing the two of you cannot accomplish. If you play your cards right your corporation could mirror a multimillion dollar entity that can rival that of Mr. & Mrs. Carter or President Barack and First Lady Michelle Obama. The success of your business depends on the two of you. 27

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Cinema Spotlight

Get On Up Get On Up is the biopic taking us through the life story of James Brown Starting from his impoverished start in rural Georgia, we follow him through his family struggles, his rocky start into the music business, and the events leading to his superstardom. We get an intimate glimpse into the struggles that he went through to become the megastar we all know him to be. Chadwick Bozeman was chosen to play the Godfather of Soul. Boseman is joined in this drama by Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Nelsan Ellis, Lennie James, Tika Sumpter, Jill Scott, Dan Aykroyd, and Craig Ferguson.

Get On Up open in theaters on August 1, 2014. In its opening weekend, it raked in $13 million placing in 3rd place that weekend’s list of top grossing movies. Get On UP was pr oduced by Brian Grazer for Imagine Enter tainment along with Mick Jagger and Victoria Pearman for J agged edge Productions. 41

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Cinema Spotlight No Good Deed No Good Deed (released by Screen Gems) is the new crime thriller starring Idris Elba and Taraji P. Henson. The film is produced by Will Packer and Lee Clay. The film is directed by Sam Miller and written by Aimée Lagos. The film also stars Kate del Castillo, Mark Smith Henry Simmons Wilbur Fitzgerald and Frank Brennen. It is set to open in theaters September 12, 2014. The film follows a former District Attorney who is now a stay-at-home mom and her two small children who find themselves kidnapped and terrorized after a stranger knocks on her door during a storm. The stranger smooth-talks his way into her home

under the rouse of his car being ran off the road and his need for assistance. What she doesn’t know is the handsome stranger is actually a convicted felon, who has just killed the transport officers tasked with delivering him to prison. She finds herself in a fight for her life and the life of her children. The film was originally set for release October 18, 2013. The decision was made to push back the release until January 17, 2014 to be released during the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend. It was then discovered that moving the film to this date have it interfere with another film produced by Will Packer the film was the highly successful comedy Ride Along. The film then moved to a release date of April 25, 2014. The film’s release was then pushed back a third time until September 12, 2014. No explanation was given for the new opening date. 43

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Cinema Spotlight The Best Man Wedding

Well, it didn’t take another 14 years for the next Best Man Sequel to be greenlit. The third edition of the hit comedy from Malcolm D. Lee has been given a release date. Mark your calendars for April 16, 2016. Coming to a theater near you will be ‘Best Man Wedding’. Yes you heard me right. There will be a wedding. But the big question is ‘Whose wedding will it be?’ Will it be Lance’s 2nd marriage? Will it be Quentin and Shelby’s big day? Or could it finally be Jordan’s time to walk down the aisle? I guess we’ll will have to wait to find out. The entire original cast has signed on the third installment. We will see the continued storylines with original cast members Taye Diggs, Nia Long, Sanaa Lathan, Terrence Howard, Melissa De Sousa, Morris Chestnut, Harold Perrineau, Regina Hall and Monica Calhoun. Yes, even Monica Calhoun will be returning for the next film. The film will again be directed by Malcom D. Lee. Morris Chestnut and Malcolm D. Lee were recently in New York for the African American Film Festival and stated that this third installment will be the funniest film of the series. When Morris Chestnut and director Malcom D. Lee were in New York during the African American Film Festival in June, they said that this installment will be the funniest of them all. And hopefully that will equate to large box office earnings. The original film ‘The Best Man’ was released in 1999 and raked in 35.1 million dollars. The sequel ‘Best Man Holiday’ was release in 2013 and raked in $30 million during it’s opening weekend and earned 70.5 million overall domestically. 45 Mocca Magazine

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Jussie Smollet Stars in


Jussie Smollet has landed a starring role in Fox Television new fall drama ’Empire’. Jussie is part of the Smollett family that includes older sister Jurnee Smollet (‘Eve’s Bayou’ and Tyler Perry’s ‘Temptation’. Maybe best known for his recent role as ‘Magnus’ in Patrik Ian’s Polk’s film ‘The Skinny’. Jussie will bring his acting and musical talents to this drama about a music industry family. Jussie starred in TV series like ‘The Mindy Project’ and the show ‘On Our Own’ featuring 5 of his brothers and sisters.

Academy Award nominee Lee Daniels (“Lee Daniels' The Butler,” “Precious”) will be directing and Emmy Award winner Danny Strong (“Lee Daniels' The Butler,” “Game Change”) will be the producer. Mega-producer Timba-

land is responsible for writing and producing the original soundtrack for the series. Terrance Howard plays Lucious Lyon, a charismatic, but tough chief of a record label titled Empire Entertainment, which is on the verge of an IPO. He has just been diagnosed with ALS ( Lou Gehrig’s Disease, spotlighted recently

with the viral ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’). He now has about three years to decide who will take over Empire Entertainment. Taraji P. Henson will play Cookie Lyon, the ex-wife of Lucious Lyon, who's described as a "total badass" with a prison record (she served 17 years for dealing drugs. 55 Mocca Magazine

She sees herself as the sacrificial lamb who built

this empire with Lucious and then took the fall for running the drugs that financed Lucious' early career.. She's now out of prison, and has come for what's hers. Jussie Smollett plays their middle son Jamal, who is a sensitive soul and a musical prodigy, but unlike Hakeem, Jamal shies away from the spotlight. Jamal also happens to be gay,

which infuriates and embarrasses his father. Trai Byers will play Andre Lyon, Lucious’ oldest son, is CFO of Empire Entertainment. Whartoneducated with a brilliant business mind, Andre lacks the charisma that Lucious believes is crucial to running the company. Bryshere Y. Gray will play the youngest son (Hakeem Lyon), a gifted musician and a spoiled playboy who values fame over hard work. He is the frontrunner to take over his father's empire. Macy Gray will appear as Tasha, a woman having an affair with Hakeem, Grace Gealey will play Anika, the head of A&R for Empire Entertainment,




girlfriend.Finally, Gabourey Sidibe will recur as Lucious’ hard-working assistant Becky, and Malik Yoba

will play Vernon Turner the


friend from the streets and business associate of Lucious, who is now Empire Entertainment’s chairman of the board. Kaitlin Doubleday will play Rhonda Lyon who is Andr e’s wife and will assist

Andre in his quest to become CEO of Empire Entertainment. Tasha Smith will also appear in the series playing the role of ‘Miss Carol’.

