How to avoid Conversion Rate Optimization Exercise from failing- Part 2

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How to avoid Conversion Rate Optimization exercise from failing- Part 2 If getting conversion rates for your business entity was like “moving upwards on a steep slope”, everything is going to be changed for you till you reach the end of this article. Beware! I am not some magician that can set the things right for you by waving some magic wand but I can provide you some helpful tips that can help you in improving the conversion rate optimization for your site in a tremendous way. So, remain focused in this epic journey that can take you closer to the bumper product sales and increased site traffic. Here are those useful tips that can prevent you from committing these major CRO blunders that can prove to be too costly for your business aspirations. ◆ Make a clear synchronization between your micro and macro conversions- Most of the site owners are too obsessed with making small micro changes in their site like changing the button color, making changes in the placement of their web forms and other such minor changes. Due to this restrictive creativity, they often don't get the bigger picture in the form of macro conversions like site traffic, customer engagement, eCommerce conversion rates, product sales and other such metrics. In order to change this scenario, you need to find the right balance between micro conversions and macro conversions for improving your business fortunes in the long run. ◆ There is not adequate traffic on your site- For making any changes on your site that is in harmony with your site visitors, do ensure that you are having the optimum traffic on your website. For achieving this crucial task, you need to improve your site user experience and customer engagement to a great extent. To help you further, you can take the help of heat map tool like Mocking Fish that can provide detailed information about your visiting customer in the form of their mouse click behavior, scroll movement, purchasing decision, interest and other such information. ◆ You are not working to improve your SEO results- Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in increasing your online presence and visibility on major search engine rankings like Google, Yahoo, Bing and such others. To achieve this target, you need to improve your website design, user experience, site content, customer engagement and other such areas. To make a drastic change in this regard, you need to implement the brilliant tips given in this article. ◆ Not targeting the right customers for your business entity- Expecting a turn around in your business fortune with wrong targeted customers is a completely naive experience. If you really want to struck a gold pot, you need to target the right customers for your business entity for making a strong impact among your rivals. Moreover, if you are not successful in the first attempt, you can target these customers through a reliable and effective email marketing strategies. For more information in this regard, you can check out this article. ◆ You are implementing too many tests at a time- Being a novice in this area, don't try to be too much experimental with testing. Start with one test at a time and then go for multi- variate testing depending upon your understanding and business requirements for making optimum eCommerce conversion rates.

◆ You are just copying things that worked for others- “One shoe size doesn't fits all�, same is true for the conversion rate optimization strategies as they are different for each online business entity. You need to first understand your targeted customers, market scenario and other such factors before making the final selection of an effective conversion optimization services for your business. Once, you can implement these brilliant CRO tips, there is no reason by which your product sales, site traffic and conversion rate optimization will still remain sluggish. Here is your chance to be the market leader by adopting these amazing tips that can give a new direction to your business fortunes.

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