A/B Testing- Amazing Hack Tips for Landing Page- Volume 3

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A/B Testing- Amazing hack tips for Landing Page- Volume 3

A/B testing has crossed geographical boundaries and targeting customers when it comes to its use in the global business environment. It has defied the nature of business, size of business and market capitalization thereby getting “red carpet welcome” from all quarters of business segment. It is not doubtful at all that landing page is the first window where the site visitors land when they click on a particular link. They are the gateway to your product sales, conversion rates and customer engagement for improving your business fortunes. It is important to optimize them in order to grab the instant attention of your targeted customers. If you need some help regarding this, here are the landing page optimization tips that can act as a “game changer” for your business entity. Improve the web design and navigation of your site-

Online visitors want a seamless navigation and access to the different areas of a website for making a quick tour. If your are unable to provide the same, they will not bother to engage with your business entity no matter how good your products and service record may be. Leave no stone unturned in this area and get the assistance of an effective A/B testing tool like Mocking Fish for making significant improvements in your website design and site navigation. Use an optimized, good quality image- Images are better than simple plain texts as they have the potential to grab the instant attention of your targeted customers. But, beware of using low quality images that does not look good on big screen devices. Apart from this, you need to use ALT tags and image descriptions for ensuring the effective indexing of your images by web crawlers. Focus on the position of your site elements-

Customers have a set pattern in which they observe a particular content on a website. It is important to place your important site elements like CTA buttons, web forms, images and other such components above the fold for getting the required customer attention at the first instance only. It is all a matter of making the best move as you don't get the second chance in this competitive business environment. Further, it will be better to take the help of a click heat map tool for determining the most clicked areas of your website

Make your offer sound more interesting to your targeted customers-

Always remember this simple statement that “You are not the only one in this business arena�, so involve in product pricing tips accordingly. You are fighting a tough battle among your business rivals for making significant improvements in conversion rate optimization efforts and product sales. Make a case study of your competitor's site for providing engaging shopping offers and deals to your targeted customers for better conversions and sales. Know your targeted customers well for better site engagement-

You need to know your customers well for making the tremendous improvement in your conversion rates and product sales. Keep a close tab on the likes and dislikes of your targeted customers for getting maximum conversions, site traffic and product sales. If you are aware about the pulse of your targeted customers, you can effortlessly improve customer engagement on your site. Reduce irrelevant fields in your web forms- Web forms are meant to get relevant customer information for ensuring effective customer targeting on your website. Make sure you are including only important and relevant fields in your web forms for encouraging more customers towards your site forms. Apart from this, you need to utilize short and simplified web forms for preventing bounce rates and shopping cart abandonments. Provide a simplified checkout process to your online shoppers- Nobody would

like to spend their time on a site which does not support a simple and engaging shopping environment. To facilitate this, provide a smooth checkout experience to your shoppers so that they would love to engage with your eCommerce store again and again for online shopping. Further, you can perform A/B testing on various checkout elements of your site for better customer engagement, bumper product sales and higher conversion rate optimization. Take care of all these helpful tips while redesigning the landing page for your eCommerce site. If you can pay a little attention towards these points, you can effortlessly grab more conversion rates and sales for your store. It is definitely your “big ticket� to a superb eCommerce store with a high sales revenue and global popularity.

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