Mocca October 2013 IOS Issue

Page 1






In This Issue

7 Editor’s Note

31 Ask Aunt Pearl

9 Who’s the Man

35 Pride Guide

By Rafael Solece 13 Ken: The Series


Calendar 39 Pageant Calendar

The Eddie Griffith Interview 40 Horoscopes 21 Don’t Be a Non-MF Factor 46 Websites, Blogs and

25 National HIV/AIDS

You-tube Channels


47 National Club Listings




Advertising: Ask Aunt Pearl:


Editor’s Note As we move into fall, we take note that the year is almost over. Only a few weeks left until Thanksgiving. I have decided to refocus on the goals of the year. While there have been a few setbacks, it’s important at this time, to realign yourself with your goals. How much money have you save so far? How much weight have you lost? Are you still on the path to finding your mate? Are you creating a space for your current relationship to become stronger? Now is the time to reevaluate your goals and to make those necessary tweaks to stay on course. Normally as the year progresses we shift away from our goals and lost that focus that they require. Popularly, we will state that we will begin again at the beginning of the year. What this does is it gives you more time to slack off from those goals and it places you further behind. Doing this will only make it harder for you to achieve your goals. Instead, I urge you to begin today to rededicate yourself to your goals and that effort will have you that much closer to achieving them. It doesn’t matter how may times you have to start over as long as you finish. No one cares that it might have taken you six years to get your degree after you have graduated. No one remembers that it took you two years to reach your weight goal after you have reached that target. So don’t give up on your dreams. Continue to fight for what you want . You will enjoy the benefits of that hard work when you reach that finish line. And please feel free to send me any comments or suggestions to Rodney L. Berry



FreeFall Screening


September 01, 2013


The Back of the Closet

Who’s The Man? by Rafael Solece

There is nothing I hate more than a nosey homosexual, except a nosey heterosexual: especially when they are prying into the most intimate details of my sexual and romantic life. Fortunately for me (and my fellow gay brothers) very rarely do I run into a situation where I have to throw shade because someone put their nose where it didn’t belong. However on occasion I do run into a situation where people ask inappropriate questions, make inappropriate statements, or speak out of turn concerning my sexuality. The worst of course is when I have to contend with strangers assumption, dare I say, perceptions of the role I play in my relationship: that is the most irritating of all… I recently dealt with just such an issue. I was out on a date several weeks ago with Mister Polo. We’ve been dating for quite some time. We’ve had very few public dates, and the night in question we were out on the town, tripping the night fantastic. The guy in question is quite attractive and by most black gay men standards, relatively masculine. By this I mean he has the swagger of a heterosexual male. I, myself, am what some would call a schizophrenic gay (plainly put, I could go either way). We were standing in line at the movie theater, trying to decide what movie to see, when I noticed out of the corner of my eye that we were being watched by another couple not too far from us. Well we were being watched by the female counter-part of the couple. We weren’t being overtly obvious about our relationship toward one another, but I could tell by the look on her face that she was trying to figure out if we were a couple. Me being as comfortable in my skin, as I am, I leaned close to my date and intertwined my arm in his. He didn’t flinch. She on the other hand did; which was exactly the reaction that I was hoping for. After we had decided on a movie, gotten our tickets, snacks, and made our way into the theater I noticed that the young lady from outside and her boyfriend were in the same theater as us. In fact they took the seats right behind us.


The Back of the Closet

Who’s The Man? by Rafael Solece

Just as the previews were about to start I heard the female counter part say to her date. “I wonder which one is the man.” My back arched and my neck stiffened. To say that I was furious would have been putting it lightly. I was in a two words, OUT DONE! What kind of fucking question was that? I thought to myself. W hich one is the man?” We are both men, you dumb bitch. I felt myself mumble beneath my breath. I couldn’t believe she said that. Or, I couldn’t believe that she said it loud enough for me to hear it. I was deeply offended and part of me wanted to stand up turn around and wipe out my dick, directly in her face. So that she could see clearly that I was a man. Of course I knew that wasn’t exactly the right course of action, but that wasn’t enough to make the impulse go away. Later that night after we had left the movies, and retired for the night I couldn’t get that ignorant woman off of my mind. Who is the Man?

Of course I knew exactly what she meant by such a statement. What she really wanted to know was who was fucking who? The fact that she would ask something like that so boldly was exactly what was pissing me off, especially since it was none of her damn business. Furthermore why did our sexual positions determine which one of us was the, so called, ‘Man’ in the relationship? By all anatomic standards aren’t we both men? Truth is though I really couldn’t blame her for being so ignorant when it came to such things. The fact of the matter was, as far as she and most of society was concerned not even the relationship between two men was equal. Despite obvious anatomic markers there was still a un-equalizer. One of us took it up the ass, and therefore, one of us had to be the female in the relationship. In the dynamics of a heterosexual relationship ‘The Man’ is the aggressor, and ‘The Female’ is the submissive one. By all standards of consciousness this had to be the same for SGL relationships: If you are taking it up the ass (i.e. on bottom) then of course you have to be the bitch in the relationship. Whereas if you’ve dicked down another man’s man-hole (i.e. on Top) then you must be the man in the relationship. In my opinion this is the most archaic way of thinking I have encountered in my life. But it’s just how heterosexuals think and sadly it’s a concept that has spilled over into the mind set of black gay America as well.


The Back of the Closet

Who’s The Man? by Rafael Solece

This isn’t something that I am speculating about. I’ve encountered quite a few of my black gay brothers that think that just because a man bottoms that he automatically plays the more feminine role in the relationship while men who Top play the more masculine role in relationships. In my opinion it’s a silly parody of heterosexual relationships that I think is absolutely preposterous. I personally have encountered lots of bottoms, who are quite masculine. Even more incredible as it may seem, they’re far more aggressive than their Top counterparts. That being the case: how is it that one should assume that just because a man likes dick that he’s going to play wife to another man? But that is the perception of lots of people; men, women, gay, and straight. Why do we feel the need to pry into people’s private sex lives? Does it really matter who’s on the Top or who’s on the Bottom? Furthermore, why do we as black gay men feel the need to play the roles of our heterosexual counterparts? Have we become so brainwashed by society that we believe that the use of our penises is the only way to truly define our manhood? And more overtly, why is it such a conundrum for those outside of our relationships? Why can’t men just be men? And what of those men who a versatile? Where exactly do they fall in this outline of relationship role play? If they are playing both positions, how then do we view their roles? Are they only men when they’re giving up the dick, and women when their giving up the booty? Who’s to say! But I can say this, it shouldn’t matter. The only thing that does matter is how we as SGL men of Color choose to carry ourselves, and how we treat each other within the confines of our relationships. Our roles, as they relate to one another should not be defined by the position we play in the bedroom. And it definitely shouldn’t be a topic up for discussion amongst people who neither participate in our nightly tryst or our daily interaction with each other.

I say as long as there is dick hanging between your legs and two balls are attached then you are a man. That is the only thing that defines who we are. And as far as playing a role in the relationship whether you’re top or bottom, fem or masculine, I don’t think that really matters. I will tell you this, when I woke up the next morning I attacked my boy toy viciously, and when all was said and done I was asking him: Who’s the Man! Join the conversation Click here or go to to leave your comments about this article.