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TV Spotlight

The Divide Nia long returns to television on the popular WEtv series ‘The Divide’. Nia, fresh off the highly successful film ‘Best Man Holiday’ will play Billy Page, a successful partner at a private equity firm who is married to the city’s district attorney. Her storyline centers around her juggling her marriage to her husband, District Attorney Adam Page (Damon Gupton), r aising their one child who is now a teenager and

navigating the issues of her stressful (and sometimes cut-throat) career. AMC Studios along with the makers of ‘The Walking Dead’ have created WEtv’s first scripted series “The Divide”. The show premiered July 16, 2014. Here is the official synopsis: "The Divide" is a thoughtprovoking and suspenseful drama that explores the personal cost of morality, ambition, ethics, politics, and race in today's justice system through the eyes of Christine Rosa played by Marin Ireland, an impassioned caseworker with The Innocence Initiative, and Adam Page played by Damon Gupton, an equally passionate district attorney and political rising star. Eleven years ago, the Butler family was attacked in their Philadelphia home and all but the youngest daughter were brutally murdered.


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TV Spotlight

The Divide The senseless deaths of this affluent African -American family, seemingly at the hands of two white construction workers, Terry Kucik (Joe Anderson) and Jared Bankowski (Chris Bauer), thr eatened to ignite a racial firestorm in the City of Brotherly Love. Adam Page (Gupton), himself an affluent black man and the city's District Attorney as well as a political rising star, made a name for himself by securing convictions for both men, leading to the death penalty ruling for Bankowski. Now, Christine Rosa (Ireland), a caseworker with the Innocence Initiative, believes Bankowski was wrongly convicted of the heinous murders and struggles to stop his impending execution, while tirelessly working to exonerate Kucik. In her search for the truth, Christine uncovers evidence that puts her at odds with Adam who will do everything in his power to uphold the verdict and keep his reputation intact. His actions put a strain on his marriage to Billie, played by Nia Long, a powerhouse corporate attorney at a crossroads in her personal and professional life. Throughout the journey, all three of their pasts resurface as they are faced with the question of one man's guilt or innocence intertwined with their own personal histories.

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TV Spotlight


ABC announced that it will be adding a new black comedy to it fall lineup. From executive producers Anthony Anderson and Laurence Fishburne, ‘Blackish’ will premiere on Wednesdays at 9:30pm (EST) after the highly successful Modern Family. ‘Blackish’ takes on a discussion that was started many years ago during the very successful run of the Cosby show. During ‘The Cosby Show’s’ run, many people in the black community stated that they felt the Cosby family wasn’t ‘black enough’. ‘Blackish’ will take on some of those observations and find humorous ways to rectify them, if necessary. ‘Blackish’ stars Anthony Anderson as Andre ‘Dre’ Johnson, A very successful Businessman with a loving wife and 4 beautiful children. He believes he has the perfect life and the perfect environment to raise his children in. Until he discovers that his family is losing their cultural identity (blackness). This sets him on a path to re-instill the “black elements’ of their lives that seem to be slowly disappearing. Traci Ellis Ross stars as his wife Rainbow, she is of mixed ancestry. But identifies herself as a black woman. Laurence Fishburne stars as Pops. The old school presence in the household illuminating these disappearing traits that Dre is working to correct. The couple have 4 children: Zoey (Yara Shahidi), Jack (Miles Brown) and Diane (Marsai Martin) and Andre Jr. (Marcus Scribner). As described above, the children’s actions and attitudes are the catalyst for the humorous situation that will ensue. 59

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TV Spotlight

How To Get Away With Murder

Shonda Rhimes, the cr eator of Scandal have written a new show premiering this fall on ABC. ‘How To Get Away With Murder’ will star Oscar-nominated actress Viola Davis. Viola moves to television in the role of Professor Annalise Keating, a criminal law professor and high-powered attorney who each year picks a select few of her law students to work at her firm. The first season will have one of Keating's students, Wes (Alfred Enoch), getting mixed up with his neighbor, a girl who finds herself the main suspect in the murder of a student. The series promises to bring you the great twists and turns that you have come to enjoy and expect in Shonda’s hit show ‘Scandal’. The co-stars include Billy Brown, Alfred Enoch, Jack Falahee, Katie Findley, Aja Naomi King, Matt McGorry, Karla Souza, Charlie Weber and Liza Well. How to get away with murder is schedule to join ABC’s Thursday night line-up premiering after the very successful shows Greys Anatomy and Scandal. The show is scheduled to begin Thursday September 25, 2014 at 10pm(EST). Can Shonda strike gold a second time? We will find out in just a few weeks.

