Hitting The Conversion Jackpot With Holiday Shopping Season- Part 1

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Hitting The Conversion Jackpot With Holiday Shopping Season (Part 1)

Holiday or festive season brings joy and happiness for everyone around it but it brings a big smile on the face of numerous “eCommerce companies” as it is a perfect platform for them to advertise their products effectively for better eCommerce conversion rates. If you are unable to grab the maximum product sales and conversions for your online store, you are not only losing this high stake eCommerce battle in terms of conversion rate optimization but is also losing the sheen and prestige of your online business. Therefore, it becomes imperative to make the most of this festive season by grabbing maximum number of site traffic and product sales. If you are unaware about the same, you need to take help from these holiday shopping tips in order to make your online store the most preferred shopping destination for your targeted customers. ● Eliminate image sliders and auto run carousels on your online store- Numerous online shoppers have complained about those auto running carousels that tends to create problem for them while making an online purchase. It would be a good practice for various store owners if they could restrict the use of image sliders or carousels on their eCommerce site which creates problem during the site navigation. Moreover, these auto sliders irritates people when they are trying to focus on a single image on their site and thus affects their customer engagement in a big way which can in turn affect their conversion rates drastically. ● Don't surprise or make people feel embarrassed with auto- play feature- There are various people who surf eCommerce sites from their work place or any other public places like doctor's office, at the waiting rooms of airport or train stations, etc and thus feel embarrassed or surprised when a sudden sound emerges from their speaker. It not only results in the immediate closing of that site but also affects their shopping decision to a great extent. It is advised not to include default auto- play feature on your site in order to keep your visitors engaged to your online store. Instead, you could include an impressive thumbnail and graphic for grabbing the attention of your customers towards your featured audio and videos.

● Don't provide unnecessary product recommendations to your customers- Although, it is good to provide information to your targeted customers about your various related products through product recommendations while doing online shopping through your site. But, don't go too far with this practice as it will give your customers a sense of feeling that they are being forced to purchase a particular product by providing product recommendations at repeated intervals of time and will increase your shopping cart abandonments effectively. Further, you can organize your home page, product category and sub category pages effectively by utilizing the wonderful services of a A/B testing tool like Mocking Fish that comes with user friendly dashboard design, reliable test results, affordable price and free lifetime account facility. ● Avoid the practice of using strike- through pricing on your online store- Don't let your online shoppers struggle while reading out the text behind that “strike- through” pricing as it will affect their rate of customer engagement adversely and will decrease your chances of making product sales. To avoid such situations, you can use other alternatives like “Was”, “Previous price”, “New price” or any other substitutes to grab the instant attention of your targeted customers towards your recent price change. By paying adequate attention to these holiday shopping tips, online stores can improve their conversion rates and product sales to a great extent. For other such valuable tips, stay tuned to the next part of this article- Hitting the conversion jackpot with holiday shopping season (Part 2).

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