Product reviews how to compel your shoppers to write one

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Product Reviews- How to compel your shoppers to write one?

Humans are influenced a lot by people around them and this is one such quality that can be utilized by various business entities to their advantage. It is a human tendency to talk about good things with their family and friends. Understanding this human behavior, eCommerce stores are working towards engaging their customers to share their opinions and views about a particular product. Online shoppers are also becoming more smarter day by day and are heavily relying upon reviews before finally making a product purchase. It has become one of the primary factor that acts as a major motivator for online shoppers and is a major driver of conversion rates and sales for multiple online stores. If you are not one of the lucky store owners in terms of receiving product reviews, you need to check out these guiding tips that can create a huge difference. Utilize the potential of emails- Emails are one of the most widely used marketing platforms that are used by various eCommerce store owners for persuading the interest of customers. You can send a follow up mail to your customers requesting them to write product reviews for your product. By persuading them to write customer reviews, you can effortlessly get more customer attention and engagement from your targeted customers. These emails are also most pocket friendly when you have to address a large customer base for your online store. You can try out personalization attempts in your follow up emails by utilizing the notable A/B testing tool like Mocking Fish for getting immediate people response and attention. Make customers aware about the same when they revisit your site- If your customer was not able to write reviews for your product due to lack of time, non- interest, network problem or any other such issues, you need to retarget them again whenever they visit your site in the future. You can use a popup reminder that could inform customers about a product review that is pending since your last product purchase. It will prompt your patron to take some time out and fill out product review for ensuring higher conversion rates and sales on your online store.

Offer them incentive in return of the favor-

You need to remember that people are not used to do anything without any proper reason or when it is not going to offer them anything in return. Especially, no consumer would spend their time in writing customer reviews in this busy lifestyle if it is not helping him/her in any way. To arouse their interest in this crucial activity, you could start a reward or loyalty program, engage them in an online contest or can offer them incentive in return for every review about your product for boosting your business chances. Believe in the doctrine of “One good turn deserves another� and prompt them for writing reviews in return of a favor rather than asking the same in the name of charity. Engage with your customers through social platforms-

The public reach and popularity of social media platforms has surpassed geographical and linguistic boundaries and are being used by a huge global community. You can ask out your consumers to share their views, opinions and experience with your company and product through sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and such others. The use of these social engagement platforms can work as a big game changer for your online store. Prompt your buyers to share images/videos about your product-

Images and videos have a better customer retention rate than simple plain texts as they leave a far more impact on our mind. Moreover, they bring customer attention in a seamless manner and thus open new doors for business engagement. Store owners need to prompt their buyers to post pictures and videos of their products on social platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, You Tube and such other for spreading positive word and ensuring higher eCommerce conversion rate optimization among your interested buyer community. Give credit to your customers- Don't be a miser while appreciating your consumer for their gracious comments or views about your product. It will not only make them feel valued or important by your eCommerce store but will make them more loyal to your store. Show best customer reviews on your site and reward them suitably or send them a “thank you� email as a token of appreciation and gratitude. Your little generosity in this matter can certainly take your eCommerce business to greater heights which may not be anticipated by you at all. Start practicing all these fool proof tips to improve the count of customer reviews on your site. If you can encourage people to write about your product, you can effortlessly boost conversion rates and sales for your online store. They might seem to be a trivial issue to you but the business results achieved through them will certainly surprise you in a big way.

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