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TV Spotlight



The new season of TV One‘s “Unsung” has started could turn out to be the best season yet. The line-up this year is very impressive. The show which features the personal stories of beloved artists that disappeared from the spotlight without explanation, seeks to tell the journey of some stellar musical artists. Past seasons have included spotlights of Zapp featuring Roger Troutman, Phyllis Hyman, The Ohio Players, Atlantic Starr, Teena Marie, Debarge, Heatwave and countless other that have graced us with some of the best music. Below is the schedule for this season who will be highlighted in the list below. JULY 30 – Montell Jordan AUGUST 6 – Hi Five AUGUST 13 – The Emotions AUGUST 20 – Martha Wash AUGUST 27 – Troop SEPTEMBER 3 – Bone-Thugs-NHarmony SEPTEMBER 10 – Wilson Pickett SEPTEMBER 17 – The Chi-Lites SEPTEMBER 24 – Peaches & Herb OCTOBER 1 – Rick James


We can’t wait to see where some of these folks have been and where they aim to go! So grab a snack and join us on Wednesday Nights at 8pm (EST) to catch the each exciting episode! Mocca Magazine

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Check Out These Popular New Series


Whorizm prdctns

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Technology Spotlight

iPhone 6 Preview It is expected that the new Apple Iphone 6 will be debuted during an Apple event on September 9, 2014 in Cupertino, CA. The iPhone 6 is one of the most anticipated cellular devices to be introduced each year. With increasing competition from companies like HTC and Samsung, it is expected that Apple will offer many new and exciting feature to help it compete in this evolving market for years, the iPhone has been the gold standard when people think of a smartphone. In recent years the gains seen by smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy and HTC One series’ People are finding the offerings of other companies more tempting to switch to the brands other than Apple. Apple will showcase its offerings to hold onto is market share as well as retain its place at the top of the list of smartphone choices In this article we will discuss some the most widely speculated enhancements/features that Apple could possibly offer with the iPhone 6 (or whatever they decide to label it as). While there is very good chance that some of the items in this list will not be introduced. We feel that these are some of the most wanted and most expected items that will help the iPhone to continue to compete in this constantly evolving market. Multiple Model Offerings With the most recent revision cycles, Apple has maintained multiple edition of the iPhone in the marketplace. Before 2013, Apple would introduce one new or revised item and then continue to sell the previous model (at a reduced price). In 2013, they introduced 2 new models (the iPhone 5s and 5c and maintained the iPhone 4s as a free model (when purchased on contract from a carrier). Experts expect apple to continue this with at least 3 different models on the market at different price points. Quad core Processor/ Better Graphics Chip Each year, apple has upped the ante with its processor and graphics chip. While many smartphone companies have tried to offer the phone with the best specs, Apple has traditionally shied away from offering processor technologies that are newly released to the market. They have opted to improve on current standards to provide additional processing and/or graphics power to their devices. This year should be no different. We should be introduced to the A7 chip that will increase the power capacity of their new device.

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Technology Spotlight

iPhone 6 Preview A Larger Screen Apple originally stated the case for a screen size no larger than 3.7 inches. They stated that was the optimal size for a smartphone. Other companies introduced models that had larger screens. And the customer proved that there was a market for them. Apple raised the screen size of the iPhone 5 to 4 inches. Many have stated that that size is still too small. Current phones competing with the iPhone have screens that are about 5 inches. It is widely expected for apple to increase the size of the screen to about 4.7 inches. There are also rumors that Apple will release a 5.5 inches model, launching them into the ‘phablet’ market. Better Battery Life. Battery life is very important to many people and companies have tried to attack this issue in different ways, removable batteries, larger capacities. In recent years companies have offered power mode options to their phones to try and answer this issue recent commercials by Samsung have showcased this type of feature as an alternative to finding an outlet to charge your phone. With people using their phones for more and more these days, battery life is becoming more and more important. While the chances for a removable battery are still very slim, it is a very safe bet that Apple will provide a significant boost to the iPhone 6’s battery capacity. It is also a good bet that apple will add a type of power mode switching to the iPhone software to help people get the most out of their phones charge.


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Technology Spotlight

iPhone 6 Preview Larger Storage Capacity/Expandable Memory Slot With people storing more and more data on their phones Apple consistently had some of the best storage capacities available on smartphones. They have also made you pay for that ability to store more of your media on your phone. This could easily be remedied by providing an expandable memory slot on the iPhone. Don’t hold your breath for an expansion slot on the next iPhone. Apple has been able to increase their profits by make the consumer pay for more storage. I don’t see that changing in the near future. I also don’t see them expanding past expanding past their current maximum of 64GB. With the current offerings of storing data via iCloud, I see them directing customers with greater storage needs this direction. I do expect great advances in dealing with iCloud. In the near future. Touch ID On Every New Model Apple introduced Touch ID as a way of securing your iPhone with last year’s model. I do expect to see the expansion of this feature into other aspects of the phone as it is one of the only unique features left with the iPhone. NFC Near Field Communication (NFC) is the technology of being able to wave or tap your phone on a receiver and have it communicate with that receiver. This can be used for making payments at stores, among other things. In 201s, Apple introduced Passbook to address some of the same needs though it is not as convenient. Since apple has resisted adopting this technology in the past, I don’t see them including it into their next device.

Mocca Magazine


Technology Spotlight

iPhone 6 Preview Screen Customization/Widgets The customization of the screen of a smartphone has been an item many have enjoyed by jailbreaking their iDevice. Users of Google devices have always enjoyed this ability within their phones. Slowly, Apple has added small improvements to this area, but not the major items that would allow them to compete with Google devices. I do expect to see small improvements to this concern but no major advances. Drastic Improvements To Siri. Siri was introduced with the iPhone 4s in 2011. It was seen as a standout feature of the device. Allowing you to verbally communicate with your device and receive things like the current weather, locations of business, and sports scores. It allowed for a more personal experience with your device. With Google Now and Windows Phone’s Cortana, Siri is now receiving some serious competition. Both of these offer a greater use model for this feature. Expect apple to continue to improve the usefulness of this feature. Camera Improvements The camera on the iPhone helped to cause the demise of the portable camera. Sales of portable cameras have continued to decrease as more smartphones are been sold. That is in part to the convenience of having a decent camera on your phone as well as the usefulness of being able to instantly share those photos on social media as well as via media messaging. The iPhone has always been known for having a great camera and don’t expect that to change. You can expect some improvements to make this feature even better and more useful. Other things like Wireless Charging, Updated Wi-Fi and Waterproofing ar e also thing apple could bring to the table as we approach the release of the their latest device. Very soon, Apple will present the world with their strategy for maintaining their dominance in the market.