Ken: The Series Interview with The Creator, Eddie Griffiths

We at Mocca Magazine received the opportunity to have a discussion about a a new series that has been released dealing with one man’s journey of acceptance of his sexuality while also dealing with his religious beliefs and how the affects of this pn the people around him. The writer director and creator, Eddie Griffith has brought a new take on a man’s self discovery. Mocca Magazine: What brought you to the decision to create Ken: The Series? Eddie Griffith: It was a combination of things. As someone who wor ks in production with 10 years of experience, I wanted to create a series that focused on a character that went through a metamorphosis. I looking a gay content, I didn’t see anything that dealt with this kind of subject. I think it’s great to show people loving and living, but there was never the story of self-discovery. I like the Idea of someone coming into themselves in their 20’s or 30’s. I think that religion and sexuality are a big deal in the black community, and really in any community if we’re being honest with ourselves. I didn’t see any content dealing to the both sexuality and spirituality. Being a Christian, this comes from my just wanting to tell this brand of story. As a writer there is some difficulty in telling a story such as this without downing or ostracizing one group of people. So I decided to take on this task. Mocca: Was the position that you start off with in the series that of a straight man to comes to realize his homosexual desires?


Ken: The Series Interview with The Creator, Eddie Griffiths

Eddie: In the second episode of the series, the main character confesses to his exfiancé that he has an attraction to men. He is a man with an attraction to men but had never acted on that attraction. The viewers will see that ken has not dealt with this attraction and is now reaping the consequences of not doing so. We also see Duke, who Ken wakes up with, that is also Christian but fully understands that he is gay and has accepted that. We take up Ken’s journey at the beginning stages of his coming to terms with his sexuality. I really wanted to show through the introduction of his ex-fiancé that he really is attracted to women as well and that he was not just trying to mask this other side of himself. I don’t feel that we have many truly bisexual characters. Ken is roughly based on different men that I have come to know .And in doing this piece it would be a disservice to not truly represent these men within this project. Ken is representation of these men inside and outside of church that have wives or girlfriends that they love but also have an attraction to men. Part of this subset of men have found ways to deal with their attraction to women but haven’t found the best way of dealing with the attraction to men in a positive way. Within the life of Ken, we will get the opportunity to watch as a man deals with making those decisions. One misconception of the show is that he is just another DL guy. But in the show we see that is not true. We see that he was forthcoming with his ex-fiancé about those feelings and he actually asked for her to help him deal with them Mocca: How did you find the cast for the series? Eddie: We went through about 4 days of casting for the project. I watched each of the actors selected, I had an instant feeling of knowing that they were the right one to portray their respective characters. Even though some of the choices certain people on my crew had to be convinced that the selected actor was the right choice. One of the things that I love about this media is that you can have your idea of the way you see things and an actor, through their portrayal of the character can shift your view of that character. The actors adding their talent to the character can shift your view. After seeing the actors define those characters the scripts needed to be tweaked. . 14

Ken: The Series Interview with The Creator, Eddie Griffiths Ken Played by Jarret Janako is a very strong man, who is strong in his convictions, but he is totally confused in his life and we see him working through that confusion.

Duke played by Travon McCall is very cunning and savvy and you see that he has an ulterior motive in wanting to be with Ken. Jessica Played by Leigh Ann Rose she plays a good friend to Stephanie who has to deal with her own feelings about the situation and her husband’s friendship with Ken Paul played by Yarc Lewinson is a good friend of Ken’s and is the husband to Stephanie. We see the way he handles his friendship with Ken and also how he deals with his wife after this situation Stephanie Played by Krystal Farris Is a woman who is hurt without being the stereotype. Many times you see a black female character that is strong and aggressive,






immediately she’s seen as the typical black angry lady, but Krystal brings a softness and a sensitivity to the Stephanie character even through her hurt. Mocca: What is your release schedule for the series? Eddie: We have three episodes for the mini-season. Two of those episodes have been released and the final episode of the preseason will be released very soon. This preseason was developed to see if we had a market for the series. After the release of the third episode, we will begin a kickstarter campaign to help finance the first full season. These first episodes were self-funded to see if there was an audience to the series and we have received a great response to the series. So the goal is the produce a full season. Mocca: You stated that you released the series to see if there was an audience for the series. With your content having a religious posture, have you received a surprising response to the series? 15

Ken: The Series Interview with The Creator, Eddie Griffiths Eddie: The series was put out there for people to view. Based on our responses we have received some negative comments but we have had far more positive comments. I’ve reached out to pastors and preachers with the series and no one have come to me with the fire and brimstone statements that might be expected. The negative comments that the series has received; I understand where they come from. I feel that for true Christians that know the WORD, they see that this is a story of faith and of someone trying to work out their own salvation. I haven’t really received the ‘you’re going to hell for making this’ comments. I honestly expected more negativity than I have received. We have received so much positivity and love for the series I feel this response might be from the just about everyone knowing someone dealing with a situation like this. All of the positive comment just reinforces to me that God is still performing miracles, still doing work and he is still faithful. Mocca: Do you equate the largely positive response to the series to the world that we now live in where more Christians are finding a higher level of tolerance and understanding of homosexuals?

Eddie: I think that where we are now in society where gay people can get married, adopt children, not be discriminated against, society as a whole is becoming more and more accepting In New York City in the past you would only see same sex love expressed publicly places like Chelsea or the West Village. Now you see those same intimate expressions in Bushwick and BedSty. For those that don’t live in New York, those are mostly urban areas where things like that are not express publicly. I feel a large part of the success of the series, is that it is a common story that was never really told. In the church there have always been jokes and whispers about sexuality of the choir director or certain other members. We commonly hear stories now of pastors preaching one thing from the pulpit but doing these contradictory actions or being in secret relationships. 16

Ken: The Series Interview with The Creator, Eddie Griffiths Eddie cont.: Things like this occur from people not dealing with what going on within themselves and then it manifests itself in other ways within their lives. For so long, people have seen the images but they never heard the story. They never had a chance to understand the struggle some of these people have had between their personal lives and their religious beliefs. I think people are tired of the BS and ready to have dialog. They want know how do they have love for all people and create a church for everyone. Yes there are people that are holding on the homophobia and judgment, but many more are looking to just do the work of the Lord. Part of the reason the series was created was to show Ken’s fight with his faith. I wanted to show more love in that fight one of the outcomes of the series I hope to help with is helping people to show more love, even in situations that they don’t understand. Whether it is gay, straight or bisexual, for people to show more love for their fellow man. Mocca: During the creation of the show, what has surprised you about the show? Eddie: Working with my crew. From the very beginning, my crew has been motivated about the project. They were always on time, ready to work. Most of the crew is established in their fields or just people I’ve worked with before. I had no real issues with production. Even though they are being paid for their work, they adjusted their fees based on my budget. I really have to give them their credit. There could have been many more issues. Most of the crew I’ve worked with on other projects. Even after filming when it was time to promote, everyone has been very motivated. Mocca: How can people find more info about the show? @eddiewinning Mocca: Is there anything else you would like to get out to your viewers? Eddie: As a black man who has been in production for the last nine years, this show is not just from someone who decided to pick up a camera and create a show (not that there is anything wrong with that). In my career, I’ve worked on some amazing shows, with some super talented people. The structure and design of the show is for it to be broadcast ready. It’s not just a gay show or a black show. It’s a show for everyone where the content is relatable to everyone’s lives. We worked hard to make sure that the show is dynamic. It’s funny, it has heart, it’s thought-provoking. And we think you will enjoy our production.


Ken: The Series


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Don’t Be a

Non-MF Factor! The catchphrase “You’re a Non-Mutherfuckin Factor!” was coined by Evelyn Lazado during one of the early seasons of Basketball Wives. She made the statement to Tami Roman in the heat of an argument to belittle Tami’s worth in Evelyn’s life. The phrase was quickly picked up and is still commonly used today. The basis of using it for this article is that everyone should understand their own worth and not allow anyone to discount your worth. In the lives of many people, their acceptance and/or worthiness is often measured by someone else. Many people look to others to justify their status. Throughout most people’s lives, they are taught to look within themselves for their worth. But many still give people that they don’t even know and sometimes that they don’t even like, the power to justify their level in life. Red carpets are filled with people standing just outside of the carpet admiring and taking pictures of those allowed to walk the carpet. Clubs now have multiple VIP areas so that people willing to spend a little more money can have a special, set aside space where those outside of the VIP area can gaze upon them and wonder on their importance. The thing that many don’t realize is that there is more of a burden set on these people. They normally have already paid more to enter the establishment that everyone else. They are also expected to spend more for drinks. Normally they are expected to order bottle service which cost exponentially more than just ordering single drinks from wait staff or the bar. In strip clubs, someone that is supposed to be a baller is expected to “make it rain” while the average person can just give a simple tip. This extra pressure to be seen as special can turn a simple night out into a very expensive event. All in the name of being seen as important.


