6 hacks for product page optimization of ecommerce site

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6 Hacks for eCommerce Website Optimization for Improving the UX

The eCommerce stores once made available needs to be optimize regularly in order to make sure that the elements leading to the under performance of the web store are eliminated. There are various aspects of the web store which keeps on getting out dated as the time progresses. Thus, it becomes important to optimize the online store for better performance and more engagement of the customers. The availability of the products in the website is an important aspect, but in order to gain better customer interaction, so that, they are converted to buyers must also been taken into consideration. In order to do so regular optimization of the website must be done, which helps the owners to have a better understanding of the customers behavior in the web store and also make sure that they make better purchase. There are many redesigning aspects that can be imposed on the eCommerce store such that the process of marketing is maintained and the online store doesn’t lose any potential conversion. There are various hacks which needs to be worked on in order to be sure that the eCommerce site is well maintained in terms of customers served.

1. Improve Search feature It is an established fact that the customers who make a search in the online store have more chances of making a conversion. As the customers who would refer to use the search options are more likely in the need of a product and wants to have a closer look on the products related directly to it. Thus,

the shopping sites must make sure that they get a better search feature and their products are made available. If the search feature of the store is not optimized than the chances are more of a losing a customer who would have turned into a potential buyer. The placement of the search bar plays an important role in deterring the major portion of the success made on the sales.

2. Assists the customers

The customers must be treated with care and assisted in every possible way. There may arise a case when the customer would have several queries regarding a product or its purchase. In that case the online stores must come forward to clear their doubts and queries so that the customer could make an easy purchase. This type of progress can be made by using a live chat feature on the website where thee customer would get an assistance on their problems. Live chat has become a significant part of customer service, overtaking phone and email support, and it has been found to be a way of ecommerce conversion optimization. Features like this greatly influence the decision of the customer to make a purchase from the store.

3. Optimize the exit pages

Exit pages are those pages which the customer use to exit from the web store Thus, a special concern must be given to those pages as they can serve as an initiation to the next possible pages. The online stores can make use of these pages to promote the content of the web store. Monitor their behavior to determine the exit pages on your website. Improve these pages to convince users not to leave your website, or at least visit again. The websites can update all the out dated content and present them before the customers. The customers are likely to make a purchase if they are shown some engaging products. Thus, the exit pages must be presented accordingly.

4. Consider customer preference

With the introduction of multiple features the web store can ensure that their customers can make the product purchase faster from the store. The process of getting closer to the customers can also be used to make process better. There are many tools which can help in doing so. The online stores can make use of A/B testing tool in order to see which aspect on the web store are highly appreciated by the buyers while what features needed to be eliminated. The A/B testing provides results that are highly used by users and preferred while they are making a purchase. It is a better alternative to optimize the process for the customers.

5. Reward the customers

The rewarding to the customers has also proved to be an effective way in order to gain better conversions. There are many ways to do so. The eCommerce store can use multiple variants of rewarding facility to encourage the customers to make more purchase. One of the way would be by providing the customers with reward points on the total cost of the purchase that they make. The reward points can be redeemed by the customers in order to make another purchase once they have enough credits with them. This can attract a better traffic and also make some positive conversion to the web store.

6. Add reviews

The addition of the review in the website can highly change the opinion of the customers. The users always look for some reference in the online sites before making a purchase. In order to make sure that they are encouraged to make a purchase, the web stores can use the product review so that they can get a better insight of the products from the customers who have already made a purchase on the products. Compel the customers to add their reviews and this will encourage the new visitors in their purchase decision. Encourage clients to leave positive product reviews to stand out from the competition and increase conversion.

OVER TO YOU The factors discussed above, if implemented in the eCommerce store, can highly influence the users in their decision of making a purchase. These are some of the conversion rate optimization trends that are here to stay. Thus, the web store can get better conversions and at the same time the customer experience is also enhanced.

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