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National Resources for HIV and AIDS Awareness. National HIV Hotlines

HIV/AIDS Info 1 (800) 448-0440 National AIDS Hotline (24 hours a day, daily): 1 (800) 232-4636 AIDS Action Hotline 1 (800) 235-2331

State HIV/AIDS Hotlines Below is a State by State breakdown of Information resources dealing with HIV and AIDS

Alabama AIDS Hotline

ish and Filipino

In Alabama: (800) 228-0469

TDD for the deaf: 1-888-225-AIDS.

Alaska AIDS Hotline

Colorado STD/HIV Hotline

In Alaska: (800) 478-2437

Denver only: (303) 692-2777

If Calling Out of State: (907) 269-8000 In Colorado (toll free): (877) 478-3448 Arizona AIDS Hotline

If Calling Out of State: 303) 692-2783

In Arizona: (800) 232-4636

Connecticut Health Department

If Calling Out of State: (602) 364-3610 National (860) 692-2783 Arkansas AIDS Hotline

Delaware AIDS Hotline

In Arkansas: (800) 232-4636

In Delaware: (800) 422-0429

Arkansas AIDS Foundation: (501) 376 -6299 California HIV/AIDS Hotline If Calling Out of State: (800) 367-AIDS In San Francisco (415) 863-2437 Information available in English, Span-


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State HIV/AIDS Hotlines District of Columbia

In Louisiana: (800) 992-4379

AIDS Information Line

In Louisiana: (504) 821-6050

(202) 332-2437 HIV/AIDS Administration Dept.

In Louisiana TDD: (877) 566-9448

National (202) 671-4900

Hours of service: Monday - Friday 10 am - 8 pm, Saturday 10 am - 4 pm.

In metro DC. & VA: (800) 322-7432

Maine AIDS Hotline

Georgia AIDS Information Line

In Maine: (800) 851-2437

In Georgia: (800) 551-2728

If Calling Out of State: (800) 775-1267

AID Atlanta

Maryland AIDS Hotline

In Atlanta: (404) 870-7700

If Calling Out of State: (800) 358-9001

If Calling Out of State: (404) 876-9944 In Maryland, (Bilingual) 800-638-6252 Hawaii STD/AIDS Hotlines

In Metro DC. & VA: (800) 322-7432

In Hawaii: (800) 321-1555

Hispanic AIDS Hotline: (301) 9490945

If Calling Out of State: (808) 922-1313

Baltimore only TTY area: (410) 3332437

Illinois AIDS Hotline In Illinois: (800) 243-2437

Massachusetts AIDS Hotline

In Illinois TTY/TDD: (800) 782-0423 Indiana HIV Medical Services Office

In Massachusetts: (800) 235-2331 If Calling Out of State: (617) 536-7733

In Indiana: (866) 588-4948

TTY/TDD: (617) 437-1672 Call National AIDS Hotline (24 hours a TTY: (617) 450-1427 day, daily): (800) 232-4636 Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to Iowa AIDS Hotline 9:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. In Iowa: (800) 445-2437 If Calling Out of State: (319) 338-2135 Spanish spoken. Se habla Espa単ol. Kansas Health Department

Michigan AIDS Hotline

In Kansas (785) 296-6174

In Michigan: (800) 872-2437

National (877) 526-2437 x2

TTY/TDD: (800) 332-0849

Kentucky Health Department

Spanish: (800) 826-SIDA

In Kentucky: (502) 564-6539 x2

Health Care Workers: (800) 522

Louisiana AIDS Hotline


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The Night Reign Fell to New Orleans

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State HIV/AIDS Hotlines Minnesota AIDS Line

In New Mexico: (800) 545-2437

In Minnesota: (800) 248-2437

If Calling Out of State: (505) 476-3612

If Calling Out of State: (612) 373-2437 Mississippi AIDS Hotline

New York State HIV Counseling Hotline

In Mississippi: (800) 826-2961

(800) 872-2777 (M-F 2-8, S & S 10-6)

National (AIDS Administration): (601) 576-7723

Deaf and Hearing Impaired: (800) 3692437 TDD

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Spanish Hotline: (800) 233-SIDA New York State Information Hotline

If Calling Out of State: (866) 628-9891

(800) 541-2437 (info tapes 24 hrs; counselors Mon.-Fri. 8-8, Sat. & Sun. 10-6)

Montana AIDS Program In Montana: (800) 233-6668 Eastern Montana AIDS Hotline: (800) 675-2437

Western Montana AIDS Hotline: (800) 663-9002 If Calling Out of State:(406) 444-3565

NYC Department of Health AIDS Helpline 1-800-TALK-HIV (counseling, recorded information, and testing information) AIDS Institute Experimental Treatment Info Line (800) 633-7444 GMHC AIDS Hotline

Nebraska AIDS Hotline If Calling Out of State: (800) 782-2437

(212) 807-6655 (M-F 10-9, Sat 12-3) GMHC TDD: (212) 645-7470 Body Positive Helpline

Nevada AIDS Information Line In Nevada: (800) 842-2437 If Calling Out of State: (775) 684-5900 New Hampshire AIDS Hotline In New Hampshire: (800) 752-2437 If Calling Out of State: (603) 271-4502

800-566-6599 (2-6pm Mon-Fri) Long Island AIDS Hotline (516) 385-AIDS (M-F 9-9, tape after hours) AIDS Council of Northeastern NY AIDS Information Hotline (518) 445-2437 (800) 201-AIDS

New Jersey AIDS Hotline In New Jersey: (800) 624-2377 (24 hrs, 7 days) If Calling Out of State: (609) 984-5874 TTY/TDD: (201) 926-8008 New Mexico AIDS Hotline