Don’t Be a

Non-MF Factor! Many feel the need to reside in a more expensive area of town. Drive a more expensive car. Shop at the more expensive stores and eat at more expensive restaurants. Their friends will often look down on anyone who doesn’t follow this same path as inferior. They will often encourage their friends to refrain from socializing with those that cannot or choose not to live their lives as they have chosen to. People that do not live inside of this preset mold cannot become part of their clique.

The best way to keep from becoming a non-mf factor is to know your own self-worth and never give someone else to the power to set your status. When you know your selfworth, others don’t have to power to make you feel inferior. Here are a few things to think about. Set your own rules. There is a saying that there is more than one way to skin a cat. Now I have no idea why we would even need one way to skin a cat, but the saying makes perfect sense. Many people have reached a goal and they all have taken different steps to get there. There may be some basic steps that need to be taken but how you take those steps can be up to you. There is no need to follow someone else’s steps entirely to reach a goal that they have achieved. But since that person was able to make it with those steps, they can be used to help guide you to attain your goal. Follow your own lead. Sure you can learn good and bad things from the actions of others. Many people look to a mentor to help guide them toward their goals. While that path worked for them. It might not work for you. Understand that you might have to deviate from their path in order for you to reach your goals


Don’t Be a

Non-MF Factor! Re-evaluate the friendships that you have. Make sure that the people that you have around you are a true reflection of the friends that you want and need. Limit the interaction that you have with people that you choose to not be associated with. Develop a deeper friendship with those that bring out your best qualities. Find friends that stretch you in the areas that you have an interest in. Finding a friend with a common interest can help you to further enjoy your activity or pastime and can also open your eyes to other aspects of the activity that you had not thought about. If you enjoy cooking, finding a friend with this similar interest can help you to expand on this by taking cooking classes, visiting farmers markets and attending cooking demonstrations. Define yourself and stay away from those that try to define and redefine who you are.

Friends should be there to help you stay on your path and lead you to self-discovery. Not limit your realization of self. The biggest lesson we all must learn is who we are in this world and allowing the wrong person or people to redirect your course can drastically and sometimes permanently change your course. Be very aware of your journey and the people you interact with allow the way. Having a very materialistic friend can drive you to spend money that you could be using elsewhere and can even lead you on a path toward financial crisis. The actions that you make from this day forward can drastically impact the rest of your life. Do an evaluation of your life and your interactions and make the adjustments needed to get you back on course to the goals that you seek. Even if you have stumbled off the path, you can always work to get back on it. It might take a few extra steps because of choices that were made. But you can get yourself back on the right track. Identify what things took you off your path and make changes to restore your goals

Always remember that you are a MutherFuckin Factor!



National Resources for HIV and AIDS awareness. Herwe is a listing of HIV and AIDS resource information National HIV Hotlines

HIV/AIDS Info 1-800-448-0440 National AIDS Hotline (24 hours a day, daily): (800) 232-4636 AIDS Action Hotline 1-800-235-2331

State HIV/AIDS Hotlines Below is a State by State breakdown of Information resources dealing with HIV and AIDS

Alabama AIDS Hotline

ish and Filipino

In Alabama: (800) 228-0469

TDD for the deaf: 1-888-225-AIDS.

Alaska AIDS Hotline

Colorado STD/HIV Hotline

In Alaska: (800) 478-2437

Denver only: (303) 692-2777

If Calling Out of State: (907) 269-8000

In Colorado (toll free): (877) 478-3448

Arizona AIDS Hotline

If Calling Out of State: 303) 692-2783

In Arizona: (800) 232-4636

Connecticut Health Department

If Calling Out of State: (602) 364-3610

National (860) 692-2783

Arkansas AIDS Hotline

Delaware AIDS Hotline

In Arkansas: (800) 232-4636

In Delaware: (800) 422-0429

Arkansas AIDS Foundation: (501) 376 -6299 California HIV/AIDS Hotline If Calling Out of State: (800) 367-AIDS In San Francisco (415) 863-2437 Information available in English, Span-


The Night Reign Fell to New Orleans


State HIV/Aids Hotlines District of Columbia AIDS Information Line (202) 332-2437 HIV/AIDS Administration Dept. National (202) 671-4900 In metro DC. & VA: (800) 322-7432 Georgia AIDS Information Line In Georgia: (800) 551-2728 AID Atlanta In Atlanta: (404) 870-7700 If Calling Out of State: (404) 876-9944 Hawaii STD/AIDS Hotlines In Hawaii: (800) 321-1555

In Louisiana: (504) 821-6050 In Louisiana TDD: (877) 566-9448 Hours of service: Monday - Friday 10 am - 8 pm, Saturday 10 am - 4 pm. Maine AIDS Hotline In Maine: (800) 851-2437 If Calling Out of State: (800) 775-1267 Maryland AIDS Hotline If Calling Out of State: (800) 358-9001 In Maryland, (Bilingual) 800-638-6252 In Metro DC. & VA: (800) 322-7432 Hispanic AIDS Hotline: (301) 9490945

If Calling Out of State: (808) 922-1313 Baltimore only TTY area: (410) 3332437 Illinois AIDS Hotline Massachusetts AIDS Hotline In Illinois: (800) 243-2437 In Massachusetts: (800) 235-2331 In Illinois TTY/TDD: (800) 782-0423 If Calling Out of State: (617) 536-7733 Indiana HIV Medical Services Office TTY/TDD: (617) 437-1672 In Indiana: (866) 588-4948 TTY: (617) 450-1427 Call National AIDS Hotline (24 hours a Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to day, daily): (800) 232-4636 9:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 2 Iowa AIDS Hotline p.m. In Iowa: (800) 445-2437 Spanish spoken. Se habla Espa単ol. If Calling Out of State: (319) 338-2135 Michigan AIDS Hotline Kansas Health Department In Michigan: (800) 872-2437 In Kansas (785) 296-6174 TTY/TDD: (800) 332-0849 National (877) 526-2437 x2 Spanish: (800) 826-SIDA Kentucky Health Department Health Care Workers: (800) 522 In Kentucky: (502) 564-6539 x2 Louisiana AIDS Hotline In Louisiana: (800) 992-4379


State HIV/Aids Hotlines Minnesota AIDS Line

In New Mexico: (800) 545-2437

In Minnesota: (800) 248-2437

If Calling Out of State: (505) 476-3612

If Calling Out of State: (612) 373-2437

Mississippi AIDS Hotline

New York State HIV Counseling Hotline

In Mississippi: (800) 826-2961

(800) 872-2777 (M-F 2-8, S & S 10-6)

National (AIDS Administration): (601) 576-7723

Deaf and Hearing Impaired: (800) 3692437 TDD

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Spanish Hotline: (800) 233-SIDA New York State Information Hotline

If Calling Out of State: (866) 628-9891

(800) 541-2437 (info tapes 24 hrs; counselors Mon.-Fri. 8-8, Sat. & Sun. 10-6)

Montana AIDS Program In Montana: (800) 233-6668 Eastern Montana AIDS Hotline: (800) 675-2437 Western Montana AIDS Hotline: (800) 663-9002 If Calling Out of State:(406) 444-3565 Nebraska AIDS Hotline If Calling Out of State: (800) 782-2437 Nevada AIDS Information Line In Nevada: (800) 842-2437 If Calling Out of State: (775) 684-5900 New Hampshire AIDS Hotline

