Hitting The Conversion Jackpot With Holiday Shopping Season- Part 2

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Hitting The Conversion Jackpot With Holiday Shopping Season (Part 2)

Getting estimated conversion rates is not everybody's “cup of tea” and there are numerous online stores who actually have to fight a tough battle against their rivals to grab their market share. But, everything can be made much simpler and faster if you are aware about the various conversion rate optimization tips that can help you in getting the required customer attention and conversion rates for your eCommerce store without any hiccups. Take the plunge in this soulful journey with us now. Try to reduce your shipping charges or make them free if possible- Steep shipping charges are a major “turn off” for online shoppers during holiday season and thus affects their customer engagement on your online store. To reverse this situation, online businesses should try to reduce their shipping charges or should provide them at “free of cost” if possible in order to draw high site traffic towards their online store for better conversions. This will encourage your targeted customers to shop more from your store and will increases your chances of product sales drastically. Make your discount offers or savings percentage more clear- Freebies attract the instant attention of your targeted customers towards your store and thus helps in improving the product sales to a great extent. In order to facilitate the higher eCommerce conversions, showcase your offered discount percentage in an effective manner for keeping your customers engaged to your store. Try to provide your discount percentages ending with “5” or “0” for helping your customers in getting a quick analysis of the offered discount percentages. Apart from this, you need to display the savings on your product clearly so as to keep your customers engaged to your eCommerce site in order to boost your conversions. Update the timing and location of your popovers- Popovers that emerge on your site are capable to grab the instant attention of your targeted customers, so they need to be at effective location and timing on your site. They need to occupy the most visited or most viewed location on your site for increasing your conversion rates drastically. Further, it is important to showcase your recent offers on your site through these pop overs for making a

significant improvement in your product sales, site traffic and conversion rates. For deciding the appropriate location and timing of your popovers, you can test the different variations of your popovers with the help of an effective A/B testing tool like Mocking Fish that is brilliant among its counterparts due to its unmatched reliability and affordable price. Work towards simplifying your checkout page- For any online shopper, checkout page needs to be much simplified for ensuring the fast and seamless online shopping experience. You need to remove the unnecessary bottlenecks from your checkout process by reducing the number of checkout fields for facilitating bumper product sales and conversion rates. Utilize the services of an effective web hosting server for your site- It is a well known fact that the volume of the traffic on an eCommerce site is tend to increase on holiday shopping season due to the presence of appealing shopping offers and discounts. In these circumstances, having a non robust and ineffective web hosting server can cause your website to fail or crash due to the multiple server requests or peak load traffic on the site. Therefore, you need to choose an effective and reliable web hosting server for your site that can serve multiple customers during peak times. It is the need of the hour that you should pay heed to these amazing conversion rate optimization tips for improving the fortune of your online store. By making their effective implementation, you can effortlessly make the most of your holiday season sales in order to emerge victorious among your business rivals.

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