Mocca Magazine

State HIV/AIDS Hotlines North Carolina AIDS Hotline

In South Carolina: (800) 322-2437

In North Carolina: (800) 232-4636

If Calling Out of State: (803) 898-0749

National, Health Info: (919) 733-3039

South Dakota AIDS Hotline

North Dakota AIDS Hotline

In South Dakota: (800) 592-1861

In North Dakota: (800) 782-2437

Health Department: (605) 773-3737

If Calling Out of State: (701) 328-2378

Tennessee AIDS Hotline

Ohio AIDS Hotline

In Tennessee: (800) 525-AIDS

In Ohio: (800) 332-2437

If Calling Out of State: (615) 741-7500

In Ohio TTY/TDD: (800) 332-3889

Texas AIDS Hotline

If Calling Out of State: (614) 466-0265

In Texas: (800) 299-2437

Oklahoma AIDS Hotline

Health Department: (615) 490-2505

In Oklahoma: (800) 535-2437

Utah AIDS Information Line

Oregon AIDS Hotline

In Utah: (800) 366-2437

Area codes 503, 206 and 208: (800) 777-2437

If Calling Out of State: (801) 487-2100

Voice & TTY: (503) 223-2437

In Vermont: (800) 882-2437

Oregon Health Department

Virgin Islands AIDS Hotline

(503) 223-2437

(809) 773-2437

Pennsylvania AIDS Hotline

Virginia STD/AIDS Hotline

In Pennsylvania: (800) 662-6080

In Virginia: (800) 533-4148

Health Department: (717) 783-0572

In Virginia Hispanic line: (800) 3227432

Puerto Rico Linea de Infor SIDA y Enfermedades de Transmision Sexual

Vermont AIDS Hotline

Virginia Health Department (804) 3717455

In Puerto Rico: (800) 981-5721 If Calling Out of State: (809) 765-1010 Rhode Island AIDS Hotline If Calling Out of State: (800) 726-3010 Health Department (401) 831-5522 South Carolina AIDS Hotline

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Mocca Magazine

State HIV/AIDS Hotlines Washington HIV Client Services In Washington: (877) 376-9316 Washington HIV Client Services If Calling Out of State: (360) 236-3426 West Virginia AIDS Hotline In West Virginia: (800) 642-8244 If Calling Out of State: (304) 558-2950 Wisconsin AIDS Hotline In Wisconsin: (800) 334-2437 If Calling Out of State: (414) 273-2437 Wyoming AIDS Hotline In Wyoming: (800) 675-2698 If Calling Out of State: (307) 237-7833

HIV/AIDS Websites

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Ask Aunt Pearl Dear Aunt Pearl: I need your advice. I have a friend. I guess I should use that term loosely. I thought we had the type of relationship where we could discuss anything. Now I know better. Anyway, one day we began to talk about our sex lives and I told him about my sex life with my current lover. We have been together for about a year. I told the friend that this man is the absolute best lover I have ever had. I guess my bragging about him was too much for him to take. I recently found out that he initiated an affair with my man. I’m not so naïve’ the think that men won’t cheat. But I didn’t think I had to worry about my man and such a close friend. I don’t plan to end my relationship with my man. I also decided to forgive my friend but remove him from my intimate circle of friends. My man has been on punishment and I feel that he understands that he can’t cross a line like that again. My question is ’was I wrong to tell my friend about my sex life with my man or am I to blame for the entire situation for bragging? Dear Caught between a friend and a hard place: I hate toe her tht you had this situation occur to you but this situation did show you that while your man might be perfect in bed, he still has some work to do before becoming perfect for you as a life partner. It also shined a spotlight on this imposter of a friend. This situation just opened your eyes to who reallywasn’t your friend. I feel that you should be able to share you intimate thoughts and feelings with a true friend they should be able to do the same for you. You both should have the comfort of knowing that you have each other’s backs. You shouldn’t have to pick and chose what part of your life you share with a true friend They should be there for you no matter what. I suggest you remove this person from your life completely. They do not deserve to be anywhere near you. Only actions like that will show them the error of their ways.


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Ask Aunt Pearl Dear Aunt Pearl: I recently was placed in a situation where I was able to have a one-night stand with a popular person in the music industry. While I understand that this will never happen again with this person, I also found out that another popular rapper is also available for the same type of interaction. My question is should a try my luck at getting this rapper even though I have no real way to get close to him (except for the fact that I see him at my gym). I would never ‘out’ the other person. Should I try my luck? I understand that it might be a one-night stand as well. Dear Star Studded: Aren’t you the lucky one. Not only did you get he opportunity to sleep with someone famous, you also have information on another possible conquest. I say go for it, you only live once and if the only thing you’re after is a sexual tryst, Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Just be careful. Many people in the industry go to painful lengths to keep the sexuality out of the public. Without a clear way to get close to this man, you might be setting yourself up for an ugly interaction. You might not even be his type. Just because you found out some info about this man doesn’t mean you know this man or who he might chose to share something so personal and possible damning. All I can tell you is be very careful. What looks good to you might not be good for you. If you have a question or situation that you would like Aunt Pearl to share some of her knowledge with you, send your letter to or you can submit the letter from the comments page at


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Black LBGT Pride and Circuit Events

