R2345 improve your seo with these 5 uses of heatmaps

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Improve your SEO with these 5 Uses of Heatmaps

Over the past years, we all have witnessed the changes that have taken place in the eCommerce industry. With all the updates in search engine algorithms that have been happening, there’s always a bigger motive that leads the eCommerce businesses to do better. Heat mapping tools are considered to be one of the most proficient and cost-effective digital marketing methods that can help you find the bottle-neck of the website. In the end, an user-friendly UI is responsible for the increase in conversion rates of your website. A closer look into the analysis of the result of these tools lets you understand the behavior of the target audience. In addition, Heatmaps can even help you do your SEO in the best possible way. Talking about the uses of the tool, we’ve laid down some of the analysis in order to give you a heads up of why it has become mandatory to incorporate them into your site.

Gives a better insight of what the user is really looking out for Every admin wants to know what their customers want more of on their website. Well, that curiosity can be satisfied with the help of using the scroll heatmaps to find the places that your user has been reaching out to. It is with the help of the Heatmap analysis that every e-merchant is able to see and understand where the visitors are

clicking and reaching out to. In other cases, the owners were also able to find new places that were majorly clicked in order to place useful content.

In this heatmap, you can see that the users have clicked on selective parts that match their needs. The deep red area is the one mostly clicked whereas; the area marked in green is what is rarely clicked. Can be used to augment internal links We have talked a lot about what internal links can do for your site. Counting the benefits of the same, the use of heatmaps can help you improve the internal links to your website. You might have seen and used the trick to interlink your blogs or blogs to respective landing pages in order to convert your visitor. With every feature visible on the site is set in a pattern for a reason and is done as a part of SEO tactics. When you connect the anchor text link to the different pages of your site, it is a method to signify Google your target page. The idea here is to tell you that when you place the internal links throughout your content, how would you know which one is making the difference and which isn’t?

Image courtesy: Crazy Egg

It is possible with the help of the heatmap analysis. The Click Heat Map by Knowband is what lets you see which areas of the blog are the readers clicking on. As a result, the links clicked will serve your curiosity.

For the ease of the user

If you switch to the user’s perspective and think of the websites and their products. Why would you go to that respective store? There can be two reasons: You find what you need easily; and You really think that it is a useful site Though both the reasons are interlinked, it is the first one that makes the users go back to the same site again and again without thinking twice. For example, Amazon.com is one store that one would look up to because landing to the respective product you need is very easy. You either type in the search box or apply the filters to get there. Likewise, heatmaps make it easier for you to locate the areas where your customers coming to or how are they interacting with your site. Moreover, if you see a downfall in the conversion rates, the tool can also help you figure out the glitches that are causing the same.

Maximize the usage of the images

Image courtesy: Pinterest

You know how important images are for a site. No matter what page is it - landing page or blog posts, the users always look forward to images when they come to a website. One of the most popular websites that is all about images is Buzzfeed. The site has made its place in the top positions of an infotainment sector because of the image-rich contents covering news, entertainment, quizzes and more. You as an e-merchant should be focusing on the high-quality images placed in the right spot to get the maximum of conversions in your favor. From the product images on the landing pages to the ones used in the blog contents, every place that should have an image should be rectified in context to its meaning. If you continue to post engaging and useful images, you’ll witness the benefit in time. A/B testing can help you find the images that can grab most attention.

Use heatmaps for related posts engagement You know the art of interlinking your blogs with other blogs on your content section. When a reader comes to the end of an article or blog, you offer them some suggestions that would let them dig deeper in the same section from a different angle. For example, if you have a WordPress website, you would have seen the numerous related posts and suggestions that pop up in continuation to something that your content offers. Why does this happen? Because it helps get your page more views and increases the customer engagement. When it came to check out the steps to keep your reader longer on your blog section, Neil Patel observed a 14.4% increase in the reader’s time during his test.

But, how do you get to know whether your readers are clicking on the suggestive posts or not? Heatmaps step into the picture at this point. The confetti tool of heatmaps will let you see the posts most clicked on and more. Heatmaps are one of the best ways to find out what your customers are getting into on your website. Being one of the eCommerce SEO services that work, you should make the most of it.

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