4 key strategies to boost up your landing page performance

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4 key strategies to boost up your landing page performance

If you are wondering about the ways to maximize the performance of your landing page, you must make sure you have the answers to these fundamentals questions: 

How would you accomplish an optimized landing page design for your

What is the best hierarchy to put the headings, sub headings, and other

Where should you put the call to action? And

What is the best layout to drive the maximum conversions?


important content?

Well, all these questions have some specific approach and there isn't any single universal answer to fit all of them. However, the concept behind these questions can be universally coherent and can be applied with few techniques to lead you to some great results. Let's see how.

1. A landing page design with audience in your mind The aim of getting a response from the audience is one simple idea that is really hard to implement. For starters, spare some time in doing a research about your target audience. Find out what they like, what they need, and what they trust at the moment. The early research through usability testing and Google Analytics would be of great help. Track the important behavior metrics of your visitors to

discover their entry points, pages that interest them, exit points, traffic sources etc.

If you notice the difference in the approaches of each landing page above, Impact is targeting the bloggers and businesses looking for the ways to generate leads through their content. It's more like a business specific target. While bills.com is more broad with its span of the target audience. It's targeting the people who are high on debts and looking for the ways to regulate the situation. It's more of a consulting approach focussing on individuals. This makes us understand how the approach changes when your target audience is very specific.

2. Maintaining the Hierarchy of the content The purpose of the landing page is very specific. They are designed to steer the user towards the conversion funnel with everything that is on the screen. They are limited and in urgent need to grab the attention immediately. So putting the content in the best possible hierarchy is a crucial way to do that. A good landing page would use the best headline, best-est sub-headline, brief body, engaging visual, and a highlighted call to action. Your landing page must use these elements in the best possible way.

Sometimes you don't just admire something for being beautiful, but also for being catchy, informative, and clear with its call. The above landing page example does a similar job by using amazing visuals as main as well as supportive elements from top till the bottom of the page. Moreover, the hierarchy of the content is well organized. A catchy headline in Block letters followed by a sub-headline pitching the USP plus making a call for what needs to be done next. The simple web form at the top keeps the main call to action for submitting a request in the limelight. And how can we forget to mention the brief body content that explains the steps in just a few clear words? Every element on the page supports the desired action that should be taken by the user. From heading, sub-heading till the main body content, the call is to take the user to the conversion. Moreover, there isn't any distraction that would take the user away from the call to action.

Consistency with the Conventions and Patterns

There are online conventions for using different web-elements across the internet. These conventions create a coherent user experience irrespective of the sites they have been visiting. For example, there are conventions for using forms, navigation, and calls to action. The consistency with the conventions across the web makes sure that users don’t have to re-orient themselves each time they visit a new page. So, if you are experimenting by tweaking some of these conventions, you should be aware of the risks. The best approach would be to A/B test the tweaks and compare the performance with the original conventions. At least you will know for the next time that you are not putting your landing page in jeopardy. Perhaps you want to make your landing page distinctive by moving a bit aside of the regular conventions which everyone uses. However, you must make sure, your distinction does not result in a confusion for the users.

For example, target decided to make a small distinction by using the responsive placeholders in the form instead of the old type and vanishing placeholders. As you type-in, the placeholders move to the top left corner instead of vanishing. This tweak is well implemented here because target neither changed the form structure nor the theme, so that users don't get confused. It maintained the consistency with it old design as well.

Follow the best practices for each element We saw how there are conventions to follow for every element on a webpage. Similarly, you must also follow these best practices for each of them. ď ľ

Maintain a coherence between your headline and the link on your landing page.

Use a single purpose with a single call to action; multiple calls can distract

Explain or show your product in action through visuals.

Keep the headline short.

The sub-headline must be the most focused part to introduce your product.

Use the body content to explain your product in brief.

Maintain the structure of the layout by following a proper hierarchy of the

Show your contact information such phone number. Make phone number

If there is any free trial or guaranty, mention it as a highlight.

Keep it really short if you are using any form on the page.

The call to action must be clear enough to let users predict the next step.

the users.

elements; Headline;sub-headline; body; call to action.

clickable on mobile view of the landing page.

Final thoughts Hopefully, this article will persuade you to take a step back and reconsider the approach that you have been using. For starters, understanding your audience is the most important part. So spare some of your time and invest it in knowing your audience and their pain points. Address the pain points in your copy and offer your product as a solution. Follow the conventions and best practices to maintain a consistency with the users' perception and understanding. To understand the usability of your landing page, you should track the click heatmaps of the interaction of your audience. It will give you an insight into how users are finding your landing page, and if they are interacting in the way you actually hoped for? A graphical click heatmap report will give you a clear picture of how usable and convenient your landing page is for the audience. You can avail the free one year trial of the MockingFish Click heatmap tool and track your landing pages usability for free. You should sign up now, it's real quick.

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