2014 Schedule Tempted to Touch

Washington, DC

Las Vegas, NV

May 23-26, 2014

March 13-18, 2014

Sizzle – Miami Big Boy Pride

Miami, FL

Orlando, FL

May 22-27, 2014

April 3-7, 2014 Orlando Black Pride 2013 Philadelphia Black Pride

Orlando, FL

Philadelphia, PA

June 3-9, 2014

April 20-27 , 2014 Inferno Puerto Rico Blatino Oasis

San Juan, PR

Palm Strings, CA


May 2-4, 2014

Houston Splash Houston, TX May 8-11, 2014

Say it Loud!: Black and Latino Pride Albany, NY June 4-7, 2014

DC Black Pride 115

Mocca Magazine

Black LBGT Pride and Circuit Events

2014 Schedule Portland Black Pride

Harlem, NY

Portland, OR

June 22-29, 2014


DC Latino Pride

Windy City Black LGBT-SGL Pride

Washington, DC

Chicago, Il


July—3-6, 2014 Memphis Black Pride Pride and Promote Los Angeles

Memphis, TN

Los Angeles, CA


July 3-6, 2014

South Carolina Black Pride Columbia, SC

Charlotte, NC


July 17-21, 2014

Columbus Urban Pride 2013 Columbus, OH TBA ColumbusUrbanpride

Charlotte Black Gay Pride

Portland Latino Pride Portland, OR TBA

Harlem Pride 2013

Mocca Magazine


Black LBGT Pride and Circuit Events

2014 Schedule Newark Pride

Rochester, NY

Newark, NJ


TBA Emerald City Black Pride Detroit’s Hotter Than July

Seattle, WA

Detroit, MI

July 22-27,2014

TBA Oakland Black Pride Triangle Black Pride

Oakland, CA

Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill, NC


July 25-27, 2014

Kentucky Black Pride Louisville, KY

Little Rock Black Pride


Little Rock, AR


Indianapolis Black Pride Indianapolis, IN

Mocha Weekend Black Pride Buffalo, NY



Mocha Weekend Black Pride 117

Mocca Magazine

Black LBGT Pride and Circuit Events

2014 Schedule Jacksonville Black Pride

Dallas Black Pride

Jacksonville, FL

Dallas, TX


October 3-6, 2014

UK Black Pride

Baltimore Black Pride

London, England

Baltimore, MD


October 8-12, 2014

Fire Island Blackout

Nashville Black Pride

Fire Island, NY

Nashville, TN

August 8-10, 2014


In the Life Atlanta

Gainesville Black Pride

Atlanta, GA

Gainesville, Florida

August 27-September 1, 2014


DR Takeover 2014

Jackson Black Pride

Punta Cana, DR

Jackson, MS

August 28-September 1, 2014


Mocca Magazine


Websites, Blogs and You-Tube Channels Worth Checking Out You-Tube Channels 3LWTV AconnectionTV ADTV Black and Sexy TV Boy Drama The Boyz Next Door FreeFall Web Series Funky Dineva judys The Lyons Den No Shade T.R.A.D.E It All The Skorpion Show YBN Entertainment

Radio Channels BeScene Radio Da Doo-Dirty Show Lodoun Radio The Paisley Show

Online Magazines/Blogs Be Magazine Cypher Avenue GBM News G-List Society Mused Magazine Rod 2.0 Swerv Magazine Tropical Desires Urban Socialites Magazine

Websites Black Men’s Dating Club Kaoz Online No More Down Low The Gay Chronicles The Luckey Star

If would like to submit a website or You-tube channel, send it to:


Mocca Magazine

Black Gay Pageant Calendar July 21, 2013

WESSLAND Newcomer & Closetball

Atlanta, GA

Jul 24 -25, 2013

Mr Texas USofA At Large

San Antonio, TX

Jul 28, 2013

Mr & Miss Florida Platinium Newcomer Tampa, FL

Aug 1-3, 2013

Miss Gay USofA Newcomer

Oklahoma City, OK

Aug 10,2013

Virginia National Newcomer

Norfolk, VA

Aug 13-16, 2013

Miss Gay Texas USofA

Dallas, TX

Aug 23, 2013

Envy Newcomer

Birmingham, AL

Aug 30-Sept 2, 2013 Mr & Miss Continental

Chicago, IL

Sep 15, 2013

Mr Duval Newcomer

Jacksonville, FL

Sep 19, 2013

Miss Texas USofA At Large

San Antonio, TX

Sep. 22, 2013

Texas FFI

Dallas, TX

Sep 28, 2013

Nationz Pageant

Richmond, VA

Oct 2-4, 2013

Miss USofA At Large

Orlando, FL

Oct 7, 2013

Miss Dreamgirl Continental

Chicago, IL

Oct 16 -18, 2013

Mr Gay USofA

San Antonio, TX

Oct 19- 20, 2013

Missouri State 2013

St Louis, MO

Oct 24-27, 2013

MBU Grand and MBU

Atlanta, GA

Nov 1-2, 2013

International Rose City & Newcomer Thomasville, GA

Nov 23-24, 2013

Mr & Miss Renaissance Newcomer

Atlanta, GA

Dec 1, 2013

Wessland Mr, Miss, Empress

Atlanta, GA

Dec 8, 2013

Mr Duval

Jacksonville, FL

If you have information on event to be listed here, please send the details to

Mocca Magazine


U.S. Club Listings Alabama Montgomery FAT BOY’S FOLLIES 215 N Court St, Montgomery, AL 36104

Mobile B BOBS 213 Conti St. Langston’s Mobile ,AL 36602 Phone: 251-433-2262

Arizona Phoenix INCOGNITO 2424 E Thomas Rd Phoenix, AZ 85016 Phone: 602-955-9805

California Los Angeles Circus 6655 Santa Monica Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90038 Club Metro @ The Factory Ultra Suede, 661 Robertson Blvd West Hollywood ,CA 90056 Phone: 323-769-6333

Factory 652 N Lapeer Drive 121

West Hollywood, CA 90069 Phone: 310-659-4551 Faultline 4216 Melrose Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90029 Phone: 323-660-0889

Phone: 510-268-9425 ALIBI EAST/BACK ALLEY 225 S San Antonio Ave Pomona, CA 91766 Phone: 909-623-9422

San Diego

BRASS RAIL 3796 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA,92103 Phone: 619-298-2233 Numbers Club Seduction@The 3811 Park Ave. El Cid, 4212 W San Diego, CA,92103 Sunset Blvd, Phone: 619-294-7583 Los Angeles, CA 90029 Pump @ Rich’s NightPhone: club 818-633-3056 1051 University Ave. Metro @Here Lounge, San Diego, CA,92103 696 Robertson Blvd, Phone: 619-295-2195 Los Angeles, CA 70069 San Francisco Phone: 323-769-6333 Blackout Hamburger Mary’s 525 Harrison St Long Beach San Francisco, CA 740 East Broadway Long Beach, CA 90802 Phone: 415-263-6923 CLUB RED @ BLONPhone: 562-436-7900 DIES Oakland 540 Valencia San Francisco, CA Club Rimshot @ 94110 Bench & Bar Phone: 415-339-8310 2111 Franklin St, Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: 510-444-2266 ANNEX 835 S La Brea Ave Inglewood ,CA 90301 Phone: 310-671-7323