In New Hampshire: (800) 752-2437 If Calling Out of State: (603) 271-4502

NYC Department of Health AIDS Helpline 1-800-TALK-HIV (counseling, recorded information, and testing information) AIDS Institute Experimental Treatment Info Line (800) 633-7444 GMHC AIDS Hotline (212) 807-6655 (M-F 10-9, Sat 12-3) GMHC TDD: (212) 645-7470 Body Positive Helpline 800-566-6599 (2-6pm Mon-Fri) Long Island AIDS Hotline (516) 385-AIDS (M-F 9-9, tape after hours) AIDS Council of Northeastern NY AIDS Information Hotline (518) 445-2437 (800) 201-AIDS

New Jersey AIDS Hotline In New Jersey: (800) 624-2377 (24 hrs, 7 days) If Calling Out of State: (609) 984-5874 TTY/TDD: (201) 926-8008 New Mexico AIDS Hotline


State HIV/Aids Hotlines North Carolina AIDS Hotline

In South Carolina: (800) 322-2437

In North Carolina: (800) 232-4636

If Calling Out of State: (803) 898-0749

National, Health Info: (919) 733-3039

South Dakota AIDS Hotline

North Dakota AIDS Hotline

In South Dakota: (800) 592-1861

In North Dakota: (800) 782-2437

Health Department: (605) 773-3737

If Calling Out of State: (701) 328-2378

Tennessee AIDS Hotline

Ohio AIDS Hotline

In Tennessee: (800) 525-AIDS

In Ohio: (800) 332-2437

If Calling Out of State: (615) 741-7500

In Ohio TTY/TDD: (800) 332-3889

Texas AIDS Hotline

If Calling Out of State: (614) 466-0265

In Texas: (800) 299-2437

Oklahoma AIDS Hotline

Health Department: (615) 490-2505

In Oklahoma: (800) 535-2437

Utah AIDS Information Line

Oregon AIDS Hotline

In Utah: (800) 366-2437

Area codes 503, 206 and 208: (800) 777-2437

If Calling Out of State: (801) 487-2100

Voice & TTY: (503) 223-2437

In Vermont: (800) 882-2437

Oregon Health Department

Virgin Islands AIDS Hotline

(503) 223-2437

(809) 773-2437

Pennsylvania AIDS Hotline

Virginia STD/AIDS Hotline

In Pennsylvania: (800) 662-6080

In Virginia: (800) 533-4148

Health Department: (717) 783-0572

In Virginia Hispanic line: (800) 3227432

Puerto Rico Linea de Infor SIDA y Enfermedades de Transmision Sexual In Puerto Rico: (800) 981-5721 If Calling Out of State: (809) 765-1010 Rhode Island AIDS Hotline

If Calling Out of State: (800) 726-3010 Health Department (401) 831-5522 South Carolina AIDS Hotline


Vermont AIDS Hotline

Virginia Health Department (804) 3717455

Washington HIV Client Services In Washington: (877) 376-9316 Washington HIV Client Services

If Calling Out of State: (360) 236-3426 West Virginia AIDS Hotline In West Virginia: (800) 642-8244 If Calling Out of State: (304) 558-2950 Wisconsin AIDS Hotline In Wisconsin: (800) 334-2437 If Calling Out of State: (414) 273-2437 Wyoming AIDS Hotline In Wyoming: (800) 675-2698 If Calling Out of State: (307) 237-7833

HIV/AIDS Websites


Ask Aunt Pearl Dear Aunt Pearl:

I’m writing you with one of the biggest issues I’ve ever faced. I have been in a relationship with my man about six months. Everything is great in our relationship except he recently accepted a job in Los Angeles. It is a big promotion for him and will vastly further his career. We currently live in Atlanta (separately). He thinks I should move with him to LA but I have reservations about such a move. I can’t try to transfer my job because the company that I work for is local. He has stated that I can live with him and he can will take care of the bills while I find a job. I’ve always been independent and this would be the first time I would really be dependent on someone else for my livelihood. With us both living in different major cities I feel that a long distance relationship probably won’t last. I’m really scared to give up my life here but I really like this man and I feel I’m falling in love with him. What advice can you give me? Thank you in advance. Dear Cross Country Lover: This is a tough situation you’re in. Give up your life and move across the country with someone you’ve known for six months or stay where everything is stable but possibly lose a great guy. If you move you would be dependent on this guy until you found another job and you have never lived with this man before. The answer to your question Is are you able to handle the risk involved in moving or staying. I would have a serious talk with your guy and lay out all of the challenges that you see in front of you if you do make the move. Voice your concerns and make sure you listen to his answers. His answers should be direct and concise to help to elevate some of your concerns. You also have to be flexible in how you live your life. Being that he will be the one footing the bills. I think this can be a great adventure for you and your man or it could be your worst nightmare if you go into it wrong. Make sure you realize that you made your decision no matter what he tells you and you have to own that. But if he is as great of a guy as you say he is, this will be his best chance to show you. You only live once, This might be a risk you need to take. Good luck



Ask Aunt Pearl Dear Aunt Pearl: A friend of mine has decided to visit me in a few weeks. While he is here, he wants to attend a weekly sex party that takes place here. He heard about it from a friend of his where he lives. He wants me to attend the party with him. While I’ve always wondered about what goes on in those places, I’ve never attempted to go to one. Part of me is scared of what I might see there and also who might see me there. But another part of me is intrigued to see it for myself. What do you think I should do Dear Sex Party Newbie: It sounds to me like you really want to go to this party but your ashamed of the stigma of being seen in attendance. Get over that. Anyone that might see you there is there themselves. Unless you’re been one of those people that looked down on others that would go to a sex party, you shouldn’t have to worry about who might see you. I feel you have already made up your mind but you need a little push. So here it is. Go ahead and attend. You will have the chance to check that off your list and you might just enjoy yourself. I shouldn’t have to tell you to be safe but I will. There are lots of sexually transmitted diseases out there and that is a prime place to pick up one. With the possibility of people have sex with multiple partners, the chances go up on contracting something. Always remember that you have do have a life to live after the party is over. Minimize your risks and try to enjoy the experience.

If you have a question or situation that you would like Aunt Pearl to help you with, send your letter to or you can submit the letter from the comments page at



Black LBGT Pride and Circuit Events 2013 Calendar Tempted to Touch

Washington, DC

Las Vegas, NV

May 24-26, 2013

March 23-27 Sizzle Magic City– Miami Big Boy Pride

Miami, FL

Orlando, FL

May 23-28

April 4-8, 2013 Orlando Black Pride 2013 Philadelphia Black Pride

Orlando, FL

Philadelphia, PA

May 28-June 2, 2013

April 21, 25-28 , 2013

Inferno Puerto Rico Blatino Oasis

San Juan, PR

Palm Strings, CA

May 23-27, 2013

May 3-5, 2013

Houston Splash Houston, TX May 9-12, 2013

DC Black Pride 35

Say it Loud!: Black and Latino Pride Albany, NY May 30-June 1, 2013

Black LBGT Pride 2013 Calendar Portland Black Pride

Harlem, NY

Portland, OR

June28-30, 2013


DC Latino Pride

Windy City Black LGBT-SGL Pride

Washington, DC June 6-9,2013

Chicago, Il June 28– July 4, 2013

Memphis Black Pride Memphis, TN June 14-16

Pride and Promote Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA July 3-7, 2013

