3 key strategies for ecommerce conversion rate optimization using a landing page

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3 Key Strategies For Ecommerce Conversion Rate Optimization Using a Landing Page While most of the companies are worried about the search engine optimization of their stores and getting themselves listed among the top search results, they miss out a very inevitable fact that the health of a company does not depend on the search engines listing alone. It is the conversion rates that matter ultimately for revenue generation. In fact, most of the key SEO strategies focus themselves on finding new customers by getting their websites listed among the top search results. However, you need to ask yourself if it is sufficient for generating revenue on your store? The ultimate goal of any promotional or optimization campaign of an eCommerce store is to generate revenue by increasing the sales. In order to do so, it is important that we manage the existing traffic on our site so that it gives the conversion to the fullest. Even a decimal point increase in the conversion rates can cause a huge difference in the revenue generation capability of your store. E-Commerce conversion optimization is a key strategy for generating maximum revenue from the existing traffic that you already have on your store. Here are few key methodologies that you can adopt to optimize the conversion rate of your eCommerce store using the appealing landing pages. 1. Be relevant with your landing pages- We design attractive banners and ad copies to lure the visitors on our site by availing various offers and discounts. It is paramount that we honor the landing pages by perfectly designing them to be relevant with the ads and banners. The contents of the landing pages must completely meet the expectations that we provide to the visitors on ads and banners. We should provide the visitors with the facility to avail all the offers and discounts that we had mentioned on the ads /banners. Use of relevant keywords, titles, images and punch lines can help in establishing a relation between the landing pages and ads/banners. Always provide the details of the domain in the banners and landing pages. Mentioning your brand name on the ads and banners gives a sense of credibility to the visitors. A study done using Mocking Fish tool reveals that inclusion of brand or domain name can increase the conversion rates up to four times. 2. Reveal your proposition in 8 seconds- Any visitor on your page always tries to avoid thinking about the messages and slogans you give on the ads, banners or landing pages. A study suggest that visitors will close your page if you are not able to grab their attention in the first eight seconds. Visitors need to understand the proposition of your business in the first eight seconds itself as soon he/she visits your page. The introductory message should be a self explaining text which describes the whole idea of the service/product you are talking about. An explanation mixed with a brand name, texts, images, and videos impart a striking first impression on the visitors. A good landing page is one that identifies the key issues and needs of a visitor and addresses the same with an effective solution.

3. Do not distract the visitors- Distractions prevent conversions as they hinder the visitors from getting to the main objective of the page. It is advised to keep all kinds of distractions excluded from the landing page. Remove the global navigation from the PPC templates as they should be designed to serve the promotion of some specific product/service only. So, there is no need for navigation menus on the landing pages. It also reduces the loading time of a landing page. It is also advised to exclude non relevant or off topic contents as they act as a distraction from the primary objective of the site. Keep all your contents to the point of your goal. Landing pages are distinctive elements of any eCommerce conversion optimization campaign. We should always try to keep them as productive as possible. Apply these strategies to your eCommerce conversion optimization campaigns and achieve higher conversion rates with the existing traffic on your site.

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