Club 21 2111 Franklin Street Oakland, CA 94607 Mocca Magazine

U.S. Club Listings Colorado

Washington, DC 20036

FIREPLACE 2151 P St NW, Tracks Nightclub/Cream Washington DC, 20037 Phone: 202-293-1293 Fridays Lux Lounge 3500 Walnut St Denver, CO 80205 649 New York Ave N.W. Phone: 303-863-7326 Washington DC


District of Columbia

Washington DC Bachelor’s Mill 1104 8th Street SE Washington, DC 20003 Phone: 202-546-5979 Club Aqua 1818 New York Ave. Washington, DC Club Fusion (inside Club Quest) 1368 H St NE 2nd floor, Washington DC, 20002 Phone: 202 471-0772 Club Muse 717 16th Street NW Washington, DC DEEP END @ ANDALU 1214 18th St, NW, Washington DC, 20036 Phone: 202-785-2922 Delta Elite 3734 10th Street NE Washington, DC 20017 Phone: 202-529-0626 Dirty Bar 1223 Connecticut Ave.

Spot Lounge 1214 18th Street Washington, DC Tattoo Bar 1413 K. Street Washington, DC Vita 1318 9th Streets NW Washington, DC

Florida Fort Lauderdale Bill’s Filling Station 1243 Ne 11th Ave Ft. Lauderdale Fl Phone: 954-525-9403 Boardwalk 1721 N Andrews Ave Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311 Phone: 954-463-6969 Boom 2232 Wilton Dr Ft Lauderdale FL, 33305 Phone: 954-630-3556 Boy Bar 1220 Normandy Dr . Miami Beach FL 33141 Phone:305-864-2697 Mocca Magazine

Coliseum 2520 S Miami Rd Ft Lauderdale FL, 33316 Phone: (954) 832-0100 Georgie ’s Alibi 2266 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors FL, 33305 Phone: 954-565-2526 J’s (Women’s Bar) 2780 Davie Blvd Ft. Lauderdale Fl Phone: 954-581-8400 Johnny`s 1116 E Broward Blvd Ft Lauderdale FL 33301 Phone: 954-522-5931 New Moon 2440 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: (954) 563-7660 Ramrod (Leather /Levi/ Uniform) 1508 NE 4th Ave Ft Lauderdale FL Phone: 954-763-8219 Torpedo 2829 W Broward Blvd Ft Lauderdale, FL 33312 Phone: 954-587-2500 Trixies 600 S Dixie Highway Hollywood Fl Phone: 954-923-9322


U.S. Club Listings Voodoo Lounge 111 SW 2nd Ave Ft Lauderdale FL, 33301 Phone: 954-522-0733

Jacksonville InCahoots Nightclub, 711 Edison Ave, Jacksonville FL, 32204 Phone: 904-353-6316

Madeira Backroom Bar 14601 Gulf Blvd Madeira Beach FL, Phone: (727) 392-2814

Miami Azucar 2301 SW 32nd Ave Miami Phone:305-441-6974 Cameo 1445 Washington Ave Miami Beach FL, 33139 Phone: (305) 532-2667 Club Boi 1060 Northeast 79th St. Miami, FL 33138 Phone: 786-395-2272 J’s Bar 2780 Davie Blvd Miami FL, 33312 Phone: 954-581-840 Jamboree 7005 Biscayne Blvd Miami Laundry Bar 123

721 N Lincoln Lane Miami Beach FL, 33139 Phone: (305) 531-7700 Palace Food Bar 1200 Ocean Dr Miami Beach FL Phone: 305-531-7234 Twist 1057 Washington Ave Miami Beach, FL Phone: 305-53-TWIST Score 727 Lincoln Road Miami Beach, FL Phone:305-535-1111

Orlando Parliament House Resort, 410 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, Florida 32805 - Phone: 407-425-7571. Southern Nights 375 S Brumby Ave Orlando, FL Phone:


Brothers Nightclub 926 W Tharpe St, Tallahassee, FL, 32303 850-386-2399

Phone: 813-258-8830 Cityside Lounge 3703 Henderson Blvd Tampa FL G Bar 1401 E 7th Ave Ybor City FL Phone:813-247-1016 Keith’s 14905 N. Nebraska Ave Tampa FL The Male Room 4502 S Dale Mabry Hwy Tampa FL Midtown Tavern 9002 N. Florida Ave, Tampa, FL Phone: 813-915-0819 Radar 4202 W Cayuga Ave Tampa, FL Rainbow Cabaret 4421 N Hubert Ave Tampa, FL, 33614 Phone: 813-877-7585 Valentine’s Nightclub 7522 N Armenia Ave Tampa FL Phone: 813-936-1999




Azalea Lounge 1502 N Florida Ave Tampa, FL Phone: 813-228-0139

595 North 595 North Ave Atlanta, GA

Baxters 1519 S Dale Mabry Hwy Tampa FL Mocca Magazine

U.S. Club Listings Atlanta cont. Aurum Lounge 915 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta, GA 30309 Bulldogs 893 Peachtree St. Atlanta GA 30309 Phone: 404-872-3025 Club Rain 448 Ralph David Abernathy Atlanta, GA 30312 Club 253 253 Auburn Avenue Atlanta, GA 30303 Cream Ultra Lounge 3249 Buford Hwy Atlanta, GA 30329 First Fridays at Shout 1197 Peachtree Road Atlanta, GA Finns 84 12th Street NE Atlanta, GA 30309 Le Buzz, 585 Franklin Rd, Atlanta GA, 30342-2778 Phone: 770-424-1337 Mixx 1492B Piedmont Ave. Atlanta, GA 30309 Phase One 4933 Memorial Drive Stone Mountain, GA 3 Rush Lounge 2715 Buford Hwy.