South Carolina Black Pride Columbia, SC June 19-23, 2013

Charlotte Black Gay Pride Charlotte, NC July 18-21, 2013

Columbus Urban Pride 2013 Columbus, OH June 21-23, 2013 ColumbusUrbanpride

Portland Latino Pride Portland, OR July 19-21, 2013

Harlem Pride 2013 36

Black LBGT Pride 2013 Calendar Newark Pride

Rochester, NY

Newark, NJ

August 8-11, 2013

July 12,2013 Emerald City Black Pride Detroit’s Hotter Than July

Seattle, WA

Detroit, MI

July 23-28,2013

TBA Oakland Black Pride

Triangle Black Pride

Oakland, CA

Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill, NC

August 5-7, 2013 Hhtp://

July 25-28, 2013

Kentucky Black Pride Louisville, KY

Little Rock Black Pride Little Rock, AR

August 8-11, 2013

July 26-28, 2013

Indianapolis Black Pride Indianapolis, IN

Mocha Weekend Black Pride Buffalo, NY August 1-4, 2013

Mocha Weekend Black Pride 37

August 9-11, 2013

Black LBGT Pride 2013 Schedule Jacksonville Black Pride

Dallas, TX

Jacksonville, FL

October 3-7, 2013

August 9-11, 2013 Baltimore Black Pride UK Black Pride

Baltimore, MD

London, England

Oct 7-13, 2013

August 17 ,2013 Nashville Black Pride Fire Island Blackout

Nashville, TN

Fire Island, NY

October 18-20, 2013

August 9-11, 2013 Gainesville Black Pride

In the Life Atlanta

Gainesville, Florida

Atlanta, GA

October 25-27, 2013

August 30-September 2,2013 Jackson Black Pride Inferno Dominican Republic

Jackson, MS

Punta Cana, DR

November 14-17, 2013

August 29-September 2, 2013

Dallas Black Pride 38

Black Gay Pageant Calendar July 21, 2013

WESSLAND Newcomer & Closetball

Atlanta, GA

Jul 24 -25, 2013

Mr Texas USofA At Large

San Antonio, TX

Jul 28, 2013

Mr & Miss Florida Platinium Newcomer Tampa, FL

Aug 1-3, 2013

Miss Gay USofA Newcomer

Oklahoma City, OK

Aug 10,2013

Virginia National Newcomer

Norfolk, VA

Aug 13-16, 2013

Miss Gay Texas USofA

Dallas, TX

Aug 23, 2013

Envy Newcomer

Birmingham, AL

Aug 30-Sept 2, 2013 Mr & Miss Continental

Chicago, IL

Sep 15, 2013

Mr Duval Newcomer

Jacksonville, FL

Sep 19, 2013

Miss Texas USofA At Large

San Antonio, TX

Sep. 22, 2013

Texas FFI

Dallas, TX

Sep 28, 2013

Nationz Pageant

Richmond, VA

Oct 2-4, 2013

Miss USofA At Large

Orlando, FL

Oct 7, 2013

Miss Dreamgirl Continental

Chicago, IL

Oct 16 -18, 2013

Mr Gay USofA

San Antonio, TX

Oct 19- 20, 2013

Missouri State 2013

St Louis, MO

Oct 24-27, 2013

MBU Grand and MBU

Atlanta, GA

Nov 1-2, 2013

International Rose City & Newcomer Thomasville, GA

Nov 23-24, 2013

Mr & Miss Renaissance Newcomer

Atlanta, GA

Dec 1, 2013

Wessland Mr, Miss, Empress

Atlanta, GA

Dec 8, 2013

Mr Duval

Jacksonville, FL

If you have information on event to be listed here, please send the details to


and amusing with a comforting, earthy sense of humor. They create Love & Feelings an aura of — An Aries relaxation around represents the them that others beginning point of respond to with warmth, but their when a person initial response to becomes aware love is reserved and of his or herself. cautious. Arians can be self Taureans need to -absorbed and know where they innocently stand before letting unaware of their guard down. others’ feelings. They easily gain others’ interest and respect with their enthusiasm, They respond to someone who’s attractive, neat, health conscious, modest, reliable, but to be able to garner and maintain their discreet, efficient, affectionate, loyal, helpful support will require diplomacy, flexibility, and thrifty. They could meet their type in cafés, tolerance, prudence, compassion and restaurants, public gardens, libraries or at crafts consideration. fairs, produce markets, dairy farms. They endear themselves to others with their ability to make them laugh. As lovers, Sexual Behaviors & Performance — Sexually, Taureans tend to be tops. they can be passionate, warmhearted, Taurean Tops ardent and generous with their affections. They prefer it slow and easy. They will not be a They enjoy the chase, finding the contest guide to the exotic unknown, but what they do exciting, but after making a conquest, they sexually they do it beautifully. Taurean tops are may cool very quickly. Their best great partners to have around for long and relationship will be with someone luxurious oral sex, but they may tend to wander independent and self-assured, glamorous, if their needs are not substantially fulfilled. charming, warm and dramatic, who thrives Their erogenous zone: gently and slowly kiss on the energy of love and excitement. and bite the back of their neck. Sexual Behaviors & Performance — Taurean Bottoms Sexually, Aries tend to be tops. They expect their sexual partner to be kind and Aries Tops patient and to make love to them by the book. With Aries that sexually tend to be tops is They like to be pleased by sex, but don’t look like playing croquet with live bombs — for unusual approaches. They are demanding never knowing what is going to happen! lovers and leave their sexual partners Never expect Aries who are tops to wait for breathless. They also have a need for oral you to be ready, as your clothes will be gratification. Their most likely kink biting and ripped off when they are ready to go. Never sucking on toes, one by one. tease a top Aries or you better be ready to deliver. Fond of slave master games top Aries likes it rough and they like to explore, so be ready to go where no one has gone before! Their favorite sex position is missionary, fast and furious. Aries Bottoms Aries bottoms are wildly sensual, passionate and adventurous. They will have sex anywhere. They know what they want — intense and frequent sex! Bottom Aries have a need for complete control, but they also fall in love with love. As a mate, they are ardent, loyal, sentimental, and earthly. Bottom Aries biggest thrill is to tickle and their favorite sex position is on their knees with their sexual partner standing in front of them.

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20) Love & Feelings — They are normally sincere, genuinely sympathetic, charming, easy-going


Horoscopes Gemini (May 20-Jun 21) Love & Feelings — Their nature is to be enthusiastically sociable, and it is easy to mix with people, because of their inherent proclivity for light conversation and humor. Gemini initial attraction toward others is based on mental compatibility. Romance, affection and sexual expression come after they’ve found intellectual sympathy and satisfaction. They love romance, but approach it mentally, not emotionally. They’re fond of exchanging verbal expressions of love and, in addition to enjoying passionate phone calls, they may write poetry or send frequent greeting cards. Gemini would do best with someone of good social standing who is diplomatic, cooperative, affectionate, charming, artistic and well balanced Sexual Behaviors & Performance — Sexually, Geminis tend to be versatile. Top Geminis They like it with the light on in front of the mirror. They can work any sexual partner into the mood because they know exactly how to evoke the right responses. Oral sex may not be their favorite pastime, but they will take their time with other preliminaries. Top Geminis tend to be fast and furious, more concerned with satisfying themselves than their partner, but they are more adequate in area of sex that are often neglected by others. Top Geminis can tell their partner exactly what they want to hear. Their erogenous zone: is getting licked up the arm. Bottom Geminis Often the aggressors, they are never embarrassed by their behavior because the never adhere to any standards except their own main requirement: a partner that knows how not to rush. Geminis are good bottoms, but even in a sexual encounter they look for a combination of practicality and romance. They will want to talk to their partner and tumble with them! Bottom Geminis are not overly fond of oral sex, but their favorite gadget is a vibrating dildo.

Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22)

Love & Feelings — On good days, they’re


naturally inclined toward fun and leisure, and attract others with their dry wit and pronounced sense of humor. They have a knack for making others feel right at home, because they enjoy nurturing and catering to their needs. Their ideal relationship is based on mutual needs and strong values. Cancers require loyalty, devotion, trust and sympathy, and want someone who’s passionate, intense, energetic, soulful and positive. Timid by nature, they are not aggressive in their approach to love. They send out vibrations of feelings to attract their intended, who they prefer is receptive on a psychic level. Sexual Behaviors & Performance — Sexually, Cancers tend to be bottoms. Top Cancers Their most surprising technique: is doing it with no hands. Top Cancers have a need for constant encouragement and if gotten, they will be even better tops. Both patient and aggressive, they will often begin somewhere other than the bed. Top Cancers like to be in command, and they are masters at foreplay using their fingers to satisfy. Top Cancers may give their partners one of the best orgasms they have ever had. Their favorite position: if it’s sexual, it’s their favorite! Bottom Cancers They will never make the first move, but they can be great sexual partners because they are capable of intense sexuality. They will reciprocate passion with fervor and stimulate their partners to their best performance. On their own time, they have a fondness for masturbation. Their favorite position is on all fours with a partner behind. They may become slaves to sexual pleasure!

Horoscopes Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22) Love & Feelings — When they’re truly their `Highness,’ they’re noble, generous, caring, open, loving and sympathetic. They can inspire others with their wit and humor and offer wise counsel based on their experiences. The romantic personified, they’re intent on exploring every facet of love. Leos like romantic novels and dream of honeymoons, meeting a distant lover, or engaging someone of foreign birth, but it’s hard for them to focus on one person. Someone generous, optimistic, philosophical, versatile, sporty, romantic, and open-minded could capture their undivided attention. Sexual Behaviors & Performance — Sexually, Leos tend to be tops. Top Leos They simply brush aside rules and conventions. One important rule to remember about top Leos is: Never tease! Their endurance as tops is remarkable and they have a great appetite for sex. They like their partners to be submissive and oral sex is acceptable as long as they are on the receiving end. Top Leos thrive knowing how much they are satisfying their sexual partners. Their favorite sexual position is being on top with their partner facing away so they can watch all the action. Bottom Leos Sleek, enticing and lazy! Whatever bottom Leos want, they will get! Intensively responsive and there are bed partners who have scars to prove it. Their need to show off leads them to prefer the top, but a Leos who are sexually bottoms would rather be pleased with someone on top doing all the work, so they can look up and admire their partner’s beauty. Bottom Leos adopt the attitude of: Get me off then get the hell off of me!

and generous with advice, and they’re at their best when they’re tolerant, sympathetic and easygoing. However, with their need for privacy, they can be somewhat loners. They’re prudent about love and approach it with their head. They want it to fit into a schedule or program and to be orderly, emphasizing stability and security. Their ideal in a romantic relationship is someone who’s mature, conservative, responsible, well established, practical and organized. Sexual Behaviors & Performance Sexually, Virgos tend to be versatile. Virgo Tops They are shy to make a proposal. They will most likely bring pajamas and a toothbrush. They like to talk about how their partners like it and having talked about it, they will key in on the right erotic response. Top Virgos are not the most imaginative in sex, but they are hard workers and always open to suggestions. Their secret live can be obsessed with pornography and their erogenous zone is their butts. Virgo Bottoms They have no illusions about sex and wish everyone would stop magnifying its importance. They prefer a partner who will wait for the relationship to develop to the point where sex is inevitable. They love mutual masturbation and enjoy a little punishment. Their partners grace and modesty is a great turn on. Bottom Virgos become artists at pleasing their sexual partners. Their favorite kink: can’t truly enjoy it unless it’s a threesome.

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22) Love & Feelings — Virgos forte is small talk. They are playfully sarcastic, helpful


Horoscopes Libra (Sep 23-Oct22) Love & Feelings Libras love to socialize and can be quite popular, because of their goodhumored, gracious, sympathetic nature. They are not interested in superficial acquaintances and may be cautious in love and romance. They’ll establish friendship first and weed out those who don’t meet their intellectual standards. Libras want to share a relationship with someone who’s romantic, humanitarian, independent, idealistic, unbiased, spontaneous, inventive, sociable and insightful. A partner will enjoy sharing in unconventional entertainment with a Libra and friends. Sexual Behaviors & Performance Sexually, Libras tend to be bottoms. Top Libras They look for the whole experience, not just a tumble between the sheets. They definitely have a kinky side. They are voyeurs and love threesomes. Top Libras have the patience needed to satisfy even more than two partners. They like sexual partners who can be playful and have a sense of humor. Their erogenous zone is feeling hard nipples rubbed on their back and butts. Bottom Libras Drama is the keyword to set the stage for sex. Bottom Libras have an instinct for exhibitionism. They feel that their body was made to be seen and admired. Bottom Libras feel that seduction is an art, not an assault. When approached the right way, they find it easy to say yes to almost anything. Anal penetration gives them a mind blowing orgasm and they like any position as long as they buttocks are exposed.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21) Love & Feelings Scorpios are secretive




establish bonds until they’re sure of others’

trustworthiness. Then, they loosen up and reveal their keen insight and fine sense of humor. They approach love emotionally and dream of fairy tale romance. They want to be with someone who’s artistic, spiritual, inspiring, helpful, peaceful, idealistic, refined and perceptive. Sexual Behaviors & Performance Sexually, Scorpios tend to be tops. Top Scorpios They are lustful sexy animals. They enjoy biting and sucking and they are masters at oral sex. Inflicting pain turns them on, so their partners shouldn’t be surprised if their nipples get pinched. They like sex in the water, but almost prefer sex on wood tables, hard floors or satin and silk. Their erogenous zones: gently touching the neck and ears and that will get them going. Bottom Scorpios They are inquisitive and experimental. Bottom Scorpios know that eroticism consists more than the physical act of lovemaking. They tend to look proper in public and behave like whores in the bedroom. Controlling orgasm is very important and will try anything to help their partner maintain their rhythm. They never take no for an answer and if interested in someone, they will pursue them with determination and guile. They love lubricant gels and vibrators.

Horoscopes Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) Love & Feelings — Their frank honesty, wisdom and sincerity makes them great counselors, but they most enjoy being able to talk with others of equal or greater brain power, regardless of who they are. Sagittarius’ love for diversity extends to romance. They’re nervous about commitment. They want to be with someone who’s pioneering, courageous, exciting, enthusiastic and up-to-speed intellectually and energetically. Sexual Behaviors & Performance Sexually, Sagittareans tend to be versatile. Sagittarean Tops Sex is rarely an intense experience with them, they often reach orgasm too quickly, however they will be the first to try a new position. Sagittarean tops are masters at giving erotic massages – both oral and manual. Their tongue can be a wicked instrument and when combined with lips they are able to provide undescribable pleasure. Sagittarean Bottoms Trying new things and new places enchants the wanderlust in Sagittarean bottoms. They like the outdoors, freaking out if you are inside a tent or camper. They like to tease their partner orally to the point of losing control. They usually don’t mind if their partner reaches orgasm before they do, as they are good at recharging them and going for seconds. They are generous and accepting lovers and thrive in becoming experts at satisfying. Their favorite sexual position: all as long as it’s naked.

themselves from the emotional pain of criticism by maintaining their distance and keeping their own counsel. When they’re sure of a person’s approval, they’ll drop their guard and be very witty, dispensing humor with a provocative edge. They enjoy entertaining on a grand scale and prefer cultivating relationships with people of high social standing who will boost their prestige. They desire a downto-earth type who’s reliable, compassionate, loyal, patient, trustworthy, industrious and shares their material ambitions and love of social status. Sexual Behaviors & Performance Sexually, Capricorns tend to be bottoms. Tops Capricorns Sex evokes the best they can offer. They are planners and schemers. They prefer partners that know what Capricorns enjoy and expect them to be willing and ready whenever they want to. Top Capricorns have the endurance of marathon runners. During sex they will hold off until their partner is ready to scream. Their sexual positions: Anything anal, for they love to give and receive anal pleasure. Bottom Capricorns They don’t need much foreplay they can go from zero to WOW in nothing flat. They are not interested in exotic variation, only in staying power. Since they like to dominate, they like to be with their legs on each side of their partner to set a rhythm and please themselves. Once into the rhythm, sex becomes a wild contest with orgasm being the prize. Bottom Capricorns are most great sex mates for multiple orgasms. They definitely enjoy screaming and scratching.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

