8 E-Commerce Conversion Tips For Thank You Pages

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8 E-Commerce Conversion Tips For Thank You Pages Although, online businesses who are vying for greater share in conversion rates and product sales have tried all the possible remedies but there can still be few areas where appropriate actions have not been taken yet. One of these areas are the “Thank you” pages on your website that are often ignored by various site owners. Once, customers have made an online purchase through your eCommerce store, you need to acknowledge him/her for showing interest in your products and finally making a purchase. Further, these thank you pages are an effective medium of customer engagement and can improve your chances of product sales and conversion rates. Here are the 7 tips that can help you in eCommerce conversion rate optimization through these thank you pages. 1) Lead your customers to other concerned pages of your website- It does not mean end of business for you as soon as the customers have made an online purchase through your eCommerce store. You can still keep your targeted customers engaged with your site by offering them services like opt- in forms, invitation for a webinar or any other event, lead generation form and other such facilities. If you are successful in keeping your customers hooked to your site, there are increased chances that these customers will return back on your website for online future purchases. 2) Persuade your customers to share your website content- The might and global usage of social media has been a blessing in disguise for numerous online businesses of the world. Ecommerce sites are increasingly using various social media buttons like Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Google+ and such others for making their online content more accessible to people who are residing in various parts of the world. Tempt your targeted customers to share your content with their family, friends and other known relatives for improving the online presence and visibility of your online store. 3) Provide free coupon code or gift cards to your customers for making a future purchase- You can easily improve the conversion rates and product sales for your eCommerce business by offering free coupon codes and gift cards to your targeted customers for increasing your future business engagement. Provide them ample reasons to shop online through your eCommerce site but take appropriate steps in creating the urgency about your offer. This sense of urgency will drive customers in huge numbers towards your site which inturn will improve your conversion rates and product sales. 4) Gather personal information about your targeted customers- In every business engagement, it is important to have a clear insight about your targeted customers for boosting your sales revenue. Prepare a set of questions that can be asked from your customers at the “thank you” page for improving the customer engagement on your site. Based on the answers of these questions, you can effortlessly deduce the mindset of your customers regarding your company and its product. Apart from the survey, there is another insight heat map tool from Mocking Fish that can provide a wide range of customer data like type of devices used, time of browsing, interests of customers, browser used and other such information for effective customer targeting. 5) Apply web testing on your thank you pages- Ensure the effectiveness of your thank you pages in grabbing customer attention and conversions by making use of web

testing tools. Mocking Fish is one such tool that can provide A/B testing and multivariate testing to its targeted customers for improving their business fortunes. You can A/B test your thank pages for analyzing the conversional ability of your web page variations for getting maximum site traffic and sales revenue. Moreover, this Mocking Fish seems to be the “best buy� option for site owners due to its user friendly dashboard design, easy installation and configuration, affordable cost, reliable test results and other such features. 6) Show product reviews and testimonials on your thank you pages- It is a good practice to include product reviews and customer testimonials on your thank you pages for boosting the confidence of your customers. These user generated content influences the rate of customer engagement while making an online purchase, so don't shy away from using them actively on your thank you pages. 7) Take steps to strengthen the brand image of your eCommerce store- Everybody may have heard about the high intensity madness for Apple devices which leads people to stand outside of the Apple store for getting their own copy of the just launched Apple product. Do you have same kind of curiosity and madness for your products or services? If not, it needs serious introspection to improve the brand value among your targeted customers so that people are eager to use your products and services by eclipsing the cost factor. Effective marketing strategies, website optimization, content marketing, easy checkout process and other such features can contribute significantly in improving the brand image and reputation of your eCommerce store. 8) Get more customer signups through newsletter subscriptions, webinar or other such events- Collecting your customer email address is one of the important habit that can help you in improving your customer engagement and product sales. Don't ask customers about their email addresses without any reason but arouse their interest in sign up process by providing free newsletter, ebook, discount coupons, registration for webinar and other such events. By offering your customers something in return, you can effortlessly get their email addresses which can be used later on for more customer focused retargeting. If you are thinking about utilizing the business potential of your thank you pages, you need to make optimum use of these eCommerce conversion tips. Once, you are able to remove the loop holes in your thank you pages, your conversion rates and product sales will definitely surge higher.

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