Atlanta, GA 30329 Scorecards 1371 Clairmont Road, Decatur, GA 30033 Sutra Atl

3320 N Halsted St, Chicago IL 60657 GENTRY ON STATE 440 N. State St Chicago, IL, 60611 Phone: 312-836-0933 1136 Crescent Ave. Little Jim’s Atlanta, GA 30309 3501 N Halsted Tantra Chicago IL, 60657 2285 Peachtree Road NE Phone: 773-871-6116 PENTHOUSE SUNDAYS Atlanta, GA 30309 Third Saturdays at AJA @ Club 720 720 N. Wells St 3500 Lenox Road Chicago IL Atlanta, GA Phone: 312-787-8720 XS Ultra Lounge ROSCOE’S TAVERN 708 Spring St AND CAFÉ Atlanta, GA 30308 3356 N Halsted St, Chicago IL, 60657 Phone: 773-281-3355 TASTE Des Moines 6331 S Lowe St BLAZING SADDLES Chicago IL, 60621 416 E 5th S Phone: 708-802-1705 Des Moines, IA, 50309 Phone: 515-246-1299



Illinois Chicago BERLIN 954 W Belmont Chicago IL, 60657 Phone: 773-348-4975 Dolphin 2220 N. Ashland Chicago,IL Urbano At Evergreen 809 West Evergreen Chicago, IL GENTRY ON HALSTED Mocca Magazine

Wichita Club Glazier 2828 E 31St South Wichita KS, 67216 OUR FANTASY 3201 S Hillside Wichita KS, 67216 Phone: 316-682-5494


U.S. Club Listings Kentucky Louisville @208 East 208 East Burnett Louisville, KY 504-438-9342

Klub Kemistry 3720 Cane Run Road Louisville, KY

Louisiana New Orleans

1073 Atlantic Ave Brooklyn, NY 11238 MENJOS Phone: 718-622-5183 928 W McNichols Club Rush Detroit MI, 48203 579 6th Ave Phone: 313-863-3934 New York NY OFF BROADWAY EAST Element 12215 Harper 225 E Houston St Detroit, MI, 48213 New York NY Phone: 313-526-8401 El Morocco Woodward ’s Cocktail 3534 Broadway (145 Bar Street) 6426 Woodward Ave Detroit MI New York NY10031 Phone: 313-872-0166 ESCUELITA


Fusion’s 2004 AP Tureaud Ave, New Orleans, LA, 70116 Phone: 504301-5121 OZ 800 Bourbon St New Orleans LA, 70116 504-593-9491 PARADE DISCO 801 Bourbon St. New Orleans, LA 70116 Phone: 504-529-2107



New York


New York City

HIPPO, 1 W Eager St, Baltimore MD, 21201 Phone: 410-547-0069 PARADOX 1310 Russell St Baltimore MD 21230 Phone: 410-837-9110

Boysroom 211 Ave A New York NY Phone:212-995-8664

Michigan 125

St. Louis FACES, 130 N 4th St East St. Louis, MO 62201 Phone: 618-271-7410 Magnolia ’s 5 S Vandeventer St, St. Louis, MO, 63108 Phone: 314-652-6500

Club Channel 860 Atlantic Ave Brooklyn, NY Club Langston Mocca Magazine

301 W 39th St New York NY, 10018 Phone: 212-631-0588 G Lounge 223 W 19th St, New York NY Phone: 212-929-1085 Groove 125 W Macdougall (7 W 3rd), New York NY Phone: (212) 254-9393 Krash 555 W 33rd St. Btw. 10&11 Ave, New York NY, 10010 Phone: (917) 560-8024

U.S. Club Listings New York City cont. LEVEL3 @ZBAR - STAGE48 605 W48TH ST B/ 1112TH AVE New York, NY

Long Island Eagle 94 N Clinton Ave. Bayshore, NY, 01706 Phone: 631-968-2750 LUKE AND LEROY 21 7th Ave S, New York NY,10014 Phone: (212) 645-0004 NO Parking Bar 4168 Broadway @177th St. New York ,NY Phone: (212) 923-8700 MONSTER 80 Grove St, New York NY, 10014 Phone: 212-924-3558 Oscar Wilde 221 E 58th St, New York NY,10022 Phone: 212-355-3395 Rosewood 5 East 19th Street/5th Ave (Broadway)


Splash Bar 50 West 17th Street New York, NY 10011 Stereo 555 W 33rd St New York NY Therapy 348 W 52nd St New York NY, 10019 Phone: 212-397-1700

The Brick 2525 Wycliff Ave #120 Dallas, TX 75219 Havana Nites 4006 Cedar Springs, Dallas, TX 75219 Phone: 214-526-9494 Icon

Ohio Cincinnati The Dock 603 W Pete Rose Way Cincinnati OH 45202 Phone: 513-241-5623

Columbus Traxx Columbus 50 Long Street Columbus, OH43215

Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Pegasus Lounge 818 Liberty Ave Pittsburgh, PA15222 Phone: (412) 281-2131


10333 Technology Blvd. East Dallas TX 75220 Phone: 214-526-9494

Houston Bartini 1318 Westheimer Houston TX Phone; 832-443-1016 Club 20/20 2020 Leland, Houston TX, 77003 Phone: 713-227-9667

Virginia Richmond CLUB COLOURS 536 N Harrison St Richmond, VA, 23220 Phone: 804-353-9776


New York, NY Secret Ultra Lounge th

New York NY


525 W 29 St (btw 10 and 11th ave.)

CHARLIES 1301 Lavaca St, Austin TX, 78711 Phone: 512-474-6481

If you would like a club in your area added to the club listings, send the information to: Mocca Magazine 126


Mocca Magazine

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