Love & Feelings — Capricorns present an appearance of dignity and protect


Horoscopes Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

and approach love emotionally, seeking a Love & Feel- relationship based on security, comfort and nurturing. ings — They often link Aquarians love and procrecan quickly ation. They assess a peradmire people son’s characwho are recepter, because tive, industriouter appearous, conscienances don’t tious, economiimpress cal, domestic, them. Opensociable, symminded, they take to strangers easily, but have to be pathetic and protective. A Pisces best careful of others playing on their sympa- friend might introduce them to their type. Sexual Behaviors & Performance thy. They approach love with their head, are Sexually, Pisces, tend to be versatile. turned on by mental stimulation, and seek Top Pisces to experience a mind-meld with a lover. They take the lead in sex and get impaThey can be fickle, flirtatious, indecisive tient if they don’t get a swift response. and double-dealing, and they prefer af- They are very indifferent to sexual refairs to commitments, but they could vow strictions, both moral and legal. They loyalty if they meet a compatible commu- prefer partners with tremendous sexual nicator with a sunny disposition who’s craving. They enjoy sex in a chair and they like to be submissive having their glamorous, noble and ardent. sex partner do all the work. Top Pisces Sexual Behaviors & Performance become addicts to anything that will give Sexually, Aquareans tend to be tops. pleasure and release. Aquarean Tops They never treat their partners like sex Bottom Pisces objects and prefer a variety of foreplay They always make the right moves; say before getting down to it. They might the right things and create the right ambineed a jump start, but once their engine is ance. They are sexually liberated and started, they are free and inventive with enjoy a wide range of eroticism. If their amazing persistence. They are likely to partner’s fantasies coincide with theirs, give their partner an orgasm before their the action can be really hot! They seldom have one themselves. Aquarean tops usu- say no to anything their sexual partners ally ensure orgasms twice: once orally suggest. Their favorite places are in a and once genitally. Their favorite position waterbed or a hot tub. is 69 and they love being in charge behind someone leaning forward. Horoscope Information obtained courtesy of Aquarean Bottoms They are slow starters; they idealize love and encompass it with tenderness. Once aroused though, anything goes! Aquarean Horoscope Images are provided courtesy of bottoms are extremely imaginative and like trying new things. There is nothing in any sex manual that they will not try. They believe that anything that increases their partners’ pleasure is worthwhile. Their favorite sexual position is standing up, preferably in the water.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Love & Feelings — Pisces are the most romantic and loving sign of the zodiac,


Websites, Blogs and You-Tube Channels Worth Checking Out You-Tube Channels 3LWTV AconnectionTV ADTV Black and Sexy TV Boy Drama FreeFall Web Series Funky Dineva judys Fuxwitit The Series No Shade T.R.A.D.E It All The Skorpion Show YBN Entertainment

Radio Channels BeScene Radio Da Doo-Dirty Show Lodoun Radio The Paisley Show

Online Magazines/Blogs Be Magazine Cypher Avenue GBM News G-List Society Mused Magazine Rod 2.0 Tropical Desires Urban Socialites Magazine

Websites Black Men’s Dating Club Kaoz Online No More Down Low The Gay Chronicles The Luckey Star

If would like to submit a website or You-tube channel, send it to:


Club Listings Alabama Montgomery FAT BOY’S FOLLIES 215 N Court St, Montgomery, AL 36104

Mobile B BOBS 213 Conti St. Langston’s Mobile,AL 36602 Phone: 251-433-2262

Arizona Phoenix INCOGNITO 2424 E Thomas Rd Phoenix, AZ 85016 Phone: 602-955-9805

California Los Angeles Metro Circus 6655 Santa Monica Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90038 Club Metro @ The Factory Ultra Suede, 661 Robertson Blvd West Hollywood ,CA 90056 Phone: 323-769-6333

Factory 652 N Lapeer Drive West Hollywood, CA 47

90069 Phone: 310-659-4551 Faultline 4216 Melrose Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90029 Phone: 323-660-0889 ANNEX 835 S La Brea Ave Inglewood ,CA 90301 Phone: 310-671-7323 Club Seduction@The El Cid, 4212 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90029 Phone: 818-633-3056 Metro @Here Lounge, 696 Robertson Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 70069 Phone: 323-769-6333 Hamburger Mary’s Long Beach 740 East Broadway Long Beach, CA 90802 Phone: 562-436-7900

Oakland Club Rimshot @ Bench & Bar 2111 Franklin St, Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: 510-444-2266 Club 21 2111 Franklin Street Oakland, CA 94607 Phone: 510-268-9425

ALIBI EAST/BACK ALLEY 225 S San Antonio Ave Pomona, CA 91766 Phone: 909-623-9422

San Diego BRASS RAIL 3796 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA,92103 Phone: 619-298-2233

San Francisco Blackout 525 Harrison St San Francisco, CA Phone: 415-263-6923 CLUB RED @ BLONDIES 540 Valencia San Francisco, CA 94110 Phone: 415-339-8310

Colorado Denver Tracks Nightclub/ Cream Fridays 3500 Walnut St Denver, CO 80205 Phone: 303-863-7326

Club Listings District of Columbia Washington DC Bachelor’s Mill 1104 8th Street SE Washington, DC 20003 Phone: 202-546-5979 Club Aqua 1818 New York Ave. Washington, DC Club Fusion (inside Club Quest) 1368 H St NE 2nd floor, Washington DC, 20002 Phone: 202 471-0772 Club Muse 717 16th Street NW Washington, DC DEEP END @ ANDALU 1214 18th St, NW, Washington DC, 20036 Phone: 202-785-2922 Delta Elite 3734 10th Street NE Washington, DC 20017 Phone: 202-529-0626 FIREPLACE 2151 P St NW, Washington DC, 20037 Phone: 202-293-1293


Fort Lauderdale Bill’s Filling Station 1243 Ne 11th Ave Ft. Lauderdale Fl Phone: 954-525-9403 Boardwalk 1721 N Andrews Ave Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311 Phone: 954-463-6969 Boom 2232 Wilton Dr Ft Lauderdale FL, 33305 Phone: 954-630-3556 Boy Bar 1220 Normandy Dr . Miami Beach FL 33141 Phone:305-864-2697 Coliseum 2520 S Miami Rd Ft Lauderdale FL, 33316 Phone: (954) 832-0100 Georgie ’s Alibi 2266 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors FL, 33305 Phone: 954-565-2526 J’s (Women’s Bar) 2780 Davie Blvd Ft. Lauderdale Fl Phone: 954-581-8400 Johnny`s 1116 E Broward Blvd Ft Lauderdale FL 33301 Phone: 954-522-5931 New Moon 2440 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: (954) 563-7660

Ramrod (Leather /Levi/ Uniform) 1508 NE 4th Ave Ft Lauderdale FL Phone: 954-763-8219 Torpedo 2829 W Broward Blvd Ft Lauderdale, FL 33312 Phone: 954-587-2500 Trixies 600 S Dixie Highway Hollywood Fl Phone: 954-923-9322 Voodoo Lounge 111 SW 2nd Ave Ft Lauderdale FL, 33301 Phone: 954-522-0733

Jacksonville InCahoots Nightclub, 711 Edison Ave, Jacksonville FL, 32204 Phone: 904-353-6316

Madeira Backroom Bar 14601 Gulf Blvd Madeira Beach FL, Phone: (727) 392-2814


Club Listings Miami Azucar 2301 SW 32nd Ave Miami Phone:305-441-6974 Cameo 1445 Washington Ave Miami Beach FL, 33139 Phone: (305) 532-2667 Club Boi 1060 N W 79th St Miami FL, 33147 Phone: 305-836-8995 J’s Bar 2780 Davie Blvd Miami FL, 33312 Phone: 954-581-840 Jamboree 7005 Biscayne Blvd Miami Laundry Bar 721 N Lincoln Lane Miami Beach FL, 33139 Phone: (305) 531-7700 Palace Food Bar 1200 Ocean Dr Miami Beach FL Phone: 305-531-7234 Twist 1057 Washington Ave Miami Beach, FL Phone: 305-53-TWIST Score 727 Lincoln Road Miami Beach, FL Phone:305-535-1111

Orlando 49

Parliament House Resort, 410 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, Florida 32805 - Phone: 407-425-7571. Southern Nights 375 S Brumby Ave Orlando, FL Phone:

Tallahassee Brothers Nightclub 926 W Tharpe St, Tallahassee, FL, 32303 850-386-2399

Tampa Azalea Lounge 1502 N Florida Ave Tampa, FL Phone: 813-228-0139 Baxters 1519 S Dale Mabry Hwy Tampa FL Phone: 813-258-8830 Cityside Lounge 3703 Henderson Blvd Tampa FL G Bar 1401 E 7th Ave Ybor City FL Phone:813-247-1016

Keith’s 14905 N. Nebraska Ave Tampa FL The Male Room

4502 S Dale Mabry Hwy Tampa FL Midtown Tavern 9002 N. Florida Ave, Tampa, FL Phone: 813-915-0819 Radar 4202 W Cayuga Ave Tampa, FL Rainbow Cabaret 4421 N Hubert Ave Tampa, FL, 33614 Phone: 813-877-7585 Valentine’s Nightclub 7522 N Armenia Ave Tampa FL Phone: 813-936-1999

Georgia Atlanta 595 North 595 North Ave Atlanta, GA BULLDOGS 893 Peachtree St. Atlanta GA 30309 Phone: 404-872-3025 Club Rain 448 Ralph David Abernathy Atlanta, GA 30312

Club Listings Atlanta cont.

Des Moines

Club Rain 448 Ralph David Abernathy Atlanta, GA 30312 Cream Ultra Lounge 3249 Buford Hwy Atlanta, GA 30329 First Fridays at Cantina 3280 Peachtree Road Atlanta, GA Finns 84 12th Street NE Atlanta, GA 30309 Le Buzz, 585 Franklin Rd, Atlanta GA, 30342-2778 Phone: 770-424-1337 Mixx 1492B Piedmont Ave. Atlanta, GA 30309 Phase One 4933 Memorial Drive Stone Mountain, GA 3 Rush Lounge 2715 Buford Hwy. Atlanta, GA 30329 Scorecards 1371 Clairmont Road, Decatur, GA 30033 Third Saturdays at AJA 3500 Lenox Road Atlanta, GA XS Ultra Lounge

BLAZING SADDLES 416 E 5th S Des Moines, IA, 50309 Phone: 515-246-1299

708 Spring St

ROSCOE’S TAVERN AND CAFÉ 3356 N Halsted St, Chicago IL, 60657

Atlanta, GA 30308


Illinois Chicago BERLIN 954 W Belmont Chicago IL, 60657 Phone: 773-348-4975 Urbano At Evergreen 809 West Evergreen Chicago, IL GENTRY ON HALSTED 3320 N Halsted St, Chicago IL 60657 GENTRY ON STATE 440 N. State St Chicago, IL, 60611 Phone: 312-836-0933 Little Jim’s 3501 N Halsted Chicago IL, 60657 Phone: 773-871-6116 PENTHOUSE SUNDAYS @ Club 720 720 N. Wells St Chicago IL Phone: 312-787-8720

Phone: 773-281-3355 TASTE 6331 S Lowe St Chicago IL, 60621 Phone: 708-802-1705

Kansas Wichita Club Glazier 2828 E 31St South Wichita KS, 67216 OUR FANTASY 3201 S Hillside Wichita KS, 67216 Phone: 316-682-5494

Louisiana New Orleans Fusion’s 2004 AP Tureaud Ave, New Orleans, LA, 70116 Phone: 504301-5121 OZ 800 Bourbon St New Orleans LA, 70116 504-593-9491 PARADE DISCO 801 Bourbon St. New Orleans, LA 70116 Phone: 504-529-2107


Club Listings Maryland Baltimore HIPPO, 1 W Eager St, Baltimore MD, 21201 Phone: 410-547-0069 PARADOX 1310 Russell St Baltimore MD 21230 Phone: 410-837-9110

St. Louis, MO, 63108 Phone: 314-652-6500

New York New York City

Boysroom 211 Ave A New York NY Phone:212-995-8664 Club Channel 860 Atlantic Ave Michigan Brooklyn, NY Detroit Club Langston 1073 Atlantic Ave MENJOS Brooklyn, NY 11238 928 W McNichols Phone: 718-622-5183 Detroit MI, 48203 Club Rush Phone: 313-863-3934 OFF BROADWAY EAST 579 6th Ave New York NY 12215 Harper Element Detroit, MI, 48213 225 E Houston St Phone: 313-526-8401 New York NY Woodward ’s Cocktail ESCUELITA Bar 301 W 39th St 6426 Woodward Ave New York NY, 10018 Detroit MI Phone: 212-631-0588 Phone: 313-872-0166 G Lounge 223 W 19th St, New York NY St. Louis Phone: 212-929-1085 FACES, 130 N 4th St Groove East St. Louis, MO 125 W Macdougall (7 W 62201 3rd), Phone: 618-271-7410 New York NY Phone: (212) 254-9393 Krash Magnolia ’s 555 W 33rd St. Btw. 5 S Vandeventer St, 10&11 Ave, 51


New York NY, 10010 Phone: (917) 560-8024 Long Island Eagle 94 N Clinton Ave. Bayshore, NY, 01706 Phone: 631-968-2750 LUKE AND LEROY 21 7th Ave S, New York NY,10014 Phone: (212) 645-0004 NO Parking Bar 4168 Broadway @177th St. New York ,NY Phone: (212) 923-8700 MONSTER 80 Grove St, New York NY, 10014 Phone: 212-924-3558 Oscar Wilde 221 E 58th St, New York NY,10022 Phone: 212-355-3395 SplashBar 50 West 17th Street New York, NY 10011

Club Listings New York City cont. Stereo 555 W 33rd St New York NY Therapy 348 W 52nd St New York NY, 10019 Phone: 212-397-1700

Ohio Cincinnati The Dock 603 W Pete Rose Way Cincinnati OH 45202 Phone: 513-241-5623

Columbus Traxx Columbus 50 Long Street Columbus, OH43215

Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Pegasus Lounge 818 Liberty Ave Pittsburgh, PA15222 Phone: (412) 281-2131

Austin CHARLIES 1301 Lavaca St, Austin TX, 78711 Phone: 512-474-6481

Dallas Havana Nites 4006 Cedar Springs, Dallas,TX 75219 Phone: 214-526-9494 Club 20/20 2020 Leland, Houston TX, 77003 Phone: 713-227-9667 The Brick 2525 Wycliff Ave #120 Dallas, TX 75219 Houston Bartini 1318 Westheimer Houston TX Phone; 832-443-1016

Virginia Richmond CLUB COLOURS 536 N Harrison St Richmond, VA, 23220 Phone: 804-353-9776

Texas If you would like a club in your area added to the club listings, send the information to: 52


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